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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  June 6, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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should be called willful tennis yeah total ban them like a pair. >> we've got nothing to worry about with e-trade for morgan stanley were ready for whatever gets served up. >> do you get to work? we trust on rather work on saving for retirement. >> will college. since we'd like to get schooled. >> that's pretty good burn, right. got game thanks for coming to our clinic first one's free at morgan stanley old school hardware meets bold new thinking at 88-years-old, we still see the world with a wonder of new eyes helping. >> you discover untapped possibilities and relentlessly working with you to make them real old-school grid, new world ideas. morgan stanley itch, scratch must not stop the ip
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sanity with cortisone tan fur bug bites, poison an iv and other honoring their sacrifice while attempting to safeguard peace for the future. >> president biden in france commemorating the 80th anniversary of d-day, while potentially critical moments loom in the middle east and ukraine. and new charges for a suspect it did serial killer prosecutors charging rex heuermann in the deaths of two more women. but the latest development could change the police timeline of the murders expanding it by nearly two decades 40,000 man, those were the days, right? the market is on a losing streak and some people are pulling their money out. we're going to ask the
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financial expert, you should do the same we're following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central it is, the top of the hour and we're tracking the latest developments in gaza where an israeli airstrike killed dozens of people and injured a number of others at a school run by the united nations. >> this is video of the aftermath. the un for palestinian refugees in gaza says that's 6,000 people were sheltering at the school when it was hit without warning. the israeli military confirmed it carried out the strike like saying it was targeting a hamas compound, operating inside the school meantime, conditions in gaza continued to deteriorate. the un is now warning that half of gaza's population is expected to face death and starvation by mid-july and we
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want you to take a look at this number 90% according to a new report by unicef, about 90% of children in gaza are experiencing severe food poverty. cnn's jeremy diamond is following the latest developments live from jerusalem for us jeremy, let's start with this strike on the school. what more e-learning yeah, and absolutely devastating strike resulting in the deaths of at least 40 people according to the palestinian ministry of healthy israeli military says that a 20 to 30 militants were in this un school turn the shelter were thousands of displaced palestinians were living. >> they say that these militants were actively planning attacks on israeli troops that they use precision munitions to target them. in this shelter, but they also said that they weren't aware of any civilian casualties, but that just does not square with what we are seeing being on the ground, which is to say that according to hospital records from al-aqsa martyrs hospital, where the bodies of the
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deceased were brought, as well as the wounded from this strike nine sorry, 14 children were among those killed. the youngest, 4-years-old, and nine women were also among the deceased, meaning that the majority of the 40 people killed, according to hospital records, were indeed women and children. this is not the first time of course, that a un school or any or un compound in general has been targeted inside of gaza unrwa, which is the main un agency in gaza, says that 180 of its facilities at least have been targeted since the beginning of this war. and the unretrieved philippe lazzarini also saying that targeting those premises or using them for military purposes as israel as accusing hamas of doing is simply unacceptable and cannot become the new norm. but this is also of course, there's a bigger story in central gaza, which is one of an uptick in israeli the attacks, their uptake in israeli airstrikes 168 people according to hospital records,
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were killed this week alone in central gaza, force jeremy, were also anticipating today a joint statement from the united states and 16 other nations that had citizens taken hostage since by hamas on october 7. >> what more can you tell us yeah, that's right. >> this statement calls expresses strong support for the current ceasefire proposal on the table. it is an israeli proposal and they are urging hamas to take this deal and quote, close this agreement. this is the united states and 16 other countries for whom many of these countries have hostages themselves who are being held in gaza because there are a number of dual nationals being held in gaza by hamas. we are already hearing from one of these hostage families groups, which is urging, which is expressing strong support. i should say, for this statement four for this effort to pressure hamas to take this deal. but of course they are also trying to bring more pressure to bear on the israeli government itself.
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because as you know, these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, even though it's his government that put this proposal on the table, he has been downplaying the extent to which this proposal could lead to an end of the war. and that of course, is going crosswise with the effort from the united states and the mediators to try and convince hamas to sign on to this agreement. and that's because hamas does want this deal to lead to an end of the war. what they also want of course, is an upfront commitment from israel up for a permanent ceasefire. and that is just not something israel will accept. so major questions to be answered hopefully in the days ahead about whether or not that gap can be closed, force jeremy diamond live for us from jerusalem. >> jeremy, thanks for the update, brown. >> as the war in gaza rages, president biden will be spending the next few days in france to deepen ties with transatlantic allies. and today he joined other world leaders in normandy to commemorate eight decades since d-day on june 6, 1944, thousands of americans were among the coalition of allied forces that
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stormed the beaches of nazi occupied france during world war ii. and they're successful landing that day marked a major turning point that ultimately led to germany's defeat the following year. now, at years later, biden met with some of the last remaining u.s. veterans who fought on d-day. all of them are around 100-years-old now, in his remarks, the president stressed the importance of defending democracy and he warned about the threats that it's facing around the world cnn's arlette saenz is joining us now, live from the white house are lead but also the presidency and his comments law briana, president biden really sought to draw a direct connection between the brave and heroic acts of those allied forces on the beaches of normandy, just 80 years ago today, with the ongoing fight and allied support for ukraine in its war against russia. >> a 180 american world war ii, veterans were on hand today, made the journey to normandy
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for this d-day commemoration, including about 41 who were actually part of that normandy campaign. >> and the president used the backdrop of normandy to make the argument that there need to be strong alliances around the world. in order to continue to fight against dark forces that are trying to thwart democracy and freedom. and he warned about the threat that isolationism poses to the world order. take a listen parcellation was not the answer. 80 years ago and there's not the answer today we know the dark forces that these heroes fought against 80 years ago they never fete aggression and greed the desire to dominate and control to change borders by force these are perennial the struggle between a dictatorship and freedom is unending now it's
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worth noting, there was no russian delegation who was on hand for the d-day commemorations today, even though ten years ago, russian president vladimir putin was on hand for that day and really highlights how isolated putin has become in the world order. >> president biden in an interview with abc news, also calling putin not a decent man, saying that he's a dictator as he further tried to warn and tried to rally support for ukraine in their fight against russia and writ large the need to preserve democracy and freedom and are let as i mentioned, the president is going to be there in france for a few days. once you hoping to accomplish with this trip well, briana, a lot of this trip is trying to reinvigorate and build up those transatlantic alliances. >> but president biden is also planning another major speech relating to democracy and freedom tomorrow he will actually return to normandy to a different site to pointe-du-hoc, which was the
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site where army rangers scale these giant cliffs to try to take down german artillery back around d-day. now, the white house says that he will be using this site to really try to make his case against isolate, isolationism the need to preserve democracy. the president also is at some point expected to sit down with ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy would be the two men's first meeting since the u.s. sense that additional aid to the country and comes really as the white house says, that they are in an inflection point not just in the war in ukraine, but also other international matters, including the war in gaza all right. >> arlette, obviously very critical moment. we appreciate the report. boris less than 1% of the 16.4 million americans who served during world war ii are still alive. >> and even fewer were able to travel back to the beaches of normandy today we heard from 100 jake larson, who lied about his age to enlist back in 1938
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when he was only 15 15-years-old. this is what he shared with cnn chief international anchor chris gentlemen, four today, it's 80 years since what you will did so heroically died. >> i don't think i was a hero. >> i was just like anybody else we were all in this together i'm, never i'm never hero ama people keep calling me hero. i changed that word i took you off on a hero i add a to there, and that people are saying, well what shaw here too? i says, i'm here to tell you that heroes are up there. they gave their life they gave her life so that i could make it my gut i had i got a wife, i got children, two boys and a girl. i got nine grandchildren. i got
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need 11 great brand children. i've got a grandson that's it grandfather and i'm still going crazy when you come back again. oh god, yes, i'd come back again just jiang are all laws that gave their life so that i could be here jake larson. >> thank you well, thank you. >> christiana she is incredible listen to this emotional moment between ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy and a d-day veteran who knows the cost of peace in europe any now thank you. joining us now is general
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wesley clark, the former nato supreme allied commander. general. thank you so much for sharing part of your afternoon with us first, i just wanted to get your reflections on this 80th anniversary. of d-day really emotional, especially the interview with those veterans. >> and seeing him talk about his family and what he said about the heroes. it's true most of the heroes never get metals. are the ones who died. no one reports it. no one knows and that's just sad fact of war. but this celebration reminds us of americans pulling together really coming together to change history. and we did, that was the greatest generation and just work. president biden said now it's up to this generation because you've got another big challenge facing us. i thought he framed the issue perfectly,
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and i hope the country can rise to the challenge. >> general you attended the 75th anniversary of d-day back in 2019. you actually got a chance to meet the oldest living surviving soldier i'm wondering what that was like for you. and partly to your point, what you think the world stands to lose as we're likely seeing the last big d-day commemoration attended by significant numbers of veterans who were there what was your tremendous drill on honore for me to meet that veteran at the 75th he was a strong guy. >> i'm he still reflected the courage and determination that brought them ashore. and made him successful and kept him alive during the campaign in europe extremely impressed from talking with him. but, you know, today it's a different world. and when we lose these men who there's a spirit about
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a collective endeavor did i think it's missing in a lot of america today really, since the 1980s, since charlton heston raised a gun at the nra and shed these cold dead hands and everybody thinks about america is been full of rugged individualists. it's like i needed an assault rifle to protect my family and the truth is, we're all in this together. and those men who fought at normandy and through world war two, they understood it, understood it wasn't about an each. it was about us and for american be successful in the world going forward, we're going to recreate that spirit general as you say that it's interesting that the, politics in the united states, and you can argue around the world as well, have changed in the last decade or so. >> we're seeing a much more sort of isolationists worldview take hold and not just that there's this resurgence, of some of the ideology that these heroes fought to squash in
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world war ii. why do you think that's happening? and what can be done to turn that tide? >> you know, partly it's happening just because society's go through. they go through rises and falls that go through cycles. and the generations that have come after the greatest generation, they didn't understand the gift that was given to them. they didn't have to pay them the price for it. we got rid of the draft, for example, in the early 1970s. so what is the obligation of an american to help other americans? me go to church and they say you should treat your brother and sister as you'd want to be treated. but what's the obligation? and so that's civic obligation except to pay taxes and obey the law. it's not there anymore. that's part of it. part of it is. there's a lot of russian mischief in the american political system today. we know this we know our own politics is one of the has
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to be considered one of the theaters of conflict when you hear what putin says, and then you hear what some people in politics say that echoes that talking point everything from supporting ukraine is hopeless to the american justice system has no good though those are persistent. before russia, they were persistent soviet talking points and for years and years, for decades, the soviet union tried to plant stories and get americans to use their propaganda leinz, usually it failed because they didn't have the means to get the false information into the united states now, they do. and those, that false information does information soviet propaganda, russian propaganda lines are out there all over our airways. it's hard for americans who don't travel abroad, haven't seen the devastation of war, don't understand the fear that people in europe have of russian research they don't
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understand this. you have to talk to people who've lived under soviet domination to understand what that really means. ukrainians do understand it and that's why they're fighting the way they're fighting. >> a general wesley clark. thank you so much for being with us to not only honore sacrifice of those heroes that passed away on d-day, but also all those who have come since to defend this nation and its democracy thanks, boris, thanks for letting me, you have a chance to be here. >> thank you. of course still to come a star witness in 100 federal gun trial takes the stand with personal and surprising testimony. >> what hallie biden, the widow of beau biden, said about finding a gun in hunter's car, plus the biden campaign has a plan to try to lower anti-trump republicans. the person they just hired to help them doing and some anxiety in the stock market why people are pulling their money out in droves. all that more than just moments
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october of 2018. and then what happened when she threw it in the trash at a grocery store? she described how she believed based on hunters behavior that he was using drugs in late october 2018, but on cross-examination, she also testified that she didn't actually witness hunter doing drugs that month cnn chief legal affairs correspondent paula reid has been following the action inside court today. polo, walk us through halley's testimony always in court earlier, boris it was fascinating to watch the jury. they are locked on hallie biden because they know what a significant witness she is. >> the generally of course, know now that she was hunter's former sister-in-law after her husband, beau biden, hunters brother died as she and hunter became romantically involved. she testified about that and also how she observed hunter smoking crack how he eventually brought her along on drug buys and washington dc and even introduced her to crack, which
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she says that she used into 2018 she says she got clean in august 2018, and this going forward there, that is the critical period that prosecutors needed her to testify to. because so far they haven't had anyone with direct knowledge testified that hunter biden was indeed using or addicted to illegal drugs in october 2018 when he bought the firearm at the center of this case? prosecutors allege that he lied on the form when he made this purchase, when he said he was not using or addicted to illegal drugs, but hallie testified today that when she saw him on october 22, 23rd, she said she believed he was using. she also testified that she founded the trunk of his car, drugs and drug paraphernalia on the 23rd. now, she also found the gun at the center of this case. she testified that she took it and she store it in a dumpster. now, in hindsight, she says that was a dumb decision, but she said she was flustered. she didn't even know what to do with it, and sort of panic that she has immunity in this case. song as she testifies truthfully she won't be
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charged. but so far baur is this is absolutely the most significant testimony for the prosecution's case. the defense is up now their cross-examining her and they're trying to make the point that she never directly observe hunter biden doing drugs. that's gonna be a big point of their defense that hunter biden's mindset, news filling out that form, he could have believed that he was not using are not addicted at that time and they've only presented circumstantial evidence to suggest that he was the prosecution was expected to wrap up today. they have five more witnesses. it is. but hallie biden has been on the stand for a long time. and at this point, it's unclear if they're actually going to be able to wrap up, but boris, i absolutely expect that we will all be here next week. >> thank paula reid spending a lot of time outside of courthouses lately, paula reid. thank you so much. briana. >> let's talk more about this now with former us attorney harry litman and harry, i wanted to take a look at the timeline. stick with me for this because we kinda have to go through a couple of things the timeline that's laid out in some of hallie biden's
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testimony to the prosecution today. and what what account is going to mean for weather. the jury thinks hunter biden lied about his drug use when he bought the gun. if we remember that he purchased the gun october 12, eight days before that hallie biden texted him. i'm afraid you're going to die. prosecutors asked if she was afraid of him dying from an overdose. she said maybe suicide. i didn't know then 11 days after the gun purchase that's when she discovered the ganim is vehicle. she was cleaning it out where she also found remnants of crack cocaine and related paraphernalia. how do you think the jury sees all of these data points? >> wow, it really is a kind of a dark and tawdry tale. i think they obviously, he's given she is the star witness as policies and she's given each side something. so i think they will see that hunter was generally using during this period. she finds paraphernalia a, few days after? on the other, he's hoping to make a kind of technical but also sympathetic defense that says there's a
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reasonable doubt about whether he thought he was lying when he says on the 18th, not a user, and they haven't come forward with proof. and this is probably their best shot. i don't think conter will testify to come forward with proof that on that fateful day, he would have been lying when he said, i'm not a user that's the form language on formed 33 at three of drugs you know, it's a bit of a combined hyper technical but also sympathetic defense. the whole thing is so kind of, tawdry and sad that possibly abbe lowell, his lawyer hopes that plays to their advantage. >> i wonder if it does because even though half of this jury has some kind of familial experience with drugs or substance abuse i wonder if that's something that can cut both ways. you may have people who are sympathetic, as you said there's also, when it comes to substance abuse, even people who may love someone who
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have a substance abuse problem. this idea of them being accountable for their actions of not enabling them. and i wonder how you think that's going to the form, how the jury's hearing these things yeah. >> it's an excellent point and the jury, which hunter biden's team was pretty happy with, does have real experience there, but you are right, right. i mean, everybody has stories of trying again and again to get loved ones to stop using and eventually watching their life if kind of swirl out of control, you know, there, there are reasons that this case maybe shouldn't have been brought are not in its form. and the first place, but those reasons no longer play in front of the jury and it's really a very simple question now, was he lying at the time? and i take your point and i think it's a good point that it's at a two-edged sword the whole kind of ugly sort of intractable hole that hunter had had gotten into as a result of all the use of crack cocaine
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an important point, by the way, paula mentioned how it could have been charged possibly she's sort of at coe can actor with him, but she has immunity and then she's been forced to testify because she has immunity and can't incriminate herself. >> there are several more prosecution witnesses ahead. this includes potentially other biden family members. i think we are expecting that. so you said this has been kind of tawdry i think we can expect some more details that people outside of the courtroom are going to be very interested in what are you looking for yeah. well, and also his mom's been there regularly. his aunt has been there, obviously, it's a family that showing support and that's the kind of thing even though it's not evidence that i do think jury's take note of. i do you think what's left? i mean, really again, if you zero in on the statement on the 18th hallie is the big witness and other other witnesses will be as they started with with
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his memoir, showing that indeed he was had really descended into terrible crack cocaine use, as he said in his book all he thought about was the pipe and the next place to get it. i think that sort of evidence will be reaffirmed. interesting, what, if anything, they'll try to prove on the defense because everything has been testified to so far really, they don't contest. they say show us exactly that that statement was made under false pretenses, but and other things, all the all the ugly details they absolutely admit to yeah warhead, we'll be watching and harry litman. thank you so much. and still ahead chipping away how the biden campaign is targeting republican voters fed up with former president trump sometimes the best thing you can do with it intelligence is share it with your adversary. he had, his secret is betrayed
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visit home i'm dr. sanjay gupta. and this is cnn today, president biden is expected to make his most direct play yet to turn anti-trump republicans into pro biden voters. >> the biden campaign is expected to announce the addition of a national gop engagement director to lead that effort a key target, the consistent 20% of primary voters who back nikki haley, long after she suspended her campaign the new director is austin weatherford. he was a chief of staff for former republican congressman it's been adam kinzinger, we're joined now by cnn's edward-isaac dovere to break
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down the details. so isaac help us understand the strategy here. >> well, look, there are, as you said, a consistent 20% or so of republican voters in primaries that have been turning out and voting for nikki haley the biden campaign looks at these and say, these aren't nikki haley voters. they're anti donald trump voters. >> and that if they can get a sliver of those voters, if they can get those people who don't like donald trump for a whole host of reasons who think he an existential threat, who don't like that. >> he's been convicted of crimes now, whatever it is that those are voters that could be the margin of victory in a lot of these key states. and you see that coming up over and over again. the question though is whether republicans are actually going to turn out for biden or at the very least not turn out for trump and maybe stay home yeah. >> and it looks like we've got some numbers there. it's roughly in the neighborhood of 20%. >> these sort of zombie primary voters that haley got support from. >> we've heard a number of republicans that the biden team apparently wants to have some outreach with notably one name
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that isn't on the list is former president bush. you think biden is going to try to get his the people who have to talk to a lot of republicans for the story that's on our side. and one of the people that the biden campaign reached out to in 2020 was george w bush. they tried to get into endorse, then there was some conversation about it. it didn't happen but bush has made it very clear with a lot of his comments that he is not a maga guy. he's not a donald trump fan and yet he also still feels very seriously that a former president should be out of the public and political spotlight. >> so if he does make a move when there's some people who are still pushing for him to get involved, then it'll be a surprise, but it would obviously be the biggest republican name out there. >> yeah. no question about that. and edward-isaac dovere. thanks so much for the reporting. appreciate still a come on new central, the gilgo beach killings suspect is now facing charges in six deaths spanning three decades. cnn was in court as he was indicted on new murder so charges will get you the latest after a court
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use them this fathers de, give them the gift that's built for dad right now, save $30 on the fs 56 rc gas-powered driven real still closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelial mv victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. you may be entitled to a portion of that money. all when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 rex heuermann, the alleged gilgo beach serial killer, has just been charged with two additional murders. new york investigators say one of the slayings goes as far back as 1993, and that brings his total suspected body count to at least six prosecutors are also saying that they found a document at heuermann's home that laid out how to get away with serial murder. cnn national correspondent virgin
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grass has been following this story since the beginning. brynn we're learning about some explosive new evidence. what can you tell us? >> you have riana, what we've learned today in corn is so explosive it really changed the course of this investigation as to what we knew su so far, meaning like them mo that we once thought of. rex heuermann, according to prosecutors, that changed over years, the timeframe of when these murders might have occurred actually longer the geography or where these bodies were dumped is now in different places. so there was a lot of information that came out of today's court proceedings, but i want to warn you about this document. it could be disturbing to our viewers as i sorted describe it to you, i tell you what it was disturbing when we're inside cord at one point, we heard audible gasps as the assistant prosecutor was explaining this new evidence to the judge, one person even said out loud, i want to vomit basically what it is, is it a document, a manifesto as prosecutors described that was found on a computer of heuermann's
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according to these court documents it was found basically to have a written up in very great detail, not necessarily about the murders, but how to murder and how to get away with it, how not to get caught, how to prep a body like for example, remove tattoos from the body, or when not to get caught, make sure you use or don't use a credit card rather, when you are purchasing gas and to have your story straight, if you were to be interrogated by investigator such great detail, investigators say this was a blueprint for rex heuermann and the killings of now he's charged with six people. it was again incredibly revealing in court and incredibly disturbing. i want you to hear from the prosecutor and heuermann's defense attorney in regards to this document she was found on her on her back. >> she was decapitated in her hands and arms were severed just below the elbows notably, her attached to that she she
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had had been obliterated with a sharp object eight years later the her arms and skull were found on ocean parkway that those those remains were found on the same side of the road on the ocean parkway as the gilgo four for he's obviously horrified by new charges, new murder allegations. we didn't have much of a conversation, but new charges are always horrific in yeah, he's in a bad place in terms of the new charges all right. >> right. there was the defense attorney before that you heard from the suffolk county district attorney describing the death of jessica taylor. i want to talk to you guys about these new two charges against rex heuermann of two women who they now link to him, jessica taylor, as you just heard him describe, found dismembered her body found on long island into thousand three more body parts were found eight years later. the same location as where of
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course the gilgo four, the women who are first linked to rex heuermann, who he's already been charged with so there was that link there. they also say there's more evidence including witnesses seeing his qarrah in a place that was familiar with where the gilgo four were buried. also, some dna evidence including harris downed on the taylor's body linked to heuermann the other victim here is sandra castillo. her body was found in 19 93. this now could be the earliest victim that we know of, according to investigators of rex heuermann dna, they say links castillo to heuermann. so just incredible amount of evidence guys to come out of this court hearing. now, six charges against the serial killer accused serial killer rex heuermann, guys rao, brynn, pretty startling details there, beringia and grass live four is on long island. thank you for that. >> still ahead. after record highs, the stock market is going through hey, stubborn slump. investors are pulling out money at record rates. but
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assignment with audie cornish. >> listen wherever you get your podcasts glass now at some of the other headlines were watching this, our salvage crews have now removed the last piece of steel from the baltimore key bridge collapse that was still at the bottom of the channel. >> remember the bridge collapsed back in march when the cargo ship dali headed killing six construction section workers. it also wound up cutting off access to one of the country's busiest shipping ports are moving the last piece of the bridge means more ships can now use that channel authorities hope to have it fully reopen in the next week or so also, opening arguments
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started today in a multi-billion-dollar antitrust suit against the nfl that could change how we watched games. and also how teams make money the lawsuit is challenging the legality of the league's sunday ticket package, which let's fans watch games outside out of their local market. it's accusing the nfl forcing people to pay more just to watch one team but the league argues this gives fans the most options at a good value the lawsuit that was first filed back in 2015 is seeking billions in damages. >> and the fda is reversing its ban on products from vaping company jewel labs. the fda first-order joules products off the market in 2022, they did remain available while the appeals process played out. however, the agency now said as the products are back under review, but that doesn't mean regulators and made a decision on whether jewels products will be allowed to stay on shelves. july has been the second biggest maker of e6 in the country over the past few years. the cnn original series
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secrets and spies and nuclear game tracks two of the most, pardon me, two of the world's most notorious double agents operating behind the scenes in the 1980s as the cold war brings two superpowers to the brink of nuclear war, there's a preview of sunday's episode on the world stage. president reagan is determined to defeat what he calls the evil empire but another battle is playing out in the shadows for me becoming a spy for the kgb was ideology. >> i am jacqueline bar sky. that's not the name i was born with we stole the identity of jack bar sku the way at the age of 11, spent ten years as an illegal undercover agent for the kgb in the united states i was 100% convinced that
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communism was the right thing. that the world eventually would wind up being one happy communist family a new episode of the series secrets and spies and nuclear game air sunday night at ten eastern pacific, only on cnn. and still ahead, former president trump back out on the campaign trail for the first time since his conviction in his criminal trial. we are live on the trail ahead on cnn news central the athletes in awr pushing the limits of what is capable inside all right. ready to show the world how good i am. >> i trained all over the globe. and that's what you're going to see an awl whole different bst we wednesday night dynamite. it either tb. >> okay. everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition or strength and energy ensure with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients fans for immune health and ensure
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healthier. with the oraa ring i'm kevin lived ttac at the white house and this is cnn closed captioning brought to you by meso book our
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firm only represents mesothelioma victims and their families. >> if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with ms ophelie oma kalisa. now emotional and explicit testimony at the trial of hunter biden, his former girlfriend and the widow of his brother, describing her fears that he could die. >> all of this is part of the prosecution's case against the president's son, which is one that threatens to put him behind bars in damage. his father's reelection campaign and back on the trail, former president trump holds a rally today in arizona, his first-time campaigning as a convicted felon in a state that both he and president biden see is key the winning the white house and on the 80th anniversary of d-day at the sayyed, were allied nations work together to tilt the balance of world war ii president biden i didn't conferring with alesbo


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