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tv   CNN Newsroom With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  June 5, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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both navy test pilots for both of them. >> this is there third test flight and you know, for a test flight, sorry, they're third spaceflight. but their first test flight and a test flight is particularly important. and given sort of extra weight because of course it's the first time that any people have been inside. and so that's why these two astronauts were chosen. and you know, allison, this is also a big deal, but because it's only the sixth time in us history that there has been a first crewed test flight of a new spacecraft. you had mercury, gemini, apollo hello, the space shuttle, spacex's crew dragon. >> and now starliner. >> so this is a relatively rare event in the history of space light. and just listening to butch and sunny talk about how much being assigned to this mission has meant to them. but they've also had to wait a really long time to fly this
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thing. i mean, for sunny williams, she was assigned to this flight nine years ago. she has been waiting nine years fly on this mission. and then we had all those recent scrubs first there was that scrub allison on may 6, which was caused by a faulty oxygen valve on the atlas five rocket here. but this scrub on saturday had nothing to do with the capsule or the rocket. it had to do with an issue with the ground cuter that instigates that automatic launch sequence. and so, so much past to go ripe for the launch that we just witnessed here, the weather has to cooperate upgrade, everything has to go perfect right up until the moment of liftoff. and so right now the center engine, i believe has united. so what we're seeing right now is these two stages still mounted together. so you have the bottom half of the atlas five rocket and these two solid rock rocket boosters that
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have separated from the rest of the spacecraft and we'll essentially never be used again. they're totally expended civil but these two now continuing on into space and then just the capsule. and about 24 hours, hopefully rendezvous with the space station. and that curve up they're excited get into to finally see this astronauts and her friends in elson. >> chris and fissure. so good to have you walk us through this for all the contexts and for your expertise in this field what an exciting thing for all of us to witness live. that was really great. thank you very much. i want to bring in my colleague, wolf blitzer now, who helms the next hour and that was really exciting to see that live i totally agree, allison, it was really exciting no matter how many times you see a launch, like that, it is so, so pi i'm so glad that kristin is on the scene for us helping us better, appreciate the enormity of this moment right now, the launch of this nasa, this boeing's starliner spacecraft. >> let me play, replay the
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actual launch right now for viewers here in the united states and around the world who are watching, just to get a sense of the enormity of all of this watch this he's done starliner role raju ristin
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fisher, you're our expert on this year, our space and defense corresponded. >> what was it like for you to actually observe the launch of this starliner? >> label? it was a long time coming. well, you know, we've been down here for every failed launch attempt. first, it was several years here's a delays due to issues with boeing and the starliner spacecraft itself. then on may 6, there was an issue with a faulty oxygen valve on the atlas five rocket, which just propelled the boeing starliner spacecraft into space. and then just last saturday, there was an issue not with the starliner space kraft, not with the rocket, the hardware was fine. >> but the issue was with just
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alcohol abuse. >> and so it seems like abbe lowell, the defense layer is suggesting that if hunter biden had problems at the time, they were more alcohol and less controlled substances elliott
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etting older yeah. >> it's safe enough to use. are
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it cuts for over an hour on a single charge ego exclusively as close as and ego authorized dealers. >> no matter why you started your business? your. goal is to keep on growing. and with the help of financing from capitus, you can meet all of your business goals because at capitus we finance the legacy builders, the creators, the freedom chasers, the opportunities seekers had capitus we finance small businesses the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president, one day to moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate, thursday, june 27th, denied live on cnn and streaming on max senate democrats are today taking up the fight to protect birth control access nearly two years after the us supreme
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court reversed roe versus wade in a letter to his colleagues, the senate majority leader, chuck schumer, said lawmakers will vote sometime later today on
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and that's what donald trump's goal was in appointing three very conservative, right-wing judges to the supreme encode of the united states. so contraception is now in the crosshairs of the maga republicans. and our goal is to put back on the books statutorily a right to access to contraception for all americans and also the right foot providers to be able to provide contraception without any threat or risk of legal action against them. >> as you know, we're republicans are calling this bill that you're introducing
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unnecessary. they calling it a huge overreach. senator john cornyn, for example, it said, and i'm quoting him now. it doesn't make any exceptions for conscience. it's a phony vote because contraception, to my knowledge, is not illegal it's not unavailable. what's your response to him know this this actually protects the providers. >> it protects the individual so that they can get access to to to contraception in no way does it infringed upon anyone's religious rites if, you don't want to have access to contraception, it's your right it's the same thing is true if you're a provider, you are protected. this just goes to the right for someone to get it if they wanted the right for a provider to issue two ride a contraception if you want it. so that is absolutely in erroneous attack upon this piece of legislation. >> the topic of contraceptives
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was on the front page of the washington composed today saying, and i'm quoting now from the washington post far-right conservatives are sewing misinformation that inaccurately characterizes iuds emergency contraception. even birth control pills as causing abortions howard democrats, senator pushing back on this false information. >> well, that's what we're gonna do today. we're going to have this debate and of course it's about all forms of contraception including iuds and we know that over in the house representatives as a whole caucus that wants to put radical restrictions upon access to contraception, including iuds. so this is going to be an historic vote and this election in 20 2024 is going to have a bortion. it's going to have contraception. it's going to have ivf on the ballot de, as a sharp divide between the democrat and
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republican parties on this issue and we are going to begin today. the clarification of whose side each of the as parties is on the senator markey, a polling shows that about a third of americans consider contraception a threatened right now, right now, likely potentially to be overturned by the us supreme court as well. >> that's about ten points higher than back in 2022. and roe v. wade was still he when he picked his three supreme court justices. >> and that's the promise to donald trump and a right-wing house and senate republican controlled maga congress will
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in fact begin to implement if they are successful. so that's why this election is so important. it's all on the line. it's on the ballot this year. and if you care about contraception or abortion, are ivf or any of these privacy issues? that should only be a decision made by the individual, by the family than this is a voting issue and you should get out there and make sure you exercise that that wright very quickly before i let you go, senator barkat, the i suspect you have the votes of the democratic majority in the senate. >> but how does it look in the republican majority? >> the house well again, we know that the maga republicans control the house and there are many democrats would of course, want to bring it out on to the floor of the house when they attempted to do so. >> when it was still in democratic control, the
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republicans opposed it so we know that republicans are going to block it when i brought it out in 2022 onto the senate floor, the republicans objected when i brought it out in 2023, they objected. so now here in 2024, we're going to force the vote and the same thing is true we're in the house. the democrats are going to try to force a vote over there. but i think the maga republicans had just going to block even having a vote another white house is supporting what you're doing. >> senator markey, thanks for joining us. >> thank you. >> wealth and still to come, president biden is in france to commemorate the 80th anniversary of d-day. meanwhile, a controversial the report zeros in on the president's age and memory. stay with us lot lots going on urine. the cnn newsroom the assignments are going off and bang the tornado here i'm thinking, i'm going to die. >> and i thought violin earth with liev schreiber sunday at nine on cnn the future is not
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meetings they billion with a b we've got this you got this room's only need a strong enough to you nighttime house of the dragon streaming exclusively on macs right now, president biden is in france to commemorate tomorrow public and opponent that would be donald
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trump. >> here in washington. meanwhile, a new piece, new article in the wall street journal is dredging dredging up one of the president's most sensitive political liabilities. it alleges he is showing signs of slipping behind closed doors. the journal says it's spoke with 45 washington insiders for the article, but acknowledged that most of those critical of the president's performance, where republicans, the white house is hitting right back, accusing republicans of quote, making false claims as a political tactic. and it's noting they have made clear in their own words that president biden is a savvy and effective leader who has a deep record of legislative accomplishment let's discuss this more with cnn political analyst and white house correspondent for the pbs newshour, lorber own barron-lopez, former rnc communications director doug i and cnn political commentator, maria cardona. maria, what are you hearing from democrats? how concerned are they about these suggestions that the president's age is a problem?
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>> they're off more than anything else wolf, because if you look at the story and you had it exactly right, most of the people that are going on the record and frankly, most of the sources are all republican and i spoke to some of the senator, senator reid, senator murray, who were in this same exact meetings that the journal described. and they told the journal exactly the opposite. they were not quoted. gee, i wonder why. >> and the ones who were quoted specifically, kevin mccarthy he is known and you have other journalists who were saying that they have heard on the record completely the opposite. he says that president biden and his negotiations was smart, was savvy, was tough. >> and so i guess if senator mccarthy sorry, kevin mccarthy is on a rebranding tour, which is what we have since heard. >> he's probably mad that the guy who's the president, the current president is the one who is responsible for him having lost his job because he's so tough and so savvy and completely outsmarted him i
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think it's a complete political hit job and i also don't think the timing is coincidence. now that donald trump is a convicted felon, i think republicans are a little desperate to try to distract because they know that the majority of american people are not going to want a convicted felon in the white house so let me get lord away. >> and what's what when you read the article, what did you think well, i think that look, i've heard similar to maria from democrats, which is that are democrats concerned about voters perception of biden's age and his mental ability? yes, they are voters mentioned that regularly but democrats themselves who are in the meetings with president biden they say that he's all there, that he sharp that he swift's switches between policy topics to other policy topics as needed. and you got a sense that they were very frustrated because they did speak to the journal reporters and they weren't quoted in this donald trump also has an age liability and you hear that from voters as well. i mean, in focus groups that i've watched
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voters repeatedly say that they're not happy with the age of either of the candidate and that they wish wish there were other options. but ultimately they're going to make their decision based on vastly different issues than the candidates ages. >> go ahead. i want you to weigh in as well. >> go ahead. well, i go back to the city the union when joe biden gave me very long, very loud speech, and democrats said, joe biden is fully in-charge. the game has changed. the game hasn't changed. the polling hasn't moved. biden is either up one or down one or two. and depending on what paul you look at, the polls all show the same thing voters are massively concerned about joe biden's age. there are also concerned as laura pointed out, about donald trump's age. but what we see are quite often don't see is joe biden outfront an center and then command. i watched him yesterday and he was fine, but he wasn't a strong commanding presence as a command and are in chief, maybe today and tomorrow will be good days for joe biden because he may be the youngest person in france are around all the veterans, but he's got this very real problem and he's in a job that ages and faster at an age, that ages you faster as well. it's a very real problem
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for them and it's not just one article this is
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hat part of the wing coming apart. space shuttle columbia, the final flight. now streaming on max
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and sitting on paper-thin mattresses in they're part of facility. sometimes doctors amputated prisoners limbs due to injuries from constant handcuffing cnn's reporting prompted outcries from the association for civil rights in israel and other human rights groups leading to an israeli supreme court hearing see cnn's chief global affairs correspondent, matthew chance is joining us now, matthew, this was excellent reporting by you and your team. what was revealed during this hearing that initiated the actual transfer of some of these 700 palestinian detainees. >> but will this was a hearing
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which was calling into question the legality all keeping so many hundreds of palestinians in this facility who are not named. remember, in very poor conditions that are whistleblowers, the israeli military whistleblowers, and the doctors that we spoke to the medical officials that we spoke to about those conditions in sayyed. and as part of those hearings these israeli government represented by their state attorney, said that they were in the process of essentially phasing out the facility by moving hundreds of people to other containment centers in the west bank, perhaps releasing some of them back to gaza. but that's still left about, that leaves about 200 people that still unaccounted for who is still there. and so these ready court has given the israeli authorities a few more days until the tenth of this month. in fact, to let them know what the plan is ultimately for those 200 palestinian individuals. and therefore, what ultimately will happen to
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this steady to man detention? mentioned facility. but look, the revelations of the abuses inside that our investigative team sort of exposed cause a huge outcry oversees the white house, said it was deeply concerned and said it was looking for answers from its israeli counterparts, the german authorities, which are normally very supportive of israel, they express concern the us even the israeli military said it was launching an investigation into the allegations of abuse inside this detention center, and others as well. but the real significance is that this has become a rallying point for human rights activists inside israel. who are very concerned about the way in which israel is prosecuting. its war. in gaza and have used this as i say, as a rallying point to express their outrage and concern about the direction into which israel has, has traveled since october 7, and those horrific attacks by hamas
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thanks. >> thanks. once again, matthew, for your excellent, excellent reporting. we really appreciate it. and still to come tomorrow marks 80 years since allied forces invaded normandy in world war ii we are remembering those heroes stay with us urine the cnn newsroom what i look for in a contractor is someone who is reliable and skillful. that's where andy comes in with top rated certified pros and over 500 categories. sandi can connect you with the right pro for any home projects. find top rated certified pros and you're at ego been number one rated brand in cordless outdoor power brings you the select cut mower customize the cut with three interchangeable blades cuts for over an hour on a single charge, eco exclusively as close as and ego authorized dealers my name needs braden i always 5-years-old when i came to change him hello, trains, shore and gamma story. >> shell. and then having these headaches that want to go away.
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♪ ♪ download the app sometimes the best thing you can do with intelligence is shared with your adversary. >> he and his secret is betrayed so bullet to the back of the hand secrets and spies a nuclear gain sunday at ten on cnn remembering d-day and those who were lost in the decisive invasion of normandy france during world war ii on this eve of the 80th anniversary, this art installation, silhouettes fanning out across the fields of the british normandy memorial called for your tomorrow. >> there are nearly 1,500 figures representing the british servicemen who died there on d-day many warriors
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returned from the front lines facing new battles in their day-to-day lives, they go home with horrific injuries that will require a lifetime of care we were all or two anti-tank mines. >> it blew my humvee up till my sergeant how supposed nyse suffered a closed head injury traumatic brain injury loss of a limb versus 6% of my body this morning here in washington up on capitol hill lawmakers in the us senate took up the issue of improving services for veterans and their caregivers. the needs are daunting and heartbreaking joining us now is pam vastus the mother and caregiver of jason earhart, the wounded young soldier. we just heard from pam. thanks so much. while you're doing thanks so much for joining us. i know you joined other caregivers and successfully lobbied congress to pass what's called the caregiver act. it allows
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veterans affairs to pay a veteran's caregiver even if that person is a family member, how crucial pam is that? >> that was extremely important because it allowed me to not have to continue to work full time into focus. a lot of my attention on jason and what he needed at home it's been what, nearly 19 years since jason suffered this horrific injuries is the government from your perspective, doing enough to help they they have provided a lot of help with jason to the vha they want to do the right thing. they have done wonderful things with his health care particularly early on were a little bit challenged, though farther away get out from it because they don't necessarily have the resources to continue all of his rehab through the va. and so we've had to turn
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to other sources such as the world war your project, to assist us with getting those services well on that point, what role is the private sector playing? >> i'm helping jason and others for that matter, who returned home with life-long needs i'm not i don't know what we would've done with alpha wounded warrior project. >> the va has provided a lot of good things, but it's kind of it kind of levels out and go because the way in some regards just due to resource issues the wounded warrior project stepped in and picked up where we started losing some of jason's rehabilitation services like occupational therapy and physical therapy and those types of things. and they stepped up and are providing helped me find and provide services for physical therapy and jason since an equine therapy as well, tell us a little bit about your son, jason's how he's doing right
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now? >> he's doing very well. he still really only has use of one limb, has his right arm he still working very hard on trying to learn to walk again. and use his left arm. and that's primarily from the brain injury. he does still have some short-term memory issues as well. but overall, his his his his very social. he likes to get out there. he likes to try things and so that's one of the challenges is trying to find things with those things to do for people with those types of disabilities i'm pam, how are you doing? how challenging has this been for you it has certainly increased my workload. >> allied am i i kinda view myself as a project manager of sorts, trying to manage jason's care. but in addition to finding other things to keep him involved in keeping people
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scheduled making sure that
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