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tv   CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta  CNN  June 5, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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like jack sleeping z, knowing your finances are in order, go to to get your free score today like, it's hard good morning, everyone. >> you are alive and cnn newsroom on allison camera, radha in today for jim acosta, we are following several breaking stories of this our
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hunter biden is back in court and the, first witness in his federal gun trial is on the stand plus the new wall street journal article on president biden's fitness for office how the white house is responding and you are looking at live pictures from nasa. >> in this hour, boeing will make its third attempt to launch two astronauts aboard its first-ever starliner rocket to the international space station. we will bring you the launch live but first witness testimony is underway on de three of hunter biden's federal gun trial yesterday, prosecutors used biden's own words against him. they played portions of an audio book of his 2021 memoir i possessed a new superpower the ability to find crack in any town at any time, no matter how familiar to the terrain, it was easy but they reminded that the jury that this is not a drug case,
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telling them, quote, we would not be here today if he was just an addict, addiction may not be a choice, but lying and buying a gun is meanwhile, the defense leaned into hunter biden's struggles with addiction. their message, the evidence does not show show he was using drugs when he bought the gun and perez is outside the court this morning for us to evan, what's going to happen today what else are we just saw just a short while ago, kathleen buhle, hunter biden's ex-wife arrive in court. >> we expect that he is going to be the next weight and the witness after the defense has finished cross-examining, the fbi agent who they've who the prosecution is used to establish a lot of that evidence that you just talked about. they introduced the infamous laptop they showed pictures and video, they showed text messages from people who they say he bought gut drugs from. they showed the gun, they showed up drug paraphernalia,
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crack pipe, all of that displayed in a very large screen for the jury to see and the prosecution is trying to use all of this overwhelm jurors really with what their point is, which is that hunter biden knew he was struggling with it prediction. they were eight times that he was in and out of addiction centers and rehab centers over the course of four years. and so he should have known when he filled out the form in october 12 of 2018? that he did not qualify to buy that gun. the defense is still cross-examining the fbi agent and one of the things they're driving home for the jurors is that the prosecution doesn't have any evidence that on the day he bought that firearm, that he was using drugs that day as matter of fact, all these types of messages all of the a lot of the evidence that they have is from weeks months before and after the purchase of the guns. so as you can tell
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from abbe lowell's the drug, the defense attorneys point, the prosecution has not proved their case, and so we expect that kathleen bill gonna be the next witness. she will talk a lot about that drug evidence that that is part of this case. >> allison, it will be interesting to hear from her, certainly, evan perez. thank you very much. joining me now, is cnn legal analyst and criminal defense attorney, joey jackson joy, great to see you. so do prosecutors have to prove the hunter was using drugs on the day that he filled out that federal gun forum simple answer. >> good. good morning. alison is no. right? it's about addiction and we've just seen the form and what the form represents big picture before the small picture. as a practitioner in federal and state court on the defense, sayyed and we look, there are you an unlawful user of or addicted to marijuana or any depressant stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance. it does not reference al-zeitoun, the specific day at issue. and i think that's what prosecutors will do. they'll take the
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broader view with respect as addiction, which is what they're laying out. and of course, his attorneys are rightfully, mr. low is pointing to the notion of the time it's but big picture again before small picture is that it's a shame where here and i say that not from an opinion perspective, but as a practitioner's perspective, in going to state and going to federal court, as i do prosecutors generally do the right thing. what's the right thing equitable outcomes and an equitable outcome you're talking about the essence of this case being a person who had gun four and 11 day period of time, person who was undergoing a significant episodes in his life, dark moments in his life. a person who didn't use the garden in any nefarious way, a person who didn't even access a low the firearm, why am i saying this? i'm saying this not as a matter of just pure defense, but as a matter of common sense. what are we doing? what are we using our courts four we know last year was subject to a diversion program, which means you stay out of trouble. we're all good, you know, get your life together, move forward. instead, we have this embarrassing trial where all his family and past x's are coming in to testify as to his
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was using and he wasn't he was in a dark place. he wasn't in a dark place. and i just think that's not a judicious use of our there's some, again, owls and i don't say that from an opinion perspective. i say it because generally prosecutors are doing the right thing. and when i was a prosecutor attempting to do the right thing, it's not about convicting people. it's about doing what is proper, what's appropriate, and what ultimately leads to adjust outcomes. so i have a trial around this when a gun wasn't used for anything to harm anyone. i just think is really curious, but i'm joy. >> joy. what about what the defense is leaning into, which is yes, a hunter biden was an addict so many americans have loved ones with a substance abuse issue, but not all of our loved ones tried to buy a gun during their addiction struggles. so is that a good strategy? >> i mean, listen the bottom line is if you're the prosecutor, it's very simple and they laid it out in a 23 minute opening statement, right the bottom line is that you cannot have a weapon. you cannot lie earth respect to
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having a weapon. in the event that you're addicted, you're not supposed to have it. if you have an addiction, you check a box that's lying because you are addicted according to them, right? and so ultimately, at the end of the day, it's simple for them from a defense perspective. they're leaning into a whole bunch of other things in terms of what i just spoke about and whether or not at the specific time at issue he was actually addict. and if he wasn't, then he shouldn't be convicted according to the defense will see whether or not that plays out and whether or not jury ultimately accept that argument. remember very briefly, the jury largely african-american, the jury from delaware, and the jury getting a very good dose of the issue of addiction and what it does to people and how it changes their minds, attitudes, and points of view alright, joey jackson, thanks for your perspective. great to have you appreciate this morning, president biden is in normandy, france to commemorate the 80th anniversary of d-day back here at home. there are renewed concerns over his mental fitness after a new report from the wall street journal reveals that in meetings with
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congressional leaders, biden, quote which appears slower and has shown quote, signs of slipping. >> cnn's arlette saenz. is that the white house are let how is the white house respond? i well, alice and the white house is forced forcefully, pushing back on the report from the wall street journal accusing republicans who spoke to the journal of simply playing politics it's now the reporter say that they conducted these interviews over several months speaking without 45 people, republicans and democrats who either have been in meetings with president biden or had been briefed in about those meetings, the reporters also said that the majority, most of the criticism of biden in these meetings did come from republicans, including on the record, comments from former house speaker kevin mccarthy, who white house aides have been quick to point out, has actually praised biden's negotiating abilities in the past. >> now, the white house in a statement from a spokesperson, andrew bates said, quote congressional republicans four
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liters and nonpartisan national security experts have made clear in their own words that president biden is a savvy and effective leader who has a deep record of legislative accomplishment. now, in 2024, house republicans are making false claims as a political tactic that flatly contradict previous statements made by themselves and their colleagues. now the reporters in this story also said that some democrats had shared that they had seen biden's showing some signs of aging in these meetings, but it all comes at a time when age has been a key issue in this presidential election, with voters questioning not just the mental acuity and stamina of president biden, but also his rival former president donald trump. as the 81-year-old and 77-year-old, prepare to face off in november okay. are let thank you very much for that. so we are standing by now for the first launch of the boeing starliner with two astronauts on board we'll see if this third attempt is a charm.
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>> and president biden's new executive action on the border attempts to limit the number of asylum seekers coming into us so why don't border patrol agents like it the increase in wildfires is exponential on predictable uncontrollable, with overwhelming consequences, the need to do something is urgent with birth, with we have schreiber no i want cnn for gentle, dependable constipation. really try seneca. it works differently than other laxatives because it's made from the center flat and natural vegetable active ingredient gentle, dependable seneca also available in delicious gummies this is a futurama go daddy arrow creates a logo website even social posts in minutes ai, ai lie who wants to come see the future, get your business online in minutes with godaddy arrow
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inconsistencies, your hypocrisy, your sic of fancy unless you are in a colt. so if you believe in states rights, except when a jury in that state convicts your nominee for president. you might be in a colt. >> if you can, if you claim you back the blue, but want the defund the police when the police go to your nominees house to retrieve national security secrets, you might be in a colt. >> and if the guy are supporting for president has felony convictions that prevent him from going to chairman tina, yeah, it's torn down cambodia, canada hello china, cuba, dominican republic, egypt, ethiopia, urban, my mom, my motion takes precedence on iran or layman, israel, the general manic expired. macau, malaysia, rekey, mexico, morocco, nepal is out of zealand. philippines, singapore, south and south korea yeah, taiwan tanzania, tunisia. ukraine, united and
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gentlemen, and thank you. the gentleman and democratic congressman, eric's wall. >> well, of california joins me now, so i'm congressman. it didn't sound like your statement went over all too well with the opposing side, but more important certainly, what was the upshot of the hearing yesterday? will attorney general garland be held in contempt look, the republicans had in front of them the attorney general of the united states, and he in charge of the fighting terrorism domestically going after public corruption, making sure that we have active counterintelligence program and you could have asked him anything. >> he works on ending gun violence. and instead, they showed themselves as only been interested in defending donald trump. and i just thought it's quite crazy that you would look at 34 for felony convictions if i wet the real number is 408 because 12 jurors, 34 times decided he was guilty. so you would look at that as a victory and that you would try and use the attorney general to make
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some point about a conspiracy. you think that doj isn't on with the state of new york, so it's just the only explanation to me was these guys are all in some sort of trump cult
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it's happening very quickly right now because of this executive order rosa, it is so helpful to have you there on the ground for us and telling us what you're seeing. thank you very much. >> our next guest calls this executive order just smoke and mirrors from the biden administration or del quito is vice president of the national border patrol council, which represents nearly 18,000 border
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patrol agents. >> he joins us now, mr. del, quite to what don't you like about this executive order? >> well, i mean, first of four most it doesn't do enough of what it should do, right? they put a limit on the numbers, but realistically, what needs to be done is everyone coming across should be detained yes, everyone coming across should have their day in court and they should look at the asylum claims if they truly have one. but you need to do that. what detaining them, not by release using people in addition, this bill, it exempts child trafficking. if you look at it, look, we've been down here on the line. we've seen this for decades. a lot of these unaccompanied juveniles, many of them are being 16 and 17-years-old. they're going to continue to come and those are the things that are exploited by the criminal cartels, by the smuggling organizations. they're the ones that are going to determine where these groups are going across, how many people are going across, who's going to cross throughout various times of the day. >> i hear what you're saying, but before yesterday about 4,000 migrants. i mean,
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yesterday and days that we can measure back over the previous months 4,000 migrants were being process at the border a day under the new executive order. it goes down to 2,500. you just heard rosa flores there on the ground saying that it's already in effect. they're turning people away. so get left behind. mr.
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delgado, as you know, new laws and funding for enforcement are really up to congress. and there was this bipartisan bill introduced in february by republican senator james lankford, who had negotiated on it for months it would have built more border wall, would have hired more border patrol agents. it would have sped up deportation. president biden supported it here he was begging congress to pass it i'm calling on congress to pass his bill, gets to my desk immediately my republican friends oh, to the american people get this bill done. we need to act now okay. >> but former president trump excuse me, did not want to give biden wins. so trump insisted that the republicans turn again dence, basically their own bill. he effectively killed it. so how much responsibility does for president trump bear for this problem well, i mean,
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there's a problem falls under this administration because it started with this administration just with rhetoric alone. >> that's when you saw the numbers going up and then added. yes. you're talking about the bill in congress, but realistically, now that president biden had the power to do something about it, he didn't do enough but what about congress? >> i mean, congress, there are the people who actually could stop this problem and they agree with you, the bipartisan bills. so do you hold them responsible? do you hold president trump responsible at all? >> no. at the time that it was killed through them. now it falls on president biden. he could have done something 3.5 years ago. he could have done something a year ago. he could have done something two years ago, but now it falls on him to do the executive order. and this order does not do enough. you need to detain everyone coming across and you need to stop the child trafficking altogether. >> okay. our telco thank you for your time and your perspective thank you okay. the senate will vote today on whether to protect women's access to contraception. what we know about this bill the
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7:32 am slash shave to claim your $7 trial. >> the leaf with jake tapper today at four on cnn it's been two years today since roe versus wade was overturned. and this morning, senate democrats are forcing their gop colleagues to say where they stand on contraception. senate majority leader chuck schumer says, lawmakers will vote on a right to conception bill today, he calls the row reversal one of the worst supreme court
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decisions of modern times he also warns that state abortion bans are just the tip of the iceberg and the republican agenda extends to contraception as well the biden campaign is hosting a press call right now to highlight how if elected, donald trump and his allies plan to attack access to contraception joining us now is the president and ceo of the center for reproductive rights, nancy northrop. nancy, thanks so much for being here. so republicans say that this contraception bill is too broad. and unnecessary. gop senator john cornyn said, quote, it's a phony vote because contraception to my knowledge, is not illegal. it's not unavailable. your response well, as you pointed out, the supreme court overturned roe versus wade two years ago, that rested on the fundamental right to make these bodily decisions for oneself and contraception could be in the crosshairs, neck it's really important that we codify
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in federal law that there is a right to contraception so i would disagree with any notion that people should not be concerned. >> we saw what happened with ivf in alabama you've got to be sure that the whole range of reproductive health care is guaranteed in federal law. we can't just depend on the courts nancy, i don't want to make you have to speak for conservatives, but because you live in breathe, this issue, maybe you can help us understand there are viewpoint they want to ban all abortion and they want to ban various methods of contraception. so is the goal to have more babies in the us that the parents of the system can't afford and care for. >> how do they explain what the consequences of this will be?
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>> temperatures and the countdown is on a third attempt at a historic space launch is
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i'm jessica schneider at the federal courthouse in washington. >> and this is cnn happening just moments from now,
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boeing's starliner spacecraft is scheduled to blast off from cape canaveral, florida to astronaut nasa astronauts are on board and this is their third time attempting this launch if successful, this will be the starliner's first ever space flight mission with accrue. >> cnn's kristin fisher is live at the kennedy space center for us. so kristen, does it look like this is a go you know, allison, i would never say that. i think we're gonna get to see a space launch today because that would just jinx things. and because this is starliner spacecraft that has been delayed for years. but if i were to say such a thing, that would be right now because we are now just one minute and 45 seconds away from liftoff of the first crewed flight of boeing's starliner spacecraft the weather looks good. they successfully troubleshooting all of those ground computer problems. and so the two nasa astronauts on board butch wilmore in sunny williams have just delivered their final
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prelaunch speech speeches. their advisers have closed and they are now ready for liftoff. if all goes according to plan they will be spending eight days aboard the international space station and allison, the reason this is so critical is because nasa wants redundancy. nasa does not want to be dependent strictly on spacex to get its astronauts to the international space station, nor does it want to be reliant upon the russian soyuz rockets to get its astronauts up there. so this is about having thank more options for nasa and its astronauts to allow them to focus on bigger, loftier goals, like returning american astronauts to the moon for the first time since the polo program, allison so here we go 48 seconds away. okay. so first very bright quickly tell us about the astronauts, tell us about sunny in book they are as experienced of nasa astronauts as you can possibly get both to navy test pilots. butch spent his final day here on earth for
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what we hope will be lift off, fishing and sunny williams actually went for a run on the beach. that's how they chose to spend their final fuse minutes on planet earth before liftoff. now i'll just 16 seconds away. let's listen to the official nasa countdown. >> okay. let's do that. we're almost ten seconds away from, from this folks listening starliner rome raju
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get a good throttle up good sob burnout
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well, that was goosebump-induci ng and it caught us a little bit by surprise because we didn't here are the 1098 count down. >> but what a view already from the spring his craft looking back at earth and it seems like, i mean, you know better than us, but did this go off without a hitch well, it's still very early into the mission but so far everything looking very good nominal as they like to say at nasa. >> i mean, just think about this alice in this launch, a
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decade in the making this is really the beginning of nasa's dream. theme of making commercial spaceflight a reality and not just a reality was spacex, but with multiple providers, they want that redundancy. they want the ability lead for nasa astronauts to have some options in case something goes wrong with one of those other spacecrafts. so what we're seeing right now, everything looking really good, but we still have some critical moments ahead and i just want to watch keith through what we're about to see. so this is boeing's starliner spacecraft and the capsule on top of the rocket. this is where the two nasa astronauts, butch wilmore sunny williams, are right now. but momentarily these capsule is going to separate from the rocket. the atlas five rocket built and operated by a different company the united launch alliance, that is a critical moment. one of the more dangerous moment, so to speak, aside from the actual lift off, so that's something we're going to be watching very closely but if all of that
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goes according to plan, you have nico main engine cutoff. then what you're going to see is butch wilmore and sunny williams finally getting to test out boeing's starliner spacecraft in space. and they're gonna be spending about eight days he's up at the international space station testing out the spacecraft itself, but also delivering some cargo to the crew that's already up there. and, you know, allison they're bringing a lot of supplies but one of the things that's most important right now, it's easy to laugh about this but i'm going to the bathroom of the international space station is pretty important. and up there, they recycle all of the astronauts urine, turn it into drinking water. but there's a problem with that recycling pump, the urine recycling pumps, so to speak? >> so they're bringing up a replacement part to hopefully renew the astronauts up there of all the bags of urine that are sitting around the space station right now. >> so it's not just the astronauts that are going up to
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the iss, but cargo as well. so right now, we are past max q, that's the point of when the most stress is placed on the rocket. so a huge milestone there. and you can apparently see the entire us coast from the rocket. i don't have a good display of it right in front of me, allison, but so far this is looking really, really good. and so for boeing, this is spaceflight that they really needed to go successfully. they needed to prove that they could compete with elon musk's base x. and this is also just coming at a tremendous moment for spaceflight in general, because you have another big launch scheduled for tomorrow. spacex's starship, which is going to someday land nasa astronauts on the moon and perhaps some de, going to mars. so that's really a critical piece of this puzzle here. allison, because nasa needs boeing's starliner to work so we can focus on artemis and some of those other missions as well.
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>> well, kristen, i'm so glad, first of all, there's a lot there, but i'm so glad that you told us about how it's designed to have pieces of equipment peel off because we are seeing that we're seeing some pieces peel off and but everything is fine because that was by design and of course, i'm glad that you told us about the urine filtration system that i really think should need to work. that that's also feels very important. how long will it take them to get to the international space station yeah, it's gonna take them about 24 hours to get there. >> and then when the other critical moments is this spacecraft, this capsule has to actually dock with the international space station. they've done it before during the unclear crewed test flight, and that was successful. but this will be the first time that you actually have two astronauts on onboard during a docking with the iss important to point out so these are two of the most experienced and
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highly trained nasa astronauts, both navy test pilots for both of them. >> this is there third test flight and you know, for a test flight, sorry, they're third spaceflight. but their first test flight and a test flight is particularly important. and given sort of extra weight because of course it's the first time that any people have been inside. and so that's why these two astronauts were chosen. and you know, allison, this is also a big deal, but because it's only the sixth time in us history that there has been a first crewed test flight of a new spacecraft. you had mercury, gemini, apollo hello, the space shuttle, spacex's crew dragon. >> and now starliner. >> so this is a relatively rare event in the history of space light. and just listening to butch and sunny talk about how much being assigned to this mission has meant to them. but they've also had to wait a really long time to fly this


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