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tv   CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield  CNN  June 8, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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whitfield were watching several breaking news stories at this hour right now emotional moments in israel after a dramatic rescue operation freeze four hostages from hamas family and friends reuniting with their loved ones after eight months of captivity in gaza, more on that in a moment. but first and important moment in the face of world war by threats to democracy. two of the world's oldest allies, the united states and france coming together in paris president biden assumed to attend a state dinner at this hour at the lee say palace. you see people in position, the band and position the red carpet and position for guests to arrive the guest to varner biden's for their rival for the state dinner alright, let's begin with a breaking news underway. in france right now president biden and the first lady soon to arrive there at the e lee elysee palace in paris for the state dinner with
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the french president emmanuel macron. it's all part of biden's high-stakes trip to france aimed at strengthening the alliance with a critical us ally and reinforcing the commitment to support ukraine in its war with russia, were looking at pictures right now of more guests arriving cnn's melissa bell is in paris for us. melissa, what more can you tell us about the state dinner, how it will all play out, too, are among the distinguished guests we've been looking at folks arrive thing there and the purpose behind this dinner, the importance of the dinner a lot of beautiful people on their way into the laissez palestine. >> in fact, i just posted on my way to speak to frederica and it's a pretty glitzy affair the entire surrounding area of paris has been entirely blocked off for it three people, but for those invited, i think it's gonna be a pretty spectacular occasions. it's the state banquet. we expect the president to arrive in a short
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while. the dinners do to get underway officially in about 40 minutes, fredricka and this is really the culmination of a state visit that has been an awful lot about optics. it's been about president biden standing in parts of norman de, that american heroes had helped liberate 80 years ago, him speaking chinese domestic audience. but to the world as well about the ongoing need to continue helping ukraine. and what we saw today was some pretty impressive pageantry from the scholz. easy, remember that today is the day that marks frederica the official end of world war ii. the surrender of the germans, and we celebrated on the eightfold though the defeat was signed on the seventh because it's when it came into effect. so traditionally, each year and then your and my comb places of wreath that the tomb of the unknown soldier there at the ogden often makes his way down the sean's today, he did it with president biden again the optics of that really important and lots of references over the course of the day from president biden about france's
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being america's oldest ally, very much what we'd heard when president mecole, you remember, had been received for his first state dinner under the biden presidency in december of 2022, they'd been able to celebrate that aligns then now, this dinner tonight about welcoming. well, welcoming the american presence in return, reminding the world. and again, domestic audiences back in the u.s. the importance of the transatlantic alliance ancient how old it is rooted of course, in the histories of both united states and france. and really cementing that. so what you're seeing at the laissez tonight and what you've heard very much from both presence aid, lots of warm words about their complicity on questions like crane, their intention to go further still to help president zelenskyy tonight, though, a lot about the pageantry and the show, the elisa palace, all decked out. and as i say, a lot of pretty well-known people
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sound the hyack actresses, pharrell williams as well. john kerry invited as well. >> ahead. >> we've watched them arrive ahead of the presidential coupled that are due to arrive soon. frederick and melissa, while we've spent a lot of time talking about the messaging on this global stage. coming from the american present. >> how about the messaging to the french president macron? >> because early on there were a couple of moments where some feathers were ruffled, right? and in terms of during the biden administration and france was a unnerved by being left out of say, like the submarine deal. and how much of this moment is also about resolidified the relationship chip between these two administrations. even though it is an election year and there are a lot of frayed nerves of that have been expressed about what could happen in november. but for the present, how much of this was also about? you
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know, just resolidified the relationship between macron and biden i think you're right. >> fredricka, that relationship has come a long way. what do you remember that as a result of that orcas route that you mentioned the submarine deal stolen as the french swift from i'm under their noses and handed to the australians by washington. this wavelet, the extraordinary measure of president mecole recalling the french ambassador to washington and no one could really remember the last time that, that had happened at the time as i recall, it had been a pretty important step in showing just how grieved aggrieved france was by the move. so there had been some rebuilding to do. but i think for both presidents are right. we've been talking a lot about why this visit and all the messaging that's come from in it matters to present biden at this particular point. but remember that president mccoys also facing some pretty difficult to elections this weekend, european elections are being held across the european union the far right is expected
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to do the extremely well we'll know by tomorrow night. who's which parties have done best. but here in france and many of my calls, parties don't expect you to terribly well. so these this messaging mattered to him about the importance of the central holding in the face of more conservative forces. i think it was messaging that mattered to both presidents domestic audiences federica. >> all right. melissa bell. thank you so much. i hesitated for a moment when we're looking at the pictures because we are waiting for the live pictures, the live entrance of president biden and the first lady. and what we just saw moment ago, it was earlier in the de when they were there at the lee a palace. but meantime, we looked blood pictures right now. meantime, let's continue this conversation. i want to bring in now cnn contributor frida ghitis. she is also a global affairs columnist, free to great to see you. i mean, there was so much symbolism over what has transpired during this five-day visit for a president biden while in france is this the moment this state dinner? is this the punctuation
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there is that its meaning, the punctuation of this relationship of re-establishing the commitment of the us, not just to france, but to all our allies. nato allies. is that what this is about? >> little your right there, there's been so much symbolism during this entire visit. we've seen these visits before. we've seen these d-day commemorations for 80 years. there's never been one quite like this. europe is facing to threats that are really overshadowing everything that occurs during this visit. one is this, this russian war against ukraine. the other one is the possibility that a president, a former president, who is threatening to change the entire character of the alliance between the united states and europe could return to power and all these all these commitments are these reassurances from president biden are going to be not worth very much there, there's a story that biden tells that
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when he met macron after taking office, he told them he told him mr. president or a manuel, whatever he called them, america is back and macron responded, yes, but for how long? and i think that really encapsulates the anxiety that is one sentence in europe now. >> so you're not being subtle at all. there is great anxiety right now with these some five months ago before elections here in the us, about how permanent or how temporary this re-articulated commitment is. >> absolutely no. biden has really reinvigorated nato. he has reinvigorated the atlantic alliance, that relationship between the united it states on europe. he has made it, made it a central piece of his emphasis administration to maintain a commitment to ukraine's survival in the face of this aggression from russia. and he has repeatedly said that the united states and europe are
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solid, solid alive but know everybody knows that there's an election coming and you talk to people in europe and they wonder what's going to happen. and there's nothing by them can say that can completely dispel that fear because people have heard, they heard donald trump himself say that when he was asked by a natal member if the united states would stand and by native, by, by native country, fewer attacked that trump said, i would encourage russia to do. and his words whatever the hell they want. if, if these natal countries have made whatever financial commitments they had, they had agreed to though so it's it's it's a difficult time. it's an anxious time. >> all right. for to get us. thank you so much. i'm going to have you stick around though, right. because we are awaiting their rival of president biden biden and dr. jill biden there to the state dinner. and then we also expect that there will be comments coming from emmanuel macron, as well as joe biden, the presence of these two nations, france and u.s.
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during this dinner. and then i've got you free to help us through it all. thank you so much for you to appreciate it. all right. now, two other breaking news. we're following for israeli hostages rescued in a daring idf operation central gaza, palestinians describing the mission as hell on earth, amid a heavy barrage of shelling and artillery fire gaza officials say those blasts killed more than 200 people and injured hundreds more. >> the four hostages are now safe and israel, for the first time since hamas abducted them at the nova music festival on october 7, emotional moments right there today, it's family and friends were united with their loved ones. >> cnn's paula hancocks, and priscilla alvarez are tracking all of the developments up paul, let's go to you. you are outside the hospital where these hostages are still being evaluated bring us up to date on their condition and all that we know about this rescue to operation so far, they all came
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for their medical checkup here that we heard from one of the doctors who had looked at them saying that they will stable and they were all in good medical conditions. >> some of them still undergoing checks at this point though, but it has been a day of high emotions here as friends since and family have been coming in at two see those for israeli hostages who have spent the last eight months in captivity in gaza now we heard some of the details of that mission had happened in this disrupt in central gaza from the idf, we understand it happened to the 11:00 a.m. joint mission between the military, the security agency, and the police that they say was weeks in the planning. the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu giving the green light for it go ahead on thursday. now they say it was focused on two buildings that they entered to try and rescue these four hostages. they say they were under fire as they went in and as they left. but
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you see images of those hostages on board the helicopter is touching down in israel celebrations, relief on faces, and we've been hearing from some of the families of those that were released saying there are more that needs to be released, 120 more. all of them that we've heard from from their calling for a ceasefire deal and then polo, what more have you heard about these? >> some 200 people that were killed in the middle of this operation and 400 others injured for the price paid for this mission has been unquestionably high we do have images from our cnn producer on the ground. i have to caution they are very distressing to watch, but we see a constant chain of dead and injured coming into the al-aqsa martyrs hospital in central gaza. some saying that this happened in the early morning, that there was this initial operation
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ongoing more than 210 killed and more than 400 injured according to the media office in gaza. now we don't have clarity on the breakdown at this point of civilians versus fighters, but we do know that many of those that were brought into that hospital would children many work. women as well, really some horrific images coming through one of them saying it was held on friday. >> all right. paula hancocks. thank you so much. let's bring in now priscilla alvarez from washington. so priscilla one us official is telling cnn that an american cell, so ported this rescue effort. what more or official saying about the kind of us involvement that may have happened here yeah. >> that us officials saying that an american sell on israel did aid this effort working with israeli forces. we do not know how or to what extent yeah, but we have asked the white house for more information on this now,
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earlier today, the president biden welcomed the news of this rescue alongside the french president i, want to echo president macron's comments. welcome you to safe rescue four hostages were returned to their families you, won't stop working until all the hostages come home and a ceasefire is reached that is essential to happen now, national security adviser, jake sullivan echoed that in a statement that follow calling this a successful operation to rescue those four hostages from the grips of hamas and gaza. >> now, the us of course, has been pushing for hostage talks to continue for there to be a deal which would include the release of hostages, as well as a ceasefire. in fact the president had laid out that proposal publicly putting enormous pressure on all parties to try to reach an agreement this week the us along with 16 other countries called on hamas to close the deal. so this is all part of this ongoing pressure that the
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us is building for there to be this agreement that would pave the way for a ceasefire and also the release of all of the hostages that are being held by hamas. we also know that senior us officials return to the middle east to try to give momentum to some of those talks. we don't know the state of them whether they will reach an agreement. but today, the u.s. is touting this as a successful operation as they have seen, the rescue of these four hostages, fred. >> alright, priscilla alvarez and paula hancocks. thanks to both of you, ladies. appreciate it. >> all right. still come remembering d-day 80 years later, tuskegee airmen lieutenant colonel henry stewart, a member of the greatest generation and who defended liberty. he'll join me live next cnn newsroom brought to you by progressive, get a business insurance quote online in as little as six minutes visit progressive when you're, a
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that us president eisenhower called operation overlord was carried out by sea, land, and air including america's tuskegee airmen. the 332nd fighter group fought in the european theater and was noted as one of the army air force's most successful and most decorated escort groups. >> and we are honored to have tuskegee airman, lieutenant colonel harry stewart with us today. >> he is one of four in the 330 seconds tuskegee airmen fighter jet group, who also earned the distinction of top gun in 1949, the best of the best in the us air force. an acknowledgment that they finally officially received in 2022. lieutenant colonel harry stewart. great to see you hi federica. how are you? >> i'm doing great, even better now that i get to talk to you thank you. first off.
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>> thank you for all that you and your comrades, including my dad, your fellow comrades, second lieutenant a malware field. >> did and continue to do you served with a 301st fighter squadron as part of the 330 fighter group known as the red tails. you then went to italy with the 15th air fourth air force escorting be 17 b24 bombers over italy, germany, and austria so i wonder what this week and the ceremonies have felt like to you. did it rekindle your experiences? are you reliving it? >> i am and i got up early day before yesterday morning there to watch the festivities over at normandy and as it does every year well, with the
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sadness and i guess the joy also that i was able to get back home and i was able to be a part of the founding of the world war two victory there but also the loss of the comrades that we had overseas at the time there. >> the tuskegee airman, as far as the red tails were concerned, and that stands for the fighting alarm of the three 32nd had 300 355 pilots go overseas and only two of them remains a day. but i do remember just about all of them. and even after the war, i assure youngest is coming into the surface at that time then and guess who won was your father? i met him. he was the
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100th fighter group and and we were had luck burn air force base there and anyway i love seeing how yeah. >> just amazing, you know how much time can you go by, you know where and how fast it goes, why in 100 years is the blink of ally or at years as far as the as far as the invasion was concerned, extraordinary. >> i loved that that recollection that you have as if it were just yesterday. and lieutenant colonel, i mean, it's it's remarkable. i think we've all been reminded that you so many other servicemen and women you were just 19, 20-years-old, some were 16, you know, my dad was drafted right out of high school. i now have a 19-year-old son and college
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and i cannot imagine how you all were able to shoulder such a huge mission are you able to recall what you were thinking or did you think about the gravity of what you were encountering and how old were you when you were beginning these missions? >> when i began, i was 18 and then i got my pilot's wings i did not recognize at s bars the time the gravity of what we will facing i just felt as though it was a duty of mine at the time there and i i just stood up to my duty i'll lieutenant colonel, i wonder if you can hang with me here because we've got live pictures now from paris. and president biden and first lady dr. jill biden have just arrived there
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at the at least say palace there will be a state dinner being hosted by a french president macron and they're limousin, also called the beast has just arrived there. joe biden is now a stepping out of the limo. i'm looking ever so gorgeous and her black and white gown there and navigating the pebble walk there before getting to the red carpet right behind her there and she's also to being greeted by the first lady of france and the president emmanuel macron also there. now you see president biden also arriving. >> and i wonder lieutenant colonel we marvel at these gorgeous pictures of these two presidents and the two first ladies there in paris. >> and we heard president biden speak this week on this five-day trip about every generation must defend liberty. and the importance of standing against tyranny with the rise
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of authoritarianism i mean, can you could ever imagined? but here it is, 80 years after you described you are 18-years-old on these missions there to help liberate france and europe from nazism, german nazis did you ever imagine that here we will be 80 years later and we're hearing from the sitting president now talking about the growing rise of authoritarianis m and the growing fears of history repeating itself i did not and i still do. i have those fears right now. and i just hope and pray that we can overcome this problem just like we overcame those during world war ii again we're looking at live pictures right now of present macron first lady of
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france, president biden first lady of the united states, now enter the e lee say, palace up for this state dinner and i wonder two lieutenant colonel yes, you were hopeful and you're you're praying as you just articulated, when perhaps you saw and listen to the navy see woman on thursdays ceremony there at normandy and she he said she said a number of beautiful things, but most succinctly, she says you world war ii veterans stand relieved we have the watch did that restore confidence that you perhaps now embrace as a result of hearing this acknowledgement of the next generation that must and does embrace the responsibility of the continued fight for freedom globally yes
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i still i i i meet with everything that she said but i guess the feeling that i get right now, whereas i wish i could be back there with the energy that i had at that time and with the gusto that ahead of a time to stand up and face these problems that we have today along with what the what they had to say about what tenant kernel harry stewart, you still got gusto and you are certainly continuing to be and inspiration. >> thank you so much for being with us today. we celebrate you, your commitment and dedication to freedom all that you and your comrades have done. and an early happy 100th birthday right around the corner. next one, i look forward to seeing you and to help sell a break you're magnificent ness, lieutenant colonel harris stewart. thank you so much.
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>> thank you for the 3k we'll be right back. >> the assignments are. going off and playing the tornadoes here i'm thinking die. >> and i thought that was it marlin girth with the liev schreiber tomorrow at nine on cnn now, adt professionally installs google nest products. >> they're all set on this system. we should go with the most trusted name and home security as the intelligence of google you have a home with no worries brought to you by adt. everybody wants super straight super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile new sense that in clinical weight rights, two shades, whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitive your production. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients this is what i happy father's day sounds like being a dad is
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schneider at the federal courthouse in washington, and this is cnn closed captioning brought to you by ruler law. >> i kinda brands up to 70% off retail at roulette at rubella you never faithful sees the deals on happening before there all right we're getting new details on a story that is putting the burbank police department under scrutiny after surveillance video capture two of its officers dumping a clearly distressed homeless man outside the los angeles city counsel's office and then driving away, joining me right now is cnn's camila bernal. camila, what are we learning about this hey, fred so the council president saying that he now wants a state investigation in burbank policing. >> they're looking at this incident saying they're looking not only at the action of the
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police officers, but also at the surveillance video and the video inside of the patrol car, the body cam video, and also conducting interviews with people who witnessed this. so this video came out as the council president released it and showed this man who was dropped off essentially at the street here behind me, you see that patrol car pulling up to this street. the man was in restraints, so the police officers get out of the car helping get help him get out of those, and you see this man sort of waving his arms falls on all fours and the police officers get back into that patrol vehicle and drive away. now, it's unclear exactly how long this man was in the sidewalk here behind me but in that video, you then see him laying on the floor on his belly. and so of course, this council member is extremely concerned. take a listen to what he said. >> i was outraged by it and continue to be and i just it's
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almost impossible to fathom you know, professionals who are trained and paid to protect and serve the public to take somebody at disk moment of maximum vulnerability. somebody seeking medical care and dumping literally dumping him on a sidewalk to fend for himself it's a disgrace now the burbank police department released a statement explaining things a bit differently. >> they said they got a call about a naked man. the officers went and spoke to this man. he got dressed, and the officers offer him to take them wherever he wanted. they agreed to take him to the metro station. and i want to read part of this statement because here's what the police department says. he voluntarily got into the patrol vehicle and was driven towards the metro red line station along the way, the individual as to be led out of the petroleum vehicle to get coffee. the officers complied
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immediately with his requests, pulled over and let the individual out of the patrol vehicle so again, they say they did help them essentially. but the question is, what happened here at the sidewalk behind me. now, when you look at the issue, overall homelessness here in los angeles and really in california has been a challenge for politicians and continues to be a problem for both the city, the county, and really the stage and politicians may take different approaches to how they want to handle so homelessness. >> but it is a problem that continues to be just front and center here in california, the council members said that after learning about this video, has staff drove around this area trying to find this man and eventually called the fire department, were able to get them some medical attention. >> but again, the key issue here is what to do with homelessness. and i think a lot of the politicians here do not know exactly actually what the
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solution to this will be. fred, okay camila bernal. >> thank you so much. >> we'll be right back the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27, nine live on cnn and streaming on max yeah, introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. he thinks is flaky red patches are all people see. oh, tesla is the number one prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. oh, tesla can help you get clears. don't use a tesla if you're allergic to serious allergic reactions, can happen. oh, tesla may cause dear diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people take new tesla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight upper respiratory tract infection, and headache may occur live in the moment. >> asked your doctor about oh tesla dad is a legend that his legendary movie might be passed down to you ancestry dna can
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not approved for dementia-related psycho this is report fever, confusion, or stiff muscles which may be life-threatening or uncontrolled muscle movements which may be permanent, common side effects include sleepiness, dizziness, nausea, and try mouth these aren't all the side effects. >> and the darkness of bipolar one and two depression kept belated can help you. let in the light and ask your doctor about capillary, find savings and support a >> right now, pet dander in cells, mold, spores, pollen, and dirt are being sucked into your air ducts, get cleaner air in system efficiency. now, with stanley steamer, your air ducts are clean until they're stanley steamer cleave and the same this is a secret, war. >> secrets and spies tomorrow at ten on cnn welcome back. >> as record-breaking temperatures hit las vegas. so is the republican frontrunner, donald trump back on the campaign trail a week after being found guilty on 34 charges in a manhattan courtroom, his west coast fundraising swing has already
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taken him to arizona and california. cnn's alayna treene, it in las vegas for us right now, alina, were hearing that they are doubling ems staff for tomorrow's rally because they expect that the crowds to be high, but the temperatures are going to be high to that's right. >> and this rally is actually starting at noon. so one of the hottest points in the de, and it is going to be outside in las vegas hey, guys, at sunset park. and so the trump campaign is very much worried about the dangerous temperatures. now the forecast shows that temper could, temperatures could climb here on sunday, took now 104 degrees. so again, they're doing what they can to try and lesson the potential dangers to those who are going to be attending this rally. now we do have some information, as you mentioned, fred, they are going to be doubling ems staff on the ground. i'm also told that they will provide more than 38,000 water her bottles at
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this event, they're going to have a tent with some missing fans. they're also adding more of the magazines that you walk through so that they can get through security faster. but again, this is going to be an outdoor event and i can tell you i've gone to dozens of donald trump's rallies. they're normally very long, are outside and one area for a very long amount of time. and so there are some concerns about how people are going to fare in this type of weather. and of course, i think it's important to keep in mind on thursday, 11, people were transferred reported to the hospital during his phoenix, arizona rally due to the heat that's according to the phoenix fire department. and remember fred, that rally was actually indoors. the people who were transported to the hospital from heat-related illness that was because they were waiting outside to get into the venue for so long. and so given this event on sunday, is going to be outdoors there's definitely a more concerns to be keeping in mind. >> then alaina, the trump campaign says it will launch a new group the latino americans for trump group during trump's
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visit there to las vegas, what do you know about that? >> well it's no coincidence they're trying to launch this group in nevada, fred and part of that is because donald trump's team does believe that this is a state where the history panic vote could very much not only make a difference in the state, but also potentially deliver donald trump, the white house. and that's because they've seen in recent months uptick in hispanic voters, moving away from president joe biden and toward donald trump. and they really believe that they can siphon enough away, enough of those voters away from the president that there'll be able to help donald trump's succeed in november. i'm part of the reason they believe that nevada is such a good place to launch this program is because they make hispanic voters sierra make up a huge portion of the electorate. they also, on an advisor tells me believes that covid was really a key part for some of those voters in the state, given the date is relies on hospitality, has hospitality, excuse me. and tourism that it's a state that
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was hit very hard by this this, specifically has impacted hispanic voters fred. >> alright, alayna treene in las vegas. thanks so much. >> we'll be right back selection seasons stay with cnn, with more reporters on the ground. >> and the best political team in the business, follow the voters followed well, the results follow the facts follow cnn smile. >> you found it the feeling of bindings, psoriasis can't filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only so tick to a once-daily pill for moderate to severe prac psoriasis and the chance that clear or almost clear skin, it's like the feeling of finding you're so ready for your close-up are finding you don't have to hide your skin. just your background once daily. so tick two was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to so take too serious reactions can occur. so ticked, you can lower your
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causing extreme destruction and the loss of lives cnn's bill, we're has more since climate change has helped create the most flammable earth and human history, every new wildfire season brings new reminders that resilience is everything it determines which communities burn to ash, in which ones survive, and rise like paradise, california so this whole thing was, yeah, pick your home was burned to the ground, house foreign to the ground. >> i never made it home that day. >> it's been just over five years and say mile-wide blowtorch, known as the campfire roaring over the mountains and into this town of 26,000. it took 85 lives, 90% of the structures, and two two-thirds of the population never returned but the people who rebuilt, like heidi lang really want to be here.
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>> i kind of took an inventory of everything that was still here my community and my my neighbors and my friends, and my church, and my job was all still here. >> so my little village a little villages here in paradise. >> the native tree species of california had millions of years to adapt to wildfire survive and thrive now the people of california have to do the same and much less time. and here's a perfect example. if you didn't know, you'd never know that this was once a neighborhood of hundreds of families, middle-class workers, retirees mostly living in prefabricated, highly flammable homes, the kind that right now would cost more to ensure than the home is worth. and this insurance crisis is creating sort of a perverse natural selection of survival of the richest. >> so how old is this house? >> i was born and 39 was born and 40 carl johnson's house
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survive the camp fire, but when he went to renew his $1,100 a year insurance policy i got one quote from farmers insurance that said $14,702 a year a year as major insurers decide that places like this are just too risky to cover. carl is among those forced to go uninsured a lot of people that were here are the de, the fire never came back. but the people that chose to stay, i think that's amazing. >> well, gary lead better managed to find decent insurance after rebuilding. what may be one of the most fireproof new homes in all of the west i had my own torch on my own bic lighter, and i tested materials. these guys wanted to use that right? >> yeah, i'm trying to burn. >> yeah. impulse. and as it's flaming on my hands, i throw it down so we're not using that during the campfire. all the fire hydrants lost pressure. so gary connected his swimming
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pool to a sprinkler system that includes the roof. and every event and window is engineered to survive an ember storm. >> and as fiberglass, instead of vinyl so it's not going to catch fire, is not going to melt and with these windows, the screen is on the inside i did a metal roof. >> stucco volkan vince, which are engineered to close up when they're exposed to a certain degree of heat. so they don't let the embers drawing and i have more gravel than any normal girl would wildfire is as vital to a forest as rainfall but human fear of it has shaped and reshaped entire ecosystems. >> often for the worst but by shifting the way they think about nature shelter, and community paradise is not to prove to the rest of the overheating world how to live with fire because there's no other choice bill, we're cnn
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