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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 31, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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go all in and say on behind a convicted felon in order to win the race. and that's gonna be a big choice. that's going to be a real problem for the trump campaign to try to keep that under control. and the last thing i'll say is don't forget about women voters have been focusing on women voters for a long time in my career. and i will tell you many women voters to set. all right, i'm going to trust trump in 2016 now, are saying, wait a second. he did lie to us. how do i feel about that, particularly on an issue when it comes down to something as personal so as he cheated on his wife and he lied about it and tried to cover it up. >> if this becomes the larry hogan bit, if this becomes a litmus test what do you think of it matt? well, i think if you're larry hogan and you're running in a state that biden won by 20. it actually might help you. i think that's important context to keep in mind here. i think though, when you have everyone from obviously my old boss, tim
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scott, donald trump, all the way down to susan collins, who voted to impeach trump for january 6, kind of thing from the same song sheet. i think that says a lot about where the republican party writ large feels truly about this thing. >> it's great to see you guys. thank you so much. >> take care the next hour i've seen a new central starts right now we are. >> standing by to hear from donald trump, the former president turned convicted felon, holds a news conference shortly. >> we'll his wife belongs one a b width and she skipped the entire trial. but she is here in new york and very shortly we get a new key reading on inflation. what will the data say? about where prices are heading and a new spelling bee champion has been crowned i before e, except after c. how important was that time honored advice and spelling 29 words you have never heard before?
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sara sayyed out today. i'm john berman with kate bolduan and this is cnn news central donald trump is waking up today facing a very different reality. >> his first morning as a convicted felon in new york and donald trump wants to talk about it. he says he's holding a press conference from trump tower later this morning as he house to fight back, you're also standing by to possibly hear directly from president biden for his first public reaction to the verdict. both biden and trump's campaigns pushing hard this morning to capitalize on the history that has been made with this verdict. and most maybe most unsurprisingly, trying to fund off of it. but before anyone gets to november, donald trump's sentencing is scheduled for july 11. two weeks after cnn's debate, four days before the republican convention, soon as brynn gingras is outside of
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ct, brynn, can now leave. i would like to officially say you are allowed to go what happens now? >> i'm free yeah. >> now, i just come back on july 11th, at 10:00 a.m. that is the sentencing date for the former president. that is the next time he will be at least back in court here in new york. now, listen, judge juan merchan is the one who we'll give the sentencing, the punishment for the 34 convictions that donald trump heard one after another yesterday. there's a few factors that actually go into merce sean's determination of how much time he could face first, let me tell you what the penalty is for these kinds of convictions. 34 counts, each one up to for years in prison, but it's a class e felony. so the maximum and the state of new york is 20 years. of course he another option is just probation. we'll see how he rules on that. but the factors that he can are going to play into this into one restaurants decision is the fact that donald trump does not have a
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prior conviction. he is not a violent criminal and all these are not violent crimes and also there's going to be a recommendation made by a probation officer who will interview the former president. and there also can be some character references made by trump's family and friends. so that will all go into that decision. making. now, as far as the district attorney is concerned, they can make a recommendation when manhattan district attorney alvin bragg was asked that question at a news conference yesterday, he was very coy. we're not really speak much about what kind of recommendation they will make. he says are filings will do the talking. but here's more from the district attorney while this defendant maybe unlike any other in american history we arrived at this trial and ultimately today at this verdict in the same manner as every other case that comes through the courtroom doors by following the facts and the law and doing so without fear or
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favor now think back seven weeks ago before that, todd blanche, the lead defense attorney for donald trump. they trump. they filed a number of motions to delay this trial. we've fully expect a number of motions to be filed ahead of the sentencing date. he fully admitted to that when he talked to kaitlan collins on the source last light, let's hear more about him and what they plan to do next we were fighting to win the case, of course, but a hung jury would have been as close to a win as we could've gotten, but we were prepared for a conviction. >> i think that was expected. we were indicted for for conduct that happened in 2015, 16, 17 in a jurisdiction that that it was very hard for us to get a fair trial and of course it's customary that donald trump and his team always appeal, appeal, appeal. blanche
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actually talking about that more, saying they have a number of reasons why they plan to appeal after the sentencing date, basically based on a jury bias, the timing of the trial they said was unfair, stormy daniels testimony within the while they were obviously things that they did within the trial to sort of set up appeals as well as we've noted throughout these seven weeks. so july 11, that's next state, kate, i will be back here it's great to see you, brian. thank you so much, john all right. >> join me now, cnn senior legal analyst, elie holding and criminal offense attorney marco meira, elie honig, to you the strongest grounds for appeal are what? so i think the top grounds for appeal is the fact that we had a state court here, a state prosecutor, and forcing in part a federal election crime for the first time actually, in us history, we've never before seen a case where any state or county level prosecutor has charged as part of their case or as the sub of their case of violation of the federal election campaign act. >> so this is the first time
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that's happened. it was briefed to judge merchan. judge merchan said, i find it. okay. i find it acceptable under new york state law, but that's going to be issued one on the appeal. we don't know what the answer will be. it's unprecedented. >> mark amara, likelihood of a successful appeal there's a great likelihood and the reason why is there a number of issues me one, i have always complained about the way this jury was or was not handled during the trial. >> they put the massive focus on this case that they should have been sequestered. they certainly should have been sequestered during the deliberations i think they should have been requested for the week before. still don't understand why there was a brief delay with a trial and everybody knew was going to go to us closing arguments and jury, but even maybe during the trial itself, it should have been to question the reason why it's going to be thousands of examples of potential infection at this point, you find them in the juror saw, they were backtrack them to every house that they went to. watch the
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billboards they saw the news stands that passed by so i have a real concern that the judge who has to ensure the freedom given by the jury process wasn't because this jury was not well protected and that's only one of 100. >> so elie, let's do a little friday morning quarterbacking here we heard from todd blanche speaking with kaitlan collins are from renault mariotti wrote an op-ed this morning basically saying the trump defense, one good, that they may have blown. their chances here. mariotti rights instead of telling a simple story, mr. trump's defense was a haphazard there cutoff, one of denials of personal attacks. they may work for a trump rally or segment on fox news but it doesn't work in a courtroom. where do you think the trump defense fell short? >> well, john, it's always easy for we. friday morning quarterbacks. the second guess, but i do agree with renato mariotti that there are some obvious strategic missteps here that i think could have been done differently. for example, i think the defense made a
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mistake when they affirmatively argued to the jury, donald trump never had sex with stormy daniels in that hotel hello, room. maybe there was a political motivation, but legally, that sort of back the defense into a corner. they could have just taken the position hey, folks, on the jury doesn't matter irrelevant to this case and not wasted time and not waste the time cross-examining stormy daniel's and not expended some of their most vital credibility capital that's one thing calling robert costello as a defense witness has really the only there was another paralegal, but calling robert costello was the only substantive defense witness to me was a huge mistake. i think his testimony backfired. it was the last thing the jury heard. and frankly, i think that the attacks on michael cohen could have been much more direct and much more forceful. for example, i don't think todd blanche made enough of the fact that michael cohen stole $60,000 from donald trump on the very transaction and issued the point i would have driven home to the jury is how can you say donald trump knew exactly what was happening with this transaction when he was getting fleeced by his own guy, he clearly did not know that was
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happening. so again, i'm a little hesitant to second guess having been there and done the trial, but i do think it's fair game and i do think there are some pretty obvious missteps mark. what would you have done differently what you think, what happens in boise, copy this line is weakest, so corrupt in the militia when the jury doesn't get quite correctly, the mnuchin taken a perspective on the case earlier, they're not used to the reasonable doubt standard they're not used to being in a courtroom. >> but the yar used to making human decisions when they need to. so when jerk, when lawyers get so caught up in the minutiae, fight with every witness, fight over every point like how he said why do we care about whether or not he had sex that's not the point here. but to focus on that, you almost get one juror made me we now have 12. i'm going to go they're telling us that and that's unbelievable. so now that they've told us something we cannot believe, you lose your credibility with the jury, and i do think i agree with you that the whole way of handling this this more aggressive way
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of handling it generally that minimises the aggression that you should have had. that may make points, for example, with cohen. and i think that sees armchair quarterback and i hate doing that when it happens to me but the hush reality is they could have taken a more philosophical approach to this rather than this sort of intense approach that obviously didn't work. >> all right, well, i appreciate both of you playing my friday morning quarterback game ellie quickly to you, it's donald trump going to jail. what's the likelihood john, i'm going to give you an uninteresting but the only accurate answer, it's 50. >> 50. this is going to be such a tough call for judge merchan. any judge will tell you sentencing as the most difficult part of their job. i'll give you a little data point though, somewhere in the range of 70 to 90% of defendants who were convicted of this type of class e felony. the lowest level felony in new york, 70 to 90% are given non-prison sentences, probation, fines restitution, that kind of thing. but this case is unusual. this case is unprecedented. i can see the arguments either way, but one really important point, john,
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even if judge merchan sentences donald trump to prison almost certainly trouble not have to serve that sentence until after his appeals are done. so that will be well after the election. so there is to me, essentially zero chance donald trump is locked up before the november election. >> interestingly enough probation officer will interview him, trunking a character references from friends and family interesting to think about that, elie honig, market marrow. great to see both here this morning. thank you very much. thank kate. >> and the precedent adding to the impressment, the involvement of the secret service and all of this is just part of how while this says. >> donald trump, it says the final verdict was not yesterday, but rather will come on election sunday. >> and what are the numbers say about that now? and a third person has tested positive for bird flu in the united states. what the cdc is saying about the risks today in one of the most active 22 seasons, you
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mr. adrenaline just like the standard every turn he kept my way shot of adrenaline right to the heart we are showing you live pictures right now outside of trump tower in a few hours, donald trump says he will be holding a press conference from there. >> this the first morning after he is was convicted of 34 criminal charges. >> and if you're standing by for that, you can also stand by to possibly hear from president biden this morning for his first public comments. post verdict. so a lot of standby to stand by. sandi as well as sia an engine is here. >> so talk to me how interested is we wait for this? how interested do the numbers show that americans were in this
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verdict yesterday? >> yeah. kate, throughout this entire trial, i've been looking at the numbers in americans really didn't seem to care that much, right? what yesterday, something very different happens. so take a look here. google searches for donald trump. look at this percentage up 3,233% at the time of conviction versus the hour before kate, americans were really interested in this verdict. this reaches the google search or trump a post-presidency high on thursday. so americans might not have been interested before, but they were definitely very, very interested in this verdict. on thursday. >> interest though of course, we cannot say translates into impacts. one's vote. >> no one knows how, or even if the verdict impacts donald trump's political for future but what's the case that you're seeing in the numbers that it does not hurt him? >> yeah. what's the case? we'll start here that it doesn't
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hurt him. this is a poll number that we've looked at before trump voters who say they'd be less likely to vote for him if he was convicted. of course, these numbers were before the conviction and very few trump supporters said they would be less likely to support him may 2024, 7% april 2024, 5% march 2020, 10% very few trump supporters said they'd be less likely to support him and of course, we also have to go off of prior events, right. despite all the indictments, despite everything, nothing seem to move the numbers. so i think this is probably my thesis beforehand. it's probably where i think it is. it probably doesn't hurt him. but the fact is we've never been an a case right. where a former president, someone who got gonna get a major party nomination, was actually convicted of a crime. so we just don't know at this point also did not just the verdict. it can be. what is the messaging around it and what does that where does that conversation go? because that's some of the new reporting is the conversation within the biden campaign of do
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they talk or do they use the word criminal? how do they talk about it? so there's there's more to this kind of concept as well. i digress what do the numbers suggest though the opposite of this, that the conviction hurts him? yes. so this is one case. let's look at the other case. all right. so biden versus trump margin pre conviction in early may. this was a marquette university law school poll among likely voters, trump was head by three points, but they asked the hypothetical when asked if trump was convicted, would it change your vote? take a look at this margin. now we see joe biden ahead by five points. now of course, this is a hypothetical question. we don't know if the hypothetical actually come to fruition. there have been times when hypothetical questions don't actually come to fruition. but in this particular case, what we say asking they're asking likely vote, they are asking likely voters. this is the entire electrode. so even a small change in the entire electric could make a massive change when you have a margin that is this close, that's great point. >> it's great point. all right. lets me really interested see what changes, how it changes,
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and we will see will get the numbers soon enough. >> we're just forward. add that to this to him by until stay on both. >> there you go. all right. move on. okay. good morning. republican lawmakers are rallying around donald trump. >> we're going to speak to one trump surrogate who has also been named check quite often is a contender to be his running mate. and in just a few, few minutes, a new check on the health of the us economy from the fed's favorite measure on it inflation. we will bring that to you russia for trying to spy on us. >> we were spying on them i. >> miss honey frank this is a war but secret was secrets and spies. >> a nuclear game. premier sunday at ten on cnn, at morgan stanley old school hard work meets ball, new thinking to help you see untapped possibilities. and relentlessly work with you to make them real carney isolde, it's gotten me.
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phone can measure you right now. i'm taylor on ios or android, your steps against superstars three minutes damage and better come on with me, ready to play his dallas ready to bind gain for the western conference final presented by geico ovaries begins tonight is seven 30 on tnt all right. we're getting brand new reaction from donald trump's political allies on capitol hill as several republican lawmakers, rush to the now convicted felons defense. this was house speaker mike johnson just moments ago. >> this is a purely political
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exercise, not a legal one, and everybody knows that they know intuitively that it's wrong and the people are outraged all right. >> let's get right to cnn's lauren fox. lauren, what else you hearing this morning yeah. >> i mean, it was mere minutes. john and yesterday when we heard this verdict before we already heard from everyone who was in the republican leadership over in the house of representatives. then you hear from mike johnson there other for members of the leadership describing this is the biggest sham in us history corrupt partisan, vicious jim jordan coming out with a very swift statement moments after the verdict yesterday, we also are hearing from folks in the united states senate, including mitch mcconnell, which is rarity he often does not want going to chime in when it comes to issues related to donald trump, either on policy or his legal battles. >> but he said in a statement on twitter yesterday, these charges never should have been brought in the first place. >> i expect the conviction to
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be overturned on appeal. marco rubio, who is seen as someone who could be a the vice presidential candidate for donald trump. he said this scene, communist countries, this is what i grew up having people in this community tell me about it happened in the days after the castro evolution. obviously those lead to executions. this on the other hand, is an effort to interfere in elections and to people who are running to replace mitch mcconnell as the republican leader in the senate. bill john cornyn and john thune put out statements yesterday everyone on capitol hill who was a republicans swiftly trying to backup the former president, john yeah, just your marco rubio said donald trump was convicted literally four election interference in some ways. one other thing mitch mcconnell put it that statement, lauren, it's interesting many conservatives are actually critical to the mcconnell's statement, wasn't stronger. that's what he's been criticized for this morning.
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laura foss, great to see you. thank you very much. so very shortly, president biden will lead delaware. this will be as first chance to comment publicly on the guilty verdict for president trump what hill president biden say, will he choose to comment at all? >> and then we have brand new data on inflation coming in very shortly standby to find out which one hey, your prices or head assignments are going off and playing the tornado here i'm thinking, i'm going to die and i thought that was it. filing earth with liev schreiber, premiere sunday at nine on cnn, an alternative two pills, volterra is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly we at the source volterra in the joy of movement how long have you been tracking her car's value with
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conference. this morning just as he and his legal team are already preparing to appeal his verdict from yesterday, and he also still has three other criminal cases outstanding. >> the classified documents case in florida, the election interference case in washington, and the election interference case out of georgia in all it means 54 counts between the three outstanding cases. all three of those cases and something of a holding pattern at the moment though, cnn's katelyn polantz has much more on this kind of bringing it all together. kaitlan, where did things go from here? >> kate, it's a long road ahead for donald trump in these three other criminal cases, he's facing the classified documents case in florida in federal court, where he's accused of mishandling national security secrets and obstructing justice. and then the two cases he's facing related to charges around the 20 20 election, january 6, a state case in georgia and a federal case in washington, dc. all three of these have no
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trial dates at this time. that's because there is work to be done in all of the different fronts of these three cases, one by one, let's take them the classified documents case in florida that's bogged down at the moment in legal work, judge aileen cannon has a lot of requests from the defense that she's needing to get through. she has hearing set out until the end of july. the trial date is currently postpone there just isn't one on the calendar and there's a lot of work to do about how classified documents can be used in that case potentially shown to a jury. it's going to take several months to get through all of that, don't expect a trial this year. >> in the other two cases, a lot is up in the air this month. >> that's when the supreme court is expected to rule before the end of their term on questions of presidential immunity. this is primarily going to affect the federal case against donald trump, but whatever the supreme court does, could have quite an effect in the georgia case as well against him related to the 2020 election. and the supreme
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court ruling is at a point where it could create a couple of different paths either no trial at all cases dismissed against donald trump. if the supreme court gives broad protection to donald trump because he was serving in the presidency. but then kate, there is also the possibility they could define the presidency and the immunity a president gets and send this back into the court system so that judges could put trials on the calendar in the coming months. >> kate lot still ahead. that is for sure, kaelyn. thank you very much. it's good to see you. >> let's get some fresh reaction to donald trump's guilty verdict from yesterday, joining us right now as republican congressman byron donalds of florida cars, when thanks for coming. >> have you had the chance to speak to donald trump's since the verdict? >> it's actually talked to the president last night he was still in good spirits primarily
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because he knows that this is a joke and it's a farce although it's serious in nature because what happened in new york was a travesty of the justice system. you had charges that first should never have been brought into first place. number to the judge the prosecution, and the jury cannot actually define what the underlying crime was to make these bookkeeping charges felonies they still can't define what that is. nobody knows what that is even today in my view, it's a violation of donald trump's constitutional rights because how is he supposed to defend himself if he doesn't know what he's defending himself against, that's just i'm not a lawyer, but that's basic constitutional protections that every american has afforded. and so i know that there are pundits who were saying, oh, well, this has proved that donald trump's not above the law. no. what happened in new york? clark is is that they have made it that he's below the law and that is reprehensible in my view. but the president is still in good spirits. he's going to fight on and some of what you lay out is definitely going to be part
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of the appeal that there'll be putting forward. heard that some from todd blanche's attorney just last night, you were not happy with the verdict on cnn last night? i heard you say you don't respect what the jury said in with their verdict? >> that's a jury of, you its always a jury of their peers. >> it's a jury of 12 ordinary citizens and 12 people coming to a unanimous verdict. >> how did they get it? all, get it wrong? why don't you respect their verdict? >> oh, listen, a number of reasons. first of all, alvin bragg ran for office saying he was going to get donald trump. now that there was some specific crime to look at, that he was just going to do whatever them bragg behold on. but but this is important, but this is important because this is what the jury hears when they're in there are courtroom, they're hearing from a prosecution team put together just to get donald trump but regardless of whatever might have occurred, a positive or negative you got mathy colangelo's the number three from main justice bumped
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down to our front-line prosecutor that never happens in any profession, let alone the legal profession number three, you have the judge. he is he's definitely biased against donald trump. obviously a supporter of joe biden has donated to joe biden his daughter is making millions of dollars raising money for democrats using the trial as a backdrop, number for the jury instructions were an absolute joke. they told the jury you don't even have to agree read on the underlying crime if some of you think is tax-evasion cool, if some of you think is campaign finance cool, whatever it is, all you got to do is come back and say that he guilty. that is not the way a jury trial is supposed to be conducted. so how can i respect the verdict of the jury when every evidence everything that was put into the jury's hands was corrupt in the first place former republican governor of maryland currently running for senate. there. larry hogan. he said that he said this right? >> right. does all of this was happening and this is direct contact contrast exactly what
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you're saying, congressman larry hogan says, regardless of the result, i urge all americans to respect the verdict. and the legal process going on to say we must reaffirm what has made this nation great the rule of law that tweet was responded to from trump's campaign co-chair chris lacivita, who tweeted, you, just ended your campaign are you okay with that that just saying you want to respect the verdict and rule of law should mean the end of a career and republican politics. >> listen, i don't agree with larry hogan. he is wrong because you cannot respect the process when the fix is him from the beginning, it was fixed from the beginning. it was a rigged judicial process in lower manhattan. any legal scholar worth their salt who observed this case knows this. i disagree with larry hogan, not true. that's not going more than that.
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>> but it's irrelevant. it's irrelevant because what happened in new york was a travesty of justice. like i said at the beginning, they couldn't even identify the underlying crime. they never could do it anywhere in the case. the only time the prosecution i've been trying to put it together was in closing arguments after the defense have finished their closing arguments, you and i both know that is not a fair legal process. that protects the constitutional rights of donald trump. so of larry hogan is playing to voters in maryland because maryland is deep blue, i find that to be reprehensible, but that's his decision. what happened in new york was wrong. this is why so many americans, not just republicans, are going to donald j. to support president trump to volunteer for president trump because they look at this for exactly what it is a miscarriage of justice do you see this as what we're just talking about with larry hogan, that this as a new litmus test for republicans a
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litmus test? no, the litmus test is not for republicans, is for protecting our constitution. it's for actually protecting the institutions of our country. i'm sick and tired of being lectured to by joe biden and everybody on the radical levs saner trying to save democracy. no, you're not, not when you twist the law oh, it's illegal pretzels just to get a conviction, not when you are constantly voraciously investigating the same man over and over again, simply because you don't like his tweets or you don't like his manners or his mannerisms. this goes all the way back to 2015, 2016, when they were spying on his campaign when the fisa process was the abused to go after a political rival back then and it's never stopped. so this is not about, oh, what the jury said. that's not true at all. this is about protecting our constitution, protecting the institutions of our government. it has to be blind. it cannot be a respecter of persons. it cannot be a respected there of politics because once you got on that line, you actually
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destroy america. and that's where joe biden and a radical left are taking us. and it is disgraceful to see it happening in our country real quick. >> but i know you, todd said joe biden is twisting the law into knots and to talk as it's spoken out against the justice department and things you've said, though no evidence of joe biden has anything to do with the criminal case in new york. but even just talking about the department of justice, this is the same department of justice if you're speaking out against it, saying that it's biased unfair that's twisting the leinz knots. that is also taking joe biden, son hunter biden to trial next week well i'm glad you brought that up. >> the only reason why the department of justice is prosecuting hunter biden is because house republicans actually investigated what was going on with hunter biden. i mean, that even saying that, but that also shows that also suggests i know what is a good point cause we're showing martiality. >> same apartment of justice
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into looking into hunter biden. >> they tried to shove this gun charge into some other charge underneath it and it took a judge in florida to look at the indictment of the agreement that the main justice negotiated by hunter biden's attorneys to look look at that it says this is a joke. i'm not signing this, and that is the only reason why they're prosecution is going forward. but let's take a step away from hunter biden, joe biden's a violation of the espionage act. that's what robert hur said in his and his documents. but the only reason he's not prosecuting is because he says he's an elderly gentleman meanwhile, jackson gesture is because jack smith wants to get trump that is not true. >> joe biden took documents when he was a us senator and a vice president of the united states. that is a clear violation of the espionage act. and you're elderly state does not protect you from violation at violating sba an object. it does not. but that's what main justice is doing right now under merrick garland. so you tell me what's fair i'm not
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going to tell you it's fair. >> i'm just going to say is the same justice department that is taking hunter biden to trial in delaware next week. thank you so much, congressman. we're going to wait to see because shame to do. we're going to see what donald trump has to say when he wants, when he speaks out. if he does later this. morning, john all right. >> kate, thanks very much with us now, cnn senior political analyst, mark preston counselor, i think you haven't right there. you can see what republicans are going to do to defend donald trump, even going so far as to go after larry hogan, the governor of maryland, who may be their best chance to retake the senate. byron donalds attacking larry hogan merely for saying the verdict should be respected you know, john just over the past couple of hours, i've looked at the guests that we've had on cnn the republicans that we've had on cnn, just to see what their reaction is, no byron donalds, certainly what we've just seen has, has really he emphasized what we're going to hear from not only president trump and a couple of hours when he does his news conference, but certainly from
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all of his surrogates right. >> when the conviction came out yesterday, we saw a a a message from the house speaker who described the verdict as the weapons weapons of the justice system. this morne, this morning, doug burgum was on our air. he said that the verdict was political. markwayne mullin said he questions the fact whether donald trump could actually even get a fair trial in new york. so clearly, we're going to hear over the coming weeks, the coming months heading into election day, that this has all been rigged, that this took place in an ehr will trump a fair hearing. that's how this is going to play politically. i think john, in the next couple of months. >> well, that's what they're going to say. >> the question is who is going to take the counter argument here, his alvin bragg cattle press conference barely said anything. all they did was thanked the jury, talked about the process. one comment on sentencing. president biden
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says, the only way to beat donald trump is at the ballot box. we don't know if we're gonna hear from president biden. he leaves delaware shortly. he may or may not comment on the way to the helicopter you're here. so what you see is a disproportionate situation being set up here where you have every republican out there say gross miscarriage of justice in democrats in terms of the campaign, not saying much, at least so far, mark certainly not saying much, allowing the verdict of 34 counts that donald trump was convicted on two kind of stand by itself, but you're right at some point, this narrative potentially could be start to be embraced by folks i will tell you who is embracing it and that's certainly the folks that our die-hard donald trump fans. >> the real concern for me is really not the politics of it all job because you hope that the voters, viewers would be able to discern what is right and what is wrong, what concerns me is the judicial system in the judges and those who work in these courts systems where now it's being weaponized and could judges
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across the country be put in danger because of some of the words that we're hearing out of washington and from some of the words from donald trump supporters are pressing gracie this morning. thank you so much. so a new case of the bird flu and a human has helped officials on high alert what the cdc says, you need to do to protect yourself and this spelling bee, there is a new champion spelling, amazing works mira balanus. rab ala on us soon sei no ph who swore, feel ussr, yr every weekday morning, cnn five things has what you need to get going with your day if the five essential stories of the morning i can five minutes or less cnn's five things with kate bolduan, streaming week days exclusively on max oh, carney isolde. >> it's gotten me. i saw them. >> that's what i said.
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just moments ago, the federal reserve's favorite inflation gauge showing prices, pricing pressure remains sticky in april, seen as or how solomon is here now, i don't like sticky pricing is what i'm guessing. sticky prices yeah. >> we're sort of stuck in place, kate, so it didn't get much worse. but we're kind of where we were 2.7%. that is both what we expected. economists were expecting, but it is also where we were the month prior, hence why it's sticky, right? if you look at the index even on a monthly basis, prices increase 0.3% or the index increase 0.3%. this is also what economists were expecting, but this is also where we were the month prior. so that's. part of why it feels like we're sort of stuck on this gear right? now, if you look under the hood and you look at sort of what's happening with prices. so we saw food prices fall. okay. you do like that. but energy prices increased so you have to to like know like flip-flopping exactly now, if you take away both of those categories, food, you take away energy. this is
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what is core inflation and this is what the fed play is really especially close attention to because it gives you a sense of underlying price pressures, underlying inflation. and this also for the most part came in came in line with what we are expecting. if you look back and sort of where we've come from the last four years or so you can see that peak there, kate, that's the summer of 2022. that was 7.1%. i want to call it june of 2022. >> we are not there to 0.7% is a far cry from there, but we are also not there. >> we are also not at 2%, which remember, is the fed's target that is where we're trying to get you. that is where the fed is trying to get us. now, the reason why that's so important right now is because there is a huge debate on wall street and the investment community about what the rest of this year it looks like in terms of rate cuts let's right. we've been looking for better inflation data. this is sort of more of the same, but there's a question about if we don't start seeing better, improving data, do we see any rate cuts
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at all because june was the june was the month. june was the mug, but we do hear from the fed in a few weeks, we do not expect virtually no one expects to get a rate cut then, but do we see one in september? do we see one in november? that's the question. but as recently as this week, we've heard from some fed officials who have said, look if inflation doesn't start improving, a rate hike is still on the table. so this is we're sort of where we were, we're sort of moving flat, living ways, high matters, her time matters. this is where we are 2.7 better than seven not quite at two. it's like that last crow one and having and down off mount everest, you can still be a pretty high altitude. >> that's a very good way to put it thanks. >> thank you so much, john. >> sticky, bryce. >> the crazy this morning, a farm worker has tested positive for birth in michigan. >> that's according to the cdc. this is the second bird flu case in the state the third in the united states. this is among humans now seen as meg tirrell joins us now, make, what are you learning?
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>> well, john, this one is a little bit different from the previous two that are associated with this outbreak among dairy cattle in the united states. and that's because this is the first case that public health officials have said showed more typical symptoms of flu, the respiratory symptoms that we associate with flu the previous two cases really affected farm workers eyes and conjunctivitis or sort of pink dye this one they saw more typical respiratory symptoms, things like cough, congestion, sore throat watery eyes, still the cdc says that this person was enclosed contact with cows. they were not wearing protective equipment. and so this was a cout a person transmission in all likelihood. and so we are not seeing person-to-person transmission of this bird flu virus right now. and for that reason, the cdc says the risk to the general public at this time is low. however, we are seeing this outbreak pretty widespread in dairy cattle herds. now, 67 herds have detected this virus across nine in states. still we
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only have these three detected cases in people. the cdc says the recommendations really to protect folks are mostly for people who have contact with potentially infected animals where that personal protective equipment don't have prolonged exposure without being protected for the general public, the risk is low. they say, but it's really important is to avoid raw milk and not pasteurized milk because they have detected the virus in milk. but pasteurization should kill it. i should make sure that the milk is safe. so that is the main recommendation right now from public health officials for the general public. and the focus really is to protect farm workers who could have exposure sure. guys. >> all right. make sure. well, thank you very much the this morning winner is spelled be ru hat. >> that's bells, the first name of spelling wizard, and also the first name of the 2024 scripps national spelling bee champion. and it was an epic road to getting there champion bruhat soma is 12-years-old and crushed 29 difficult words in 90 seconds besting his
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opponents 20, correct words in that same minute and a half minute and a half. >> here's a taste mirabella. >> and why rab lay on us. sooner sei no page swore apo siop abs sale. avs. he i'll put solid amazing amazing joining us right now is now the national spelling bee champion, bruhat soma. >> bruhat, how are you? >> hi, i'm good. how are you i'm doing really good. can you take us to this moment that moment and those 90 seconds?
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you clearly we're prepared. what was that like and how fast you went yeah, it was kind of exhilarating in the starting one de first announced that there's a spell-off my heart was pumping so fast. >> but then i realized because i was practicing spill offs for six months. >> i realized that maybe i have a shot at winning and i did. yeah, you did? yeah, you did. >> was you who are ever say ice cold, cool in that moment you just kept going boeing a going and going. and we saw you with your hands. >> i think typing the words it. >> what were you doing with your hands? how does that help you so it helped scrape tight. >> so like when i type the word, it helps me because usually i use this website called spell pundit. and then it has pronunciations and then
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it has the information of the word. and then you just type in the word and then go on. so that like that's what i usually do to prepare. and then i have to type in all the words so doing that onstage simulates that experience to what was you said six months of doing spell ofs. what kind of preparation? in practice and time have you put in to be i mean, you sounded more auctioneer then spelling then articulate speller. it was amazing what kind of practice you went into this yeah. >> so i studied on ten hours on weekends and then six hours on weekdays i watch that much tv. usually on weekends and weekdays that so for sloths, which is what i do in the spelling in the spell-off, were there any words you didn't know? >> you just looked like you
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knew all of them. i think i had never heard a single one, but you sounded like you knew all of them yeah yeah. all of them. minute. there's this one word, porfirio that i misheard. so i missed that one, but yeah, everything else? yeah what is porfirio, i guess and good. >> all porfirio what does it mean? >> what oh, it's like a genus of like purple birds. >> i think oh, of course, of course it is bruhat soma congratulations. you did such a wonderful job. you must be, i hope you're proud of yourself and i know your family is super proud of you. that work really did pay off. so congratulations yeah. >> thank you so much i'm going to say he can have the summer off now. yes. exactly. take a few hours off and new hours. cnn news central starts right now


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