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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  May 31, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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this thing, which by the way, no one can explain what donald trump did. he wasn't convicted for having sex. he wasn't convicted for giving the payment. it was a paperwork thing that was contorted from a misdemeanor into a felony. i mean, no one can explain what he did. i just think the biden people lead to be real careful about playing into trump's hand. trump says this is all coordinated by biden. if it goes out and campaigns now he's going to play into his hands, scott cash, your question. >> we've talked with the sentencing date is the 11th of july quickly, do you think that trump it's in his interest to keep it that way four days before the republican convention to have it coming in or to try to postpone it i think it's probably you don't want i don't know. >> i will say this. there's no chance the republican party is going to walk away from donald trump here. and i think all of this is going to get the crowd is whipped up as possible heading into the convention i guess i'll just call it on the air. i would keep it the way it is and roll into the convention and say, you got to save me and i think that's what republicans will respond to. >> i'll give you the final word, alyssa, how do you think
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trump will see it? >> oh, he's going to keep the convention and he's going to use it as rocket fueled energizes base, but don't know how it plays with swing voters. >> all right. well, thank you both very much. thanks for joining us. the news continues right here. on cnn it's friday, may 31, right now on cnn this morning he didn't do a thing wrong. i'm a. very innocent man guilty on all 34 counts, donald trump calling his hush money trial rigged, and assisting you only verdict he cares about is the one that's handed down on november 5th i did my job manhattan da alvin bragg speaking out and praising the jury after that the historic conviction as soon as we can appeal, we will and donald trump's lawyer vowing to fight the verdicts and the possibility of jail time. >> for the former president
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right fiber him. >> your in washington alive. look at new york city where donald trump is waking up. it convicted felon this morning. good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt wonderful to have you with us for the first time in us history, a former president is a convicted felon. the jury in donald trump's new york hush money trial, finding him guilty on all 34 charges of falsifying business records. the verdict follows nearly 12 hours of deliberations over two days sentencing is scheduled for july 11. here was manhattan district attorney alvin bragg while this defendant maybe unlike any other in american history we arrived at this trial and ultimately today at this verdict in the same manner as every other case that comes through the courtroom doors by following the facts and the law, and doing so without fear or favor one of trump's
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attorneys, todd blanche, talking to cnn last night if the word, of michael cohen was not accepted at all, then you could not have convicted president trump. and the jury convicted. so at the end of the day, they they looked past what we thought were fatal flaws and mr. cohen's story and his past and they reach a guilty verdict all right. >> we have a very strong panel at this 5:00 a.m. our to discuss former federal prosecutor shan wu is here. >> cnn politics, white house reporters, stephen collinson and cnn political commentators maria cardona, ensure michael singleton join us here. steven, let me start with you at you are the person who here at cnn paints a big picture of where we are as a country yesterday was an incredibly consequential day. now, we are on the day after the first day of the new version of this presidential campaign, which promises to be one of the most, if not the most consonant in american
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history. where do we go from here i think this is a sum of moment because this is unprecedented national occurrence, as you say, in us history. >> on the one hand, you good argue that the system worked. the fundamental principle that led to the founding of the united states was that no one is above the law, not even the richest, most powerful person and the legal system when through his process and worked, the problem here is that donald trump and most of his republicans borders have reacted to this by launching new attacks on the rule of law. and that is going to take us down a very volatile road. in the middle of an election in a country that is deeply polarized and we're going to see justice trump attacked the integrity of the electoral system in 2020, we're going to seem to see the same thing happen right now to the legal system. >> it sure. michael singleton, we're already seeing
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republicans wrapped ali. i mean, honestly, they are kind of falling all over themselves to rally behind donald trump here on this, there have been suggestions from some in the right-wing media, from some elected officials of using state attorneys, generals, offices to go after democrats for example. and as steven notes, there has been a systematic undermining. we saw president trump do this. former president trump do this with the 2020 election results, and now do it with the court system you are the republican sitting at this table, i know you once worked for trump, although you were fired from the trump administration after you were willing to criticize him, what is your view of how this verdict is going to affect the results of the election in terms of is it going to galvanize donald trump supporters? and what do you think the overall impact? >> is on the undermining of faith in the system. so let me answer the second question. first i am concerned that a lot
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of republicans, to the point that you two raised are going to look at the judicial system and say we can't trust it it's not fair. >> this was a witch hunt. this was a persecution that is troubling because in the past we've also have come to the conclusion that they'll the system as it completely perfect for the most part, it tries to be as fair and balanced and as objective as it's possible based on the facts that troubles me a lot consider now divided the country already has, i think this is only going to make things worse. to answer the first question, i think that republicans are going to dig in then you saw last night when read shut down because so many individuals are public and fundraising fundraising platform. yeah, shut down with so many people were attempting to raise money. but i also think that this galvanizes democrats are president biden to look at it on the flip side my question here, casey is what happens with the people in the middle? some independence swing voters who would kind of say, well, maybe we're looking at trump because we're unhappy
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about the economy, are unhappy about immigration, are those voters that small percentage, they suddenly going to say, i'm willing there's still vote for the former president despite these things, i'm not necessarily certain on that at this point maria yeah, i agree with sure. michael, i think that is where the big question is, but i also think that where republicans are really concerns because they're seeing the same polls that we've been seeing. if you are to believe the polls and i don't know but we can at this point because we are in unchartered waters. we don't really know. let's say that. >> right. i mean, we don't we don't really know what effect this is going to have. but we have seen in poll after poll after poll, that there is some shift anywhere between 2% to 7% to 15% of trump's supporters saying that they would at least have pause and many of them saying that they would flip their support if donald trump is convicted. and the other thing that i think we need to take the look at is while lots of republicans, the majority who support elected officials,
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who support and to your point case, they're coming to his help right there helping him saying that this is a witch hunt. the majority of voters don't believe that this was a witch hunt and believed that these were legitimate cases. this one in particular, even as people say, it's the weakest one but it was a legitimate case being brought against the president. so i think all of those things are things that we have to keep in mind. >> shan wu, the next major date that we need to watch for. i mean, there's there's a debate right here on cnn on june 27th. i don't want overlook that, but trump's gonna be sentenced on july 11th. there is going to be a request to delay that how likely do you think it's going to be? because right now that's set to happen before the republican national convention. do you think it's possible we're going to see a delay. >> and what are the factors that the judge here is weighing in terms of deciding whether or not to send since donald trump to jail time i think the requests for delay is not likely to succeed if there's
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something very specific on that day that there's just stick with his campaign and such. i think the judge will kind them some slack, but and the idea that they might be put off past the convention or even later. that's just not going to happen. this judge has been very good about really trying to maintain this case on an even keel the way they normally would be done, despite who the defendant is. so i don't think the lay tech is going to work here with regards the sentencing factors. the new york state sensing system a little bit different than the federal one, federal and has this very complex scientific matrix. wider discretion on a judge's part here, trump's a first-time offender, not likely. he's going to send him to jail for a long time under these statutes. but the one random factor to think about is the gag order violations, which judge didn't really address during in trial. that's going to factor in, even though trump's a first-time offender. also, he's a first-time offender who has several other pending cases. so it's not as though here's a completely clean criminal history right
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now. all that's going to affect them steven, last word yeah. my understanding is that the gagewa stays in place. so if there are more infringements that could make trump the put him in even more trouble. >> yeah, it's a little bit unusual usually the gag order is protecting the integrity of the trial, but i think here right now they're still concerned, obviously about the jurors security. so that's stamp plus stakes could not be higher. >> all right our panel is going to stick around coming up next here, trump guilty verdict making headlines around the world. >> we're going to bring you the international reaction without max foster in london this morning plus president biden paving the way for ukraine too long launch attacks on russian soil and a redo for boeing account down to a second attempt to get astronauts into space act of 22 seasons you can't control a tornado. what kinds of interventions can we design go inside? storm premiere of violent earth with liev schreiber, sunday at nine on cnn arthritis pain.
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kayla tausche at the white house and this is cnn all right, welcome back. >> we have seen reaction to former president trump's guilty verdict from republicans, democrats, plenty of pundits here in the united states, but it is making headlines way past washington, the former president appeared on the front pages of newspapers and tabloids around the world. joining me now from london is cnn international anchor max foster. max, good morning at what are we seeing in reaction? >> a while those papers here in the uk, here in europe came in quite late. so the verdict was about 10:00 london time, for example. so i think the papers were pretty surprised by the scale of this verdict across the board. and guilty really is that overriding headline across europe. and today they're trying to sort of decompress it a bit more to see what it means. terms of allied
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countries, countries like the uk prime ministers ministers, they're not really saying very much because they don't want to get involved in all of this until after the election, probably when they know who's going to be the prime minister. but there are certain countries, italy, for example, with a very strong right wing where we have been hearing from the government the deputy prime minister match savini, who's who's seen as a right winger said solidarity and full support for donald trump, victim of judicial harassment and a process of political nature in italy were sadly familiar with a weaponization of the justice system by the lead. so it really depends on where you sit in terms of his narrative. if you're bought into it, like many other right-wing are your supporting donald trump if you just want to get on with whoever has a us president, you're probably staying quiet max, we noticed some reporting from our teams in china where of course they were waking up to this verdict given in the time difference.
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>> i think it's important to note just how heavy social media censorship is in china. before we talk about how this was being discussed on these major platforms, they write here in the cnn story for months, chinese propaganda is have attempted to use trial i'm so indictments to strengthen beijing's narrative of the united states and decline citing the mites months-long legal battle is a prime example of polarization and dysfunction of american politics. and then look at these comments. trump's supporters hurry up and mobilize, storm the capital comrade nation builder trump should not be fighting alone. i think it's just worth noting that if the chinese communist party wanted to take these down, they certainly could. what do they, what does this tell you exactly there, allowing it to bubble up and this is part of this campaign to show that america is the klein, china's in decline. china's strong and i think the powers that be have decided that donald trump is very good for that narrative and ultimately, having a good
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relationship with donald trump in future, showing support for him. perhaps they put their eggs in that basket, but it really is this idea that america is in decline. and how donald trump promotes that so they're allowing the narrative to continue and they are seeing it as a stitch up. like many of his supporters see it as, of course, there will be many people in china who absolutely horrified by this verdict and what it says about america. but as you'll soon testing, we're not seeing so many of those comments online, but literally it was the top trending thomas topic on weibo yesterday, more than 120 million views by the afternoon. >> yeah, i mean, it heard round the world. max foster. thank you very much. i really appreciate always grateful to have you all right. >> i'm not next year. donald trump waking up a convicted felon, one of his former attorney's ways in on the verdict, and there is some other news in the world today because biden giving ukraine permission to use us munitions to strike inside russia.
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and use holes. can the riva support your brain health? >> married janet, hey eddie, a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to
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the international space station, the first with two astronauts, the last attempt with scrubbed may 6, just before liftoff and severe storm threats this morning for the central us and lower mississippi valley. we've got record-breaking heat in the forecast for texas and florida are meteorologist allison chinchar tracking all that for us. allison, good morning. >> and good morning yes, another day, another round of showers. those today the focus is really going to be over texas portions of oklahoma, as well as louisiana. and we begin already with some showers and thunderstorms on the radar. you've got a cluster of storms over here across portions of eastern colorado, nebraska, and kansas. and then another line down to the south. this is the one that's pushed through dallas already heading into austin and will eventually make its way down into houston. you've got a severe thunderstorm watch here in effect until 11:00 a.m. central time this morning, we've also got a line of thunderstorms now starting to slide through new orleans and continued to spread a little bit farther to the east. a couple of severe thunderstorm warnings here is that line makes its way in towards austin looking at some gusty winds and also the
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potential for some hail today. the other concern too, is going to be flooding. you've got some flash flood warnings and effect around the waco area. and then again, just the overall watch for a lot of these locations, one to three inches is expected today. i know one to three inches doesn't sound like all that much, but the thing you have to understand, there's a lot of these places have had days and days of rain. so even one to two inches is just going to exacerbate some of the flooding concerns in these areas. here's a look at the severe risk for today. again, you can see it swings along four to the gulf coast and then back up through some of the high plains. they're large hail, you're talking golf ball size or even larger potentially today, those damaging wind gusts up around 70 to 80 miles i was per hour and yes, even the potential for a tornado or two cannot be ruled out in some of these areas as we go through the morning hours, you'll see that main line slides farther south hitting houston by later on this morning, and then continues to progress eastward by later on this evening. and then saturday morning casey, some folks say around nashville could be waking up to some showers and thunderstorms all right.
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>> allison chinchar forces morning, alison. thank you very much i just ahead here reaction from outside the new york courthouse where the historic guilty verdict was delivered, plus former trump attorney breaks down the former president's legal strategy dealing years after d-day, june tapper talks to tom general's about the state of democracy. >> are we protecting what we want to save? >> their has been democratic backsliding around the world. are you concerned the whole story? with anderson cooper sunday at aid on cnn, arthritis, pain. we say not today tanno, eight hour arthritis pain has two layers of relief. the first is passed. the second is long-lasting we give you your day bag, so you can give it everything. tylenol number one, doctor recommended for arthritis pain. >> oh, carney isolde.
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atlanta. >> this is cnn yeah yeah it's been a long time coming and we didn't think there was any way that they would come to a great so my birthday, that's too nice. >> this is wonderful. it's good. it's so good with me. they are raised with everybody who supported him for since who started running? this looking heat behind him, 100% dad. >> dad reaction from the crowd outside the courthouse yesterday after donald trump was found guilty on all 34 felony counts, it as 530 here on the east coast, 230 out west. >> these are unprecedented times as we all grapple with what's next in a one-of-a-kind election year, our panel is back. stephen collinson, you write this morning, i under the headline, trump conviction heralds a somber and volatile moment in american history, that the dangers acute because
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with his attempt to stay in power after losing seeing the 2020 election, trump has already shown. >> he'll do what it takes to save himself even if his actions catastrophically hurt democratic institutions. >> if it's trump who raises his hand to swear to preserve, protect, and defend the constitution on january 20th as the 47th president america will be led by a criminal who's duties will include being the symbolic head of the justice system. >> quite a weighty frame, scared for where we are yeah and we saw the way that the former president acted when he was in office in his first term. i think a second term would be one that would have even fewer legal and political constraints. that's the message. >> that. >> we can take from the way the republican party has responded to this i think that it will be interesting to see the republican convention, which takes place four days after the sentencing is due to to take place. that was already shaping up as a pageant of vengeance.
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if you'd like, the trump second term, urgent avenging the trump second term mantra try it is this will be a presidency of retribution. >> and i don't think we should, i think we should take that seriously because he has said what he will do in the past and he's gone ahead and done it so this is how of course his allies are framing this in the immediate aftermath. >> let's listen to his son, donald trump junior on a podcast in the aftermath of the verdict watch the democrats have succeeded in their years-long quest to turn america into a whole country. >> there can be no doubt that that has been their plan all along. this is a third world banana republic looks like if, like if this happened in zimbabwe, we'd like that it's really bad sure. michael singleton, i think the reality that we've what we've learned about how donald trump's
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supporters perceive at him and the things he says, things as allies say is that they believe in i mean, the polls show that a lot of them, by his argument that the 2020 election was stolen. this is what they're feeding them right now. >> but a lot of republicans, i've spoken with last night via text messages, a couple of phone calls from different focus groups. i've done over this past this year they're angry, they're excited to support the former president. there resolute and their resolve. they, many of them said this is exactly what we expect it we're not surprised. they phil even more energized about trying to go out and do whatever they can to get other republicans to see things their way. i think the concern though here if i'm just putting on my strategist hatton and looking from a 10,000 foot view what do you do with some of the nikki haley republicans? what do you do with some swing voters who link? in to the right? we call them the swing voters, but they
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sort of act like partisans in terms of their voter profile. what is the message to them? and i've talking with some folks on a campaign and my advice to them was you guys, the basis energized. yeah, they're gonna be more energized. but this is still an election that's going to be won on the margins. and so electorally mathematically, you still have to figure out a way casey to make some appeals. those nikki haley voters to make some appeals are some of those independent swing voters who lean to the right and the rhetoric for those voters will not be what we just saw in that clip. i'm just being frank care as a strategist what do you think about that, maria? >> i think that's right. and it's interesting because what we just heard from eric trump about banana republics, that's what we saw in january 6. that's what you see in places where the constitution doesn't matter where dictators, takeover where people are desperate to stay in power and they will do whatever it takes to maintain that power. and that's exactly what donald trump has done. january is six to so many people in this country was a trial run, which
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is why i believe the biden campaign is being very smart in making sure that everybody knows that they have never depended on any kind of verdict on any kind of donald trump's legal woes to make the case to the american people that this man is an existential threat to our democracy, that he has set, has tried to will continue to try to take away our rights and freedoms and that, that is sort of the clarion call for the biden campaign to continue to make the case that this is still a contrast and a choice on november 6th, regardless or november 5th regardless of this guilty verdict. sorry, the statement that the biden came at me, look, their fundraising off of it. >> but the statement that the campaign put out and the official mouthpiece of the president in the wake of this, it didn't call donald trump a criminal it it said, no one is above the law, right they also said though that today's verdict doesn't change the fact that the american people face a simple reality only one way to keep donald trump out of
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the oval office. >> the ballot box and thats also what donald trump is saying, that it's the ballot box that's going to decide look of roles were reversed. donald trump would be being way more aggressive and president biden is right now, is that the right call to as they are being a little bit restrained? that's right. i do think it's the right call for this moment because regardless, what they would have said or what they said, the trump campaign is going to continue to say that this was you know, something that biden push to the democrats, push. we all know that that is not true, but i do think it was the right call to be restrained at this moment. i think that going into the election, let's see what happens at the debate. let's see what happens at the conventions. i do think they're going to lean into this moment and the whole issue about donald trump being this existential threat to democracy and using this as an example stephen yeah, i think that if
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donald trump succeeds in moving past this, it will be because his changed american politics. >> he's kinda define political deviancy down. the reason why so many millions of republicans believe the legal system is cooked against them is corrupt is because of the power that he's been able to amass the power of his narrative, his demagoguery. so he's changed the country the same time, however, this was the october surprise that came in may that wasn't really a surprise. there may be many more things and experience shows us with trump. there are many more things that happen between now and november that can change this. having said that, a lot of people begin voting early by mail and by balance. so it could push good before we do your point about the president, it'd be really interesting to see how he behaves off the calf in an aside, in a debate that may be when we find that what is he's not program, i agree.
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>> he's just really quickly. i actually think that state it was very smart and i told maria this because strategically, if you're trying to draw contrast from your opponent that i am, the more stable individual, i am the one who sort of above the fray you're looking at again, some of those folks in a metal, some of those moderate republicans who are looking at biden as he, how does he respond to this? they're gonna look at that and say, you know what this is, someone that i, that i can move four. i may disagree on every issue but this is someone that who could lead the country for another four years, who's above the partisanship. and i think that's smart so shan wu at legally speaking, first of all, you have a column i would commend everyone that says, here's your trump should blame for this. >> he's obviously blaming biden the democrats. you say he should blame his lawyer bears from shouting michael cohen to bullying stormy daniel's, and failing to establish report with a jury. trump's lawyers proved consistently lousy at fighting for their client i'm interested to know how you think he should change his legal strategy going forward because i mean, big picture. it's not necessarily likely we'll get another trial of trump before the election.
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there is still a possibility it could happen in the tanya chutkan, january you're sixth insurrection case. how do you see this playing into that he has no legal strategy. >> so what do you could change is to actually have legal strategy? way back when everyone was saying, wow, so brilliant. he's using the political strategy with the legal strategy. it shifted to. there is no legal strategy is all political strategy so going forward, if he wants to listen to his lawyers who have a strategy, if they only listen to him like they did in this trial, they'll continue to be no strategy whatsoever. i mean, i think this country, we ask a lot of the criminal justice system a little bit too much. but yesterday, the criminal justice system had a good day. it actually did its job. >> all right. shan wu, stephen collinson. sure. micro singleton, maria cardona, very grateful to have you this morning. >> thanks because i had here donald trump's have up contenders rushing to defend him. >> we're going here from one of them, governor doug burgum, next hour plus one-on-one with a former trump attorney, tim
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parlatore. that's coming next in. >> one of the most active 22 seasons you can't control a tornado what kinds of interventions can we design go inside the store premiere of violent birth with the leon schreiber sunday at nine on cnn there are giant some mughal they are the men and women building or daibes next generation submarines. >> they are giant and what they do because they worked in a place where they can grow, where they can learn the skills to build careers as powerful as the beast. they four we build giant because it takes water to build one from real quality that starts in our factory the real performance in your backyard steel tools or as tough and dependable as the
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2:45 am salman in new york is cnn closed captioning brought to you by in vet help call 1807, 1000 to do you have an invention idea, but don't know what to do next. >> collin van help today, they can help you get started with your idea called now 800 100020 all right, welcome back, donald trump, guilty on all 34 felony charges and his criminal hush money trial in new york trump's lead attorney, todd blanche on cnn last night explaining why trump didn't take the stand in his own defense of course, he wanted to testify and i don't say that because that's what he has said. he wanted to get his story out. i think the judge had made some decisions before the trial or the de of the trial started about what would be allowed to be asked of him by the prosecutors. i don't think that we there was a conviction because he did not
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take the stand. >> all right. turning me now a cnn legal commentator and a former attorney for donald trump, tim parlatore. tim. good morning. i know you've put in a lot of long hours. you and i were on the set last night. thank you so much for being here this morning. >> you are well-versed. >> you have a lot of experience in dealing with the former president, you understand kind of how he operates do you think that he do you think his defense team let him drive this train too much? >> i was surprised by some of the things todd blanche said last night in particular, when he was talking about, you know, whether he was in the lead on strategy here and i think that that is something that does happen. you know, whether with this client or with other clients, when they don't trust and respect the lawyers that they have working for them, that they want to kinda take the reins themselves. and i do think that there were aspects
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of this where it seemed like todd blanche didn't have a strategy whatsoever and so he had to kinda take his lead from the client, which is not the best position to be in when you were in a criminal trial so there's a former federal prosecutor writing this in the new york times quote, instead of telling us simple story, mr. trump's defense was a haphazard cacophony of denials and personal attacks that may work for a trump rally or a segment on fox news. but it doesn't work in a courtroom is he right absolutely. i mean, to throw everything up against the wall like that of everybody's lying. none of this is true it doesn't resonate with the jury to have a good and effective defense, you have to start with a theme and you have to weave that theme through your opening, you're closing your crosses. >> and really tell the jury a story and you're not just fight everything and just say, oh, everybody's lawn and when it comes to something really like michael cohen, you can't
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just show that he's a liar. >> you can't just attack the witness. you have to attack the story. you have to show not only that he lives, i mean, that's very easy. to try and show the jury that michael cohen has a liar at any first-year law student can do that but to show why he lied and why that's relevant and why that actually changes what the da's theory of the case is that's something that you really need to focus on and so i didn't see any of that here. it didn't it no point. did i see what they're strategy is or what their theme of the defense was? >> tim what's next in terms of how this legal team is going to interact with the judge who now has to decide a sentence for the former president well, the first thing that they have to do is they have to file motions which are unlikely to be successful to set aside the verdict and they will do it based on they'll do a written
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brief to put out why they think that the jury couldn't have possibly reached this verdict that's unlikely to succeed. >> yeah that's the same time. you never know what could possibly come out at this stage show. let's say that tomorrow, a juror decides to be interviewed and says some things that turn out to reveal. juror mr. conduct. >> let's say they all the sudden reveal that there was some kind of prosecutorial misconduct. >> i've had cases like that where you all of a sudden realize the prosecutor withheld the document, like at this stage of the case, since you make that part of the motion i don't think anything that's likely to happen here. and so they're going to do the motion is going to be denied. >> then they have to prepare sentencing memorandum and, you know, they're going to go back in for sentencing on july 11, and at that point, the judge will make a decision what do you think the judge should be calculating here in terms of thinking about this sentencing, i mean, is there any world where political considerations
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should enter into it? >> it it seems as though the answer to that should be an obvious no, but there is a historic context here you know you're absolutely right political considerations should not take part in a sentence whatsoever. judge has to decide sentence not only based on the severity of the offense, which in this case is an e felony. so that generally they would go for a non jail sentence but also the individual history and characteristics of the defendant. whether they're showing were more, sir, not and the remorse piece i think is maybe a little bit more overblown. >> i've often gotten into sentencing saying your honor, my client doesn't tend to appeal at this point. >> he is maintaining his innocence. i asked you not to hold that against them, but let's instead talk about the history and characteristics of the defendant. so with all that, i think that the judge
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does have a very difficult task because ordinarily this is the kind of case it would absolutely have a no jail probationary your sentence but, you know, there are the aggravating factors, things like the contempt findings on the gag order things like his attacks on the judge right after the verdict i think where the politics really could potentially come into play is in a way that would help donald trump because judge merchan, whether he knew it or not, he put the sentencing right before the rnc convention and if he were sentenced, donald trump to one week in jail he'll go in right then. >> you have the court officers will take them right out the back and it'll be in jail for one week and to heal miss the convention. >> so i think the judge probably has to at least consider that aspect that there's been enough attacks on the justice system and attacks on him, his impartiality, that
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if he takes a sentence that could be spun or interpreted as being more election interference. i think that's something that you want to avoid. so if anything of politics, i think we'll go to donald trump's very interesting, alright, tim parlatore, very grateful for your time this morning. thank you very much, sir thank you. all right. now, something we need sports, the nba finals match up is set the maps, advanced to face the celtics after eliminating the number wolves and a game five, blow out carolyn maddow has this morning's which report? karam. good morning good morning. >> casey. quick break for you here, dallas fan said been waiting for this moment for 13 years constructivist ski led the maps to the first and only championship that the team has ever had luka doncic assume that mantle and now he said into the finals for the first time the slovenian superstar delivering a knockout performance and less sides game five and minneapolis, he dropped 20 in the first quarter single-handedly outscoring the entire timberwolves seen in the period the 25 hit four threes including one from the logo at
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center core to put an exclamation point on the 12th, nothing. dallas run luka ending up with 36 for the game. he's time this postseason, kyrie irving also scored scoring 2036 for the maths in the 124. what are three win doncic was named the western conference finals mvp and afterwards, he told the inside the nba crew that the job isn't done yet. >> there's still four games to win left but this is amazing. i think we should have joined tonight because this especially, especially coming from the west we have to go through a lot especially in the season up and down, but we together nba fans will have to go six days without playoff basketball game one set for next thursday, june 6, in boston, the florida panthers. >> meantime, on the verjee going back to the staley cup final for the second straight great year and the third time and franchise history the cats taking care of business and game five against the rangers last time that this was not easy, new york jumped out to a one, nothing leaving the cell i can period after shorthanded gulf and chris kreider, but
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then the panthers rattled off three straight, including an empty net or from santana, which ended up being the eventual well game winner in the 3-2 win. so florida can close out the series tomorrow night on home life showed it off by all so we worry about right to the end again, i wasn't the first period we wanted, but we stuck with it. >> we played our game and that's just what we've done all yourself it's a great effort from us after winning six of her last seven tournaments, world number one, nelly korda is first round at the us women's open was certainly wonder, forget korda's struggled mightily specifically on the 12th whole lot lancaster country club and pins sylvain nea, she found herself in the water hazard three times on the par three after taoiseach landed in a bunker, her recovery rolling into a creek and then she landed the drink twice more before managing a hit the green with her chip shot in to planning for a ten. >> so korda, end of the day carding and 80 she's near the bottom of the leaderboard, 12 shots off the lead. but she said afterwards, she sees them
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in. she just had a bad day hashtag relatable for every other golfer on the planet who has said that kinda day on the golf course and all eyes are going to be on the bears and their number one draft pick, caleb williams and the upcoming nfl season. and that includes the preseason to casey chicago going to be featured in this year's hard knocks series on our sister channel, hbo. the first episode sit to debut on august 6, football season, right around the corner again, i'll believe it. >> yeah. >> it's still baseball season in my book, but i'm excited thanks, carolyn. i appreciate it. >> all right. next hour. donald trump now convicted felon claims he's an innocent man. what happens next? we're gonna put that question to our guests. we're going to have a vice presidential contender republican senator conservative lawyer and a former gop congressman who is a sharp critic of president trump russia for trying to spy on us. >> we were spying on them i was
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code now and ask about the bosley guarantee. >> i'm alex smartboard in washington, and this is cnn it's friday, may 31st, right now on cnn this morning, the presumptive republican nominee for president in the united states is waking up a convicted felon this was, a rigged disgraceful trial. >> the real verdict is going to be november 5, by the people. >> i did my job. we did our job many voices out there the only voice that matters is the voice of the jury and the jury has spoken all all right. 6:00 a.m. here in washington. a live look at new


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