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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  June 5, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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exclusive canvas grocery bag to show you are a part of a movement of supporters working together to help end hunger. i have people that i can trust i have had hoped. >> please call now or make your monthly donation at help feeding, working together, we can end hunger in america and drive >> we've been hard at work and we finally did it that you're make it so i can find the shop with thousands of cars were no hits on my credit yes good or bad time. that get approved and stop. your real terms with no credit hit erin burnett outfront. >> next on cnn tonight sources are telling cnn the accused, gilgo beach serial killer is expected to be indicted on two additional murder charges tomorrow rex heuermann was taken into custody last july and charge in the deaths of four women, law enforcement officials say the new charges come from an expansion of the investment after heuermann's
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arrest i'm wolf blitzer in this >> this situation room. erin burnett outfront starts right now judge in trump's classified documents case hands, trump another when plus republican revenge. trump promising to punish his opponents if reelected as his allies on capitol hill follow suit. and now we're doing trump's dirty work and tonight and outfront exclusive the neighbor at the center of the dispute with justice alito's wife is my guest. what she says happened just before the alitos flu and american flag upside down. let's go out, find good evening. >> i'm erin burnett outfront tonight, breaking news, a major legal decision in trump's georgia election interference case, and that the case is now
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postponed indefinitely. >> the fulton county district attorney, fani willis, had been promising that the train is coming she had wanted a televised trial to start on august 4, but that is not happening a georgia appeals court putting a stop to the trial while a panel of judges decides whether willis should be disqualified. >> trump's legal team wants her out because of her romantic relationship with a top prosecutor on the case. now, the appeals court is not even scheduled to hear arguments on that part of it until october just weeks before election day, which makes it almost certain that there will not be a trial before in-person voters head to the polls in november. and we have more breaking news. this our judge, aileen cannon in florida handing trump victory in the mar-a-lago documents case. this time she is agreeing to hold a sprawling hearing on a whole host of topics trump's requests to get rid of jack smith altogether, his appointment his trump's requests to have evidence found at mar-a-lago thrown out. all of that. now, she's going to have a hearing about in a
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moment. i'm going to speak to trump's former white house lawyer, ty cobb. >> but first, we want to begin, ms sara marie outfront live in washington and sarah, what does this decision by the appeals courts? >> for mean for trump's case in georgia while aaron, it essentially means that barring some sort of a miracle for the district attorney's office, there's just no way that donald trump is going to be going to trial anytime before this november election in this georgia election interference case. >> now what normally happens when an appeals court takes up an issue is that automatically what has been going on at the trial court level is stayed, but this was an unusual situation where the trial court judge judge mcafee said he was going to continue on even if the appellate court decided to take up this issue. so today, the appeals court made it very clear that this prosecution against donald trump could not continue at the trial court but level as long as they're weighing these issues, and again, this means we're looking at potentially months of re-litigating willis's romantic relationship with a fellow prosecutor, whether she
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should have been removed for the case from the case as a result of that as a result of other public comments she made about the case as well. the trial court judge criticized her conduct it's very heavily but allowed her to remain on the case as long as her fellow prosecutor stepped down, what's also interesting about the way this process works is once the floodgates are open, now at this court has agreed to hear this appeal. it allows the district attorney's office to bring aspects into this too. so they are going to be appeals court and saying, look, the trial court judge throughout a couple of counts against donald trump and his co-defendants, we want those brought in. we want those charges brought in. so this is again, something that's going to involve a lot of lawyerly arguments. it could stretch on for months, as you pointed out, this is tentatively set for oral arguments in october, but again, that's a tentative date. we don't even have a hard date on the calendar of if this appeals court there's going to hear oral arguments. and when that could happen. >> alright, sara, thank you very much. and outfront now, ty cobb, the former trump white house lawyer, tie the appeals court now, as you hear sarah
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detailing, ordering all work to stop in the georgia election case against trump's. so just starting their how meaningful is this ruling? >> i think is meaningful. i had to the extent that it reflects two things. one, that the appellate court is going to take, it's time to get this right. and to that it cannot believe in taking this action that the appeal by trump's lawyers is frivolous. >> now, keep in mind that judge mcafee did find that the appearance of impropriety required a solution, and he fashioned that solution really out of whole cloth without much guidance because this is an unprecedented situation. >> equation. >> and conclude that it was adequate for mr. wade to step down, but that ms willis could carry on yeah, that's it. >> there's nothing in the law that dictates that, and
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there's some question in a law whether that's sufficient to cure the appearance of impropriety so tau so when asked you about the mar-a-lago documents case and going through some of the points there. >> so judge cannon blew up the schedule today and she announced this new, i guess sort of series of hearings or mega hearings. she's going to hear trump's challenge to jack smith, even being on this as special counsel, she's going to hear trump's requests to throw out the evidence found at mar-a-lago, which obviously is the entire point. >> what is judge cannon doing here? tie judge cannon is kicking the can down the road is on that she can and delaying both the trial, which is clearly clearly her purpose and when i say purpose, it is purposeful now, it's not mirrored and aptitude. >> this is clearly a palpable bias on her part, and i think i heard one former florida judge say the same thing earlier today everybody sort of caught on der act now but it also
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evidence is her style. she wants to avoid at all costs, making a decision that jack smith can appeal to the 11th circuit, where the 11th circuit, who is already reversed her twice and reprimanded her harshly will have would have the opportunity to reconsider the potential for removing her from the case, which i predict as, you know, will happen and, then she will not be the judge that ultimately trying now, susan thai gets to trial so i think it won't happen until she actually rules on anything. >> and by setting these hearings, she isn't promising any rulings. now as you as you said, that she is going to have the sprawling hearing on an issue that to circuit courts and half a dozen district courts have already decided whether the special counsel's statute requires the removal of the special counsel on is otherwise in firm to the extent that trump alleges that's all all been resolved multiple
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times. in the past and always in favor of the special counsel. but she intends to have a hearing and not not just to listen to the parties on it, but to listen to people who are not even participants in the case council for two former republican attorney general's and other outs siders and sprawling hearing that is scheduled for a full de keep in mind the supreme court only allows 30 minutes aside she can't make a decision and she invites input from everybody. >> everybody who wants to write her a letter or talk to her in the so she's also refusing to hear jack smith's request for a gag order until the end of the month. right. so this is separate from we always hear about gag orders in the manhattan case, not talking about this. this is judge aileen cannon in the florida mar-a-lago case, but not hearing even arguments about
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that until the end of this month, almost a full month away. and i know on some level you find that shocking, perhaps not surprising tie, but shocking yeah, i don't think finding anything she does surprising at this stage of the game, as long as it favors the former president, but it is shocking to me, as a former federal prosecutor, as somebody who has many friends in law enforcement, heaven forbid, that somebody in law enforcement gets killed because of these false claims that jack smith intended to have the former president assassinated. >> i mean, it's ludicrous, it's ridiculous, and it's in danger. it's dangerous and it's incendiary and not to take that seriously and to toss it out because she didn't like the way they conferred conferring doesn't require doing it in a proper form or in a way that meets whatever her standard is, it requires talking to the other side and they did and they mentioned it in the papers that they had conferred and that trump's team didn't agree trump.
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>> now, by the way, two sources tell kristen holmes who obviously covers a trump campaign that he's told a lot of people that he believed he could go to prison, that he's okay with going to prison. the rnc co-chair says, oh, they're preparing for a convention where trump would have to address it from prison, which which. isn't, going to happen, he gets four days after a sentencing. he's not going to immediately be remanded to prison under any scenario that i understand anyone's taking seriously, what is trump doing here? >> so trump is milking this for all it's worth. and it's reminiscent, frankly of january 6, he said he's good for he's good about it, but he's not sure whether america will stand for it. i mean, that's that's that's incitement and in my book and i think in many other peoples box though, the reality is he's not going to go to prison. and he certainly going to get bail pending appeal. now, i will say there is a scenario under which he could spend a short time in jail because of the contemptuous
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arguments that he's made denigrating the jury and that those are clear violations of the pending gag order so he might get slapped on the wrist with a night in jail, but he's not going to be in jail during the convention. and this is all silly, but it is dangerous. i mean that there, there are a lot of crazies out there as we know, and as we have seen through the january 6 proceedings and inviting violence, which is what he does under these circumstances and trying to keep the fervor that were crazy forever read at a white hot level all time is really sad and at some point, if something serious happens, people are going to lament the role they played in nat although it may all be lost on judge cannon all right. >> ty cobb, thank you very much. always good to see you. >> nice to be with you. thank you. >> next, lock them up. trump is vowing to exact revenge tonight on his political opponents and now the republican party is carrying out trump's orders.
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plus and outfront exclusive tonight, justice samuel alito's neighbor, one of the people at the center of that quote and very nasty neighborhood dispute center of that upside down flag flown on january 6. but she's my guess why she says the alitos are lying about the reason they flew the american flag upside down and it got personal during hunter biden's gun trial today is ex-wife and ex-girlfriend, both in the room taking the stand sometimes the best thing you can do with intelligence to share it with your adversary he and his secret is betrayed. >> its bullet to the back of the hand secrets and spies a nuclear gang sunday at ten on cnn ew central menopause
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bottles in more places. and when we get more of them back can use less new plastic. >> bottles are day to be remade the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president's one, state to moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, tonight's live on cnn and streaming on max new tonight, revenge trump in a new interview talking about locking up his opponents after his conviction by a jury in his hush money trial it's a terrible, terrible path that they're leading us to add. >> it's very possible that it's going to have to happen to them it's easy to gloss over trump's repeated threats, but these comments are shocking and they would raise serious alarm bells if a leader from another democratic country was saying this sort of thing again and again, like trump pass for
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hardworking americans, november 5 will be our new liberation day. >> but for the liars and cheaters and fraudsters and sensors and impostors who have commandeered our government. it will be there judgment de, we pledge to you that we will root out the communists, marxists, fascists, and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country. i am your warrior in your justice. and for those who have been wronged and betrayed i am your retribution, i am your retribution do you are leading candidate, leading presidential candidate, and the us frankly, the person who is he is the de facto nominee of the republican party ahead and many national polls is at least disturbing and it's not just trump is not the people around him are calling it out. >> in fact, they're rallying around him republicans more than willing to help them
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execute plans, plans that already now underway because today house republicans sent criminal referrals to the justice department recommending joe biden, son hunter biden, and his brother james biden face criminal prosecution. and speaker mike johnson, appointed to staunch trump allies, congressman scott perry and congressman ronny jackson to serve in the house intelligence committee, which has oversight over the fbi johnson jackson, and other republicans have made it no secret that they will continue to follow trump's orders on this we have to fight back and we will, with everything in our arsenal, president biden should be ready because on january 20th, next year, what his former president, joe biden i what spit for the goose is good for the gander. and what are you calling for retaliation for a strong response at every level oh, oman or you just saw there is out front on capitol hill and minor. we saw you there with us senator rubio. i know you've been talking to a lot of republicans today. marco rubio among them. >> and it seems that revenge is
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they feel the right word perfectly justified yeah, there is a debate within the gop about exactly how far to go, particularly in this election season, many calling for simply to focus on other issues, economic issues that they believe are the winning argument. but there's a big push. on the right, particularly on the hard right for them too. it make the issue of going after the trump's political enemies as they see it front and center in his campaign season, even pressuring the speaker of the house, mike johnson, take a tougher line towards the justice department, particularly when it comes time to fund the government. now i asked johnson himself what this is all part of an effort to secret to bhushan. this is how he put it this is not retribution. >> this is about trying to reset the parameters into make the people trust or system again, it's time to cheer justices and as you said, would want the fact that hunter biden is being prosecuted, robert menendez being prosecuted, henry cuellar being is being
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prosecuted. democrats are two, is that a two-tier system? >> yeah, but not by their trials and how being presided over by, first of all, by statute, that doesn't exist or they're being charged with a specific statutory violations this is a contortion without precedent so that's been part of the republican argument here that they are going after his trump's allies, trump's opponents, because they believed that the justice department is working unfairly against donald trump, even as democrats themselves are being prosecuted there. >> but as you can see, marco rubio, who could be on down trump's vp less, making it very clear where he stands on this issue and saying it's time to go back to go after trump's opponents with evergreen. they got all right. mano. thank you very much. and david axelrod is out front now, stay here. what manu say? thank you hear what trump is saying? how concerned are you that trump actually means it that he serious that he will follow through on his threats if he wins in november oh i think he
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means it. remember aaron, he was saying in before the last election, he was leading chants of lock lock them up. we know the route. there has been reporting that he wanted investigations of his political opponents. he was frustrated because the justice department wasn't delivering what he wanted. i don't we'll think he's going to make the same mistake. mean there has been some reporting and i think acknowledged that he was thinking about ken paxton, the corrupt attorney general of texas, as the next attorney general, who is a loyal follower of donald trump? yeah, just escaped impeachment narrowly in the texas state senate so yeah, i think he is serious about it and one of the questions is just a voters will have a say about this, but also will our institutions whole donald trump thinks any election that he lost his fraudulent in any case brought against him is corrupt but they aren't and the question is how
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to voters treat this? i honestly think mano said something really important though. >> yeah, which is as a political matter, there may be, this may be baked in the cake for a lot of people, they may well be willing to tolerate this. >> but the real question they ought to ask is if the president is focused on vengeance and retribution, and this is his this is how he's going to run his administration. what about their concerns? what about the day-to-day concerns that they're hoping to him. he is obsessed. i had chris christie on my podcast last week christie said the big question about his cases would be for the conviction wasn't how voters react to its how trump reacts to it. i think we've gotten a little taste of that friday and also in that interview last night, he is more vengeful, more paranoid than it was before. and if i were his campaign i'd be worried about this. i'd be worried that he's more focused on himself and retribution then
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he is on the problems of the american people. so it'll be interesting to see what happens going forward. >> david, i am curious though because we saw senator rubio there and people may remember a little marco, right? he ran against trump, obviously for an trunk mocked him and demeaned him and belittled him senator rubio called trump icon martin dangerous and erotic, right? he stood for something at that time. >> and now he's completely changed, reportedly on trump's vp shortlist and obviously supporting the calls for revenge. >> what do you make of that senator rubio, with someone seen as as in the mitt romney model, right by many for a long time well i you know, what i make of it is that ambition is a very, very powerful drug. and marco rubio obviously wants to be vice president. and what he's signaling to trump is, i'm no mike pence i'm gonna put you ahead of the constitution. i'm gonna put you ahead of the law and i will
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be your loyal henchmen. >> and that apparently is what he thinks trump wants in a vice president, maybe that is what trump once in a vice president but he appears to be little marco when he plays that role. it's a demeaning role. it's kinda sad to see aaron. one other thing on this rule of law issue that we don't talk about enough. donald trump has already proclaimed that if he becomes president, that he will vacate these cases against him? yes. >> and what that would mean is that no one is above the law if the president, the united states, can dismiss these cases against. him cases that go right to the heart of his role as president what does that say about the rule of law? and in our countries. so these are really, really serious issues and yes, we should take donald trump seriously. we all have that let's take him at his word. let's believe that he's going to try and do what he says. and if he gets elected,
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let's i hope that our institutions are strong enough to resist that corruption. >> all right, david, thank you very much next and outfront exclusive justice alito's neighbor is speaking out here next tonight, revealing new details about the neighborhood dispute that the alitos claim lead to flying the upside down flag. that was a banner on january 6 neighbors next, plus hunter biden's legal team now building their case, suggesting that there's no proof that biden was on drugs when he bought if gun. >> well, the jury buy that argument well, it's hard were
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absolutely. free text ballo vii to three-to-one, three-to-one. today, the increase in wildfires is exponential, unpredictable uncontrollable, with overwhelming consequence the need to do something is urgent violet earth, when we have schreiber and get knocked on cnn tonight, justice alito's neighbors speaking out in her first tv interview, emily baden lived near the home of supreme court justice samuel alito. >> it is at the center of a neighborhood dispute. that involves this upside down american flag flying at alito's home in northern virginia this picture was taken in january of 2021. alito facing accusations of bias. now, he's now refused to recuse himself from january 6. related cases are trump-related cases, saying that it was his wife who flew that flag, which of course was a banner on january 6. and he said it's also his wife, the flu, another flag at their vacation home
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flag also used by insurrectionists on january 6. it says he didn't know about that one alito also defending his wife, saying she flew the upside down american flag because quote, she was greatly distressed at the time. do large part to a very nasty neighborhood dispute in which i had no involvement. well, it's an important question for the country. what happened here when you look at a supreme court justice flying a flag of insurrection, it matters why who and what he thinks emily baden is outfront. she lived near the alitos, northern virginia home and she was one of the people at the center of that quote, very nasty neighborhood dispute. and emily speaking out tonight in her first television interview about this experience. >> so look, thanks so much, emily, for taking the time and coming out to talk about this. >> i know it's not something you really expected to ever have to do, but i want to start with the dispute itself with martha and alito justice alito's wife. i know it began after the 2020 election over yard signs that you would place that your mother's home where
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you were living at the time, can you start off by just explaining to me what those those first yard signs you put out said yes and aaron, thank you so much for having me today. >> my first yard sign that i put up was an anti-trump sign. it said f trump in glitter cursive letters and it was just as like a message to the world that i see trump as a danger to our democracy. and i see him as a self-proclaimed fascist. like he said, he wanted to be a dictator on day one of his presidency and so i just use my small influence and my small corner of the world to just broadcast my views like that. >> all right, so you put the trump sign out and glitter and mrs. alito response. right. so tell me about that what she how
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she reacted yes. so there were a handful of times that we somewhat interacted like pick not actually speaking, but she kind of stopped in front of the house and gave us a long glare and i just want to emphasize that the interaction that happened on february 15th is the one that they're using as an excuse for why they flew the flag. >> and i really want to hammer home the fact that that happened on february 15, and their flag went up two or three weeks before that. so even if it were a valid excuse that they were having a dispute with a neighbor and that made them put the flag up the timeline just disproves it, it just doesn't make sense. >> no, it doesn't. and i want i want to go to that in detail. but first, just the very basic when you put up the f trial i'm sin and she walks by and she glares. >> did you really had you ever talked to her before?
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>> did you realize that this was married? this was martha-ann alito yeah so when i moved back to the area in 2020, i did know that the alitos lived in the neighborhood. i didn't know which house i didn't know what they looked like and so it didn't take me long though to put two and two together. >> and to realize when she's standing outside, so you realize that she's upset about this. so then when january 6 happens, i my understanding is and correct me if i'm wrong, karam because i'm trying to make sure i have all the timeline right as well. >> but you then add an yard sign. >> trump is a fascist, which you just indicated. you you feel that way and you who are complicit and i want to ask you about those specifically because justice alito says that those specific signs you are a fascist and i'm sorry, trump is a fascist and you are complicit were quote, directed at his wife were they yeah. no
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no so january 6 was a dark day for our democracy. >> and i think people have all ideologies. feel that way we all saw this direct threat to our democracy and it was chilling and so my putting up a sign that says trump is a fascist because i believe that he's a self-proclaimed fascist and you are complicit you includes everyone. it includes everybody in the gop who endorsed this or didn't say anything against it, or trump himself, who said standby and just it's to everyone. and i also think it's two people on my side of the spectrum. it's like, what are we really doing to hold these people accountable? countable before this attempted coup and insurrection like we need to do more, i feel like and so, okay, so now let me get to the upside down american flag because you
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go through this in a bit of detail because i think here is where your point about what he is alleging happened here does not comport with the timeline. >> so the flag it's flying. justice alito says his wife flew it because she was quote, greatly distressed by her disputes with you and in a letter explaining his motivation to put up the flag, he says and i quote him again, emily house on the street displayed a sign attacking her personally. i guess that's the you are complicit or that you were just talking about, but that you said it was not directed at her and a man who was living in the house at the time trails are all the way down the street and berated her in my presence using foul language, including what i regard as the violinist epithet that can be addressed to a woman which is the seaward. now, let me just break this down, emily, you say it was you who said those things? it was not your now husband? but you say alito is lying here for another very basic reason. can you explain so i at best, he's
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mistaken, but at worst he's just outright lying. >> and there was a neighbor who even who even witnessed this and witnessed me using that unfortunate term. and what else i said in that interaction is so important and i hope it's not getting forgotten in the discourse around the word in that interaction. she approached us, started screaming at us, used all of our full names, which to me felt like a threat because you're a stranger. we don't know you you don't know us. how do you know or full names i just i started yelling, how dare you because they both were there at the same time. i said, how dare you you're on the highest court in the land. you represent the supreme court of the united states. you're behaving this way. you're yelling at a neighbor or your harassing us how dare you shame on you. and i did use the words so if that in any way distracts from that real message, i do have read using the word
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because the message is important, it's like the power imbalance between these people and me. i am i'm nobody to them and the fact they took umbrage with my sign is telling enough, it shows like a bias, doesn't mean it well, i mean, i want to talk about that, but just to be very clear on the timing, he's saying that that she put up the flag because you said those things. but when we look at their was actually, you called 911 on that day? there's actually a police report about that incident. and that shows that the timing doesn't work. the flag was up before the flag picture that was weeks before that incident actually happened where you called where you call for that work so what he's saying here, you're saying it best mistaken, but it's certainly is just it's categorically by the date is not true. right? she didn't put the flag up for that reason absolutely 100%. >> and that's what i want to really drive home to people, is that this happened on february 15 and we know that because they had been harassing us so
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long that we were like we need a paper trail of this, like we'd better call the cops right now. you know, like i said, these are federally protected people. they have security detail, they represent the judicial system. they are the law. and i am just a regular person. and so it's yeah, we call the cops that de it was february 15. and i think the photo of the flag was on january 17? yes. so that the timing doesn't add up. i do think it's important, emily emphasize here that this is happening between you, your husband, your household, and a supreme court justice, and his wife and a police report is called. i mean, it's pretty stunning. just even think about that. can i just ask you about your interaction with him? he's there. he says this happened in his presence. all cation where you're saying she was screaming at you with your full name and you responded with the seaward what did he do? what did he say he didn't say anything and i find that
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very telling because i feel like in any other the tuition somebody would step in if they see somebody like a accosting someone like that and they would say, hey, you know, ease up a little bit. >> let's, let's go, let's walk down the street. he didn't do anything. he just kept walking and basically disappeared never said a word. >> i mean, it's so i want to ask you about one other thing around this time, the alito security detail started doing something that you perceived as threatening. they have a security detail and something specific happened. what was it? >> yeah so they have a security detail that parks in front of their house or like in front of the house across the street from them. we are four or five houses away and sometimes that detail would be in front of our house, which obviously i can't say for sure. i don't know what their motivation was, but we did take it as intimidating, especially when that same car reappeared in front of our house, the day the new york times article came out and i
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don't know what else we're supposed to get from that but you certainly felt you certainly felt threatened and let me let me just ask you, emily, talking before this and i think i don't want to say anything inappropriate, but i know you were nervous to talk. you were you thought about this long and hard to decide whether you thought it was worthwhile to speak out why do you think it is so important that you tell this story i think it is monumentally important. i think our democracy is fragile. and we learned that on january 6, and we see it all the time with people like trump who say they want to be a dictator. these are serious, serious things. and i just want people, regular people like myself to understand that we live in a democracy and we don't have to, we don't have to watch our democracy become a dictatorship or fascist christian
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nationalist society like we need to pay attention we need to stand up organize, and resist. >> all right. well, emily, i appreciate your time and thank you so much for talking to me. >> it's really my pleasure. thank you so so much. >> all right next, hunter biden's axis, take the stand, revealing personal details of biden's past drug use. so how did the jury react new details from inside the courtroom and then a major show of force one of america's most powerful bombers dropping 500 pounds of live munitions in north korea's backyard will show you june 19th. >> cnn celebrates juneteenth with special performance is by john legend, eddie lewbel, smokey robinson. everyone should celebrate juneteenth, celebrating freedom and legacy. wednesday, june 19, ten on cnn you're calling some people find there's at an early age. >> others later in life are
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dash and see how much you can save saturday nights are movie nights and dinner knife dinner. >> and a movie. >> now that's a great idea. nailed it dinner and a movie saturdays et on tbs tonight, hunter biden's x is on the stand in court today. jurors hearing hunter biden's ex-wife, as well as his ex-girlfriend, zoe casten has been testifying. hunter smoke crack almost constantly and private, and that she would help by him drugs. all of this happening around the time the gun was purchased, which of course is the key charge in the federal case, whether he lied on the application form for the gun. prosecutors also calling the man who sold the gun to hunter biden and the gun in question. there it is. the jury got a good look at it. they all crane their necks to see it as it was entered into evidence or evan perez tells us he was in the room. ryan goodman is with me outfront legal expert now, and
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ryan so hunter biden's defense. >> this is interesting. they're trying to say, okay. sure. he had real problems with addiction. but when it came to filling out this form maybe on the particular day on which he filed it, he wasn't actually on drugs. might've only been an alcoholic, really trying to thread the proverbial needle? yes, could that succeed it could succeed for a couple of the charges because the ideas that he is not knowingly making a false statement because he thinks the form is asking him right at this moment, are you using drugs? >> so maybe you're thinking, oh, they want to know. i might have sound mind that i can sign this form. that's the argument. >> right. and then the other one is that he doesn't necessarily know who is an addict at the time. so that's to their arguments they're trying to say, look, the prosecution bears the burden beyond a reasonable doubt. >> they're tied to prevent prior to propose, i'm sorry, reasonable doubt. all right. now, zoe caston, i mentioned her. she was crucial witness for the prosecution. she testified she saw hunter smoking crack a lot over several days in september 2018. of course, that's around with the gun was purchased and that she got a text message from
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hunter saying, quote, i'll always be an addict but then when it came down to what she said, well, she's not sure what he was doing in october when the gun was bought so what what did she contribute here she does contribute quite a bit by saying right up until mid september, he is using drugs in her presence, crack cocaine, and he's also aware of it. >> he knows that he's an added at the time. so you just need to get it the three weeks further to the date when you purchase the weapon, then 11 days that he possesses it. and then they have it, but they do have additional text messages coming a day after in two days after he had purchased the gun, where he's texting about using crack cocaine. so it's building to that point before we go who are near and few houses from justice alito talking about the timing here, saying that the letter that justice alito sent to congress in which he said, my wife hung the flag because of this dispute. >> and she was so upset because of see where all these things and that's why she had the flag it doesn't add up because the police report or the date of which that altercation happened was at least 20 days
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or close to 20 days after after the flag was actually the troy. >> and it's actually important because it's in justice alito is letter to congress and none of us, including supreme court justices are permitted by law to make false statements to congress. his second page actually says the precipitating. it seems to suggest what he's saying is the precipitating factors this neighborhood dispute. he in fact recounts this very specific dispute as though that's the reason and now we have the actual person, the neighbor, saying on the show, no, that's on february 15th. >> she has a 911 phone call that corroborated. she also says there's another witness that can corroborate it and the whole point is that the flag is being flown before january 20, before the transition of power, right? >> and it was it was flown over the norc times by by january 17. >> so it's clearly it's seems to be her allegation would mean that his letter is a false statement. >> it could be very significant. all right. thank you very much, ryan next, tensions rising on the korean peninsula, north korea right now, moving forces, the united
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states tonight sending one of its most powerful bombers in the region and wait till you see what it did and a court today in italy, once again, finding amanda knox guilty sometimes the best thing you can do with intelligence to share it with your adversary. he had his secret is betrayed itself, bullet to the back of the hand, secrets and spies your gain sunday at ten on cnn. >> if you're shopping for a home only shows you homes for sale source directly from professionals, meaning you can trust every home listing is a realistic don't all have to do that. not really. trust the number one app real estate professionals trust imagine a future where plastic is not wasted. but instead remade over and over into the things that keep our food fresher our families safer and our planet cleaner. to help us get there
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b1, b2 bomber over the korean peninsula the first precision guided bombing drill with south korea dropping live munitions in seven years says sole, still cleaning up the mess from a massive barrage of north korean trash balloons, about 1,000 balloons floating full of filth and garbage some 15 tonnes of trash raining down on residents all over south korea in recent days. the first wave of trash balloons triggering ominous cell phone alerts i knew me. you don't want to why are they sending things like this i'm worried that they might send something dangerous. >> kim yo jong, younger sister of the north korean leader, issued a statement calling the balloons a form of freedom of expression, a response to south korean activists who'd been sending balloons to north korea for years carrying leaflets condemning kim's government south korea's speedy response, possibly sending propaganda
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blaring loudspeakers back to the dmz the heavily armed board, dividing the two koreas soul, suspending the 2018 inter-korean military agreement deal to dial down tensions during the short-lived korean to taunt before diplomacy with former president trump and kim went off the rails five years ago these days, kim is suspected of trying to put more military spy satellites orbit last week's failed launch, triggering emergency sirens in japan, north korea, also launching a barrage of short range ballistic missiles last week president biden, telling time magazine north korea remains a serious threat. as long as there are nuclear weapons available, it's always going to be a problem. another problem, vladimir putin us intelligence warning of a deepening military alliance with the russian strongman putin expected to visit kim and pyongyang's soon with tensions
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rapidly rising between north and south korea. and now us bombing drills back in play. trash balloons, maybe the least of our problems but tonight there may be more trash balloons coming from the north because we've just learned minutes ago that hundreds of thousands of leaflets have been sent by south korean activists back to north korea. that's what started the whole trash balloons thing, not to mention the north koreans feel incredibly threatened by these live bombing in drills, these bombs, these bunker buster bombs could threaten kim jong un and these underground network that the north korean leadership would hide it if there was ever a conflict. so once again, we just see this cycle and we can expect probably aaron more escalations from the north. and this for tat with the south and the us, it's heading right towards what some say it could be another korean crisis, franklin. >> well, thank you very much. next, amanda knox today returning to italy, returning to italy once again, found guilty someone needs to
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whisker family and try literal by today to get the full story be unafraid. the will to fight how important is that see a true, is israel in full control of its territory? >> go with a search for answers, takes you anderson cooper 360 tonight. >> amanda knox actually back in an italian courtroom, once again, found guilty amanda knox was wrongfully convicted in 2007 for the murder of her roommate. but today was found guilty of slander for pinning the crime and her former boss