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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  June 7, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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deliver dance? >> okay. dave, let's be more than our allergies seize the de with zyrtec did you know taking xyz all at night, relieves allergies while you sleep so you wake refreshed for more productive day get 24 hour continuous relief that does noo
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reserve is one of the most dependable gold distributors in america. >> i'm sara marie and washington. and this is cnn closed captioning bronchi by meso our firm only represents mesothelioma victims and their families. >> if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with ms ophelie oma kalisa. now defending democracy in n14 for homendy, president biden draws parallels between world war ii and ukraine in a speech and france and personally promises
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ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy the us is not going to walk away from the country. plus a hunter biden's gun trial, adjourning for the day after his daughter, naomi testified about his struggle with addiction. what is defense attorneys who are saying about the possibility of the president's son taking the stand and netflix hitting back after a woman sues the company for $170 million, claiming that it's hit series baby reindeer ruined her life we're following these major developing stories and many more coming in right here for cnn news central it's the top of the hour and we begin with the historic and high-stakes speech from president biden as he makes the case for freedom and the future of democracy. >> today, biden stood atop the clips of pointe du hoc in normandy, france we're 225
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rangers scaled cliffs to capture key nazi held positions and help turn the tide of world war ii in his remarks, biden drew parallels comparing tyrannical threats to democracy to threats looming today. and he spoke about how those rangers in 1944 never quit and about how they put their mission shin and country over self we're talking about democracy american democracy. >> we often talk about the ideals of life, liberty, pursuit of happiness but we don't talk about is how hard it is. american democracy asked the hardest things to believe that we're part of something bigger than ourselves so democracy begins with each of us today's speech capped off two days of d-day commemorations in normandy where biden met with other world leaders, including ukrainian president zelenskyy cnn's melissa bell is joining us now, live from paris. >> most of what more can you tell us about biden's message and also the stakes of the
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moment let's take some moment of very much what's happening in ukraine for start and that potential turning point given the advances of russian troops, briana. >> and what we've seen, more prejudice with support from france tonight, president zelenskyy is having dinner with president of my cool. >> of course, more prejudice from the united states, but mostly that message that we heard from president biden, the thread through the last few days that when you look back what happened in normandy, the very brave men who took part in turn the tide of history here on the european continent would have wanted one thing for ukraine. have a listen does anyone doubt that they would want america to stand up against putin's aggression here on europe today they stormed the beaches long sayyed, there our allies. does anyone believe these ranges want america to go it alone today a fraught to vanquish hateful ideology the 30s and 40s does anyone doubt
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they would move heaven and earth to vanquish hateful ideologies of today these rangers put mission and country above themselves does anyone believe they would exact any less from every american today there was also a briana during the bilateral between president biden presence lenski here in paris earlier today before he headed back to normandy, an apology for the many months of delay in getting the latest round of aid. >> tukey, something he blamed on some of those more conservative elements of congress. briana melissa bell live four is from paris. >> thank you for that report morris, for more on president biden's historic speech we're joined by susan glasser, staff writer for the new yorker. >> susan, thanks so much for sharing part of your afternoon with us in your column, you warned that president biden's participation in the d-day commemorations could have the easily backfired on him why in your view, was at a risk luck?
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>> i mean, first of all, let's be real joe biden is almost certainly the last american president who will have been alive on june 6, 1944. he was just a young child at that time, born in the midst of the war. and this is a commemoration that's made, i think extra poignant by the fact that there was something like 180 veterans of the normandy operation who were still able to come five years for now, there will be very few if any, who are able to make it this is one of those historic things that is about to pass from living memory. there's always the risk of being having biden up there at a time when his age is under scrutiny in the american presidential campaign. it does, it just reinforce that he's in a way a relic of a different era that he is very much and his foreign i'll see views are very founded by that post-war international era that in some
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ways has, has come to an end. but i think he's made some very strong speeches. they're connecting that history to how he sees the present challenges of today. >> so to that point, as he was arriving in france, the white house had to respond to that wall street journal piece that was entitled quote behind closed doors, biden shows signs of slipping. it evoke questions about his age how well do you think he did to counter that perception on this trip yeah. >> i mean, look, i thought these were very strong speeches by biden there is no question. you don't need some secret republican sources which is largely what that wall street journal piece fit to tell you that biden has visibly age to a certain extent over the last four years at a very different question. then the question of whether he is mentally up to the job. i've done a lot of reporting on this, of course, are constantly checking this,
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talking to our sources, people who are in the room with him. there's no evidence to suggest that he has mentally in any way diminished. i think that his public performances have underscored that, but he is running to be reelected to another four-year term, the end of which you would be at 6-years-old. so it's also very much a legitimate issue, but again, it's the substance i think where biden was very strong territory in these speeches, drawing this contrast with donald trump as someone who is not only an isolation is to a certain extent, and his views, but actually has an admirer of vladimir putin yeah, to that point, susan, the white house in our reporting was was very well aware of parallels to ronald reagan's 1984 address at the same site where president biden spoke today. >> reagan's of course, was the 40th d-day anniversary and it came during a moment where his approach to the cold war was in
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doubt, not just in the united states, but internationally it's obviously early, but do you think that comparison that again, the white house is clearly aware of fits the current moment yeah i mean, look every generation, every president uses a historic anniversary like the one we have this weekend, d-day of d-day to make points about the present day. >> and for reagan, that was a question of his approach to what he portrayed as a very good versus evil struggle with the soviet union, echoing world war ii by cs echoes of world war ii in our present conflicts with one of our allies in world war to russia. and i think that he pretty skillfully draw upon that. i'll tell you, white house speech writers, democratic republican, they really look up to that reagan speech the pond to hoc speech.
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and it's kind of legendary in a way. and i think that for the biden white house, this was a little bit of an homage to that fact that it's a very powerful backdrop and setting for an american president susan, glasser appreciate the perspective. thanks thank you. ran during his meeting with ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy and france president biden apologized for a delay in military aid to ukraine and unveiled a new $225 million aid package to help ukraine rebuild its power grid. nearly half of ukraine's available energy has been damaged or destroyed by russian strikes. those attacks are also taking a deadly toll on the country's resonance ukraine just recorded its highest monthly number of civilian casualties and nearly a year, most of those victims were in the populated kharkiv region where russia recently opened up a new front the un says that ukraine suffered a
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31% increase in civilian casualties and may compared to april, we have cnn's fred pleitgen joining us now on this for president biden is vowing to stand by ukraine as the country is facing a critical point in this war yeah, he's certainly isn't. >> i think that's something that's extremely important, of course, for the ukrainians to here. and i think also quite frankly the frank that the president went and apologize to the ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy in that meeting that took place was also very important for the ukrainians as well, because of course, one of the things that they had been saying is those delays in military aid that went on for months. we're costing a lot of ukrainian lives. and of course making it more difficult for the ukrainians on the front lines as well. and then you have the president coming out with also with a new military assistance package before the ukrainians that includes a lot of ammunition. what happened in the time that the us was not providing military aid, is that the ukrainians were running very low on artillery ammo for instance. so there's been a backlog, so some of that is being alleviated by some of these weapons packages that are coming through now. but one of the most important thing and
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this is something that's zelenskyy also talked about his meeting with the president for the ukrainians is air defense missiles. that's important for the ukrainians to try and keep their city safe. you were just mentioning the city of kharkiv, which of course has been pummeled over the past month and a half since the russians launched a big offensive in that area, coming from russian territory, which then again spark the us to allow oh, the ukrainians to use american supplied weapons to hit the russians on the russian side of the border so air defense, very important for them. one of the big things that we have to keep an eye on briana is that the russians have become a lot better at using their air force near the front leinz, a bombing ukrainian positions. and that's also one of the reasons why the ukrainian president keeps saying they need more air defense capabilities. that's also part of that military assistance. the package as well. briana. >> all right. fred pleitgen. thank you so much. still to come. hunter biden's attorneys have not yet decided if he'll testify in his federal gun trial. why? fence appears to be
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changing their strategy. plus a cnn exclusive, a cia assessment on benjamin netanyahu's mindset concerning post-war gaza and how it may be out of step with the biden administration. and then later japan's fertility rate plunges to a record low in a local government is hoping an ai powered dating app can turn that around. these stories and much more ahead the crown will pursue that tree. >> which eddie cost i don't think they would be so eager to die house of the dragon, streaming exclusively on on macs work play link relief, work play blake really, the only three and one extended release formula for dry eyes getting your dream kitchen is easier than you think jab at its to go can design a
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notable, given that james biden was already in the courthouse ready to testify, hunters defense team says they have not decided if hunter himself will testify, and the judge has given them until monday to make the decision. cnn's paula reid has been inside of court following all the action every day of the trial. paula, do we know why the defense change strategies here it's not clear exactly what prompted this shift in strategy. >> they'll no longer call james biden or some other witnesses that they intended to call, but now they have a long weekend to strategize and figure out if there we're going to put the defendant, hunter biden on the stand. but this decision came after an appearance by his daughter, naomi biden. she took the stand to testify for the defense and during your testimony, she talked about two instances where she saw her father in 2018, now, the first was late summer 2018. she said he reached out to her while he was in rehab, saying that he would arrange a trip for heard of visits, and she took them up on it and brought her then
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boyfriend. now husband. and she said that when she met him in late summer 2018, he was as clean and as clear as she had seen him since his brother, beau biden had died, and she testified that she was proud of him and she was proud to introduce do's him to her boyfriend. she also testified that she saw him again in october specifically on october 19th, and that's key because of course the allegations here focus on the time period between october 12 october 23rd. that is the time between when he purchased the gun at the center of this case? two, when it was a discarded when she said on the 19th, she saw him, she was returning a car that she had borrowed to help move. and she said that she was hopeful that he was as clear as clean as he was when she had seen him in california. but on cross-examination prosecutors did present some text messages that she exchanged with her father when he was visiting new york that show they did have some difficulty meeting up. he would go dark for periods of time, was texting her at 2:00 a.m. but you're repeatedly testified she never saw any evidence drugs, drug
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paraphernalia, or any evidence that he was using during this critical time. so there was a lunch break after she stepped down from the stand and then they made this shift. but elsewhere let me give naomi biden some credit here. i mean, everyone who is the child of an addict or knows the child of an attic can empathize with how difficult this would have been for her. i mean, this is an incredible with difficult thing and she walked into the courtroom with her husband and immediately the first lady turned around and motion to her husband to come sit right next to her in the front row because the first two rows of the courtroom are filled with biden family members, and friends most have been so tough and polo we have some earlier reporting about a commotion and the defense room. >> what word do you know about this? >> yeah. look, it's a very chaotic scene up there on the fourth floor. there were some suggested that there were allowed loud voices coming from the defense room during the lunch sprague, but i'm told there was actually just laughter. they were congratulating a young associate who did cross-examination, which is a big deal and a historic trial like this. there's a lot of people in that little room. so
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even though it sounded loud, i'm told there was nothing nothing significant going on there, just some congratulatory words to someone doing a cross-examination. and what will likely be the biggest case of their career? here yeah paula reid life was from wilmington. thank you. boris. >> let's discuss more with former federal prosecutor, renato mariotti. renato, thanks so much for being with us this afternoon so there's this commotion that is being described as celebration in the defense room shortly after a difficult cross-examination that as we've reported kind of undercut some of the defenses argument and then soon after that commotion, again, reportedly a celebration the defense says never mind. we're not going to ask the witnesses that we had planned to ask to testify to testify. we don't really know what we're gonna do next what does that sound like to you well i. >> think that defense was they always do you do this in every
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trial i've been not only was i a federal prosecutor been i've been a criminal defense attorney for many years. i never showed my car, so the prosecutors. i suggest them in a call many different witnesses and what their goal was here was to put on a witness who is going to essentially tell a story that would that would generate potential reasonable doubt without having to put their client on the stand and i think the commotion was they feel like they've done that with no naomi biden they they they presumably think that she was crowded double are sympathetic they feel like they have a juror or two who is on their sayyed or at least that's what their belief is that they got this story out there, which was that even though he had been an addict, many other times during this very brief period when he came out of rehab he was clean and therefore, he had a reason for not to check or to check before to indicate that he was not
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addicted to a controlled substance at that time? >> so there was a tense exchange during cross-examinati on where she was asked questions about text messages that she exchanged with her dad, where he was kind of a radek in his responses. and the way the reporting was described was that her reaction it seemed to have caught off guard and she wound up being we're not are either i am here. >> i am. i'm back. >> okay. great. yeah so she she had to answer some difficult questions during cross about these text messages that reportedly caught her off guard but you think that despite that, the defense should feel strongly that her testimony made the jury more sympathetic to hunter well, i think it's
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hard not to. i mean, you heard from your own reporter who had some sympathy for the fact that she was the daughter of an attic. now, obviously, there's sympathy for that witness does not necessarily translate it to vote for acquittal for the defendant here. okay obviously, the prosecution is going to make the point that of course, she's saying what she needs to say to help her father. >> she's a daughter, she's a good daughter. they're not going to attacker. they're just going to say, of course she's saying what she need to stay here to help her father, but we know the truth and they're going to point to those text messages you mentioned boris and they're going to make that argument the defense is going to say, don't you have some doubt here, you've heard this testimony that he was very clear and lucid and clean during this period of time. that's enough to have reasonable doubt to know that in his mind he was filling out the form, are checking the box that he was not knowing or no willingly or willfully making a false statement. that's essentially the fault line of
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this entire trial is a very straightforward matter. and i think the defense is just pleased that they accomplish this without having to put hunter biden on the stand because he of course, it'd be subject to very withering cross-examination. so i think they're going to take the wit the weekend to pretend it consider to do that, make the prosecution have to potentially work on their cross-examination and then they're going to say on monday that they're not going to call him all right. >> we'll look forward to seeing what happens next around mariotti. >> thanks so much for being with us thank you when we come back, why a new cia assessment finds that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu is likely to defy us pressure the study post-war plan for gaza will be back in just moment the increase in wildfires is exponential, unpredictable, uncontrollable overwhelming consequences the need to do something is urgent slightly with we have schreiber and good night.
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official start your will. >> i trust and we'll dot com and make it count. >> and raphael roma to georgia state capitol in atlanta. this is cnn secretary of state, tony blink in, is headed back to the middle east, hoping to get hamas to agree to israel's latest ceasefire proposal. but as the biden administration calls for an end to the war, a new cia assessment reviewed by cnn finds israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is likely to defy us pressure for a post-war a plan in gaza. the june 3 report gives clues into the israeli leader's mindset concluding the netanyahu believes he can maintain support from both his top security officials and far-right members of the government by discussing the future of gaza and vague terms joining me now is former hostage negotiator and middle
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ear he's director for the international community's organization, girish on baskin go shawn, great to have you on this. what's the consequence of a lack of or a vague day after plan? >> the consequences if there's no agreement between hamas and israel on the hostages or on a ceasefire because hamas will not agree to any deal that doesn't include the end of the war and binyamin nothing you, israel's prime minister won't agree to anything that includes the end of the war and it's primarily because if israel work to end the war today, hamas would remain in control of gaza and the failure of israel to deal with any day after scenario in which the keys of gaza or turn to an alternative palestinian leadership leaves us in a situation where nothing you has a case to make to the israeli public that we need to continue the war against the wheel of a large part of the israeli public and so you have the us secretary of state, tony blinken heading to egypt, is
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israel, jordan, qatar, next week, trying to ratchet up pressure on this ceasefire proposal. >> what exactly do you expect those conversations to look like or to accomplish? >> well if it's true that secretary blinken is coming to the area to put pressure on hamas. he's likely to fail because hamas has said since the very beginning of the war, that they will not agree to anything that does not end the war. i've negotiated with hamas for 17 years. i've learned very clearly that they say what they mean and mean what they say. they're very tough negotiators israel on the other hand, the pressure is gearing up and we might see a resignation from members of the government tomorrow night over the fact that there is no deal to bring the hostages home or a ceasefire or the end of the war nothing is staying in the warfare its own political reasons. the majority of israelis believed that he's acting on his own political interests and not in the
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interest of the country. it might be that the united states actually needs to put more pressure on israel ticket this war over what would that look like? what would that pressure look like well, i think the united states has severe leverage over the united states. >> the united states has been providing the weapons for which this war has been fought. the bombs that israel drops on gaza are provided by the united states and we know that israel is very dependent the united states for all kinds of reasons, not just military support financial support, and political support provided by the united states in the united nations security council, the united states could easily abstain in the next vote in the security council that calls for a ceasefire. instead of videoing it. and i would put pressure on you israel, the israeli american relationship is so deep and israel, so dependent on the united states that we really can't risk messing up that relationship i want to ask you about some reporting gershwin by cnn
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analyst barak ravid of axios, that the war cabinet member benny gantz will most likely we announcing his withdrawal from netanyahu's emergency government tomorrow, you mentioned that earlier, this was coming after an ultimatum last month that he would resign if netanyahu didn't devise a hostage and day after planned for gaza by june 8. >> i do you see that actually changing? anything it won't choose the existence of the government. >> nothing. you still has a majority with his right-wing coalition. but i think that we'll happen. what will happen after gone sleeves if he leaves the government is much larger numbers of his israelis would be taking to the streets. we've been demonstrating 40 weeks before this war, about nothing else proposed judicial upheaval. and then after the war began, there was a period of lowell when people were rallying around the flag. but already for months now, today is eight months since the haroche hamas attack against
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israel, eight months of this where it's going on. and israelis want the hostages home first and foremost, i think we will see many, many more israelis taking to the streets and those demonstrations are not just calling for the hostages, they're calling for new elections yeah, very good point. >> girish on baskin, always great to talk with you. >> thank you so much thank you. >> briana and still ahead, a massive lawsuit over the netflix hit baby reindeer, a woman claims the stalker depicted on the show is all about her we'll have more on her allegations the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president, one stage moderated by jake tapper and and a bash, the cnn presidential debates thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max selling your home, real choice selling. >> lets you choose from multiple agent proposals. because when agents competing u win, don't all have student
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racing had inside a prices new every day, hurry. there'll be gone in a flash designer sales at up to 70% or so of today right now, the united states is experiencing a rise in temperatures in the west as a dangerous heat dome and multiple wildfires play out. as we've seen in recent years, these fires can wreak havoc on communities causing extreme destruction and the loss of lives. >> cnn's bill, we're explores the damage that these wildfires can cause on a community as well as the individuals that live within them since climate change has helped create the most flammable earth and human history, every new wildfire season brings new reminders that resilience is everything it determines which communities burned to ash and which ones survive and rise. >> like paradise, california so this whole thing was, yeah, your home was burned to the ground, house burned to the ground. >> i never made it home that
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day. >> it's been just over five years and say mile-wide blowtorch, known as the campfire, came roaring over the mountains and into this town of 26,000 it took 85 lives, 90% of the structures and two two-thirds of the population never returned but the people who rebuilt, like heidi lang really want to be here. >> i kind of took an inventory of, everything that was still here my community and my my neighbors and my friends, and my church, and my job was all still here, so my little village, a little villages here in paradise the native tree species of california had millions of years to adapt to wildfire survive and thrive now the people of california have to do the same and much less time. and here's a perfect example. if you didn't know, you'd never know that this was
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once a neighborhood of hundreds of families, middle-class workers retire high-res, mostly living in prefabricated, highly flammable homes. the kind that right now would cost more to ensure than the home is worth. and this insurance crisis is creating sort of a perverse natural selection of survival of the richest so how old is this house? >> i was born and 39 was born and 40 coral johnsons, how survived the camp fire. but when he went to renew his $1,100 a year insurance policy, i got one quote from farmers insurance that said 14,702 a year a year as major insurers decide that places like this are just too risky to cover. carl is among those forced to go uninsured. >> a lot of people that were here the day of the fire never came back but the people that chose to stay, i think that's amazing. >> well, gary lead better managed to find decent insurance after rebuilding.
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what may be one of the most fireproof new homes in all of the west. >> but i had my own torch on my own bic lighter and i tested materials. these guys wanted to use that right yeah, i'm trying to burn. yeah. >> and and as it's flaming on my hands, i throw it down so we're not using that during the campfire. all the fire hydrants lost pressure. so gary connected his swimming pool to a sprinkler system that includes the roof and every event and window is engineered to survive an ember storm. >> and as fiberglass instead of vinyl. so it's not going to catch fire, is not going to melt and with these windows, the screen is on the inside i did a metal roof, stucco vulcan vince, which are engineered to close up when they're exposed to a certain degree of heat. so they don't let the embers drawing and i have more gravel than any normal girl would
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wildfire is as vital to a forest as rainfall but human fear of it has shaped and reshaped entire ecosystems, often for the worse. >> but by shifting the way they think about nature, shelter, and community paradise is not to prove to the rest of the overheating world how to live with fire because there's no other choice and bill weird joins us now. so bill, what's the latest on this insurance crisis well, gavin newsom recently slipped some new provisions into some language around legislation really calling for emergency law making around this insurance crisis, giving more clarity to insurers about rate hi ics also giving incentives to homeowners like the folks who met their who hardened against wildfire living in these wildland interfaces right now it's hugely problematic. >> and the same thing, it's also playing out in florida and
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louisiana only when flood insurance, hurricane insurance there as well. and so protecting these places that we all agree are paradise where we would love to retire too. it's a whole new challenge in an age when wildfires are increasing exponentially all right. >> bill. thank you so much are really very good report and tune into a new episode of violent earth with leaves schreiber that will er, sunday at night in pm, we'll be right back sometimes the best thing you can do with intelligence is shared with your adversary. if his secret is betrayed itself, bullet to the back of the hand, secrets and spies clear gain sunday at ten on cnn did you know that if you shave one-third, what you remove is skin new dove helps repair it so if you shave it debit new
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blockbuster views for netflix, but now a 170 million dollar lawsuit for defamation. >> the show is touted as the true story of one man's experience with an alleged stocker. she's given the name martha, and she bombards him with thousands of emails, hundreds of voicemails, and she's sexually assault him six months maybe. >> what it takes along to report it, things she needs help. >> she comes to my work my house. she sends me emails like all the time or any threatening georgia o in the side of this particular threat. and then there's a reason you're keeping her around and maybe it's now way scottish woman who says that she's been publicly outed as the real martha is suing netflix for mental anguish and loss of life and business fiona harvey is lawsuit claims that the series star and writer richard gadd told the biggest lie in television history. and she told britain's piers morgan this last month some of the
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death threats have been really terrible online. people phoning me up it's been absolutely horrendous. it's a work of fiction, it's the work of hyper ball, as i've said. and there are two true facts in that his name is richard gadd and he worked as a jobbing barman on benefits it's the holy arms. and we met three times richard gadd has not said who the real martha is, and he's not yet commented on the lawsuit. >> we want to discuss with attorney or riva martin or eva. do you think that harvey has a strong case was born. >> she makes some pretty significant allegations in her defamation lawsuit claiming that she is portrayed as someone that has been convicted of a felony that has served time for stocking, that has stopped but her name is that
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this docuseries and her first hurdle is stat wishing that she isn't sure are the person that is portrayed in this docuseries since of course, she's not known in the serious fiona harvey now she says that the image of the person that's used, that some of the language that she exchanged with richard gadd is the same. so she says there's enough similarities here for people to believe that is her and that she shortly after the series was aired through a series of google searches and online searches, people were able to identify her, but we haven't heard from richard gadd in terms of who this character is. >> you say there are three key questions in the case. what are the erivo well, the question is, what is this? fiona harvey some that is this docuseries. and if so, did netflix it's, research to determine if the
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rava, great for tally were having pretty serious or riva were having problems with your audio, unfortunately. so i think we're going to have to such a fascinating wish we could village that they're really significant questions about personal identity being used in fiction and that sort of thing. it's unfortunate that we have these technical issues. >> and also if you aren't identified, but let's say there's something you put out on social media, internet sleuths track down and identify the person is that enough? whose culpable so many questions could you quote, would someone has said on social media, even if you say hey, that it's true and say, you know, it's an actual quote does that ultimately mean liability? yeah. yeah it's a heavy, heavy, tough series to watch. you've watched it. i haven't i think i'm gonna have to see it now. >> we'll be right back. stay with us june 19th. cnn celebrated juneteenth with special performances by john
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captioning brought to you by meso if you or a loved. >> one have mesothelial will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to 14000 an off-duty nurse jumping into action when an umpire to kids baseball game suddenly grabs his chest and falls to the ground. and cnn's camila, but now has the story it was just another day for umpire rudy lopez du there's no strikes until it took a turn for the worse, i stepped into call another pitch and i was out, gone face first into the ground from what i understand because i don't remember anything after that. it was a heart attack. his seventh rudy says he suffers from congestive heart failure the 72-year-old has been an empire for over 50 years and thankfully for him on
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this day, key pack was on the bleachers she was there cheering for her son. >> i look up and i'm like they to get hit with the ball then like he's laying there and he's not moving them like what's going on here and then that's what i i ran around to the field to go check him out. >> kisha says are instincts as a nurse kicked in and begin chest compressions, i realized he was quite echo rey's we help get his belt and clothing, vest off and all that stuff off, but i knew that i had to save his life because i didn't want 40 plus kids their last experience on the baseball field is experiencing something. so traumatic as a nicu nurse for over 24 years, kisha says she had never performed lifesaving measures on an adult or outside of the hospital i didn't even have time to think about it. everything was just so fast. all i saw was me and rudy. i hear anything on anything was just me and him broody was eventually rushed to the hospital where he had stents placed in his heart to tell of
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courage come out of the state house. i'm very blessed that cheating give up kisho says it was meant to be when i think of ruud, i'm like, oh my god, thank god. god. puts you in the places where you're supposed to be. and i think this is what was supposed to be that day and rudy's says he's gained a guardian angel. >> he's grateful for her. >> am there your friendship, i think or every day. >> i'll textures centered a little messages just to say, you know, on here because you it's nice to see her all the time. >> every day. >> and i'm just really grateful, like i said, and i'll say it over and over again. >> thank you. doesn't say enough and i told her that it doesn't say enough. >> camila bernal, cnn, los angeles thank you. >> doesn't say enough where she is incredible really is. >> and that is tough and she was just in the right place at the right time. he is so lucky


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