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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  June 7, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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rumors. >> we keep her in about, uh, what we talked about little bit. now, that's right. not it's right. we talked about moving. no, thank you. you could use open-door sell your house directly to them. it's easy. >> i guess we're moving stay ahead of your moderate to severe eczema and show off clear skin and less issues with depicts it. >> the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists that helps heal your skin from within serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes include putting blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about depicts it if you were, moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks you still laura from the start move toward relief after the first dose. >> with injections. every two
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months still, laura may increase your risk given cancer, or if you need a vaccine premis, a rare potentially fatal brynn condition may be possible some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur field on unstoppable. >> ask your doctor how luck? lasting remission can start with still are johnson and johnson can help you explore cost support options i'm dr. sanjay gupta. >> and this is cnn defending a hunter biden lawyers for the president's son are making the case for why he should be acquitted in his federal gun trial first up, we called his daughter to the stand was standing up to vladimir putin, president biden, delivering a forceful speech in normandy one day
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after the anniversary of d-day suggesting the veterans who stormed that beach would want the us to defend ukraine against the kremlin's war machine. and a tribute to the sacrifice of the veterans who helped defeat nazi germany. ten members congress recreate the daring parachute jump over france, were following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central it's the top of the hour and we lead with an unexpected, very unexpected pause in. >> hunter biden's federal gun trial. it's adjourn for the day and it will not pick up again. until next week. this comes after a hunter biden's daughter, naomi, gave an emotional hours long testimony about her father's past drug addiction or own paula reid was inside cord and reports that naomi appeared very uncomfortable while on the stand. >> and when she left, she gave
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her data hug a kiss on the cheek and was seeing trembling and wiping away tears as she exited the courtroom. >> we want to go to paula reid now has been tracking this closely. paula why did cord adjourn so quickly? >> boris, this is fascinating, as you said, i was import all morning. i watch naomi biden at two other defense witnesses testified we broke for lunch. we're expecting to come back in hear from hunters uncle james biden, and a few more witnesses when the defense came back from lunch, they said there are no longer calling any of those witnesses. the only outstanding question for the defense is whether they will call the defendant, hunter biden to the stand. the judge is now giving them a long weekend before deciding if they're going to do that. but it appears that after naomi biden's appearance on the stand, which did not exactly go i think how the defense expected it to go they are switching up their strategy and now they have what could make or break their case. this big decision about whether to put the defendant on the stand on monday that is a major
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development polo. >> so to clarify, does this mean we're likely not going to hear from james biden at at all the president's brother that's exactly right for us is that they no longer are going to call him. they had some other witnesses, including adopter. they were going to put on the stand james biden is here. he's actually in court waiting to be called. they are tend to have strategy. they're no longer calling of course, we're going to talk to our sources about what exactly happened during the lunch break. one of our columns please actually, i actually commented that, right mind may actually hunter biden and his wife just leaving a court a moment ago, but there was a lot of shouting, are heard by some of our colleagues from the defense room where they do their launch. an officer actually had opened the door and say something to them, which quieted them down, but it's just unclear what happened during the lunch break that may then do this incredibly serious shift in strategy. i mean, when you have a witness here, you fully expect to call them, wasn't just one witness. it was a few witnesses. >> now they're no longer
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putting any of the monde and this is a real turn in this trial yeah. paula and that detail about yelling in the defense room during lunch that could be significant tourists about naomi biden's testimony because as you said, it didn't go the way the defense perhaps anticipated oversaw. >> let's think about naomi bad in her situation. she is an adult who is a married woman. she's graduated law school, but this is an incredibly uncomfortable situation for anyone to be in accord just talking about her father's addiction and what she observed on at least two instances where she met with him in 2018. anyone who knows, someone whose parent is an addict, anyone who is the child of an addict, you can imagine how painful this is. an eid the jury was so attentive watching her every word as she testified about seeing her father and september 2018 she said gensim in awhile and he had been in rehab and reached out and said, look, i'll arrange a trip if you'll come out and she went out there with her, then boyfriend, now husband, peter, and she
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testified that she was so proud of her father. she said he was as clear as clean as he had been since her uncle hundreds brother bo had died in 2015 and she said just really proud to introduce him to her boyfriend. she then testified about seeing him again in october october 19, and that's significant because that is the period that type period where he owned the gun at the center of this question and prosecutors allege that he was using or addicted to drugs at that time. and she said when she saw him, he was as clean as he was in la. and again, she was hopeful, but boris on cross-examination by the prosecutors, things really took a turn. naomi and defense attorneys appeared a little surprised when they presented a series of text messages between hunter and naomi during that new york trip where hunter appeared at time to be a little erratic going dark for long periods of time while she was trying to arrange to give them his car back should barred it to move and it did come across in the text messages that he was again, being a little erratic going mia for large portions of time, texting or
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two in the morning details about a car pickup. while she didn't see or observe observe him doing drugs it undercut the picture that she had painted. the other thing is that she had testified when she borrowed his car that there was no drug evidence of drug use, drug paraphernalia, and the prosecutors pointed to the fact that okay. if an october 19 you didn't see any residue of drugs, you didn't see any drug paraphernalia. >> they point to the fact that an october 23, her aunt it found the gun at the center of this case in that same car, but also said she found drug residue and drug paraphernalia to prosecutors pointed out. >> okay. >> if you didn't see it on october 19th, it must have been put on in their thereafter, which was not a great point for the defense because it suggests that perhaps he was using drugs for us. >> it was a defense witness that was why i naomi was on the stand to help her father. it's not clear if that is what was achieved during her time on the stand and likely accounts for why they're totally switching up now yes. >> soon after that, apparently discord inside the defense room during lunch and immediately
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after the defense what's this thing on? pause, we'll have to wait and see what happens next. paula reid live from outside the courthouse in wilmington, delaware. thanks so much. briana. on the world stage, president biden is making a powerful call to defend democracy, right now, the president is in france were earlier he delivered a historic speech standing atop the cliffs of pointe-du-hoc in normal monday, those are the same cliffs where hundreds of american rangers scale to secure key positions against the nazis. they're heroism was a key turning point for allied forces in world war ii. and in his speech, the president called on americans too, honor, the legacy of those soldiers by protecting democracy. biden drew parallels he compared tyrannical threats to democracy to threats that are looming today. and without naming names, biden highlighted stark differences between himself and his political rival, former president donald trump. cnn's melissa bell is joining us now from paris melissa, this was
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indeed a historic speech it was a historic speech and a historic location as you saved the very spot where 80 years ago, american soldiers had proved their valor, their courage, and no doubt help the change the course of european history. >> but it was also the spot very symbolically were 40 years ago, ronald reagan made an impassioned i'd passionately against isolationism and of course, in the planning of the speech that would not have been lost on those organizing, not just joe biden's returned to normandy, but what he was going to say, having listened as we gather here today is not just to honor those who showed such remarkable bravery on that day, june 6, 1944 so listen to the echoes of their voices, to hear them because they are summing. and there's somebody that's now they ask us, what will we do? they're not asking us to
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scale these cliffs, but they're asking us to stay true to what america stands for. they're not asking us to give a risk car lives but there are asking us to care for others in our country. more than ourselves. they're not asking us to do their job are asking us to do our job to protect freedom in our time, to defend democracy, to stand up aggression abroad. and at home throughout so much of what we've heard from president biden over the course last couple of days briana, there has been without ever naming trump clearly, a domestic audience and domestic messages that the president has deliberately of delivery here on european soil, there is beyond the american political landscape. >> what's happening? >> ukraine and the parallels that had been torn between what happened in world war ii and the need very much just steady against russian aggression
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there, briana melissa bell, thank you for that report and for more on this. we're joined by journalist and historian garrett graph. he is the author of many books, including most recently when the sea came alive in order roll history of d-day, which is a beautiful book, garret because especially at this time, as we're saying, goodbye to the last of these veterans, this is the story in their own words tell us a little bit about what you learned about this specific location, pointe du hoc, and what these veterans said about it? >> i think you're absolutely right. this is why this week feel so poignant to us is it's not just the 80th anniversary of d-day, but it's really the final passing of the greatest generation, great britain estimates now they're just six living d-day veterans left and this what i tried to do with this book was to tell the story of d-day in the first person in the voices of the people who participated in it. and when you read those accounts, the
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memories of people like the rangers who scaled pointe du hoc it's easy to get lost in the mythology of d-day to say this is this huge herculean triumph of western democracy. but when you hear the voices of the people who actually charged those cliffs that morning they're not feeling particularly courageous and brave and that morning they're scared, they're lonely. there's sort of wondering if they have of what it takes to perform in combat. they're wondering if they're going to let down their comrades and their friends. and that's to me one of the stories that really stands out of the rangers is what a tight unit that was it was such in elite, well-trained team. this was the early start, of course of the american special forces and rangers. we're sort of the elite of the elite. and the way that they bonded and the way that they tried to support each other that day, climbing those clips
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then of course the rest of the story is that they get to the top of the cliffs and the german gun battery that they think that their storming is gone and. they actually have to fan out across the german countryside and it's sergeant leaned low, mel, who finally finds in a cop's of woods back from the cliffs, the german guns and is able to destroy them before they are able to fire down on omaha beach or utah beach. and so these rates rangers who sort of do this audacious maneuver that morning get to the top and they're like, we're all the guns and they have to figure it out. and it's a number of people just doing the job they set out to do watching others die doing it and hoping that they're going to be able to succeed this commemoration has drawn so many parallels. we see president biden and doing it others as well between the war in ukraine and as someone who's spent so much time researching and how do you see the parallels? >> yeah, i don't think we've ever seen a major anniversary
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of d-day where democracy felt as under threat and fraught as it does this year. and that's both a question in europe where you have an active land war going on. and that's also as president biden made the point today, a battle here to fight at home. and i think one, ronald reagan who with that speech at pointe du hoc in 1984, lifted d-day from the history into legend what he said in one of his speeches was democracy has never more than one generation away from extinction and as we mark this final passing of the greatest generation, i think president biden wants to make this choice very stark about what are generation is going to do with the legacy they're leaving and being a leading nation is also something that can't be taken for granted there's this interesting moment in the book where you quote churchill, just after the attack i can pearl harbor anticipating the us joining the war. and he says,
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england with live, that's what it meant to him, right? britain would live the commonwealth of nations and the empire would live. hitler's fate was sealed. mussolini's fate was sealed. as for the japanese, they would be ground two powder. i went to bed and slept the sleep of the saved and thankful. this was the moment right? eight where it's sort of the beginning two of the establishment of the world order that the us has enjoyed now for decades, yeah. >> when you look at those speeches yesterday, biden and king charles and emmanuel macron, we tell this really simple story of like the allies were a great partnership. we've always had this special relationship. >> and when you get into the the history, that's not really true. >> the first couple of years of this war britain is standing alone churchill feels that he is holding the line alone trying to pull roosevelt against the isolation as politics of the u.s. and the 1930s and it's really the first couple of years of this war in 1941, 1940 to 1943, are the us and great britain,
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learning how to be allies learning how to cooperate. and i talked about in the chapter of the book where that we've talked about the build-up. i call it the american invasion because long before you have the allied invasion didn't of europe, you have the american invasion of great britain as we move 1.4 million personnel over there in 43 and 44. and what that culture clash meant for the military's, for the government and society. >> yeah, it's that is a beautiful story in itself, which is in your book when the sea came alive it is a gorgeous book and it's just so important as these voices are no longer with us. so garret, thank you so much for talking with us about it really, really, really appreciate it. thank you so much and ahead, call it a mixed bag. >> the may jobs reports smashing expectations, but will that make it harder for the federal reserve to cut interest rates? we're going to dig into the numbers plus members of congress commemorating d-day with their own parachute jump
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over normandy. we have congressman michael waltz who did that jump. he's going to join us. >> and can we buy a tissue? >> pets ajax, last spin on wheel of fortune airing just hours from now hey, mom, how many should i decorate each? >> have ran half blue. that's a really tough call. >> who are you if you look at the latest data, you're probably going to need a lot of those purple sprinkles how this guy really knows his stuff our biggest challenge, uncertainty hidden fees, surcharges. >> who knows what to expect turned shipping to your advantage, keep it simple with clear upfront pricing, with usps ground advantage at morgan stanley old old-school hard work meets ball, new thinking to help you see untapped possibilities and relentlessly work with you to make them real
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jobs were added in may, blowing in past expectations cnn's matt egan joins us now, mat were kind of in a pattern here where we talk about how great the jobs reports are. but then it kind of highlights the fight that the fed is continuously had with inflation, right? >> that's right, boris, i mean, the jobs market is relentless just when it looked like things were slowing down, we find out today that hiring unexpectedly accelerated in may 272,000 jobs added. that is a strong number in any environment, it crushed expectations and it's looking more and more but like that's slowdown in april was really just a blip. clearly, there is still a lot of demand out there for workers wages rose sharply, notably increasing more than prices did. >> and really there was across the board strength when you look at the sectors, there were 68,000 jobs added in health care alone and other 43,000
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jobs in government. >> 42,000 and leisure and hospitality. now, all of this is good news for workers wanting to keep an eye on, is the household survey part of the jobs report was weaker. that's why the unemployment rate ticked up going from 3.9% to 4% so now that's the highest level since january of 2022, but it's not high. >> this is still a historically low number. a lot lower than people had anticipated given how much the fed is trying to slow the economy down, i think bank of america economist summed it up best. >> they said, quote, the economy may be cooling, but it is not cool. >> boras. >> matt egan, thanks so much for that. let's bring in cn an economics and political commentator, catherine r& l, for the big picture on this catherine, your takeaways from this report? >> this is a job market that just won't quit. as you were just discussing with matt, month after month, we seem to get surprised by how strong the
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numbers are and that was certainly the case in the payroll jobs numbers that you all just talked about. but there was a lot of good stuff elsewhere in the report, two, for example, you had the labor force participation rate for prime age workers, which is workers in their prime working years age 25 to 54 at its highest level since 2002, you had the prime age labor force participation rate for women at its highest level ever. so, women are doing quite well. the share of women who have jobs in that prime working age group, again, at the highest level on record. so there's a lot of good stuff in here. as you discussed it's a double-edged sword in that if the job market is hotter than the fed wants, that might mean that those interest rate cuts that a lot of consumers are looking for get pushed back a little bit
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yeah, because investors initially were speculating about a potential cut in june, then that moved to september, and now the chatter is december. du you see it happening potentially before the end of the year? >> i think we'll have to wait and see what the numbers look like in the months ahead. but it is interesting that pretty much every time we had a jobs report and for that matter, a lot of the inflation prints as well those expectations get pushed back and pushed back and pushed back in contrast, of course, with what we've seen in some bove are peer countries, the european central bank recently cut its interest rates because it's more worried about softening than we are. but here in the united states, even the fed itself has pushed back some of those forecasts. so if you have a mortgage or a car payment or for that matter, you have a balance that you're carrying month to month for your credit card? >> yeah. it would be great for you if interest rate cuts came sooner. but as long as the
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economy continues to be a strong, as it is, and potentially at risk of overheating again, which is really what the fed is worried about. what about inflation reaccelerating you may have to hold off a little longer. >> catherine or impel always appreciate the analysis. thanks for joining us thank you still had a tribute to the soldiers of d-day, ten members of congress recreating a daring parachute jump over the beaches of france. we're going to speak with congressmen mike waltz, who made the jump when we come back the increase in wildfires is exponential, unpredictable, uncontrollable, with overwhelming the need to do something is urgent to fly with. >> what we have dry burdex and the at night on cnn if you were moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks you still laura from the start and move toward
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11:31 am the cnn presidential debates june 27th to nine live on cnn and streaming on max two former top aides in the trump white house have just been arraigned in arizona. >> we're talking about former chief of staff, mark meadows and former campaign aide, mike roman. there are among 18 trump allies accused of plotting plotting to overturn the state's 2020 election results. >> we have cnn zachary cohen, who is joining us now with more details on this what did they say in court today? you guys are about 15 or so people who are at the maricopa county courthouse today to have their first appearances and put in there, please. >> one of them just happened to be the former white house chief of staff who is criminally charged with trying to overturn a presidential election. and so mark meadows and mike roman, a former trump campaign aide, they both entered not guilty pleas today. they are basically nine felonies each. one of conspiracy and multiple counts wedded to fraudulent schemes and forgery. and look, they
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both appeared on camera. they're virtual. there were people in the courtroom who were wearing the orange jumpsuit because they had to be there in person, meadows and roman both got the luxury of being able to come virtually, but we did get to see them interested, please live tickled baaj at what happened when they did yes, your honor. we do an enter a plea of not guilty. >> all right. then and then we'll obviously waive the reading of the indictment. >> enter police have not guilty so it is worth noting that that is the former white house chief of staff pleading not guilty to felony crimes in the state of arizona. >> and look we've seen them do this before. we saw mark meadows take a mug shot in the state of georgia when he was indicted there and he had to turn himself. then we were most similar see him take a mug shot in arizona as well. that's the next step in his processing. he'll be fingerprinted just like any other criminal defendant. but look, there's about 18 other are 18 total people that are charged in this indictment in this the alleged scheme to overturn the 2020 election results. we know that there's similar investigations in other states, but really it's one in arizona is a more recent version raised the
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question about how long this will take the prosecuted will mark meadows ever see trial? will mike roman ever see trial that remains yeah. open questions that we won't have answers to for a minute as that cohen, thanks much a bipartisan group of american lawmakers commemorating d-day by recreating the daring parachute jump that us troops made into normandy 80 years ago the jump was organized by florida republican congressman michael waltz, a former green beret and jason crow, a democratic congressman from colorado, who was a former army ranger. >> the nine other lawmaker, eight other lawmakers, i should say, who took part are also veterans congressman waltz is with us now joining us from a field there in france you're still in the world war two
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uniform that you were wearing when you made the jump tell us how it went? >> well, i'm happy to report all the members of congress will return to tc safely. no. no injuries. and i think speaker johnson will be especially relieved the majority is still secure. but look, in all seriousness what away to honor our forefathers are veterans who came together in such a historic way too. literally liberate europe and save the world from the tyranny of nazi germany. as a green beret and a special operator to jump out of a world war ii at 81-year-old aircraft over normandy, france in the uniform of our forefathers in my case, the office of strategic services, the for the forebears of the cia was let's just an honor. it's it's hard to
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describe i mean, this is the kind of thing that has inspired so many people to join the armed forces. >> and i think recreating it must have been just an amazing. i am going to ask you about the preservation of the majority here in a second. but first i want to ask you about the very meaningful stuff of this day this may be the last year. were you have these living d-day participants? i know you did this for the 75th. now, this will the 80th, but this may really be the last anniversary where these living d-day or are there that must have made it so much more meaningful? >> no, it is the average age was 101 of the world war ii veterans that made the trip. the youngest, 90 96, the oldest, 107 and these heroes were so humble but to be able to spend a little bit of time with them to thank them, to keep their story alive. i mean, that's the i think the charge
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of my generation of veterans and then to pass it on to the next generation. but briana, it for those who haven't had the really the chance to come to normandy. and i would encourage everyone to do so what you can appreciate is the gratitude of the french people here. there are banners and every village. thank you, america thank you for our freedom. welcome to our liberators there's little kids running around with t-shirts with american flags and pictures of i can patent and general bradley, they're french kids not the american kids of re-enact years. and that's just something that's that's hard to describe. but every one of the people that are out at these the parades, almost every one of the ones walking up and shaking the hands of these world war ii veterans are french. you're seeing and hearing more mercy then you are. thank you and that is palpable.
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>> it it's it's just truly it's truly heartwarming. i wish i could bring every high school graduating class from the united states here to see this yeah. >> i mean, emmanuel macron got emotional to your point. i think it was in the same vein of that. i do want to note early on in the ukraine war, you went to kyiv, you were part of a bipartisan group of lawmakers who met with president zelenskyy there are many people who are making a parallel between that war and d-day enrolled work for two is president biden did today in this speech that he gave how do you see that parallel? >> well, i think there obviously there are many we had to stop tyranny that was on the march with putin. but i also think frankly that president biden perhaps missed an opportunity to kind of a call to action to our european allies hi is while the frontline european allies, for example, in poland, in the baltics have certainly stepped
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up in a huge way. the fact that only 11 out of the 31 nato allies are meeting the bare minimum of 2% of their gdp. i think it's incredibly alarming. i'm talking the big economies have france and germany and italy. and we can be friends and allies, but have tough conversations from the us perspective, we literally just can't afford it to subsidize european defence any longer with the growing threat of china with a recruiting crisis, with a readiness crisis in our own military. so i would have loved to have seen more of that in addition to celebrating, obviously, our forefathers and their achievements and liberating europe i actually lost some of my audio there, unfortunately, congressman, so i can only hear about half of what you said full disclosure, but i hear you now. >> so final question to you, which i want to ask you. you mentioned that already is preserved. olivia beavers at politico reported that there
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was some concern, which i think is what you were referring to. there i mean, was that serious concern or it was that kind of joking and what do you say to people who maybe aren't? it's used to jumping out of planes as you guys well, i think i think it was in jest, but maybe with a little with a little kernel of concern, i i told the speaker that the airplanes are vented from world war ii. >> the uniforms are vintage, but the parachutes were new so don't worry. and it was it was bipartisan, so we were we were sharing the risk, but really sharing the honor. and just walking in their boots was something that we will always remember and it's important for us to come together yeah, in world war war ii and then combat, nobody cares about black, white, brown republican, democrat. yeah, we're just all americans in this day. that's what we were. we were americans celebrating our freedom and
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that we're willing to sacrifice ourselves for other people's freedoms and for the notion of liberty well, it is great to see you all there together on such a huge commemoration, sir. >> thanks for being with us. we appreciate it. >> absolutely. airborne indeed, are still ahead. >> big money flowing at the nation's highest court justices have filed their financial disclosure forms. what we're learning about six figure book deals and tickets to be on, say sometimes the best thing you can do with intelligence is shared with your if his secret is betrayed itself, bullet to the back of the hand secrets and spies, a nuclear game sunday at ten on cnn you will mate to find inner
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peace. >> we were made to track flight prices to paradise my name's eric. i am 39-years-old. i've started thinking about getting botox cosmetic for the last couple of years. i just see myself on video calls all day and i really started noticing the leinz i'm still eric and i got botox cosmetic. i'm seeing a lot less prominent leinz than i did before. the results have been settled, but noticeable but talks cosmetic is fda approved to temporarily make frown lines, crows, feet, and forehead lines look better. the effects of botox cosmetic mason read hours two weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away is difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems or
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$30 billion in trust money has been set aside. >> you may be entitled to a portion of that money all when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 we're learning new details about some of the major payments and gifts received by members of the nation's highest court and includes everything from pricey artwork six-figure book deal. we have cnn's senior supreme court analyst, joan biskupic joining us in the studio with more details on this. >> alright, what else are you learning from these annual financial disclosure? the best de of the year we at least find out some stuff where they have to they have to record their financial disclosure from the previous year. >> and first of all, justice clarence thomas has kinda caught up with something from 2019. you'll probably remember that propublica did a very strong investigative report on many trips that he had taken, including ones that had been secret. and two from 2019 to bali and to a very fancy men's only club in california. the bohemian grove. and on the dime of harlan crow, a wealthy
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businessman who has contributed a lot to conservative causes. so those clarence thomas caught up with on this report saying he had inadvertently taking them off the last one are not put them on the last one that you should have put it on in 2020. but then also the theme through most of these disclosures is the writing books as much as they're running opinions. justice ketanji brown jackson has a memoir coming out that we already knew was coming out but in september it's called lovely one story of her life, but her initial signing money from her publisher was close to $900,000 and that won't be all she'll get more through. is through publication of this so she got $900,000 in for the first time we see any report of justice brett kavanaugh now writing a book and he got 340,000 in his for his initial installment. what we have no idea when that will be published. and then justice sotomayor, whose done many books before, she had some royalties there and neil
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gorsuch who has a book coming out in august on it kind of is anti regulatory themes that are very strong for him. he collected a another 250,000 i wonder if kavanaugh is going to look at catan. i shouldn't held out for more. >> yeah things caught my attention first, joan describing this as the best de of the year. >> no, it's not no. you know what the best de of the years just wanted to make sure you guys know best day of the year comes at the end of june when they finally finished your break i know it's like christmas. yeah. right. quickly, the second thing was there was a gift involving bianna, right? right. >> okay. are newest justice ketanji brown, jackson, who happens to be the first african-american justice last year we found out that, oh for a given her a huge floral arrangement, congratulated her. and this time we've found out that bianna has get gave her for concert tickets totaling close to $4,000 now, we don't know when she went. we don't
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know who she gave the other three tickets to. we don't know what was plagued. we don't know anything yet to put billboard. i think his on it yeah investigative reporting. i do right. so in this thanks so much sure, thank. >> and still ahead. who will solve his final puzzle? patsy jack, about to take one final spin as host of wheel of fortune june 19th cnn bridge juneteenth with special performance is by john legend, hadi mobile, smokey robinson. >> everyone she celebrated juneteenth, celebrating freedom and legacy. wednesday, june 19 at ten on cnn actually have works first he makes it last held the power so you can rise from paying i see at morgan stanley old school hard work
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558999 or visit home i'm, elizabeth wagmeister in los angeles in this is cnn please do not adjust your sajak home. >> jugular is not shrunk. a lot of people are playing with a
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vertical hold right now, as jack mentioned, my name is pat sajak and i've been fortunate enough to wander onto the set of a very successful program has been for a long time that was the first time the world was introduced to pat, say jack is the host of wheel of fortune back back in 1981. >> he's since spent the last 40 years with maybe the greatest job ever. yeah, it's a pretty sweet gig tonight though. it all comes to an end. pat sajak spelling his final vowel. it's going to be his very last episode out of some 8,000 that he's hosted over the decades let's bring it in. cnn's lisa respers, france, lisa, what are we expecting for this final show? i imagine there's gonna be some kind of tribute yeah, we imagine that there will be, but we've already had one vanna white gave a very emotional tribute to her favorite colleague. >> let's take a listen what an incredible and unforgettable journey we've had and i've
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enjoyed every minute of it with you this chapter of our lives is coming to an end i know you'll still be close by here like a brother to me and i consider you a true lifelong friend, who i will always adore. i love you pat what sounds like she bought an e for emotional because it was just it was so lovely and she speaks for a lot of people. >> i mean, keep in mind this, this show has been on, we've watched pat sajak through seven president's wars. it's just been incredible. so we're expecting that for his final show. we already know because they released a video that he pays tribute to the audience. he thanks everyone for allowing them to come into his home. he took into our homes. he talks about how it's been a safe space. he wanted it to be a safe space where there was no politics and he mentioned how children learn how to spell so
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via the shelves, some people learned how to speak english and it truly has been an incredible ride for so many of us and so many people grew up with a shell. i mean, you just don't have tv like this anymore. >> yeah. no, this gives me like nostalgia for my childhood. it was just always on okay. it's hard to imagine lee. so the show without pat sajak but the show is an ending. so what's next what's next is the hardest working man in show business is taken over ryan seacrest is going to be the host. >> vanna will still be with us, so she'll still be turned in the letters and people are excited to see if he's going to make it his own and if he does how it's going to be because people are so used to pad sajak. but ryan seek kresse is ryan seacrest who doesn't love them. >> is there a job at ryan seacrest? doesn't have to lisa respers france. >> thank you so much for that. in honor of pat sajak. few extra minutes here at the end of the shower producers have made up a puzzle for us. i should say at the end of the hour don't go anywhere. we've got another hour straight straight ahead. the category for this glue is traveling we've been given the letters
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are t, and e there's not an s up. >> their producer said rst, but there's not an s up there yeah so briana, what's your guess? where does the esco where michelle? >> oh, there is no s there isn't one travel i feel like this is embarrassing because i'm stumped get some more letters that's paid patch your patients wherever wherever p1 tina's right now, he's grinding his teeth. he hates that cliche. >> the next puzzle in the category is a phrase that's the next category, right? >> now. next category is phrased. we have one more. >> all right, can we go on? come on? >> oh, or producers, they're
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treated like pinching bags. sometimes we thank them. anyway, we thank you for watching we'll be back after a quick breaks. they would the increase in wildfires is exponential unpredictable uncontrollable with overwhelming consequences, they need to do something is urgent flightless bird, would we have dry burdens and good night on cnn centrum, it scientifically formulated to help you take charge of your health central gives everybody i hope you foundation supporting your to your did it plus tries centrum silver. now clinically proven to support memory in older adults at morgan stanley old school hardware meets bold new thinking at 88-years-old, we still see the world with a wonder of new eyes helping you discover untapped possibilities
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