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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  June 3, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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2:01 am cnn, this morning with kasie hunt. next it's monday, june 3, right now on cnn this morning you know, at a certain point there's a breaking point donald trump insisting he's okay with going to jail, but he says his supporters might not be okay. does hunter biden facing felony gun charges and about to become the first child of a sitting president to go on trial and mecca just like, you makes history by electing its first female president all right 5:00 a.m. here in washington alive. look at new york city on this monday morning. morning, everyone, i'm casey, hence it's wonderful to have you with us
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donald trump claims he's fine with jail time, but he warns that his supporters might not be the former president faces possible prison sentence or house arrest after a new york jury found him guilty. on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records last week his sentencing is scheduled for july 11. >> trump talked about that prospect over the weekend in an interview with fox judge could decide to say, hey, house arrest or even jail. >> they couldn't face what i'm okay with it. i saw one of my lawyers the other day on television saying, oh, no, you don't want to do that to the i should don't get a bag for anything. you'd just the way it is. i don't know that the public would stand it. i don't i'm not sure the public would stand for with a house arrest for i think i think it'd be tough for the public to take, you know, at a certain point, there's a breaking point some of trump's critics seized on that breaking point comment. >> i spoke to democratic congressman adam schiff about, uh, yesterday this is clearly
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donald trump, once again inciting violence, potential violence, when he is sentenced, we see this pattern over and over again. >> we're donald trump communicates with his base supporters. make you a pretty clear what he wants to see. and then his enablers tried to explain it away. >> but luck, his baseless is to him, this is another dangerous appeal to violence and is yet another reason why americans are going to decide they don't want a convicted felon in the oval office all right. >> joining me now to discuss his catherine lucy, she's white house reporter for the wall street journal. catherine. good morning to you. so these are trump's comments about his first comments about the prospect of a jail sentence, which of course does loom out there, especially with him expressing little remorse, which is of course something that is considered i by judges in cases like this what is your reporting around the reaction to the president's comments? there yes, certainly the president we're not seeing a
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lot of remorse. >> he is pretty clear. there seems are going to appeal. he is talking about this being politicized i think we'll continue to see more comments like that from him and his supporters. we did see i think your interview yesterday, casey lara trump, saying that supporters should make their feelings known about this process at the ballot box. so that is one message they are putting out but certainly republicans are really arguing that this is going to galvanize trump supporters. >> and democrats, i think as you saw in that interview with adam schiff, are worried that what will this mean? >> how will people react as this process moves forward, right? >> and so we do have some of our first numbers in to try to get a sense of what kind of pack this has. there's a cbs yougov poll that was released yesterday, and they asked, did trump get a fair trial? they sit 56% of respondents said yes, 44% said it was unfair now that is not an unreasonable
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break down that also reflects the partisanship in the country. however, i will say in an incredibly close election, 56% is a basic landslide compared to where we could where we could land. what does it tell you that that's how people are taking this in? >> yeah. i mean is very partisan country and so i think that's part of it. i think a key question they're stuck is two things. one is, how is this affecting approval ratings for trump or biden? and we haven't seen a ton of movement there yet. and so does that start to shift? another thing i'm watching really closely is specifically how do what we call it the double-haters react to this. so people who don't like their options on either side, which is a small but potentially pivotal piece of the electorate, right? those who would prefer not to vote for trump or biden, does this nudge those people in either direction? i think is really going to a key question. yeah, i think we can actually we i think we should put up the partisan breakdown in terms of who thinks this trial was fair. let's take a look at those numbers because among
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republicans only 14% believe the trial was fair. at 6% was unfair. now that 14% higher than the number of democrats who think it was unfair, that 40% is not an insignificant number of republicans. i have to say, but that number of independence, i think really tells you something. >> the most significant pieces that kind of distance between fair and unfair for independence and in voters because at the end of the de, they are likely to decide this election in a handful of key swing states. absolutely. so the fact that you see majority of independent saying that all you need is a small number of independence in pennsylvania, wisconsin, and michigan to decide this election. so if, if that moves some of those people to joe biden's column, that is a really significant thing. >> one thing we've seen from the trump campaign is kind of turning response to the verdict into appear another purity test for their candidates. and senate candidate in maryland, larry hogan is the former
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governor of the state, very popular. it's a blue state. he's one of the only republicans would have a chance of winning. and he put this up. it was after we knew a verdict was coming, but before we knew what the critics was gonna be, he wrote this regardless of the result, i urge all americans to respect the verdict and the legal process at this dangerously divided moment in our history, all leaders, regardless of party must not pour fuel on the fire with more toxic partisanship. >> chris lacivita, the trump campaign manager, said you just ended your campaign. >> i've talked to lara trump, who is of course the co-chair of the republican national committee, which is in charge of getting republicans generally writ large elected to offices across the country. here's what she said about larry hogan he doesn't deserve a respect of anyone in the republican party at this point. and quite frankly, anybody in america, if that's the way you feel that's very upsetting to hear that. >> so are you willing to cede the senate seat in maryland to the democratic party and not support larry hogan what i'll tell you is that we of course
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want to win as a party, but that is a shame. and i think he should have thought long and hard before he said that publicly so she wouldn't answer my question directly about whether they were going to deny him money, but the thing about trump's supporters is that when you go out there and you attack people like that, they tend to believe that trump's and honestly flaring hook is going to win that seat for republicans, he needs every single vote, both independence and people who may love trump. no, and whatever that make in terms of maryland, there's still trump's supporters there that he needs to get over the finish line. and so if they're being discouraged from supporting and that's a problem for him, is also noteworthy point that he doesn't actually, it's not even him weighing in on the verdicts, the actual verdict itself, it's him literally saying, let's respect the rule of law that comment was enough to basically push this reaction because the reaction from the trump people as basic like well, this doesn't represent the rule of law. >> and of course the response from president biden and his specifically biden, this campaign has gone a little farther, but biden himself really has focused his remarks on respecting the rule of law,
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and the jury itself. 12 ordinary americans who ultimately were the ones to make this decision. catherine lucy. thanks very much for being here. i appreciate it. >> all right. coming up next here a legal loss for hunter biden on the eve of his federal gun trial that starts today. >> time for this war to end the day after, two began the white house trying to pressure israel to end the conflict in gaza. and a terrifying tornado touches down on in texas, will show you that sometimes the best thing you can do with intelligence is share it with your adversary. >> secret is betrayed itself, bullet to the back of the hand secrets and spies a nuclear game sunday at on cnn as the earth issues or distress call in the face of appending climate crisis, i abu dhabi is
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welcome back. mexico city's former mayor, claudia sheinbaum projected to win mexico's presidential election in a landslide. and become the first woman ever hold the country's top job the 61-year-old also becomes the country's first jewish president, xi, one with about 60% of the vote according to early results, the us is closely monitoring it as president biden prepares to roll out a sweeping border related executive action. this week, cnn's max foster joins us live from london at max. good morning to you. always wonderful to see you. >> so shamed bomb has a series of challenges. >> honestly, security is top of that. this election was marred by violence in mexico, and of course there are our, of course, looming questions about immigration, us-mexico relations. the biden ministration is preparing this sweeping executive action at the border that they're going
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to roll out later on this week. and that of course plays directly in to the presidential campaign. how do you see this election? affecting all of those issues? >> well, she has a protege of her predecessor, so you can expect i think a lot of similar issues, but as you say, i think frankly it's violence within her country, which is the big issue for her. so you had estimates, between 2030 local candidates who were murdered during this election. that is the biggest shoot in front of her and she's talked about being the brave as president, a president who does confront crimes. so that's top of the list. and then i think you can probably expect to have a similar policy in terms of us immigration as a predecessor, but she has to clarify that. and obviously that's a lot of people are asking that question in the us because it's so key to that debates. but i think really today is just the moment of seeing her in this position. huge crowds out for in mexico
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city. she's a big player there. anyway, having, having been mare, they're and her history really is as a scientist, she's a very well-qualified scientists. she's big on the environment and climate change. so that's really where she has a lot of credibility, but the pressure on her a really is what's happening right in front of her on the streets yeah maxent on a different topic as well. >> and as i sort of continuing to think about the challenges across the globe for president biden, that he's going to be dealing with this week. obviously, the border is one key, one another. >> is the war in gaza, at which he did address late last week on friday, he put out what was basically a proposal for a ceasefire over the course of six weeks that would set out some rules and conditions for the way israel would handle gaza in the wake of this it was met on the right wing in israel
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with threats to basically bring down the coalition government of israel. >> benjamin netanyahu's office was much more measured and how they responded. they said, well, we're going to continue with the party line of we want to eliminate hamas and get our hostages back before we'll end this war. >> what did you make of the back-and-forth there and netanyahu's position around what biden had proposed well, he's trapped disney. >> present biden one side saying expects israel to sign this deal. >> then you've got the right wing, as you say, putting real pressure on him not to sign it. >> so you've got the finance minister of national security minister as well, both saying they will resign from the government if he signs it and, then you've got the opposition leader saying he will support netanyahu signing it. so it's those three constituencies combined with this massive pressure, obviously from the families of the hostages, really wanting a peace deal as
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well, so they can just get those hostages home so he's in this trap. if those right-wing minister's do resign his weakened and government is positioned, becomes not necessarily untenable, but very, very weak indeed, he might not keep his position. so we've got to see how he's going to get through that. and as you say, his normal his usual argument is just destroyed hamas. so focusing on that, which is something that everyone is agreed on indeed. >> all right. max foster for us on this monday. max, very grateful for you as always. thank you so much. >> all. right just ahead here, donald trump claiming he's fine with being sentenced to jail time. we'll dig into that plus beaches shut down after a shortcut attack, california the increase in wildfires is exponential, unpredictable controllable with overwhelming cottonwoods, the need to do something is urgent slightly, earth would we have dry burdex
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>> physicians, mutual physicians, need jewel. >> i'm arlette saenz at the white house, and this is cnn all right. >> 22 minutes past the hour. here's your morning roundup. >> the senate votes on a right to contraception bill on wednesday, marking need to your anniversary of the demise of roe versus wade, senate majority leader chuck schumer vowing more action to come on reproductive rights one person is dead that in 24 others injured after a mass shooting at a birthday party and ohio police believe the gunman was in a car. >> there have been at least 192 mass shootings in the us so far in 2024 and a swimmer off the coast of san diego bitten multiple times by a shark the 46-year-old victim needed surgery for the bite wounds. >> it to mile stretch of the beach has now been closed for 48 hours i've got another day of severe storm threats from dallas to milwaukee. this massive funnel cloud formed
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quickly in the texas panhandle on sunday and the fast-moving a chorale wildfire in california has burned more than 14,000 acres. it's only 50% contained at this point. >> our weatherman, derek van dam, joins us now with more derek. >> it is wonderful to have you back. i have missed you what do you have for us this morning yeah. >> good morning. yeah. we're tracking this corral fire in san joaquin county, california and this in my opinion, is the reality of our warming future, right? so you go back a couple of winters and we had below average precipitation. california was in the midst of 100 year drought. well, the past two winters so i've been completely different. it's feast or famine in the state of california, they got too much snow over the course of the winter. and what that did is it allowed the grasslands to build up as we start to dry out the vegetation, it becomes highly flammable and unfortunately, you add in wins and record high temperatures and that's a recipe for fire. and this is what we've seen come out of the san joaquin region but good news is that is 50% contained.
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the wins this weekend. yes, they were strong but they've relaxed recently the bigger story here is the high temperatures that are going to send the mercury in the thermometer into the upper 120 degree temperatures range. i mean, we're talking about record warmth for over 100 us city he's across the western and southwestern parts of the country. many of it focused across that central valley into the state of california checkout these daytime highs right through the rest of the week. well above average. >> so this is the big story. heat builds over the west, cooler over the east. you get that collision of air masses. we look for the thunderstorms to develop right on that ridge and that is right where we saw the tornado yesterday. this is coming out of silver tin texas impressive funnel there. and unfortunately there is another round of severe weather possible later today for a few different locations across the nations midsection the planes and into parts of arkansas and into texas where they had record extremely high and strewn with large golf
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ball-sized hail coming out of a sky yesterday. so really just a wild, wild past couple of days, casey, ensure has been are weatherman, van dam, derrick. >> thank you. i really appreciate it coming up next here. >> republican since fallen in line behind donald trump after he becomes a convicted felon, plus the political implications for president biden with his son going on trial sometimes the best thing you can do with intelligence is share it with your adversary he and his secret is betrayed its bullet to the back of the hand secrets and spi a nuclear gain. sunday at ten on cnn over 13 million americans were affected by identity theft in 2020 and the threats go way beyond just credit card fraud. today's identity, thieves can use your information in ways that are easy to miss by just monitoring bring accounts and credit like
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>> i'm even weekend in washington as cnn all right. >> just about to hit there it is 5:30 a.m. here in washington alive. >> look at capitol hill and this beautiful june morning. good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us. >> and majority of americans believe the guilty verdict in donald trump's hush money trial was correct in a new abc news poll, 50% say the jury got it right, 27% say they got it wrong. >> 23% said they don't know and 49% believed that the former president should end his reelection bid because of the conviction it is not clear though how much the verdict is moving the needle, if at all. new hampshire republican governor chris sununu told me yesterday, he's still voting for trump do you find it troubling at all well, you
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look, i don't want my nominee to be convicted of anything. >> of course. and i worked as hard as anybody other than maybe nikki haley, of course, to make sure he wasn't the nominee because i think we had a lot of a lot better choices, but he is going to be the republican nominee how many of the party all right. >> joining me now, some four politics reporters shall be talcott shelby the funny thing is the part of that that stood out to me was that he was willing to say, like, hey, this is not great and he is a convicted felon, which like most republicans aren't even willing to say hey, they're all kind of all in on this political argument. but i think sununu was also trying to make it in that conversation, we had the argument that at the end of the day, this may galvanize republicans more than verdicts and some of the other cases would, and that, that potentially actually could help donald trump yeah, i think that's absolutely right. >> typically when we see things happen to donald trump, a his first reaction is to say this is politically motivated but be republicans buy into it. i remember when ron desantis was still running against donald
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trump and shortly before he dropped out, he said in an interview that he thought all of the legal indictment it's against donald trump really solidified his support among the party. and that's exactly what happened. we've seen it happen time and time again. so i do think it's fair to argue that this this conviction could very well mean that more republicans end up voting for him. yeah. the wall street journal editorial page writes about this today they say, quote, many republicans, we talked to are now more likely to vote for mr. trump after watching how democrats have politicize the law to target a presidential opponent they worry that a vote for mr. biden would vindicate this democratic campaign by lawfare. >> there is also some polling from reuters. now, i just want to emphasize lot of these numbers were getting in a pretty preliminary but they did ask how the conviction would impact votes. the pre versus post verdict. now, pretrial,
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49% said they would vote. this is again among republican voters. pretrial, they would vote 49% post-conviction, 66%. i mean, that does seem to underscore this point mitt romney has this great quote to. he told his biographer in the atlantic that quote, democrats think they can put out the trump fire with oxygen. it is political malpractice is very interesting way to think about it. >> yeah remember in the 24 hours after trump was convicted, his campaign said that they raised what was it almost 35 million from small donors. >> and that number has gone up considerably since yeah. yes. and that's a big number just in that 24 hour mark. so again, it goes back to this argument that republicans rally around donald trump in a way that we really haven't seen with any other politician. i liken it to almost a fan base that he has and we haven't seen that in history before. and so as you
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said, these are, these are very preliminary numbers. and the braces long and so that's, i guess my only counterargument to this data is, does this does this die down in the next five months due voters sort of forget about it to the poll numbers, go back to normal? do they flip more for biden? we don't know yet. but certainly if the it was tomorrow, i think more more republicans would turn out for donald trump. >> i'm glad that you brought up the history of it. peter baker, who is a longtime chronicler of american presidents writes in the new york times, this morning about the history of it. >> and he says that if donald trump wins the election, it means you will have survived two impeachments four criminal indictments, civil judgments for sexual abuse and business fraud. >> and a felony conviction. >> now he warns, given that in an additional in another trump
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white house, it would be hard to imagine what institutional deterrents could discourage abuses or accesses. >> it sets a remarkable stage. it does, but i wonder if any buddy else besides donald trump would be able to weather a storm like this, right again, he has this sort of hold over. >> the republican party and over a faction of the american people that we really have never seen. and i'm not convinced that we would see it again, so that's the sort of big question mark, is will there be a politician? host, donald trump that has such a, such a fan base sort of baked into his support for shelby. talk about shelby, very grateful to have this morning really appreciate it all right. >> also today, hunter biden goes on trial for felony gun charges in delaware. his father, the president of the united states its plans to spend most of the day in wilmington, where jury selection will get underway cnn's kaitlan, poland's has more for us this morning sun of the sitting president on trial in another criminal case with
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big political implications, they ridiculed my struggle with addiction. hunter biden's addiction, and purchase of a gun in october for 2018 is at the heart of this case. the justice department accusing him of lying on gun purchasing forms that required him to attest he wasn't addicted to drugs. a special counsel brought the case last year after a prior deal fell apart in dramatic fashion at his plea hearing. >> i'm here today to announce the appointment of david good weiss as a special counsel on monday, jury selection begins potentially a challenging task in his hometown of wilmington, delaware, federal prosecutors plan to highlight a part of his memoir where he writes about struggling with drug addiction around the time he bought the gun, i return that fall of 2018 after my most recent didn't relapse in california with the hope of getting cleaned through a new therapy and reconciling with halle. neither happened. >> and they have evidence from the week of the gun purchase a hunter biden texting. he was waiting for a dealer and
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sleeping on a car, smoking crack. the trial also may feature testimony from the women in hunter biden's life, his ex-wife, hi, his brother's widow, and a woman he pays child support to prosecutors, say the women witnessed his drug addiction i'll joe biden continues to seek reelection. the president has avoided commenting directly on the prosecution of his son. >> i'm very proud of my son, yet the trial is likely to dredge up more republican attack packs on the bidens, including about a laptop containing embarrassing messages and images that prosecutors have obtained. the biden crime family sold out america and the american people have had enough republicans have been investigating hunter biden's business dealings as part of an impeachment probe of president biden. that's come up short. >> maga republican gins have impeded my character invaded my privacy attack my wife my children, my family in my friends after his trial on
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felony gun charges ends, hunter biden is set to face a second one in federal court in california on tax charges. >> now, hunter biden's defense team at the gun trial, they're likely going to try to sow doubt around whether he believed he was an addict and about how the special counsel conducted parts of its investigation. he has denied all wrongdoing in both of the cases. he faces back to you katelyn polantz there. thank you for that report. cnn legal analyst, former federal prosecutor, jennifer rodgers, joins me now. jennifer. good morning. thank you so much for being here. >> we did see the judge overseeing this trial deal, hunter biden's defense, a couple of setbacks yesterday, they blocked one of their expert witnesses and they're excluding some evidence that the president's son hoped to use. >> what do you make of those rulings and how do they set the stage for jury selection to begin today yeah, those are
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tough rulings for the defense and listen, they'll just have to roll with it. >> but of course it'll be an appellate issue, particularly ruling about not allowing them to put in this physical form and argue that there's a difference inke on it. the person who's supposedly looked at his id didn't put the put the information on the form at the time of the sale that's something they could have used to argue that there were problems with other parts of the form when they recorded his statements out, his status, for example. so that's what the ruling is. they're not gonna be able to use that at trial, but it certainly will be an issue that they will tee up for appeal rightly easy. all the best arguments are now going to be appeal arguments. the facts of this case are pretty straightforward and i don't expect them to have a lot of problems. wants to trial starts the issue is going to be some of these arguments around selective prosecution, for example, that constitutionality of the statute itself. these
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are ripe for appeal so i would say his chances on appeal are pretty solid. but the trial is gonna be a challenge for the defense so it sounds to me like you think that a conviction may be likely here? i do. i mean, it's pretty straightforward. you made a false statement on a form. they have the form they have the statements that he has made elsewhere in his book. and of course, witnesses who will come forward saying he was in fact an addict at the time that he possessed the guy at the time. it's, it's not going to be much more complicated than that then when you say that he could have some arguments on appeal in terms of the decision to bring this case. do you see politics here? i mean, this is one of these situations where obviously it's the first time a sitting president sun has gone on trial. what's happening with donald trump is overlaying all of that. there is increasing chatter and much more than chatter from republicans who are saying that
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we can't trust the justice system at all. >> are you expect a hunter biden's team to try to make a case that this was a political prosecution so the problem with that is that the selective prosecution argument, they say it's political. >> i believe that it is political, but the legal argument for making the selective prosecution claim is that he's not being treated the same as other people similarly situated. so what you're looking at is not so much that the republicans are calling for his head. it's that an attic two had a gun for 11 days, didn't do anything bad with it, didn't hurt anybody, didn't threaten anybody. and a person who is no longer an addict, the public policy suggests that that person should be diverted, right? shouldn't not be charged with a felony offense. >> and so you will not find other cases on these facts where someone has to go to trial on this so that's really the legal argument. >> human that argument has been excluded. >> so it's a legal argument,
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right? so it's for pretrial and it's for appeal. i do not expect the judge will allow them to argue you that he has been selected out, if you will, for prosecution here, that will be something that the judge will exclude those still try to get it in jury will. they'll understand what the argument is and if they want to nullify, they can't, of course, but it's not going to be something that judge is going to allow them to explicit but we argue. >> all right. jennifer rodgers for us this morning, jennifer, thanks very much. i appreciate your time are coming up next. >> president biden, calling for an end to the war in gaza and sending a message this edge to the israelis plus simone biles shattering records, the bleacher report's ahead sirens are going off and playing the tornado here. i'm thinking language and die. and i thought that was myelin earth with liev
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you have an invention idea but don't know what to do. next, cohen van helped today. they can help you get started with your idea called now 800 everyone 100020 welcome hamas no longer is capable of carrying out another october 7. just wanted them, israelis main objective in this war. it's time for this war to end for the day after two began president biden urging israel to stick with his latest ceasefire proposal, despite likely pushback from some members of israeli leadership, we're already seen that happen. >> the white house sounding confident that the israelis have sufficiently degraded hamas's capabilities and their leverage militarily speaking, hamas is in no position to conduct another attack like october 7. now, we're also not saying that hamas has been wiped off the face of the map. we have not said that hamas has no military capabilities. we've not said that they don't still represent a viable threat to the israeli people. of course
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they do, but they don't have of the military capabilities to do what they did on 7 october alright, turning now, former deputy assistant secretary of state in the obama administration, joel rubin joel, good morning to you. >> good morning. so you have been in touch over the course of this rollout and the president's speech on friday with administration officials about there behind the scenes, thinking here, obviously we had seen that horrible attack, the tragedy at the refugee camp with the fire that has helped galvanize some of this. >> what was behind the administration decided to roll this out right now and the pressure that they're now putting on israel yeah. >> this is clearly a moment where the presidencies a window of opportunity in the negotiations between israel and hamas through egypt and qatar and says, well, if i am going to lean in, this is the time publicly to go out and say, we need to end this war. we need to have a hostage exchange. we're not getting there in the private negotiations. think the white house recognizes that israel is sufficiently degraded. hamas military
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capability to a point where because they cannot launch another october 7 attack, there is credibility to say it's time to pivot to a ceasefire that gets the hostages out, and that rebuilds gods in a direction that prevents any resurgence of hamas and the white house they feel very bullish about this. they have israeli backing for this, even though there's gonna be a debate inside israel, the question now is, what will hamas do? well, they agree to this as well. >> very interesting. i mean, how do you see you say that they're confident that they have israeli backing? i know ben gvir, a member of the war cabinet on the right, came out and said, look, the government's going to fall apart if you do this, netanyahu was more circumspect, obviously. i mean, what did we hear from both of them here and how does that dynamic? well, my understanding of this is that the war cabinet supports this overall vision. the israeli war cabinet meeting decision-making body inside of israel's government that decides war policy. and that includes prime minister units and yahoo. so there's going to be a lot of hemming and hiring, lot of pushback clearly from the far-right. but now from the opposition leader yair lapid,
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he's not in the government, but it does sit in knesset and has a large number of seats behind him. he said they help provide a assault off the cushion for the government if the right-wing bolts. so there's a lot of political dynamics. lapid is making the picture that, hey, we got to get the hostages out. i supported the american plan and that's a very strong vote of approval that gives some space to netanyahu is there do you think pressure on netanyahu in that way and from the israeli public toward figuring out a way to extricate from this. yeah, i look israeli public is rightly very hostile towards hamas and supports the overall military effort. it also strongly backs president it's by president biden's support, likes his vision and wants the hostages out. there's a lot of different dynamics happening. if there's an error been very aggressive protests industry, it's in tel aviv over the weekend. in fact, thanking president biden asking president biden to help israel get these hostages out. so if there's a plan with strong
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american backing, we are the glue here and i want to really emphasize this. we are the essential player in this, not just for this ceasefire, but for the day after. and if we're walking hand in glove with the israelis, that's going to help them in the public move forward and support this idea. >> all right, chill rumen for us this morning. chill. i'm always grateful and thank you very much for your time. >> all right. time now for sports gymnastics superstar simone biles adds another title to her impressive resume as she continues her journey to a third olympic games. carolyn mano has this morning's bleach report carolyn, good morning good morning. >> the greatest gymnast of all time casey has done it again, biles dominated the competition at the the us gymnastics championships, winning the all-around title a record-extending ninth time, the four-time olympic gold medalist, turning in the top cumulative scores in the four events, balance beam, floor exercise, vault, and uneven bars. biles finishing almost six points ahead of silver medalists by blakely. so the 27-year-old return to competitive gymnastics last year after she experienced the twisties famously at the tokyo
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olympics in 2021, horse her to withdraw from several events today, it's just getting out here and getting comfortable and confident in my gymnastics and hopefully going to olympic trials and making that next step towards paris. >> so i couldn't be more proud of how i'm doing this time in the year and just gaining that confidence over and over, getting myself back in front of a crowd and just doing what i do in practice the. >> us women's olympic gymnastics team will be chosen later this month at the trials in minneapolis, biles looking to become the first american woman since dominic daus back in 2000 to make three the olympic teams in her career, the edmonton oilers with a 3-2 series lead over the stars, looking to clinch a trip to the stanley cup finals for the first time since 2006, they're fans were out, they were ready and so was the team superstar connor mic david, the dq, the forehand, backhand, and in less than five minutes into the game, it just like that there were on the board and before the first period even ended, zach hyman barring one-off from
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the slot to extend the lead to two. so dallas trying to figure out something to turn the tide dominating large parts of the second and third periods, making it to one on a late mason march-may goal, he scored the game winner and game three, but this time around the euler's would survive the onslaught. thanks in large part to their goalies stewart dinner. so edmondson booking their ticket to meet the florida panthers in the final honestly, it was a crazy one about her best effort get everybody by just talking and just days after the school closed its stores for good, birmingham-southern college's run for a national championship comes to a heartbreaking end at the division three college world series, the panthers losing in the bottom of the ninth inning to wisconsin whitewater on a walk-off solo shot after the game, the team's coach show reporters that there is in fact, crying in baseball i told the guys
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before we left birmingham that i had a genuine peace about this final chance and whenever we either wanted extreme tears of happiness. but if we lost, i would not have any tears of sorrow i'm sure in the next couple of days, there'll be a lot of crime birmingham-souther n shutdown last friday, casey, after 168 years because of financial difficulties, we talked about at last week, their community rallying around them. >> they had to go fund me page there was a magical sort of punctuation to the school's closing sad to see it in this way it is but isn't the kind of tiers we allow in baseball, right about the big picture. all right, carolyn, thank you very much. i really appreciate it. >> coming up next here. just convicted donald trump says his supporters have a breaking point. what does he mean by that? plus hunter biden about
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together, let's drive out the darkness i'm caitlin polio at the federal courthouse in washington. >> and this is cnn it's monday, june 3, right now on cnn this morning you know, at a certain point there's a breaking point. it donald trump claims he's fine with going to jail, but he says, his supporters may not be plot hunter biden about to become the first child of a sitting president to go on trial and people in texas waiting for


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