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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  June 8, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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science, better results even mckenzie in washington cnn welcome to all of, you watching in the united states, canada, and around the world, i'm in a car and lifelong kong hate on cnn newsroom, us president joe biden vowing to defend bend democracy during his visit to europe for the 80th anniversary of d-day how he's been pushing diplomatic efforts during this historic tree oh back home. the president faces mounting pressure from within his administration over his policies towards the war in gaza. you'll hear from just some the eu quit in frustration meanwhile, a deadline from within benjamin netanyahu's own war cabinet expires in the hours ahead the key member is demanding when it comes to the conflict.
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>> and what could happen if he carries through on his threat we begin our in paris where the close ties between the u.s. and france will be on full display as us president joe biden. continues his official state visit with a full day of events. >> french president emmanuel macron will welcome mr. biden and the first lady with a formal ceremony at the okta triomphe. there will be a parade precession to the least, say palace, followed by a working lunch in the evening. >> the macron's will host the bidens at the music duo say for a state dinner it's coming on the heels of the 80th anniversary of d-day will president biden on the allied troops of world war ii during a speech on the cliffs of normandy on friday, he evoked the legacy as he called on the
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world to defend democracies under threat. today but i'll ask us to give or risk our lives but they are asking us to care for others and our country more than ourselves they're not asking us to do their job. they're asking us to do our job to protect freedom in our time to defend democracy, to stand up aggression abroad. and at home read part of something bigger than ourselves. >> for more on this cnn international diplomatic editor nic robertson joins us now live from london, nyc obviously president biden spending a full day really with his host. it's testament, i guess to the bond between these two countries. >> yeah, i think it is and it's testament in a way to how comfortable president biden fills in france has been that it will be probably, by the time he leaves expanded to
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leave on sunday, it had been there for five days. i don't think a us president in recent history spent so much time in one single country outside of the united states for, for some time this is a relationship that's important to president biden he needs strong allies and partners in europe. >> it's a relationship that's important to president macron. you who courted donald trump when he was president hosted him to dinner. >> i think it was in the eiffel tower so macron has always been careful to try to have a strong working on solid relationship with us president's, particularly now, britain is outside of the european union. france's it is one of the strongest partners, if you will, that the united states can look to to have influence in brussels within the european union there are differences, of course, between the two countries, but today, we'll be full of sort of ceremony and
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the symbolic nature of that relationship attending a ceremony at the de triomphe for a parade, dan to the elysee palace are working lunch and then back for a state dinner at the lee say palace in the evening. so this really is the french de, the french president, laying on the best of what france has to offer to visiting world leaders president biden is really getting the treat at the french today nick, yeah, as we know, over these last few days, present, button really has been front and center on the world stage during this this trip to commemorate d-day what impact will this have on us foreign policy, particularly on the wars in ukraine and gaza well when you talk about gaza, there are obvious differences between president macrons position and president biden's position. a stark contrast can be seen when
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the international criminal court, the icc, called for the request for arrest warrants for prime minister netanyahu so and the hamas leaders united states, condemned that even there was talk from within the united states of the challenge to the icc but what we heard from france, which is a signature signatory to the rome statute, which supports the icc. what the icc is doing. and if there was an arrest warrant for prime minister netanyahu, if he was to go to france, then the french will be obliged to arrest him. if that was to happen so the french said that they supported the move by the icc. so clearly, president biden and macron the sea differently on israel france is much more forward leaning. i wanted to see a sea as far in gaza, but it supports the united states position that calling for an independent palestinian state are
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recognizing an independent palestinian stay right now is not the right course of action. and on ukraine as well president macron is more forward leaning down the united states. he wants to form a coalition of countries that will send international military trainers. military trainers into ukraine praying nato try to train ukrainian soldiers. know nato nation has done this. at least publicly, yet, and this is much more than the united states wants to do when macron has taught about this in the policy united states has been very careful to say no. that's not where we are on this. >> so will it how will it change in shape that? >> will macrons going to do is back as the push the united states forward, but we know that president biden is constrained not just by his own worldview, but by domestic politics at home. he is unlikely to take a strong position that france wants on the war in gaza. and he's going to be very cautious about how he approaches involving us
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troops, potentially on the ground in ukraine, the domestic appetite for that this is perhaps not in the same place as domestic appetite and frances robinson that joining us from london, many thanks well, back in the us, mr. biden faces mounting pressure from within his own administration to change you as policy over the israel hamas war, cnn's kali atwood has more almost a dozen us officials who have resigned in protest of the biden administration's approach to the israel-hamas war. i want us to abide by our own laws. there's a real disconnect between what we and usaid are saying and every humanitarian agency is saying why should the rest of the world look to is as a leader, are banding together to explore how to use their voices effectively from the outside. it's kind of like an underground railroad. when i was having questions about when it seemed like i cannot work on
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this anymore but what do i do? >> stacy gilbert, who worked at the state department for more than 20 years. so she turned to members of the group when she was considering resigning. now she wants to help those who are fighting the system from within if we can be a resource to help others find their voice find a way to try to affect some policy change that would be useful. gilbert and the others who have left the us government in protest, like alec smith resigned from usaid last month, are also in public events and statements to shed light on all they've seen. >> know that i'm no longer at usa and i can speak publicly and loudly about what is actually happening on the ground in gaza and i can try to get attention pointed towards me, but people who are suffering there now gilbert's resignation came after her office at the state department, which focuses on global
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humanitarian crises, found that israel was impeding the delivery of humanitarian aid into gaza only for the final version of the report to say that israel was not to blame what are the implications of a report like this for the us government globally? >> to say it undermines our credibility is an understatement and for this report to say, conditions in gaza are dating dress, and these organizations don't have the capacity is just patently false. it is absolutely dangerous and it is difficult to do the work burke but these organizations can do it. they are not being allowed to do it the state department says it stands by its final report. we want to hear their opinions. we want to hear the expertise that they bring to bear, but ultimately it is the president, the secretary, other senior officials that make the decisions about what the policy of the united states out of beep. but gilbert says that
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many of her colleagues still working on the biden administration's policy and are seeing the death toll of innocent palestinians rise. >> harberger, same frustrations and continue urging policy changes from within. >> if i were the only one who thought this way, i would stay in the government. but you're confident they'll continue to have slowly absolutely i will i will be a voice for them on the outside, but i really am. i am determined to do all i can help from the outside because it's it's very, very hard doing this on inside. >> now, these warmer officials say they expect resignations and descend from within to continue. and one thing we'll be watching to see is if the pressure that president biden and his administration are putting on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to come to a ceasefire agreement, can do anything to quell this mounting descent, this mounting frustration, but from our conversations with these former
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officials, it would actually take the biden administration cutting off the flow of us weaponry to israel in order to do that kylie atwood, cnn, the state department will that frustration is being fueled by reports that are coming out of gaza. >> it seems daily. the director of rafah's kuwaiti hospitals is to workers there were killed and five others wounded by an idf strike last month kuwait hospital was forced to close after continuous israeli strikes, cnn has reached out to the idf for comment. well, the coming hours could be crucial for israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he's facing pressure from the united states to accept a ceasefire and hostage release agreement. now it came member of his war cabinet could quit. benny gantz has threatened to leave the cabinet and the government. and he says, he'll take his party with him. >> well, meanwhile, the united nations is adding the israeli military, hamas, and palestinian islamic jihad to a
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list of groups that harm children the un secretary general's spokesman says the list will be presented to the security council next week gaza's ministry of hills sysml than 15,000 palestinian children have been killed in israel. >> hamas war israel denies deliberately targeting civilians cnn senior international correspondent has been weighed him and joins us now live from beirut and ben, let's start with that ultimatum by benny gantz word is that the united states is trying to get gantz to stay. what more you learning? >> yes. well, he last month has said that on the 8th of june today, he would resign if benjamin netanyahu did not come out with some sort of post-war plan for gaza. well, that hasn't happened. it's 8 june and it is expected that it's evening and around the 8:00 p.m. a. local time, he will be giving a press conference and
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all indications from the israeli media is that he will indeed carry through with his threat. now, what does this mean? what his party is actually not a member of netanyahu's code collision, which has 64 out of the 120 seats in the knesset. so it's not like netanyahu's government is going to collapse but good gantz's considered to be sort of one of the adults in the room and experienced military figure who was chief of staff for the israeli army later at defense minister, he is someone who is perhaps according to these ready media, trying to keep the government on an even he'll pull him out and that means sort of that sort of level of control goes and netanyahu will be under the pressure more pressure from the
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extremist ministers in his cabinet but fundamentally for instance, guns does not support the creation of a palestinian state he does not support the idea of palestinian authority, going into gaza to administer it in the post-war phase. so basically, the difference between netanyahu and gun on tone, not necessarily the actual action on the ground node guns has been in favor of some sort of rapid end, to this war, we have now beginning the ninth month of this war. netanyahu doesn't seem to be quite as eager for that but the end of the day, i think the expectation is the war will continue. netanyahu's made it clear that despite the 31 may biden peace proposal, that his goal is the complete destruction of hamas difficult
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if not impossible, as that maybe anna and ben the un's designation of israel as a state that harms children the israelis are incense to tell us about the announcement and this reaction well every year the united nations puts out a report on entities and country he's harm children in war. >> and now israel joins saudi arabia, afghanistan, the democratic republic of congo, hamas islamic jihad, sudan, syria, yemen, and isis on that list. as you mentioned in the introduction israel has, according to the ministry of health in gaza, killed more than 15,000 children. it's a lot of children and certainly what we're seeing on our
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screens, what we're hearing from the ground is yes, many children have been killed as a result of this war in gaza, where the death toll is approaching 40,000. and therefore it's not necessary it's essentially a surprise. it was a surprise to the israelis, the chief of staff of the un secretary general, antonio guterres, called the israel kylian vasodilate to the un, to inform him before this announcement was made, the israeli investor recorded video recorded that conversation and described the israeli army as the most moral army in the world. now, this is something that the israelis have repeated for decades, but certainly this war, in particular brings that claim. in 2000 15,000 children certainly is a huge number and
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wait a min, joining us from beirut. thank you the secret service is preparing for massive pro-palestinian demonstrations in washington dc today, putting up extra fencing to protect the white house. >> they've also blocked off access to the white house gates service agent till cnn. they're expecting up to 12,000 protesters. us president joe biden will not be at the white house since he's attending that state visit in france? >> we are getting word of a new russian strikes on ukraine as the french president spills out, the timeframe, the starting to train ukrainian pilots on french fighter jets. that story, plus bouton is bragging about having many more nuclear bombs than the us and europe but that's not always he said at the st. >> petersburg economic forum hey, mom, how many should i decorated have ran have blue that's a. really tough call for you. >> that's john king from cnn.
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okay, that's uncalled for. okay. alone this is a secret war. secrets and spies tomorrow at ten on cnn for. >> a seconds write de ukraine is reporting a wave of russian strikes across the country. >> officials say one person was killed at least six others injured in overnight attacks. >> that included drones. and artillery. some of the strikes cause more damage to the power grid and critical infrastructure lecture, that's coming on the heels of a un report that says may was the deadliest month for ukrainians in almost a year. more than 170 civilians were killed last month. about 30% more than in april and close to 700 were injured the increase is blamed on the growing number of strikes in the kharkiv region where moscow launched a new offensive. last month, well, meanwhile, french president
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emmanuel macron says his country will start training ukrainian pilots and mechanics in the coming days. he met with president volodomyr zelenskyy on friday de after pledging to send french fighter jets to give or meanwhile, russian president vladimir putin repeated threats to our adversaries of western nations that are supporting ukraine. >> he also boasted about russia's economy and military strength during a speech at the st. petersburg economic forum on friday, cnn's fred pleitgen as more lavender putin speaking at the st. petersburg economic forum, which of course is extremely important for russia and extremely important for the russian president remains bullish both on the russian economy and also on the war in ukraine as far as the economy is concerned, the russian president saying that despite the fact that russia is, of course, under immense western sanctions, that its economy is still going strong. >> essentially, what putin did in his keynote speeches, he outlined what he believes could be a new world economic order
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with of course russia being at the helm now as far as the war in ukraine is concerned, vladimir putin once again, pointing out that he believes russia right now is on the offensive. he said that russia, since the beginning of this year, has managed to take from ukraine some 47 towns and settlements near the front lines. so clearly he believes that the russians right now have the momentum. some other key developments as well. he says, right now there is no need for more mobilization on the part of the russian military because of course, he believes that they have enough troops for the front lines and also for the rear echelons as well. the other thing that we also saw was so vladimir putin, once again essentially telling western nations that russia has a huge nuclear arsenal and to be aware of that, but he did also elaborate on some remarks that he had made earlier where in light of the fact that western nations, some of them are now saying that you crane can use western supplied weapons to hit russian
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territory in a limited way that the russian since he believes, could also have the right to supply the same classes of weapons as he put it to adversaries of the west to put them under military pressure. the russian president now qualifying that somewhat saying that that is not something that is imminent. his exact words there, that is not something that's going to happen, quote, tomorrow, fred pleitgen, cnn berlin thank you for your company. i'm anna coren for those of you watching internationally african voices changemakers is next for those of you in the us and canada. i'll be back with more news. >> just a minute. >> assignments are going off the tornado here you cannot out swim this. >> you cannot outrun it.
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measure you right now. >> i'm taylor on ios or android, this cnn presidential debates, june 27th at nine live on cnn and streaming on max welcome back to all viewers in the united states and canada, i'm anna coren. >> this is seen any israel well, prosecutors in hunter biden's federal gun trial finished presenting the evidence on friday, and the defense called hunters daughter naomi, to the stand. >> the son of a us president is accused of having a gun while abusing drugs and lying on a form about his use of the contraband. cnn's paula reid has more the government rested its federal gun case against hunter biden immediately after a hunters lawyers began their defense, which included emotional testimony from his 30-year-old daughter, naomi, when she entered the courtroom with her husband, peter neil, first lady, dr. jill biden motioned for him to sit next to her in the front row with approximately a dozen other biden family members.
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>> once naomi was on the stand, defense attorney abbe lowell asked her about the two time she saw her father in 2018. he seemed like the clearest that i had seen him since my uncle died and he just seemed really great. she testified that she had not seen her father for a long time when she and her then boyfriend now husband, met him at a coffee shop along with hunter's sober coach. i told him that i was so proud of him and i was so proud to introduce peter to him. she then testified she saw her father again in new york city in october of 2018, during the time her father owned the gun at the center of this case, she said she met him to give back because car she had borrowed for a move and she testified the car was in good shape and had no evidence of drugs adding that he seemed hopeful, but on cross-examination, naomi and defense attorneys seemed caught off guard when prosecutors presented texts between her and her father during that trip, when he appeared erratic and went dark for long stretches, one of her texts reading, i don't know what to say. i just
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miss you so much. i just want to hang out with you. and from him one saying, i'm sorry, i have been so unreachable. it's not fair to you, naomi testified that she returned the our on october 19 and that at that time she didn't see any drug paraphernalia in it a few days after that, her aunt hallie biden testified earlier in the trial that she found drug paraphernalia in that same car, prosecutors seizing on this and suggesting that the drug residue and drug paraphernalia must have been put in the car our after she returned it, timeline crucial as hunter is accused of lying on federal gun buying forms about his drug use at that time. now, the defense team has a weekend to decide i'd if they want to put hunter on the stand and this is a risk reward calculus source familiar with their thinking tells me they think hunter could provide additional context. so those text messages you said hallie biden, where he suggested he was on a car doing crack or meeting someone they mci presumably to buy drugs. you
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would like to testify that he was just trying to we'd seen hallie and he wasn't actually using at that time. he also believed that putting them on the stand could help to build some sympathy or empathy from members of the jury there is also a risk these prosecutors they are at the top of their game. and as we saw with his daughter, naomi biden, they will look for any opportunity to undercut a witnesses credibility paula reid, cnn, wilmington, delaware a witness in the trial of us senator bob menendez says, he gave a continent and his wife as a bribe. jose uribe testified friday saying that in exchange for a mercedes convertible, nadine menendez promised to try to prevent an investigation into rubies trucking business everybody testified under a plea agreement bob menendez and others charged in the case of pleaded not guilty. >> nadine menendez is facing a separate to trial later. this
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year. former trump white house chief of staff mark meadows is pleading not guilty to charges of conspiring to overturn the 2020 election results in arizona is one of 18 trump allies charged in connection with the fake electors case in the stage. >> cnn's crayon law has more on the latest legal issue connected to the former president arizona prosecutors arrive for the arraignments of some of former president donald trump's closest advisers. >> sir, could you state your name, please? >> mark randall matters. >> trump's former white house chief of staff. we do an enter a plea of not guilty, also, entering a not guilty plea. trump campaign operative, mike roman, could you state your name, please? >> michael roman and meadows both face charges in multiple states and the fake elector scheme aimed at overturning the 2020 election results in arizona and in georgia. >> roman, also this week was
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indicted in wisconsin the state cases, all date back to an alleged plan hatched in the days and weeks after trump lost his last reelection bid, where the underside being the duly elected and qualified electors in arizona calling themselves electors. these 11 people assembled on december 14, 2020 to declare the state's winner. >> donald j. trump, of his state of florida. number a bonus 11 but joe biden had won arizona arizona prosecutors say meadows, roman, and other trump allies charged in april, like former trump attorney john eastman. i of course, pled night guilty. >> and current rnc election integrity council. christina bobb will be what the case coordinated fake electors in arizona and other swing-state attempting to keep trump in power. perhaps the most well-known of the 18 indicted by arizona is former trump
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lawyer rudy giuliani who say arizona prosecutors, dodge them for weeks as they tried to serve him court papers there. so incompetent, they can find me they also can't count votes correctly live streaming has taunts right thing until arizona agents caught up with giuliani and he said his 80th birthday in florida now has two weeks to appear in person in court and post a $10,000 bond giuliani so far hasn't indicated exactly when he's going to be heading to arizona. we did check with the maricopa county sheriff's department. and so far, he has not yet been processed for his mug shot or his fingerprints we checked in to see where giuliani might be. he was live streaming has show from michigan young law, cnn, los angeles the judge who oversaw the trump hush money
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trial is dealing with a social media post. they claim to know the verdict before it was even delivered. a poster who claims to be the cousin of a juror, said that trump would be convicted in a message on the courts facebook page last month the judge has brief both the prosecution and trump's defense on the comment. it is not clear if there is any validity to the post. >> will meanwhile, judge juan merchan's is trump's attorney. >> can join the former president. saturday's pre-sentence investigation interview the interview will form part of the report. the judge will receive ahead of trump's sentencing next month. the former president has been boasting of his fundraising windfall on the heels of his hush money conviction and he's in california to raise even more who cnn's alayna treene with the latest well, just a week after the former president was convicted in manhattan, donald trump is back on the campaign trail and aggressively fundraising in cattle hello,
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fournier. >> now on thursday, donald trump attended a san francisco fundraiser at the home of silicon valley investor david sacks, that was organized actually by jd vance, one of donald trump's top contenders to become vice president. and i was told that advance it really spent months working on getting sacks to endorse the former president. they viewed that endorsement and the fundraiser as a sign as silicon valley starting to embrace donald trump. now on friday, donald trump also has a fundraiser in beverly hills this one home hosted by le samson, a very wealthy businessman, who has endorsed the former president the past and has donated to him before and then on saturday, donald trump have another fundraiser in orange county and luck, all of this comes as donald trump is continuing to rail against that verdict in new york, we heard him speak about that in thursday at a rally in phoenix it's where he called the conviction rigueur, called the verdict rigged, and the jury rigged, and also said that if his case did not win on an appeal, would be no country
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anymore foreign. we also have heard donald trump really escalate his rhetoric for retribution against his political opponents. take a listen to what trump to dr. phil in an interview on thursday retribution is going to be through success. we're going to make it very successful. we have to bring the country together the word revenge is a very strong word, but maybe we have revenge through success while revenge does time, i will say that does and sometimes revenge can be justified if though i have this b honest, sometimes it can. >> now what i find very interesting about that interview is that donald trump, over the past several days now, has done a series of what i would dries as friendly interviews where the host have really tried to get him to step away from these calls for retribution. but as we just saw in that interview with dr. phil he's refusing to do so. instead, he's doubling if not tripling down on his calls for revenge. and this is something we really heard donald trump talk about ever since he was indicted last year, he is called hold for potentially going after and prosecuting
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some of his political opponents. and i think we'll continue to hear that rhetoric when he speaks at a rally in las vegas on sunday alayna treene, cnn, los angeles well on the campaign trail, trump is also railing against biden's new executive order on immigration. he is what he told a crowd in phoenix, arizona on thursday you people know better than just about anybody about the southern border because they are pouring through your state at levels, nobody's ever seen before. two days ago, joe biden signed and executive order to officially declare his formal approval and support for the largest border invasion in the history of the world. so this has been the largest invasion in history. we've never, we are being invaded well, the number of migrant crossings at the us, mexico border has not changed much since new asylum restrictions went into effect earlier this week. >> but senior white house officials believe crossings will drop homeland security
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secretary alejandro mayorkas spoke to cnn about trump's three action to the executive order it's inappropriate for me to respond to a political candidates statements. >> let me just say that president biden has taken an executive action to strengthen our border security after congress has failed to act, but only congress can fix what everyone agrees is a broken immigration system it's done the immigration landscape is a volatile one. we know that for for many years, but this measure, this executive action, is far different than what the former president sought to deal we have not eliminated asylum. we are allowing between 14 and 1,500 individuals to use our processes the cbp one application to come to a port of entry at a predesignated appointed time and claim asylum
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in a safe orderly, and lawful way. that was not the case under the prior administration. in addition, this president president biden, has established an unprecedented number of lawful pathways for individuals to seek humanitarian relief in the united states including asylum outside of the grip of exploitative human smuggling, organizations. so this is far different than what the prior administration sought to do. we are adhering to our nation's values and strengthening border security surprisingly, strong jobs, growths in the u.s. >> is dashing hopes that the federal reserve will cut interest rates anytime soon the us added 272,000 jobs in may, far more than expected and american workers earning more as well with wage growth coming
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in stronger than expected average hourly earnings are now up 4.1 0.1% on the year outpacing inflation on the flip side unemployment rose to 4% for the first time in over two years, i spoke with analysts ryan patel earlier about what the mixed economic picture could mean for president biden's reelection. bid you've got the economic fundamentals. >> you see the numbers and you look at the back end and when you see where prices have increased in what parts of the country what types of demographics it turns to be when you see these numbers? then you see your bank account. i think the word they'd been using as vibes. >> you don't feel that you're getting the economic benefit out of what the market is doing. >> and i think for president biden is uphill battle for him to face these type of vibes or feelings that people are feeling because they're not spending as much even though consumer spending overall has been there fair, but that doesn't mean with all the different groups that are there and even certain companies and
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they are sitting on the sideline and holding cash instead of investing it. furthermore, because they don't, they're still not sure where the market is and things are expensive because of industries being high. so people are not taking loans out there are waiting and waiting to see when that occurs. and so it does cause is built up where you see shelter prices, rent increase in wages don't always keep up with that. and so it is interesting the dilemma that the president, president biden the white house needs to be talking about the rhetoric has been interesting and it hasn't been really working when it comes in some as exit polls and surveys we'll have more on the jobs report coming up in the next hour. >> i've seen a newsroom, but i hit the brothers who made any exciting dinosaur fossil find that resulted in a museum exhibit. >> and the documentary assignment with audie cornish. listen wherever you get your podcasts pain means pause on
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there's no one that goes the things i do. >> we are personal limits what for wrestling can be we wednesday night dynamited eight on tbs well there's a strange visitor at a beach in oregon, array hoodwink, some fish or seven feet plus of it, washed ashore earlier this week. it's usually believed to live in the southern hemisphere. the local aquarium says the enormous creature caused abuzz on social media. as people flocked see new zealand-based researcher marion at nih god checked out samples and images of the fish and said, this may be the largest specimen ever sampled some is expected to stay on the beach for a few more days three north dakota boys were out fossil hunting with their father a couple of years ago when they made an incredible find, a prime specimen of a
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juvenile tyrannosaurus rex. >> only a handful of ever been recovered. >> well now the bone it's a part of an exhibition at the denver museum of nature and science and the boys star in a documentary that premieres later this month my colleague, paula newton spoke earlier to the museum's curator and two of the boys this is just such a remarkable story of discovery. i mean, i think that's what makes it so special. i mean, sam kicking his boys, jessin and liam out and his nephew kaiden, going out and you're not stumbling on this fossil. they were out looking for fossils and they found a juvenile toronto a source rex. and to me, it's extra special because i grew up in that same area. i grew up walking sort of the same badlands and that's how you're salman. i knew each other where we're friends since high school. and it's just so cool to see these boys getting outside in making an
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awesome discovery, like they made and the find itself is it significant. i mean, we don't have that many juvenile tyrannosaurs that i've ever been discovered. >> so this is only a handful that i've ever been discovered so it's that's all remarkable find you use the correct word there. awesome boys. >> i have to turn back to you guys because you obviously didn't find out for quite awhile exactly that it was t rex. so when you found out it was t-rex what did you think i was very excited and it was me and hailar that found out first letter. >> it was a t-rex because we mean, i was sitting right across from tyler is that's when we found that first tooth
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but at that moment, i couldn't speak and jessin definitely 65 million years later, you got them you got the t rex. >> are there any names here that we're coming up with? do you get to name them? >> yeah we named it the brother because me and my brother and my cousin brothers to each other and the dayana shot feels like what. >> adorable boys youtuber is facing federal charges after posting footage that looks like it's straight out of the video game grand theft auto. the voice is called destroying a lamborghini with fireworks prosecutors say was filmed in southern california without any permits. >> the youtuber has been charged with putting an explosive on an aircraft. he could face up to ten years in prison when newly released
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bodycam footage shows golfer scottie scheffler telling police he's terribly sorry on the morning of his arrest outside a recent pga championship and louisville, kentucky so i'm terribly sorry guys keep arms back. i promise i'm about to trying to get to teach scheffler was on his way to the golf course when he came across the scene of what was a fatal crash, and officer trying to stop scheffler was dragged along by scheffler's kotb, but the officer didn't have his body camera on at the time. >> charges were dropped after the incident was deemed a misunderstanding united states cricket team is running high on confidence after they're shocking victory of the pakistan this week and the t 20 cricket world cup that's probably shocked the cricketing
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world and i know definitely here in the us it's been it's been a lot of media coverage of it, which is fantastic. >> i think usa cricket, as i guess not that well-known within america i think we've put ourselves a little bit more on the map was very to hide team usa, like the chances and the upcoming matches against india and ireland in the final two group a matches and you book and a new movie are in the works and shorter delight fans of the hunger games. >> the first book in the franchise by authors suzanne collins was publishing 2008, turned into a hint series of books and movies. >> there's attracted legions of followers. >> now, yet another chapter of the dystopian fights for your life saga continues with a new book called sunrise on the reaping it's said to be published in 2025 and made into a movie the following year. the story revisits the world of
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panama, told in the hunger games, but goes back in time 24 years before those events are die-hard, fans predict the new book will feature the character of hey mitch abernathy played in the original movies by woody harrelson. hey, mitch was the victor that the 50th hunger games, which is the setting of the new book. >> well, that wraps up this. our, i've seen a newsreel. i'm in a car and i'll be back in just a moment you increase in wow fires is exponential on uncontrollable overwhelming consequences. the need to do something is urgent what we have schreiber, tamara, nine on cnn. >> pain means pause on the things you'd love but breen means go cool the pain with bio free and keep on going.
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