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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  June 3, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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getline indeed. >> >> i'm kayla tausche at the white house. and this is cnn closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelial ma victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. you may be entitled to a
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portion of that money all when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 under biden on trial, the president's son is in a delaware courtroom today for the start of jury selection in his federal gun trial. >> what we're learning is a number of potential jurors are dismissed from the panel. plus dr. anthony fauci back on capitol hill facing tough questions about the us covid response the question that had fauci overcome with emotion and put me in coach. we're going to talk to a golf fan who went from the crowd to catch patti at the canadian open. >> canadian open, we're falling these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to get a new central right now de want of jury
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selection in an hunter biden's federal gun case is moving pretty fast. >> it's potentially on pace to seat a full panel of jurors by the end of the day-to-day, the judge overseeing the case just indicated that opening statements are expected to begin tomorrow. the president's son has pleaded not guilty to three felony charges related to a gun that he purchased back in 2018. he's accused of illegally buying and possessing the weapon while abusing or being addicted to drugs. cnn's marshall cohen has been inside of court during today's jury selection process. and marshall, there were a lot of questions two prospective jurors about drug addiction and guns and their particular experiences with both of those subjects. what stood out to you hey, brian, i it has been personal and emotional at time for some of these jurors. >> this is a very weighty topic and many of the prospective jurors did say in court that they have loved ones that struggled with addiction. some of them were killed by
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overdoses or died from alcoholism. that's in many ways this case is about addiction. and hunter biden's drug use while he bought that gun in 2018 so the whole purpose of this exercise today is to pick a fair and impartial jury. and that means that the parties had to kick out some people that said that they frankly could not be fair. there was one man who said that he believed it was every american's god-given right to own a gun there was no if fans or buts about it. so because of those very strong views, he was excused. but then there was also somewhat from the other side of the political spectrum who said that she wishes that she could ban all guns in america. she also was excused and then briana, there's of course, the politics hanging over all of this. this is president biden's son standing trial. of course, here in his home state one man said that he only gets his news from fox and newsmax. and frankly, he didn't think he could judge the son of the democratic president fairly. he was excused. there was another
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woman who said that she officially joined the resistance after donald trump took office in 2017. and she didn't think that she could be 100%. fair either but i do want to be clear most of the people that have been brought in have said that they think they can judge this case on the facts and the facts alone brianna, really interesting. okay. so like i said, this is moving pretty quickly. it sounds like we just learned opening statements are expected tomorrow tell us about how this is going to go yeah. >> the judge here, maryellen noreika, she kept things moving briskly today. they did not take a lunch break until like a 1:45 p.m. but because of that steadfast commitment meant to moving this process along, we're almost done, which means probably opening statements tomorrow morning. >> the prosecutors think that this case may only last for five days. >> they have told the jury to be prepared to serve for
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possibly two weeks, just in case. but we'll see sometimes these huge, these things have a way of going a little faster than expected. but big day today here, the first lady is in the courthouse the son of the president is in the courthouse and tomorrow morning it will really, really kickoff in earnest. >> alright. >> we'll be looking for that, marshall. thank you so much. jessica. >> let's talk more about this with defense attorney misty marris misty, there have been a lot of questions. two potential jurors about drug addiction with a lot of them sharing their own stories about family members who struggled in the past. there are so many americans who faced a struggle with drug addiction. how does that play into the type of juror that the defense would want that the prosecution would want in this case but absolutely. that is a central issue in this case, and that's why we heard the judge questioning on that very issue because so many people have been touched by drug addiction, either in their family or people that they know and so it
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plays into the case because it's expected that hunter biden will use the defense that he had did not have the requisite intent at the time he was filling out the documentation. and by that, i mean, he will say that he didn't realize that he was a drug addict because drug addiction is something that you don't really see clearly when you're the individual who's going through and suffering from those issues. and so the issue of addiction and the and how that plays into the factor of intent is really relevant to both the prosecution and the defense. so of course, it's a primary factor in jury selection. >> yeah. we just heard that report from marshall cohen explaining that this process is moving quick. plea are you surprised by the pace well, in federal court, the process often is pretty swift, and this judge has the reputation of really keeping things moving so here the judge does the questioning. so in state court,
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it's a little bit different. the lawyers will do w4 deer, but here's the judge does the initial questioning. it sounds like she got down to the heart of the issues where there were individuals who had really strong feelings, either about politics or about gun-rights on either side, whether it be conservative or more liberal views, they and they said that they could not be impartial. they were eliminated from the jury pool. so then we get down to these 36 individuals and now it's time for both sides, the defense and prosecution to use what's called the preemptory strikes. this is when each side gets to eliminate jurors without making an application for cause. so they don't have to give a reason. but because we're at this situation, it sounds like opening statements are scheduled to go forward tomorrow and so with that in mind, find for the defense what would you be focusing on most as a defense attorney looking at the facts of this case, what would you be focusing on most as they move into the trial? so it's a tough, case for the defence especially since they
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were dealt some blows in yesterday's evidentiary hearing and evidentiary decisions by the judge. first, the defense wanted to bring an expert on drug addiction into the courtroom to speak to that very central issue that we were just talking about, forming the requisite intent and 100 biden was filling out that form. the judge said no, that expert is not going to testify. they also wanted to question the veracity of the application itself because a couple of years later, there was a doctored application. and so they wanted to say maybe this isn't valid or maybe this was not valid at the time the actual form. so from the defense perspective, you are laser set and focused on saying the prosecution did not prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt and focusing on that issue of formulating the requisite intent that knowing intent to falsify that record at the time. so that's going to be where the defense goes and it and that's why i think we're seeing the prosecution say, well, we think
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this case is going to be about two weeks. we don't know whether defense will actually put witnesses on or we'll just try and poke holes and what the prosecution puts forward. >> all right. misty marris, thanks so much for that analysis. we appreciate it. briana all alright. >> cnn senior political analysts, gloria borger is with us now to talk a little bit more about this. what is the political fallout from this trial? do you think i think the democrats are trying to figure that out now, what the republicans in the house at least have been focusing on or trying to focus on is financial improprieties. they allege between hunter biden and his father. well, we all know that they haven't proven any of that. this trial is much more personal. it's about drug addiction. it's about misbehavior during drug addiction it's the one here is about purchasing a gun and legally there's another one in california about not paying taxes and how this will redound to the president is very difficult. he released his statement this morning saying on the president, but i'm also
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a dad and i'm proud of my son for the way he's battled with his addiction and survived it and continues to survive it. so it's very difficult to say, but i spoke with someone close to the president who said, he doesn't care he's going to, he's going to continue to bring his son close to him. >> and political ramifications be he's been steadfast in them even i think when some close to him worry that perhaps it could affect him, but it really hasn't deterred the president. i wonder if in some cases could this actually create some, i mean, just look at the jury questions, potentially jury questions about addiction do you think this might actually create some kind of sympathy at all? >> it could. i mean, look at how many people in this country have struggled in their family with drug addiction. so people can relate to this issue. they can also relate to joe biden being caring father. i mean,
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jill biden is in the courtroom today as the as the jury selection goes on, gaver gave her son a big hug so i think that there could be some kind of an effect that is look, i feel i feel for this family. >> look country biden did some bad things and the problem with this trial is that all the tawdry stuff is probably going to come out during the trial. >> these jurors might also say people need to be held to account. that may be personal that may be their personal experience to is it some people with addiction actually maybe do need to be tough love. that's right. so it could cut both ways here. i do wonder on the political side of this, you have republicans who have argued that there is this two-tiered system of justice. you heard tim scott the other day talking about how the justice system hunts republicans. while protecting democrats what do you think about that? and how they sort
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of thread that needle when i mean, look at senator bob menendez, look at this trial. >> i was just gonna say i mean, look at these two trials, there are lots of legal analysts and i'm not one of them, but they say that this normally wouldn't go to trial don't forget this was almost adjudicated when last july and that kind of blew up but there are lots of folks who say, you know, this is abnormal and it would only happen because hunter biden is joe biden's son. and so when you want to talk about a weaponized justice department, you've got menendez, you've got hunter biden. well, who is it weaponized? for and who is it weaponized against i don't think this helps that argument at all so i do. >> donald trump had said that he's okay. i want to talk about following his conviction here. he's okay. he said with serving prison time, this is more of what he told fox news the judge could decide to say, hey, house arrest or even jail. >> it could face what i'm okay
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with it. i saw one of my lawyers the other day on television saying, oh, no, you don't want to do that to the don't get a bag for anything you'd just the way it is. i don't know that the public would stand it you know, i don't i'm not sure the public would stand for it with a house arrest i think i think it would be tough for the public to take, you know, at a certain point, there's a breaking point what do you think he's telegraphing there that that there would be allowed to outcry. however, that would manifest itself i mean, you don't want to think back to january 6, but what he's saying is, you know, people will say enough is enough and they'll do whatever they have to do to show their allegiance to him. and by the way, i don't believe that he's okay with going to jail not for one minute do i believe that he wasn't okay with sitting in a courtroom? i don't think he's okay with going to jail. i think he's saying that as part of his martyr, i'm a victim. my
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grievances are your grievances. if they do this to me, they can do this to you. and that's part of what he's saying there, which is the people people would react badly because they would take it personally and their support for donald trump. now as he predicting violence, i wouldn't go that far, but i do think that he is saying that there would be a huge public outcry in whichever way it manifests. that's right. and we don't know says gallery aboard your glory agreed to have you. thank you so much. we appreciate it. jessica let's turn now to today's fiery hearing on capitol hill. dr. anthony fauci, the man who led the us response to the coronavirus pandemic, took a major grilling from house republicans dr. fauci spent several hours testifying about the government's response and the origins of the virus and he got emotional when he was asked about the death threats. he and his family of faced it is very troublesome to me. >> it is much more troublesome because they've involved my wife and my three daughters at
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this moment. how do you feel you per micah? >> terrible cnn's meg tirrell is joining us now. >> meg, this one on for several hours. was there anything new that we learned from dr. fauci? >> well, we had already sort of seen a lot of what he was going to say because while this was the first public testimony that dr. fauci has given since he left the niaaa id at the end of 2022, he did give two days of closed-door testimony in january and republican staffers for the subcommittee had released those two transcripts just days before this hearing and they'd put out a memo focused on the things that they were really wanted to focus on today and that we heard a lot about the chief of that was the origins of the coronavirus pandemic and the oversight that dr. fauci had in terms of any interactions with the grant? that was made to a lab in china? some interactions
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between scientists and somebody on the nih staff. a lot of this came up, but when dr. fauci got emotional there, that was part of an exchange with representative debbie dingell where she asked him about these threads and the implications for scientists wanting to go into public service. and he said that something that makes him worried is that fewer scientists do want to go into government work because of these kinds of threats. and he worries about de quality of the folks who will want to go into the field in the future other than that, there's a lot of rehashing of things we have heard about, about vaccines, about mandates and dr. fauci talked about the fact that are under standing of how the vaccines work, how well the vaccines were changed over time. he said that there could be more study now and there should be more study now of vaccine mandates. and the implications those have had for vaccine acceptance and hesitancy. but really this was a lot of politics, folks i talked with going into today. we're not expecting necessarily to here the scientific revelations and they probably didn't. folks were
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really expecting this to be a pretty political hearing. and that's probably the most of what they got all right. >> menchu reporting for us. thanks so much for that update up ahead. breaking news out of ukraine for the first time, it's forces have used us, provided weapons to carry out a strike inside russian territory. could it represent a potentially dangerous escalation of this conflict? we're going to follow the reaction and growing pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu group that represents the families of israeli hostages is demanding their government except a ceasefire deal immediately, we have these stories and much more coming up right here on cnn. a nuisance the increase in wildfires is exponential unpredictable. >> uncontrollable welding costs the need to do something is urgent slightly birth with we have dry burdex and the at night on cnn with armor all a little bit of this protects you
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breaking news out of ukraine. >> ukrainian forces claim they successfully hit a russian missile system using western supplied weapons inside russian territory. this here is an image from the strike. it happened just days after president biden gave ukraine permission to carry now out limited strikes using us weapons in russian territory around the northeastern ukrainian region of kharkiv. cnn's oren liebermann is with us now from the pentagon or in what else do we know about the strike? >> briana, this is why the change in policy from the us, even if it was limited, is such a big deal for the ukrainian military because it allows them to hit at the forces that were lining up to carry out this russian offensive just across the border from kharkiv. a very short distance. but until now they hadn't been able to hit those forces that are massing their and karam hey, out strikes from there. so take a look at what the ukrainian government minister had to say as she posted this picture on
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facebook, she said, it burns beautifully. it's a russian s 300 on russian territory. the first days after permission to use western weapons on enemy territory. and as 300 is actually a surface to air missile that russia had repurposed to carry out ground attacks as a surface to air missile, it was a capable system, but as a ground attack system, it is far less accurate and therefore creates a far greater danger to ukrainian stabilities, civilians when russian forces have used it in this capacity, ukraine claiming that in the days in which they were allowed to use us and other weapons to strike into russian territory. they were able to take out a fairly significant system, one with a range of dozens perhaps up to 100 miles. so a significant claim from the ukrainians, we haven't seen a pentagon statement about this at this time. it's worth noting that ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy is in singapore for the shangri-la dialogue. he met with us defense secretary lloyd austin during his time there. he thanked president joe biden
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and the administration for making that decision, that change in policy to allow them to carry out some limited strikes in russian territory. but when he was asked about it, he said, it's not enough. yes. he says they have the permission to use a high mars that's a precision us system to carry out strikes in russian territory. >> but what's really needed, he says is to carry out longer range strikes and at least for now at the time being, that's something the us has explicitly forbidden ukrainians from doing the carry out strikes with, for example, long range atacms missiles deep within russian territory. >> that is still not allowed according to these essentially limitations ukraine can write now use the systems they have, the carry out strikes right across the border and to try to put pressure and to stop this russian offensive near kharkiv, briana house, russia reacting here one will, russia has said that they will respond at the us will feel that response, but that it will be asymmetrical in nature. so they're not going to detail that, but asymmetrical
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could involve any sort of cyber attack or something like that. so russia was obviously initially angle agree at the decision and said that accused the us of escalating that response has effectively continued here saying the us will feel a russian asymmetric response as a result of this change in policy all right, well, with that, oren liebermann life worse from the pentagon thanks. jessica we have more breaking news this coming out of the israel or the idf is telling the families of four hostages that those hostages are no longer alive. cnn's jeremy diamond to ease in bruce alum and jeremy, this sad news comes as talks continue and negotiations continue to play out about a potential ceasefire and hostage deal. >> yeah. in this is absolutely heartbreaking news for nearly eight months now, the families of these four hostages have hoped and prayed that their loved ones would eventually emerge from gaza alive. to be
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back in their arms. and today they got the worst possible news that they could get from the israeli military being informed that the israeli military now believes that these four hostages were killed during their captivity in gaza. and now jessica, questions are arising about exactly how they may have been killed and part of it has to do with the wording from the israeli military's top spokesman. he explained that the israeli military was now able to assess their intelligence, that they were killed a few months ago, and he said that they were killed while they were together, quote, in the area of khan younis during our operation, there against hamas. and we should note that one of these four hostages hamas actually said last month, that he had been injured in an israeli airstrike and had subsequently died of his wounds and daniel hagari, the israeli military spokesman, acknowledging that there will be difficult questions about exactly the circumstances of their deaths. i want to read the four names so these men, hein perry, 79-years-old,
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you're ram met score 80 80-years-old. his wife was actually released last year on the ram cooper at 4-years-old. his wife was also held hostage release last year, and then nadav popplewell that 51-year-old british israeli citizen, who hamas had mentioned in their statement last month. now, we should note that as the news of this emerge, the hostage and family only forum, which represents many of the hostage families. once again, renewing their call for the israeli government to make this deal that is on the table. this israeli proposal to make it a read gallerie to standby despite the pressures that we are already witnessing, beginning to bear on the israeli prime minister over the course of the last couple of days, we've launched as right-wing members of netanyahu's governing coalition, namely the finance minister bezalel smotrich and national security minister itamar ben gvir have been threatening to pull the rug out from under netanyahu the collapse this governments, if he follows through with this israeli proposal, a big reason
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for that has to do with the way in which president biden frame this proposal on friday night, framing it as a way to end the war and the israeli prime minister in the day since has been and working to unwind some of that, insisting that he can still accomplish the goals of not only releasing the hostages, but destroying hamas before agreeing to a permanent ceasefire. a lot of questions about how exactly you square that circle, but it is true that the first phase of this ceasefire during that time there would indeed be negotiated she patients about getting to a permanent ceasefire, getting to the withdrawal of israeli troops in the second phase of this deal. but of course, once a ceasefire is underway, once you're talking about weeks, maybe even months of a ceasefire, the us administration believes it will be very hard not impossible for the israeli war machine to get back into gear. and therefore, very likely that this will indeed lead to an end of the war. now we await, of course, hamas is response. jessica all right. jeremy duckworth live in jerusalem tonight. >> thank you so much.
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>> a birthday party turns into a tragedy after one person was killed and dozens of others injured in an apparent drive-by shooting. >> we know about the case, one of several mass shooting that took place across the country this weekend first lady, the american theater because i'm afraid of the trunk like this is your light clay is my life. a great lillian streaming exclusively on macs missing out on the things you love because of asthma get back to better breathing with cassandra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every eight weeks is not presented breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions, allergic reactions may occur, don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor, tell your doctor if you asthma worsens headache, and sore throat, me tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection step back out there with the sandra ask your doctor if it's right for you recipes recipes
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concerning. >> one man was killed and 24 others were shot to the victims are in critical condition investigators are now worried that the violence is not over, that there could be retaliation from this shell casings just littered the crime scene in this case and authorities suspect an assault rifle was among the weapons that were used authorities are now offering a $22,500 reward for information that leads to and arrest cnn's polo sandoval is on this story for us and pull this all started at a birthday party and briana, one of the reasons perhaps why that casualty count is so high as to measure as the mayor put shockingly high is because there were hundreds of people who are gathering. >> they are just southeast of downtown akron, ohio over the weekend celebrate a birthday party in that very quickly, took a deadly turn with his drive-by shooting. police believed that there were about 200 people who were gathering outside of that home in akron when at one point the driver of a vehicle pulls up and at least one gunman, a board that
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literally sprayed the crowd with bullets. now evidence at this point indicating that some members because of that group, that were in the crowd that was shot at, actually managed to return fire before the vehicle than sped away. but here's the thing at this point in the investigation, police have not shared any information on a motive. they do not have the description of a suspect or vehicle. so once you to listening, i'm police chief brian harding, as he makes a very public plea for it. any information emphasizing that no detail is small enough to share want to be clear, we believe there are people in the community this evening who saw something or know something. >> and we're asking them to come forward we believe there were dozens of people at the party at the time of the shooting and potentially over 100 people who have may have witnessed the incident. every single person who may have seen something has an obligation to speak up in order to bring those responsible to justice. even a small detail can help us crack this case and locate the suspect or suspects involved
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you mentioned that reward of over $22,000. >> authorities there and akre and briana are hoping that that will encourage one of dozens, if not hundreds, of people who were there to step forward and to speak to authorities. >> i mean, we're talking, about this incident 25 people shot. but this was just one episode. and what was really a weekend of violence polo yeah, there were multiple incidents. it was another notable one just south of phoenix, the gila river, indian community reservation south of phoenix. and that is where two people were killed, among them, a young police officer who was still in the field training stage of his career. his police departments identifying and confirming his identity as joshua briese, who was among four officers who responding to a disturbance at a dance happening at a private residence when at one point and the circumstances are still unclear here at one point, shots rang out and this officer along with a second to visual or killed and these incidents are really just the latest of what we're supposed to be
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joyous events turning into a mass shooting situation already this year alone, we have seen these joyous events like family reunions, a sporting rally religious celebrations ending with shots fired the gun violence archive, the tracks these situations, these mass shootings. >> now, reporting 194 this year alone, briana and as these we've seen these two examples, not just civilians the members of law enforcement making up the growing list of victims and the us. all right. polo. thank you so much for that. we do appreciate the report and to head is inflation is taking a bite out of americans budgets there may be some relief will have that after a quick break sometimes the best thing you can do with intelligence is share it with your adversaries. if his secret is betrayed, its bullet to the back of the hand, secrets and spies and nuclear game sunday at ten on cnn what
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by guilt, visit today for up to 70% off designer brands, it has the designers that get your heart racing had inside a prices new every day, hurry. there'll be gone in a flash designer sales at up to 70% off shop today after driving customers away with their crazy expensive prices, fast food chains have a plan to wu everyone back by putting deals back on the menu. >> let's bring in cnn's nathaniel meyerson. the panel. i think a lot of people wanna know what's the deal? >> yeah, jessica, the fast food deals are finally back. welcome news. so i went over to kfc earlier day to check out their new deal itself for 99 comes with a drumstick, a thigh, and some mashed potatoes. so you're getting a good bang for your buck there. and we've seen other retail, other fast-food restaurants bring back their deals as well. burger king has a $5 value meal. mcdonald's also responding with a $5 meal
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and then wendy's has a $3 breakfast meal. so jessica, once one of these fast food chains comes out with a deal, they all have to follow to face the competition so what are they doing this nathaniel well, i think it has a lot to do with customer frustration. >> we've seen people really fed up with these high fast food prices. and it's not revolutionary, jessica, what they're doing, demand is slowing down and so they're trying to respond. and then you also see grocers and retailers, they're introducing lower prices walmart and target. they've announced some price cuts. so the fast-food restaurants are trying to keep up. >> yeah. and who has the most to gain here? >> so analysts will tell you it's mcdonald's, which is really the industry leader here and mcdonald's, they've been hit on social media for some of the burger prices and big mac prices on tiktok, there was a viral video of an $18 big back male, so that got a lot of
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pushback from customers and mcdonald's has even come out and said, hey guys, we understand our prices have gotten a little bit out of whack. we're trying to push back a little bit here. and so mcdonald's, i think that people are really going to be looking to them to see how this deal is but certainly mcdonalds can't be skipping on its new $5 deal because then customers will be extra frustrated. >> yeah. and they will i'm sure take to social media. all right. >> daniel myers and thanks so much for that update. >> i canadian local goes from casual fan to active participant during a pga tournament on sunday, we're going to talk to him about the wild weekend that's next time is precious first, we did be
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mundane at reagan national airport. >> this is cnn canadian golf fan took a chance and volunteered for the opportunity of a lifetime and his helpfulness put him in the spotlight, shorted paul emerson was attending sunday's final round of the rbc canadian open when one of the players suddenly needed a hand after his caddie slipped and fell in the wet conditions and injured himself. emerson volunteered and carried the players bag until another caddie arrived and paul emerson is with us now to talk about it, paul, this is so cool. i mean, how are you thinking about this opportunity you've had just landed on my lap ct was just walking fluff to the ropes to get medical attention and i just simply offered as asked if you need any help he said yes. >> and then next thing you know, i'm helping fluff
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takeoff the bib and walking up the fairway just get it all happened very fast. >> it has to be kinda surreal that suddenly you're walking, we're looking at video of you right now walking on the fairway. you're now part of this were you able. to be in the moment or was it all a blur yeah. >> after a few minutes after when i walked up to the green and started shaking hands with major champion shane lowry and is very friendly caddie and ct. that was all happened really quickly. and then on the next t after we got up there and had a little bit of a break i just sort of soaked it up and we actually started joking around. it was all very, very friendly and funny okay. >> so we see, we're seeing this video views. so you carried the bag. i mean, were you lining up is pots what what did you get to do here? >> that'll be a terrible decision on his part to ask me for guidance. i'm a golf not not a great golfer. i loved the game, but i know he didn't ask to stay off of the greens so my
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job was fairly clear. just carry the bag and keeps close, right. but really really friendly guy. >> oh, that's so cool. >> did you hear from a lot of people that you knew they see this happening yeah absolutely. >> while it happened, and i was walking down the fairway, my friend laura, they shouted from the sideline, which was pretty funny in my foot. my watch was buzzing away and then afterwards was pretty wild as well. and since last few days have been hilarious, the amount of outreach, social media, email, phone needed even if it has been really incredible, i can't believe it do you, paul, do you have any experience county only a little bit. >> i volunteered to caddie at the program at the cp women's open and my hometown a couple of years ago. and i caddied for my buddy mark at a program about 25 years ago and that's it. something like this, nothing like being inside the ropes and i'm very important
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tournament that matters a lot for the players. >> so thank yeah. but you met your moment. i mean, you did it. you were able to be helpful and useful and have this experience when it was all over how did you guys leave it well, it all end it really quickly to be honest, when the caddie services sent a caddie up the fifth hole, he just sort of showed up in the middle of the fairway and said that he was sent. >> and so cpe chose someone who knew what they were doing. good call and we show games in walked off and shane lowry complimented me on level park career as a caddie and walked off the fairway. someone took a great photo of me waving to my friend as i walked off and that was it until it wasn't and then i spent the rest of the de and my far too recognizable t-shirt getting high fives and handshakes from fans all across the course. so it was great fun experience. a once in a lifetime it was a blast.
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>> and everything since has been to yeah, it's amazing, paul. thank you so much for being with us and sharing a little bit. it's just you're so humble and it's so great that something like this happen to you and you can talk to about it. thanks again. >> thank you my pleasure. >> have a great day. >> you too cuba's financial crisis is putting a squeeze on the nation's cash flow, forcing shortages that atms and leaving cuban struggling to get by without any money cnn's patrick oppmann spoke to people about that crisis in the country of seemingly endless leinz. >> these are perhaps the most frustrating people waiting to get money their money at government run banks. the leinz are long and there's no guarantee that by the time they get to the front there will be any cash left because you know what we've been here for our she says and haven't been able to get inside yet sometimes you do the line and they don't have
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enough money despite government attempts to move transactions online cash is still king and cuba. and there isn't enough of it. >> many banks limit how much cash people can take out. >> and the largest build of the government princes. this 11000 pesos at the official rate that's about $40. from the black market. it's only worth about three runaway inflation has inflicted further pain on the already healing cuban economy lately, government run banks no longer allow foreign companies to withdraw dollars or euros either. saying they simply don't have any on hand. the cuban government blames the crisis on the us government's economic sanctions and murky plots. they allege to make record inflation in shortages even worse. but cuban journalists tracking inflation from abroad say much of the country has lost faith in their banking system and currency noi wrong there's no production in
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cuba. >> he says production in the country has collapsed. the country is bankrupt in cubans like retiree nancy, complaining that even when the pace over gains some value against the dollar, the prices stay the same. we're still go up. >> no i don't earn enough each month. >> she says i received 7,000 pesos, but a packet of milk is almost 3,000 pesos. a carton of eggs. the same price. i'm not getting by at all. >> some economists think cubans to devalue its currency officially or adopt the us dollar. >> but as the island confronts the worst economic crisis in decades both money and time, maybe running out. patrick oppmann, cnn, havana command, a photo bomb on the house floor pretty cute though, when we come back and check, we hear
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the lead with jake tapper. >> next and cnn close captioning brought to you by guilt visit today for up to 70% off designer brands has the designers that get your heart racing had inside a prices new every day, hurry. >> they'll be gone in a flash designer sales at up to 70% shop today when taking your child to work goes hilariously arrived tennessee congressman john rose got up to speak about last week's conviction of donald trump. but there he was checkout that little man there. he was upstaged by his own son with a photo bomb for the ages he can be seen filing, making faces he got that tongue out girl while the congressman took it all in stride though he posted on x, this is what i get for telling my son guy to smile at the camera for his little brother best brother ever, honestly, that's such a good brother and he brought us a lot of joy. >> so thanks guy. yeah, he's delivering f,


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