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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  June 5, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

12:00 pm or amazon american west was hope it was a dream to make a better life if you were tougher now, mean and now for your resource while now all i'm trying to do is get as many of us as i can as far as that came it was not a fair place. he was cruel but people aspire to be great arrives in american saga. rigid are hunter biden's federal gun trial, getting even more personal, his ex-wife and a former girlfriend taking the stand detailing drug use and more. >> we are live outside the courthouse plus new fallout
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from that wall street journal reports claiming president biden is slipping. the white house and democrats pushing back hard and boeing's starliner successfully lifting off. now headed to the the international space station. we're following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here the cnn news central some dramatic testimony in court today as former romantic partners of hunter biden take the stand in his federal gun trial. hunters former girlfriend so casten just finished testifying about hunters heavy drug use, including, she says, just weeks before he bought the gun that's at the center of this case? she also described hunters efforts to get sober, including how we moved to california to work on his recovery, but then ultimately relapsed. and this morning, hunter biden's ex-wife, kathleen buhle, told jurors about finding drugs and
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paraphernalia in his car on multiple occasions. >> including in 2018, when he bought the gun, cnn's paula reid is outside the courthouse in delaware in wilmington. give us the latest year. paula the jury has been very attentive throughout most of the de as they were testimony from two of hunters, former romantic partners. first of course, is ex-wife play. you just mentioned, she only testified briefly about what she observed of his addiction back when they were still married. much he told the court that she didn't see him generally know what he was up to in 2018 at the time he purchased this firearms. so she only spoke before the jury for a brief period of time and then a young woman who first met hunter biden at a gentleman's club and then spent large stretches of time with him at various hotels. she got on the stand and she testified for several hours. and let me tell you, this jury, they were sitting up straight, they were leaning in and they were listening to every detail because the reason she was on the stand, prosecutors were
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asking her about what she observed of hunter biden's addiction. now, she first met him in late 2017 and testified about what she observed throughout a big part of 2018, and she's sad when they would be in these hotels. he would be smoking crack every 20 minutes. she detailed how she helped to facilitate drug buys. she would withdraw cash from him. this was the testimony that prosecutors are seeking from her and she testified that she did see hunter biden's smoking crack in september 2018. now that is significant because it goes against the defense's narrative that at that point he was clean and just using wine, but on cross-examination by abbe lowell, she testified she didn't see him in october 2018 after she saw him in mid september, students see him again until november. so she has no direct knowledge of whether he was using illegal drugs or if he was addicted to illegal drugs during the time in question at the center of this case, and her testimony just wrapped what i'm telling you the jury, they were very interested in the details of these luxury hotel stays, a
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fancy dinners they were enjoying, and some pretty salacious photos other time together that were also shared with the jury so apollo, who is the prosecution calling de the stand next now we're going to call the man who sold hunter biden this gun. >> that's not actually who were expecting. we're actually expecting hallie biden to be the next witness, but instead, this is another really key witness because the defense has tried to shift some of the blame on it to the salesmen arguing that he was kind of pushy, that he led hunter biden to the gun when he was actually trying to browse for other items so this is going to be a kid critical witness for the jurors to hear from were on a break right now, but that testimony should get underway any minute paula reid live outside the courthouse in wilmington, delaware thank you so much let's discuss now with defense attorney and former federal prosecutor, shan wu shang. >> thanks so much for being with us. you've written that for prosecutors this case should be a slam dunk, but you express some doubt as to
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whether or not they're going to get a guilty verdict. >> right? i think the atmospherics of the case in a way they're approaching it is actually a little bit perhaps shooting themselves in the foot so that defense now we know is very clever. one is saying that this question of being an addict on the day that hunter biden checked that box says, no, i'm not not using defense is saying that's the question for the jury because on that day, he had come out of rehab relatively recently and they're going to say in his mind, he was not an addict, then so to counter that the prosecution is apparently kinda using a bludgeoned and kind of effect, which is to try to overwhelm the jury with evidence that he was constantly using drugs, so that he should have known because has to be knowingly made false statement. he should have known he was addicted to drugs. that's a double-edged sword because first of all, difficult always to prove what's in someone's mind. particularly someone who's using other drugs at times and the way they're putting on the evidence with these romantic
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partners, even his wife. there's a lot of emotional tenor there that can make the jury very sympathetic to him which may cause an acquittal or nullification even during the defense opening apparently, one juror was pretty emotional about it. um, so it's tough situation. they're creating you think there's a high chance of jury still if the cation right here, right. >> tell us what that is and how rare that is. >> so the technical definition for that is when the jury deliberately ignores the evidence or refuses to apply the law because they want to take a stand in the case. that's the theory and practice. no juror gets up and says more refusing following the law here because of a moral stand, it happens behind the scenes because of sympathetic atmospherics what happens then is they start looking for a good way out for themselves and this issue of knowingly may supply that to them. but sympathetic circumstances helped a lot and actually having the first lady of the united states in the courtroom making sympathetic gestures towards his sister the jury is
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going to notice that the defense's is trying to also make it difficult to zero in on exactly where he was in his drug use when he bought the weapon. and in order to do that, they pointed to a specific portion of his audio book in which he talks about missing a flight on a specific de. but it turns out he actually caught that flight the point is essentially at the defense is trying to say that there are details here that are not clear in his mind. how effectively can the defense do that with someone like a hunter biden when he's got this audio book out there, when he talks about using drugs and then he's buying a weapon in the midst of that period the way they have to do it is how they're trying to do it, is to say not to say that the prosecution has the burden, but to poke holes in the picture, they're doing this since the prosecution's not going to be able to really pin it down to his state of mind that day, what he had done, they're trying to basically make the timeline other evidence, plane flight et cetera, the difficulty for them is that knowing only element that they
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have to show. >> and when did the fence is making this point that this may all be a boiler to a hunter biden that in his mind, he really could have been sober on that day. that just makes it very hard road for the prosecution. >> next we are now sort of unexpectedly hearing from the person who sold hunter biden the gun, we thought we were going to hear from hallie biden, but it's the person who sold him the gun. i wonder what you're expecting there, especially since what we've heard from the defense is they've tried to say actually hunter biden wasn't even that interested. they're trying to convince the jury of that in buying a gun yeah it's interesting to their calling him, especially at this moment. i mean, they have to prove he bought the gun, but presumably they could do that just through authenticating of the rest. records that he had the gun. >> i think putting the person who sold him on has some dangerous for the prosecution if he makes it sound like biden either seem kind of out of it when you saw him or he wasn't that interested in buying the gun, but basically they just
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want him to say, look, this really happened he did by the gun and the whole use of the audio tape like you're saying, bars i get why they're doing that. >> it's sort of like all he's confessing on tape, like hearing his voiced the problem in doing that too, though, is that also causes a lot of emotionalism within the jury, which has you hear him describing the traumas he went through in. such so it may or may not work that way. and again, it's kind of a general description. they don't have on this date. i remember going into the gunshot doing this and i remember seeing the box and i said no because i was lying about it. they don't have that. right general gritty. >> get your perspective. >> so democrats are on the defense today over a new wall street journal report concerning president biden, its title, quote, behind closed doors, biden show signs of slipping the report questions, the mental acuity of the 81-year-old president, according to some 45 sources but they smoked you? yeah, it's based on all of these interviews from both parties,
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we should mention. and one of the stories reporters spoke to us list our the white house position has been that if only you could see the president behind closed doors, if only you could see what we see. he's absolutely sharp as attack and so this aims to find out what is the president like behind closed doors. we focused on three meetings in particular all over the court for some of the past year and there were things like mumbling, speaking in such a low voice that people could only here every other word or couldn't understand what he was saying. this over-reliance on note cards using note cards to make what we're very obvious points and using them in ways that are affected the spontaneity of the conversation cnn's mj lee is live at the white house for us. mj biden's camp is firing back. tell us about this they are firing back, but first of all, as you noted, the wall street journal reporter said that they spoke with some
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several dozen people over the course of several months. >> and they included democrats republicans, administration officials who had either met with the president behind closed doors or were breached based on some of these meetings and what some of those people told the wall street journal is that the president seemed slower and less sharp and was essentially showing his age reminder of course that the president is 81. he is the oldest person to serve as president. and importantly, the story did say that most of the people who were critical of the president's age which for the story did happen to be republicans but yeah, you're absolutely right, but the white house and biden allies are pushing back really hard on this story and one person in part particular that was quoted throughout the story that clearly aggravated the white house is kevin mccarthy, the former house speaker, who of course spend a ton of time when he was in that job negotiating with and talking with a meeting with the president and he said in the story that the president at times ramble, he was always using cars. he wasn't the same person that he was when he was
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vice president. and the white house is response was basically, well, that's really rich coming from somebody who at the time did say even publicly that the president seemed to sharp and some of these negotiations, and i think the broader push back from the white house has been that this story is allowed republicans to do a political hit job and go after the president in a poll politically motivated way. and basically saying that the president wasn't all there, but all with an ops wards november, they also took issue with the fact that the reporters didn't quote enough and site enough some of the positive stories that democrats shared with them but i did think there was a really interesting moment in the story where you got a real sense of how sensitive and issue the age issue is for this white house. the story said that several democrats sure aired width the white house, either a recording of an interview or details about what was asked by the reporters and some of those lawmakers spoke to the journal a second time once again emphasize the president's strength
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congressman gregory meeks, new york are from democrat from new york. i should say that they said, i should give you a call back to the reporter. they of course, referring to the white house. >> i heard the wall street journal reporter telling you in the last hour that they wanted to give you a sense of what biden is like in public versus what he is like behind closed doors. >> and i think it's worth reminding everyone what we do see in public is a mixed president, right? we sometimes see him on days when he does seem real really focused, really sharp, really energetic. and at times when he's not an reporters are saying that they did try to capture sort of those differences so mj, the president is in france right now. >> he's kicking off this big week in europe. >> get us up to speed on his plans. yeah, the president is making this trip to mark the 80th anniversary of d-day. but there is just so much more on his agenda in the coming days. phase two, for one, he is going to be a guest of the french president emmanuel macron for their state visit. and he's
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also going to be meeting with a number of world leaders, including, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy, all as the war in ukraine is continuing to rage on and i'm friday, we're going to hear the president offered this landmark speech on the issue of the importance of democracy. it is june of 2024. so i think there's no sort of separating out a foreign trip made he by the president at this moment in time from all of the politics that are involved. and i do think that a theme that we will see over and over again coming from the president are some of the ideals that he believes his candidacy stands for, particularly, particularly when it comes to the issue of democracy. as i said on friday, he's going to be giving that speech and i think just quick please circling back to the discussion we were having on age. this is a moment when he is going to be on the global stage. and that means that they're going to be a lot of eyes on the president, including critical allies who are going going to be watching closely to see how exactly he performs or it will be looking
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for that mj. >> thank you. mj lee live horse at the white house and still ahead top white house official she was heading back to the middle east, pushing for a ceasefire and hostage release deal between israel and hamas plus president biden's sweeping new asylum restrictions taking effect with some democrats calling them cruel and a betrayal and this hour the senate set to vote on a bill that would guarantee access to contraception why some republicans are now planning to block it. >> those stories and much more coming up do 19th, cnn celebrate juneteenth, which special performance is by john legend, hadi lewbel robinson, everyone should celebrated juneteenth, celebrating freedom and legacy wednesday, june 19 at ten on cnn. were you stationed working or living at campbell as yoon between 1953 and 1987, if you or a loved one have suffered from a severe illness, you may be eligible for a settlement no offer
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leaves to push a ceasefire and hostage release deal between israel and hamas. the proposal announced by president biden last week comes in three phases including a withdrawal of israeli forces from all populated areas of gaza us officials say they're now waiting on hamas to respond. >> this deal can't come soon enough. tensions are ramping up along the israel-lebanon border, threatening to expand the war into a regional conflict. israeli official say at least ten people were injured today because of an attack from the iran-backed militant group hezbollah. cnn's jeremy diamond is with us now from jerusalem jeremy, what more do we know about this latest attack? >> well in this latest attack, hezbollah appears to have struck the israeli town of her face in northern israel, at least ten people were injured according to the israeli military, not clear yet how many of those are civilians or soldiers. but there's no question that this is a significant attack was carried out by explosive drone
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according to the israeli military area. and it comes as we've been watching this kind of slow simmering conflict between israel and hezbollah over the course of the last eight months. now, over the last week or so there's been a slight uptick. it seems in the pace and the scale of the attacks going in both directions. actions in terms of israeli strikes in lebanon, as well as hezbollah rocket and drone attacks in northern israel. but beyond the attacks themselves, what has also really a brought more attention to this or these wildfires that were sparked in northern israel over the last couple of days as a result of that rocket fire from hezbollah as well as at least one israeli interceptor missile that sparked one of these fires, thousands of acres were burned in northern israel and it has really brought back a attention to the unsettled situation in northern israel where about 60,000 civilians, at least i have been displaced from their homes and their are growing calls to restore security there so they can return to their homes. and
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today, these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu making a visit to northern israel to survey the damage from the wildfires and talk about the secure security situation more broadly, saying that israel is quote, prepared for very intense action in the north, vowing that one way or another, israel will restore security there whether that is through diplomacy or through military action. >> as jeremy, what's the latest with the ceasefire? hi, your talks well, the cia director bill burns is back in doha, qatar to meet with the qatari emir, as well as the prime minister there who have been indirect contact with hamas officials over the last several days since the israeli proposal for a ceasefire and hostage deal was committed to them. >> and we don't yet have an official response from hamas yet to this latest proposal. but there's no question that the united states is trying to lead a kind of an international coalition of countries to bring public pressure to bear to say that the onus is now on hamas hit the ball is in hamas court
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and urging mediators like qatar, like egypt to bring as much pressure as they can to bear on hamas to accept this deal. but the major question of course, is whether or not hamas will be able to accept this deal because while israel did make a number of concessions and are much closer now to the hamas position. israel is still not willing to frontload a commitment to a permanent and in ceasefire. and that is something that hamas, of course, has been pushing for. boris briana all right. >> jeremy diamond, live force in jerusalem. thank you so much and joining us now, cnn, military analysts retired army major general james spider marks general, thanks for being with us we hear prime minister benjamin netanyahu upping his rhetoric on this attack from lebanon. he's saying that israel is prepared for quote, very intense action in the north we should note that there had been other times where we've heard netanyahu threatened action or escalation with hezbollah. i wonder if you
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see this moment as different rihanna, it could be different. what you could be seen right now is the beginning of what i would describe as a holding action in gaza. let's just assume for a second that most of the tactical missions have been achieved. there and then it displays the israeli ability, the idf capacity to operate on multiple levels and they are now going to put an emphasis on lebanon. so it wouldn't be surprising to see an increase in terms of the operational effort up north to go against what is now clearly an increase he's a provocation on the part of hezbollah and when you see israel increasing the cap of how many reservists can be called up from 300 to 300,000 to 350,000. >> what does that tell you and how are you reading? their military capabilities right now yeah. >> i think this demonstrates
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this is a sustained operation over the course of time. i think it's fair to say we all probably thought early on this might have a short horizon and in terms of some type of a conclusion, not a full resolution, but something that would terminate military operations. et cetera, at a much quicker pace. that's not the case we're seeing that right now. increase the available capacity to conduct military operations. it allows you to train and sustain operations wherever they may be in this particular case, we're seeing a continuum we will focus on gaza, although it may be decreasing. israel still wants to have a capacity to conduct straight strike missions very precisely very quickly against known targets in gaza going forward. and then what's happening up in, with hezbollah up north and lebanon remains to be seen, whether that's going to be a standoff off type engagement missiles, rockets, artillery, or if there's going to be a ground invasion that might take place.
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or very limited invasion against very specific targets then in lebanon earlier today news of a gunman targeting the us embassy there, the state department is now saying the gunman was wearing, quote, what appeared to be isis insignia what concerns does that raise for you? >> what questions do you have about that? >> none i think that's standard operating procedure the only question i have is how good is that guy right now united states and its mse presents around the globe are routinely protected. we have great intelligence. we've had failures in the past in terms of being able to read the tea leaves. but in that part of the world, i have tremendous confidence that we have a good understanding of what the various threat leinz look like, that this is not surprising at all. this may be a one-off and it probably was a one-off. i don't know that it's a sustained effort going forward.
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>> and just really quickly as we see top administration officials back in qatar for negotiations, do you see hope? for a ceasefire and hostage release deal we have to be hopeful that there is one and bear in mind that what was put forward for the initial phase of this is a six-week kind of an interregnum before you'll phase one, give you about six weeks. >> that includes the departure of the idea that if you just don't snap your finger in all both forces depart so during that six weeks period, if it's agreed to the idf is going to be very, very busy finishing up the work that they have not accomplished in terms of the denial of infrastructure and any final operations against very specific targets. i think it will be a very busy time general spider marks always great to have your insights. thank you so much thank you president biden, sweeping new executive action, targeting migrants who cross the border illegally is now in effect. we
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month golf, but 877, 8775383882 or visit home >> i've learned fox on capitol hill we may already be seeing the impacts of resident biden's new crackdown at the southern border.
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>> there's some new video that shows authorities returning migrants to mexico after arriving at a port of entry. three and hidalgo, texas, the president's policy went into effect at midnight. it shuts off access to asylum for migrants who cross the us-mexico border illegally. once-daily crossings reach a certain threshold. cnn's rosa flores is live in that border city and talk to us about what you're seeing there. >> yeah. let me set the scene for you. what do you see behind me is the international bridge between the value of texas and reynosa. it's important to note that this executive the border does not stop trade. commerce. you can see vehicles crossing into mexico. the impact of this executive order is happening queen ports of entry when migrants cross illegally into the united states. now under this executive order, if a migrant does not express fear that migrant can be very swiftly returned to mexico or to their home country. now we have video of this because we witnessed this earlier today. i want you
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to take a look at this and i wanted to take you through it. because you see a white bus that's a government bus. we see it on the us mexico border all the time. this is how us officials transport migrants between different processing centers. you see that bus drive into the port of entry and then you see agents escorting migrant rinse to mexico. now, we've seen this before under title 42, and that's one of the reasons why we wanted to be here at this port of entry for this story because we've seen how swiftly. migrants can be returned. now, there's some nuance here that's important if that migrant when they cross illegally, express fear than they get a credible fear interview. now, here's how that would work. it could happen at customs and border protection. it can happen at ice. they are still fingerprinted. they are are still getting a background check and officials are checking for any national security concerns. but the threshold for asylum is going to be a lot higher meaningful you are migrants are going to actually be able to achieve that. so you guessed it, we
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would be seeing more of that video that you just saw moments ago. we would see more of those migrants swiftly return back to mexico. now, boris and bianna, the other thing that i've got to mention is that there's that threshold that if the migrant apprehensions go below 1,500, that doesn't mean that the federal government stops applying federal law on the border, not at all. all that means is that this executive order is not going to be in effect. and the easiest way for me to explain it as imagined border security on steroids. if this executive order is an effect, it's on steroids and if it's not an e fedal imagine the federal government works like the federal government does. and maybe a little slower, but in essence, it doesn't stop the federal laws will still be applied on the us mexico border back to you guys rosa flores. >> thanks so much for the update for me to al-ghoul, texas. >> thanks. >> so just an cnn is learning that vetting materials have been sent to some candidates under consideration to be
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former president donald trump's running mate. >> that's right. cnn's alayna treene is with us now in the story, what more are you learning about who is in the running here? >> well, that's right. well, there is a series of people who are in the running and i should just know i wanna do that at the top that this is still very much in flux. so just because we've learned and this is according to a source familiar with the process that some of these people have received vetting materials donald trump could still change his mind. this is by no means a finalist, but what we're told is that people like senator jd vance, senator tim scott, senator marco rubio and doug burgum martha cota governor are all some of the top contenders on his vp, less other names include elise stefanik, but again, i think it's interesting to note because we reported a couple of weeks ago that donald trump had been asking and outside firm to vet these different people. now they're starting to actually get some of these materials themselves, which just shows how much close we are to him making a decision. now, when i talked at all on trump's team, they say, look again, this is in flux.
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these are moving parts, but he's more likely to announce his decision closer. to the republican national convention in july. and also, i mean, just reporting on donald trump for several years now, he's the kind of man that when he's at mar-a-lago, when he's going to these different events will be an arizona tomorrow. he likes to ask his allies, has donors, who do you think should be vp angel hill float are named jose. what do you think about burg? i'm going of course we've seen all these men as well, really showing their loyalty to donald trump, particularly in the aftermath of him being convicted last week. and so i think the names that you see and what i'm laying out here aren't entirely surprising the people who are receiving these materials. it shouldn't be surprising, but of course, this is donald trump are talking about, so nothing is set in stone another thing we're seeing in the aftermath of that conviction he's a fundraising boost and you have, you have an update on some numbers? yes. so one of donald trump's leading super pacs, really his original super pac. it's called maga inc. make america great again, inc. says that they raise 17
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million last month. now that's not part of the 100 and 41 million that donald trump's campaign and the rnc raised last month. and a lot of this, they also attribute to being off of his conviction and look, i mean, this there was a memo that they sent to donors yesterday that really laid out their pathway for how they think donald trump can secure 207 i'm in electoral votes in november and i thought it was fascinating because they talked about four states in particular pennsylvania and nevada, arizona, georgia, all states that trump lost in 2020. but they think they can win in the upcoming election. i think it's a really good look at just how his outside groups think this is how we're going to win in the fall all right. >> alaina, very interesting i think stuff. appreciate it. thank you. >> still ahead, pudding lawmakers on the record. the senate is set to vote on a bill guaranteeing the right to contraception as reproductive rights remain front and center for the election the ceo is
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force republicans to take a stand on contraception what's expected to happen yeah, we actually do not expect it to get the 60 votes necessary to move over. >> it essentially advance. we allow the senate to take it up, allow the sentence eventually pass this out of the body because of opposition from republicans, we do expect a couple of republicans who would senators lisa murkowski and susan collins to vote with the democrats, but that's not going to mean now they need nine republicans to vote, had to move ahead and republicans say that this is a something that is not necessary. they believe it's a campaign ploy. they say that is essentially that the democrats run of forces issued to play politics over the issue of reproductive rights in this hotly contested election season, they have some policy objectives two, namely that this would also guarantee access to the morning after built pill. of course, widely known under widely used, one of them is being planned for some that have philosophical objections. i don't want a
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guaranteed that right. but nevertheless, this battle expected to play out on the campaign trail as top senators told me earlier today okay not a serious attempt to legislate. >> this is just a show vote in anticipation of the election democrats think they can in this case, this election based on reproductive rights. and somehow they're suggesting that contraception is in jeopardy, which is just blatantly false. >> but you guys want to campaign on this well, of course you're going to raise this issue as well as the dobbs decision and reproductive choice. we know what we're finding in states that are considered red states, they're voting by reference to support our position. >> and this is just the beginning of a number of bills that senate majority leader chuck schumer plans to push forward on the issue of reproductive rights in the weeks ahead, including next week, when they plan to address guaranteeing ivf protections for americans in the wake of that alabama supreme court ruling so did attempting to strike a blow to people's
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access to ivf in the aftermath of the dobbs decision the of course, the politics lost on nobody here, republicans know full well, how republican democrats have weaponize this issue effectively in a number in the recent campaign cycles, they themselves trying to push for an alternative measures to protect themselves from the political backlash from blocking this. democrats, though he rejected those other measures, saying they're too weak and they said the voters ultimately will make that decision on who does support over these key issues in the fall that's all right manu. >> thank you so much for that update from the hill and out of some of the other headlines that we're watching this hour the un says the world is on a quote, highway to climate and hell as we set yet another record and it's really not the good kind of record new data revealing that we've now seen unprecedented temperatures, 412 straight months of full year now that means it from june 2023 feet to this may every single month has been the hottest month on record, scientists morning that unless
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we take action, these record highs feel relatively cool compared to what is to come. >> also tjx, the parent company of tj maxx, marshalls and home goods says it is equipping some of its employees with police like body cameras in an attempt to prevent shoplifting tjx finance chair says, quote, it's almost like a de-escalation where people are less likely to do something when they're being videotaped now, tjx is not alone in a survey last year, 330, 5% of us retailers said they will also researching body cameras for employees and for the first time in decades, brits will have a new monarch in their pocket bank notes picture and king charles entered circulation today. he's pictured on the 5102050 pound notes. they will coast circulate with nodes featuring his mother, the late queen elizabeth still ahead history in the making is boeing's starliner in her spacecraft successfully lifts off what's next and the mesial the
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>> multiple meetings they billion with a b, we've got these honore, got this is cnn the world's news network. pretty cool, never gets old, ready, cool never gets old. a third time was the charm for boeing's starliner capsule, which finally blasted off in a space from cape canaveral today the capsule carrying two veteran nasa astronauts on its historic voyage is now in orbit, headed to the international hey station. >> boeing is competing with
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elon musk's spacex is one of two companies making trips to orbit for nasa and a short time ago, musk tipping his hat to the boeing team on x writing congratulations on a successful launch. so pleasant competition, i guess we could say cnn's kristin fisher has been falling following this for us, she's joining us now, live from cape canaveral. christina. what's the reaction to the success of the mission well audio robleh like nominee. >> maybe it all right. >> let's maybe we can rig for like ten seconds situation worked out all right. >> we're going to try it again. >> downing guys taken, away i'm sorry. >> can you guys hear going on? >> okay. >> do mission the law okay so
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everybody here breathing a sigh of relief that this mission finally got off the launchpad. >> it's not over yet though, guys, this is a 1011 day mission. >> they still have to dock with the international space station, and then they have to get back to earth. >> so a successful start, but it's not over yet there was a press conference, a post launch, preska conference, about two hours ago, and i asked the head of boeing's starliner program what he makes of the last decade in this competition between spacex and boeing ever since nasa doled out these dueling contracts between these two companies to ferry its astronauts up to the international space station. i also asked him about that tweet from elon musk. here's what mark nappi said we don't see it as a competition. >> we've got two providers that are going up to the international space station and
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spacex is. up there and we're up there now as well so this is this is something that nasa has planned and we've, we've accomplished it. and of course that next step is certification i saw the tweet. that's awesome. >> and we're i sit on my front porch and i watch every spacex mission. >> and i root for them too. this is something that's great for the entire country yes. >> so a great day for the country. one more step towards making the us a little less reliant on a third option to get its astronauts to the space station, a russian soyuz spacecraft. but also just a great day for the two nasa astronauts onboard that spacecraft to veterans butch wilmore and sunny williams. sani has been waiting about nine years to finally fly today. so she finally got off the launchpad yeah now stick
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kristen. >> thank you so much for that. we appreciate it. a third time was a term for the starliner. second time was a charm for that hit with kristin fisher. we appreciate it and we'll be right back the russians were trying to spy on us. >> we were spying on them i miss happy friday this is a the secret. >> was secrets and spies, a nuclear game. sunday at ten on cnn today, at america's beverage companies are models might still look the same, but they can be remade. in a whole new way. >> thanks to you, we're getting bottles back and we've developed a way to make new ones from 100% recycled plastic, new bottles made using no new plastic we seeing more of these bottles in more places. >> and when we get more of them back we can use less new plastic bottles are day to be remade structured settlement
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