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tv   The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  June 3, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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minute motorcycle. >> have you seen it by the way but i ground really look how the brushstrokes bottle the line of a gas tanker hey problem plus one jamie. this situation with wolf blitzer. >> next, cnn our last leads now, north korea says it will stop sending trash balloons to south korea for now over the past week hundreds of these airborne waste deliveries crossed into south korea carrying things this is dirt or paper or cigarette butts. according to north korean state media, the move was to retaliate against south korean activists who often send packages across the border, not attaining crash though. new video shows hawaii's kilowatt, a volcano, which started erupting earlier today, the us geological survey says there is no lava threats in nearby the communities, but some areas could see elevated gases in the air and the volcanic ash could
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be a risk for airplanes. scientists say there's no way to know happening now, breaking news rural trial. i'm gun charges with opening statements, knowledge the expected tomorrow morning. we're breaking down the legal issues and the political stakes in this unprecedented prosecution of a sitting president's child also tonight, new evidence of the trump campaign profiting off of the former president's historic criminal trial and can the trump camp reported get raised a combined total of 141 million along with the republican national committee last month, in a huge boost in fundraising and chaos erupts as a republican-led house panel grills, dr. anthony fauci about
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his role in the us response to covid with gop flames if thrower marjorie taylor greene going on the attack and refusing to address fauci as dr welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer, a urine the situation room the skis, cnn, breaking news. let's get right to the breaking news on the hunter biden trial with a jury down in place, and the president's son facing three felony gun charges. cnn's paula reid reports on the case. and the first families reaction as the trial gets underway. okay hunter biden entering federal court in wilmington, delaware today, the first child of a sitting president to face criminal prosecution, the jury now seated in his trial on multiple gun charges. >> first lady jill biden, under
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stepmother, attended court monday in the latest show of support for from his family i love hunter and i'll support him and i in any way i can, even in the middle of a close presidential race, president biden has been unwavering in his support for his only living son. i'm very proud of my son the two seen it a state dinner last month month at church together last week and riding bicycles in rehoboth beach over the weekend. >> in a statement today, he said, i am the president, but i am also a dad jill and i love our sun and we are so proud of the man he is today. hunter has been charged in part with lying on this atf form when he purchased a firearm, prosecutors alleged he failed to reveal he was a drug addict and use it at the time, hunter has entered a plea of not guilty, although he has been open about his struggles with addiction, i went one time for 13 days without sleeping and
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smoking crack in, drinking vodka exclusively. throughout that entire time. >> potential jurors were asked questions about people they knew dealing with substance abuse. some were excused after saying they couldn't be impartial over their political views. one with a very negative a view of the biden family. and another saying that after the trump trial in new york, he believed prosecutors charged cases based on politics another dismissed because he played squash with beau biden. >> i've made mistakes in my life in wasted opportunities and privileges. i was afforded for that. i'm responsible hunter was expected to resolve his gun charges as part of a plea deal, but that fell apart last year. hunter owned an unloaded gun for 11 days. >> they will never have been a charge like this brought in the united states as he fights to criminal cases, he has also
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taken a more aggressive strategy towards dealing with republican led investigations on capitol hill. hunter biden to be arrested right here right now and go straight to jail thank you, mr. chairman add excuse me. hunter, apparently you're afraid of my words. >> his second criminal trial on tax charges is scheduled to begin in september in los angeles and we have new details about the makeup of this jury is comprised of six men, six women. the majority of the jurors are black. it includes a one woman who said she has lost people close to her to drug addiction. also several gun owners, including one who says he believes that even people who have used marijuana should have the right to firearms. now, tomorrow court will kick off with opening statements from both sides and then the prosecution's first witness being fbi agent who worked on this case, wolf. >> are paula. thank you. paula reid reported for us. i want to bring in our legal and political experts right now and elliot williams, how strong is this case? how likely do you
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think a conviction that's sure. >> i'm always as reluctant as a foreign prosecutor to ever call a case strong, but let me say this. it's straight forward when you talk about firearms possession cases based on a prohibition, what you have here is, did the individual possess a firearm and were they addicted to or using drugs at the time as far as prosecution's go, that's very straightforward. there's two elements you have to prove that the firearm was possessed and then you have to prove the addiction either before or after on account of things that hunter biden has written in the public record and acknowledged his use and frankly, his struggles with addiction. in addition to the possession that's really not that hard to prove if you're a prosecutor. now on also the purchase same thing that's largely based on documents. so look hard to say, everything depends on what the jury believes, how credible they find the witnesses and the testimony and the evidence that they get. but this is as straightforward and probably easy as a prosecutor written about it. yeah. yeah.
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>> a lot of evidence. the norm eisen, what you heard paula reid talk about the makeup of the jury. what do you believe? what do you think this jury is like well, it sounds like some of those who may have brought predispositions to the voir dire, to the selection of the jury have been screened out, and that's appropriate. >> we know we are in a highly charged then my environment, a political one for jurors in the wake of the trump trial in manhattan, which has resonated around the country. i'm confident in the jury process it worked well in manhattan as you know, wolfe, i saw that jury every day for almost two months and i believe that this delaware jury can i deliver a fair verdict? i will say that hunters lawyer, abbe lowell has pointed to the infirmity of gun charges. some gun charges in the wake of the bruin decision by the supreme court which calls some of these charges into question. he tried to get an advance appellate ruling from the third circuit. they
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turned him down last week. there will be substantial appellate issues here, not unlike certain other cases, we sometimes talks about other cases indeed, david chunking your hurt president of biden's, expressing his love, his strong support for his son right now, how's this all going to play out politically for you? notice also in that same statement where he said, he's a father first and foremost, that he also pointed to his sons drug addiction as something that many american families have experienced. i think those two things are what the biden folks believe can mitigate some of the political potential political damage that could be we've done here. the drug addiction that many americans have experienced with family members are themselves with the like. and the love of a parent, but clearly, this is, this is an issue you talked to anyone inside the white house, anyone inside the biden campaign this is not a topic that you want to bring up at the president with the boss in a meeting. this is really something that's in that personal family realm for
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him and he doesn't see it in that political space biden is never going to abandon his son clearly, no matter what the political implications are. >> and as you point out, look, there could be a lot of public sympathy for the family and even for hunter who has admitted to his drug addiction and has admitted to his problems and all the rest of it. but this trial and i think you would agree, norm, this trial is going to have some pretty nasty moments. you know, the witnesses are going to be a hunter biden's ex-wife his his ex girlfriend. i mean, it's it's not going to be pretty and you'll probably be able to see text messages that talk about the family. and nobody wants that exposed, much less the current president of the united states who was going to be debating donald trump, who will talk about anything during a debate. and i think that that is going to be a difficulty for the family. so there are there are two sides to this and no
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one would prefer that your sun bianna trial for gun possession and then again in california coming up on tax divisions. >> what do you expect to hear and the prosecution's opening statements tomorrow morning? >> i would say keep it simple. walk through what the defendant is charged with he is charged with possessing and purchasing a firearm unlawfully under federal law, set aside your beliefs. ladies and gentlemen, whatever you think about anything else and what we are what we are assessing here is whether this person committed these acts so for instance, we saw and just because report that one of the jurors believes that people who use marijuana should be allowed to possess firearms, which actually violates federal law. you'd say set aside anything you believe and just focus on the facts and the law. and like i said, a little bit earlier, it's a relatively straightforward charge and prosecution having aside some of the constitutional questions that norm has raised here. i prosecuted felon and felon in
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possession of firearms cases. it's the same port provision in the law, and it's really easy as far as prosecution's go norm, where do you expect to hear from the defense? >> the defense is going to point to some of the gaps in the case, such as that this gun was removed by one person, taken to a trash can and then apprehended by another person. so they're going to point to the ellipses in the chain of custody and say, can you prove beyond a reasonable doubt? that hunter biden possessed it? can you prove that at that moment when he filled out the form that he was on drugs, can you prove that those are his drugs that are on the bag? maybe it's these multiple people who handled it who are responsible and poke holes in the evidence and they're going to set up their appeal because the supreme court has been very hostile to some of our modern gun laws using as the standard would a drug user have been
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prohibited from having guns at the time of the constitution, the adoption of the second amendment and the answer is, i disagree with it, but it is this gun rights advocates are going to save a it's literally, it's upside down now, were you have gun rights advocates versus conservatives. but here's the question i have for you, normal, i'm curious about this setting aside the constitutional question, which is an important one, but that's not in front of the jury and they're not going to be considering would you have your client plead guilty to this? >> yeah. i would go back and bring i have the plea agreement here bring that plea agreement back from yeah do that until he is convicted. they can still plead em because of the enhanced sentence he would get if he goes to trial would be likely to get convicted. i think based on what we see here you gotta do you want to add to the question that he didn't consider himself an addict at the time. >> he wrote about it. >> i don't know. yeah. >> all right. guys, there's a lot more we're gonna be discussing. everybody stand-by.
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thank you very, very much. also, just ahead here in the situation room inside donald trump's post-conviction strategy for rallying is based pulling in campaign cash and warning about what might happen if he goes to jail plus fireworks out. they're up on capitol hill as republicans grill dr. anthony fauci yet again about the origins of covid do the american people deserve to be abused like that, mr. fauci, because you're not dr. here, mr. fauci and my few minutes the increase in wildfires is exponential unpredictable uncontrollable with overwhelming consequences, the need to do something is urgent finally, birth when we have schreiber and vietnam on cnn hi, it's christina again. >> i'm here to tell you about an all new special offer from my friends at jacuzzi bathroom model that you don't want to miss, you already know jacuzzi has been making water-filled
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presidential nominee cnn's kristen holmes is working or sources in trump world for us, kristen, tell us more about the fundraising gains and how the trump team is spinning all of this. >> well, what if there certainly is a lot of spin, but if you ask trump's advisers, they say that they are just doing what they i can to manage an unprecedented and likely negative situation. and as you noted, part of that means trying to capitalize as much as they can in terms of politics and finances. and if you talk about that $141 million that they raised in may, but $17 million. they say they raised since the verdict came out. now, the interesting thing about that is that it's just that hard money that is just money that went directly to the campaign and the rnc, not the money that went to super packs, which they say is millions of dollars. of course, we'll wait till we get those fec reports, but it's not just trump's allies, it's also those potential vice presidential picks who are all weighing in jumping to trump's defense. take a listen and 48 hours.
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>> after donald trump's verdict was read, our campaign and the rnc raised $70 million in digital fundraising. the american people are upset and they spoke out about it. >> this verdict has actually brought uniform unifying our party without any question what we've seen is never choppers calling me and saying tim i'm on the bandwagon now. i've seen donors who have been on the sidelines. this entire process, noun jumping in and you're hearing that from senior advisors as well, but this is rallying the republican party. but what is not clear is how this is going to impact november. they are still seeing those polls coming out and he's just too early to tell what this actually means about voters going to the polls. >> hi chris, then what is trump himself saying about all of this? >> well, is saying quite a bit, but recently he responded to this idea of whether or not he would go to jail, take a listen to what he said i'm okay with it. i don't know that the public would stand it. >> i don't i'm not sure the public would stand for it with a house arrest for i think i
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think it'd be tough for the public to take, you know, at a certain point, there's a breaking point now he has told people behind closed doors that what will be will be at one point, he said he didn't mind if he went to jail. >> that was those people around him do not believe that to actually be the case. >> the other thing that he said is he went on truth social, and seemed to be asking the supreme court at one point to take over his sentencing. >> it was unclear. he said that the supreme court must make their decision, but it wasn't clear what he wanted them to decide. wolf kristen holmes reported for us, kristen, thank you very much. i want to bring in more of our political experts right now to assess what's going on. scott jennings, a massive hall, massive amount of money coming in, especially since the conviction on all of these counts, what's your takeaway? >> it's reminiscent of the period of the republican party of 2018 during the kavanaugh hearing during honestly, where you had all corners of the party basically in unison that someone was being railroaded. and so they unified around that. and obviously then kevin all got confirmed regarding
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this hall. >> this is exactly what they needed because they've been running behind biden on the money chase. >> and what they need to do is jakob turnout, ground game operations are expensive. finding the kinds of voters and registering them, turning them out that they've got to do cost a lot of money. so this is a shot in the arm they needed. >> well, let me get maria to react to that. a huge fundraising for the republicans right now, including trump, of course, should democrats be worried about how this is gonna play out well, i think democrats were focused on continuing to raise the massive stark amounts of money that they have raised which has allowed them to already do everything that scott says. >> the republicans still need to do. >> the biden campaign has massive infrastructure all over the country, especially in the battleground states. >> they open up an office once every month, if not more. >> and so i think that the biden campaign it needs to continue to focus on that. my question to the trump campaign is how much of that money is actually going to go to the campaign and how much of that
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money is going to go to paying trump's legal bills because the chair of the rnc on sunday on this network was not able to answer that question interesting question that day david had a new abc news poll and you've seen the results voter reaction to the trump verdict largely breaks down, of course, understandably, along party lines. >> but among the so-called double-haters, double-haters, voters who dislike both trump and biden 65% of them say they think the verdict this week was correct with 67% believing trump should end his presidential campaign, what does that say about trump's prospects come november? >> yeah, those aren't welcome numbers. the trump campaign, but but to your point about the prospects come november, we're still gonna wait to see how this impacts the overall standing of the race we saw a couple of polls come out this weekend and the overall positioning of the candidates, they're favorable and unfavorable, don't tend to have changed all that much in the immediate aftermath. what e is interesting though, is
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majorities of americans in both polls that came out over the weekend, do believe that the verdict is correct and right. and you just said you just put into these double-haters that people have unfavorable opinion of both, this is a key swath of the electorate that both campaigns are going to target here. so the fact that two thirds of them think his campaign should end, i mean, overall and that abc poll wolf 49%, set his campaign should. and now the reality is, his campaign is not ending. so again, i go back to saying that i think the fundamentals of the race, we don't yet know how much the earth has shifted beneath it concerns should republicans be about this? >> i'm not terribly concerned. it because something else is going to happen at the end of the month and it's called a debate actually think when these two candidates get in the ring here on cnn and talk about these issues and that to me is going to be a lot more determinative about where this race is going to be going into the convention. so really, i think trump campaign is looking forward to that because i think they believe they get biden onstage for an hour-and-a-half. it's going to become clear. he's not up to a second term. >> marie, i wanna get your reaction to what the north
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korea governor doug burgum, who is a potential trump vice presidential candidate, said about the impact of the verdict let me, let me, let's listen to this americans are going to come back to the issues that affect them because this trial outcome doesn't affect them their inflation effects the north dakota governor spoke, apologized to him on that north dakota governor doug burgum, what's your reaction to that it's true that the campaign and the election is going to be focused on issues. >> but i think what he doesn't understand and what people who continued to say how it's going to be all about the economy and all about inflation and yes, of course americans worried about that, but americans also have the ability to hold more than one issue in their head americans absolutely have the ability to hold the economy inflation abortion and the fact that, you know what? >> i don't want a convicted felon as the president of the united states. and that's what
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i think at the bottom line, when people go into that ballot box and yes, it's going to all depend on how the next months of this campaign play out. and i agree with scott that the debate is going to be key. the biden campaign and the president himself has really looking forward to it because they believe that if they get donald trump in front, of joe biden side-to-side. joe biden continues to talk about the deficiencies and how unfit this present the former president is donald trump can just throw a fit because we all know that it's very hard for him to control himself. and so voters are going to have that in mind. and i think at the end of the day they are the majority give them are not going to want a convicted felon in the white house. it's interesting on another very sensitive political issue out their a security issue as well. >> the president, president biden is expected to announce as early as tomorrow at executive order that would severely limit the number of asylum seekers coming in through the southern border into the united states this is one of the top issues as we all
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know, going into the 2024 presidential campaign, how could this impact the campaign? i think this is an enormous development in this race with this announcement tomorrow, depending on what it is and i'll turn to maria here in a moment to ask her. but because i think what is clear here a we know it's an issue that joe biden is running 30 behind on it's one of his weakest spots and all the polling. so whenever you're stepping into talk about and address something that is a weak spot. it's not your greatest day on the campaign trail that's one. but to just pointing to donald trump killing that compromise bill in congress on this clearly is not sufficient. the biden campaign believes they still need to do more to get right? with the american people. but here's the problem. it's going to inevitably invite some backlash from some progressives and left and left in his own home as he gets tougher on border security. and so watching him, the president and his team balance all of that is going to be critical. but how much backlash do you think there's going to be marine? >> so i think you're right about that, david and the keyword that you just said is
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balanced because what this president needs to do needs to lean in on. and he talked about this in the state of the union is to focus on really strong border security, which democrats have always been four and republicans have always wanted to weaponize, but to also offer expanded legal pathways which we hope that that will happen. >> it's interesting to me, is it lately? joe biden has taken two positions, right out of the trump playbook. one is on this asylum executive order, which is a trump order. and the other is on tariffs, on china two issues, one economic, one, border security. biden's plan on trump's playground here, you'll see the details of this decision by the president tomorrow. that's coming up. all right, guys. thank you very, very much. also coming up here in the situation room, a chaotic hearing up on capitol hill. how dr. anthony fauci responded to fiery attacks from republican congresswoman marjorie taylor greene the most anticipated moment of this election, and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former president's one stage model created by jake tapper and dana
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for in brynn, certain i'm mj lee at the white house and this is cnn on capitol hill today, a house hearing on the corona virus devolve the into chaos as republicans, including harb, right congresswoman marjorie taylor greene badger dr. anthony fauci about the covid vaccines and the origins of the virus cnn's lauren fox has are report dr. anthony fauci, once again, defending his actions and recommendations during the coronavirus pandemic in his first public congressional testimony since he retired in 2022, we were having people for reasons that had nothing to do with public health as science, refusing to adhere to public health intervention measures as republican sought to undermine his credibility. do the american people deserve to be abused like that, mr. fauci,
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because you're not dr. you're mr. fauci and my few minutes. republicans accusing fauci of trying to downplay a theory that the coronavirus may have originated in a lab something fauci adamantly denied. >> i did not edit any paper as shown in my official testimony. so you said about four or five things congressman, that would just not true. >> well, we have emails just prove it well, you don't despite intense questioning from republicans like congressman jim jordan, did us tax dollars flow through a grass ship into the lab in china? yes, of course. it was the sub award to the one who improved that award. >> what agency approved that award? >> national institute of allergy and infectious disease. >> your agency approved that, right? >> yes, it did after does that have anything to do with this downplaying the lab-leak theory? no nothing to do with it. >> nothing do you do you agree that there was a push to downplay the lab-leak theory not on my part, really, really.
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>> wow. well, i think i think most of the country you find that, find that amaz i said 11 seconds. look at the facts. i've kept an open mind throughout the entire process during the nearly for our hearing republicans seizing on a serum raise a private emails suggesting some nih aids may have attempted to bypass public disclosure requirements. >> the individuals at the nih and nid are of a very committed group of individuals and this one instance that you point out isn't a barents sea and an outlier. >> and republicans questioning some of the key guidance government officials gave in the early days of the pandemic. while policy decisions should have been based on scientific data. some frankly, we're not the burdensome six foot social distancing rule did not have sufficient scientific report in your words, it just sort of appeared democrats sought to defend fauci applauding his leadership on the covid vaccine, and defending his
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right to be addressed as a doctor in the hearing room. >> are we allowed to deny that a doctor is a doctor just because we don't want him to be a doctor yes. >> because in my time that man does not deserve to have a license is a matter of fact, it should be revoked and he belongs in to spend today as completely unacceptable to be able to deny dr. fauci who's your respected member of the medical community, his title and that's actually an a personal attack on on his qarrah. >> and i haven't trump did her. >> it's not respected and i've instructed her to address them as doctor tonight. >> address dr. dr. fauci, i am so sorry. you just had to sit through that. that was completely irresponsible quite frankly, some we're hearing this might be the most insane hearing i've actually attended. i've only been in congress for a year-and-a-half but i am so sorry that you are subjected to those level of attacks and insanity. >> lauren fox, cnn, capitol hill, and our thanks to see it as lauren fox for that report,
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i want to bring a democratic congresswoman, debbie dingell. she attended today's hearing. congresswoman, thanks for joining us. what was it like inside this hearing because you're heard marjorie taylor greene refused to even call dr. fauci by his title it quite frankly, she was one of the worst moments of the hearing. >> she was disrespectful, repeating misinformation she was martyred. she wanted to get attention and was doing everything. she good ten to get attention and to cause dr. fauci embarrassment. the fact of the matter is i sat through 14 hours of deposition that there would publish did we have looked at they weren't made public until friday while they were months ago. there is no evidence that dr. fauci did any of the allegations that have been made. >> this is a man with respectful record, a lot of us did not i mean, what we need to be doing is working together in a bipartisan way so that we're ready for the next pandemic, which is going to come.
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>> it's not a matter of if it's going to be one. and instead, people were taught with theat tricks and tried to demonize somebody who has made great contributions to health care in this dr. fauci at one point, we all noticed got choked up answering your questions congresswoman about the deaths deaths, threats to him and his family since the pandemic, let's watch this clip there have been credible death threats leading to the arrests of two individuals and credible death threats means someone who clearly was on their way to kill me and it's required my having protective services essentially all the time. it is very troublesome to me it is much more troublesome because they've involved my wife and my three daughters at this moment. >> how do you feel keeper
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micah? >> terrible. >> do you continue to receive threats today yes, i do. so congresswoman did republicans put dr. fauci had even more risk today by publicly blasting his credibility. >> i'm certain that they did and we can take this further. >> what i'm concerned about it is how people don't trust public health at the local level, at the state level, and the national level. >> people don't want to go into public health. there trade of it. they're afraid of the tax, the hape, the division that's out there. and yet it is public health that keeps us safe and, you know, when covid started, we didn't have a lot we were investigating a lot of things. i want to make it clear, dr. fauci told me back then and head over the course of these years, always said, we don't know where it came from. he was open to a lab-leak, could have come from animals. it was to trump administration that didn't push china the lead when we should been allowed in
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that country to figure out what was going to happen. this is public health matters to all of us. we almost eradicated smallpox, polio, measles. now we have measles and michigan because people won't get immunized. people's lack of trust in public health officials is scary and threatening to this country garners from debbie dingell, thanks very much for joining us and just ahead. >> israel reveals the deaths of four more hostages in gaza. >> i'm in an uproar over a potential ceasefire deal. we have details right after a quick break sometimes the best thing you can do within tenant i can share it with your adversary. if his secret is betrayed itself, bullet to the back of the hand, secrets and spies, a nuclear gain sunday at ten on cnn. >> work play link relief. >> work, play. blake really the
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stone i'm caitlin polantz at the federal courthouse in washington. >> and this is cnn in israel tonight, the military is informed the families of four hostages being held in gaza, that they're no longer alive. this as the israeli prime minister benjamin at the time you pushes back at a ceasefire proposal laid out by president biden cnn's jeremy diamond is covering a story for us from jerusalem cnn's mj lee has
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details from the white us first to you, jeremy, what do you learning about these hostages and how does this influence the push for a deal? >> well, while the israeli military today delivering the absolute worst news that the families of these four hostages could hope for in the last eight months telling them that they believed that their loved ones are dead. the israeli military's top spokesman, daniel hagari, saying that they were killed a few months ago, according to recently reviewed intelligence let's see also noted that they were killed while the israeli military was operating in khan younis a question mark there as to whether or not it was israeli fire that was responsible for their deaths. but hagari acknowledging that there are difficult questions about the circumstances of their deaths. and as all of this is happening, and certainly raising more public pressure on the israeli government to stand by and implement this latest israeli proposal for a ceasefire and hostage deal. these israeli prime minister has spent the last couple of
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days really walking away from some of the key parts of this deal indicating that this will not lead to an end of the war, which was very much the way play the president biden tried to frame the deal on friday. and these really prime minister's doing that for one key reason. and that's because two far-right members of his governing coalition have threatened to walk to topple the government altogether if these really prime minister moves forward with this deal, and what's interesting is not only has the israeli prime minister not been successful so far in trying to convince them that this is a good deal that they could support. but at the same time, there are now new concerns wolf, inside these really governments according to two sources, who i spoke with, concerns that israeli prime minister is in fact undermining the very fabric of this deal and the way in which it's being sold to hamas by the mediators by focusing so much on the fact that he will not allow this to lead to an end of the war until all the conditions of this a war are
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met meaning the destruction of hamas. there is a key part of this deal that is very much intended to be ambiguous about how exactly you go from a six-week ceasefire, one that can be extended for weeks or months even, and ultimately leading to a longer-term, perhaps even a permanent ceasefire between israel and hamas ultimately will netanyahu may very well faced the question of whether or not to see the survival of his government or to support this deal. but in the meantime, the only way here will actually have to face that question is if hamas response positively and agrees to this proposal, we're still waiting for hamas is official response. will mj you're over at the white house. how is the white house responding to prime minister and tiny, you will if there has been some interesting maneuvering going on here by president biden, white house officials acknowledged that it was quite unusual for president biden to be the first to publicly unveil the details of
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an israeli ceasefire proposal that we are told that us officials did give a heads-up to their israeli counterparts about this speech that he gave back last friday. that speech, of course, was aimed at trying to get all of the parties that are involved to finally agree to ceasefire agreement that has been so elusive for a number of months now. but today at the white house, we saw white house officials sort of trying to downplay this idea that there is daylight between president biden and prime minister netanyahu. i asked white house spokesman john kirby to explain the fact that president biden said in his speech last week that hamas has been degraded to such a point that it could no longer a perpetrate another october 7, like a tab, but then we saw the prime minister immediately after that speech from the president saying that the destruction of hamas still needs to happen before israel would agree to a ceasefire. and what kirby's response to that was to basically sat sidestepped the question should and say that the us agrees that
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hamas and their ability to conduct that kind of attack, again must be prevented. now, just the backdrop here, of course, is that the prime minister is expected at some point to come to washington to address congress. i hear across town, but we don't know exactly right now when that date would be and just keep in mind the president, of course, has a very busy couple of weeks coming up with two foreign trips. and then of course, the first presidential debate at the end of june as well for the time being, he is trying to put a lot of pressure and various regional leaders to convince hamas to accept this latest proposal from israel just today, for example, he did speak with the emir of qatar the white house readout says that the president said israel is ready to move forward with a proposal that's not exactly what the prime minister is indicating publicly. of course, wolf, very interesting, very sensitive moment in deed, mj lee, jeremy diamond to both of you. thank you very much. coming up. >> donald trump's flip flip-flop on tiktok. >> why he's posting on the site. he previously wanted to ban duties, celebrating freedom
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touched on, set the message to kevin us to be it's over for you did i doubt trump is pulling in millions of followers on tiktok just two days after joining the popular social media app an app that he sought to ban when he was president bryan todd is working the story for us. >> brian trump apparently sees tiktok differently. now that he's in the middle of this campaign, he does want patrols, not the only candidate sending mixed messages about tiktok president biden, and the biden campaign of done that as well. apparently the potential to draw votes from tiktok users is now a big enticement president is now on tiktok with that announcement by ufc head dana white, donald trump has officially joined tiktok, the former president's first post on the platform coming saturday night, and an ultimate fighting championship match in newark, new jersey and the former.
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president is an instant tiktok hit. now with over four million followers, justin's saturday night, this is a huge turnaround for trump, who has president tried unsuccessfully to ban tiktok in the us, citing the company's links to china. >> well, either close up tiktok me, this country for security reasons before it'll be so trump now says he opposes a nationwide tiktok ban, but trump's flip-flop on tiktok isn't the only mixed message over the platform in this presidential campaign president biden's campaign launched its own tiktok account during this year's super bowl. >> jason kelce, your travis kelce, mama kelce biden then signed a law in april that would force tiktok parent company to sell the app to an american company or face an outright ban in the us all the while, biden's campaign has posted several videos on tiktok trolling, trump. it cares about holding onto power. i care about you. >> analysts say for both the biden and trump campaign's concerns about tiktok hypocrisy are like please secondary to the benefit of using the platform to reach voters who
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don't consume traditional media. >> they want to try to reach out to those younger voters, those that gen z, millennial voter who will be out there. and especially those low information voters analysts say tiktok is becoming more of a central place where young people are getting their news, even though the app has tried not to become news or politics centric, how would candidates use tiktok? candidates are most likely to use tiktok to troll other candidates at this point, they're not using it to explain their policy platforms. that's not necessarily what younger voters there's are going to tiktok to learn about. they want to see funny viral videos. >> tiktok is owned by a chinese company, national security agencies are concerned that the company could be beholden to the communist government in beijing, which could lean on tiktok to share information about american users. tiktok rejects those concerns, but analysts say an election influence campaigns in on tiktok is not unthinkable. >> a foreign actor could place its thumb on the scale and maybe promote certain content that's fair roles to a
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candidate that it wants to see in the white house and demoed content. that's favorable to a candidate doesn't want to see tiktok has filed a legal challenge to the law that president biden signed that would ban the app in the us unless it finds a new owner. >> well, interesting, brian, talk. thank you very much. and we'll be right back with more news the assignments are going off and playing the tornado here i'm thinking, i'm going to die. and i thought filing earth with liev schreiber sunday at nine on cnn bought the team. >> i'll put it on my chase freedom unlimited car, and i'm a cashback on a few other things to data with the sound system like a pro, would chase freedom and limits. how do you catch back? >> i'm richard car and i love my host, my hose is lightweight my hose will not kink and my
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