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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 31, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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never heard a single one, but you sounded like you knew all of them yeah yeah. all of them. minute. there's this one word, porfirio that i misheard. so i missed that one, but yeah, everything else? yeah what is porfirio, i guess and good. >> all porfirio what does it mean? >> what oh, it's like a genus of like purple birds. >> i think oh, of course, of course it is bruhat soma congratulations. you did such a wonderful job. you must be, i hope you're proud of yourself and i know your family is super proud of you. that work really did pay off. so congratulations yeah. >> thank you so much i'm going to say he can have the summer off now. yes. exactly. take a few hours off and new hours. cnn news central starts right now so.
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>> we are standing body here from donald trump. there is a news conference scheduled at trump tower. so how might the word he speaks? this morning? how might they impact his looming sentence as a convicted felon also, any minute now we could hear from president biden, he has his first chance to respond out loud to this its verdict a deadly ambush, taking the life of a hero, a police officer shot will try to help the very person who killed him. sarah, is out this morning i'm john berman with kate bolduan. this is cnn news central. there i am donald trump is set to hold a news conference outside trump tower this morning, just one day after a jury in new york found him guilty. >> hey, of 34 criminal charges. this our president biden will
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have his chance to possibly speak out publicly for the first time as he's leaving delaware, both campaigns right now looking to capitalize off this truly uncharted territory type moment, the country finds itself in once again, july 11 is now the newest key date leading up to the november election. that date, july 11th is when donald trump is scheduled to face sentencing. and that's just four days before the republican convention when republicans were formed. formally nominate him to be their presidential candidate. cnn's kristen holmes and brynn gingras are live inside and inside and outside trump tower, i think is what is the guess is what i'm looking at kristinn, take us inside first. donald trump says he's holding a press conference. what are you hearing? we could be he could say okay, i wouldn't expect to hear anything different from what he has been saying that this case was election interference, that it should have never been rod, it was political persecution and probably trying to link this without any evidence to president joe biden.
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>> the reason why he has competed company continued to repeat this rhetoric is because his team thinks that this helps him. in november, that it riles up the base than it really helps rally republicans around the former president. now i will well, note that there are several advisers and allies of the former president who will acknowledge that they are in uncharted territory. they don't know what is going to happen. they are feeling good at forgetting lot of fund raising numbers. they haven't given them to us yet, but they say that they really took in a lot of donations in the last 24 hours. >> force will wait to see what those numbers look like. >> but they still don't know. i and i want to talk about in recent poll that came out. it was specifically about people who said that they were going to vote for donald trump 7% of those people that they were less likely to vote for him. >> if he was convicted. now, his team has only they don't believe that they don't believe that number they believe that it's actually going to help him, but that margin is pretty big when you consider that both crops and biden believe that
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this margin, but this election is going to be determined by very small number of voters who talk about 7% of trump's base, the people that always turnout for the former president that could be a problem well, but again, i will know his advisers are saying right now, they are feeling good because of the fact that the former president has gotten so many calls from allies, lawmakers, donors saying they're standing by him and they are donating to his campaign kristen, stick with us. >> let's get to brand. who's outside trump tower, right now. >> what is happening next in terms of the legal front? yeah. okay. first, let me just show you some of the headlines that americans are waking up to this morning, at least in a york guilty on the daily news, guilty of all 34 counts for the new york times and an injustice is what the new york post is calling it. and it's headlines and your right, we've got the next step in this process that has taken several weeks. of course, that is a sentencing
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date, july 11 at 10:00 a.m. there are a few things that are actually going to work into judge juan merchan's decision. let me tick through those points. one, he he's going to factor in the fact that the former president does not have a criminal history. he also the fact that these convictions well, they're not violent felonies, so that will likely play into his decision as well as he'll get a recommendation from a probation officer that is going to interview donald trump ahead of the sentencing date and of course, donald trump's family and friends can send along some character references as well as far as the punnett schmidt trump could receive when it comes to these convictions. well in the state of new york, it could be anywhere from four. it could be four years rather in prison for each of those 34 counts. but maximum of 20 years which is basically the most that someone can receive for these types of felonies. and of course, probation as also an option that juan merchan can recommend or hand down rather, i should say, let's listen no to the da
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alvin bragg, what he had to say after these convictions were handed down we were we were indicted for conduct that happened in 2015, 17 in a jurisdiction that it was very hard for us to get a fair trial. >> i think it's naive to say that this is like any other case we arrived at this trial and ultimately today at this verdict in the same manner as every other case that comes through the courtroom doors by following the facts and the law and doing so without fear or favor yeah. and you heard a brag there's really sticking to the script, not really going off that even so when he was asked point blank, what is he going to recommend to the judge at the sentencing saying he's going to let his court filings speed speak for itself. you
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also heard from the lead defense counsel, todd blanche, they're talking to kaitlan collins basically saying that they are ready to be filing motions ahead of this sentencing date and then after that, of course, they plan to appeal brendan. >> thank you. kristen holmes, inside trump tower is we're going to be hearing from donald trump in very shortly. >> all right. with this now, cnn legal analyst, criminal defense attorney joey jackson and former federal prosecutor, jennifer rodgers at trump team says they will appeal how hard is it to win on appeal in new york state? >> well, it depends what your arguments are on some things like sufficiency of the evidence at trial. it's very hard. very. hard to overturn a jury's verdict. but some of these legal issues that judge merchan ruled on before trial, those are legal issues. they don't rely on a witness's credibility, that sort of thing. so those will be evaluated legally by the court of appeal. the intermediate court, and then ultimately perhaps the court of appeals. so those are easier because the standard is lower. >> but what is then the stock is our strongest argument against an appeal. i mean, we
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todd blanche is definitely moving ahead with it. you tweak to any of the surrogates as we have supporters, donald trump day list out all of the reasons they think this wasn't fair and y he didn't get a fair shake, but yeah, kate, good morning. good morning. john, jennifer, i look the bottom line is there's not many reasons against an appeal case because you want appeals that how our system of justice, and that's how you exhaust the system. and if there's any error and just to be clear, what you're appealing is not the jury got it wrong. you're appealing whether there was evidenced before the jury that perhaps should not have been before or evidenced that the jury didn't see that perhaps they should have those are judicial rulings. i think another thing that's going to be significant is the issue as to how we got to the felony and how we got to the felony. somewhat technical. but you have to first conclude that there's this fraudulent ledger invoices and the checks, and then you have to make the leap with respect to the concealment of this other crime. what is concerning is that as to that leap, you just have to determine that it was an unlawful purpose. you can
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decide some smorgasbord what unlawful it is to you, and that's somewhat troubling to me. i think there should be a specific delineated other crime, not well, it could be campaign finance. i could be taxed. well, i think it's this if the jurors could have a different assessment with respect to what it is but could conclude it was unlawful and therefore, he's guilty that to me is troubling. that certainly will be an issue for appeal so one of the things that we've heard from trump's surrogates over the last 12 hours or so as they expected this, they expect that a commission i'm not sure i buy that. >> i think they had all talk themselves into a hung jury. i really do. if you listen to what they had said in the days and hours, even while they were deliberating, i think that's where they were just want that is framing. jen, if you could talk to a juror this morning to find out what went on in the roman their thoughts process. what would you want to know most? >> i'd want to know the whole thing. right. i mean, we don't get to know any of it, but really i think where they started because oftentimes they'll take an initial vote to take the temperature. and then like how it progressed,
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how do you persuade your fellow jurors? because that's what they're doing when they asked for things like a read back of certain in testimony or the judge's instructions. again, they're using that to persuade their fellow jurors. this is a negotiation among the jurors. and then finally, this was 34 counts of guilty. a lot of people thought that they might split that up. they might find the checks that donald trump wrote to be guilty. the other one's not guilty somehow compromise on that, but they didn't 34 counts of guilty. so what happened there? did they talk at all about splitting up those counts in any way and finding some guilty. so i'm not guilty or were they just, you know, on it for them hold for the whole time there's also now a lots of questions around sentencing come july 11. >> one thing i'm wondering is waiting to hear from donald trump this morning between now and july 11, donald trump's public commentary and what he will say about the verdict and can that impact sentencing you? >> okay. i think it's fair game. and the reason i believe that is because of the issue of remorse. right. and the issue of the lack thereof. i think
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it's false to presume that he won't get any jail now, let me be clear. there'll be bail pending appeal. bryan, what that means is if he is, for example, sentence two and incarceratory sentence and the judge remanded him. i think that there will be an opportunity he to submit bell and have it go through the legal process before he serves any time. but let's be clear about this. there are people at rikers island on misdemeanor offenses, right? there are people were sentenced to jail because because they're lawyers take please from felonies down two misdemeanors to do jail. but i think that an essential thing with the judge is going to be respect for the judicial system. look, i know it's a campaign you can wax poetic corrupt judge, corrupt the a, this that the other, but you got accept some responsibility. 34 counts. we have a jury system and that 12 jurors concluded your guilty. and just to absolve yourself of all sin because it's biden, it's this one, it's that when it's not you, i think that's troubling to the judge and it may play a big factor actor with regard to what the judge does. and we'll certainly he a trump saying a lot of things
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between now and then. i'd be careful. i'm gonna go out on a limb here and say at this news conference, or donald trump will hold shortly, there will not be an expression of remorse. or i taking of responsibility or abetting was action or abetting. we'll see but like to do it, but gen you consistently, i think when people were going after the prosecution in this trial's like all the blue this they didn't do that. >> you consistently work well, wait a minute here. and let's wait and see talk about the defense was there anything you think they did wrong here or could have done better? >> i do think that they focused too much on parts of the case that ultimately didn't matter. i think going after stormy daniels, the way that they did, even the framing of the cases that she with a liar and this never happened when you didn't really need to prove any of that. i think they should have focused really narrowly on whether he was involved in causing those financial documents to be falsified. and not getting into the whole thing about did he or didn't he with her? yeah. and even the part about the conspiracy with
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respect to the campaign, not that they shouldn't have challenged that they should have, but that was so overwhelming that at the end of the de i think if they had narrowly focused on you can't believe michael cohen. he's the only one who gives you direct evidence of the falsification. and so you must acquit really narrowly and strongly. i think they would i'm better yeah, you know what, i agree with jan, the problem is i don't put that on the defense lawyers. i don't i think their client was like, i want you to rip stormy daniels. i want you to do this the, clients have to sit down. right. and certainly they are very important with regard to what we do. but where the lawyers led us have our strategy in theory, stormy daniel's doesn't matter. let's not talk about the affair the affair. did you see ledgers falsified? do you know anything about the internal operations of the company? do you know what trump did or not? do you know if he signed anything? no. sit down, but they're like sure. he was behind that saying, i want him to be scott speciated. i want this. no. you want to win and whatever we take to win, that's what you should follow, and that's why jen, i think you're absolutely right, but i think they were hamstrung.
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don't know that for a fact, but look at their client. will todd blanche said last night on television, he said he talked to donald trump about every aspect of the case and trump was very involved. so so maybe that was a thing jennifer rodgers, joey jackson, thanks for all of this, all this case pretty exactly. thank you for bearing with us. >> we are standing by to hear from donald trump and we'll see if i'm right hi, there will be no expression of remorse. ending mathematics is conviction a stern warning for defense secretary lloyd austin. his message at china on its support for russia's military let's harry and minneapolis police officers shot and killed by a person he was trying to help the officer jamal mitchell was actually honored by cnn just last year for saving an elderly couple hello, from a house fire that's the part of the job like piton, others. we're here to protect the community to what we can to serve the community. we are trained to put other's lives in front of ours russia for trying to spy on us we were spying on them early friday
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leading the world in its development. our leaders should continue to protect america's competitive edge to strengthen small businesses like ours the series of steps against superstars we go three minutes that merchan better come out and be ready to play his out. >> all right, gain for the western conference final presented by geico and ovaries begins tonight is 730 on tnt, right? july 11, donald trump will be sentenced for the guilty verdict on all 34 counts of falsifying business records. he faces a maximum of four years in prison on each count, but it's likely they would be served concurrently, which really does mean the mac some of ms four years talk total, or he could get no jail time at all. well, this now seeing and chief while enforcement and intelligence analyst john miller, john, what are the next steps now that trump has been convicted? >> well, who it in the normal system, they would prepare a probation report which is for the judge to review things like the defendant's history, criminal record, whether they
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express remorse for the crime, things like that in this case, do we see donald trump sitting down with a social worker from the department of probation to talk about his life before this case and regression doesn't would that mean he's getting special treatment? >> well, it would mean the process has to be served. >> he could not participate in it and have his lawyers have the meeting with them, or he could engage. but this is one of those documents that the judge reviews now in real life, not this out-of-body experience. we're having you know, we can talk about the hardscrabble upbringing of a person who lost their mother at such and such an age. and, you know, all the factors that a judge might consider in sentencing in this case, he's the first offender absent the probation report participation. it's going to be a non-violent crime are first offender typically in the policies of the manhattan da's office that wouldn't be a sentence where they asked for jail time. that
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said the department of corrections, when pressed on this, what do you do if donald trump is remanded to a sentence of a year or less or more. they have said we will find appropriate housing for him we'll find out what that means. >> maybe or maybe whenever we'll get to that what restrictions might trump face as a convicted felon? does this changes day-to-day life? so it does. >> now in ways that doesn't matter he does not qualify for a license in new york state, they become a barber, a security guard a number of other jobs. but then in ways that might which convicted felon cannot possess a liquor license, he owns a number of hotels with licensed establishes establishments in them. as the owner does that count, they'll just have to sort through that. can't get a real estate license without a certificate of relief or a waiver from the state. that could affect him, but there are plenty of people in the trump organization who probably have those licenses the question is
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whether that'll affect him as an owner, can't be a barber. i mean, there is one other thing which is at this point as a convicted felon in any state in the united states, it would be unlawful for him to possess firearms or ammunition. and as someone who had a license to carry concealed weapons in new york city, there'll be the question of where those guns disposed goes down. where are they does he have weapons in florida but for a guy who's got secret service protection, it's probably not a real factor. >> very interesting, all right, john miller, great to see this morning. thank you very much. >> we are standing by to see if president biden we'll make his first public comments on the guilty verdict. he departs delaware shortly, so we might hear from the president we've got new reporting on how the biden campaign is going to approach this conviction on the campaign trail. and a guilty verdict of the triple murder case. prosecutors say fueled by power, sex, money, and apocalyptic spiritual beliefs. now, chad daybell one of the
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and maria already asked her one of the most active tornado seasons ever. >> you can't control a tornado. >> what kinds of interventions can we design? >> go inside the storm? >> the premier of violent birth with liev schreiber sunday at nine on cnn and just about an hour-and-a-half, donald trump's expect to be holding a news conference is going to live picture inside of trump tower, and that is where he is going to be speaking to reporters. he is now the first former president to be convicted. of a crime and he could very well when the white house, even with a stack of felonies to his name, how will
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this look decades from now when you see these major historical moments, you lean on people like this, julian zelizer, presidential historians to put it in perspective of what decades from now, we're going to look back at these major moments in history. when you heard, as you've watched the trial, if you've watched all of the dynamics, julien from the conviction to donald trump's initial reaction. and maybe even more specifically, react the broader reactions swiftly after the verdict. what stood out most to what stands out? must you. well, the impact of hearing guilty, i think was significant for everyone. >> it was the first measure of accountability for the former president, but it's also been notable how quickly republicans are supporting him. they are lining up faster than kids at an ice cream truck to say that they stand by him and did discredit the legal system. and i think that is a signal of how this might play out politically
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within the republican party. >> and went on any, and any question that they're guilty verdicts would be a breaking point is shifting point, whatever a turning point for the direction of the republic blinken party long term, correct. i mean, i think the legal decision matters a lot and we shouldn't discount it. >> because of what happens politically. it's very important that the legal system is upheld, that said, we're talking about a person who was impeached twice, had a one-term presidency, four indictments and was part of an insurrection. and yet is the republican nomination. so that should be some kind of evidence that this might not be a turning point at all, at least politically, there is an example that sticks out that kind of encapsulates what you're talking about, julian the swift reaction was outraged for most republicans however, the former republican governor of maryland, he's now running for senate and out of maryland, larry hogan, he spoke he
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tweeted right around the time all of this the verdict was coming down and all this was happening yesterday in his treat, he said, regardless of the result, i urge all americans to respect the verdict and the legal process and he talks about re-affirming the rule of law trump's coach co-campaign co-campaign manager, responded to the tweet, chris lacivita, saying, you just ended your campaign then trump surrogate byron donalds, member of congress. >> he was on with us just a few minutes ago and he attacked larry hogan. listen to this listen, i don't agree with larry hogan. he is wrong because you cannot respect the process when the fix is him from the beginning to have larry hogan is playing to voters in maryland because maryland is deep blue, i find that to be reprehensible, but that's his decision. >> at that up. what do you see? well, it's remarkable all he was saying, how again, is that he respects the decision of the
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jury and the court. that is it. and yet, he is now going to come under attack. you might be the next liz cheney in terms of someone who stands up against trump, to some extent and is then isolated internationally when, when you look politically, larry hogan and what happens with that senate race could add to the math of it will does add to the math of who has the majority come the next senate in the next tenant. >> well, we saw in the 2022 midterms, republicans are sometimes willing to sacrifice themselves politically standby. the former president and i don't think that's very different than what we're hearing just in the first few hours of this, that will intensify as republican positions harden, but yes, there are many important moments we often bring you on in these moments for a sitting president in crisis in moments of sorrow for a nation i don't want to add this i'm not sure what scale to put this moment on, but it is an important
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moment for this sitting president and how he first publicly reacts and responds to the verdict of a former president. >> of course, his political opponent. >> what do you think is or should be the consideration of joe biden if if and when he speaks out about this, well, he has to balance on the one hand, he wants to be clear what the court just decided, then this is his opponent. >> this is part of trump's record now, an important part. on the other hand, he has to be careful because the attack against president biden will be he has politicized the courts. he is using this to stop his opponent. and so he wants to act with restraint. it's a little like georgia hw bush as the soviet union collapsed, he wanted to show his support for all the satellite nations, finally reaching freedom. but he didn't want to become the story. and so we always restrain his words and i think that's what biden is going to try to accomplish in the coming
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weeks. >> that's really interesting that comparison, it's great to see julian. thank you. thank you. >> john wright, just moments ago, us secretary of state, antony blinken gave new details on the authorization from president biden to ukraine that they can use us made weapons to attack inside russia over the past few weeks, ukraine came to us and ask for the authorization to use weapons that we're providing to defend against this aggression, including against russian forces that are massing on the russian sayyed of the border. >> and then attacking into ukraine and that went right to the president. and as you've heard, he's approved the use of our weapons for that for that purpose. >> blinken said this. isn't specific response to russia's actions around kharkiv. the second largest city in ukraine that has come under increased attack over the last several weeks when blinken was asked to the door was open for the us to allow ukraine to strike beyond
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the border area. the secretary said the us will continue to adapt and adjust moving forward our defense secretary lloyd austin is issued a stern new warning to china. what he said to the chinese defense minutes check. >> we hear nothing. >> a space shuttle accident. it's usually not one thing. it's a series is that part of the wing coming apart space shuttle columbia, the final flight. now streaming on max hi, it's christina again. >> i'm here to tell you about an all new special offer from my friends at jacuzzi bathroom model that you don't want to miss? you already know jacuzzi has been making water-filled great for more than 65 years. and now they're bringing you this special tv offer. were waving all installation costs and postponing all payments for up to one year to to the bathroom model has a design you love at a price you can afford
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trump's historic conviction, watch this there needs to be a wholesale cleaning of house within these institutions to root out the corruption and the deepstate, new york does a lot of things that the rest of the country wouldn't do. and this is an example of one of those things. well, we saw today was an absolute travesty of justice. this was not law, this was not criminal justice. this was politics. this was a political smear job. >> seen into daskal joining us right now, kind of taking a catalog of the range of republican reaction. a lot of similar talking points, but what are we hearing what happens with this? well, it goes to show you this sort of alternate realities people are living in depending on the news they consume or their social media feeds, because on one side yesterday after we got this guilty, guilty convictions we saw from more of the establishment, mainstream press the historic front pages. i'll show here the washington post. they laid out actually all 34
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of the guilty pleas, which when you see it laid out, how many of how many of the guilty verdict is something it's kind of arresting, excuse the pun there, but then the other big broadcast networks, they broke into the regular programming. if you were just walking can your local abc channel they broke in to show what was going on. i goes to show the moment, but then if you go to the other side, you get things like the new york post, which say this is an injustice. and if you go into other elements of the right-wing media sphere, it goes even further and some of the rhetoric was quite frightening. and i think that's on purpose. they're talking about how they feel as though this is now a dictatorship. take a listen to what fox news has laura ingraham had to say i guess we all need to shop at banana republic from now on, because that's what it feels like. yeah, a banana republic. i wish there was something to laugh about, but there's not this is a disgraceful day for the united states. a de that america may never recover from this is a humiliating de, for the country that we all love. it makes us look like a joke to
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the rest of the world. is this what they meant by the american way now, some of them are going even further. >> we have the daily wire's matt walsh who tweeted donald trump should make and publish a list of ten high ranking democrat criminals who he will have arrested when he takes off it this first on the list should be joe biden. second should be joe biden's crackheads son. and i think that you have to think about what's the intended effect here from, i mean, obviously they have a personal feeling about what happened yesterday, but the intended effect is to chip away at the americans trust in our institutions and think about also what that will mean as you're chipping way the trust, the institutions, the legal process, all of that ahead of 2024 election. >> and of course then then what would be the necessary cognitive shift immediately to then trust the institutions? right afterwards and keep in mind if trump had been acquitted, we'd be hearing a totally different tones from all of these people. and that's why it is challenging to follow it all. it's good to see you alright, very shortly, we could hear from president
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biden on the conviction he will leave delaware and have a chance to comment publicly if he chooses as he heads back to the white house, we don't know if he will choose to do so. >> we will be very interesting to see if he does the biden-harris campaign put out a fundraising appeal after the guilty verdict in one born voters. the only way to keep trump out of the oval office is by going to the ballot box is at the ballot box with me now, is the former mayor of new orleans and national co-chair for president biden's reelection campaign. mitch landrieu, mr. mayor thank you very much for being with us. i want to read you the wikipedia entry from donald trump. we just looked it up a minute ago. and the very top line is donald john trump, born june 14, 1946, is an american politician, media personality and businessman. i think we have a graphic of this who served as the 45th president of the united states from 2017 to 20 2021. that's the first paragraph it's not until paragraph six where it says he was convicted of a felony. my
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question to you is, if it were up to you and you alone, mayor, where would convicted felon appear in this entry? >> well, i'm not going to tell people how to write that wikipedia pages. but here are a couple of facts yesterday a very sacrosanct principle that is necessary to sustain democracies was upheld, which is very simple in america that every body is subject to the rule of law and nobody is exempt from it. >> not even somebody who was present in the united states. and yesterday was a very sober and somber day for our country. it's not good for anybody that we have an ex-president that is now a convicted felon. however, it is really important for us in order to maintain our democracies to make sure that we are in fact a rule of law and not the opposite, which is a rule of the mob it is a fact now that donald trump is a convicted felon, it's also a fact that he has been held civilly liable for defamation, sexual abuse and business fraud. it is a fact that in
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order for him to be president the united states, he has to destroy democracy and nothing that happened yesterday is going to change the fact that only the american people on election day can stop him from becoming president. and again, that is just where we are. and joe biden, as you know, gets up every day thinking about the american good people thinking about trying to preserve our freedom, preserving democracy making lives better if everybody else in donald trump wakes up every day thinking about himself. i understand that donald trump's going to talk in a couple of minutes. i would venture a lot of money, a wage and antibody that he is going to blame everybody else but will never take one iota responsibility for his behavior in his personal, his private his business, or as political life that have helped destroy this country. >> as kate just pointed out to me, isaac dovere has an article this morning saying that there is a discussion within the biden campaign to debate really about how much or if at all to focus on the criminal conviction of donald trump, what is the discussion? what's the plus minus on talking about it for the biden campaign? well
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let me say this in a close election, everything matters the most important things that matters or facts and reality, not people's opinions about facts and reality. the very simple choice between the american people, between donald trump and joe biden goes like this. donald trump wakes up every day thinking about himself every, the people who know him best, like him least that he's used his power to hurt people. and as you saw with the larry hogan story when given the opportunity, which is pretty much every day, he takes it to hit somebody over the head and to hurt them and to repress them. and that is what he has done when he was president, he will do that again. he just said that he wants to get better at it in the times news article joe biden wants to be present and he brings receipts. he created 15 million jobs. he has the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, and we're going to talk about what joe biden wants to do and not donald trump because you notice that today we're talking about donald trump again that's the way he wants it. we're not talking about the needs of the american people that's what joe biden wants to talk about. and that's what he will do between now and election day, does that mean
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that president biden won't speak about this when he leaves delaware this morning no. >> listen, i'm not going to get ahead of the president. i don't have news to make on that. here is a fact whether president biden speaks to it or not. donald trump is a convicted felon 34 counts, and he has three other cases pending against him. the american people have to weigh that because here's the bottom line character wisdom, and judgment really matter who the president of the united states is. democracy is really important, it is fragile, but it can be bolstered by the american people making a good choice about what the future you've america is going to be. and this is a really, really clear choice. you can be for autocracy, or you can be for democracy. joe biden is for democracy. he spoken to its seven times this is a nation that will last a long time if americans make the right choice about what our future is, and we will continue to speak to that very forcefully. we are not going to bring a knife to this gunfight i spent longer than i should this morning looking at louisiana politics. i'm not trying to pick on your home stay here, but you do know
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there are whole lot of politicians over the last hundred years or so that if faced some legal issues in louisiana and still had very successful political careers, you know? that sometimes it just doesn't matter to voters, does it well, let, let me say that as louisiana is not necessarily an outlier, unfortunately, with political corruption, but we have had, have fair share of it. >> i think every matter, everything matters to voters. so it's not just that donald trump is a convicted felon, is a donald trump trump in order to succeed, he has to destroy democracy. and on any day, democracy is more important than donald trump. i know that he doesn't believe that. i know that he believes that he is the most important person in the world and he's actually better than donald trump or maybe even jesus christ but my best guess is most americans disagree with him and they know what is at stake. that is why joe biden wakes up every day and it's going to stand between donald trump and autocracy and we need the american people to do that. if you want to help go to joe and let's get ready mitch landrieu. >> thanks for coming this morning. i appreciate your time.
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>> thank you. >> are we have new details than a deadly ambush, the killed a police officer in minnesota that officer shot by someone he was trying to help this is a secret. war. >> secrets and spies premiere sunday at ten on cnn, we decided to put in an in-ground pool. >> i literally went on angie and typed in cool, getting to talk to different contractors, see different bids. >> we wanted something beautiful, we wanted something that our children with feel happy zooming in, and we love it gets started today. >> car, this isn't the way home. that's right. chains. it is where are, we going the future isn't scary. not investing in it is. were you in on this thing gets by huge james nasdaq, 100
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board in washington. >> and this is cnn breaking overnight, a minneapolis police officer was killed when he was ambushed by the person he thought he was headed to help jamal mitchell was responding to a shooting call it an apartment when he himself was shot and he is now being remembered as a hero described as being exceptional in every way. cnn's whitney wild has
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more on this wednesday, this is so sad what has happened. bring us up to speed though. what did happen this was a very chaotic scene. >> tatum had happened in two places. let me just walk you through the timeline here. 5:15 p.m. yesterday, police get a call for shots fired, law enforcement minneapolis police responded to an apartment where they were immediately met with gunfire. that scene unfolding very rapidly. officer jamal mitchell was also responded coming to that scene and about a block to two blocks away, he spotted someone. his thought needed help, so he jumped out of the car, tried to render aid to that person. and that's when that aspect shot and killed him. >> this was again, a very chaotic scene. >> there are a lot of details that we're still trying to work through, but what we know now is that officer jamal mitchell was killed, the guy gunman was killed, a civilian was killed in this incident. in addition, there are for people who survive, that includes a police officer and a firefighter is well kate would is so tragic about this is this
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is the fourth incident of first responders being ambushed when they're trying to go rescue lives. the minnesota governor putting it plainly let me saying this cannot be the norm for minnesotans across the state here minneapolis, but across the state you're feeling the trauma of this once again, because this is one of those incidents should be unthinkable. but it's very thinkable because it's now happened four times in the last couple of months that trauma quickly should turned to anger and a commitment that this cannot happen. we do not have to live this way let me tell you a little bit about officer jamal mitchell case courageous and as was on display the minute he became minneapolis police officer, it was in march of 2023. >> cnn feature of him and apiece because he ran into a burning building to save even
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elderly couples. when he did that, he had only been on the job for three days. that is the legacy this father son, and fiance leaves behind hi and at the minneapolis police department, which is reeling from this today, it's celebrating his life and legacy. kate so set every element of what you have just just laid out. >> thank you for the reporting john all right. >> this morning, us defense secretary lloyd austin and his chinese counterpart held rare in-person talks. they were in singapore for austin issued a stern warning saying that if china continues to provide military aid to russia, the us and its allies will have to take further measures. it's unclear at this time what those measures be. a verdict in a horrifying triple murder, a jury found chad daybell guilty of murdering his ex-wife and two stepchildren. it children's mother, lori vallow his serving life in prison without parole for the same killings prosecutors say daybell was the mastermind. he could now get the death penalty in the 2024 national spelling
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bee from scripps crowd last night to 12. bruhat soma came out on top. someone won the title in the competition. second ever fell off. that's when the final two contestants race to spell the most words correctly and just 90 seconds and we spoke to them last hour one de first announced that there's a spell-off my heart was pumping so fast, but then i realized because i just practicing spill offs for six months, i realized that maybe i have a shot at winning and i did so ten hours a day on the weekends and practice six hours a day during the week. >> and he says he types out the words on stage because it helps. i like that genius move. >> you can understand that. >> yes, if i type like this, so when he actually does, i'm not kidding. you should see his spelling literally. >> thank you. all for joining us quite a de, this has been cnn news central, cnn newsroom, jim acosta up next in one of
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