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tv   CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield  CNN  June 8, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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beverage companies harb bottles might still look the same, but they can be remade in a whole new way. >> thanks to you. >> we're getting bottles back and we've developed a way to make new ones from 100% recycled plastic, new bottles made using no new plastic we seeing more of these bottles in more places. >> and when we get more of them back, we can use less new plastic. >> bottles are made to be remade waterline broke. >> replacing could cause thousand not covered by homeowners insurance. >> anyway, here's how rosa and co home serve a plan from home serve pays for the cupboard repair costs for waterlines, and we send a qualified contractor, the american dream of owning a home home doesn't need to be a nightmare. sleep well with home serve plans from home serve started just 790 than a month call 1803 558999,
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or visit home i was flying to mexico to meet another travel editor at this is a all right deemed shadow up i want q1 full. >> index reports my desk by new are you kidding me in an houses honors got the meeting for action items in the tamar. and maria already asked her budget reminder, get campaign smart as a judge of bike. got it. got it, abbas. honor, got this. on peak medina reagan national airport. this is cnn hello again, everyone. >> thank you so much for joining me this saturday. i'm for greek a whitfield all right. >> new today dramatic moments in the middle east as the israeli military rescues four hostages from hamas shortly after that during daytime mission, they were reunited with loved ones for the first time since they were kidnapped
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during the october 7 attacks. the former hostages relieved to be home after an enduring eight months in captivity. and now their families are demanding more to be done to save those still being held in gaza still android, and 20 of suggests in gaza and this would be once a deal no we want them to come back home as soon as possible. >> cnn's paula hancocks is in israel and i spoke with her last hour for an update on the hostages conditions so far, they all came for their medical checkup here. >> now we heard from one of the doctors who had looked at them saying that they will all stable and they were all in good medical we'll conditions some of them still undergoing checks at this point though, but it has been a day of high emotions here as friends and family have been coming in to
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see those for israeli hostages who has spent the last eight months in captivity in gaza. now, we heard some of the details of that mission. had happened in nuseirat in central gaza from the idf, we understand it happened to the 11:00 a.m. a. joint mission between the military, the security agency, and the police that they say was weeks in the planning. the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu giving the green light for it to go ahead on thursday. now they say it was focused on two buildings it's that they entered to try and rescue these four hostages. they say they were under fire as they went in and as they left. but you see images of those hostages on board the helicopter is touching down in israel celebrations relief on their faces, and we've been hearing from some of the families of those that were released saying there are more that needs to be released to 120 more. all of them that we've heard from those calling for a ceasefire deal all a
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hancocks. >> i thank you so much. all right. let's go now to cnn's bend wiedemann in beirut, also joining us is a priscilla alvarez and washington to venue first, this rescue operation was a blistering assault that resulted in yes. the retrieval of these four hostages. but it also meant hundreds of civilian casualties in gaza. what's the latest? >> apollo was saying it's a day of high emotions in israel, but it was a day high emotions in gaza as well emotions like terror and grief. now according to doctors at the aqsa martyrs hospital, indebted bella, which is very near to the nuseirat refugee camp. they received at least 215 dead, more than 400 wounded. now, we got lots of video from inside the hospital. it is a scene of pandemonium. there are dead and injured on the floor. a doctors struggling
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to treat people panicked relatives with their wounds i'm david loves loved ones begging for attention, keeping in mind, of course, these hospitals are already strained to the limit by eight months of war and devastation. they've been treating the dead and the wounded every single day. all those eight months. now, one resident of the nuseirat camp described the situation there today as this operation was going on, as hell on earth. apparently there were lots of people out and about normally this kind of operation takes place under the cover of darkness, but this was mid-morning on a saturday, so there were lots of people in his street. we've seen lots of images of dead and mangled bodies in the streets of nuseirat. the situation there desperate and of course this is causing some anger on this side of the conflict. the palestinian authority president
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mahmoud up best has called for an emergency meeting of the un security council. the jordanian foreign ministry is put on it out of statement calling on israel to stop this senseless war in gaza. the greek up. all right, ben, thank you for scylla to you in washington, when us officials telling cnn that an american sell supported this operation, what maury learning about what that means? that's right, friend of the white house has not provided details as of now in terms of how the u.s. aided this effort or to what extent they only said or us official said that they assisted and worked with israeli forces. now president biden did speak on this earlier today alongside the french president and welcomed the news of the rescue i want to echo president macron comments. >> welcome you to safe rescue four hostages. were returned to their families you won't stop
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working until all the hostages come home and a ceasefire is reached. that is essential to happen now, national security adviser jake sullivan did release a statement after that calling this a successful operation to rescue those four hostages. >> and of course, the u.s. has been involved in ongoing talks fox to release all of the hostages in exchange for a ceasefire. president biden himself outlining that proposal and a rare move that would include those three phases. again, with the goal of having all hostages released and also to stop the fighting in gaza. this week, the u.s. and 16 other countries called on hamas to close the deal. we also know that senior us officials were turned to the middle east to add momentum to these talks. now, where they are still unclear and whether they can reach that agreement with certainly there has been ongoing pressure for this hostage deal to come through at the very least though today us,
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you heard there from the president celebrating this news that four hostages have been released. fred, alright, priscilla alvarez, and bad and wiedemann, thanks to both of you. appreciate it. >> and paula hancocks at the top. >> all right. happening right now pro-palestinian demonstrators are gathering in washington, dc and moments ago, they actually had a brief encounter for with park police just outside the white house. that's where the protests has formed there. and they are contesting what they say is president biden's failure to act after israeli military forces began operations in rafah. cnn's bryan todd is on the ground outside the white house there and lafayette square where it looks like the numbers of people have grown. >> what's going on, brian rico, the scott has grown in size and an energy level for the past couple of hours. what we want to show you is kind of the central piece of symbolism that they wanted to unveil here. this is what they call the people's red line. this is
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what they hoping would be a two mile long red banner. and you can see it's got signatures of messages, all over this banner here. this is right outside the fence of the north lawn of the white house. the fence was erected just over there, an extra security fences about nine feet tall outside of the regular security fence because the last time they had a protest here sure. the protesters through a balloon full of red paint that you signs and other objects onto the white house and work lawn. they wanted to try to prevent that. >> so far we've seen nothing like that here, but again, a lot of passion, a lot of energy here and the symbolism of the red line is because this crowd of people believes that president biden misled people what he said there was a red line i'm for israel regarding the incursion into rafah that occurred about a month ago, they believe that the president misled people. >> they're here to express their frustration with that and to call for an empty us aid to israel. and for this movement basically to grow and to put more pressure on the white house. here's another piece of symbolism. take a look at this
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huge palestinian flag. this is at least a couple of hundred feet long. this was carried over here by hundreds of pro-palestinian protesters through the park and now is kind of being unfurled here. the plan is for this banner this red banner that you see here is i kinda walk this way to extend all the way around the white house. this was 100 sections. a short time ago then they kind of got everybody together and put it together. they're going to try to go all the way around the white house. we're going to try to assess whether they actually able to make it all the way because it is quite a large perimeter around the white house, especially where this fence has been set up. everything all right. >> bryan todd. thank you so much. we'll check back with you. >> all. right let's talk even further about the conflict there. release of hostages, all of that i want to bring in now cnn, political and global affairs analyst barak ravid. he has a politics and foreign policy reporter for axios, a barak great to see you. so you've been covering the internal debates about this war
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for in gaza within israel's, uh, knesset is really war cabinet member benny gantz delayed a planned news conference after this hostage rescue today, have you learned anything more about the rescue efforts and about the direction are the strategy of the israeli defense forces welfare for the mega first this was a very, very successful operation, but at the end of the day, was a technical one until now since the beginning of since october 7 together with the fork we'll also were at least today only seven hostages were at least in military operations hundred and ten hostages were released in the previous hostage deal. and idf officials, even those who are deeply involved in both the operation and the negotiation, say that at the end of the day
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the way to release the big numbers of hostages is only through a deal what is the reaction? i mean, we've seen the pictures of family members who are hugely relieved to see these four hostages are released, or rather captured. >> and reunited with their family members. >> does that change the dynamic within israel? were there have been so many who have been protesting netanyahu's approach to all of this, saying that he is lost the vision of prioritizing the release of these hostages i think there was one instance earlier today on the beach of tel aviv where the lifeguard used his radio. >> to tell all the people on the beach that for israeli hostages were rescued by the idf and the response of the
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crowd of the people on the beach was quite extraordinary. and i think it showed something very basic in israeli society. in israeli culture how important this issue of bringing back the hostages is. this is the number one priority just last night there was a public opinion poll. it was published that showed that 56% of israelis think that releasing the hostages should be the number one priority. and they support and they said that they support president biden speech and plan that he laid out just a few days ago when only 24 percent said they are against that, that they oppose that. i think it tells you a lot on where the israeli a psyche is right now. and i think what we saturday is only going to increase that sentiment you also were reporting that benny gantz, who is the israeli war cabinet member, who had a scheduled
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announcement. >> today you had learned that possibly that announcement would have to do with his party's withdrawal from the emergency government plan and that he might step down, that it's been postponed today. does that also mean that potentially he may have changed his mind about what he was going to announce well, first, for the reca, benny gantz didn't want to leave the government. that that's, that's the honest truth but he had no other choice. his numbers were plummeting in the polls. and netanyahu tweeted him very badly and violated all the agreements they had, and he was sort of like with this back to the wall and today against gave this, you know, this very complicated message on what is planning to do next that he said, now we need to look at the reality with
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responsibility. you can, you can interpret it either way, but his people say that his plans withdraw from the government are still on. he might wait a few days maybe after secretary of state blinken will arrive in israel on monday you will wait to see if there are any developments on the negotiations over the hostages. but according to his plan right now, is still going to withdraw from the coalition. >> all right. let me interrupt you. for a moment barak, because what i go straight to paris there, this is french president macron in his comments and toast to his guest of honor president biden and others will still sit sedan contouring. >> what is best in both of our countries. these warm feelings, so born of a long and deep friendship is further enhanced by the choi today of hosting you today for your first official state visit to france with a very pleasant feeling of deja. indeed, a year for and a half ago, you were hosting me
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in washington in december 2022 thus demonstrating through regular visits. so how close we are in the reciprocal interests of our countries. and this year, 2024, for all people who are attached to the frame thank all relation franco-american relationship. there is something special to celebrate because there's reciprocals sacrifice for our independence, for our freedom indeed this year, we will celebrate the 200th anniversary of the farewell tour of the market, lafayette, hero of the american revolution. >> i know that he is close to the hearts of all americans. we also commemorate the 80th anniversary of the landings in normal mindy and in cavazos we stood side-by-side you'll get him then as we did two days ago in normandy for the ceremonies on june 6, to bow our heads in
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the peaceful cemetery of calvi. to remember their courage on the omaha beach, omaha the bloody where so many of your country men gave their lives for a country they had never been to before never will we forget these heroes who from normandy? to berlin, helped to free a continent in our country their sacrifice has cemented our friendship amongst his gyros, there was a young man harold terrence he was 18 when pearl harbor, happened at the age of 20. he was a radio operator working with your air force he was at his duty post on d-day and then the war let them everywhere in france, in
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morocco, and all the way to ukraine today herald has chosen our country to marry jan swearing, they're with us today and they are just so making their marriage vows. so let us congratulate the young newlyweds e're very pleased
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to be here for your wedding rep us on this foundation, so many relations have to fill up to from cinema to music, from literature to space from energy to transport agriculture, and health so many partnerships that have served to consolidate our bilateral relationship that we have further strengthened recently, it's also this relation to make it possible to a firm our values faced with a war of aggression by russia and ukraine, or today in the middle east. in gaza. and once again, thank you for the initiative that you have just taken at that we support to be united in spite of our differences when the main values are at stake. this is what is our lai across the atlantic different novella when it comes to defending our
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values, we stand together. so of course there's something a bit special in our relationship because you are, you american. we had french and there's something of a mutual fifth fascination you find from the feet all the way to mynor were indeed in our respective film industries, we love the american dream and you'd like the french. were going to continue to monitor the remarks coming from the french president macron, right there at the state dinner or orientation for break for now, we'll be right back the increase in wildfires is exponential unpredictable. >> uncontrollable with overwhelming consequences, the need to do something is urgent violet, or would we have schreiber tomorrow at nine on cnn? >> we talking about cash back, kevin hart. not again, stephanie kane talking about cashback. >> we talking about cash back here, iverson not talking about
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bragg. >> who talk about cash back and we talk about cash. >> we talked about cash women's talking about practice, but too long word, no practice. we talked about cashback, talking about cashback. we not talking about a guy. >> cashback like a pro would chase freedom unlimited. how do you cash back chase? >> make more of what you read them unlimited towns built on my job is to avoid a war hi, isn't dropping. >> anybody knew and ten. >> i do so with this, we know what disguise cape look, he's back for a reason we're the same you, think, you know, where you're dealing with too dark string bigger of kingstown and other hits series exclusively on paramount plus today at america's beverage companies are models might still look the same, but they can be remade in a whole new way. thanks to you, were getting bottles back and we've
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developed a way to make new ones from 100% recycled plastic, new bottles made using no new plastic. >> you'll be seeing more of these bottles in more places. >> and when we get more of them back, we can use less new plastic dr bottles or day to be remade you have an excellent warren g warranty blurring, ci okay. got it. go you must have american home shield now. >> i can tell you a appliances in home systems are protected, covered repairs and replacements are taken care of one, she never lie off cookie dough, american home shield, don't worry, be warranty shop etsy, anytime for furniture, lighting, and other thoughtful. i want to take you straight to paris right now, president biden and his toast at the e
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lee say palace or not? >> i've found you have maybe someone could help me that i'm a son of the american revolution because robinett came over with lafayette and never went home who stayed in the united states. so it makes me his son of the american revolution and but i haven't been able establish that, yes. so maybe one of your genealogists configure it out for me. >> look the ear, france is our first ally and that's not insignificant. >> the fact of the matter is you were with us to help us secure our freedom and we're with you 170 years later i'm excuse me to do the same. and ever says, we remain united unyielding, as well as unwavering in our partnership that's democracies du that has been extraordinary week here for us, for jilin me. and she has been amazing to be here. i've been here a number of times over the years. i know. don't look at but i'm only
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40-years-old but all kidneys sad. been here many times, but this has been the most remarkable chip that i've ever made together. >> we celebrated d-day, the heroes of d-day told the story of the alliance and how together we saved europe and the people of france to review too, personally honor, are veterans such warmth and dignity and behalf of all the american people we want to say, thank you thank you. thank you. from the bottom or hurt me? >> when the american troops came to these shores 80 years ago, on an audacious mission to save the continent they each carry the book, given to them by the us military in the book was called a pocket guide to france seriously. it included helpful hints like this. >> no bragging france, don't like it be generous it won't hurt you avoid co2 topics, even
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if you took french in high school and try to follow at least one, i tried my best to follow at least one of those. >> but, you know and then it said the french, our allies who quote quote, happened to speak democracy in a different language and we democracies aren't just doing favors for fighting for each other, would history ghost, would history goes, gets through. we all are in the same boat, end of quote france and the united states have always been there for one another we stand together when the going gets tough. and that's a fact. >> we stand together to defend the values that lie. >> the sole the very soul of both our nations i believe that to be the case today liberty a quality brotherhood generation after generation. people across both our nations have upheld
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these ideals because they know where we stand as one our countries are stronger. and literally the world is safer manuel you've heard me say before we stand at an inflection point in history the decisions we make now will determine the course of our future for decades to come. we have a lot of opportunity, but a lot of responsibility. and it gives me hope to know france, the united states stand together now and always horror is the pocket guide to france, given to the invading americans. might say we're rowing in the same boat ladies and gentlemen to france the united states, and to our people. may we continue to seek democracy? may in both our languages, and may we always stay together? it's been a great honor to be here. and i want to thank i'm going to raise my glass all right, a
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toast led by the american president joe biden. >> their, followed by the toast of the host of this state dinner there in paris, french president macron, i've got with me melissa bell, who's there in paris, frida ghitis has joined me here in the studio. and again, ladies, we saw a continuation of what has been somatic during this five-day visit to france by the american press does it end of a reinforcing this relationship and this bond between the united states and france. and hearing president biden, there, melissa, in his toast, you were
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standing at an inflection point. again, while very jovial and offering some great humor on this ongoing relationship, it was back to a very important, poignant moment that what is done today directly impacts the future as he continues to reiterate this resolve a common a common goal between the united states and france melissa that's trite and that message, fredricka, that when we stand together, the world is safer. >> it's been at the heart of everything that we've heard in normandy from the two remarkable speeches that president by you've made out while he was there. the first of course on d-day itself, the 80th anniversary itself on the thursday. and the other one on friday when he went back to normandy, having come to paris to see presence lenski for his bilateral meeting with him, that extra pledge of help. he'd gone back to normandy to
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yoke that very symbolic place. >> where american soldiers had scaled cliffs in order to take out nazi positions and contributed greatly to the success that was operation overlord. >> he has in each of his speeches and throughout the day to day here in paris, all of those ceremonies that we saw very strong ceremonies at the younger to yoav the driving down the show's it deserve the two presidents together. they're working, launched the messages that have come from both presidents throughout this state visit. that's just wrapping up. we'll wrap up tomorrow. i has very much bint that it is about how historically successful historically anchored first of all in the time of american independence in the french revolution. >> then how consolidated of course, when the allies work together to liberate france,
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that each time hi, i'm the country's have worked together the oldest ally, the united states and france at things have worked out better and certainly in the name of freedom here in france, now, taking that message to the edges of europe, this time has been at the heart of the two presidents messages. >> remember that both have really led the charge for large amounts of aid to be given to ukraine. of course, the american president, but emmanuel macron as well. from the point of view of europeans, has been very much amongst those leading the pro pro-ukraine camp, or certainly in favor of every increasing amounts of aid to ukraine. so two presidents who stood extremely firmly on the side of ukraine against russian aggression they've drawn that historical parallel throughout the visit. and we heard that again just now from joe biden, it is about an alliance that makes the world a safer place. federica free to again, a reiteration of the messaging that we heard from president biden in on thursday when he
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was on the shores, of normandy and he says, you know, we collectively gidor standing against tyranny and standing for freedom together. >> and then again, he brings these two countries to gather united states and france again by saying may we continue to seek democracy and stay together? this is a priority already in his messaging it's not only a priority in his messaging during this trip. >> it is the theme of his entire presidency. and we heard that from the de, that joe biden announced that he was running for president, that's why it didn't surprise me even though it really caught my ear when he said this is the most memorable trip i have ever taken that are establishing he's been france and paris for many, many years in the various roles as a senator, as vice president and now president. >> exactly because this, this theme of saving democracy, which he thinks is at stake now he thinks is threatened. it converges so many of the theme himself, it's presidency
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converged during this trip not they talk a lot about history, about how france help the united states in its war of independence against, against the british and the united states helped save france from the nazis. but this is, this is about the future and he said that it's a theme that he returns to frequently. we stand at an inflection point and this, this trip, this moment connects multiple threats to democracy in the west, in the world in, in the view of biden, which is what he has been articulating. and we'll see you tomorrow. biden is going to visit their bella would this another another famous war site and it's one that became infamous with a visit from then-president donald trump, who was there in 2018, and his his chief of staff, general kelly later said that standing in front of the cemetery, trump said, these people are losers and suckers for giving their life and getting nothing out of
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it. so the contract we're going to see that contrast again, it's a message to the people in the room, the people who are listening to that toast and message to the people of france, of europe, and to the voters in the united states. it's a message that is very poignant and it encompasses all the choices that people around the world, not just in the united states making right now at all really powerful. >> and i wonder if melissa, before i let you go, i mean, underscoring that this isn't just about geopolitics. oh, okay. melissa is gone. well, thank you. melissa, for blank with this. when you did, maybe i can sum it up with you. i thought it was important and also point in, even though it is about the geopolitical sphere and the dynamics here we heard from macron, who also said, he gave a nod to cinema, to literature to help to transportation. these are the various ways in which the relationship is integral between the united states and france i mean broadening it out, that it isn't real peace, peace time. liberty is
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important, but it isn't just about that, but there is a relationship and a continuation of relationship building through all of these venues and beyond well, what we hear today, what we hear in these speeches is the common ideas a common values of the two countries. what we are not seeing is what's happening in the private conversations are having. and there are some disagreements and the disagreements are on the degree on the tactics of support for ukraine by macron is, is advocating more of a presence on ukrainian soil. soil of western troops. but overall, this is to reaffirm the common values very good for us. >> thank you so much. melissa bell and you still hear us perez. thank you so much. thanks to both of you, ladies alright. coming up, the prosecution has rested in hunter biden's federal gun trial. what an emotional week of salacious testimony and what it all means for his case.
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assignment with audie cornish. listen wherever you get your podcasts close captioning is brought to you by tableau. >> watch, pause and record live tv subscription free. start watching tv for free with tableau switching to tableau has really been a money saver without a monthly subscription was amazing quarter today at tableau special counsel prosecutors rested their case against hunter biden on friday this weekend, his lawyer said, they will decide this weekend whether he will take the stand in his own defense hunter biden has pleaded not guilty to lying on federal background check forums about his drug use and to possessing a gun while addicted to drugs, joining us right now is former federal prosecutor michael zeldin and civil rights attorney or riba martin. >> great to see you both michael, you first do you believe the prosecution has a strong case here and would it be wise for hunter biden to
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take the take the stand? >> yes. and no. i think they have a strong case. you think they presented compelling evidence that he was in fact a user or addicted to drugs at the time he signed that form as essentially all that needs to be proven in this case. and no, i don't think that they would be wise to put him on the witness stand. to the extent that they were able to establish sympathy for him and he's a very sympathetic character. what he went through during this time period, i think that was established during the cross-examination of the government witnesses and that he should rest and hope for a jury nullification verdict. >> and then a revolt get me there was critical testimony coming from hunter biden's daughter, naomi on friday. she said she was hopeful about her father's recovery when she visited him at a rehab facility in the summer of 2018, saying, i'm quoting now he seemed like the clearest that i had seen him since my uncle, meaning
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beau biden died and he just seemed really great. but then when confronted with texts appearing to show him acting somewhat erotically about handing off that car. >> she seemed confused and said that she was nervous the same time. >> is it your feeling that people might be able to the empathized or have some understanding of the frustrations when someone is an addict oh, absolutely. >> for this whole case, i think is really going to be difficult for the jury for lots of reasons. so many of us in america have family members, friends, who suffer from addiction. and we know how erratic those individuals can be. and i can't imagine anyone not empathizing with a daughter having to testify in a criminal trial? row involving her father and having to talk about some of the most intimate conversations and engagements interactions that they've had
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as a father and daughter, and she was put on by the defense in order to personalize a hunter biden to give i think some humanity to what he was experiencing and despite seeming to be a little nervous, i think when she was confronted with those text messages, i think overall, she was a very effective witness for the defense, and i know if i totally agree that the prosecution has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that at the time period in question that hunter biden was in fact using definitely there was lots of very compelling testimony about him having a very serious drug problem, but no one could say on that date that they saw him used rozi. there's no photographs and no text messages. and i think there is something that the defense can use to suggest reasonable when they make their closing argument. >> okay. and then michael, since you do believe that prosecution had a prosecution has a strong case, if there is a guilty verdict, do you see
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this going to the supreme court? do you see appellate process that would involve the high court? >> yeah, i do. because i think abbe lowell filed motions in this case early on challenging the constitutionality of the statutes are very broad statute with very sort of ambiguous definitions and i think that there is the very strong possibility that this court, which has this supreme court, which has been so second amendment friendly, might find an interest in challenging whether or not a statute which prohibits anyone who is using controlled substances, which could mean medication for a hip replacement or antidepressants or other types of prescription? medicine, but still fit within the definitions of this statue. they might have might want to take a hard look at the constitutionality of it and add riba. how do you see it? >> oh, i agree 100%. and remember this is the same supreme court that is looking at a case as to whether someone
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who has been involved in domestic violence charges should be allowed to have access to guns and a veteran that suffers from ptsd, do they have to they have the right to have access to guns and we know as michael said, this supreme court has been very pro second amendment friendly and it would be very difficult to decide that someone who's been accused and even convicted of domestic violence can have a gun, but someone who has access to some kind of controlled substance whether it's a medication or an addiction, would be prohibited from having access to a gun all right we'll leave it there for now. >> michael zeldin or eva martin. thank you so much thank you all right. straight ahead. sports. another grand slam for this woman i'll call her iga because i'm terrible at trying to pronounce her last name. the world number one, taking her third consecutive french open just hours ago, unpacked her incredible when next came on,
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should i, should i try it? >> iga swiatek bulb dahmer dallas here to correct me because i can say iga you know, i see the spelling of her name. i want to say why attack, but there's a lot more going on. okay. that was a fierce match. i did watch it this morning. it was exciting. i love jasmine paolini as well though go girl yeah. i mean, you got festival well-played, jasmine paolini, she's had an amazing tournament and she's playing the women's doubles final tomorrow. so she might yet end out with some silverware, but i don't think anybody was surprised at this result, iga swiatek is absolutely extraordinary. she's just 23 years of age. this is our fifth major title, as you say, her fourth french open title, a third new row, which puts her into the same conversation now as the likes of justin, an n and monica sellers and actually during this tournament, she's been asked to she consider herself to be the queen of clay because remember rafah nadal is the king of clay. and the reason people are asking that question is because you look at where he was at her age and
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where she is now, they're very, very similar. for french open titles at the age of 23, he had 422. so i don't think anybody thinks this is going to be her last she was just getting started yeah. >> i mean, she was emotional though afterwards and during the tournament because although it was a dominant tournament, she almost went out in an early round to naomi osaka. she was match point down so she might not have been here. she talks about that afterwards it's almost out of the tournament is second round. >> so thank you guys for it's kind of staying behind my back and cheering for me. i also needed to believe that this this one is going to be possible. so it's been a really emotional for a month so yeah. thank you for supporting me well, probably the night she really is just amazing. yeah, really great. that was fine. all right. thank you so much and thank you for the pronouncing pronounce or anytime. all right, guys.
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cnn and some sad news to report. >> william anders, one of the first nasa astronauts to orbit the moon, and member of that famous 1968 apollo eight mission died in a plane crash on friday. he was 90-years-old the space pioneer took this iconic photo during his 1968 space voyage of the earth over the moon's horizon. a team of divers recovered his body from the wreckage off the coast of jones island which is about 90 miles north of seattle. his son tells cnn that his family is devastated and grieving. the loss of a great pilot right now for israeli hostages are reuniting with their loved ones after being rescued from gaza in a daring rescue mission, what we're learning about the operation next old dad's love, beer, and we'd got the perfect
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