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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  June 8, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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mercedes making payments on that mercedes, the defense wolf for its part, has been arguing all along that there was no wrongdoing, that there were no bribes in some ways, the senator and his wife lived separate lives and also that any money that nadine menendez may have received was alone. now we're gonna be hearing more of this he witnessed jose uribe when he continues to take the stand on monday. >> well so how long do you think jason this trial is going to continue? >> sorry about that well-fed to new york busy street bus going by, repeat that. >> how long do we expect the trial to continue sure. >> well, the trial is already been going on for about four weeks and we're expecting this trial to last for several more weeks before it's concluded. so may sometime by the end of the month or the beginning of the next month, when nay deans trial is also expected to get underway. >> jason carroll in new york
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for us, jason, thank you very much. i'm wolf blitzer in this situation room. thanks. very >> very much for watching the news continues next on sienna he's d-day trip to france with his host and emmanuel macron just ahead, we'll find out what's likely to be on the agenda and the two leaders meet in paris later today. >> harrowing accounts from ukrainian pows and those forcibly deported to russia will speak with an officer of a global advocacy campaign determined to help tell this stories dozens killed following the sudanese of militia attack when a village south of the capital civil war rages and the sudanese army is valid retribution the u.s.
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>> and french presidents to sit to showcase the long-standing relationship between the countries in the hours ahead, emmanuel macron will play host to joe biden with a parade precession in paris and a state dinner it's coming on the heels of the 80th anniversary of d-day. and a day after mr. biden met with ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy in paris where he apologized for months of delay delivering us military aid when mr. biden also went to point the hook, the site of a brutal battles during the d-day invasion japan in world war ii. he used it as a backdrop to send a message about threats to democracy, saying that's what us soldiers died four in normandy we're not asking us to give or risk our lives but they're asking us to
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care for others and our country more than ourselves they're not asking us to do their job. they're asking us to do our job to protect freedom in our time to defend democracy for more on this, cnn international diplomatic editor nick robinson joins us now live from london. nick tell us the reaction to biden's speech and also his apology to president zelenskyy about the delay of us funds and weapons this is a speech that really was designed to resonate with a us audience. in particular, appealing to the young and they're sort of need to recognize the threats that exist to the democracy that the world war ii vets 44 and therefore, they will probably need to step up to that challenge during their lifetime. there was that there was really a message there that
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isolationism doesn't work. that was perhaps a domestic message to republicans and donald trump who perhaps will seek to cut ties with nato partners, which is something that has a lot of concern in europe. but this was a message really that was intended for a domestic audience. but the message for president zelenskyy was that one that you heard an apology there? president zelenskyy for his part. also spoke about the importance of the political challenges in the united states to him, saying that bipartisan support is important. >> and our meeting here is, we're symbolic. it's very important that you stay with us this bipartisan support with the congress. it's very important that in this unit, united states america, all american people stay with ukraine, like it was during world war ii now says helped to save human lives, to save your
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this is really the big message that's come across through the weekend of commemorations or the week of commemorations of d-day because it's analogous with what's happening today. >> and that's something president zelenskyy, border president macrons brought up. president biden two a nicaea. >> we know that prison biden, he's meeting with his hosts, emmanuel macron in the coming hours, we followed by a state dinner. this is obviously a very resilient relationship, but there are differing opinions amongst these two liters especially with the war in gaza with the war in gaza in particular president macron has been much more of an advocate for an immediate ceasefire and a pressure for that. >> he would like to see united states put greater pressure on israel to bring that about. there are differences over ukraine as well. president
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macron, when you met with president zelenskyy yesterday, one of the things they discussed was a coalition of trainers military trainers from nato nations to be placed actually inside ukraine to train ukrainian forces are when president macron has mentioned that in the past, the united states has been very careful to say that's not a position they have at the moment president macron will be very mindful of the fact that the next time he meets a precedent on us, on french soil, it could be president donald trump again, remembering that went donald trump came into office. president macron hosted m and carefully tried to build hold that relationship, but it was still very bumpy and difficult and for president macron, there's a clear recognition that an isolationist united states, which is something that donalds, a donald trump presidency could bring leads, leaves, countries like france and germany and the uk very much in the lead and alone and
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supporting ukraine. and that will undoubtedly be somewhat of the conversation as they discuss those jaw challenges have peace in the middle east and how to bring stability to ukraine. but more importantly, for macron, what can be sealed in any deals now with a bite inside a biden presidency that can lost an enduring during the next american presidency nic robertson, joining us from london. >> thank you new developments in israel, hamas war, first-day key member of israel's war cabinet could quit today. benny gantz has threatened to leave the cabinet and the government and says he'll take his party with him. we'll have more on that in just a moment. >> or meanwhile, the united nations is adding the israeli military, hamas and palestinian islamic jihad to a blacklist of groups that harm children
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gaza's ministry of health says more than 15,000 palestinian children have been killed in the israel-hamas war. >> israel denies deliberately targeting civilians. >> israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu posted this on social media. you when put itself today on histories blacklist, when it adopted the absurd claims of hamas, the idf is the most moral military in the world and no flat earth decision by the un secretary general can change that. also on friday, israel struck several locations across gaza, including school. will gaza civil defense says that the school was being used as a shelter for displaced palestinians three people were killed israel says it used precise munitions to target a container on the school grounds that hamas was using next week, us secretary of state antony blinken is heading to the middle east. >> next week to increase pressure for a ceasefire and
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hostage release deal. cnn's paula hancocks has more now on benny gantz's threat to leave israel's war cabinet. and the government saturday, june 8 is the de, that the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu may find himself even more isolated, both domestically and internationally. >> it is the self pose deadline that benny gantz, the former defense minister and a key member of the war cabinet, and gave himself, he gave conditions to benjamin netanyahu saying that if those conditions weren't met on june 8th, he would walk away from the coalition. he wanted a definite plan on how to get the hostages back. he wanted to know so what the day after plan was from netanyahu, and he wanted to know how he was going to calm the situation on the northern border so that tens of thousands of residents could move back there. >> now these conditions have not been met. >> we do understand that us
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officials have tried to persuade gantz not to walk away at this point because they how concerned about what that could mean for the hostage ceasefire deal. that is according to us officials, familiar with those conversations, we don't know. however, whether that has had any bearing on what gantz will do. so at 8:40 p.m. local time on saturday night, he will make an announcement and decide whether or not he is going to be walking away from that cohen religion now if he does decide to walk away, it doesn't mean the coalition collapses because netanyahu's still has a majority, although it is a slimmer majority, what it does mean is that netanyahu is a lot more isolated with gantz out of the war cabinet and couldn't make decisions more difficult within that key war cabinet as well. and it comes just days before the us secretary of state antony blinken is coming back to the region. we know who we meeting with egypt, qatar, and also were israel trying to push this hostage deal forward? paula hancocks, cnn, jerusalem
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the american economy looks strong. >> it's creating more jobs than expected. so why is wall street less than in foods will take a look plus the lavish gifts strips, and a book deals going to us supreme court justices. what new filings are revealing coming the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. >> biden. >> democracy is on the bow of your freedom is on the ballot. >> trump, there is nothing we can do i do we will make america powerful again, the president and the former president once day two, very different visions for america's future. >> the weight only cnn can bring it to you, moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th live on cnn and streaming unmanned next you
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access to the white house gates a service agent tells cnn they're expecting up to 12,000 protesters were us president joe biden will not be at the white house. hizon state visit in france well, surprisingly, strong jobs growth in the us is dashing hopes at the federal reserve will cut interest rates anytime soon the us added 200 72,000 jobs in may, far more than expected and american workers earning more as well with wage growth coming in stronger than expected. >> average hourly earnings. and now up for 0.1% on the year outpacing inflation on the flip side unemployment rose to 4% for the it's time in over two years ryan patel is a senior fellow at the drucker school of management, it claremont graduate university. he's joining us via skype from los angeles. ryan, always good to see you tell us, what do these numbers say about the us economy?
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>> confusion i guess, right? you're looking for these reports to come out and say, this is the direction that the economy is going but the number is kinda show both pictures where unemployment kinda continuous rise wage growth rises, but jobs are actually increased as well. so what i mean by that, what it means is that looking at the federal reserve, so they can do choose, decide to decrease interest rates. but this jobs report does not help the case. it also shows a painted picture that is divided on both sides and so i don't want the word is confusion, i guess for those looking from the outside, looking in, and it means that the fed, the federal reserve will continue to pulled pat on not decrease in interest rate because the numbers are not still fighting an inflation as it wants to these 272,000 jobs added. >> i mean, the numbers are misleading as you say, because of the way that the surveys are conducted, payroll obviously focuses on large companies, but the broader household surveys
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suggest that unemployment is ticking up so why are they not aligned well, i think also there's a couple of things capturing. >> think about these surveys how they're capturing it, where they're capturing at what time is it being captured? i also think the gig worker is not being captured in this as well, people choosing not to come back into the workforce there's another thing. so where do you categorize those types of folks in those and also companies choosing, think about small businesses if wages starting to go up, they're going to have less employees on w2, which means that they're going to probably go contract or roles and so that gets reported differently as well. and then you think about some of these industry trees where you think of that job growth out of that report, it was health care government, leisure and hospitality these are consistent with the trends that are growing where the other sectors or not and then there is this, i guess confusion on the stock market you've got the magnificent seven. are these big companies outperforming,
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making record profits? they're hiring obviously remains strong with small to medium enterprises suffering yeah. >> no, i think it was clear in this report in the last couple of reports that small businesses are struggling. i think when you mentioned that magnificent seven, you have to call out nvidia of this the record growth big head, and that's holding the market, i would say and the word ai for a couple of those amd and others are pulling the market up so that trend goes hot brings the market go up. now, mind you when the market goes down and typically who are those, who would the tech talks are taking the town with them. is these very, very sudden that you mentioned. so i think that's where you see the market, but i think small businesses are really feeling it because of wages are becoming more expensive. supply chain cost to goods are expensive and i think that's part of why i think though the biden white house is trying to before the before the white house, before the november election, to do more at the consumer level where they can keep the consumer spending at a high. and so
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it'd be interesting to see what happens next. >> employments is strong. i mean, that suggests that the economy is in good shape, but i guess not everybody is feeling that. and then you mentioned prison of biden. i mean, this is a big problem. him ceiling. >> he's economic performance, the strength of the economy because inflation is hurting poor people the most yeah, you've got the economic fundamentals. you see the numbers and you look at the back end. and then when you see where prices of increased in what parts of the country, what types of dimmer demographics it turns to be when you see these numbers that you see your bank account, i think the word they'd been using as vibes. you don't feel that you're getting the economic benefit out of what the market is doing. and i think for president biden is uphill battle for him to face these type of vibes or feelings that people are feeling because they're not spending as much even though consumer spending overall has been there, but
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that doesn't mean with all the difference from groups that are there and even certain companies and they are sitting on the sideline holding cash instead of investing it. furthermore, because they don't, they're still not sure where the market is and things are expensive because of industries being high. so people are not taking loans out. there are waiting and waiting to see when that occurs. and so it does cause his buildup. where you see shelter prices, rent increase in wages don't always keep up with that. and so it is interesting the dilemma that the president, president biden the white house needs to be talking about the rhetoric has been interesting and it hasn't been really working when it comes to somethings exit polls and surveys and then i guess the biggest question in the markets is when will the fed cut rates? and i guess that's not going to happen while employment remained strong i with you now, the market the market wants as of today, the market thought over 60% of the trend or the guesses were that
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they mark the future market was saying that they were going to see a wake rate cut in september well, we'll find out next week when the fed meets, when what the rhetoric looks like. >> but i can tell you this i'd be hard pressed to think that they're gonna make a cut in september, right before election. and if they did is 25 basis point. no, that doesn't mean very much. and that would mean that they would start cutting it down as of today. i don't see them doing that based on the data that we have. things can change until september, but it seems like maybe we'll get a rate cut by the end of the year and then going into next year, have a better plan, but to me it doesn't look good for september, even though the market, future markets are saying it's still over 50% chance that occur. but i think it's still coming down that percentage when we get closer. >> my money is on ryan patel, any day of the week, right. to tell oa or pleasure, love with his speak to you appreciate you. >> thank you. >> when you financial disclosure forms filed by us
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supreme court justices are revealing the lavish gifts. some of them have received from a vacation in bali to be on-site tickets sent by the superstar herself. scene ends. bryan todd takes a closer look. >> conservative supreme court justice clarence thomas finally discloses one of his controversial trips, a 2019 trip to bali, indonesia, paid for by republican megadonor harlan crow. that vacation was at the center of controversy surrounding travel by thomas and his wife, ginni, the investigative news outlet propublica report what did last year that thomas and his wife accepted luxury trips and gifts from crow for decades, most of which went unreported on thomas's financial disclosures. thomas is reporting of that bali trip was among several new financial disclosures by the justices published friday among them for tickets to a beyond say, concert last year, that the pop star gave to liberal justice, ketanji brown, jackson. the gift was not illegal or unethical under the court's rules, justices are required to
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report gifts over a certain amount, about $400. they have to report them. and in this case, these tickets were worth more than about $4,000. so that's why they were reported a supreme court's spokeswoman referencing an early hit song by bianna, say, since cnn, a statement saying, quote, justice jackson is crazy in love with bianna music, who isn't jackson also reported that she received artwork valued at more than $12,000 from artists lonnie holley and dr. kathy girls ross, the justices new disclosures of book deals are also raising some eyebrows. >> jackson, a liberal justice who's the first african american woman on the court, received a payment from a publisher last year for almost $900,000 conservative justice neil gorsuch reported book royalty income of $250,000. fellow conservative but if brett kavanaugh, who is writing a memoir, listed a payment for $340,000. >> justices are allowed to have some outside income, but most of their outside income is kept around $30,000. >> except you do not have to
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have a limit on book royalties and fees. so these justices who signed these multi-million dollar contracts are not subject to any cap and they can make as much as they can from these book deals. >> but critics say all of this as well as the recent reporting that conservative justice samuel alito and his wife flew flags at their homes that were also flown by january 6, rioters doesn't present the best optics for the court alito had previously drawn criticism for going on a luxury fishing trip on the private jet of a conservative hedge fund manager, a trip that was not initially disclosed. >> there is a crisis of confidence of the supreme court. it starts with their jurisprudence, but it clearly continues with their ethical issues these new disclosure reports are the first of their kind to be issued since last fall when the supreme court adopted a code of conduct for the first time in its history that was in response to the travel scandals but ethics watchdog groups and some democratic lawmakers are skeptical of the new code because it doesn't contain any enforcement mechanism.
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>> bryan todd, cnn, washington well voter is are casting their ballots in slovakia today for elections to see the next european parliament. well, this is video of people voting earlier in the capital bratislava, 27 european union countries, a holding elections over 84 day period. the czech republic in ireland voted friday, but most will go to the polls on sunday to make choices that will shape the blocks political direction for the next five years. >> will cnn's barbie nadeau has more on what's at stake in this round of elections this concludes this unique transnational democratic exercise. >> the world is a very different place since european parliamentary elections were held back at 20:19 a global pandemic two major wars, including one in europe and the subsequent rise in energy costs
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farmers frustrated by eu red tape and cheap imports dumping manure in brussels a worsening climate with activists attacking cultural gems from paris to venice and a cost of living crisis are all among the issues facing europe's 373 million eligible voters these elections are the second largest in the world after india. and considerably bigger than the upcoming american vote. leinz, nine amendments by the comments are responsible as a blog voters in favor between june 6 and ninth, voters in 27 european countries will choose the 720 lawmakers to shape an increasingly only splintered europe for the next five years. >> your van elections are important because in eu member countries nowadays, a lot of important strategic decisions are taken at the european level this is why the election of the european parliament, which is the only directly elected body
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of europe, is so important policy making in europe is more complex and the election of the european parliament is only part of that as a result, usually we record the lower turnout than in national elections. >> recreating a functioning parliament when europe is making a hard rightward shift, won't be easy the first difficult task of the parliament is choosing the president of the european commission with the current president center right german ursula von der leyen, leading most polls for the incumbent to win. she has to slalom between her center right european people's party and the increasingly popular far-right parties of giorgia meloni and marine le pen to secure the newly elected parliaments support. >> you are preparing to work together with the ecr with that's not what i've said. i might want to be very clear. this is not what i've said. okay. i'm speaking about members of the european
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parliament. i want to see where the group themselves and then we work with a groups that are clearly clearly pro-european approach ukraine against food. and for the rule of law, a far-right with more members could greatly influence how europe deals with political priorities like how to share the burden of irregular migration and what exactly to do about artificial intelligence and regulating big tech against a more assertive china and the united states. >> the european union will need the parliament to set a clear path but with balancing the wide-ranging needs of voters against the goals of divergent parties approving legislation with a fractured parliament will be complex the stakes for europe and beyond couldn't be higher barbie lots of knidos, cnn, rome ukraine is raising a red flag over the condition of its soldiers released by russia. >> still ahead, we'll talk about what ukrainian prisoners
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of war, they've had to endure in russia's captivity sirens are going off and the tornado here i'm thinking, i'm going to die. and i thought that was it wildland earth with the liev schreiber sunday on cnn greeting tab and dizzy happens frenemies happened pets happened, there with ring. learn more at slash pets i'm nfl hall of famer, dan marino, you know, i used to be afraid of things like defense of leinz, losing games. but what's insane is that years later by biggest fear became trying to fall asleep, but the insanity stop. ron learned about relaxing them sleep. i started sleeping again. the first night while i might not be worried about winning games anymore, i still
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usaid are saying and every humanitarian agency is saying, why should the rest of the world look to is as a leader, are banding together to explore how to use their voices effectively from the outside it's kind of like an underground railroad. >> when i was having questions about when it seemed like i cannot work on this anymore but what do i do? >> stacy gilbert, who worked at the state department for more than 20 years so she turned to members of the group when she was considering resigning now she wants to help those who are fighting the system from within, if we can be a resource to help others find their voice find a way to try to affect some policy change that would be useful and gilbert and the others who have left the us government in protest, like alec smith resigned from usaid last month, are also in public events and statements to shed light on all they've seen. know that i'm no longer at usa and i can speak publicly and loudly
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about what is actually happening on the ground in gaza then i can try to get attention pointed towards me, but people who are suffering there now, gilbert's resignation came after her office at the state department, which focuses on global humanitarian crises, found that israel was impeding the delivery of humanitarian aid into gaza only for the final version of the report to say that israel was not to blame what are the implications of a report like this for the us government, global? fully to say it undermines our credibility is an understatement and for this report to say conditions in gaza dangerous, and these organizations don't have the capacity is just patently false. >> it is absolutely dangerous. and it is difficult to do the work but these organizations can do it. they are not being
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allowed to do it. >> the state department says it stands by its final report. >> we want to hear their opinions. we want to hear the expertise that they bring to bear, but ultimately it is the president, the secretary, other senior officials that make the decisions about what the policy of the united states out of beep. >> but gilbert says that many of her colleagues still working on the biden administration's policy and are seeing the death toll of innocent palestinians rise. harberger, same frustrations and continue urging policy changes from within. >> if i were the only one who thought this way, i would stay in the government. but you're confident they'll continue to have a loosely absolutely. and i will be a voice for them on the outside, but i really am i am determined to do all i can to help from the outside because it's it's very, very hard doing this on the inside now, these former officials say they expect resignations and
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dissent from within to continue. and one thing we'll be watching to see is if the pressure that president biden and his administration are putting on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to come to a ceasefire agreement, can do anything to quell this mounting descent, this mounting frustration, but from our conversations with these former officials, it would actually take the biden administration cutting off the flow of us weaponry to israel in order to do that, kylee atwood, cnn, the state department a horrifying state. that's how ukraine is describing the condition of some of its prisoners of war released by russia. a little over a week ago, ukrainian officials say some of them suffered severe weight loss during captivity and endured beatings or ukrainian government body in charge of pows, even made comparisons with nazi concentration camps meanwhile, president zelenskyy says time is running out for
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ukrainian children taken by russia to be brought home kyiv estimates that some 20,000 children suffered that fate the international criminal court has issued an arrest warrant for president vladimir putin over those deportations for more, we're joined by christina scooter and advocacy manager for where are our pupil? >> well, that's an ngo trying to uncover force deportations of ukrainians during the war. >> and she speaking to us from k christina, good to see you. we have seen some horrific images of these pows, these skeletal frames severely malnourished. what other pows saying about the way they would treat it by the russians? >> good morning, everyone. good morning. >> thank you for all paying so much attention to ukraine and this topic because this is extremely important, actually, what these people are telling civilian hostages that were back from russia and keep e-tivity. this is just hearable
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if you saw the pictures, you just can't the small piece of what's going on with those people in the activity. the main thing is that the russia has no more. they don't care about any international law or any international court issue. an even this warranty, you you are talking about now previously, doesn't mean anything to them because they have lot inside the russian federation, they don't have to follow any, any international court issue or any international law. so they have only their law inside the russian federation and actually, i've been talking to those people or civilian hostages the web back from russian activity and these are really heartbreaking stories. for example, i'm just be very brief with one women story that broke my heart she was the wife of actual military of ukrainian
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armed forces and her neighbors told it to russian soldiers, chose, she was captured like a civilian hostage. she was in a slavery in russian federation for eight months. she was raped multiple times, and she was doing the work from very early morning to late early evening. and the only reason she survived in came back from this slavery was one of those hostages also with hershey. he was like official governor with it local governor and he eight months he got the phone and was able to call one of his officials that he knew in russian federation i mean he came and took them all. so that was the only reason she survived. and this is like the small story. i can you know, right now, we don't know even how many hostages, civilian hostages are in russian federation, but we are talking
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20,000 plot some of the like lawyers are telling me that they have 65,000 civilian hostages. they are building even new our presence in crimea because there is no place to get those. all this hostages. there is no place to keep them. >> so they need more presence of course. >> if i can just jump in, let's talk about the children what are they saying about bedtime and russia? >> okay. all those children that came back and this is for the moment is 386 children that we were able to return between almost 20,000 that we know the names off. and actually russian federation is selling that they took 744,000 of ukrainian kidnapped. but the star is almost the same when they work by russia, they were told the
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de of parents refused from them that they, their families don't need them, that now they are russian. they need to talk crusher russian language. they need to be, they will be happy in russia so. get telling them they will bring them all to russian federation. two and b they're going to be adopted by russian families and there they are happy life is waiting for them all. in there. and also they are like, i mean, i want all i would view tourists and everybody to understand. russia does not need ukrainian they need just knew soldiers in their future wars. so that's what they are doing. two ukrainian kids and also they are filling the demographic the russians have ever least to some children though, christina, why are they doing this? and do they see children as a bargaining chip?
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>> yes. and no because this is not an accident. this is what the planned from the very beginning. so there is a few reasons they are doing this because first of all, they want to they want to fulfill the demographic gap, the have inside the russian federation and the the second thing they, they just i don't know if you ever heard about military children camps, what they created this russian know-how. i mean, they put ukrainian kids to those military camps from six till 16-years-old and they train them to be a soldiers. so nowadays, the children that were in donbass in 2014 when all this started in ukraine right? now, the are fighting against ukraine being the part of russian federation army this is already a war crime, which is we are pointing on when we
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are talking to all our international partners and all our so we are trying to point this because this is why they at tricking crane and kids okay. >> christina, as gouda will have to live it there, but we thank you for the work that you're doing and for bringing this very important story to launch, stay with cnn. we'll be right back. >> sometimes the best thing you can do with intelligence share it with your adversary. >> if his secret is betrayed, its bullet to the back of the hand secrets a nuclear game sunday at ten on cnn detects this living with hiv. craig learned, you can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. that's why he switched to nevado. divider was a complete hiv treatment for some adults. no other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetected well, then davon detect this. leo learn that most hiv pills
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a us president is accused of having a gun while abusing drugs and lying on a form about his use of the contraband cnn's paula reid has more the government rested its federal gun case against hunter biden immediately after a hunters lawyers began their defense, which included emotional testimony from his 30-year-old daughter, naomi, when she entered the courtroom with her husband, peter neil, first lady, dr. jill biden, motion for him to sit next to her in the front row with approximately a dozen other biden family members. once naomi was on the stand, defense attorney abbe lowell asked her about the two time she saw her father in 2018 he seemed like the clearest that i had seen him since my uncle died and he just seemed really great. she testified that she had not seen her father for a long time when she and her then boyfriend now husband met him at a coffee shop along with hunter's sober coach. i told him that i was so proud of him and i was so proud to introduce peter to him. she then testified i'd she saw her
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father again in new york city in october of 2018 during the time her father owned the gun at the center of this case, she said she met him to give back his car. she had borrowed for a move, and she testified the car was in good shape and had no evidence of drugs, adding that he seemed hopeful, but on cross-examination naomi and defense attorneys seemed caught off guard when prosecutors presented texts between her and her father during that trip, when he appeared erratic and went dark for long stretches, one of her texts reading, i don't know what to say. i just miss you so much. i just want to hang out with you and from him one saying, i'm sorry. sorry. i have been so unreachable. it's not fair to you. naomi testified that she returned the car on october 19 and that at that time she didn't see any drug paraphernalia in it a few days after that, her aunt hallie biden testified earlier in the trial that she found drug paraphernalia in that same car. prosecutors seizing on this and suggesting that the drug
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residue and drug paraphernalia must have been put in the car after she returned it. timeline crucial as hunter is accused of lying on federal gun buying forms about his drug use at that time. >> now, the defense team has a weekend to decide if they want to put hunter on the stand. and this is a risk reward calculus source familiar with their thinking tells me they think hunter could provide additional context so those text messages you said hallie biden, where he suggested he was on a car doing crack or meeting someone they mu-k presumably to buy drugs. you would like to testify he was just trying to avoid seeing hallie. he wasn't actually using at that time. they'll some believe that putting them on the stand could help to build some sympathy or empathy from members of the jury. but there is also a risk these prosecutors, and they are at the top of their game. and as we saw with his daughter, naomi biden, they will look for any opportunity to undercut a witness's credibility paula reid, cnn, wilmington, delaware
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roaring kitty, real name? keith gill. promised that we would hear him roar as he returned to live streaming on friday. we'll the raw, however, was more of a whimper shares in the financial analysts most touted stop gamestop tumbling throughout his broadcasts and on the company's poor earnings, which it reported earlier in the day, the popular stock investor appeared wearing a sling and fig bandages on his heads and apparent nod to the rough day of trading. >> well, many of many of his hundreds thousands of view as wondered how he was holding up okay that would be that would be am i okay i don't know. i will say i'm probably not i'm probably not. i mean, i'm i'm clearly clearly cuckoo clearly. >> right. i'm off that should be apparent now again, so
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shares finished the session down almost 40% with the stock is still up 38 since 38% since he first returned to social media with this post on x last month or youtuber is facing federal charges after posting footage that looks like it's straight out of the video game, grand theft auto. >> the post is called destroying a lamborghini with fireworks will prosecutors say it was filmed in southern california with out any permits? the youtube has been charged with putting an explosive on an aircraft. >> he could face up to ten years in prison friday nights or a long-running chapter in american television history, come to a close. >> pat sajak spun the wheel one last time on wheel of fortune after 41 he is as host. >> he 77 now and wants to work on other projects. >> go host vanna white is staying on and next season will be joined by ryan seacrest as
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the new host. is what's say jack told viewers before signing off for the last time it's been an incredible privilege to be invited into millions of homes night after night, year after year decade after decade. and i've always felt that the privilege came with a responsibility to keep this daily half-hour a safe place for family fund? no social issues, no politics nothing embarrassing. i hope just a game. but gradually it became more than that. a place where kids learn their letters, where people from other countries hone their english skills, were families came together along with friends and neighbors and entire generations what an honor to play, even a small part and all that. thank you for allowing me into your lives so jack says he'll work behind the scenes as a consultant for the show, wishing him all the best. there's a strange visitor at a beach in oregon, a rare hoodwink gets some fish or
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seven feet plus of it washed ashore earlier this week. it's usually related to live in the southern hemisphere, the local aquarium says the enormous creature caused a buzzer on social media as people flocked to see it. >> new-zealand based researcher marion night guard, checked out samples and images of the fish and said this may be the largest specimen ever sampled. >> the creature is expected to stay on the beach for a few more days how extraordinary? >> well, that wraps up this. our cnn newsroom. i'm on a current i'll be back in just a moment. just a moment. i should say with more news. >> see you shortly the sirens are going off the tornado here you cannot out swim this. you cannot outrun it it really is a terrifying experience. >> it is the stuff of nightmares you just hear it and feel it my eyes and my throat. we're burning i'm thinking
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