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tv   CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta  CNN  May 31, 2024 7:00am-8:01am PDT

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records. the seven men and five women deliberating for about 12 hours over two days to reach that decision. that's of course marks the first time in american history a former president has been convicted of a felony sentencing is set for july 11 and appeal expected to follow in short order. following the verdict. donald trump repeated some all too familiar falsehoods and made clear on his focus. ease the 2024 election this was a rigged, disgraceful trial the real verdict is going to be november 5 by the people manhattan da alvin bragg also weighing in many voices out there the only voice that matters is the voice of the jury. and the jury has spoken let's get straight to kristen holmes there at trump tower. so christian, what are we expecting to hear from the former president this morning
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well eric i was a senior advisers to expect a lot of the same messaging saying that this was election interference, that this case should have never been brought talking about how this is political persecution, really what we've heard from the president since before this trial even started. >> but i will note that while the senior advisers have briefed me on that, it is unclear that donald trump will stay on message. that's just moments ago, they had a teleprompter set-up that was taken down and as you know, when donald trump goes off-the-cuff, he tends to say almost anything. so we'll stay tuned to see what kind of messaging he has. i will say that after being shocked, stunned after that verdict came out, i am told by sources close to him that he started being in better spirits after week i'm told by donors, allies, lawmakers that they would all stand by him. i think one of the most critical pieces of this we've talked a lot about how historic this is that a for president of the united states is now being convicted felon, but the other part of this is that he is still the presumptive republican nominee.
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and in fact, the sentencing set for july 11 is just days before he is expected to become the actual republican nominee for president at that convention in milwaukee. it's very difficult now to separate the political and the legal here, something that has been hard now for months, but just gets harder every single day while his team is promoting competence, they just said that they had clung reason last 24 hours sense that verdict 34.8 million. now of course, this is not cooperate again, we don't have that receive filing, but that is what they're say may god in donations, they did crash that small donation website when read yesterday after the verdict, they are saying they feel good, but there are still a lot of questions how this actually plays out in november, we have seen hold after poll, it is a very small margin of trump voters and say they are less likely to vote for him if he is convicted. >> but that's small margin matters a lot in election like we are expecting in november
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where that margin the winner is going to be so narrow, erica. yeah, that's an important point. and you can bet i think we all know that those pulsars right now trying to get out there, get back to some folks to see what the feeling is now post verdict, kristen, appreciate it as always. thank you. >> donald trump will have no shortage of mentions in the history books as a businessman, a reality tv star, the former president of course, and now convicted felon after a jury of his peers considered that evidence and ultimately found him guilty on all 34 charges. >> that of course is how the justice system works in this country. trial by jury is a fundamental principle of this democratic republican republic, rather. here's how donald trump's lead attorney characterize the jury's verdict on cnn last night do you accept that he did have his de in court and it was a jury of his peers that made this decision no not at all. >> we were indicted for conduct that happened in 2015, 16, 17, in a jurisdiction that it was
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very hard for us to get a fair trial. >> every single person on that jury, new donald trump, either as president, as candidate from the apprentice and so i don't accept that this was a fair this was a fair place to try joining me now, donald trump, attorney will scharf, who is also running for attorney general of missouri. >> will good to have you with us this morning. i'd love to post that same question to you. the kaitlan asked todd blanche, do you accept it? your client that donald trump did have his day in court, that this was a jury of his peers. >> well, i think first of all, you said in your lead in that president trump would be in the history books as a convicted felon, we don't believe that's the case. we're going to vigorously appeal this verdict. i think this case is replete with reversible error. we're going to take this as high and as far as we need to include food into the us supreme court, to vindicate president trump's rights because there was nothing legal, there was nothing normal about what happened in this new york courtroom over the last
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month and a half we moved for a change of venue here. i completely agree with todd blanche that it was impossible for president trump to have a fair trial and lower manhattan, we also moved to recuse the judge off of this case. we believe that he was irretrievably conflicted and biased and there was no way that he ever should have been presiding over this case so look, in the days and weeks and months ahead, we are going to be challenging this verdict. i do not believe that it will end up standing. and as president trump said last night, the ultimate verdict is going to be that of the american can people at the ballot box next november. and i believe that they will be so outraged by this verdict that if anything, it will help his chances not hurt his chances of gaining back the white house when it comes to the jury just yesterday, you spoke with my colleague, jake tapper. this is less than 24 hours ago and you were complementing this jury for how they were handling those deliberations. i want to play that moment then most of all, i'm just enthusiastic about the fact that the jury seems to be taking its duties very seriously.
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>> they're considering the law. they're considering the evidence. we believe if they do that, they'll end up at a just verdict here, which is an acquittal understandably, this is not the verdict that you wanted. obviously, but is a jury no longer thoughtful, serious are considerate simply because you didn't get the outcome that you wanted well, i think one of the key issues here is the jury instructions. i think judge merchan essentially lead the jury to this guilty verdict. we're obviously going to be challenging the aspects of those instructions on appeal a judge has a lot of control over his courtroom, and that's one of the reasons we moved so aggressively to have judge merchan recused off of this case because we believe that he does have irretrievable biases that under new york law clearly warranted a recusal will scharf. >> we are out of time, but this will not be the last time that we speak. thank you. >> good to be with you. thanks so to come here, what is next for donald trump after his historic conviction? >> could the former president actually go to jail? we'll discuss next to cnn special coverage continue in one of the
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ultimately was demonstrated was the fact that all of the testimony by the other witnesses that i had involvement with corroborated what i've been saying for six years. and all of the evidence, the documentary evidence, emails, text messages documents themselves. again corroborated what i've been saying for six years. >> joining me now to discuss cnn legal commentator and former trump attorney tim pilots, right. temporary to see you this morning. i was struck as we look at where we ended up yesterday afternoon with this verdict, you told my colleague kasie hunt this morning, i believe he's talking about todd blanche saying at times it didn't seem there was a strategy there. whatsoever. lot of attacks. but let's focus on the case. itself. do you think that was the fatal flaw here for the defense i do. >> i think that this is a case that was very defendable this is a case where there is a lot of angles for attack, but i didn't see them actually take those angles. it seems like
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during the trial right from the opening statement, there needs to be a very clear theme, a very cuellar story that the defense is telling as to why you should not believe what the prosecution is saying. they didn't really have a clear theme from the beginning it was attacked michael cohen's credibility and then when you go through the cross-examinatio ns that kind of carried through the cross-examination of michael cohen's specifically, it seemed like there were a lot of times where and i wasn't in the courtroom. i was watching the live feed. here. it cnn, but it seemed like so many times he was circling up, getting ready to make a good point. and then before actually hitting the point he just walked away and then get to the closing and the same thing. it was just kinda meandering all over the place as opposed to a very clear message to the jury, something that the jury can take back there okay. here's what the defense's theory is. so i thought that is something that could have been very
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well-defended, but wasn't i also want to bring in readies ellen, who's with us randy from a defense perspective, here in your mind, who was running that defense? >> was it todd blanche, or was it the client, donald trump it better have been both because that's the way that it works. >> it is a relationship. one does not necessarily run roughshod over the other. that is a recipe for disaster. ultimately and i hate to do this, but i would be remiss if i didn't. whether you are driving in a ford or a ferrari, if someone gives you bad directions, you're going to end up lost. and those jury instructions were just a complete just take the constitution, throw it out a window, burnet shoot it, and hang it so you're not a fan of those jury instructions. >> we just heard from we'll scharf, who wasn't either tim, when you look at it? they're obviously going to bring that in on appeal as we just heard from will scharf.
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>> do you think that they may have a case there on appeal in terms of the jury instructions i do. i think that the jury instructions had a very key flaw here, which is the falsification of business records had to be in furtherance of some other crime and there wasn't really great get instructions on what that other crime was under new york state law. they're not required to say which it is. but when they do the judge has to instruct them on that specific crime. and the problem here is they don't have to prove that they actually committed that other crime. they don't have to prove that they actually had fcc violations, but they have to show that what they intended to do was in fact a crime that i think is really the shortfall in the jury instructions is the lack of an explanation to this jury as to the federal election law coming up next sentencing on july 11, what do you think the potential impact could be for donald trump of his multiple violations of this gag order. >> and continuing to attack the
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judge here who is not covered by that gag order, but continuing co. after the judge. and even in honestly, go after the jury, how much could that figure in its sentencing? >> it should but it shouldn't. it is an unbelievable turn of events here because donald trump checks off every box not to go to jail, not even to be put on probation. he should be given something called a conditional discharge, which is a piece of paper that state that this is stay out of trouble. >> but when you have made a career and have bashing the same judge, that's going to sentence you where you have shown an abject district guard having even a modicum of respect for the law demonstrating, hey, i will do this again. >> i don't give a crap what you or anybody else says if it were me, if it were anybody else, you're right. you would be thrown in jail. i just don't see how the judge could possibly do that and make this look even more partisan and
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political than it already is. >> it is, it is not a position that i would want to be in. that's for sure. tim randy really appreciate both joining us this morning. thank you thank you just ahead here, their service in the courtroom at maybe over, but the aftermath of this trial is only just beginning for those 12 jurors. so what are the protocols? in place to keep members of the court and the jury safe qizan, my put dr. sanjay gupta wherever you get your podcasts recipes recipes written by hand lost to time are now being analyzed and restored the power of delhi what do you do a search seems endless still trying to find a cheaper price for that hotel. >> it's perfect drive vacation and i am so close. >> just use trivago trivago
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amazon i'm dr. sanjay gupta. >> and this is cnn welcome back out. >> we do expect to hear from former president trump just about half an hour from now, these will be his first formal
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comment. in thursday's conviction, and we will bring you that news conference lives. so be sure to keep her tv right here on cnn for that. meantime, what happens next for this jury? the jury itself took about well, bowers over the span of two days to find donald trump guilty on all 34 counts of falsifying business records. and the judge in this case, as we've noted, went to great lengths to keep jurors personal information private during jury selection, he urged the news media to limit reporting any personal information that could unmask these individuals. and he urged that for their own safety. i want to bring in cnn's chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst, john miller and trial and jury consultant carolyn cook. it's good to have both of you with us today. based on this trial, how high-profile it was? >> what is your gut, carolyn, on whether any of these jurors may want to speak out well, that's a really good question. >> i i was thinking about that before you even ask the question that's a really we'll
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see. >> i would think that they would want to retain there an annuity. >> this case is just so volatile on both sides. i think i mean, honestly, i think a person would have to be crazy to expose themselves to vitriol from strangers who weren't in the courtroom so my guess is they'll keep quiet i'm john after court. each jury member was exported out of the building by security what about staying safe now that that job is done, what kind of instructions would they be given and how how do they do that? >> well the instructions they would be given are this is up to you, whether you want to reveal yourself, talk to the media, and so on. and i know that today, different media outlets are reaching out to them to make those offers, but obviously they understand the inherent risk in that we've seen the volatility around the threat streams that come with these cases and it's one of
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those things where they have thought this through. now, some juror may actually make the calculation. well, i'm going to write a book about this experience and i'm going to be able to organize that in my own way. but i agree that most of them will probably stay under wraps at least for the immediate future. and if they get threats, there is a system they can report that to the nypd, the intelligence bureau has a threat assessment team. if protection is required they'll get it i was speaking with a juror from derek chauvin is trial that jury, of course, found him found him guilty in the death of george. >> george floyd. and what are the things that he told me is he found people really did carolyn when they gotten that rome, they put their emotions aside, they took their job very seriously. lead took a lot of pride in that job. >> and they wanted to do their duty. we talk about this often with attorneys when we're looking at high profile cases, have you found that it changes anything for jurors when they know they're involved in a
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high-profile case or do you find that same level of pride and sense of duty? regardless of who is the defendant? >> another good question, high-profile changes, everything. i would say until i got involved myself and a few high-profile file cases involving police brutality that jurors always want to do their job. they want to follow the rules. they want to do the right thing and it's very inspiring when you seizures across the nation, take their oath so seriously, however, in a case that really hits a chord makes people angry i've also seen jurors not be truthful about their true biases and had the personal experience of discovering during jury selection than a juror who filled out a written questionnaire under oath talking about how fair she could be has social media posts that were the exact opposite. >> i think that this trump jury selection, they encountered people who were not truthful in open court during jury selection as well.
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>> so i think the high-profile changes and stakes, and as we even seen with the trunk trial, not everybody is a truth teller and that applies as to jurors as well. >> and we saw some we did see some of that challenged in court i whether by the attorneys or even by judge or merchan himself, really drilling down on based on some of the social media points, did people really believe that they could look at this in an unbiased fashion and be fair, john looks security in new york city is a whole different ball game than most other cities in this country. i spent a number of weeks down there at the courthouse watching it all as this trial was unfolding what changes now do you believe that there will be any changes based on what we saw over the last several weeks and how people have a public handled this high profile case. do you think that would be any cause for changes to security in general well, it's interesting, erica, because what changes now is a giant exhalation at that courthouse in that day-to-day business goes back to normal
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the courthouse is not just about one trial where other trials are happening in the background it goes back to day-to-day business. >> the key thing here is going to be the sentencing date. if that remains july 11. and why is that the key because that puts a distance between the verdict and then the prospect of donald trump being sentenced to 400 hours of community service or perhaps a year or more in prison, or heavy fines. and that is the kind of thing where there is time to organize demonstrations, rally supporters counter-protests. so this is something that they're going to be looking at very carefully in terms of what kind of resources they're going to need. what is the social media telling them what's in the threat stream and so on john miller, carolyn cook. >> appreciate your insight and expertise. thank you. >> just ahead here, the white house and president biden's campaign have mostly stayed silent when it comes. do donald trump's legal woes, but that is now changing how they're
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priscilla alvarez is joining us now from the white house so priscilla, what more do we know about the messaging going forward here? >> well, the campaign is certainly leading the charge on the messaging here, though they're still taking a bit of a subdued approach. they don't think that this is going to move the needle too much at this point unless it was an acquittal that may have been a different calculus for them. but at this point, the focus in their sharply worded statement yesterday was keeping the focus on the ballot box, saying in a statement, quote, there is still only one way to keep donald trump out of the oval office at the ballot box, convicted felon or not, trump will be the republican nominee for president. now they did also use the opportunity to try to shore up some funds, noting that trump conviction could lead to or firing up his supporters to donate more. and we've learned from the trump campaign that they raised 34 million. now in that fundraising email, the president making a similar point essentially that he wanted to keep this guy out of the white house once and for
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all. now, the white house has been more quiet, brief on this verdict take the white house council spokesperson saying simply yesterday, quote, we respect the rule of law and have no additional comment. now, the president yesterday, as you mentioned, really stayed out of the public eye in delaware where he was commemorating the ninth anniversary of the death of his son, beau. we just learned from the white house. however, the president will olivia remarks this afternoon on the middle east, we don't have additional timing, but you can anticipate that that will be an opportunity, too, for the reporters in the room to ask questions. maybe ask questions about exactly this. so we may have something from the president later today, but these were marks that were just announced we'll be focused on the middle east according to the white house. so again, the campaign is really leading the charge on this. the white house saying relatively brief, but we will see the president this afternoon. >> all eyes will be on that moment until i appreciate it. thank you i will just about 20 minutes now away from 2025
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minutes from hearing the former president's speech these again will be his first former remarks since that verdict stay with us we're back just a moment. >> going on and tornadoes here. i'm thinking language, die. and i thought that was it when earth with liev schreiber premier sunday at nine on cnn denture wearers can go wild with wild he said c-h bond denture seals get strong all day. hold. thanks to gradual release technology. go wild. jeevan, wildly get attention. former marines and family members stationed to camp plus june, if you lived or work that can't lose you in north carolina for at least 30 days from august 1953 to december 1987 and has been diagnosed with cancer, neuro behavioral effects at a child born with birth defects or been diagnosed with fertility issues are more
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changer. try it today, go chu pretty >> i'm natasha bertrand at the pentagon. >> and this is cnn donald trump's most, die-hard political allies are blasting his historic it felony convictions, some even vowing retribution. take a listen this was certainly a hoax a sham. this was devastating for the average american did this is the most outrageous travesty of ever seen. and the problem here is democrats across the slide. >> i've ever heard constituents. so frustrated and so angry at what they've seen. this was not law, this was not
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criminal justice. this it was politics. this was a political smear job. this was an attack job this is what you see in banana republics. >> people see what is going on. they see that the democrats are so desperate because president trump is crushing joe biden in the polls. they see the democrat party and the lips so desperate to stop him. it, they'll risk the destruction of our entire legal system to do it let's discuss with cnn political commentator scott jennings and bacardi sellers, gentlemen, good to see both this morning. of course, it was not all republicans who immediately fell in line there. although a number of them did is we saw i was struck by comments from former maryland governor larry hogan, who of course is now running for senate and has a shot, right it flipping that seat urging all americans to respect the verdict. he said in his initial tweet, saying political leaders, regardless of party must not poor more fuel on the fire with toxic partisanship then came the responses perhaps somewhat predictable, a number of folks really just falling in line, including from the trump
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campaign. chris lacivita noting you just ended your campaign and the comments went on from there. scott the reality here, does this solidify even more donald trump's hold on. the republican party? and therefore make it more difficult for more mainstream republicans to actually win the racist well, i will answer your question directly. yes. i think it does solidify trump's hold on. a party precisely because mainstream republicans, people who are decidedly non maga, are as mad about this as the mega crowd. i mean, i've gotten tons of messages from people that i deal with in my own life. over the last several years, who trump's not their favorite person wasn't their first choice. some of them supported other people in the republican primary. and they are hopping mad about this trial, about the fact that it was ever brought in the first place. so it actually gives me a bit of a feeling the same kind of a feeling that i had during the cabin. all supreme court hearings, that was a situation where we're all
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corners of the republican party and it didn't get along and some didn't like trump. all aligned around the idea that kevin hall was being railroaded. i get the same kind of vibe out of this. so right now, i think you're saying governor hogan comments notwithstanding pretty widespread viewpoint and republican party that this is bad, it shouldn't have happened and that trump deserves to be he defended on it. >> i mean, the polling prior to any decision here was that there wasn't a lot of sense that this would change many hearts and minds if you will, among undecided voters. other words, there are a few even trump voters. i should point out in a recent poll from quinnipiac, 6% of those who said they would vote for donald trump, likely trump voters said they wouldn't be he less likely bacardi to vote for him if he were, in fact convicted that is well within the margin of error of that pole, as we know, every single vote counts here bacardi, how likely do you think it is that some of those 6% would make a move to joe biden yeah. >> i don't know if they'll make
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a move to joe biden. are those stay at home, but people keep harping on these poles and i just giggle when they do because we're in may 1 to joe biden's doing extremely well amongst college educated whites in seniors. and three people point out the fact that joe biden is underperforming again with non-white voters. and we i don't think there's any secret that those numbers are only going to rise. and so that's why you don't have any frehse out of many democrats or out of the biden campaign, they're just keeping steady on what they've been doing look i don't necessarily understand the outrage from the right. i don't understand why everybody's in this pickle and all of a sudden, there's this outrage about the criminal justice system. when cao rittenhouse was found not guilty, they said on this on the air and said it throughout the country that we need to respect the verdict when george zimmerman was found not, guilty. they said respect the verdict, but all of a sudden now, when you have an individual who goes through trial, who has access to the council, has the right to
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testify, has the right to confront witnesses in his adjudicated by a jury of his peers. and he's found guilty on 34 counts. all of a sudden, there's something's wrong with that, and it's just i think most people see through it, and i think that the only people who are outraged are those people who want to get in trump's good graces. >> it certainly sets up a really interesting and important conversation moving forward about the justice system, about what it means to your point. but car in terms of a jury, of your peers, and i have a feeling this is something we'll be hearing a lot of on the campaign trail. even if we're not talking about the other issues it will also care about like the economy, for example, bacardi, scott, really good to see both of you, sorry, that's all the time we have for today, but i know you'll be back thanks to all of you for joining me for this hour today. i'm erica hill in new york so to stay with cnn, we're standing by the former president to speak in this first formal remarks. >> since being convicted on all 34 counts we'll take a short break. captain with jake tapper today at four cnn still tools,
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closed captioning bronchi by meso book our firm only represents mesothelioma victims and their families. >> if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with ms ophelie oma, call us now good morning and welcome to a cnn special report, donald trump about to speak any minute now, a day after being convicted on all all 34 counts in his hush money criminal trial, he's become the first former us president convicted of a felony. >> i'm wolf blitzer in
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washington and i'm erin burnett in new york. and these are live pictures just outside trump tower where the 45th president is expected to speak less than 24 hours of the historic verdict. a jury found him guilty on all 34 charges of falsifying business records that verdict coming after nearly 12 hours of deliberations across two days. sentencing is scheduled for july 11, just days for the republican national convention, which is amazing to consider four days before it begins and after yesterday's historic moment, manhattan de alvin bragg made his message clear many voices out there the only voice that matters is the voice of the jury. and the jury has spoken meanwhile trump vowed to look ahead to november and repeated some all too familiar falsehoods along the way this was a rigged, disgraceful trial the real verdict is going to be november 5 by the people one
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thing remains certain. this barring some sort of something we can anticipate does not end until november. the biden campaign is embracing that their message is that the the only way to keep trump out of the oval office is at the ballot box. will erin, let's go straight to cnn national correspondent kristin home. >> she's outside in new york over at trump tower. kristinn, what are we expected to hear from the now criminally convicted former president of the united states well, we'll from told by senior advisers to expect the messaging to remain the same as it has been since before the trial even started, donald trump saying, that this is election interference, that this is a rigged trial trying to link this to president joe biden and saying its political persecution, of course, as we have reported, team lee and over and over over again, this has absolutely no linked to joe biden's and brought by the state of new york. >> but one thing to remind you of donald trump does not always stay on message and just moments ago we saw his team actually remove a teleprompter
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setup that they had in place. >> so clearly not anyone's going to know exactly what donald trump is going to say. you often speaks off the cuff now i will remind you that recent polling we saw just as of yesterday, showed that among people who had said that they were going to vote for donald trump's 7% of them said they were less likely to vote for him if he was convicted now, while that might seem like a small number remember this election is expected to all play out in the margins. both sides believe it's going to be a very narrow victory for whoever wins. but donald trump's team is projecting calm but it's, they said they raised 34.8 million since that verdict came out. this is small-dollar donations. we do know that the site that does that crashed yesterday after the verdict. i should note none of this can be verified until those sec filings come out later this month, but they are projecting competence. they say that they believe this is going to help them rile up their base and bring people out to vote. but just as aaron said, well,
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if this is not over yet, i think that this really will be determined the outcome in november kristin, do we know if trump will just deliver a statement? does speech if you will, or will he act actually answer reporters questions well, we never know. we have been told that he will likely answer questions and we are prepared to ask them about several things involving this verdict as well as his political future. >> one thing i do want to mention that hasn't been touched on is the fact that july 11 is that sentencing date. that is just days before for the republican convention is set to start the timer. donald trump will become the republican nominee, officially, one thing to keep in mind, we talked about how historic it says that a former president has now been convicted of felonies eeg is also likely and almost expected to be a deep republican nominee. he is running for office right now.
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so this is a historic moment on both sides of this kristen holmes reporting for us, kristen, thank you very much. >> you're gonna be a busy lady all day today. i'm sure. appreciate it very much. aaron, back to you. >> all right. well, if so interesting, here with my panel, but kristinn paula reid talking about that sentencing date and how important that is, july 11, four days before the rnc. and i know you've got some new reporting on that tonight today. that's exactly right. i've been speaking with sources in an around trump asking them, are you going to try to push that de fact because of its proximity to the convention. and i'm told that they're not sure some members of the team believe there's a political advantage to keeping it there to help frame trump as a martyr, something they've been trying to do for a long time, and the court of public opinion. so there'll be discussions over the next few days about what they they want to do. but i want to note this is a significant shift. i've been speaking with his legal team about this case for a year now, and this is the first time that i have heard them talk about a purely legal proceeding in purely political terms, because yes, they brought up the 2024 election. i was trying
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to get the case move back in the litigation over the gag order medical speech. but when todd, blanche, and the other lawyers were in that courtroom, they never brought up the 2024 election, and this is the first time that i've seen this shift. and it makes sense because in november, not only is this about the white house, this is also about this to other federal cases, really his only ticket to avoid those serious cases is reelection. >> go ahead and his federal cases that are part of the reason why we're even talking about a july 11th date. i mean, they were the ones who ask the judge yesterday in open court to give them a date that was in the latter half of july, which really only gives them a few options. the judge lucky for them avoided the actual well week of the rnc convention. but the calendar here is really important because even if they push it into august, then they create another political situation for themselves. the democratic convention comes up so they are potentially creating a split screen between trumping sentenced for 34 felony counts, and president
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biden being nominated by his own party for the presidency. its look, i mean, i think they see a lot of political advantages, but there are some political risks. two, for the republican base, this was a bonanza 24 hours for them according to their campaign, they raised what, 35 million, 35 million verdict just a few hours. >> yeah, that's the base speaking. but this election is not going to be won on the republican base. it's going to be won in the margins and with a sliver of voters who are probably not looking at a felony conviction as an advantage for donald, you know, it's amazing done that the point of paul says, shift in strategy, but i mean just macro even on a legal strategy, it's a complete each shift, they have entire premise of donald trump's life has been to delay legal issues. and now he's going to say no, bring it on. let's stick with the date. look, he's got two realities now. he's gotten the legal reality which is completely out of his control other than the appeals and in the political reality in right now what's most interesting to me is, you know, who he did not hear from this morning president biden. president biden was in
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delaware, walk to his helicopter, got honored to fly back to washington. it is often when a president chooses to speak, he did not weigh in on this case out loud, at least not yet, in a way, the biden campaign has seeded the morning to the. trump campaign and the trump response and what you end up with then is this disproportionate response where every trump ally in the world is out there yelling and in sometimes literally screaming about the verdict. but there's no political counterpoint yet, at least not loudly. i mean, we had mitch landrieu on this morning of biden campaign national co-chair, who's said the fact of the matter is donald trump is a convicted felon, but he also made the point not to dwell on it too much and try to try to shift it back to the issues into the character issues they want this campaign to be about gender. >> so what's the strategy here just over these next, as they're making this decision, as we're talking about whether to try to push this date back or not. i understand the political considerations it's here, but on illegal sayyed, i know this is right within the round. we pick out six weeks. you do this. >> would there be precedent or
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reason legally to push it out if trump asked? >> well, so normally you want the attention of your client, right? this is sentencing. you want maybe some people in his orbit to write letters for him. you want him focused on what your arguments are going to be so you can present this we sympathetic portrait to the judge wright. donald trump is not going to play that game. he is not going to show any remorse. we all know that for sure. >> so i think that they don't really mind so much if he's distracted, if he's doing other things, they're gonna kinda do the sentencing on their own in a way that you normally don't. >> so i think for them it's like that pushes me back if it stays, i mean, as long as it doesn't conflict with the other legal cases, i don't think they care so much. and the expectation abbey, of course, is that if he were sentenced to prison, which is realistic, especially given the zakat express remorse says there's an innocent man, right that sentence, wouldn't happen until until after the election of b if he loses. >> so it would seem that the worst the sentence, the better for him in terms of his martyr rhetoric. >> yeah, i mean, when you hear trump's conservative allies talking about the possibilities
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