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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  June 1, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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today, and much closer to what hamas wants. >> i mean, hamas for a long time, it has returning civilians or returning some dead active males of military age that has been a big sticking point netanyahu has said in a statement or his office said in a statement, the war will not end until all its goals are achieved, including the return of all our hostages, the elimination of hamas is military and governmental capabilities. does that wording is that any different than how the wording from when this war began, the military and governmental capabilities i think what is different is the next sentence in netanya statement. and then next sentence said that the current israeli proposal for a hostage deal enables or allows israel to achieve exactly those goals meaning, what was interesting in netanyahu's stay? statement after biden's speech, he did not attack the speech. he
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confirmed that everything biden said was basically the israeli position and he did not push back. and i think it was very interesting because at least i'll tell you my own opinion. i was expecting a tiny out for some sort of a pushback. >> yeah. it didn't to happen and it's very, very interesting. >> brock reviewed, thanks. the news continues right here on cnn outfront next, trump's next move, a former president vowing to appeal his conviction while his lawyers way whether to move his sentencing date. >> michael cohen is my yes plus kristi noem is out front on the verdict. would she be on the gop ticket with a convicted felon? and the people who have been jailed for the same crime as trump far. they and what do their stories tell us about his feet let's go out, find good evening. i'm erin burnett outfront tonight, trump plotting his next move. the former president and now a convicted felon at bedminster, new jersey, his home there after spending the day with his
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family, ivanka jarrod and melania, and barron. all four noticeably absent during trump's historic trial ended up press conference or a speech today, melania, noticeably not present the private shows support comes as trump's legal team has just weeks to file a sentencing memo. the memo is obviously crucial because it's when lawyers would make the case for a lighter sentence. in this case, of course, a jury found trump guilty on 34 criminal counts of falsifying business records. and there's uncertainty about whether the sentencing we'll actually happen on july 11, as it was initially scheduled by judge merchan. trump's attorneys are weighing whether to push that sentencing back, whether to try to push it back. right. they've got to get a request and see if that would pass so this is what they're debating behind closed doors of course, in public, trump is trying to appear defiant. nearly nine years to the de that he came down the escalator to launch his presidential campaign with melania trump today, he returned to the lobby of trump tower down that escalator. she was upstairs. she did not come with him and he came down
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enraged, slamming the case that has now made him a convicted felon it was a rigged trial. >> we wanted a venue change where we could have a fair trial. we didn't get it. we wanted a judge change. we wanted to judge. it wasn't conflicted and obviously he didn't do that this afternoon for the first time, right? it's taken now, 24 hours since the verdict, president biden is speaking out. here's what he's saying. >> reckless is dangerous. it's irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don't like the verdict i'll trump of course, does not like the verdict, but it is actually paying off for him right now, trump campaign putting out a new video tonight featuring his allies all have been flooding the airwaves today to cry foul according to the campaign, they've now raised about $35 million since the verdict was handed down. i want to note that's just small donors and i also but we'll
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make a point that that number came out this morning, so it is likely gone up since then paula reid is outfront live in new york to begin our coverage. as you have been every single day of this trial, paula. and tonight, i know you're talking to your sources in the trump world and trump legal team what are you learning about what they're doing right now and through this weekend right now today over the next few days, trump will continue to confer with his legal and political advisors about what to do in the wake of this verdict. >> and one of the first big questions they need to address is what to do about the date of this sentencing july 11 is just a few days for the republican national convention around the time he was expected to announce his running mate, but it's mega of the sources. i'm told that there are only some folks in trump world who believe no keep it on july 11th. that's a great way to go into the convention as they continue to try to paint him as a martyr. and the victim of an unfair judicial system. but it's interesting though aaron, because this is a shift in how they've approached this case. there is always a tension with
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the legal and the political when it comes to trump. but if you think about this case, yes, the 2024 race came up with they were trying to get the case moves. it comes up in the gag order litigation, political speech, but it never came up in the courtroom. you never heard his lawyers arguing about this during the seven-week trial? but now the 2024 race will be just up factor. it will be the factor that makes sense now that the legal strategy becomes a political one, because retaking the white house is the old only way trump could avoid too far more serious criminal prosecutions at the federal level. >> all right. thank you very much. paula reid, in new york. and i want to go now to my michael cohen. he is of course, trump's former attorney. and the crucial witness in this case, the host of two podcasts. now and may a copa and political beat down. and the author of two books that you see on your screen, revenge and disloyal. a memoir, a true story of former president trump's personal attorney to president donald j. trump? >> all right. michael. >> so here we are. last time i saw you, you were on the stand
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yes, i was 21 hours. >> 21 and so now now you are 24 hours in. do you feel it? >> i actually don't. >> i have very mixed emotions. >> i've kind of had this conversation with my wife and my children because they asked me the identical question i believe that donald should be held accountable. i believe that the verdict was right, that the jurors did exactly what they were supposed to do despite donalds admonition for the judge was conflicted, the jurors are no good. the venue was no good, only because he wants to control troll all aspects of the case, which of course he does not have the right to do nevertheless, i believe the jurors came back with the right decision problem though, is i have family all over the world and i've been speaking to a lot of them who say to me, can't believe that this is the united states of america that the former president of the united states
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is now a felon that he's convicted on 34 out of 34 charges what's happening over there that this is more like something you would have seen with noriega? >> not what america do you think my goal that because today when he spoke and he came in trump tower place, that used to go every single day. yeah. >> came down that escalator that you went up every single day and he said that he should have testified in his 35 five-minute speech do you think you should testify absolutely not. donald, in the truth are two very divergent issues. donald doesn't know how to tell the truth. his lies are compounded only by lots. you know, the old expression, elide b begets a lie. but what happens when you've told 35,000 plus of them? he can't keep the story straight. so it was finally a smart move by whoever told him not to because some of the things that they're telling him, his legal
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strategists, whether it's todd, blanche, or boris epshteyn? i have no idea who the legal strategist is, but i've now coined my own sort of phrase to go against the todd blanche, donald trump gloat the greatest liar of all time. and i call him a slope, the stupidest lawyer of all time because anybody that would allow donald trump to create their own strategy for a defense in a case like this, after he's gotten beaten, so bad hadley, again and again and again, is clearly stupid. >> alright on the issue of telling the truth. >> and there's a lot i want to talk about here because it's important, but on the after the verdict, trump's attorney blanche, he asked the judge to set aside the verdict. nope. and acquit trump and the reason that blanche said this is quote, there's no basis and there's no way this jury could have reached a verdict without a accepting the testimony of mr. cohen. and we believe unequivocally that that testimony, even though it would stand in this courtroom, that he lied there was perjury committed did you lie under
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oath? >> no. no. in fact one of the things that i thought alvin bragg, susan hoffinger, and josh steinglass did. that was brilliant. is they laid out their entire case? even before i got to the stand, there were 19 witnesses that preceded me on the stand and each one of them told the story. and that's story corroborates what i have been saying for six years not one year, not to yet, but since years telling the same story. but here's the beautiful thing they brought me in at the very end, not to be as the media wants to call me the key witness. i i'll accept it, but that's not what i call myself. i am the narrator of the story. >> yes. and what i did is i took everybody's statements. i took documentary evidence, emails, text messages, et cetera. vote recordings. and
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what did we do? we took the statements by other witnesses. we put it all together, which corroborated everything that i'm saying. so just because donald trump, what todd blanche makes a statement that michael cohen committed perjury it doesn't make a difference what they say. it's not supported by any of the jurors, any of the 12 jurors? it wasn't supported by judge. it's not supported by anything other than the defendant himself and his lawyer. >> well, of course, they'll they'll have to fight that on appeal. i mean, this all goes back to and i want to start here on one thing you went to prison because you lied to congress and you've said you did that to protect donald trump. you're working for donald trump. we did that to protect them and you told me the. prison takes your soul now, do you think about it in the context of donald trump do you want that to happen to him too? >> i would like for him to experience what i felt. i'd like for him to experience for 51 days of solitary confinement feels like considering he and bill barr with the ones that actually caused the 51 days of
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solitary confinement so yeah, i would however, out of respect for the office of the presidency and believing that judge much merchan is really very solid ammonium as a judge i'm not certain that donald will ever see the inside of a prison. i believe it will probably be an incredibly strict confinement scenario where it's the same as being there. you're not going to have access to the internet. people don't just come in and come out. yeah. gil, the only difference is he'll have his own food but he's not going to have the access. he's not going to run are you okay with that? yes. and i'm okay with it only costs of my respect for the process, my respect for the office of the presidency my concern goes far greater than enjoying seeing donald go into a prison and wearing an orange jumpsuit donald, we'll talk
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about things that he shouldn't talk about. he will give up national security secrets. let's not forget for fourier year, if he's in prison yes, for four years, he was he was debriefed and he's going to be debriefed now to as a felon, which blows my mind if he becomes the republican nominee will, he give away that information and put yours mind and our families and everybody's families in harm's way. absolutely. >> so. >> okay. i understand how you're saying that you want them to feel that feeling of loss of seoul if he does not win the election, he could be going prison in this case, as well as in federal cases, right. january 6, mar-a-lago here's i think i don't know if you've had a chance to think about this yourself sort of, you know, kind of in your own heart. do you think president biden should pardon him? >> no, absolutely not. why not? because i think it would be wrong. i think that the country deserves to know that no one is above the law and that includes a rogue former president who
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has done everything everything to violate the constitution. the very document that is the foundation of our democracy so he, he spoke about you today, but that speech he gave let me just play exactly what he said about you i'm not allowed to use his day because of the gag order. >> but you know, he's just leesburg everybody knows that took me a while to find out but he was effective. he did work, but he wasn't a fixer. he was a lawyer so i still talking about you actually, you're asleep bag but you were effective? yeah. all right. i'm an effective sleazebags. i again, there's nothing that donald trump can say that has any effect upon me at all the days of me being in the cult of that dumpster cult of donald trump is over right now. he wants to call me a convict. one's called me a felon. guess what,
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pow. so you so were you when you and i had a conversation a couple of months ago and we were talking about the lying to congress. and you said that at that time, if you had not been caught, if that hadn't caught up to you at that time, you were still working for him, you were lying on his behalf? >> that you weren't you were wondering whether you would still be working for trump. do you think you'd still be working for trump now? >> you know, i know this is going to sound sort of i don't know. hollywood ish but it's an issue that keeps me up a lot at night. it plays in my head all the time. where would id when i was in otis bill, there were a couple of inmates, friends of mine that would say why don't just keep your mouth shut. stop attacking the president because he was the president at the time meeting with the manhattan da, who came up three times while i was there yeah. gil part in you you will end up
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working for fox news or newsmax and oan, or you'll run the rnc or something like that and your life will go back into something great and he'll be the president again. it'll, it'll i couldn't do it and made a promise to my wife my daughter, my son, and the country that my loyalty for him, or for him was over and i had said that going back to july 1 of 2018. and it has been six years next month, it'll be six years since i made that promise i did on abc with george stephanopoulos and i'm going to and i said, i'm just going to live up to it. i'm going to do that so i can show my children that doing the right thing. it's never bad to do the right thing. >> well, michael, i really appreciate your time thank you so much for coming on tonight i know it's been it's been a six-year saga, a marathon in the past 24 hours have been a
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sprint that it has good to see right and outfront. >> next, new details about what trump did just hours after his conviction. plus what the next steps are for trump before sense since the day. and republican governor kristi noem attacking the jury in trump's hush money case, the jury, trump's lawyer says the former president help pick. so it's trump to blame never and ohms upfront and how many people who've been convicted of the same prime as trump have actually gone to jail. we've looked through it and you'll get to see it too. >> that's coming up pain means pause on the things you love but breen means go the pain with bio free. and keep on going. bio freeze. >> green means go attention former marines and family members stationed to camp plus june. if you live or work that can't lose you in north carolina for at least 30 days from august 1953 to december 1987 and has been diagnosed
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there's a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don't have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. phone can measure you right now. >> i'm taylor on ios or android, i'm kevin lip ttac at the white house. and this is cnn breaking news, new fund raising numbers. >> justin from the trump campaign now saying they have raised $53 million. >> the 24 for hours since he was found guilty of 34 felony counts. i mean, that is an incredible thing. remember the top of the show, i said what is $34.8 million as of this morning and it surely had gone up 18 million more dollars over a few hours today. >> this is, cnn is learning the trump dying with megadonor is just hours after being convicted. >> kristen holmes is out front tonight at trump tower and christian, you broke the story and all these details. what more do you know about who attended this dinner? >> well, the biggest name that
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was there and was steve sportsmen. and this has been a really big coup for the trump campaign. schwarzman, the ceo, chairman in of blackstone, somebody who had supported trump, mali was in the white house and before that but this year during the gop primary said it was time for a new generation of leadership in the publican party are real staying to donald trump. but just last week would be supporting the trump campaign. and now we have learned that he was dying ending with him just hours after the conviction and other notable name there was real estate mogul jose pepe, a fan rule among others. and i am told that this number for this 53 million which again, we have not verified and we will not be able to verify until we see the epc report. but generally speaking, they are honest about this because as they don't want the news around the fact that they lied around those numbers, but that just has to be the caveat. but the $53 million daddy's just money from online. so all of these dinners that he's been having this
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week with these big time boehner's who are cutting checks that doesn't include that kind of money. and i am told there are still millions some dollars there. that is the soft money and keep in mind, we also know marion madison has just said she's going to donate millions to one of donald trump super pac that was established back in 2020. so you're seeing a real republican donors coming to roost. we'll see what comes out of next week. donald trump on thursday leaves for a big west coast, fundraising a both in california and nevada. i mean, the really interesting thing here is that we spent the big portion of the first part of this year talk think about how no one, none of these big time voters wanted to get behind donald trump and now it seems as though they are all starting to circle the wagons. >> yeah. i mean, it may using all of them after after what they said and what they thought. now, doing this, kristen, thank you very much. outside trump tower tonight. and even as trump is now raised $53 million in small donor money, they say, and untold
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more at this point from those big donor dinners he is preparing to be sentenced. that's the reality. and that's good. i told to happen on july 11, sends could range from jail time to probation or community service, but before the judge decides a pre-sentencing report needs to be prepared, and trump will be spending time gathering letters of support, tried to convince the judge to for knees your sentence in front. now, marco merav, criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor so marc obviously, i mean, it's going to be fascinating to be a fly on the wall for that process. >> for trump's team. >> can you explain what happens next from now until that sentencing day, assuming that it's remains on july 11, yes. sure. the pre-sentence investigation you mentioned, it's just that baseline almost foundation has done usually by the probation parole department, just to give the judge some insight into the demographics in this case, everyone knows what it's going to be in that report. but more importantly, are they
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sentencing presentations that are going to be made by you decide they're called aggravation. that'll be the prosecutor coming in and saying, give mr. trump a harsh sentence. here's why. >> and mitigation from the other side, the defense go and give him very little sentence probation, whatever. >> and here's why. and it's very interesting because the way those to present to the court is going to open up arguments, one to the other. >> the better trump's team says he is, the more that they state will come in and say no, he's not. >> and that opens up everything from hearsay, two letters two witnesses, to almost inner wender as to who this person issues about three sentence because the sentencing the procedure is pretty wide open as far as what you want to present you know, it's an incredible just to go through this, i mean, this is the system, this is the system at work and he's obviously as part of this with, as a convicted felon prior to sentencing, i know the standard here. >> mark is for him to sit down with an interview with a probation officer what happens
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in that interval i guess what happens? what do you think would happen in the case of trump in the case of trump, if i'm on his team i am not going to let him say very much to probation officer. >> you cannot acquire the judge cannot require it so i would say he's going nowhere near it interview. and the reason why is there's so much information that then would be public knowledge that could come back to haunt him in any of the other cases that he has going. and quite honestly, if i were to look at the tea leaves from this and many other cases this judge probably has within five or 10% of his mind made up not in a bad way, but you can't live in this case as a judge know, that gets inside out and not already have a gut as to where you're going and let's face it nothing that's going to be said in aggravation from the state including the other cases pending and everything else and other whatever they want to present nor what they're going to say as to how good a person donald j. trump is, is really
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going to have significant impact on the court. >> it's really interesting that you say a judge would only have five to 10% of their mind made up. i mean, honestly without thinking of judges bias, i think it'd be oh, the other way around okay 90% is mine. >> me. okay. good. that makes sense to me because i'm thinking, wow, he's been seeing their six weeks and he's okay. so i get it. i'm glad you clarified. i misheard you michael calm was just here a couple of moments ago and he said look, he wants trump to experience what he did. he talks about, how we prison in solitary confinement stole his soul, but then he said that he thought trump would get home confinement and he would support that because of trump having held the office of president of the united states do you agree with that? so if i would commit and be convicted of the crimes that donald j. trump was just convicted. i think i would go to jail. i just think so because if he's guilty of what they say, he's
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guilty having now the jury to set. so not only is it 34 felony counts, but it's a real attack on the institute you should have democracy in america without getting all up on a pedestal. and that's very significant. and i think i would go to prison for it. now, i tend to agree with mr. cohen's suggestion that i think the judge has to look beyond mr. trump in this situation and say we have a former president of the united states, we may actually also have an upcoming future presence of the united states and i think the idea of protecting that level of american democracy may outweigh the idea that donald j. trump convicted felon needs to be in prison or jail. i think you will stay at home in a very harsh home confinement setup it is interesting though, the state's these thoughts and what judge merchan no doubt is thinking. all right. thank you so much, mark. great to see you. >> great to see you. give me well, all right. you too. next, we'll former president trump's historic conviction.
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>> sway voters. is it so far i think that when you do bad, that god sees what you do. >> and he kinda shoot you as he sees fit republican governor of south dakota for so you know, ms next plus president biden. >> so far opting not to call trump a convicted felon will that change the co-chair from his campaign is up ahead victims of mesothelioma, and their families may be entitled to receive a cash award from the estimated 30 billion in asbestos trust funds with over $50 billion awarded. >> we have over 30 years of experience and have successfully recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for thousands of clients, even if a family member has passed due to mesothelioma or lung cancer, you may still be entitled to a cash award if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, call wanting hundred 208 1721 now, with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis skin was no longer mine, my active psoriatic
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think, especially i'm one of the crucial swing states that will likely sayyed the election. >> nick valencia is out front trump with 24 go trout, millicent, abby gets emotional when talking about donald trump i love you trump when you look at that flag, what do you think? what do you see? what do you feel well i just i just feel he's coming back via 64-year-old grandmother was right here at her home in atlanta when the guilty verdict came down. she wasn't watching her husband, who is a democrat was, but abby says she made up her mind a long time ago that we be adding a little bit because they say, well trump this, trump that he's gone to jail and this who cares, who cares? we don't care. you don't care at all that he's a kid? >> no, we don't know. nope. >> do you understand that some people would say, you know, the justice system worked here he
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is justices out on the trail of atlantis belt line, the heart of the city is liberal enclave. voters were shocked. anyone could still support trump after the guilty verdict. >> i just think he's crazy. i think somebody who doesn't know your name doesn't care about you at all having that kind of loyalty to somebody who would throw you to the dirt fore. nothing is insane. and i think that trump has kind of put himself in this position where he seen as almost a religious figure by a lot of his supporters. >> and they are willing to follow him regardless of what he does. and that is how does a scary thing. >> i'm kind of upset that he could still run for president and being a felon. but that's how it is clearly just the most despicable person who's ever run in this country. and the guilty verdict. >> oh, i mean, i'm not surprised 20 miles north in cobb county, voters here weren't surprised either in this populace atlanta suburb crucial to biden flipping georgia four years ago, people we spoke to watch the case closely for more than a dozen voters. >> we spoke to the verdict, reaffirmed the way they were
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already leaning do you think that he got a fair shake? >> i think so. yeah, i think so. i mean, it was a jury of tojo and that's how we've always done in his country. >> every man knows he did it he is guilty. >> i think everything happens for a reason and i think that when you do bad, that god sees what you do and he punishes you as he sees fit do you wish that trump could be president forever? yes, i would ask for millicent, abby. she says nothing would stop her from voting for trump in november. so he could literally go on fifth avenue and shoot somebody supportive, than you would support him? some of you may be wondering how we met millerson abby. well, i was driving through in town atlanta earlier this week and i saw trump flag, which is sort of a rarity for a deep blue counties. so we started there and knocked on her door. i don't think any of us expected who to meet who we met when she came to the door, but she tells me she's such a hard core supporters for of trump to the bone that she would vote democrat again, if
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trump switched parties because she says she believes he's a good person, but every other voter that we spoke to wasn't as convinced. in fact, one of the voters that we spoke to in that p.sit says that she has reluctantly voting for joe biden because trump has been proven to be as bad of a person and she doesn't want a hand the election shan over in a state where it was such a small margin of victory in the last election aaron. >> all right. nick, thank you as fascinating and fascinating to hear from all of them. >> i'll for now, the republican governor south dakota, kristinoem and governor noem, i really appreciate your time and obviously, you heard voters different points of view there. >> i want to ask you about one of them in particular, because she describes herself as a christian and an independent voter to obviously very important groups to trump, to win this election. she said, she's turned off by trump. now, she said, quote, when you do bad, god sees what you do, any punished as you, as he sees fit what do you say to her i would talk to her about winning her heart and mind back to the policies that really worked for the average american is
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governor. >> i've had the chance to serve as governor under president trump and under joe biden. and every day that president trump was in the white house, i had the chance to be on offense for my family's in south dakota. we were able to work on real solutions but more money in their pockets, we were able to drive down gas costs and grocery costs for them. they had more opportunities, created more jobs as soon as president biden went into the white house, i went on defense. we've had fighting inflation, we've got an open border that's making their communities more dangerous. so what i would say to her is look at your quality of life today and tell me what it's like here to when president trump was in office because the one thing about president trump that i'm grateful for is i've never seen somebody gets so attacked. so attacked and especially throughout this trial, it was one that was obviously a sham trial that was set up for a conviction so that they could get a talking point to win an election. and that is one thing that i'm just so surprised it's by is that every day when i talked to people, they see through it and they recognize when this happened and there's a role of people, people talk about what a dark day in history this is, i think it
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really is a day of hope because i see president trump's still willing to stand up and fight for our freedom. he said today, he wanted to fight to continue to protect our constitution. that's the foundation of american and to have someone who can get so attacked and try to be destroyed by they want to destroy him and his family. i think everybody who had a part in this trial is gonna go down in history as being a part of trying to take down america and a man who is trying to protect it. >> so i want to show you, call it a sham trial i'm curious what your thoughts are next week a hunter biden's on trial in a case bought and brought by joe biden's department of justice is that a sham trial? >> two no, i think it was interesting about the trial with president trump is that we had a judge that obviously i had donated to president biden before when he is requirements by new york ethics rules said that he had to recuse himself and that type of situation he did not. >> instead, he's still presided over this entire process. president trump, to ask for this to be moved to a
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different venue, knowing the 90% of the voters there did not support him. they voted for president biden. he did not get that benefit of that. he did not get his witnesses that he wanted that would have brought clarity to federal election rules. he did not get the same kind of treatment from the judge that the prosecution did. they got incredible latitude, you just add michael cohen, odd for goodness sakes of may and who could ever admitted in the last couple of weeks that to grand theft larceny the man is a known thief and a liar and has done it over and over again and lied under oath to congress. and now with the guy who wants credibility back out of his and his boss at the time, president trump, but well, of course he's trying to save his own reputation, but he doesn't have any left and that's the problem is they built this whole case around a guy like michael cohen who will say and do anything that benefits michael cohen. and that's what sad about this aaron and makes me says that lawn order is supposed to be blind governor. i was in that
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courtroom several days. i several people testified and i had the opportunity to watch the jury and they paid attention. they were into fatigable and paying attention they were serious there was no no favor shown by any of them and you could look at them and there were times, as you know, i don't know if you've heard people say, oh, well, one of them was sort of nodding and smiling at jd vance. maybe there was bias on the other side. >> they came out unanimously, 12 of you and my american citizen colleagues, and they came to this conclusion are they a sham, are they rigged know i believe that this jury is 12 people that sat there and listened to what they were presented, and that what they were presented was unbalanced, that the prosecution was treated very differently than the defense the instructions that they were given were unconstitutional and that what this jury worked with, what they had to see a trial the last six weeks. and then they go out to deliberate and they come back so quickly. i'm 34
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counts. i mean, that's just that's i mean, it was 12 hours and then we actually did a piece on this. >> i mean, it actually was longer than a lot of other trials to be you can estimate, it wasn't wasn't that short the deliberation was longer for a six-week trial. the deliberation a lot is a lot that we had looked at i mean, they they going i mean, are you questioning they're there i mean, it's interesting. >> i don't question i don't question the jury's efforts. a question. the process for how this trial was conducted by this judge and activist judge, an activist judge who very much decided how he wanted this to come out. not exactly what he wanted, and the prosecutors got what they wanted. they had this plan for on time and they think it's going to work to them politically to benefit and what they're doing is undermining america in our foundations. so i'm going to continue to make sure that we look and show the proof of what these leaders do and the impact they have on the families in this country. >> so it presidential one question house. >> i actually, i'm very curious about this. i want to ask you something else too, but but governor when you were saying you don't question what the
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jury did, you don't like the instructions they were given, what they were presented, but are you saying then that if you had been sitting on that jury, that you would have come to the same conclusion with the context of the rules and the evidence that was presented to you? >> i don't i don't answer how you have hypotheticals. i have no idea what it's like to sit in their shoes and sit in their seats all day like they did. so what i would say is that the american people should look at the facts surrounding what just happened the last six weeks and the unprecedented actions that were taken during this trial and take it for what it's worth and recognize that we need a president back in the white house that gets up every day and fights for them. and our world was much more secure then as well, look at what happened this week. what president biden and his team have been able to do to distract america with this trial. they were not just talking about this open border. the fact that president biden is violating federal law by allowing governor noem. i do think it's important to note that this trial was not brought by the department of justice, which is bringing a case against president biden, son hunter biden that starts next
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week this case, the department of justice did not choose to pursue against trump. it was brought by new york so you just said that hasn't biden's case. that's not true we all know that the obama administration officials that were route to this da's office in order to bring forward this type of action against president trump. and we all recognize that hillary clinton did this exact same thing and she paid a fine for it and instead, when it's president trump and no crime was committed, and he did nothing wrong. instead, they bring 34 felony counts and convictions against him. it's it's complete different judicial treatment and that is what is being undermined in our country that i think is so unfortunate, so devastating to us going forward. meanwhile, in the rest of the world, we have israel that we need to rebuild trust with president biden who gave a very confusing press conference today. muddy de-stabilizing the middle east. and then we saw the united states allow ukraine to use western weapons to go into elevate hostilities with
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russia. where i'd love to have a broader conversation with you about that. i'd love to have a broader conversation. from those issues, but i want to ask you, when you talk about the conviction and donald trump is now a convicted felon of 34 counts. >> he has said that your name is on his list for vp governor just a few weeks ago, we called you a terrific person. >> he said, i like her a lot if you offers you the vp spot, are you willing to run and serve with him even though he is now a convicted felon you guys want him to win and he and he knows that i've told him that before. >> is it, sir? i just want you to win because i know how different life was when you were in the white house making the decisions. and i love my job as governor. i absolutely love it and i love my state but i want him to win. and so i'll do what i can to be helpful. all right. well, governor noem, i appreciate your time tonight. thank you very much. >> thank you. you bet. you have a wonderful evening. you too. and next i'm going to get reaction to what governor noem just said from the co-chair of the biden campaign. plus, if trump is sentenced to jail time, what would his time
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behind bars look like? >> special report ahead night just got better introducing the black stone each other for fast, delicious restaurant quality pizza, riding your backyard it's never been easier with blackstone's patented
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pain with bio free and keep on going biobricks, green means go over how solomon in new york is cnn i'm dr. sanjay gupta and this is cnn tonight, republican governor kristi noem, just now outfront, echoing the sentiments of many republican politicians in the wake of donald trump's conviction on 34 felony counts last see the legal system and alleging the president biden was involved, he was not out front now to respond to noem's comments, cedric richmond, co-chair of the biden harris 2024 campaign, also was a senior adviser and the biden white house. >> so cedric you were sitting there and you had a chance to listen to governor noem. she made the allegation that this was a quote, sham trial that was get up to help democrats win the election. she was very clear about that. what's your response to that it said it sad to see so many republicans just forfeit their morals and their
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conscious to please donald trump. >> and i think we see that over and over again. i had the pleasure of serving with the governor and congress but now you see that donald trump has taken over the republican party and it's all about donald trump. and when you look at president biden, he's more concerned with the american people. and i think that now you see that probably more than ever before so a marist poll that just came out this week shows and i'm saying obviously came out before the actual conviction says 67% of registered voters. so that if trump was convicted, it would make no difference to their vote. 15% said it would make them more likely to vote for trump, 17% less likely and we just got the numbers. i don't know if you heard cetera because you probably weren't hooked in yet. but you may have known the numbers last night. they said they raised 34.8 million in a few hours they're now up to 55 million in small donations in just a few more additional hours and $55 million raised on the back of this conviction what kind of effect do you think this conviction is actually going to have on the election?
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>> well, the best way to get rid of donald trump as to beat him at the ballot box. and we're going to continue to say that we're going to continue to run a campaign focused on the american people and the issues that they face. >> and with the president the former president's not surprising. that is hardcore bass doubled down and gave him money because, he asked for it, but that is his hardcore base and i think that when you look at moderate republicans, you look at independence. i think that this is disqualifying for them. >> and there were already on the verge anyway, but we will continue to run a campaign based on what the president has been able to do, his vision for the country, his character, his wisdom. and we will point out the alternative. >> but i think that no matter how hard his advocates and governor known tries to paint a picture of pleasant days when he was in. clearly they forgot the a hundreds of thousands of americans that died. the 54% of schools that we're closed when
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he was in office, the fact that he lost more jobs he's the second president history of the united states to lose more jobs then. >> but do you worry people that all on covid and they say that covid and not him well his response to covid was incompetent and ridiculous. remember, he said, it'll just go away. he encouraged americans to drink bleach. we came into office on the first day we got vaccines out and we made sure that we treated it in a responsible way for the pandemic that lesson we got schools open, we got checks and people's pockets, and we got kids back in school and people back at work. >> all right. well, i obviously i would like to ask you a lot more about that because i think there's a lot of complexity over the second biden set of checks and trump's and the inflation we're facing now. but cedric, i want to ask you about something that i played a few moments ago. oh, and i wanted to give you a chance to respond. and the context i want to put around it is from the most recent polling, we have
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23% of black voters would choose trump in a two-way race between trump and biden. obviously that's an incredibly high number relative to historic elections. and nick valencia was in georgia. he was in a swing county. he was saw trump flag went and knocked on the door. the woman who met met him at the door who lives there as a black voter, self-described lifelong democrat. and she now supports trump. so he asked her why, and she said this you don't care at all that he's a convicted felon now? >> nope do you understand that some people would say, you know, the justice system worked here. >> he does this ism how concerned are you about sentiments like that well, we have work to do in terms of all demographics, but in the black community, we have to make sure that we get out. >> we talked to when we knock doors and we communicate that under president biden, we reduce black child poverty by 50% that black unemployment is
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at all-time low black business startup is an all-time high black wealth is up 60%. the racial wealth gap is the lowest. it's ever been but we have to communicate that and that's what campaigns are four will continue to do it. >> yeah, republican obstruction black, the job george floyd act, but the president did it with an executive order. they blocked the john lewis voting rights act. the president did what it is active water, the supreme court blocked student loan forgiveness, but the president did it with his authority. so that's what we're gonna do. we're gonna go out and we're going to make the case for why this president deserves reelection. >> all right. well, cedric richmond, i appreciate your time and thank you very much. on this friday and next, what trump could be looking at if you look at the full guidelines, it could be 20 years behind bars, not gonna be that the question is really actually go to prison. and if he does, where would he go? >> special report next? >> pain means pause on the
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this cnn tonight, 187 years in prison. that is what trump is telling his supporters. he's facing after being convicted on all 34 counts, that of course is false new york has a maximum of 20 years for felonies like this. and there's a real question about whether he'll actually serve anytime in prison. jason carroll is outfront this is a scam. >> donald trump showed no sign of contrition in front of cameras today, the former president choosing some of his words carefully, i'm under a gag order nasty gag order. >> where i've had to pay thousands of dollars in penalties and fines. and was threatened with jail. >> trump is already violated. the court's gag order ten times violations, which can be considered during his sentencing, is just one of the factors. judge juan merchan will review now that trump has been convicted on all well, 34 counts of falsifying business records. each count carries up
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to a $5,000 fine and a maximum of a four year prison sentence, though, legal experts say jail time for trump seems unlikely for a number of reasons, including trump is a first-time offender. his age, he's 77-years-old hold and he was convicted for a low-level felony. and consider this according to the new york law journal, than manhattan district attorney's office has prosecuted more than 400 cases involving falsifying business records since 2015. recent data shows just one in ten resulted in a defendant serving jail time. if and again, a very big if trump is sentenced to jail time, he could end up at any one of several facilities in new york city including the notorious rikers island the majority of the facilities are on rikers, but there are what are also referred to as the borough houses, cser jails that
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are located in four of the five rows of new york trump would also have what corrections experts call sight and sound separation from the general inmate population sell it is that we would accomplish separation for the safety and security of that individual and others dan horwitz is a defense attorney who has some insight into the workings of the manhattan district attorney's office, if he wasn't the former president, if he wasn't running for president again, this would be an entirely different conversation. >> horwitz formerly prosecuted white-collar cases for the manhattan da and says a more realistic outcome for trump might involve in paying a fine sentenced to probation, a conditional discharge, or home detention. >> would you prefer to sit at mar-a-lago? maybe play a round of golf i'll fifth the probation department of commits you to do that, but you're not permitted to go on the campaign trail. i guarantee you that donald trump would say, i'd
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prefer not to have home detention. it is a restriction on your liberty. there is no doubt about that. >> certainly trump's critics would not like to see him serve any of his time at any of his luxury property he's including here at trump tower, whatever the sentence. judge verse sean has a number of options erin. >> all right. jayson. thank you very much. and before we go, some news, just breaking tonight, the obamas are announcing that michel's mother, marion robinson, passed away today in chicago. in a statement, former president obama writing for the healthy nudge, she agreed to move to the white house. we needed her the girls needed her, and she ended up being our rock through at all. according to michelle obama, she was the most popular person in the white house. something she and her mother have spoken about mad cow them into allowing me to do my own laundry. >> and she was the most beloved figure in the white house. let me tell you. i believe dream of people butler's the