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tv   CNN Newsroom With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  June 4, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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of course, makes it hard to see it as anything but a political move. >> what is the white house say about it? >> well, the white house so far is not offered any specific details, but sources who have been briefed on the expected executive order say that president biden is planning to announce this sweeping executive action that would effectively shut down the border for those migrants crossing illegally. trial plane to seek asylum when a certain daily limit of crossings is reached. now, those numbers that sources have told us is expected to have a daily limit of 2,500 apprehensions to put that into person just yesterday, there were about 3,500 daily encounters. so this essentially could potentially go into effect right away. now the expected executive order is expected to exempt on a companies children a move that is concerning to some immigration advocates as they are worried that it could encourage families to send their children's at the southern border by themselves, biden and also would be trying
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to tap into an authority that former president donald trump tried to use when he was president at something democrats decried and eventually it was struck down in the courts. but certainly this comes as biden in this trial trying to show he is doing more when it comes to border security at a time when republicans have tried to paint him as weak on the issue. >> okay. arlette saenz. thank you for the reporting from the white house thank you all for joining us this morning. i'm alison camera radha, our next our of newsroom with wolf blitzer starts now you are in the cnn newsroom. i, wolf blitzer in washington. we're following the breaking news up on capitol hill right now, house republicans have been grilling the attorney general of the united states merrick garland. that's about to continue. merrick garland is being asked about supposedly spreading baseless let's conspiracy theories that have been going on. and the justice department is using alleged lawfare. this is what
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republicans are arguing to target the former president of the united states, donald trump. and moments ago merrick garland went on the offense attacking the gop for promoting these lives and undermining the justice it's a system. listen these repeated attacks on the justice department are unprecedented and they are unfounded. >> these attacks have not. and they will not influence our decision-making. i will not be intimidated. and the justice department will not be intimidated we will continue to work, do our jobs free from political influence and we will not back down from defending democracy the attorney general, merrick garland also strongly defended the justice system as a foundation of american democracy, vowing to protect its integrity and independence as attorney general, i will continue to forcefully defend
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the independence of the justice department from improper influence or interference of any kind. >> and i will continue to fiercely protect the integrity of our criminal investigations nothing will deter me from fulfilling my obligation to uphold the rule of law fulfilling that obligation includes ensuring that the justice department respects congress's important role in our democracy the hearings on a break right now, we'll resume our coverage as soon as the members come back into that hearing room, the house judiciary committee, i want to bring in our congressional correspondent, laura and fox she standing up on capitol hill and cnn senior crime and justice reporter katelyn polantz. >> she's lived with me here in the cnn newsroom let me start with you to learn you're there on capitol hill. we just heard some powerful words from the attorney general, set the scene for us. what's going on? >> yeah. so right now they are
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in just a short break so that members can go and vote. but one thing that has been happening inside that room is already you're starting to see some fireworks. wolf, one of the first questioner is matt gaetz was trying to get merrick garland to comment on what has been saved prosecutions in new york, in georgia, and repeatedly what you heard from the attorney general is that those are cases that the justice department he's not involved in has no influence in, and that is a trend that i expect is going to continue from republicans in the hours ahead meanwhile, on the democratic sayyed, you have members trying to set the stage for the fact that it is not just donald trump who is facing criminal charges does both under the department of justice and in some of those state cases, but also some democrats in fact, cve cohen, democrat from tennessee, laid out the fact that hunter biden is on trial right now. there's also
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talking about the prosecution's of bob menendez, henry cuellar. he said that if the justice department was not fair, you would not see democrats are facing some of those charges. so a really interesting juxtaposition right now, i did ask one democrat coming out of the room just a few minutes ago, representative pramila jayapal, what she thought so far of garland's performance. here's what she said have anything to do is take press color about what he's doing i think in these hearings, they are ranked witnesses and it doesn't really matter what the witness says. >> but i think our side has a chance to continually we characterize make. it clear, but yes, i think he's doing a good job and wolff, we should just know this is a general oversight hearing, so there is a myriad of shoes that we expect could come up. >> in fact, you heard one congressmen in the room, mcclintock, he was asking more about immigration. i mean, this
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is really a wide a range of topics that we expect are going to come up in the hours ahead. wolf, learned fox, i want you to stand by up on capitol hill, were watching all the drama unfold, katelyn polantz is with me here in the cnn newsroom right now. >> as you know, caitlin now the attorney general address, the bogus allegation that the justice department was totally behind what the manhattan district attorney did in prosecuting the former president donald trump. and his response was strong. >> it was indeed so congress and matt gaetz specifically was pressing for answers on that and saying to garland, there must have been coordination somehow. and garland says not mincing words, we do not control the manhattan district attorney. they make their own decisions. they're completely independent. it is true that the justice department investigated some of the business dealings of donald trump, chose not to bring the campaign finance case ultimately. >> and then the manhattan da's be they went and are operating
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separately even though they employ someone that at one time was part of the justice department merrick garland is not allowing this to have any daylight at all. >> this is a separate case, very different than the federal prosecutions he is protecting. and this is something that garland is quite unhappy about. he's unhappy that this misleading information is out there and other misleading information. here's a little bit more about what he is pushing back on against house republicans today. >> this effort is only the most recent in a long line of attacks on the justice department's work it comes alongside threats to the fund, particular department investigations most recent the special counsel's prosecution of the former president it comes alongside false claims that a jury verdict in a state trial by a brought by a local district attorney was somehow controlled by the justice
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department that conspiracy theory is an attack on the judicial process itself wolf, while this hearing is largely about, or supposed to be about the contempt proceeding, republicans want to bring against merrick garland related to his handling of the investigation of joe biden in the interview there where there's an audio recording thing that isn't being released. classified documents case? yes. that resulted in no charges. >> much of the broader conversation is about misleading information, conspiracy theories that are being spread primarily by donald trump's somebody that is being prosecuted by the justice department. >> so a lot there for both garland to push back on and for house republicans to question him about important points. katelyn polantz, thanks very much. lauren fox. thanks to you as well. let's discuss this and more with the former attorney general of the united states, alberto gonzales, attorney general. what's your reaction to hearing? at least so far? what the attorney general merrick garland is saying, his forceful defense of
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the us justice department i think one of the primary responsibilities for the attorney general is to protect the department to protect the department's reputation to make sure that the american people have confidence in the integrity of the work of the department. >> and so he's doing the absolute all right thing, quite frankly this notion, quite frankly i find ridiculous that there would be some level of coordination between the department of justice and what happened in new york believing department of justice going to want to be as far away as possible from that prosecution. and so i'm not surprised that's where the democrats went with this but nonetheless, i can assure you something with respect to the department of justice, and i once worked with this is not something that department would be involved with in any shape or form a big picture. >> attorney general, how do you respond to the republicans who are baselessly claiming that the justice department right now is being weaponized he's
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doing they're worried well, i i think that our country is one of the primary swicy countries are liberty. >> you cannot have liberty without the rule of law. and the rule of law exists to protect our liberty. and every time you make an attack against the rule of law, which you do whenever you attack the department of justice without any kind of basis, you weaken confidence in all of our institutions and you're waking confidence in the rule of law and it threatens our very are very liberty and so i think it's very dangerous, quite frankly we live in a very polarized society as it is. i think that there are legitimate concerns about house. some people in this country will react a baseless accusations, baseless claims that the department of justice is somehow one-sided. there's only going after it's only going after republicans. >> but of course, as the one
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member the committee indicated, that's simply not true, the department is following evidence where it leads them and they're prosecuting those cases where they believe that those cases should be prosecuted we also heard attorney general, the committee chairman jordan continue to mischaracterized the search warrant that the fbi executed to search trump's home down at mar-a-lago in florida. listen to this justice is no longer blind in america today is driven by politics example number one. it's president trump. the biden justice department under attorney general garland approved a raid on president trump's home something we've never witnessed in this great country. this action broke every norm in our justice system. many americans believed there's now a double standard and our justice system, they believed that because there is and we're going to have lots of questions about that problem well, let me get your reaction
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to that because they're apparently according to most of the experts out there, there was nothing at all unusual about that search warrant, right? now the language in the search warrant war, is there a very standard? so this case was not treated any differently. and the reason why you've never hadn't history of this country, a search before presence home is because in the past, when the word documents that in their possession that should not be in their possession, they turned it over when asked this president refused to do so. so this case is entirely different from any other before. and that's why there's been a different treatment with respect to in this particular case, these are historically the first time ever in american history. these things have been going on so many these things, some republican lawmakers, attorney general, one to hold the current attorney general merrick garland in contempt for refusing to turn over audio tapes of president biden's interview with special counsel, her should those tapes be given to congress to transcripts of
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the interviews have been made available why do you i think they should or shouldn't be handed over to congress. we know what merrick garland just explained there is a longstanding practice when congress aspirin information generally needs to be tied to a legitimate legislative use. >> what is the reason why congress wants this in this particular case or in prior cases? that aren't familiar with when you provide the transcript of some kind of interview that has been sufficient to satisfy the needs of the committee and so this is what merrick garland has provided as a transcript. for today. from my perspective, the committee has not provided a legitimate my reason why more should be provided in connection with their legitimate oversight responsibilities. >> as we know, president biden has asserted executive privilege and the department of justice has respected that on the basis that it could inhibit
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the cooperation of witnesses in the future who maybe willing to cooperate with the department of justice with the knowledge or the agreement that what they say the recordings of those interviews will not be turned over beyond the department of justice. >> and so there is legitimate law enforcement reason why the department is taking this position alberto gonzalez, the former attorney general, the united states. thanks as usual for joining us thank you, wolf. and stay with cnn. we're of course going to continue to monitor the questioning and the testimony of the attorney general before the house judiciary committee will also bring you any major headlines as he strongly defends his rank and file also underway right now, the opening statements in the hunter biden we've got trial. we know now that the judge will allow some explicit photos the defendant's attorneys wanted excluded from evidence i'm back at the white house. president biden is expected to sign a major executive order on border
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crossings from mexico into the united states. and it looks like could have come from his predecessors actual playbook will explain, stay with us. you're alive here in the cnn newsroom the most anticipated moment. of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former president, one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debates tuesday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max
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ingredients recipes written by hand last time. can now be analyzed and restored using in power of delhi reserving memories and how to write new who are you? i ran a child what you really need to live is some brick in total four star keeps you going toward get you going we're talking, i love guard bonds hello, i know our job wanted are two the total torque doubt crossover this situation room with wolf blitzer knighted six once cnn happening right now in delaware, the opening statements have just finished. >> the hunter biden's federal gun trial. he's the first child of a sitting president of
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the united states to ever go on trial. the prosecution open with some fiery remarks with the defense highlighting his struggles with addiction the first lady, jill biden is back in the court today to support hunter biden. and the president issued a strong statement of support for a son saying, and i'm quoting him now, as the president, i don't and won't comment on pending federal cases. but as a dad, i have boundless love for my son confidence in him, and respect et for his strength. close quote, before the statements began this morning, a one juror was replaced after telling the judge that the juror lived too far from the courthouse to commute every day in our drive, at least cnn's chief legal affairs correspondent, paula reid is outside the courthouse in wilmington, delaware for us polo. what's the latest year hearing right now said, tell our viewers what's been going on all right. >> now, court is in a brief break after opening statements from both sides concluded and
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any moment, we'll hear from the first witness in this trial. and the big news this morning, of course, was as you just notice, noted, they lost a juror juror who didn't have any political the goal or security concerns about serving, but instead said she did not want to commute an hour each way from her home to cork. now, it does not appear again at this time. in anything to do with the allegations here. this appeared to be an issue that was specific to her. she has been replaced by an alternate juror and then the jury got to hear opening statements from both sides. now, in the prosecution's opening statement, they emphasize how they're bringing this case because they believe that quote, no one is above the law. and that's interesting because that's a similar argument that we heard from prosecutors in new york over the past two months in the trump hush money trial. then they also have the size that you cannot lie on a federal form even if your name is hunter biden. of course, those are the allegations at the center of this case. allegations that hunter biden lied about his status and his
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addiction when purchasing a firearm, and prosecutors also had to address the larger issue of addiction, the majority of potential jurors all said yesterday, during jury selection that they had some sort of experience great. so with the loved one or themselves dealing with addiction and prosecutors said luck, addiction is not a choice, but it is a choice to a legally buy a firearm and he's opening statements from prosecutors. it was a multimedia presentation. they showed guns, got pictures of the gun. they use audio clips from hunter biden's memoir, which he personally narrated no one was the defense's turn to get out. they emphasized a hunter biden state of vine. the fact that prosecutors need to prove he did this knowingly they also tried to put some of the responsibility on the individual who worked at the gunshots saying that this individual lead hundred to the gun, that he eventually ended up purchasing and this is going to be again, this is going to go from about anywhere from three days to two weeks. it is the first of two federal trials. will that the president's son is facing here. but interesting finley, his stepmom is here today for
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opening statements. first lady dr. jill biden showed up here, even though it's just heading to france later tonight with her husband, just another example. temple of the support that hunter is receiving from his family during this case or i paula reid outside the courthouse in wilmington, delaware for us, we will stay in close touch with you, paula. thank you very much joining us now cnn legal analyst and former federal prosecutor, elliot williams, and former montgomery county pennsylvania prosecutor bruce caster. he represented donald trump in his second impeachment trial. elliott, so far, based on what we know, what stood out to you on the prosecution's opening arguments. >> so the prosecution does not have a ton to prove here. wolf ultimately, that number one, the defendant was addicted or using drugs and possess a firearm at the time. now, what they have to do who that by not inflaming the jury and make it seem like they're coming down on people who used or abused drugs and they did a few things quite cleverly. they're number one playing back excerpts of hunter biden's book, where he
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talks about his struggles with addiction acknowledging that these are very painful issues for many people, but they're his words and all sorts were heard with the audio. yeah. version of the book? absolutely. and then text messages as well, acknowledging some of these things and the line that paula had pointed to, that addiction is not a choice, but the decision to unlawfully by a firearm is making clear even to the jurors that have struggled with some of these questions with themselves and their families. this is about the firearm, not necessarily just the drugs. >> hundred biden's defense attorney abbe lowell oh, who's got a lot of experience in this area highlighted the word knowingly and the charges brought against hunter biden as he began his opening statement, he said that prosecutors had quote, left out the word and argued it is a key part of the case. what are your thoughts on that? >> that's a very important tactic or strategy how did you for the defense attorney now, when we speak of committing any crime or prosecuting any crime, mental state is important prosecutors have to prove that a person either knowingly or willfully or deliberately
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committed an act in a prosecutors can't establish that something wasn't accidental the jury can't convict, and so the defense is putting in in the water for the jury this notion that what prosecutors have not and will not be able to establish the mental state necessary. now, i think that's a bit of a stretch because you're talking about filling out a form and possessing a firearm and addiction, but that is how an effect good defense work goes. >> let me bring bruce into this conversation. bruce, what do you make of the defense's opening statements well, i think that it's a very nuanced defense. >> it's a technical defense based on mens rea, which is what? who was just being discussed. i mean, we don't punish people criminally in this country for making mistakes. we punish them for intentionally doing something wrong that they know is against the law. and it's even more nuanced than the addiction issue because the actual form says, are you an unlawful user of or picked it to. so if he's
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in possession of drugs or anything that the federal government considered a controlled substance and the proof, the circumstance of proof is that he possessed it at the time that he is in violation of the form. but if they have no evidence of that and he can present enough evidence to create a reasonable doubt that he thought he was in remission and that he was no longer addicted to then he will succeed in that defense because remember, it's the government's burden to prove him guilty, not his burden to prove himself innocent. >> good point. elliott, does you know the biden family as long long history in the state of delaware. everybody knows that biden is from delaware, was senator from delaware, was a congressman from delaware. and jill biden was there in attendance during the testimony today. she's been there showing her support for steps you think this is going to have an impact on the jury, should it know,
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but will it quite possibly for a number of reasons now under all under the federal law, technically under the constitution, courts are open and they're open to the public and members of families can attend and so she certainly has the right to be there now, joe biden is one of the most recognizable people in america and people know that she's associated with the defendant. it's a little bit different than donald trump's trial in new york, where a number of these congressmen and even the speaker of the house or just not recognizable to most americans. and so the image of jill biden may kick around and jurors heads, but they will be advised only to consider the facts and the law and what they heard at trial, and to put aside all the publicity and maybe they can do it. >> we'll see what happens elliot williams, bruce castro to both of you. thank you very, very much. still ahead, president biden expected to announce executive actions soon. that will allow him to temporarily seal the us border with mexico. this would mark a very significant policy shift for his administration stay with us. we'll tell you
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monitor the hearing and bring you the latest throughout this hour standby for that. but first, there's other important news we're watching right now. president biden is getting ready to bypass congress and unveil executive actions, cracking down on the flow of illegal migrants across the southern border the measure would severely restrict asylum seekers who crossed unlawfully. the threshold effectively shutting down the border would kick in once the crossings reach a daily average of 2,500, the regulation was enforced under the trump administration and was widely denounced at the time by democrats. cnn's rosa flores because on the border in a hidalgo texas for us, rosa, what's the reaction there to this expected executive action by the president well, if the reaction is mixed, there are officials who say that the president is doing something to impact okay. >> to the issue at the border. and they are thankful that
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he's taking this action. there are mayors here from south texas that will be at the white house there we have confirmed that they are participating. they're going to be supporting the president. there, the white house as the president announces this new existence, sweeping executive order on the border. now, one of those mayors is the mayor of brownsville, texas, and he issued a statement saying, in part, quote, president joe biden is expected to unveil an executive order for that may notably impact migrants ability to seek asylum along the us southern border. now a lot of these officials are pretty vague. they are not commenting on camera because they're waiting for the specific details to be announced. and we're expecting that announcement later today. now, some officials are upset about what the president is doing. they say it's too little too late, and some individuals are upset because they weren't invited to the white house to participate in these meetings, to participate in the expected event later today, one of those
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mayors is the mayor of edgar horn southern california that may or issuing a statement saying in part quote, this is nothing but a sham and an insult to those of us dealing with the real consequences of his failed border policies now, the white house would argue that no executive action is going to fix all the ills on the us southern border. that what's required is action from congress that congress needs to act so that there can be comprehensive immigration reform. and so all of these issues can be tackled in a comprehensive way now one of the curious things is the timing of this announcement. why now? >> when you look at the number of migrant apprehensions of the us southern border, right now, they are craig extremely low. now we have these numbers for you. >> we're not in december of 2023 right now when there was a migrant surge on the us southern border when the admonition striation was surging resources to various parts of the border because of the number of border crossings
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that were happening on a daily basis at that point in time, us customs and border one of protection estimated about 250 migrant crossings in-between ports of entry just a month of december, you look at those numbers in april, that number was about 128,000. >> i talked to a source yesterday who said that last 1 so that gives you a sense. now, everybody that i've talked to hear in the real world grand valley points to that number, points to the fact wolf that the numbers are so low to say that this is a political move by the administration. now, one of the big questions is, as you mentioned, this is something that the trump administration tried back in 2018 and it was struck down by the courts the big question is, if this announcement is made and we know these details will visit executive order by the biden administration holding court. will it will it stand a legal challenge? we don't know. we're going to have to wait for those details for that to be determined. wolf back to you a good report. >> rosa flores on the safe for us. thank you very much. let's discuss what's going on with
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cnn political analyst laura barron-lopez, republican strategies. doug hi and former communications director for vice president kamala harris and actually at ten and laura, let me start with you. how are both republicans and democrats? first of all, from what you're hearing, responding to this upcoming executive action by the president. >> well, it's a bit of a mixed reaction from democrats. there are some democrats, especially ones in difficult reelection races, who wanted the president to take action, who wanted to see him do some executive action because of the fact that the senate a partisan deal was killed by republicans. but then there are democrats, including those within the hispanic caucus that are not happy about this. they feel as though its way too strict that it's going to essentially turn back migrants who otherwise would have qualified get for asylum and they of course, i think are going to be supporting some legal challenges. and i think we can expect those legal challenges to come. republicans are attacking the president despite the fact that months ago, a number of them thought that he should take executive action. and we're using that argument for their reason for not supporting that bipartisan
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border deal interested in, you know, ashley some of the, some democrats as you know, are accusing the president now of doing what trump would have wanted to do, going to trump's playbook, in effect by limiting the number of individuals who could seek asylum in the united states? >> absolutely. and what i'm hearing from leadership in the house democrats, but also from the white house. is that the argument they're making to those members is we might be able we disagree on the remedy on how to solve this problem, but we all agree that there is a problem and we have to take some action. the fact that there's a problem at the border is not lost on democrats at all. it's not lost on the president. but i think what's really important here is the sequence as we talk about timing the president day one introduced comprehensive legislation as the reporter said, it's better to codify this into law. that didn't happen. he negotiated a bipartisan deal. it was a conservatives wishlist they decided they didn't want it from stepped in. he killed
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momentum, told them to walk away from the deal and they did. and now they voted against their own bill several times. so left with no other choice. the president has to take action at this point. and i think what's so disappointing about is republicans sort of fury about this issue and outrage about this issue is completely disingenuous. why would they go ahead and vote and pass the bill? they've instead left jeopardize the safety of the country in these communities all over the nation to suck up, to donald trump is if republicans would have voted for that bipartisan bill, it would have passed, the president would have signed it into law. and a lot of these debates that are going on right now how would not be taking place? >> i've spent a lot of my career on capitol hill working very unsuccessfully. i would say on immigration reform. and this bill that was brought up a bipartite producing bill for to conservative, very conservative republican from oklahoma. this is a bill that we wouldn't have dreamed off back in ten, maybe 15 years ago that republicans will get. but it didn't pass. so we're in a new reality, didn't pass because trump
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didn't want biden yeah, get any benefit, political benefit if it would have passed right? >> exactly. because if you look at the polling when we dive down on on issues, donald trump is crushing joe biden on questions about the border and it's why house republican, senate republicans and clearly the trump campaign as well feel that this is their opportunity to campaign to not just voters who are concerned about the border but specifically hispanic voters who were very upset with biden's enforcement on this. and we see donald trump is somebody who says i'm when i do something on day one that may or may not have happen, but you don't make promises of i'm going to do this on day 1,200, and that's where joe biden is right now. and these images that we see of people coming across the border, or a big reason why it's just been too little too late at this point, despite the legislation, it's a very, very serious issue going into the election as we all know, doug. hi, thanks very much. actually, at the end. thank you very much. laura, around lopez. thank you very, very much. and we'll be right back with more news sometimes the best thing
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largest democracy prime minister narendra modi, appears headed for a rare third term in office, but he also appears unable to reach the outright majority he wanted. and that would certainly be a shocking loss. cnn senior international correspondent ivan watson is joining us live from new delhi right now, i've been weirder things stand with the results as of right now? >> oh, there's still being counted and when you consider that you had more than 640 million ballots cast, that's new delete twice the population of the us. this is a big job so while this is still going on, narendra modi, the man who's been prime minister of india for ten years so ready declaring victory, he's come out, he's just given a speech saying this is a glorious de, this is a victory for the world's largest democracy. but he's spinning a little bit because it does look like he's electoral margin has shrunk. we're still looking at preliminary numbers, but he was boasting that he who's going
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to have a massive electoral wind, a landslide instead, it does look like he's majority will have shrunk compared to the last two elections that he may actually even end up having to govern in a coalition with other political parties. so the opposition, there saying they're spinning this as a major defeat for narendra modi. take a listen to roll gandhi, he's the leader of the main opposition party the country has unanimously and clearly stated we do not want mr. narendra modi and mr. ahmed show to be involved in the running of this country. >> we do not like provide everyone this country. we do not appreciate the way they have attack the constitution so his opponents criticize modi and argue that he's eroding democratic freedoms in this country. >> that's a charge he of course rejects and india's
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headed into new territory because again, the man whose dominated this country for a decade he may have to now govern with partners and making compromises. he's never had to make before very interesting, i've been watson. >> thank you very much. ivan's in new delhi they're important news. we're following president biden now saying it's uncertain his word uncertain. if israel committed war crimes in gaza, how those comments could resonate in israel as the president's peace plan hangs in the balance right now, lots going on, stay with us. you're on the cnn newsroom june 19th, cnn celebrated juneteenth with special performances by john legend, had lewbel, smokey robinson, everyone to celebrated juneteenth celebration freedom and legacy. >> wednesday, june 19 at ten on cnn well done. >> fifth, he got the presence, the balloons, and the raptor cake now how about something to
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right down. >> president biden's national security adviser, jake sullivan, is meeting at the white house with families of american hostages being held by hamas. the backdrop for this he didn't gets a ceasefire plan announced the other day by president biden. it's hanging in the balance as hamas and israel way they're full responses. also new this morning, president biden telling time magazine that it's quote uncertain whether israel has committed war crimes in gaza but he's still pushing back against the world. courts, warrants for top israeli officials, including the prime minister and the defense minister cnn's jeremy diamond is joining us from jerusalem right now. jeremy, we know there have been disagreements about what exactly was discussed in these latest ceasefire talks. is there any more clarity today? are they any closer at all to a deal that would allow the hostages to come home and at the same time remove the israelis of the israeli forces from gaza.
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>> well well freight now all parties are waiting for hamas is official response. the countries have now officially confirmed that the latest israeli ceasefire proposal was indeed transferred to hamas. and now the ball is very much in their court. but as we await, hamas is response what we've been hearing from the israeli prime minister mr has sparked some concerns from israeli officials. and i'll explain why. because over the last couple of days, we've been hearing netanyahu repeatedly emphasizing the fact that this deal, in his view, is not going to lead to an end of the war that israel has not agreed to a permanent ceasefire and won't do so until and unless hamas is first defeated it fully on the battlefield. and that runs he's doing so because he's trying to shore up the support of some of his far-right ministers and his government who have threatened to collapse this governments if netanyahu follows through with the deal, but two israeli sources familiar with the matter tell me that there are now concerns within the israeli government but the israeli prime minister in doing that is also
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undermining the very fabric of this deal. undermining in particular, the way in which this deal is being sold to hamas by the mediators as well as by the united states. and that is very much to frame this deal as a way to end the war, as a way to eventually get to a permanent ceasefire that's part of the reason why president biden in his speech on friday, very much framed this agreement that way. but of course, the israeli prime minister isn't going to have to confront this choice about whether or not to save his government or a to go through with this ceasefire agreements until we hear hamas is response and ultimately, what will be critical here will it will be knowing whether or not hamas is willing to accept this deal when that could potentially lead to a permanent ceasefire, but with no guarantees or whether they will continue to insist on an upfront commitment from the israeli government to a permanent ceasefire. that was their position as of a few weeks ago, but we still don't have their official reply. >> well, jeremy diamond in
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jerusalem will stay in close touch with you. thank you very much. and to our viewers, thanks very much for joining me here in the cnn newsroom. i'm wolf blitzer in washington. i'll be back later tonight's 6:00 p.m. eastern this situation room, right back here tomorrow 11:00 a.m. in the cnn newsroom. stay with us inside politics with dana bash starts after a very short break the assignments are going off and playing the tornado here i'm thinking i'm going to die and i thought that was it. >> filing earth with liev schreiber sunday at nine on cnn why choose asleep number swipe ed. >> can it keep me warm when i'm cold? >> wait, no, i'm always hot. >> sleep number. does that can i make my side softer? >> i can make my sayyed firmer
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