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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  June 7, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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a woman. and the fact that it is not priority one very clearly from the data that we do, everything in utmost to care for women in this, in this point in their lives it doesn't make sense, is it? is it lack of money or is it something more? i don't know. something deeper about how women are viewed in health care system, or how pregnancy is viewed in terms of overall 100%. i mean, women are under studied in terms of what? i'm going to health. this is a huge problem. i mean, there are so many factors that i mean breast cancer there's so many things which is why i think comprehensive whole stitt care is what's required we enter the health care world when we become moms usually usually that's the time when we're going to have the most interface more hospitalizations happen at that time than any other time. and i find it really got doctors when i became pregnant with time i saw dr. repeated. and one thing
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that was called out in this report that i think is also really important, is that a lot? out of the countries that are doing better have home visiting nurses. so we now know that 65% of the deaths that are happening that are related to pregnancy and childbirth are happening postpartum within the first year after baby is born. so the emphasis has been on prenatal care, which we can still do better at i'm delivery and then mom is like, move on, babies here. mom, you've got through this and then she's left on her own with little access to services, mental health then the paid leave piece is what comes into play there? women are just unsupported. it's a gender equity issue, i think at the very root cause and there's more attention to it, but it's not happening fast enough. and women are still dying your organization has now what fib we're almost 15, almost. and this is showing like the crisis is then the crisis is now silver lining though. are there are people like you who are putting voice to it and working all along the process to make it better. >> it's great to see you for saying thanks so much a new our obscene, a new central starts
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right now right now, president biden is on here his weight back to normandy for a crucial speech on democracy and freedom. >> this comes just hours after your announced a new major aid package for ukraine. the president's son it's back in a delaware courtroom today. what the defense is hoping to hear from hunter biden's daughter and the president's brother, too blunt, potentially yesterday's dramatic testimony and it's one last spin for america's longest running game show host after more than four decades and over 8,000 episodes, we'll fortunes pat say jack is saying farewell viewers, i'm omar jimenez with kate bolduan, john berman, and sarah sidner out this is cnn news central president biden right now, making his way back to normandy, france we're very
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soon you will be delivering a much-anticipated high-stakes speech on the battle for democracy abroad. >> and at home in his view, biden will likely not say donald trump's donald call out donald trump by name. >> but the risks that biden believes his political rival poses will once again be front and center of his remarks also front-and-center we'll be lottery putin's russia last hour. >> biden wrapped a meeting with ukraine's president where biden, on-camera with zelenskyy, apologize to him the delay of u.s. aid making it to ukraine. biden blamed republicans and then said this continued to stay steady with you do you are the bulwark or usc aggression is taking place. we have an obligation to cnn's kayla tausche traveling with the president once again this morning, kayla set us up for what we could be hearing from the president very soon. okay.
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the president is going to be here at 0.2 hawk, which is a very symbolic, poignant, emotional place in american history and really world history. this is where 225 us army rangers scaled the cliffs to take out german artillery positions where they were positioned to be firing on omaha and utah beaches, just as those allied forces were arriving on d-day, there's going to be at least one veteran from the us army here present when the president makes his remarks, and that is going to be john ward del, he arrived here in the days following d-day and present biden is going to tell the story through the lens of mr. ward, del and other current us army rangers who will be present to talk about the example that was set in world war ii and how the the us and the world owe it to those veterans and to those current service members to carry on on that tradition of defending democracy worldwide. now, other themes are going to be the
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unbreakable alliance between nato members. the potential rise of isolationism that president biden is going to warn against. and of course, implicitly, the rise of populism and the popularity of those positions among the base of donald trump who is of course his opponent in this upcoming election. in making this speech from this particular location, biden is borrowing from the playbook of former president ronald reagan, who gave a very similar speech, 40 years ago on d-day in 1984 and was in fairly similar straits to president biden himself up for reelection in a matter for months and facing waning support at home for us intervention in conflicts overseas for reagan, of course, it was the cold war and the aggression of the soviet union for a president biden, it is too hot wars both in ukraine, on the frontlines of europe, as well as this situation between israel and hamas, where the administration can is racing toward a ceasefire deal that has remained elusive, but
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president biden is going to be delivering the message that democracy should and will prevail people just need to believe it kayla tausche great to see you oh, before i let you go, i wanted to ask him, so sorry, i forgot. almost wanted to ask you about biden's meeting with president zelenskyy. one more. are you learning about it? >> yeah. that ended just a few moments ago and at the top of the meeting, president biden announced a new aid package for ukraine 225 million that will include artillery, ammunition and new air defense systems. >> that is the sixth package. that is the result of the tens of billions of dollars in additional funding that congress risk greenland back in april. but it took six months to get that funding and president biden in that meeting apologize to president zelenskyy for any delays it caused on the battlefield. here's what he said. >> guys for weeks knowing was going to be surge of funding
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because we had trouble, getting the bill as a pass at the money is from some of our very conservative members of her we got it done finally really remarkable this comes as western allies are trying to discuss new and long-term funding solutions for ukraine as political and financial where with all around the world is growing thin it's great to see your caleb. thank you very much. >> and with us now, is presidential historian douglas brinkley, excuse me. thanks for taking the time. good to see you. >> i want to start with look, i mean, is a very critical time in europe right now if there's no secret about that even we even saw ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy embracing world war ii veterans at one point. yesterday. >> do you see any parallels to the climate in europe now versus 40 years ago when, when reagan spoken, even going back
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into the late 30s as well well, 40 years ago when ronald reagan went over, there, you gave these two remarkable speeches, one at 0.2 hoc where he talked about the us army second rangers, these highly trained special ops who climbed 100 foot cliffs to decimate the 155 millimeter french blasting guns that were towering over the point in pill boxes. and by wiping out those guns, those rangers saved a lot of lives at omaha and utah beaches on when reagan came and he gave a speech of a lifetime, peggy noonan wrote it he gave a second speech that tony dolan wrote on omaha beach and these are kind of clarion calls those two reagan speeches for democracy in europe reagan spoke about the liberation of western europe. but we now have to liberate eastern europe and lo and behold, not many years after his normandy speeches in
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1989, the berlin wall came down in 1991, the soviet union collapsed. so there's this feeling that those reagan's speeches, beyond being well-delivered and well-written, was the beginning of the end of the soviet union president biden is hoping to capture some of the reagan magic. and yes, it's so symbolic that he's width. so linskey, who standing up against russia against authoritarianism, against putin as a symbol of what a brave chilean person of democracy does against the tyrant like putin. and i thought was very poignant that president biden talked about. we were slow on our funding because you either have to be all in of saving the ukraine or not in at all. and we've been trying to pulling the plug in and out, in and out instead of being direct, but most americans would like to see the united states to fend
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the zelenskyy and the brave people. the ukraine dog, we're just next to your picture. we're showing shot of where president biden is going to be giving his remarks and pointe-du-hoc. and when you look at just i'm going to say the majesty the setting on which president biden is going to make the speech. it reminds me of just how president's present and past. often utilize these moments abroad to give presidential like term defining speeches to the world, and also speaking to domestic audiences what does a stage like this? a moment, a setting like this? a florida president that we, as we know talking about reagan and beyond. and even i remember speeches from obama when he was abroad that were huge moments for the president well it's a
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great question. you know, when ronald reagan's trip been men, katie four was planned by mike dever. we consider deeper the kind of maestro of statecraft. and they send advance agents there, got there exact right visual time did in those days. and so the big speech would come in in the us. it's 7:00 a.m. which was trying to capture the good morning, america. today's show audience reagan, in early 1984, had a 27% approval rating and foreign policy after the speeches, they're at normandy, reagan went up to 50, 60%, and stayed there for the rest of the election cycle. so it does have an impact. why, what goes on here? look at the film clip of zelenskyy talking and holding and hugging in american hero of world war ii and saying, you saved europe those are very powerful moments and reagan speech may anybody who had
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served in world war ii feel proud about it? and reagan and told everybody in america, you have a veteran, you have a hero, a somebody who served in either of the world we're ii, korea, vietnam, in your community, telling them to stand up, tell them, thank you. it started a wave around the country. i think you're seeing joe biden doing that now, try to remind people of his love of the veterans of america, but also our armed forces it's always great to have you come on to kind of set the stage for these big moments are really appreciate it thank you all right, so we do have some breaking news this morning when i want to get two once again, us job growth coming in hot in may 272,000 jobs were added last one's really blowing past expectations. rahel solomon back with us, break down the report for us we're hell. yes. so let's put that 272,000 and perspective as you pointed out, kate, right. so that's where we are we were expecting something closer to write about this, right? 180,000. so we surpass
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those wallstreet expectations almost by 100,000 taking a look at the prior two months, these were actually revised slightly lower, but again, i mean, especially what would this be? april, march, specially strong. right. so you see that their unemployment, this comes from a different survey and the report same report, but this actually ticked up passing 4% for the first time since january of 2022 so if you put this sort of, if you look at this broadly and if you put this in perspective, this is a very tight range, is very low unemployment and even with a tick up, it's still pretty low. and then looking at wages now, if you're a worker and you're hoping for a raise, or if you are looking for a raise, you like to see this uptake, right? because we actually saw on a monthly basis and an annual basis, wages pick back up more than wallstreet was expecting, also more than we saw the month prior. the reason why wall street probably doesn't like this. the reason why futures are actually lower on this report is because of the concern within the fed that
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maybe higher wages could fuel into higher inflation. of course, they are trying to tamp down inflation. >> so you put this in perspective, k and omar with this sort of, uh, picking back up a heating backup of the labor market and all this really means is that the labor market continues to show signs of strength. >> but also the fed continues to show no signs of being in a rush to cut rates. that's also why wall street is not so excited about this report. so we know rate cuts are coming inevitably at some point, but a report like this means will likely have to wait a bit longer. we hear from the fed next week, it'll be really curious to hear what they have to say about this may jobs report. >> yeah, i remember for so long it was june was going to be the month where we're going to see the fed cut rates clearly virtually no one expects that now exactly right. you can see around. thank you so much. you're welcome appreciate it. >> or hell, also, prosecutors say they have two more witnesses to call before they rest their case against hunter biden, who is expected to testify today. and a cnn exclusive, what a cia
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assessments suggests about netanyahu's post-war plan for gaza and mark meadows, the former chief of staff to former president trump, is set to be arraigned today for his alleged role in the arizona fake electors plot. when have all that more coming up see, idp disrupts cid p derails. let's be honest sucks but living with cdp doesn't have to when you sign a sign up at shining through cid, you'll find inspiration and real patients stories, helpful tips i bought information and more. cid peak can be tough. >> but finding hope just got a little easier sign up is shining through be heard, be hopeful it's never a good time for migraine, especially when i'm on camera that's why my go-to is nortech odie tie for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and there preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. it's the only migraine
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tract, or genital yeast infections and low blood sugar are rare life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur stopped taking four sika and colleague your doctor right away, if you have symptoms of disinfection and allergic reaction or ketoacidosis the cdo is about the takeoff there's no one that goes the things i do we have personal limit. >> so what pro wrestling can be we wednesday night dynamited aid on tbs all right moments ago hunter biden arrived back in court as his federal gun trial resumes, prosecutors have said they have two more witnesses to call before resting their case. it's really been a week of dramatic, deeply personal, and at times embarrassing testimony none more so than from hallie biden. she's the widow of beau biden and also dated hunter she testified yesterday she believes he was using drugs when he purchased the gun at the center of this case today,
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biden's defense attorney is hoping that testimony from ke family members, the president's brother and granddaughter, will outweigh hallie biden's testimony we will see joining us now, cnn's evan perez. evan, so what can we expect today all our court proceedings just got underway in this historic trial. >> and what we were expecting this morning is the prosecution's going to have their final two witnesses, a dea agent and an fbi cameras. part of what they're trying to do is to have the jury here about the drugs. there was residue found on a pouch where the firearm was found back on october 23rd in 2018, but really, they're just wrapping up what we heard from the star witness yesterday. hallie biden. once you've pointed out she she was the one who was dating a hunter biden in 2018, we bought the gun now october
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12 of 2018, and she's the first really the first witness that the prosecution has offered that brings his drug use or at least what she says was his drug use a close to the date when he bought the firearm, which is why we're here, right. that he lied on this forum according to prosecutors, in order to buy that gun and what she told prosecutors is that on october 23rd, when she found the firearm inside his truck unlocked she panicked and she wanted to make sure her kids it's didn't find it. and she drove to a nearby supermarket, disposed of it, and then hours later, we see on the video that the prosecutors showed the jury yesterday, we see her dropping off the gun in a trash can and then coming back hours later, panicking, trying to find that. and she doesn't. so that's reason why we're here in this case. of course the fact is that the prosecution is going to wrap this afternoon and we expect that this case will will probably go to the jury next week right?
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>> evan perez, really appreciate you bringing that down for when i want to talk more about this joining us now is cnn legal analyst and criminal defense attorney joey jackson. so listening to evans reporting the prosecution says they're going to rest today. how would you assess that they've done so far? >> so i i'm one that believes omar good to see you that the cation i've been brought, right? this is a case that i would argue if i'm on the defense team is about a public humiliation and shaming of a problem that is shared by so many people. and so to the issues in terms of the simplicity of the case, did you lie on a form? there's an open question as to that. i would argue, did he know that is hunter biden that he was addicted at the time? was he deceiving himself? did he have the mental state? did actually deceive, right? that's where you would start if you were defending without question, that's where i would start the prosecution saying, hey, we're not shaming addiction were saying that it's improper to lie. you can't lie on a form. you can't lie to a federal license dealer. and of course you can't possess an illegal
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gun. the altar current of narrative is, did he no. right. or was he in denial? hunter biden with respect to the problem and there's some doubt around that issue particularly when hallie, who apparently he was with at the time, his brother's widow, bo former attorney delaware excuse me, former attorney general of delaware. right. he was with her at the time and she has some sense of what he was doing, but she didn't see him using just had knowledge with respect to alleging that he was using at the and one of the major questions whenever there's a notable defendant in a cases, will the defendant actually testify and obviously there are likely some discussions go in back and forth there, but what our what what are the legal factors you would be weighing if you're on his team and trying to make that decision. so great question, omar. those are always game time decisions. and what do i mean, you always prepare your client for potential testimony, but you really don't want and i don't lai client to testify in this case. i really don't feel that way and i'll tell you why the
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reason that you may not have a client testify as because look, if you've made headway in establishing reasonable doubt, establishing whether or not he knew he was lying on the form establishing whether or not he was addicted at the time, establishing whether or not at this particular moment he wasn't using, but then he resumed his many addicts. do you go up and down perhaps you leave it there because it's reasonable doubt i think this case turns a lot on what we call omar jury nullification. what does that mean? it means that a jury could say that potentially he did do this, but should we really be here? should we be here for the fact that a person who had a gun for 11 days wasn't used with respect to any other violent crime, was certainly addicted at the time was going through really hard experience. we know that the jurors themselves has have had experience as it relates to knowing someone who is addicted. so they could be somewhat empathetic and does he now? get on the stand and say, hey, i was going through a difficult time at that specific moment. i wasn't addicted. i did relapse. i was doing the
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best with my life. i wasn't intending to lie to anyone i had the gun was in the truck. it wasn't used at cetera may be that resonates. that's a tough decision for the defense to make. but in this particular case, because of the jury nullification element. >> right? it potentially could be a play humanize them a little bit more in front. >> absolutely as well. >> joey jackson really appreciate the time and perspective as always. we're obviously following a lot of news today, including coming up to cia, has a new assessment surrounding israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. >> we're going to tell you why they believe he will defy u.s. pressure to set a post-war plan for gaza plus vanna white is bidding a fond farewell. well to her wheel of fortune co-host, pat say jack 8,000 episodes went by height that you're like a rather to me, and i consider you a true lifelong friend, who i will always adore. i love you pat so
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download the app this election season, stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground. >> and the best political team in the business follow the voters follow the results, follow the facts follow. cnn the date is set. >> israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu will come to the united states to address a joint meeting of congress on july 24th. all four republican and democratic congressional leaders signing on to that imitation, though the reaction to the date announcement, not so unanimous. and it also comes at a time when the u.s. and 16 other countries are applying new pressure to israel and hamas to move forward, forward with a ceasefire deal overnight, president biden said this i think he's a seated me. they did. they were going to go into russia and a rough a full bore invade all of rafah go into the city, take it out move, move with full force.
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they haven't done that i think he's listening to me yet. new cnn reporting today suggests otherwise, cnn's katie bo lula's in dc for us with much more on this. can you talk to us about your reporting? >> okay. >> my colleagues that cohen and i reviewed a recent cia assessment that was circulated amongst senior us officials this week. >> and this assessment reflects some of the most up-to-date views from the us intelligence community about pressed israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu sort of political calculations. and it concluded that netanyahu is likely to come ten you to defy pressure from the biden administration and from the international community to define a really clear vision for post-conflict gaza. remember, but netanyahu has been in this, in the middle of this very tense balancing act in-between the right-wing elements of his very fragile governing coalition and the demands of the united and it states and the west. now, the cia and its assessment circulated this week, found quote that netanyahu is
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probably believes that he can maintain support from his security chiefs and prevent defections from his right wing of his coalition by discussing the future of gaza in vague terms, essentially netanyahu likely believes that he can by himself self, a little time here by only talking about what a post-war vision for gaza would look like in really vague and undefined terms. now, this is largely what cnn and others have reported. but what's significant here, kate, is that this assessment really highlights the degree to which what the us intelligence community and what the cia believes is likely to happen in israel is in direct opposition to what the biden administration wants to happen in israel. the biden administration has been putting an enormous amount of pressure on netanyahu to both bring a close to hostilities and come up with a really clear picture of what security and governance is going to look like in gaza once the fighting stops. now, as we saw earlier biden, of course, has indicated that he believes netanyahu is listening to him, but the cia assessment really highlights the degree of
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divisions within the israeli government that may make it difficult for netanyahu to do what it is that biden wants really interesting reporting k vote. thank you so much as always for that coming up still for us to more donald trump allies set to be arraigned today in arizona's fake elector case. what we expect to hear from mark meadows in court today when you're the leader, that's the cleanup and restoration, how do you make like it never even happened happened whatever comes your way so pro for that serve crow. >> like ever even happened billy, the kid, to try to take over the town. what it needs is
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2020 campaign official mike roman is also expected to appear for arraignment today. cnn, zach cohen joins me now. all right. zach, obviously, there are there a lot of arraignments, indictments, lot of cases in the trump universe. but in this particular case, in this particular arraignment what are we expected? yeah, mr. we expect mark meadows to make his first appearance before a judge in arizona since he was indicted along with several other close allies of former president donald trump in this election conspiracy case, where they allege that mark meadows worked with members of the trump campaign to coordinate and implement the false gop electors votes in arizona and six their states. and effectively the goal was to keep trump in power despite his defeat at the polls. so the arizona attorney general, these are state-level criminal charges. there is an attorney general is alleging that meadows participated in a conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election results in arizona and today, mark meadows will be informed formally by the judge of those criminal charges he faces they include a felony
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conspiracy count of a felony count of fraudulent schemes, and felony forgery counts. those all relate to the fake elector plot, the effort to organize and submit this fake certificates claiming that donald trump one states like arizona, when he actually did not mark is not the only person who's expected to appear before an arizona judges today, michael roman, who's a former trump campaign aide. we do expect him to similarly make his appearance before a judge. and like the other defendants in this case, which include rudy giuliani, in which include all the fake electors from arizona mark meadows and my ghraieb will be affected that their mug shots taken just like any other criminal defendant does that cohen really appreciate the reporting as always and joining us right now to talk more about this and other topics former republican congressman ken buck from colorado. it's great to see you, congressman, remind everyone, congressman left congress just in march of this year you are a federal prosecutor. before that, you were federal prosecutor for many years how much trouble you haven't seen all the facts of the details of this indictment
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in case of course. but how much trouble do you think mark meadows could be in an arizona well, if he's convicted of all the charges it will be a substantial term. it's obviously a state case in arizona, not a federal case, but the allegations of forgery are significant and carry a serious penalty with them. now, in white collar cases like this, but what what typically is the prison time on something is really minimal compared to what we consider more serious violent crimes. >> moving to the broader picture of the efforts to overturn the 2020 election in january 6, about kind of all of the cases donald trump really went off on social media overnight with a series of statements concluding congressman with the declaration that he thinks the members of congress who were on the january 6 select committee should be indicted. plainly suggesting now you'd like to see opponents targeted by the
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country's justice system. >> do you think do you take donald trump seriously when he suggests this i don't take him seriously. >> i don't think anybody in his future administration, if he wins, would take him seriously certainly a court would throw something like that out right away. the rhetoric is dangerous because he's talking about political opponents who were doing their job investigating a case. now, i didn't agree with some of the conclusions they reached. they didn't have republicans appointed by the republican conference on the committee. but the fact that a congressional committee is conducting oversight of a previous administration it is not an indict able offense and is i mean, i don't know if he intended to it as a joke, but it isn't funny to me as a former member of congress, i don't want to ask about that because i think it says in public comments, he's done three times in three days suggesting that political,
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political opponents should be targeted. and what you often can do offer congressmen is nuanced when it comes to this, comes to a lot of topics, which is there's not a lot of nuance and what i'm hearing from donald trump, i want to play for you one example of what he's talking about in terms of targeting political opponents here he is speaking with hanadi just this week people are claiming you want retribution people are claiming you want what has happened to you done to democrats. >> would you do that ever? >> what's happened to me has never happened in this country before and it has just up when this election is over based on what they've done, i would have every right to go after them. and it's easy because it's joe biden what's her reaction to that my reaction is that donald trump says one
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thing and does another in come cases that's fortunate he said he wanted to lock hillary hillary clinton up when he was running in 2016, he became president in 2007 contain and there were appointed the special counsel, never directed the fbi to reinvestigate the case. >> so i think that his rhetoric is meant to embolden his base. maybe or energize of voters. but hopefully, again, the people around donald trump will act in a responsible way and recognize that we don't have retro in this country for political opponents you, you mentioned the special counsel because i wanted to ask you about that. >> you i've actually heard you complement merrick garland and you called marriott. you've called merrick garland a great attorney general for the fact that he has appointed special counsel's when it comes to sensitive investigations trump is trying now in court to get jack smith essentially thrown off the case. and you have his special counsel status
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invalidated in florida classified documents case. should he be allowed to do that in the florida case? >> i don't believe he should. there was an interesting legal question that i have never seen raised before. it's whether the senate has to confirm somebody like a us attorney before that person can be appointed as a special counsel. i think it's a case of first impression. i don't think that it's going to be successful, but it's one of the those things were defense attorneys use everything they can to try to get out of going to trial and eliminate a case like this you have i saw this headline. >> i saw this news, and you have unique perspective on this being a member of congress and l former member of congress intel committees because of the nature of the sensitive information they handle, have a long tradition and history of working in a bipartisan way, trying to mostly trying to keep kind of flame-throwing politics out of it. >> now we have house speaker mike johnson.
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>> he just appointed the anticipate antithesis of that to house intel. scott perry and ronnie jackson being appointed to the committee peri played a major role in trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 election jackson has a series of ethical issues in his past, including a demotion from the pentagon over his conduct while serving as white house position does that concern you neither concerns honestly. >> scott perry, not only who served honorably in congress, but as also been a general in the united states army reserves. and so i think he brings an interesting and strong some background to the intel committee, ronny jackson also has served in the military and has that kind of background that would benefit the house intelligence committee. so i understand that they are not perfect. i understand that they have engaged in things with president trump that some of their rhetoric may look dangerous, but i think both of them have served the country
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admirably and would add value to the intelligence committee from a congressman, ken buck. thank you for coming in thank you so how about but i'd like to solve the puzzle. >> friends is the end of an era. pat say jack host a wheel of fortune about to take his final spin finally, we have schreiber, so get night on cnn what the biggest companies the liver is an exceptional customer experience. >> what makes it possible is unmatched connectivity and biji solution from t-mobile for business t-mobile connects 100,000 delta airlines employees, powers tractor supplies, stores nationwide with reliable by jean is this internet and partners with pga of america on being changing in eviction. this is how business goes further with t-mobile for business did you know taking
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ready for monday sign up for free visit ai or download the app i'm evan perez and washington. >> and this is cnn tonight, to millions of people are likely to tune in for the end of an era, pat say jack retiring after 41 years and 8,000 episodes of wheel of fortune,
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the longest running host ever of a single game show. >> may we all be so lucky in honor of this moment in tv history? >> we decided to have a little fun because, why not? >> and it's friday and by fun, i mean, i get to put omer on the spot. great. love that what are we here is? >> oh, you're category and here is your puzzle to solve. all right? >> i mean, i think i can get the music. pat, see jack's final show great. yes. glad. glad i sent i'm setting you up for success. don't don't ever say i'm not nice to you. yeah. no, a very nice could have done anything there. and she helped me. we've gotten over got okay. >> now we have one for all of you at home. >> the at a gory is people. >> and we will give you a clue because that's a broad category. the answer is a cnn anchor who was once a contestant on the wheel of fortune me i'm kinda down and three cnn's victor blackwell
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joins us now, victor, i know you for years. i did not know this and i loved that video episode 3,429 february 8, 2001, when i tell you i remember everything about this experience. >> it was part part of the like the best moment of my college career. so it was college week in dc. so the producers went to the major campuses around the dc area. they came to howard university, i edition, i think it was in september. and then for two weeks, i was waiting for a call back like did i make it? i was on the yard one day and they called and said, would you like to be on the wheel? i said yes. yes. i would like to be on the wheel of fortune. we've taped in october and pat and vanna were fantastic things i learned about the show, the wheel at least then was hand painted i didn't know that
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that they paint that there was someone with a brush on the wheel. they take five shows in a day, so we did all of college. we can one day i remember all of the puzzles. >> i remember the totals. so i want to see how you would do here's one of the puzzles from that show. >> i'm going to give you ten seconds to see if you can solve it. great. start. >> your audio right now. you're off to a great start. >> we're often yeah. >> yeah. >> yes. all right. so here's a crew, here's a look at how that was a crew effort i like. >> to. >> solve the puzzle go ahead, wear off to a great start no
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way downhill after that because i didn't i didn't solve another puzzle. but 23, 50 honestly, a look, you went home with something. >> i feel like that is the main thing now that we've looked victor, there's also this awesome moment where i mean, sure, you didn't get another clue, but you did predict your future a little bit. let's take a look at that. >> blackwell, baltimore sophomore at howard university right here journalism you hope to pursue that as a career? >> yes, i hope to be an investigative reporter for one of the major networks. >> oh, so you might come here snooping around one day yeah. >> i've wanted to do this. it's i was nine, so that was an easy quick question. i wish chocolate chocolate chip cookie had been mined somewhat said he then went home with like $30,000. but that wasn't my turn to the wheel i mean, that's like the definition of manifesting though, which i
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really love how you say it, and you get it. okay. >> what do i mean, the end of the arrow and fads a jack, i can't imagine anyone having such a great career and gameshow ryan seacrest is up next. i can't even imagine, what do you think pat take checks going to do next? so we have some hints about what he's gonna do. i'm sure she's going to take a little break first after doing this for so many decades, he's been in our homes and part of our lives, varieties reporting that he's going to go onto the stage and be on a stage performance of prescription murder in honolulu at a regional theater there with one of his friends who's a local anchor. he's going to stay on the show as a consulting producer for a few years. but he deserves some time off. pat's age x been with us for so long. we've got all of the reruns more than 8,000 shows. i am just grateful that i had a moment. there with him and the wheel hello. again, it's one of the highlights of my college years. what are the
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highlights of my life next, i want to be on jeopardy i don't know that lizard asking it now we know this because i choose to never rerun it. >> was what was it called? >> like power players jeopardy at one point okay, i, did to do two rounds to do practice around beforehand. and then you do the real thing. i killed it in the practice round. >> and that's fine. the footage and, you know, and then i could completely frozen the nor in the main ones. so be careful what you wish for victor. careful what you wish for i am calling the universe to bring me jeopardy. jeopardy next, i got i can i'm really bad at we'll ford and i will emit yeah, that was the best i've ever done. >> congrats my layer. let's begin and end there. yes. >> great to see you, victor seriously, what fun don't forget to watch the first, first, first of all, with victor blackwell tomorrow at eight am, right here on cnn. >> thank you all so much for being here, omar. thank you for ringing in the weekend with me. >> always a pleasure and thanks
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