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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  June 5, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate office... [ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg's moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don's paying so much for at&t, he's been waiting to update his equipment! there's a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don't have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. number one most luck banking app. >> i'm summons or fatty in washington. and this is cnn it's wednesday, june 5, right now on cnn this morning, asylum seekers effectively banned at the southern border. >> president biden's executive action in effect.
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>> but for how long sparks flying and hunter biden's trump and make it from the waist down crashes his car into the lobby of a local jail and any moment now a new verdict in the amanda knox case for lawyers looking to overturn a 16-year-old conviction all right 6:00 a.m. here in washington. a live look at the white house on this wednesday morning. good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us. the message from the white house this morning, the border is closed right now, most asylum seekers crossing illegally from mexico into the us are supposed to be turned back after president biden took executive action simple truth is, there is a worldwide
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migrant. >> chuck crushes. >> and if the united states doesn't secure our border, there's no limit to the number of people may try to come here. >> so today i'm moving past republican obstruction and using the executive authorities available to me as president to do what i can on my own to address the border the pushback was immediate progressive democrats calling it a betrayal while republicans claim it's a political ploy this is a public relations executive order, and it's meaningless meaningless. >> he could he could stop the millions of people coming into our country with one order and one signature. it's all there for him. i did it we should note that the aclu is filing suit to block the president's action. >> they were previously successful blocking a similar action that was issued by former president trump are panels here. molly ball, senior political correspondent for the wall street journals, cnn, legal analyst elliot williams, former federal prosecutor, and paddy soil is doyel. she's former presidential campaign
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manager for hillary clinton and matt gorman, former senior adviser to tim scott's presidential campaign. welcome all. thank you so much for being here. this morning molly ball, big picture at the president is doing this precisely because he wants these headlines for political reasons, the border is shut, it is closed but obviously this is something that republicans still feel like they have high, higher ground on. how does this ultimately work for the president or not they didn't go to church as i talked to you, don't expect the president to actually win on this issue. >> but the idea is that something is better than nothing they'd rather have something to point to to say he's doing something. then to have to sort of continue to ignore it or blame it on republicans in our own wall street journal polling, we've asked people what do you believe is a better explanation for what's going on in the border, is it that the president undid a bunch of trump's? executive actions and has allowed it to get out of control? or is it that republicans refuse to go along with these negotiated
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bipartisan border bill and the majority of people said the former, the majority of people blame the president for what's happening. don't blame republicans for not having come to the table or from having walked away from the table. on the border and that had been the argument before up to now, i think you do. here are some democrats and some on the left saying how does the president draw a distinction between him and trump if he's doing essentially the same things. and some of the progressives who are criticizing him, not just on the policy that they don't like, but politically are saying this now makes it harder for him to make that case. since trump's platform on immigration is such a central part of his campaign and was so contentious while he was president, right? >> this whole idea of republicans walking away, quote, unquote, really revolves around there's nothing more american than app mom, apple pie and failing to pass immigration reform happens literally every couple of years when i worked up in congress
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2007, 2008, failures both times than i was at ice. oddly enough on the working on the border in 2013 and they failed again and congress can't seem to get their act together with passing legislation. what ends up happening then is that presidents trump did it biden. trump did it for different reasons. biden did it use these executive actions to try to patch the holes and that's why the aclu was suing the president has limited authority to step in when there's existing law and try to change it with just a signature, right. >> so this has divided democrats and i kinda wanna give you guys a preview of a little bit of a taste of how that's playing out. let's watch this as a series of democrats, progressive and moderate weighing in on the president's actions it is extremely disappointing that this white house would choose to double down on the previous administration's harmful and flawed immigration policies. it's not perfect, but i am supportive of the action that he took today. >> he knows it probably the
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courts will reject it as they did when president trump did. and that really throws the, the, the issue back to congress. >> the asylum is a very important part of american history, but now the system is being abused. i think it was the right thing to do. >> paddy soil. soil. you've run a presidential campaign. you hear what those democrats are saying. they're the moderates are basically saying like, yeah, i'm on board with this, but progressives are obviously some of them are calling it a betrayal. >> yeah. >> look, i don't think the president had a choice in all honesty again, that you trump came out early this year and said no, no, we're not going to do this bill. i'm not going to give biden the political win here i'm going to use this as a juggernaut. >> i'm this campaign, i'm going to win on this issue. and i'm sorry, mayors and governors of states that are being affected really high-stress situations it's for them. you know, they have called out and said we can't handle this anymore. trump said too bad, you're going to have to wait until after the
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election i i really honestly don't think by didn't have a choice is elliott said this is really complicated and really difficult to wrangle president's on both sides of the aisle for decades have tried to put together a comprehensive immigration reform and have failed miserably at it because it's complicated, it's got security implications, got economic implications, and myself included really high emotional implications as a daughter of mexican immigrants i don't think biden had a choice he had to do something to stop the bleeding on this issue matt gorman, i do want to show what, you know, obviously, these policies are very this is a very similar policy to what donald trump put in place, right biden clearly is aware of that, and he preemptively defendant himself against that by explaining how he he believes he's different from trump on this issue. >> watch this i will never demonize immigrants. >> i'll never refer to
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immigrants as poisoning the blood of a country further, i've never separate children from their families at the border i want to ban people from this country because of the religious beliefs i will not use the us military to go into neighborhoods all across the country for millions of people out of their homes so obviously, all of the contrasts that he sees with himself and donald trump. >> but the bottom line, politics of this are he's still taking this action for a reason. >> i mean, look, show someone she overton window this all has shifted right when we talked immigration, if we do this for a long time for the last decade or two, it was always if you wanted border enforcement, you wanted boards purity you had to do something. >> legal status, citizenship. that is not the guise of george w bush it was, was one or the one for the other. that is not the case anymore. >> look, i was down at the border last year with tim scott like i saw this firsthand. and i think also you see the politics just radically change on this issues and animating issue, not just for folks in the border states, but all across the country she begins, you're getting migrants really pop up. a lot of different
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places and look i think the biden administration sees that they need to do something on this. they needed move to answer these charges. right? >> it shows also the politics shifted right. >> day one, you saw biden reverse emergent declaration that trump had an office also title 42. now he's you're starting to see a view bring in the other direction because look, we've talked about abortion, i think rightly so was when i was animating issues of single issue voters, immigration is now rapidly becoming that on the other side, it's gonna be many respects a battle of which issue kind of dukes it out with the economy looming above all. >> yeah, really, really tough. all right. >> come on up next here. prosecutors painting hunter biden as a man driven by addiction in his federal gun trial, plus verdict lacz for amanda knox, knew courtroom drama connected to that infamous murder trial and alec baldwin's next chapter, a new tv show cnn this morning is brought to you by vip guard. and vip guard high truly i've
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normal guy like me, i've given myself a small raise, join me a saturday on tbs dinner and a movie the biggest movies are good, fabulous foodies and famous friends dinner and a movie one, saturday's et on tbs all right. welcome back. testimony in hunter biden's federal gun trial will resume this morning after yesterday's opening statements, the defense arguing the president's son did not knowingly lie about his drug abuse when he purchased the firearm in 2018 prosecutors using hunter biden's own words against him, playing back for the jury long portions of the audio book of his memoir in which he narrates his own fall into addiction i possessed a new superpower, the ability to find crack and anytown at anytime, no matter how and familiar the terrain, it was easy all right. panels back elliot williams, they're relying a lot on in the legal arguments on hunter biden's own
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words. >> quite frankly, we can play a little bit more of that actually, because this comes from his audio book. the book was written in 2019. obviously, these events are in at 20:18. and here's how hunter himself describes the timeline. >> if i could find some new treatments, some new approach, some new lifeline i thought i could still call my way back out during the nearly four years, of active addiction that preceded district of california, which included a half dozen rehab attempts that's what i told myself after each failure. >> so that of course is something the prosecution wanted out there. the defense is basically saying, well, this happened right after one of those stints in rehab and he thought he was clean. how does that work? >> the prosecution's only challenge here really is not going too far and not appearing to vilify or demonize someone who is addicted to or using drugs because as far as prosecution's go, these possession statutes and i prosecuted them to not for drug
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addiction, but usually for someone having a felony conviction beforehand are quite easy to prove. you just have to establish number one, the possession, not even the purchase of the gun, the possession of the gun. and number two, that the person was addicted to or using drugs at some point. now, defenses meant a little less severe though, felony conviction that's written down. it is a little fuzzy and but but it's there. i mean, you have the defendant's own voice and it isn't a huge leap to saying that at the time that the firearm was purchased, this person was using drugs. it's really just a question of not going too far and getting in the jurors heads that you are attacking or putting this person down i mean, there's a great basis for him to plead guilty at this point to just take the lower sentence, knock six or even 12 months off of the time he would have gotten given that if he does go through with trial and gets convicted, ultimately could be much higher sentence very interesting, matt, i want to talk with the politics of this for a second because nbc news reported a pretty heated
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confrontation that played out at the courthouse yesterday between melissa cohen, biden, who is hunter biden's wife, and a man named garrett ziglar, who is a former trump aide. >> so hunter biden's wife confronts garrett ziegler outside the trial. she points her finger at him and says, you have no right to be here you nazi pos. obviously using the profane version of that ziglar, then was interviewed, told nbc news, it sad, i've been sitting here the whole time having approached anyone for the record, i'm not a nazi. i'm a believer in the us constitution. i haven't said one thing to them. now, this is a guy, garrett sigler, who after trump leaves the white house, has really made a career out of assembling information and disseminating it about hunter biden. they blame him for many of the most salacious and nasty things that came out into the open from the hunter biden laptop and everything else. but i was i was pretty surprised to see that his wife it really underscores just how tense this all is. >> there's a story, i believe it's in political recently
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talking about the toluse is putting on the president as well, right? i think that is something that is really percolating behind the scenes, attends to the family because me look, i'm not a lawyer, but ellie, how much is he looking at in terms of a penalty if he is found guilty, conviction as you were saying before, a bunch of months, but not a few years. and i'm being a little vague here because it's going to be sort of a bell curve kind of. but you don't. so pleading would be i think six to 12 months. yeah. get a little more than that. >> if he ends up going, there was a plea deal, right. >> like where it kind of got shot down, whatever. but like i think that is really the tension behind this for the biden family, we look but hundreds of grown man, like you can handle this like whatever. but obviously for the loved ones, it's tough and you put this in the shadow of a presidential campaign biden is what? 81 right now. he's not, he's not a spring chicken. so these things are tougher as you get older. and i think that is a real, real thing at play here. for all the family involved? yeah. >> all right. coming up next here, we expect the verdict at any moment in amanda knox's
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slander trial in italy, we'll bring you that plus the bidens in france that's for d-day commemorations at years after the allied invasion of normandy earth, would we have schreiber? >> so get on cnn. >> it's so easy to get your windshield or place using safe flight, tell the people i haven't done it already. my man, let's start off as a chip and grew to a crack and it just keeps going. so what do we do now? >> i went ahead and schedule an appointment online at safe, told him he is here at the beach. >> let's get started. oh, a bike repair safely replace schedule free mobile service at safe flight that we pay are safe night. we place the only go, godaddy arrow helps you get your business online in minutes with the power of ai, with the i think name, a great logo and a beautiful website to start with a domain, a few clicks, and you're in business. make now the future at slash arrow smile you found it, the
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conviction for slander in which she accused this men patrick glue, mamba who owned a bar where she worked part time. she accused him after a night of interrogation by the italian police of the murder of meredith curvature and it turns out that basically she said today and very emotional in court speaking in fluent italian which she learned during four years here's an italian prison that she was young. she was stressed, she'd lost her accommodations because that's where the murder took place, and that she basically made two statements to the italian police in the absence of a lawyer or proper translator that patrick lombard head killed meredith curvature. the court today upheld that conviction. however, she's already served four years in prison waiting for the trial and the verdict going back to 2009. so she won't have to
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spend any time in italian she may, however, have to pay a fine. >> can you alright. >> then we'd them in for us in rome. we will watch to see what else amanda knox has to say in the wake of this verdict. ben, thank you very much. >> all right. a heat dome settling over the west, leaving millions under excessive heat alerts as temperatures spiked to the triple-digits over the next several days, or meteorology i'll just release the rough er has the latest for us at least. >> good morning gag. >> good morning. we're looking at some of the earliest 110 degree temperatures on record for water these locations in this deep purple, these are all of the warnings that stretch from the sierra nevadas down to las vegas and phoenix for days actually get through the end of the week we're looking at at least 100 or more heat records following both daytime highs and overnight lows. i mean, look at this temperatures. yes, a lot of these areas do get hot, but not this hot this early. your average high in las vegas is 96 degrees. we're looking at temperatures getting to 110 as we go into the week.
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same thing in part palm springs, phoenix could get temperatures up to 112. all of these temperature 15 to 20 degrees above average. again, it's dangerously hot for this early in the season. you'll want to just check on kids elderly impacts. it's going to be tough to stay hydrated because temperatures get no relief on the overnight, casey alright. >> i'll lisa rafah for us this morning. alysa. thanks very much. >> coming up next i will not be intimidated and the justice department will not be intimidated. the attorney general standing his ground against republican attacks, plus agree warning about the data singer posed by artificial intelligence and why ai insider say it poses a threat to human existence the most anticipated moment of this election the stakes couldn't be higher.
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cnn's kayla tausche joins us live from paris, where she's covering the president kayla good morning to you good morning, casey, president biden arrived here in france this morning where he is set to embark on a series of a high-stakes engagements with world leaders aimed at strengthening the transatlantic alliance against the backdrop of two wars one on the front lines of europe in normandy alongside those ceremonies to memory the 80th anniversary of d-day, president biden will meet directly with president zelenskyy and dealt discuss the state of play in ukraine on the ground and in the air and discuss how the us and other allies can continue you're supporting ukraine. >> biden has recently authorized ukraine to begin using american made weapons to strike inside russia over the border, which national security adviser jake sullivan called common consents when biden returns to paris, he and president macron are going to be having a conversation about again, how they can continue supporting ukraine and shore up
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more funding both from other european defense budgets, as well as russian assets that are frozen in the continent. that's going to be a key deliverable at next week's g7 summit. but casey zooming out here as president biden is trying to project strength overseas. >> it all confounds him at home where voters have given him low marks and are becoming frustrated with his handling of the myriad foreign policy issues that he's been presented with, take justice issue in the middle east, 28% of voters surveyed by the new york times and santa approve of his handling here in paris, pressure is building on biden and allies to read resolutions to both the conflict in the middle east and in europe. >> casey alright, kayla tausche for us lab in paris. >> kayla, thank you. enjoy your trip. all right. >> new developments in donald trump's classified documents case, judge, aileen cannon is expanding an upcoming hearing on the former president's request to declare jack smith's appointment as special counsel invalid. trump's lawyers want judge cannon to
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throw out the case. trump has attacked. of course, just about every judge. he's encountered in his legal battles except this one, aileen cannon, who he happened to a point the former president has frequently praised her in public describing her as smart and highly respected on tuesday, judge cannon ruled a variety of political partisans and constitutional scholars who are not otherwise involved in the case can join the oral arguments in two weeks elliot williams, how normal is this? not normal at all? >> there is literally no reason why the judge needs to have additional folks come in at the oral argument. now, it is a very common practice supreme court does it all the time to have parties outside parties called amicus submitters, right. >> to file briefs on the court that lay out their views and the judge can read them and help them and crafting her pain, but she doesn't need to have this free for all open where multiple parties, no matter how great their scholarship has been, they
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don't need to be arguing in court. >> and this question that they're raising here, this question of was jack smith appointed lawfully? it came up in the context of robert molar, hunter biden has raised it and it's lost every single time. so the idea that the question needs to be reopened now in litigated is just sort of silly question, i think throughout his case has been whether the unorthodox way judge cannon has approached this is a result of her her relative inexperience or some sort of bias toward the defendant and the upshot of all of it has been to delay the case repeatedly there's been multiple times over the course of this case where she's sort of indulged emotions from the defense or put things on the calendar, decided to consider things that length or just not sped up the case in a way that i think makes watchers of this case particularly who are not so sympathetic to the defense very frustrated and exasperate graded because the end result of it all has been that this is
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not going to trial anytime soon. and i think that's what people are concerned about in polling when we ask voters, would you like to see these cases reach a verdict before the election resoundingly large majorities of american voters say yes, they would like to have this information about how these cases his are going to be disposed in a legal system before they go to vote. but that is just not going to happen. well, in my corman, i mean, it's there a sense, at least among republicans i talked to that maybe this classified documents case was the most dangerous one for trump only because of its simplicity in being able to understand what was going on and the general feeling that well, if i took something classified home from my office right but that would that would obviously not be legal and yet it's the leap probably the least likely of all of them to actually see a verdict. it's true if you remember, get back in the primary, it was really it was the only case where a another republican candy attacked trump on, i believe it was a nikki haley? know did maybe one other bank knew? i remember nikki haley doing it vividly. and so you're right, you have this weird dual conundrum because while the new york case, while it was
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litigated, et cetera, it was a little more technical. it was tougher, but also tougher jury pool, tougher, judge. you have a little bit more trump-appointed judge. when you a little bit more sympathetic jury pool. but the facts of the case are quite different. according to many people, maybe a little bit more clear cut power. you only get you to weigh in on this next story. we're going to turn now to capitol hill, where attorney general merrick garland had this message yesterday for house republicans had been threatening to hold him in contempt these repeated attacks on the justice department are unprecedented and they are unfounded i will not be intimidated. and the justice department will not be intimidated. this is dangerous saarland pushing back against allegations that he's protecting the president by refusing to hand over audio of biden's interview with special counsel robert here and rejecting an onslaught of gop accusations that he's politicized the criminal justice system against donald trump special counsel's
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prosecution of the former president. >> it comes alongside false claims that a jury verdict in a state trial by a brought by a local district attorney was somehow controlled by the justice department that conspiracy theory is an attack on the judicial process itself. we do not control the manhattan manhattan district attorney manhattan district attorney does not report to us the manhattan district attorney makes its own decisions about cases that he wants to bring under his state law so paddy this era excuse me, garland is being more aggressive and he has been in the past i had pardon me, wonders it's if it's for this reason so politico wrote this headline, merrick garland was biden's consensus pick. >> now everyone hates him rather than being revered as a straight shooter. garland's become reviled. he is a man alone on an island and washington, taking unyielding blowback from the right and left, the left thinking he's
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not been aggressive enough. >> yeah he's in a tough spot that is for sure. >> given all of the different trials and prosecutions around, both democrats and president trump and republicans. >> i thought he did a very good job yesterday. >> i thought particularly, and that's sort of the utricle circus of politics. >> but luck. the bottom line is the trump campaign republican party writ large have decided that the way to put lipstick on this 34, 34 count conviction and 50 plus other indictments the trump is facing is to call this a political witch hunt and to insert politics into it there is no real basis. it has been the bunt as garland said, quite eloquently at the hearing yesterday the manhattan de a is
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completely independent and separate that this is the only way that they can navigate moving forward. in this campaign is to call this a political witch on and look for their base. it's working it is absolutely working. let me give you another word. >> i think to your first point though, one of the big issues is when by nominated merrick garland was great. oh, the guy who didn't get the supreme court vote, et cetera. but then also he didn't have a constituencies that a former senators and a former governor and i former democratic political official, obviously republican she doesn't a built-in base constituency and right when the mole of the in the middle of road is roadkill. so he doesn't want to stand up for him and the rally behind him. and that's why he had had lied one would argue, nor should he. he is the attorney general. he he he's not supposed to be part of your life for political point for political officials be not made attorney general. i think it's a little different i mean, look, there's the ideal is supposed to be that yes. >> i mean, he was he he wanted to bring that ideal back. right. but obviously as you that during the middle of the road, your roadkill. i feel
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like since it's so much about the state of our current politics today briefly want to touch on elliott molly, this is a likely future legal battle, but we know that republicans are already sort of setting the stage the potentially fight court battles over the outcome of the 2024 election. if it doesn't go the way especially republicans are hoping that it will. and donald trump, we got this, it's very interesting, seemed to have changed his tune on mail in voting in a pretty significant way. let's, let's watch you'll see what he said yesterday, interspersed with his previous comments, take a look if you are mail-in voting, you automatically have fraud. >> whether you vote early absentee by mail or in person. >> we are going to protect the vote. i think mail-in voting is going to rig the election. i really do. >> but if you can't make it, you need to make a plan register and vote any way possible mail ballots are very dangerous thing for this
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country because they're cheaters. >> we talked a lot about this in 2020 because people listened to and they didn't vote by mail in 2020. and now, i guess somebody finally has gotten to him and said no, no. >> this is we need to fix this. >> this has been a consistent frustration from republicans since he started saying it because he's leaving boats on the table. and there has been a feeling among republican political operatives like this was just killing them the way he is. you say successfully sow doubt with so many of their voters in, and you think about who is most likely to vote by mail. a lot of it is elderly people important republican constituencies, people in rural areas who might otherwise have to drive for hours to the polls. whole states where they only vote by mail now and that's been an increasing trend. i think the statistics are that in 2020 more than half of americans voted before or outside of election? de, not by going to the polls in person so there has been a feeling on the republican side like trump was just killing them with turnout.
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and they've gotten him finally to address it, the question is, can he reversed all those perceptions since so many base republicans now are? so suspicious about elections. and he continues to say possibly the 2020 was rigueur and stolen and they might be able to get them to record a video saying what they want him to say, but whether they can keep him on the teleprompter there are instances i also have many questions about that. >> all right. just ahead, we're going to take you inside the courtroom and the federal gun trial of hunter biden plus the half naked driver leads us, proceed. florida man who crashed his car into the lobby of the county jail. and our shot of the day, a bear in mid air, about to be caught in a tarp. oh my gosh. rebound bruin was tranquilize in pennsylvania. he will now be set free on state land, will have more the assignments are going off and playing the tornado i'm thinking i'm going
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represents mesothelioma victims and their families. >> if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma call us now all right. >> 47 minutes past the hour. here's your morning roundup. wisconsin's attorney general filing forgery charges against three men accused in a fake electors schemes if donald trump in office after the 2020 election, kenneth chesebro, mike roman, and james troupis all charged on tuesday florida police investigating a man who drove move his car into the lobby of the martin county jail. police say he was also spewing, quote hatred for donald trump and quote, while tossing rubber or snakes from his vehicle. he also apparently was not wearing pants alec baldwin announcing he and his family will start in a new tlc reality show in 2025. the actor's wife, hilaria, and they're seven young children will be involved baldwin says he he's inviting america into it his home, quote, to experience the ups and downs, the good, the bad, the wild,
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and the crazy, least for acknowledging that we should note tlc and cnn share a parent company and this group of insiders from openai and google calling for transparency from artificial intelligence companies about the risks of ai and demanding they protect employees who speak out the open letter posted by current and former ai employees. they write this quote, ai companies have strong financial incentives to avoid effective oversight and they also say under current law ai companies will not share critical information about the technology voluntarily open-air. i tell cnn it's proud of its track record providing the most capable and safest ai systems. and that they recognize a vigorous debate, welcome a vigorous debate. >> about. the significance of the technology i don't know. >> i'm still stuck on the man with no pain to try it should be as well. >> you don't think i've ever out as much trouble keeping it together are there on television as i did. >> just a model of effective political activism, you know,
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what's really going to finally stopped on. i'll try every sentence was better than last throwing snakes, no pants. >> like it was like topic crashing but if you get a crashed into jail why would you have pants on in the first place? >> i just feel comfortable again. >> i wonder are we all in did they do a blood test all right. on a more serious note, we are just a few hours from home hunter biden's federal gun trial, resuming in delaware court began yesterday with the jury hearing opening statements prosecutors and defense attorneys battling over one fundamental issue, whether the president's son purchased a gun in 2018 and while he was knowingly addicted to drugs, hunters main defense in the case is that he did not consider himself an addict at the time of the purchase biden's defense attorney reminding the jury, they have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that hunter knowingly violated the law. >> the prosecution trying to refute their case with an fbi agent testifying hunter texted he was smoking crack days after
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buying the firearm they also used hunters own words against him playing several passages from the audio book for his 2021 memoir if i could find some new treatments, some new approach, some new lifeline i thought i could still call my way back out during the nearly four years of active addiction that preceded this trip to california, which included a half dozen rehab attempts that's what i told myself after each failure. >> all right. turned me down from wilmington, delaware is alex thompson, national political reporter for axios. alex, good morning to you. thanks so much for being with us i actually want to dig into something that happened outside the courtroom yesterday in this reporting from nbc, where hunter biden's wife reportedly confronted a trump former trump aide, who has now become a very much an antagonist of the hunters biden's family. this is garrett ziglar, melissa
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cohen, biden reportedly st. quote, you have no right to be here you not see pos. this seems to really underscore the incredible attention that is on display here. the stakes for the family. what did you see in court yesterday? >> yes. it's a garret ziegler. >> maybe you don't know, he runs this thing called the marco polo project, which among many other things, literally posted it, transcribed and posted ashley biden's sobriety, trauma, and burnell. >> he also has compiled a laptop report just based on the hard drive that came from rudy giuliani and co. and that report is several hundred pages long includes every single sort of you know, inappropriate or new video picture. everything and that's part of the reason why hunter's wife reacted the way she did. he was sitting among the reporters. i saw him
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when when he was there, but i to your bigger point, i think it just shows how emotionally fraught this entire thing is while she, you know, i actually saw melissa is and hunter's wife. she mouths an explicit explicit name at right after the prosecution opening statements that i can't repeat on television right. >> we should note for transparency sakes, ziegler did tell nbc news quote, it's sad, i've been sitting here the whole time having approached anyone for the record, i'm not a nazi, i'm a believer in the constitution. i haven't said one thing to them. alex, radius inside the courtroom in terms of how especially hunter, his family reacted to some of what was heard in court yesterday. it seems like the prosecution was trying to make a distinction between judgments and choices that you can't make when you are addicted did as compared to what they described as a choice to purchase a
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weapon yeah, they made very clear that he is not being prosecuted for drug possession or drug use. he is being he is being processed for buying a gun. >> then there's a difference between the two there. they're saying we're not trying to stigmatize addiction, but we are trying to say you can't buy a gun if you are an addict now obviously as you've discussed, that unders team is going to say that he didn't knowingly bleed. he was snagged at the time in terms of how the families react reacting. it's incredibly heavy they all different reactions. ashley biden, hunter, sister was wiping tears throughout the morning and then actually left in the middle of the opening statements yesterday or sorry, entering the opening stands during the first first testimony, jill biden hi, to look stoic when she was there, and you could tell that hunter's wife was was was sort of angry, was sorted to find. now, this is only going to get more fraught today because
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today we are expected to hear from hundreds ex-wife, kathleen buhle, one of hunters, ex girlfriends, who he was with around the time when he purchased the gun and and bow biden's widow, there's magically involved with hunter hallie biden, we are expected to hear from potentially all three today and hallie biden and kathleen biden are subpoenaed for the prosecution and abbe lowell, hundreds attorney, indicated that naomi biden and jimmy biden are gonna be witnesses. >> for the defense. >> so really it's biden versus biden in this in this case very very just really difficult for the family for sure, really interesting dynamics at play. >> alex thompson really appreciate your great reporting. thanks very much. >> all right, let's turn now to this today. biden is on the cover of time magazine. that's right. he's court and the youth vote where the kids hang print media next stop, zeppelins. it is brave, i believe that is brave for biden to do this cover because he's
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side-by-side with his nemesis time all right. >> his concerns about biden's age continue to swirl around his candidacy. there's reporting this morning from the wall street journal and they are trying to raise questions about the 81-year-old president and his mental well acuity. the journal reporting this morning that behind closed doors, they say biden is showing signs of slipping that they say, according to interviews with more than 45 people, both republican and democrat, who either participated in meetings with biden or were briefed on them at the time? the white house is pushing back against those those claims. they write this quote, congressional republicans, foreign liters, a non-partisan national security experts have made clear in their own words that president biden is a savvy, an effective leader who has a deep record of legislative accomplishment. now, in 2020 for house republicans are making false claims as a political tactic that flatly contradict previous statements made by themselves and their colleagues, patty solace doyle. this is something that's been flying around washington went since it was posted overnight what is the
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reaction in democratic circles to them? >> yeah, well, i can just tell you, since last night, i it has been forwarded to me. i've been taxed. i've been emailed, you know, this is terrible story, for biden, obviously because it feeds into the narrative that is being painted by the trump campaign that he is too old and and his challenges or that they say on his mental acuity i don't personally i read it. i don't think the story is very good for donald trump by there. it talks about his mistakes and flubs and on the trail. but look, this is a challenge for joe biden. no question. polling shows that americans do believe he is too old to be pregnant, and he's it's just going to have to really defy those challenges on the trail because his accomplishments speak to presidency that got a lot done in four years and so i think he's just gonna have to drive
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that point home on the trail in the debates so matt gorman, one of the things that stood out to me about this reporting was how the white house reacted when they figured out the story was being reported out so the journal writes this quote, the white house kept close tabs on some of the wall street journal's interviews with democratic lawmakers after the offices of several democrats shared with the white house, either a recording of an interview or details about what was asked. >> some of those lawmakers spoke to the journal a second time. and once again, emphasized biden strength and they have gregory meeks on the record saying like, yeah, they said to me, well, you should call we should call you back. >> yeah. >> it really i think underscores the nerves they had around this. absolutely. let's look, set aside the fact i think this is the biggest liability bigger the account, any policy issue that for biden. but when it look when i'm dealing with reporters, especially on a tricky story you can tell very quickly that reporters couch, they understand your body language and there isn't how you react to the story and the question that also feeds into whether they think there's something there or not. so for example,
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if you get the phone reporters are tricky topic and you start freaking out or getting very defensive. that tells most reporters they're on something here. if you brush it off, they really read how you react to these things and i think the white house reaction, i can't speak with reporters here, fed we're onto something here and kosmo chase more. this is of course smileys my colleagues who reported the story did an absolutely incredible job they were extremely meticulous unit. this is something that on the one hand, you can tell the white house is extremely sensitive about because it is something that confirms what a lot of voters i believe on the other hand, i don't think it should surprise anyone who watches president biden in public, right? this is the same thing that we see when he speaks published publicly, which of course is is less frequently than almost every other president in reading recent history. so people have a lot of doubts about, and it's not the numerical age, right? when you dig down and polling and focus groups, voters are not saying well the number next to his name hey, i'm concerns me or the, or how old he is going to be at the end of a potential second term,
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it's it's his capabilities, right? it's, it's can he function in these settings and it is not just republican saying it. we spoke to a wide array of republicans and democrats who all spoke to this dynamic saying yes, he's been effective in some ways, but in some of these meetings like they question his, his, his command of what's going on all right. i will leave you with this you, might, remember that very famous movie. >> well, in real life, a group of kids up and close and personal with a t rex, obviously, less gary, not alive. the associated press says three young cousins were wandering through the north dakota badlands when they found


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