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tv   The Chris Wallace Show  CNN  June 1, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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close captioning brought to you by meso our firm, only represents mesothelial hello again and welcome. >> it's time fault today, we're asking donald trump is a convicted felon should the former president get jail top, then joe biden's predicament give any is struggling in the polls, should biden, focus on trump's conviction and heads up the new airplane seating plan that may have you looking over your shoulder a lot the panel is here and ready to go. so sit back, relax, and let's talk about up first, the fallout from donald trump's conviction from the moment jurors found trump guilty on 34 felony
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counts. the former president as allies have gone on offense, looking to turn his historic legal loss into a political win this is a scam. there's a rig trial. >> donald trump vowing to fight back. >> i'm willing to do whatever i have to do to save our country. his allies and potential running mate's also quick to attack the verdict. >> this is the weaponization of the justice system against their political opponents. >> this was an attack job this is what you see in banana republics. trump's sentencing set for july 11, just four days before the republican convention. >> this is going to be such a tough call for judge merchan. >> the big question whether the former president could get jail time. >> any other defendants who was similarly situated to donald trump, who is not going to show remorse. anyone else in that position would get would get prison. >> the conviction doesn't prevent trump from running four or serving as president. >> there's really no
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projecting how this is going to impact the race. >> but while a guilty verdict may not change, most voters minds, 7% of trump's supporters in a recent poll so they'd be less likely to vote for them he is convicted even a small change in the entire electric could make a massive change when you have a margin that is this close. >> here with me today, podcast der and author kara swisher, ri salam, president of the manhattan institute and national review, contributing editor new york times journalist and podcast host lulu garcia-navarro, author and conservative pollster. kristen's salt has anderson welcome back everyone. kristen, you've seen these reason polls. i just referred to words six to 7% of trump supporters said they might reconsider their support if he were convicted. >> can a convicted felon be elected president? how much has the developments this way? how much of they heard his chances of winning in november? >> well, we'll know a little bit next week when the first polls come out of the field, i'm a pollster. i loved to
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rely on that data. but even in the absence of that, i still feel pretty confident that, yes, a convicted felon, if it's donald trump, can still win election to or rather reelection as president, right now, when i look at polls, i see a lot of voters don't like donald trump personally. they don't think he's a good guy, but they still think he's better on the economy. the fact that he is now a convicted felon in court doesn't necessarily change. how would he perform on issues? he was like, who's going to make cost of living better so i can imagine this not necessarily changing the race until sentencing. the question of do i want to vote for somebody who is actually looking at prison time is different than the question of, do i think donald trump is that good or bad person and that's where i'm really waiting to see do the polls. all right. we're gonna get to that in a minute, but lulu we had never had a president who had ever faced criminal charges. now, we have a former president running for reelection, who've been found guilty on 34 charges. how big a
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roadblock do you think that is to him? the rest of this campaign? >> i disagree with kristen because i actually think it's going to be a substantial roadblock. i think it takes time for this kind of thing to settle in. we're just seeing all the messaging going out. we're seeing republicans coming and repeating the same words over and over again. banana republic fraud. >> and that kangaroo court, kangaroo court, that's another one of their favorite ones and what we're seeing is that that's going to, people are going to listen to that and they're gonna make their own decision. >> but ultimately, i mean, do we want to have a president that is a convicted felon whatever you think of our justice system. i mean, this is a huge deal ryan as we said in the piece, trump will be sentenced on july 11. >> that's just four days before the republican convention. your heard that former prosecutor in new york say anybody in this situation
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who had been found guilty of violating a gag? what are ten times who john absolutely no remorse would face jail time do you think that trump should get jail time i don't. >> and i also suspect that judge merchan is not going to give them prison sentence. i think it's more likely that there will perhaps be a fine or probation, something along those lines, partly leave because, you know, surely he understands this is someone who has 77-years-old. this is the first time he's been involved with the criminal justice system in this way and also that this whole case relies on a very novel legal theory this is something that is going to go up to an appeal very, very soon and i think that it would be really dicey to impose a prison sentence in this case, qarrah, former president be sentenced to spend some time in jail. >> if you surprised by c, no, it's the office, not him is just the way we sent nixon a way to california is just he
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cannot be incarcerated. he could make have you have some home cursing, maybe he wears something. i don't know something else, but it shouldn't be incarceration. it's just that this hole, right now in a really dicey period of distrusting all our institutions. and it seems it just will, it will help him, it will help the maga people. it's not good for america, for america as a whole to do that. >> hello, you agree with that i'm conflicted. >> i don't want to be sitting in judge machines shoes. it's a very, very difficult decision. but if the idea is that you are supposed to be equal under the law, then you should be equal under the law. and so if the decision is that that is what he should face, then i think that that i would i would trust his decision i want to talk about another element of this. >> the reaction among right-wing commentators has been stunning here is a fox news anchor we're going to
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vanquish the evil forces that are destroying this republic and the daily wire's matt walsh posted this donald trump should make and publish a list of ten high ranking democrat criminals who he will have arrested when he takes off his question what do you think is the effect of these republican calls for revenge? well, there's a lot of anger and a lot of animation on the right and the far right, right now. i mean, you look at donald trump's fundraising numbers in the 24 hours after the verdict came out, he raised almost 35 million. now granted a lot of that's going to have to go pay legal fees for this. and the other cases he's involved in. but there is a lot of anger, much the same same that we saw after mar-a-lago was rated much the same as we saw during the republican primary when trump's numbers went up every time he faced more legal peril. >> so this is really, really, really, motivating parts of the right, frankly, even parts of the right that don't like
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donald trump. >> i mean, susan collins, the senator for maine, not donald i'm trump fan at all. it she even came out and said, i think this is wrong that may be but what that was jesse watters saying that fox news host, i could take jesse watters is the one hand tied behind my back. the violent rhetoric is really troubling from my per second. you can disagree with, you can say this is terrible. this shouldn't have happened, but the idea of violent red, and we're going to rest people. matt walsh is a menace in that regard. this is not the way we shoved guide posted on. yes, exactly. because this is not how we should talk. you can have disagreement without moving into violent rhetoric. and to suggest it is a real mistake early on. >> what about that? i mean, it's fair game to criticize the result the verdict of the jury but it's gone beyond that in some cases where there's talk about going after democrats and let's put joe biden in jail and i understand
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that some would say that's the natural sort of consequence of what's happened here. but it's troubling, isn't it? >> well, i do think that calling for violence is never a good idea. that is, that is outrageous. it's dangerous. i'll also say that there are a lot of folks who have good reason to believe that no one else would have been prosecuted under this novel legal theory. and also that there are other folks who've been guilty t of campaign finance violations where they've been fined and where there have been no remotely similar consequence. and we think that yeah, a for tat response to that is inevitable. >> during those six weeks of trump's trial, president biden's pull numbers barely moved with trump's still leading in key swing states. how can biden change the narrative? then fond of flags, justice alito's latest account has sparked a new debate about what is fellow justices could do and lighter summer surge. the popular tradition for many families that may now be costing too much to continue
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dangerous, it's irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don't like the verdict president biden denouncing donald trump's attacks on the justice system. >> it's a rigged, it was a rigged trial. does first public remarks and trump's conviction, the american principle that no one is above the law was reaffirmed. >> but the biden campaign's main focus has been on the ballot box. >> only the american people on election day can stop him from becoming president again, from six weeks and court had little effect on the poll since the trial began. they've remained largely unchanged, forcing first lady jill biden to weigh in. >> i believe that americans are going to choose good for evil and leaving democrats focused on energizing voters. we cannot have a president shrunk get back into the white house. it will be dangerous for all of us preska in your are pollster. how should biden played
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trump's conviction? should he harp on convicted felon us some people in his camp were saying, or should he move on and talk about issues that more directly affect people's lives. >> the ladder absolutely. i was very concerned when you suddenly had robert de niro showing up in front front of the courthouse sort of at the behest of the biden team. oh, are they going to start leaning into this more or are they going to start making a bigger deal? because all that will do is play right into donald trump's claims that this is a biden rigged political thing by stepping back, letting the headlines speak for themselves and focusing all of your time on the issues that matter most to voters that would be the smartest strategy for them. plain and simple. you're seeing that actually happen right now. >> i mean, only yesterday biden came out and started talking about the middle east, talking about a peace plan, saying trying to show his stature as a president, which i think is a real counter narrative to what you see trump doing. yeah, the inclination shinese have put up your dukes thing like put up
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your dukes joe, do you go after them and you do starts when you lie down dogs, you get up with fleas kind of thing. and so he should stick to the economy, how he's helping. >> are you saying that he he should just sort of let the narrative of convicted felon or lead tell itself, surrogates talk about it and i was about to say top is surrogates to talk about it, but he should be talking about things he's doing for the american people, as long as we're giving the precedent advice ry on throughout the trial the rice stayed remarkably even though there was a lot of negative information that was testified to about trump, the re-state really even wood from ahead of biden narrowly, but by a margin in swing states, what does biden due to change the narrative? >> this is really, really tough my consistent line on this has been that biden strategy is to reach out to suburban voters folks to really are motivated by abortion. for example, as
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their main issue and i think that there is some number of voters, particularly educated, more affluent voters, for whom that kind of democracy, protecting democracy narrative, is something that is compelling for them. so i think that either trying to project himself as the adult in the room is his best bet. i think that in some ways he's been conceding too much to his left flank, particularly when it comes to the middle east. and i think that that is something that's going to need a bit of a correction from him if he's going to actually consolidate that kind of moderate suburban group that's been so crucial for a gretchen written letter, for example, or a josh shapiro. but lulu in the polls voters clearly favorite trump over biden on some of the biggest issues like immigration, like crime, like, if not inflation, the cost of living, how does biden flip the script on those issues? i think he's in a lot of trouble. i think two right hands point. he really needs to show that he is the grownup in the room. but i will also say
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this. we keep on talking about his message with large, this will come down to a very small group of people who are persuadable and that is why what has happened to donald trump right now. and that the fact that he is now a felon, a convicted felon it's going to matter and people who say that it isn't going to matter. i don't think understand how close this election is going to be and who is going to be contesting it. and so my general feeling on this is that he needs to keep doing more of what he is doing and my biggest concern is that the problem isn't the message, it's the messenger people don't like biden. they think he is either too old, they not energetic enough. there's change that i understand that and that is that is my my bigger concern for the democrats. if i had to say what it was, one of the most interesting trends in this campaign is that vote there's view trump more favorably now
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than they did when he left office for instance, approval for his handling of the economy has gone up ten points from 2020 to 2024, and 40 42%, right? the trump presidency has mostly good for the country compared to 25% who said that about biden kristen one thing that people have suggested could trump's conviction cause some people to stop the trump amnesia that they'll remember some of the chaos, some of the disorders, some of the things they didn't like about those four years that trump was actually in the white house. >> it could insofar as the the doubts of the trial over the last couple of weeks, your median american voter has not been following it, but the verdict itself has broken through. i would imagine it's the sort of thing that even if you don't care that much about political news, you probably haven't missed this headline. and so if you are the kind of lower information voter, which i don't say as a bad thing or an insult, but just somebody who has the out there living a life who is not. >> are some of trump's biggest
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supporters exactly. are those sorts of folks who maybe as they begin to remember a little bit more, do they start seeing trump in a different light? it is normal for people to have nostalgia for past presidencies. just look at how many democrats now have a soft positive view of george w bush for instance. >> so we're seeing this with trump the more people think of him as a political actor. >> i think that will pull his favorite memory whole of america is so deep and wide. i mean, next week we'll be onto something else, whatever the controversy that you didn't do, fiction is going to, i think america operate on a constant memory hole of things that have happened before they don't remember things as you move and donald trump lives in that social media fast forward snackable environment. >> he's been denounced so often it just feels like no, he's a rogue, right? >> so we know it from the my wife did a defense to the my wife likes flags argument up next, justice alito's latest story that led a congressman to propose a bold idea. plus the new airplane seating plan
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plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! $79 at or amazon this is a secret war. secrets and spies premiers tomorrow at ten on cnn. >> closed captioning brought to you by meso if you or a loved one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to 14000 just when you thought justice samuel alito's flag controversy had blown over. democrats in congress stepped up calls for a laid to sit out january 6 related cases, including whether donald
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trump has immunity, all that to comply with the supreme court's new who code of conduct these flag flying incidents show are political statements and they're part of a pattern by justice alito. >> and the reason that each should disqualify himself but i'll laid out, replied to senate democrats saying he would not recuse himself because he had nothing to do with the flag's. >> he wrote. my wife is fond of flying flags. i am not meanwhile, new reporting from the new york times about the inverted flag incident contradicts alito's version of events about who started the neighborhood fight and when which led to mrs. alito raising the flag. and former president donald trump jumped in going after democratic critics of all laid out trying to play the rafah alito's a tough guy and he's strong and very, very smart. and he put out a great statements or gave them a lot
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of credit for it, but they play the ref they intimidate them lulu, as we learn more about the alito flag controversy, does the story get better or worse for the justice? >> i think the story gets worse for the justice. i think the statement that he put out and was widely panned, the idea that my my wife ate my homework and she did it and she likes to fly flags. oh, my gosh sir, the cocaine has in mine. i mean, it's it's it's sort of like all that kind of stuff doesn't doesn't help. and just the history in particular of the flag in their vacation home. the more that that comes out about who is behind that flag, the christian nationalist themes about it. how has been raised up in the past few years? here's for stop the steal. i think it is deeply troubling, frankly but let me pick up on those because we have learned more this week about the whole controversy. >> the justice says, when you saw the inverted flag, i asked my wife to take it down, but
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for several days she refused. as from the flag at the new jersey beach house. he said it's her property. >> yeah. there was no step ladders. and as you know, it's nice. here's what's nice. he wants a woman to make choices on her own. that's a really nice thing for him to do at this point given his history and chris just a little history lesson about the appeal to heaven flag. it literally was flying above san francisco city hall until this past weekend, right? deed and four 460 years, it has been a perfectly acceptable symbol that also those all right, in the last week, because it's become inconvenient for folks because they've decided to use this as a wedge against justice alito, martha-ann alito, have disagreements and their families dan is making communications with us in with these flags. you know, she is that's what she's doing. >> she's been added or neighbor runs flag ridiculousness when you had who was it assisting one of the justices during their confirmation hearing and they kept flashing an okay. sign and people said, oh, that's a sign that they're a secret white
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nationalists. >> there's some of this does feel like we're looking in through the tea leaves trying to find what i want. i want to move on because the key question at this point is whether or not a laid out we should stay on these two january 6 related cases, including the one about whether the president should have total immunity last fall, the supreme court adopted a code of conduct that quote, a justice should disqualify himself or herself in a proceeding in which the justice's impartiality might reasonably be questioned. >> qarrah, should justice alito recuse or not, doesn't matter. he's not going to i'm asking you whether he should he should probably think about it, but he won't do it. so what's the point of even having that hypothetical? he's not gonna do it. he is a tough guy and he's just going to refuse. so well, what else okay. here's alito's reasoning as to why qarrah, as he's not going to step down. he interestingly enough, he wrote back to his critics in the senate and the
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house. and this is what he wrote a reasonable person who is not motivated by political or ideological considerations or a desire to affect the outcome of supreme court cases would conclude this event does not meet the applicable standard for recusal kristen kristen is a later right? >> think he's right there. i might have said less about his wife and the flag and all of that probably had a couple of sentences, too many in that letter. but that's the core of the case, right there. i don't think that the fact that there was a flag flying over his house that again, an uncharitable interpretation, is that he somehow is secretly expressing his opinions about the political event. i think it's nonsense. i think when you look at somebody like senator ed markey, he tweeted as the story was all breaking. this is why we need this code of conduct and we need to pack the court and it was like a high there. they give up the game. they're not mad about justice alitos flag. they're mad that there's a 6-3 conservative majority on the court and progressives don't like that. >> well that's entirely true
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because then there's democratic congressman jamie raskin who says if alito and justice clarence thomas, his wife, work to overturn the election, won't recuse the department of justice should petition the seven other justices. >> there are other cases like that, but this one is clearer than any of them really, where you get a judge and or his wife basically wearing their political heart on their sleeve. what does that say to the parties before them? >> lulu should the other justices make both thomas and alito recuse themselves from the january 6 cases. >> so the idea behind what raskin is proposing is that the court should police itself. i mean, essentially is what he's saying and it shouldn't be left up to the individual justice, and it shouldn't be left under the up to the individual justices. i think leaving this case aside, i don't think that that's a bad idea. i mean, isn't that what everyone's been calling for an actual implementable policy there that holds people to account for their actions and so on the
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face of it, it looks good unfortunately, though we know that none of the justices have any appetite to do this, i'll just note that a jamie right? raskin also objected to the certification of the 2016 presidential election. he's also been as kristinn was noting early, ron, a huge advocate of packing the court. this is not a serious credible independent, nonpartisan voice on the court. he is someone who has a hard-core ideologues who is exactly the kind of person that justice alito was taught? about. so look, i mean, people disagree with their spouses and they should not have to recuse in those instances let's hope we don't have to talk about flax next week homeowners or recusing themselves from our traditional must-have. >> and it could be a costly move for you. we'll explain plus step aside, coke and pepsi, the newer and healthier soft drink that's now all the ray distend the cup let's live
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minerals get a new fiber blend with a prebiotic cornea zelda, it's gotten me, i saw them. that's what i said. >> god. >> god-man, saada gotten knee, got to me, got juicy gardner and this keeps you going. >> so whatever care care about, there's a doug bird, everybody i'm on roger than capitol hill. this is sienna once again, it's time to get our groups yay or nay, on some big talkers up first with summer break starting, parents are spending more and more. >> to send their kids to camp according to the american campuses, the asian, the average day camp now costs at
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$7 a day. that's up 10% from last year and sleep away camp are now 173 bucks a day which adds up quickly when you consider those camps are usually a multi-week commitments. so kristinn are you a yay or nay for paying those prices to send your kid to ccap. i know they're too young, but when they get to the probably going to have to be a yea when the time comes because what choice will i have? i mean, the reality is a lot of our institutes in this country were built around a time when families were one income institutions. we don't live in that world anymore, but things like the public school system haven't kept up so schools are out all summer and the day ends at three and parents would have having to pay the price in our new modern world where surprise both parents often work illu, instead of having to save for your daughter to go to college? hello to you. now going to save for your daughter to go to camp j. >> what happens let me tell you something. this makes me so furious january rolls around and all of a sudden the
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floodgates open and you're in this competitive rat race to get the few tiny seeds that are left for your child because what are we going to do? we're working parents and we can't just have her sitting at home all day when she's 11-years-old. and so it's a nightmare and will pay whatever it is at this point because it's extortion and something as kristen rightly points has to change. >> so you're a definite maybe on that. okay. >> next, a luxury version about controversial airplane seating idea you may have seen this product type last fall, which eliminates overhead bins and replaces them with double-decker rows of seats and economy. this week, the same designer came up with a first-class version where the top deck has a coat style configuration and all seeds keep their luxury comfort, including lie flat beds, karam, you're are world traveler or you yay or nay, on this elevated ideas, i like it. i like it. i like a very comfy, i don't think i don't like airlines innovated at all forever. and i loved the idea of doing different things
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within these planes. and i'm all for trying all kinds of different ants, but you this is how when we move around the world and it's good to innovate each plane to that changed in 50 years kristen the designer doesn't like it being called double-decker, which was my initial idea. >> he calls with 3d seeding. are you buying a ticket? >> i think that is trying to stretch branding a little too far. i was not a fan at first. i looked at the design and i thought well, this seems interesting, and then i noticed that the prototype didn't have a roof and it really raise some questions to me about the live ability of the top bunk piece of this puzzle. so count me as a fine line, healthy alternative to your favorite soft drink. this way, bloomberg reported sodas startup, ali pop will hit about five hundred million dollars in sales this year. that's more than double last year. and it's more than 500 times what it sold in its first year in 2019. ali pop as part of a growing category of healthy sodas with less sugar
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and calories than traditional brands somebody even include prebiotics and fiber ryan, are you yay or nay, on healthy soft drinks? >> i am a firm, strong nay, as the son of a nutritionist, i will tell you that liquid sugar is awful for you, even if it's reduced liquid sugar, stick with water, have a green tea every now and again, but steer clear of the sauce. it's very very bad. >> lulu, are you healthy soda drinker? >> healthy soda drinker. i had a poppy before i came here today. i like it. that explains your behavior yeah. >> i'm i'm i'm a firm yea i think people like soda pop in life. they like a bit of fizz and it's, you know, what's really good. everyone? once in a while, an ice cold coca cola diet coke no real hardcore cope up next, the risky move. some of your neighbors are making to save money. that's gone under the radar dealing years after
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d-day, jake tapper talks to top generals about the state of democracy. are we protecting what we want to save? >> their has been democratic? backsliding around the world. >> are you concerned the whole story with anderson cooper tomorrow at eight on cnn with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, my skin was no longer mine. my active psoriatic arthritis joint symptoms held me back don't let symptoms define you emerge as you with via most people saw 90% clear skin at four months. and the majority stayed clearer. i'd five years from phi is proven to significantly reduce joint pain, stiffness, and swelling. it's just six doses a year after two starter doses, cbs allergic reactions may occur, can fire, may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them until you dr, if you have an infection or symptoms for if you had a vaccine, are planning to emerge as you emerged rem fired asked your doctor about trump via
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lactate is 100% real mouth just without the lactose delicious to just ask my old friend kevin. now the ligand joined the call one while watching the game who's winning no idea. real milk reel, delicious. >> and don't forget to try some delicious creamy lactate ice cream what is that mabel wow, it's marked out i can't
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wait for this family get away. >> shingles doesn't care shingles is a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks there's nothing like a day out with friends that's nice. >> what she doesn't care 99% of adults 50 years or older already had the virus that causes shingles inside them and it can reactivated anytime a perfect de for a family outing. >> guess what? shingles doesn't care, but qing bricks protests. only xiang drinks is proven over 90% effective. shangri-la this is a vaccine used to prevent shingles and adults 50 years and older, xiang greeks does not protect everyone in his heart for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose and increased risk of geom bar a syndrome was so observed death for getting sheeran bricks fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach, shingles doesn't care but xing greeks protects asked your doctor or
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pharmacist about xing greeks today. >> okay. ready to ask me one second. >> i got to finish my laundry. >> it's girls night. one second. i use rinse was rents to the company that will pick up wash fold and olivia laundry, dry cleaning at the touch notch is other people with my laundry rinse guarantees your satisfaction. >> i've been using it for months now with no issues okay. let's watch this weight. >> i'm gonna do my laundry. >> better, hurry done. i'll gu
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fit. >> now, comfort looks good. >> this is a secret. war, secrets and spies premiers tomorrow at ten bomb cnn under the radar this week, we've heard about companies dropping people's home insurance policies because of more storms and wildfires. >> but now now people are starting to drop the company's recent data shows 12% of homeowners had no home insurance in 2022. that's up from 5%, just a few years ago.
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it's partly due to home insurance premiums which have jumped more than 40% of the last five years. experts say the cost spike because, because of an increase in severe storms, as well as inflation and labor shortages, which make repairs more expensive for insurance companies. and here's where it could impact your bottom line experts say, if more people opt out of home insurance, it could drive up premiums for other homeowners kristin, how risky is it to voluntarily drop insurance on your home? >> it is a terrible idea because in the end, if something happens and as we know with the climate changing, with the expense of getting your home repaired, it's going to destroy your life savings. you're gonna be looking to the government to bail you out in that case. i think this is terrible. who i feel bad for the people who lose coverage in involuntarily, the people who are losing their coverage because their insurer is folding up, closing up shop, leaving the state. you see this
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in places like lulu, my home state of florida, the insurance market, there is a disaster right now because it's just too expensive to keep insurance open there lulu, what do you think's going on here? >> yeah, climate change. hello, this is the problem that we're having and we're facing it more and more. i mean, we've had this as the canary in the coal mine for some time, but now we're facing an actual insurance crisis in places like florida because it simply is unaffordable to be able to ensure your home. and so now, people are not ensuring their homes and what's going to happen when the next storm comes, their houses are gonna be destroyed. >> ryan khan, some politicians are suggesting a government option where the government would be the insurer of last resort but there are people in my guesses, you might think that this creates a moral hazard where we are protecting developers and protecting homeowners from building and living in places that are dangerous like on seashores with rising sea ties and oceans. >> government is the problem here for a variety of different reasons from a variety of
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angles. one thing is that home ownership is much more expensive than it needs to be because of land use regulation, because of tight zoning. but then also you're trying to lower a lot of people through fannie and freddie through a variety of different subsidies into homeownership who are not necessarily ready for it think about single-family home rentals. that's become a huge political controversy. but there are a lot of people for whom renting actually makes a lot more economic sense. and seeing to it that some larger entities ventura almost out of time heavy. it isn't owning your own home. one of the best investments you can possibly make, the fact that it's such a good investment is a product of these terrible regulations that locke, a lot of younger folks out of home ownership that is a really bad government policy layering on another bad government policy on top of that would be deeply counterproductive. >> the panel is back with their takes on hot stories of what will be in the news before it's knows that's right after the break. >> i got to say owning a home has been a. godsend the to us
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like it never even happened. serve, bro. >> okay, everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition are strength and energy ensure 27 vitamins and minerals nutrients for immune health, and ensure co
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0-0, coventry direct redefining insurance violent earth with liev schreiber premiers tomorrow with nine on cnn closed captioning brought to you by meso our firm, only represents mesothelioma victims and their families. if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma call us now every week we end the show asking are gang here for their best shots? there are special tags or predictions. what's going to make news and yes, we keep tabs whether there are shot as a hit or a miss so check out karatay production about elon musk in this best shot reply he has to settle up
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to donald trump because if biden wins, i think he's going to be in a little more trouble, especially around spacex and national security clearances. and donald trump needs the coin, the coin. oh yes, he's the richest man in the world donald trump needs the money and he will trade influence for it kara, you were right two bumps ago where do things stand now between two of your favorite people? well, or they're gonna, they're gonna be together they're strange bedfellows. they've disagreed on a lot of things. trump and elon musk, especially about electric vehicles, for example, but they meet each other. ilan is going to be under enormous pressure if there's another biden administration are especially around issues around tesla investigations talking about admit advice, correct. on issues he knows nothing about which will be enjoyable to watch, but they will eventually fight no matter what. but he needs the money and he needs the influence and ilan and his stamp since we're full at it after this trial, were all tweeting about it, getting money and there's a fundraiser in california next week, i call
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them elon stands there just ilan people that are raising a lot of money for trump christian, your focus this week on us involvement in gaza. yes. so i think a story that was not as big a headline because of the trump trial is the fact that the united states spent $320 million trying to build a peer in order to deliver humanitarian aid in gaza. and within about a week that peer has been demolished a lot of bad weather. now, pieces of it have been taken away for repairs the military is trying to get it back, but this really is a debacle. it's very expensive. >> it's sad for the people of gaza who need aid in order to keep going during these tough times. but it's also i think a real blunder for the biden administration to have thought this was a really good way to deliver aid. >> and some us personnel ended up on the ground in gaza. lot. but this is exactly what biden had promised no us boots on the
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ground? >> yes. and not nine, i think back to the withdrawal from afghanistan and the way that that was a debacle and that actually really did hurt joe biden standings i feel like something like this, even though it's not the top headline this week, it underscores a narrative that's very unfortunate for the biden campaign ri khan, your best shot is about a new policy at a very old and distinguished university. indeed, harvard university recently decided to adopt a stance of institutional neutrality on matters that happen off-campus rather than weighing in on this or that political controversy, this sort of that international conflict happening halfway around the world. they're saying we're going to be mum about those things. essentially, they're adopting a stance taken by the university of chicago, dub the chicago principles. this is a big, and i think very positive development, but we'll see if it sticks now, one thing i'll note is that it's kinda sad that this happened only in the aftermath of the hamas attack on israel, because basically there were all sorts of good
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reasons to have done this years ago. but it is what it is lulu, take us out on a happy note. >> yes, it's been a tough week. and so i will take you out on the note of the pandas are back. i'm so excited as a dc resident, the pandas were taken away from us cruelly when panda diplomacy seemed like it was going to be shuttered. and yet we have now gotten worse from the first lady, jill biden, that the pandas will be restored to us to beautiful pandas dc will be paying a $1 a year for these pandas for the privilege the ambassador from china to the united states talked about how important it was to have this connect section with the united states through the panda that is a bargain, $1 million a year for ten years for the delight of the pandas in our town? >> yes. >> thank you all for being here and thank you for spending part of your day with us. we'll see you right er


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