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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  June 7, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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massiveness of the effort. and of course, the chicago pd is the big dog in this crowd because they have the thousands of cops that are going to be on the front lines and behind the scenes and coordinating all of that as a lot, but you and i were both at at the global threat summit overseas recently and we heard the threat stream you've got al-qaeda propaganda calling for lone wolves, ice is launching attacks in multiple countries. so they have their concerns, which is why they spent so much time planning. >> yeah, i think that's the thing. there are so many threats. they have to plan for everything. they have to be right to keep everyone safe. and it is quite a paul order. >> john miller. thank you so much for taking us inside of that. it was really fascinating to see what they have underway there appreciate it thank you so much for joining us tonight. >> i'm briana keeler in for erin burnett and ac30 60 starts right now tonight on 362
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candidates to worldviews and how increasingly the stark differences between them over core american principles truly are different from any other presidential rates, keeping them honest also tonight, new figures detailing just how many millions dollars in gifts supreme court justices have received over the years. >> and which serving justice raked in most of it later in the wake of an fda panel rejecting the use of mdma ecstasy to treat post-traumatic stress. my 60 minutes reporting on research into psychedelics in treating serious mental illness. >> good evening. thanks for joining us. we begin tonight. keep them honest with a matter of fact, not opinion know about the democratic republican candidates for president. whatever else you might think of them and whoever you plan on voting for november president biden and former president trump, see the world is differently one from another as any to modern-day candidates have what's more, there are differences are not trivial. they touched on decades of bipartisan consensus about the way american democracy in
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foreign policy works. and lately, the contrast between the two is increasingly on display from campaign rallies to courthouses, to cable news. and today are world war ii monument to american army rangers who fought and died on d-day 80 years ago we talk about democracy american democracy we often talk about the ideals of life liberty, pursuit of happiness but we don't talk about is how hard it is. >> how many ways we're asked to walk away, how many instincts are to walk away? the most natural instinct is to walk away to be selfish, to force our will upon others to seize power. never give up american democracy asks the hardest of things to believe that we're part of something bigger than ourselves prison biden today, going to hoc in normandy saying what even a decade ago would neither have been especially
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remarkable nor freighted with the kind of meaning it carries. >> now, the difference is context today that perfectly unremarkable tribute to self-sacrifice landed hard on the heels of the former president, again, suggesting in a clip that was released last night that the entire federal justice system be deployed to avenge one individual himself well, revenge this. take time. i will say that it does. and sometimes revenge can be justified. so i have to be honest sometimes they can't that was the answer to fill newgrounds attempt to do what sean hannity also failed to du the night before, namely get donald trump to stop talking so openly about seeking revenge it hasn't worked. >> and just yesterday, the foreign president also called for members of the house january 6 committee to be indicted reaction. it appears to his former strategist, steve bannon being ordered to prison for defying a lawful subpoena from that committee. the same steve bannon, who received a presidential pardon while being accused of bilking money from trump's supporters, claiming it would go to build a wall on the board during the final days of the trump administration,
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president biden by contrast, just reaffirmed the commitment not to pardon his only surviving son, hunter, who is on trial on gun charges. in his tribute to the army rangers today, president biden also invoked vladimir putin's aggression and nieto's joint response they stood against settlers aggression does anyone doubt does anyone doubt that they would want america to stand up against putin's aggression here in europe today? they stormed the beaches long sayyed, our allies. does anyone believe these rangers would want america to go it alone today? >> for more than seven decades since the end of the second world war, the bipartisan answer to whether united states should go it alone in the world has always been no. and outside the fringes, democratic and republican support for nato has been, if not a given. and certainly the vast consensus. so in that nothing present biden said today would even raise an eyebrow except again, by contrast one of the presidents of a big countries
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stood up, said well, sir, if we don't pay and were attacked by russia will you protect us? >> i said you didn't pay your delinquent he said, yes, let's say that happened. no, i would not protect you. in fact, i would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want perspective now from garrett graph, his remarkable new book just out is when the sea came alive and oral history of d-day also joining us, amanda carpenter, who served as communications director for senator ted cruz and has now editor a protect democracy, which describes itself as a non-partisan, non-profit group working to prevent authoritarianism. >> garrett, start with you and how do you think president biden did trying to capture the stakes of the allied d-day invasion in the lessons that applies to, i think you're absolutely right, but part of what is so remarkable about today is how unremarkable president biden's speech she would have been in any other context. i mean, you could have almost switched his texts with president reagan's taxed in 1984, which was the original going to hoc speech that raised
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d-day from history into legend about american democracy and the fight in world war ii and the fact is though that i don't think at any major anniversary of d-day democracy has ever felt as fragile or as fraught as it does now, both home and abroad amanda mean prison biden and former president trump obviously have very different visions of america's engagement with the world. why do you think trump's message of isolationism resonates? >> so with republicans today, even as president biden delivers them into gerunds point, essentially the same message that ronald reagan delivered in normal day i mean, this really starts with the disturbing trend in the american right of warming relations towards russia. i mean, that is a huge part of this, it just got to say like watching biden's speech along with it, i watch a lot of videos of the hero's welcome that are veterans receive their
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from our american allies in events like this don't exist without strong american partnerships with those allies, then i might remind, went towards, well, what does this look like if president trump had won a second term of course, there would have been the anniversary, of course, i would have been some kind of commemoration, but but would there be nato would there be ukraine? would therapy president zelenskyy donald trump is very clear about the direction that he wants to take. the country. his closest advisers, i'm thinking of his national security adviser, john bolton said that he is very extremely close to walking away from nato during the first term in so how do we keep the traditions alive if we have a leader that is willing to walk away from that, are veterans won't be received that way. our allies in ukraine, they may not even exist. i mean, that is garrett was talking about how
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parents felis and threatens the stakes of this field. it is because it absolutely is real. >> yeah. >> i'm garrett does trump's obsession with revenge? i guess. i don't know. think obsession his, his sort of continued talking about revenge against his perceived opponents have any comparison presented? it'll history i mean, running as retribution. >> oh, absolutely not. i mean, we've the rhetoric that we see from the president in the way that he wants to weaponize the justice department against his enemies. that undermine the basic legitimacy of the justice system use the courts against his political enemies is so our side of the american political tradition, which is so interesting, which is why the republicans are using all these terms about weaponization of the justice department against the former president, because that is exactly what the form president is talking about doing. >> yeah. and i think it's sort of part of the challenge of donald trump, which is he views
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the whole world as corrupt as he views his own personal motives. >> and so he's sort of assumes everyone else out there is as corrupt as he is. i mean, you look at the what he has said about american veterans the losers who get killed in war what's in it for them what's in it for them and what stands out in these normandy celebrations is this is the last passing of the greatest generation and this is a generation that fought and preserved western democracy and freedom in world war ii. at huge personal cost to themselves the rangers who scaled that hundred foot cliff at 0.2 on june 6, 1944 president and president trump just can't imagine the mindset
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and the courage and sacrifice that would come with an action like that. >> amanda georgia, former georgia republican lieutenant governor geoff duncan, who's a staunch conservative, said luck as month that he's supporting biden. he wrote an op-ed and he said, quote, unlike trump, i belonged to the gop my entire life. there's november i'm voting for a decent person. i disagree on disagree with on policy over a criminal defendant without a moral compass why is that rationale so unappealing to so many republicans? because for so long, moral character, we heard that from evangelicals. we heard that from republican. >> i mean, that was supposedly the guidepost yeah. listen, the partisan ship divides in our country run deep and they strike the core identity of republican voters is very hard for people across that barrier and say, i am going to vote for a democratic president. what i think the key is probably this election is find a way for
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republicans to preserve that republican. i identity and find a way to get there. and i think there's a lot of issues where people like geoff duncan was talking about issues of morality can say, this goes outside partisanship. right now, we're talking about the rise of the authoritarian american right? and the context of world war ii, i was really happy to see an a bad written by senate or senate minority leader mitch mcconnell yesterday in the new york times talking about quote, some vocal corners of the american right are trying to resurrect the discredited brand, a pre-war isolationism, and deny that basic value of the alliance system that has kept the pre-war piece. those are pretty strong words for mitch mcconnell. i'm trying to put distance between this isolationists authoritarian fringe of the party and saying this is outside of tradition, this does not keep america safe. and so i think it's again, extremely hard for people to say. i'm giving up in the republican party. but you see a lot of opportunities for a agreement when these that
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comes to moral issues and protecting the western alliance. >> and yet, mcconnell has said he is supporting the former president, amanda carpenter. thank you. garrett graph as well. thank you. now and update on mark meadows, who served as the former president chief of staff on january 6. what he did in that capacity is now landed him in court. again. first it was in georgia along with foreign president today in arizona, where he's charged with conspiring to overturn 2020 election results. his old boss is described in this new indictment as unindicted coconspirator. one of former president united states, who spread false claims of election fraud following the 2020 election or from cnn's nick watt sir, could you state your name, please mark randall mattos, eight virtual appearance in an arizona court this morning, facing nine felony counts of conspiracy, forgery, and fraudulent schemes because prosecutors say meadows schemed to prevent the lawful
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transfer of the presidency. how did he go from this chief of staff to the most powerful man on earth to this, if you failed to appear for court without good cause, a warrant could issue for your arrest. >> these indicted along with in other trump acolytes, including rudy giuliani, lawyers, john eastman, jenna ellis, christina bobb, as well as advisors, boris epshteyn and michael roman also arizona's 11 so-called fake electors, state lawmakers and republican operatives who gathered in phoenix december 14, 2020 pledging part president donald j. trump of his state of florida. >> but joe biden had won the state, thus winning there states 11 electoral votes. they also sent the fake pro-trump electoral certificates to washington those fake electors hoped prosecutors say to encourage vice president mike
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pence not to certify biden's victory on january 6, 2021 according to the indictment, meadows worked with members of the trump campaign to coordinate and implement the false republican electors votes in arizona. and six other states. >> and was involved in the many efforts to keep unindicted coconspirator. >> one in power, despite his defeat at the polls unindicted coconspirator one is, of course, donald trump, and that broad fake electors scheme plays a significant part. in the federal indictment filed against him over the january 6 capitol insurrection the arizona election was tight biden won by just about 10,000 votes. trump's supporters filed numerous lawsuits that all came to naught later, mounted an exhaustive audit of the maricopa county vote that found no significant fraud.
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that in 2023, a democratic state attorney general took office in arizona. >> i will not allow american democracy to be undermined. it's too important. >> kris mayes succeeded a republican who investigated the unfounded allegations that fraud had benefited biden but not the fake electors. the mayes office investigation led to a grand jury indicting meadows at al in april and today, confirmation that meadows will fight it, council. do you ever reading yes, your honor. >> we do an enter a plea of not guilty and rudy giuliani also indicted over here in arizona. he's proved a pretty tricky customer. it took arizona officials about three weeks to track him down to serve with a summons. eventually, they tracked him on his live streams and served him as he was coming out of his 80th birthday party in palm beach, florida. then when when it came time for his hearing, giuliani called in about an hour late, called the process of complete
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embarrassment to the american legal system said it's a completely political case. the judge actually threatened to mute giuliani. now, unlike the other 17 indicted people in this case giuliani's been asked to post a bond. he was given 30 days to actually go both physically to arizona for processing and to post that $10,000 bond, he hasn't showed up so far, and he's got 12 or 13 days left before he will miss that deadline. >> the grind course he might actually go neck. thank you. next following the money in the form of millions of dollars of gifts and fancy trips given to the supreme court justice clarence thomas get reaction from a four-under former federal judge about the highest court in the land where the standard rules on ethics just don't apply. also tonight, new polling from key battleground states in new york times columnist frank bernie and democrats who he believes have their head in the sand about them did you know sling is your
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three-to-one, three-to-one. today i'm dr. sanjay gupta and this is cnn new financial disclosures from the supreme court today and new questions for associate justice clarence thomas, as you know, he's already facing criticism for not recuse himself from the former president's january 6 immunity appeal, despite his wife's connection to the effort to overturn the 2020
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election today, he submitted a revised disclosure filing revealing additional luxury travel to indonesia and to bohemian grove secret of vip retreating the california woods, all paid for by conservative billionaire friend harlan crow, reporting from propofol boc, propublica, first revealed some of the gifts that he got in all of this coming on the heels i've, report from a watchdog group fix the court identifying justice thomas as by far the biggest gift recipient on the court to the tune of more than $4 worth over the last 20 years, joining us as former obama white house ethics are normal eyes in and former federal judge nancy gertner. >> so judge gardner, you've been critical of justice thomas what do you make? have him just now officially disclosing those trips paid for by harlan crow does that make the situation and it's too little? >> well, it makes it somewhat better, but it's still too little too late. >> i mean, here here i have to pause. federal judges have
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decent salary and you're not supposed to accept gifts without disclosing, without there being disclosed so that people know who are supporting, you know what, who's funding you so he did disclose that. but the larger picture is still disturbing judges, for example, could not accept speaking fees i traveled around the world and i would give speeches for free and if you are not supposed to accept honorarium, there was an effort to change that in 2000 and it was actually called the keep scalia on the bench. bill by some lawmakers. and it was defeated because people didn't want judges to get money from private sources. that would then cast doubt on their impartiality. so essentially what thomas has done is effectively bypassed, done an end run around that so that he could get these, these lavish trips that really is so outstrips every other justice. so outstrips every other judge essentially, that's what kept him on the bench. he could then have a lifestyle that was
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supported by others and who the others are is an open question and their impact on him is an open question, but it's a complete and run around all of the rules and normal, we should point out justice thomas, he's big on talking about how he just loves to travel around in his rv and stay in trailer parks that's clearly not what he's been doing at the bohemian grove and in bali and all these places paid for we're by others norm, i mean justice alito, who's obviously been criticized for failing to disclose luxury travel paid for by billionaire with interest for the court told the wall street journal last year that congress has no power to impose new ethics or disclosure rules on the court. he said, quote, i know this is a controversial view, but i'm willing to say it. no provision of the constitution gives him the jordi to regulate the supreme court period. end quote, is he right he's wrong anderson. >> it's contrary to the
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fundamental american idea that our nation was founded on. we didn't want certain individuals like king george the third, who we overthrew to be above the law judges are subject to checks and balances and to federal law like anybody else no wonder the supreme court is in an ethics crisis. the combination of these enormous amounts of luxury travel by justice thomas, also involving justice alito, the second largest recipient of gifts over that same period of time and their spouses conduct that raises questions about their ability to sit on cases they should have recused from those cases. when i was the ethics tsar in the white house, i wouldn't allow even if the rules permitted it. i wouldn't allow white house staff to take
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these kinds of luxury vacations because of the appearance that creates a exploiting official action the givers of these gifts have ideological or business issues before the court it's absolutely outrageous and unacceptable and justice alito is not above the law. >> judge gertner every mentioned the supreme court watchdog group fix the court. they released an estimate of the number of gifts justice since i've received their total value of last two decades, according to groups data or the nearly 5 million in gifts the justices and proceed more than 4 million of it went to justice thomas that's incredible that's well, that's what i'm saying. >> he judicial pay is regulated. judicial conduct is regulated. this is a completely unregulated supporting of this justice which up until recently he kept out of public view, but i'm more concerned even just about the fact happy that you
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disclose it. but the fact of it is really in my view, in violation of the laws, by the way, the laws already on the books. justice alito is simply wrong. the disclosure laws are our legislation. the bar on honorarium is legislation congress could regulate they're just choosing not to. >> judge gardner, norm eisen thank you. still to come new polls suggest that a convicted felon does have a significant shot at winning back the white house. i'll talk the new york times is frank bernie who's latest column criticized the democrats do think it can happen this country. has never been so divided is your data licorice lover, or haider. we are have 50 plus gourmet flavors that dad will flip out over shop limited edition fathers de gifs and treat dead. does something truly sweet only at trouble losing weight and keeping same, discover the power of week-old what we gobi i lost 35 pounds
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pain learn more at june 19th, cnn celebrated juneteenth with special performances by john legend, hadi lewbel, smokey robinson, everyone once you celebrated juneteenth, celebrating freedom and legacy. >> wednesday, june 19 at ten on cnn new polls from fox news conduction, the days after the former president was found guilty in his federal hush money trial, show him leading or tying president biden in key battleground states, including 31 by biden in 2020, most conspicuously biden and trump are both at 48% in virginia, which biden won by ten points back in 2020 in arizona, which biden narrowly won. >> he's trailing 46% of the former president's 51%. and in nevada and other close wind by biden, he trails a similar 45%
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to the former president's 50%. both leads are within the margin of error the former president's appeal to voters despite obvious questions about his character is the subject of this recent column by the new york times is frank pruney. he writes, i'm routinely gobs mac by how many people, including influential democrats tell me that they can't imagine a victory by donald trump in november. i'm even more astounded by their reasoning. frank rooney joins us now, what is their reasoning that they can't imagine this. >> they can't imagine it because basically they think trump is so awful, right? okay. i mean, i feel like i've heard that argument before. i think i heard it in 2016, didn't i mean, that's that's the thing. i mean, you could call this idealism or you could call it amnesia, right? people seem to know, granted trump has been saying things that i think for even more awful if you can quantify or qualify these things i mean, the vermin, the poisoning, the bloodstream. i mean, now he's kind of threatening essentially here is proxies are threatening to jail his political opponents. >> he is worse by degrees, but
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this notion of people that when all is said and done, when the chips are down, when the weight of the decision hits them, americans are not going to, when it's a binary choice ridden on a screen and they're not gonna be able to metaphorically pull the lever for trump. >> i think that is dangerous complacency to think that yeah, there's no evidence that that is not proven to be the case people look at will biden won back in 2020 he was incredibly narrow in the states that matter in the electoral college. we're talking about tens of thousands of votes. if you took a certain cluster of states, there were about 45,000 votes that if they'd gone a different way would have made it a tie in the electoral college, even though biden won by about 7 million votes in the popular count, which of course this doesn't, doesn't matter. >> but also remember in 2020, we were mid pandemic, right? i think that really hurt trump in 2020, biden was the candidate change because trump was the status quo. now, weirdly because he's been president,
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trump is the candidate for change that's interesting. yeah. are you wrote out in the article and it did. i started thinking about that a lot. it does to many people feel like trump is the new person on the scene. and there's sort of an amnesia about some the the michigan that went on. yeah. no, i mean, he had is four years. and how much to do life really change? right. but if you want to turn the page, biden is the page, right? >> and that's and that's a big problem from also, if if you are in so many democrats are and i understand, and so many independence and somebody who never trump republicans, if you are attuned to the awfulness of donald trump. and i find them quite awful it's easy to forget what a deeply unpopular president joe biden is. >> his approval ratings are awful. it's easy to turn away from the fact that he's 81-years-old and he wears those years, not particularly well that to me shouldn't matter nearly as much as his values as his policy prescriptions as that sort of thing. but for a lot of voters, it's really unsettling to vote for someone
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who seems sometimes is unsteady to them as biden does, there's also obviously there's the war in the israel-hamas war. you hear from a lot of democratic voters are younger voters, talk about, well, maybe sitting it out or third-party candidate, when people talk about sitting it, does that drive us crazy as it drives me? i don't understand the logic. i mean, just from a rational, logical standpoint, i don't understand you have to have a preference. >> i mean, in this case, i would say to them, listen, listen to these two men very carefully, listen to what they said today. >> you were just talking about this earlier in the show listened listened to them think about their values. ask yourself, who is going to be a better steward of american democracy despite his false and then tell me whether you really want to set it out or not is do you think that was the other argument? >> i think there were many democrats who were kind of thinking, okay, well, some of these court cases are going to come. and obviously now it's clear there's not gonna be any
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other court case. >> no other court cases. and i think donald trump is one of the luckiest man alive. i mean, he caught such a lucky break of all of the cases of all four of the cases. this was the offense that seemed the most minor this is the one that it is easiest for his allies and enablers to argue, didn't need to be prosecuted i mean, i wrote this right after the verdict. i don't think these 34 felony counts are going to change much, and i'm also not locked them into your world. i'm sure it's the lucky break. >> he has been afforded due process as any criminal, as much as any criminal defendant ever has and has used that very effectively through his counsel and had judges is some luck with judges, but framed protonate. thank you so much. appreciate it just ahead. and fda advisory committee voted overwhelmingly against the use of drug ecstasy mdma to treat post-traumatic stress will tell you why and explore how some researchers are hoping psychedelic drugs might help improve mental health detect this. >> living with hiv. robert
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weekend, fda advisory committee voted overwhelmingly against the use of a drug called the mdma, more commonly known as ecstasy to treat post-traumatic stress disorder the fda has final say whether the treatment will be approved, but the vote is a big setback when member of the committee who voted against approving mdma said he believes it's premature this moment to authorize the drug, but also said, quote, i think this is a really exciting citing treatment i'm really encouraged by the results to date, there are a number of studies being done on potentially exciting treatments for mental health issues. >> several years ago, i reported for cbs is 60 minutes on studies being done with psychedelics in particular, psilocybin a powerful mind-altering substance that may have potential in the treatment of depression, anxiety, even addiction we want to show you that 60 minutes report now and we should know that one of the researchers in at roland griffiths died in october, the age of 77 after a diagnosis of colon cancer people asked me, you won't do it again, i said, hell, no, i
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don't like that again, it was really that bad. >> it was awful. >> the entire time. other than the very end and the very beginning? >> i was crying green mcloughlin is talking about the hallucinogenic experience she had here at johns hopkins university after being given a large dose of psilocybin psychedelic agent in magic mushrooms as part of an ongoing clinical trial, we tell people that their experiences may vary from very positive to transcendent and lovely, to literally hell round experiences, hell realm as frightening and experience as you have ever had in your life. that scientists roland griffiths for nearly two decades now, he and his colleague matthew johnson had been giving what they call heroic doses of psilocybin two more than 350 volunteers, many is struggling with addiction, depression, and anxiety can you tell who is going to have a bad
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experience, who's going to have a transcendent experts, our ability to predict that is almost non-adult than about a third will at are at a high dose, say that they have something like that. what folks would call a bad trip. but most of those folks will actually say that that was key to the experience korean mcloughlin was a smoker for 46 years and said she tried everything to quit before being given psilocybin at johns hopkins last year sayyed itself is non addictive. do you remember what specifically what you were seeing or the ceiling of this room? we're clouds like heavy rain clouds and gradually they were lowering and i thought i was going to suffer from the clouds that was more than a year ago. she says she hasn't smoked since the study she took part in is still ongoing, but in an earlier small study of just 15 long-term smokers, 80% had quit six months after taking psilocybin.
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>> that's double the rate of any over-the-counter or smoking secession product hey, come to a profound shift of worldview essentially a shift in sense of self that i think they see their life in a different way. their worldview changes and they are less identified with that self narratives. people might use the term ego and that creates this sense the freedom and not just with smokers, beer usually cocktails usually vodka, sodas, to kill sodas, scotch and sodas. >> john cost decapolis was drinking a staggering 20 cocktails and night and had been warned, he was slowly killing himself when he decided to enroll in another psilocybin trial at new york university. during one psilocybin session, he was flooded with powerful feelings and images from his past, stuff would come up that i haven't thought of since they happened to old memories that you hadn't even
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remembered, came back to you. i felt a lot of shame and embarrassment throughout one of the sessions about my drinking and how bad i felt for my parents to put up with all this. >> he took psilocybin in 2016. he says he hasn't had a drink since do you ever have a day where you wake up? >> i've been and i wish i could have a vodka right now or beer. never. not at all. not at all. which is the craziest thing because that was my favorite thing to do. >> i want you to my back but the eye shadow on headphones and let the music qarrah, you now using psychedelic drugs and therapy is not new. there were hundreds of scientific studies done on a similar compound, lsd in the 1950s and 60s who was tested on more than 40,000 people some and controlled therapeutic settings like this one. but there were also abuses. the us military and cia experimented with lsd sometimes
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without patient's knowledge fear over ramp and drug use and the spread of the counterculture movement. not to mention harvard professor timothy liri, urging people to turn on, tune in and drop out lead to a clamp down. >> this nation faces a major crisis in terms of the increasing use of drugs, particularly among our young people. >> in 1970, president richard nixon sayyed the controlled substances act nearly all scientific research in the us into the effects of psychedelics on people stopped. it wasn't until 2000. it's scientists, roland griffiths, one fda approval to study psilocybin this whole area of research has been in the deep freeze for 25 or 30 years. and so as a scientist, sometimes i feel like rip van winkle. >> once you saw results, yeah, that red lights start flashing. >> this is extraordinarily interesting. it's unprecedented and the capacity of the human organism to change. it just was astounding.
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>> it sounds like you are endorsing this for everybody. >> yeah. let's be really clear on that. we're very aware of the risks and would not recommend that people simply go out and do this griffiths and johnson screen out people with psychotic disorders or with close relatives who have had schizophrenia or bipolar disorder study volunteers at johns hopkins are given weeks of intensive counseling before and after the six-hour psilocybin experience. >> the psilocybin is given in a carefully controlled setting 123 times. to date, they say there's not been a single serious adverse outcome. >> so i'm going to tuck you in. >> we were told we couldn't recall poured anyone participating in the study while they were on psilocybin because it might impact their experience. but we were shown how it begins without the psilocybin questions you lay on a couch with a blindfold to shut out distractions, but the
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headphones on, and headphones playing a mix of coral and classical music zack psychedelic soundtrack with a trained guide, mary kazaa mano, watching over you okay, so give me your hand. >> so i'm going to take your hand. that everything is done the same way it was for the lsd experiments, scientists conducted in the 1950s and 60s some of the most dramatic results have been with terminal cancer patients struggling with anxiety and paralyzing depression i start seeing the colors and the geometric designs and a cycle. >> this is so cool and how lovely and and then boat visions began carry pappus was diagnosed with stage three lung cancer in 2013. during her psilocybin session, she found herself trapped in a nightmare. her mind created an ancient prehistoric barren land. and
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there's these men with pick axes, just slamming on the rocks. so this fields absolutely real two absolutely real. i was being shown the truth of reality life is meaningless we have no purpose. >> and then i look and i'm still like a witness beautiful shimmering bright jewel and then it was sound and it was booming, booming, booming, right here, right now. >> that was being said. yes. >> you are alive, right here, right now because that's all you have. and that is my mantra your day. it seemed so implausible to me that a single experience caused by a molecule, right? ingested in your body could transform your
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outlook on something as profound as death that's kind of amazing. >> author michael pollan wrote about the psilocybin studies and a bestselling book called how to change your mind. as part of his research, he tried psilocybin himself with the help of an underground guide the kind of things that cancer patients were saying, like, i touched the face of god, you were skeptical about when you hear phrases like that? yeah. >> our love is the most important thing in the universe. and someone tells me that i was like, yeah, okay. so you don't you don't go for some of the phrases that it makes gives me the willie's because the writer. and i really struggled with that because during one of my experiences, i came to the earth-shattering conclusion that love is the most important thing in the universe, but that's the hallmark card stuff, right? and so, and yet while you were on it and afterwards, was profoundly true, it is profoundly true. guess what? >> reason it's on a hallmark card. there's a reason and one of them the things psychedelics do is they peel away all those essentially protective levels
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of irony and cynicism that we, that we acquire as we get older and you back to those kind of oh my god, i forgot all about love poland said he also experienced where the researchers describe as ego loss or identity loss, the quieting of the constant boys we all have in our heads i did have this experience of seeing my ego burst into a little cloud, a post-it notes. >> i know it sounds crazy. >> and what are you without an ego you're yet to be their researchers believe that sensation of identity loss occurs because psilocybin quiet it's these two areas of the brain that normally communicate with each other. >> they're part of a region called the default mode network. and it's especially active when we're thinking about ourselves and our lives. >> and it's where you connect what happens in your life to the story of who you are. >> we all develop a story over
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time about time. what our past was like like what kind of person we are, how we react. and that the fact is that interesting things happen when the self goes quiet in the brain including this rewiring that happens to see that rewiring johns hopkins scientists, matthew johnson showed us this representational chart of brain activity. >> the circle on the left shows normal communication between ports of the brain. >> on the right, what happens on psilocybin? there's an explosion of connections or crosstalk between areas of the brain that don't normally communicate. >> the difference is just startling, right? is that why people are having experiences of seeing repressed memories are past memories are people who have died or that's what we think. and even the perceptual effect, sometimes this synesthesia like the seeing sound. >> people see sound yes sometimes. >> why? i don't even know what that means. >> right? yeah right?
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>> yeah. >> maybe the ego is one character among many in your mind and you don't necessarily have to listen to that voice that's chattering at you and criticizing you and tell you what to do. and that's very freeing it was certainly freeing for carrie pappas over cancer has now spread to her brain. >> her crippling anxiety about death he's gone. >> yeah. it's amazing i mean, i feel like death doesn't frighten me. living doesn't frighten me. i don't frighten me. this frightens me, but this interview for death doesn't know it turns out most of the 51 cancer patients and the johns hopkins study experienced significant decreases and depressed mood and anxiety after trying psilocybin. >> two thirds of them rated their psilocybin sessions as among the most meaningful experiences of their lives we're some, it was on par with the birth of their children to this day. >> it evolves in me.
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>> it's still alive in its still absolutely alive. in me, doesn't make you happier. yeah and i don't necessarily use the word happy comfortable like comfortable. >> i mean, i've suffered from anxiety my whole life. i'm comfortable that to me. okay. i can die. i'm comfortable i mean, it's huge. it's huge report for 60 minutes still become pat sajak retires as the host wheel of fortune after more than four decades on the job. >> here's goodbye message to fans plus harry enten joins me with details on his record setting career next when you're the leader, is asked to clean up and respiration. how do you make like you've never even what happened happened but
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whatever comes your way it's appropriate? serve pro like ever even happened. >> my name, age braden i only 5-years-old when i came to change him how drains short-run gowns, story shell, and then having these headaches that when i go away, my mom, she would just crying what they said they're saying hedge brain cancer it was your worst fear. >> i'm coming to life watching your child grew up is the dream of every parent. >> you can join the battle to save the lives of kids like braden by supporting st. jude children's research hospital families never receive a bill from st. jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food. so they can focus on helping their child who live what they've done for me, my son, my family
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camera together each night, but don't worry, she is staying and will still be revealing the letters. ryan seacrest will be the new host. next season tonight before signing off for last time. here's what pat sajak told viewers it's been an incredible privilege to be invited into millions of homes night after night, year after year decade after decade. >> i've always felt that the privilege came with a responsibility to keep this daily half-hour a safe place for family fund? no social issues, no politics nothing embarrassing. i hope just a game. but gradually it became more than that. a place where kids learn their letters, where people from other countries honed their english skills, were families came together along with friends and neighbors and entire generations what an honor to play, even a small part and all that. thank you for allowing me into your lives it's the end of an error. >> harry enten joins me now with more and pat sajak, legendary career. he's the long is it really the longest running gameshow?
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>> yeah, at least. yeah, absolutely. at least currently right now, i think the only two could be up there would be like a bob barker with the price this is ryan who was only there for i think, like 35 years and obviously alex true beck, who is i think with jeopardy for a little over 36 or 37 years. so yeah, he's absolutely up there and you know what, so truly remarkable about him is just how much money they awarded on that show while he was there. we're talking 250 million dollars. look how many puzzles to work. there were 50,000 puzzles. you can put a number to anything, anderson. i got you right now. you were up all night counting. i was vessels. i was literally watching the show over and over. you gotta we'll fortune puzzle for me one that was apparently notoriously difficult. yes, i'm a jeopardy guys, so i haven't i think i'm a jeopardy guy too. a firm facts. i can't really play hangman particularly well, but sometimes we think these puzzles are so easy standing at home. no, but we have a puzzle for you, okay. and then we'll show you how difficult guys, how difficult this puzzle was for these folks to soft guys, okay?
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>> another feather your another feather in your lap another rather yes. in your map? okay. >> mr. cooper mr. cooper, i know that you are a jeopardy fan. okay. yeah. but can you get this puzzle and prove to us that you can do wheel of fortune, please, for the love of god another feathering your cow i know you're at jeopardy guy, but i feel like you could go on wheel of fortune, maybe ryan seacrest can invite you on on the celebrity addition. >> maybe we can do a joint team together. >> and i don't think so. yeah. >> i thought we were coming together. i think ryan's secrets can do a great job. i hope so as well, but at least vanna white will be there for some which i'm very excited. yes, absolutely. harry denton. thank you. thank you. i'd say job where she the best vanna white so happy you're staying. have a great weekend. the news continues to source of kaitlan collins starts now