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tv   CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield  CNN  June 8, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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they can be remade in a whole new way. >> thanks to you. we're getting bottles back and we've developed a way to new ones from 100% recycled plastic, new bottles made using no new plastic. >> you'll be seeing more of these bottles in more places. >> and when we get more of them back we can use less new plastic bottles or days to be
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meetings, i billion with a b. >> we've got this. >> honor, got this. >> i'm kevin lived ttac at the white house and this is cnn hello again, everyone. >> thank you so much for joining me on fredricka whitfield, new today, emotional moments in israel as four hostages are rescued and reunited with their families after eight months of being held by hamas, the israeli military launching a dramatic raid into gaza to run turn those hostages home. but that operation also left a trail of
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devastation for several, for central gaza, there were reports of more than 200 killed and the salt and hundreds more wounded also knew today a potential shakeup in israel's emergency government prime minister netanyahu. now asking war cabinet member benny gantz to stay after reports that he and his national unity party would withdraw from the government. gans postpone that news conference set for today after the rescue of the four israeli hostages. cnn's paula hancocks. and priscilla alvarez have been tracking all the latest developments. paul, let's go to you. >> urine in tel aviv, were there also is some sort of demonstration or protests happening? >> explain yeah, fred. >> so this is the weekly protests that we have been seeing in recent weeks and months sub partly with the families of the hostages that are still being held, calling for their release and also in great part, calling for the
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government to collapse calling from benjamin netanyahu to step down. now there have been some family members of those still being held in gaza who've made some speeches tonight and it is interesting because the overall theme has been obviously very welcoming that there are four hostages that have been rescued earlier this summer today. but overwhelmingly that there needs to be a ceasefire deal in order to be able to release the final 120 who are still being held in gaza. there was the cousin of one hostage who is deceased, that there remains are being held by hamas militants saying not everybody is getting a hollywood ending, pointing out that this worked for these four hostages. but they're definitely now needs to be a concerted stephen to get a ceasefire deal or hostage deal. so that the rest of the hostages can be released. fred and then paul, are you hearing
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anything more about how this rescue operation unfolded? >> so what we're hearing from the military at this point, it was a joint mission between the military, the security agency, the police. it was weeks in the making and it was just thursday night where the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu agreed and gave the green light so we know that it happened in new serotonin. that's central gaza. it was what is being described as a high risk complex mission to buildings in gaza we're targeted is it by the israeli military? and they went in and managed to retrieve the four hostages. we do know that there was devastation left in the wake of this rescue mission, though, we're hearing from the media office in gaza, the more than 210 were killed, more than 400 were injured a cnn producer on the ground saw a constant stream of dead and wounded coming into the al-aqsa
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martyrs hospital, men, women, and children. in fact, one man said, this is held on earth. so there has been a very heavy price to pay. we don't have clarity at this point of the breakdown of milk let's deaths compared to civilians. good sydney, there are questions being asked. we did here though, from one mother of one of the hostages being released let's listen to what she said yes. >> still android and 20 of suggests in gaza this will be want a deal. now, we want them to come back home. as soon as possible so it's interesting that's at the same time as she was thanking the military for what they had done and was welcoming back her son. >> she was also saying the way to get the other hostages back is not through these kinds of emissions. it is through hostage deal, a ceasefire deal
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all right paula hancocks, thank you. michelle alvarez is in washington and persil, i understand you're learning more about the us support in this rescue mission that's right, frehse, the american cell that we have been talking about over the course of the afternoon that aided israel in this effort? isn't referenced to a team that has been on has been assisting israel since october 7 in information gathering of hostages. that's what i'm told by a us official. they worked closely with israel as they were executing on this rescue mission. we are also told by a source that there were no us boots on the ground in this mission now, over the course the de, we have heard the the us tout this operation, casting it as successful, even hearing from the president himself, who was alongside the french president earlier today, when he applauded this mission.
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>> i want to echo president macron's comments welcoming to safe rescue four hostages were returned to their families you won't stop working until all the hostages come home and a ceasefire is reached that is essential to happen now, you heard the president, they're referenced that agreement that has been worked on by all the parties involved. >> this includes the exchange of hostages and also for a ceasefire agreement. now, the us has been pushing for this. the president himself coming out publicly in laying out the proposal phase by phase quite rare move a few weeks ago. and now the u.s. is still trying to see that through to the finish line, the middle east, the situation happening there was expected to come up tween the two liters over the course of the president's visit in france. we also know that some senior us officials did go back to the middle east to try to give momentum to some of these hostage talks. again, because the us is true, wants to see
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the release of all hostages in exchange for end of fighting in gaza as to where there'll be those talks are unclear, but they are calling the operation today successful. >> all right. >> priscilla alvarez and paula hancocks. >> thanks to both of you all right. let's talk more about all this joining me right now is former nato supreme allied commander general wesley clark. general. good to see us so are you surprised on how the u.s. what we're learning now from our according, how the us assisted in this operation in terms of information, providing information know we've been trying to help from the beginning periphery garden, we've been using our intelligence collection assets liaison team shot in israel trying to feed this information in and trying to end this terrible situation. >> it's so tragic when you look at it and they asked of the parents the mother of the rescued hostage, and the
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pressure on israel, but got to remember this is all part of the hamas plan they wanted this, they launched the attack. they started the war. they cynically are using their civilian populace as hostages themselves and hoping that israel will cause even more collateral damage and more injured palace and killed palestinians because they consider the only way they can win against israel is the pressure of world opinion against israel i wonder if you can allow, help elaborate on this kind of simultaneous approach while there have been ongoing hostage release negotiations ceasefire negotiation, talks at the same time, at least looking at the results from this raid, there are ongoing strategies about how to extract hostages when israel has the intelligence to learn of where they might be, help people understand while you may hope for diplomacy to
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work in these negotiations, there are still the operation and in this case, we're told it was a joint operation involving military security agencies and police of hatching a plan, how to extract, rescue people? >> yes, the intelligence leads them that way. >> while you're listening to all sources of information, you're hoping to monitor cell phones. you've got overhead imagery. you probably have some informants who are still there. you have your troops on the ground. you're trying to locate the hostages, and then you have to make the assessment of whether you can extract them. and if show how to do that and get them out alive. and show you this as we heard, has been watched and plan for several days. they've looked at them, they're watching them move, no doubt. and they're figuring, okay, how do we do this? where do we put the fires on? what happens when we go in with hamas do? how do we prevent hamas from them killing? the hostages or moving
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them while they operations underway. and show all of these calculations are part of the planning process. and then ultimately the top political leaders have to make the >> in this case, is to keep secret the means by which they located and plan to this
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operation. and so if they disclose the kinds of information that might be exculpatory in this case. it might also give away their sources of information how they do their planning and make it impossible to really rescue other hostages remember, this is an ongoing problem. the real problem here is hamas doesn't want us to render the hostages unless they can karen get guaranteed a permanent cease fire and israel will take a temporary ceasefire. but doesn't want to accept a permanent c-star and let hamas survive this and claim a victory so that's it. and i'm sure there are elements in a mosque was a let's get it over with, just as there are elements inside the coalition government in israel who say, let's get it over with. but this is a war and it's going to go on, i think until one side wins and that's going to be israel despite the cost general wesley clark.
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>> thank you so much thank you. >> frederick high right now. president biden is at a state dinner with french president emmanuel macron. what biden toasted to next and back-to-back shark attacks florida beaches on high alert after three people were attacked by sharks and less than two hours, what officials are saying about the incidents? the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former president, one stage moderated by jake tapper and dina bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th at nine live on cnn and streaming unmapped lowering bad cholesterol can be hard even with a staten diets and exercise add to the struggle. today, it's possible to go from struggled to cholesterol success would like v0 with a stat lectio is proven to lower bad cholesterol by 50% and keep it low with two doses a year common side effects were injection site reaction, joint pain, and chest cold ask your
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aviv protesters there who have been rallying against the netanyahu government demanding the release of all hostages at the same time celebrating news today of for israeli hostages who were rescued in a mission, the rescue mission that played out earlier today in gaza also, we continue to follow breaking news out of france right now, president biden is at a state dinner with french president emmanuel macron. of this event is the grand finale to biden's five-day trip to france as he looks to strengthen the relationship ship with this critical us ally told cnn's middle of sub-l is in paris for us, and melissa, this has been quite the whirlwind visit for president biden filled with lots of a pump and of course, lots of promise as well. and a lot of diplomacy set the scene for us an awful lot of history as well. fredricka that has
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been at the center of so much of what we heard from both presence these last few days, shared histories of the united states and france. and for president biden, what we just heard at the start of what is a pretty glitzy affair going on at the laissez palace was a toast as saying that this had been the most remarkable trip he'd ever made to france when you consider what the presidential couple of unable to do these last few days from the events in normandy with the veterans through the algebra enough and down these shows it is today and to the state dinner of course you can understand a better and what we heard during the toasts was really another pledge from both president's about there. as you say, promise for the future is standing firm with one another. essentially that the world is a safer place. when france, the united states, have been allies in the past and that this continues on with protecting europe for pian, western security in the shape of the fight that's going on in
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ukraine also very central to message as we've heard over the course of the last week. and again tonight at that state dinner. >> and as we were speaking about a moment ago, this has not always been smooth relationship. >> fredricka, there were times back in 2021 when at the fraught relationship between emmanuel, my cool, and president biden had seem to sidetrack really what had been a long and hormone this alliance. and yet so much progress has been made. there was a state dinner at the white house in 2022 that emmanuel macron had been two and now his turn to reciprocate and a state dinner really about ending on a very nice note there, the lizzie palace. tonight's certainly with all the, all the glitz that goes with it. a state, a state visit that has meant a lot politically, i think given their domestic audiences and challenges to both presidents, fredricka, indeed. >> all right. melissa bell in paris. thanks so much. >> and as president biden takes the world stage, this week, he is making a renewed case for
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democracy as he honors the members of the greatest generation who helped and world war ii. >> in this election year, he is also reaching out to our allies and issuing stark warnings about the perils of isolationism and the rise in laura terrorism around the globe. i'm joined now by mark fabra. he is the author of several books on us history, and he's the editor of a people's history of world war ii. the world's most destructive conflict as told by the people who lived through it, mark great to see you again. >> thanks, your fredricka. nice to see you. >> so that the common theme of protecting democracy and facing tyranny with a collective resolve has been prominent during this five day trip involving the other present former president reagan's message of working against isolationism. that was 40 years ago now, president biden's message is, every generation must defend liberty. does the
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messaging sound more urgent? however, today 80 years after the fact i, think it does. absolutely. i mean, a famous historian. i know once said, you know, history isn't just what happened in the past. it's this conversation with the present. and i think there's a reason this year and it's not just partisanship, it's not just the election year that history is kind of flowing back to us. power or flee, and that we're having this conversation with the past and 2024 there's something about the commemoration these past few days about the impact of biden's speeches taking place just as the living memory of the normandy veterans are passing from the earth and the urgent need reappearing to know like why were they fighting? no. what were they about? why? why did this conflict take place in the first place and i think particularly, particularly the re-emergence
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in the united states have something that some people call fascism which is of course, what the allies organized together to defeat in 1944 and 1945. the idea that history has come full circle to a very troubling place. i think makes this very different kind of moment than 40 years ago mark, i asked you this question on my show on cnn, max, last first day, and you were so eloquent that i've got to ask it again to another audience here on cnn news newsroom weekends. i mean, these american veterans who are now 100 100-years-old, some of them older, they were just 19, some even 16-years-old when they embarked on d1 dead. >> my dad was drafted, right out of high school, becoming a tuskegee airmen in world war ii. so why is it that so many of these men now, you know, 100-years-old and plus are able to reflect that? yes. they were scared, but they were
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completely aware of what this war and mission was all about, and that it was necessary i think it's because there was no doubt by 1944, who the enemy was, an enemy was totalitarianism. >> it was adolf hitler was the enemies of democracy and it's difficult to underscore today or even to comprehend today with all the divisiveness in american politics, a time when despite the fact of there being many, many divisions in american society and in some ways, even deeper divisions in there are today. >> the coming together of so many tens of millions of people and particularly of so many millions of soldiers. >> and draftees and sailors and other people. i mean, i think one thing that biden noted noted in one of his speeches that was so important, he noted the tuskegee airmen. he noted the women who worked in the
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factories and as nurses and world war ii, i think the sense of unity is very important to recall because it was real, it was tangible among the people who fought and it speaks to what we're about today as we contemplate this same historical arc of democracy and the challenges to democracy again, very eloquent while said mark fav row, thank you so much. >> glad you could be with i agree thanks. when we come back former president donald trump is back on the campaign trail with a rally this weekend in las vegas. why his campaign is doubling the amount of emergency medical staff for the event. next this election season, stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground. and the best political team in the business follow those voters follow the results follow the facts follow.
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tableau switching to tableau has really been a money saver without a monthly subscription was amazing quarter today at tableau as triple-digit record-breaking temperatures hit las vegas. the trump campaign plans and outdoor rally, the former president is back on the campaign trail a week after being found guilty in a manhattan courtroom on 34 counts of falsifying business records his west coast fundraising swing has already taken him to arizona and california cnn's alayna treene is in las vegas for us right now, alaina. so an outdoor rally at noon during a lot of heat. are there any safety concerns? what are the precautions that are being taken? >> well, it's definitely going to be a scorch or fred and there are definitely safety concerns, especially because this as you mentioned, is an outdoor rally. there's the temple which was right now are the forecast i should say, showing temperatures reaching 104 degrees tomorrow. and so there's a lot of concerns
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about how this could go down tomorrow and we'll i'm told that the trump campaign is aware of them and they're trying to go to great lengths to keep people safe. that includes doubling the emergency medical staff that they have on the ground. they're going to have more than 38,000 bottles of water for people who are attending. they're going to have 20 power breeze or misting fans is what they've told us. a series of tents that they're going thank you. have to try and keep people cool and then they're also adding some more magazines to speed up the security process. but luck, these precautions come after 11 people were transported to the hospital on thursday during his rally in phoenix, arizona or the town hall in phoenix, arizona, for heat-related illness. that's according to the phoenix fire department. and keep in mind friday, that rally was actually in doors. the people who were sent to the hospital had heat-related illness because they were outside trying to get in. so there's definitely very valid concerns about how the heat it'd be affecting the rally tomorrow and annalena, i mean,
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this week donald trump makes no bones about his plans to seek revenge on his political enemies if he is reelected. >> what you've been saying well, he's definitely been escalating that language trying to have retribution on his political opponents. but what i found really interesting, friday's he's in a series of interviews these are the past several days and many of these hosts, i'd argue that they're friendly hosts to the former president, have tried to get him to step away from some of that revenge rhetoric that he's been using. thing. but instead, he's doubled down. take a listen to what he told dr. phil in an interview on thursday retribution is going to be through success. >> we're going to make it very successful. we have to bring the country together. >> the word revenge is a very strong word, but maybe we have revenge through success, while revenge does take time, i will say that does sometimes revenge can be justified for i have to be honest. >> no, sometimes they can
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sometimes revenge can be justified. >> pretty strong language from the former president there and fred luck, i mean, we've heard this type of language from donald trump ever since. he was indicted last year, he has vowed to potentially seek retribution on his political enemies. and so this language isn't entirely new, we're just hearing more of it, particularly the aftermath of his conviction last week, fred alright. alayna treene and las vegas. >> thanks so much all right. >> the us supreme court is now facing a wave of new criticisms on friday justice clarence thomas formally disclosed that a 2019 trip to bali was paid for by billionaire republican mega donor harlan crow. the annual disclosures which are required by law, have drawn considerable attention in recent years amid a series of ethics scandals involving private jet travel and luxury vacations accepted by some of the justices, as well as lucrative book deals when new
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questions also being raised about the timeline of justice samuel alito's upside down flag controversy on his properties. it was spotted and his virginia home back in 2021 this right here, it's a display that has become synonymous with those who believed the 2020 election was stolen. alito claimed in a letter to congress that his wife raise the flag over a feud with a neighbor. but that neighbor now tell cnn that timeline does not add up at best he's mistaken, but at worst he's just outright lying. the interaction that happened on february 15th is the one that they're using as an excuse for why they flew the flag. and i really want to hammer home the fact that that happened on february 15 and they're flat egg went up two or three weeks before that joining me right now, jeff swartz, he's a former judge for a miami-dade county and now
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a professor at the thomas cooley law school's tampa bay campus. >> great to see you nice to see you. fred. all right. so these competing narratives about flags flown on justice alito's homes. i mean, does the argument over alito recusing himself from any insurrection related cases grow even stronger. >> it does grow stronger because it's not just the fact that it happened, it doesn't matter that it was his wife who put the flag up the people who are involved in it's set up a timeline where alito was present during the argument that took place. and it's hard to imagine that for three or four weeks, alito came home from work parked his car where you can see it's parked and didn't see a flag-flying upside down and he said that he didn't notice those flags. so it's hard to imagine that he is literally telling the whole truth. that's it's really bad for, for anybody, let alone
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adjust, judge, bring board. >> i have some real problems with this yeah yes. he has serious ethical issues going on, so then what kind of power du his eight fellow justices have to have him removed from any involvement in hearing arguments or rendering decisions on these kinds of cases there's a great op-ed that was done by a congressman raskin who said that there is a statute that can be used. >> from new york. and he said, very simply that there is a statute that applies to all judges. it does not exclude the supreme court where they can file a motion for recusal or really just qualification. >> and the other eight justices this have to make a decision on. and it has to be by an order to determine whether a justice is just disqualified from the case other than that,
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there really is no way to get justice alito out of all of these cases, the public pressure has to do it. and i think that justice roberts chief justice roberts has to step up and do something sitting back, what are flooding it all what are his options? >> well, i think he's supposed to carry the authority of the court. he supposed to have the ability to call justice alito in and say you are doing damage to this court. you are doing damage to our reputation this is one of those times where you're just going to have to do what the public expects of you. and i think what most judges expected view. and that's the best he can do, but he should at least make it public that he does have a problem with what's going on and meantime, the justices have revealed in these financial disclosures for 2026, things, including a book advances for ketanji brown, jackson, sonia sotomayor, and brett kavanaugh and clarence thomas also now
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disclose a trip and amy coney barrett to and you know, and now thomas disclosed this trip to valley paid for by gop p megadonor, harlan crow. >> so how might these disclosures impact what kind of cases they consider? and i guess if those things are taken into account, why wouldn't the flag issue also be taken into account? >> okay. those books, if they talk about cases, talked about the justices feeling about certain matters which can come before the court that would be a basis to ask for disqualification. i don't have a problem with a justice writing what amounts to be an autobiography or review of case law and what it means that's fine. >> and writing those books, they earn that money and people do listen to what they had to say however million dollars trips to bali those type of things. those are those are a real problematical i mean,
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justice scalia took a lot of trips, but they weren't that expensive, but he never for declared them. and i think that at that point now it's become important that they do. justice. thomas has declarations now leave him at the two-and-a-half to $4,000,000 range since she took since he took the bench with a majority of that money being in the last five or six years. so it seems getting worse for him but justice barrett, i believe declared $1 worth of either book deals are outside income that was brought in. this idea of seven figure salaries can easily be resolved. just give the justices a raised, put them in a pay up you know, that allows them to live the kind of life in washington that they probably deserve and that they have given up by going out of private practice. i think that that's the way to get those things done and then bring in an ethical code that's passed by congress. one that's
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enforceable as a high crime or misdemeanor and leaves them susceptible to being impeached. >> all right. >> jeff swartz judge. thank you so much. appreciate it. >> nice seeing you again for it. okay. good to see you too i just quick little correction. jamie raskin, not new york, but maryland all right now, straight ahead, police are investigating after some of its officers are accused of leaving a disk stressed homeless man outside the la city council. that's next the increase in wildfires this exponential unpredictable uncontrollable with overwhelming consequences, the need to do something is urgent slightly, earth would we have drawn the burden tomorrow at nine on cnn scout is protected by simply erica trio, and he's in it to win it sympatric. a trio is the first chu would triple protection
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helping people save when they bundle very cringy, i hanako montgomery in tokyo and this all right. we're getting a new details on the story that is putting the burbank police department under scrutiny after surveillance video captured two of its officers dumping a clearly distressed homeless man outside the los angeles city counsel's office and driving away, joining me right now is cnn's camila bernal. camila, what more we learning about this hey fred, so the president of the council, we now know, is calling for a state investigation. >> the burbank police department also saying that they're looking into all of this specifically the actions of the officers, the bodycam video, the camera inside of that patrol car, and witten this is who may have seen this and this is all after the council member released this video. and in that video you can see that patrol car pulling up to the street here behind me and they get out of the car. you see that man with what
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appears to be handcuffs, they help him out of those and you see in the video as he sort of waving his arms arms, maybe he loses his balance. any falls on all fours, those officers then are seeing getting back in the car and leaving. and so then in that video, you see this man laying flat on his stomach. it's unclear exactly how long he was in this its position, how long really he was in this entire area overall. and it's part of the reason why the council member says he's extremely disappointed about all of this take a listen to what he said. >> i was outraged by it and continue to be and i just it's almost impossible to fathom you know, professionals who are trained and paid to protect and serve the public to take somebody at this moment of maximum vulnerability somebody is seeking medical care and
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dumping literally dumping him on a sidewalk to fend for himself. it's a disgrace the burbank police department released a statement sort of explaining things, maybe a little bit differently. >> they say they received a call about an good man and these officers responded, they spoke to him, got him to put some clothes on and essentially agreed on taking him to a metro stop. so here's part of that statement. i'm going to read it to you. they say he voluntarily got into the patrol vehicle well, and was driven towards the metro red line station along the way, the individual asked to be led out of the vehicle to get coffee. the officers complied immediately. with the request holdover, and the individual got out of the patrol vehicle, so again, the big picture here is homelessness here in los angeles and california, it remains an issue. there i really politicians struggle width here in california, friend. >> all right. camila bernal, keep us posted on that are coming up too popular florida
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panhandle beaches are warning of dangerous waters after three people were attacked by sharks just hours apart, all the details straight ahead 19 cnn celebrate juneteenth deformities by john legend, hadi lewbel, smokey robinson. >> we still have a lot of work to do. juneteenth celebrating freedom and legacy. wednesday, june 19, on cnn find the perfect father's day gift symbol just type, whether tech has hundreds of premium products, it will keep dad's vehicle looking. >> it's best like laser measure for liners, cargo, leinz, and seat protector for extra interior protection sunshade, what's helpful uv rays, the cupp bone perfectly secured his phone while driving. >> order these american made products or gift card the happy father's day deliveries happened order that
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secret. secrets and spies tomorrow at ten on cnn closed captioning brought to you by meso if you or a loved one have mesothelial will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to 14000 comeback, three victims injured in separate shark attacks at neighboring beaches, less than two hours apart, all the attacks happened on popular beaches along florida's panhandle. let's bring in now,
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cnn's rafael romo with more on this. i mean, pretty terrifying very terrifying. it's something that rarely ever happens. >> frehse, the beaches have reopened and walton county, florida today, the self walton far district is flying red and purple flags which indicate dangerous marine life is in the area. officials are trying to determine the cause of two separate shark attacks friday afternoon, that happened in the span of less than two hours and only about four miles a apart. according to authorities of 45-year-old woman who was attacked, the stuff, the 1:15 p.m. suffered significant trauma to her midsection and pelvic area, as well as the arand then a 2:56 p.m. two r girls between the ages of 15 and 17 we're also attacked the first victim suffered what officials describes a significant injuries to one upper and one lower extremity, both requiring the application of a tourniquet and was transported to the hospital in critical condition. the second victim has minor wounds to her right foot and we just learned
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from authorities that the 45-year-old woman and then the teenage girl who suffered the more serious injuries are in stable condition at the hospital. and the other teenage girl has been released. walden county officials said, what happened is both tragic and terrifying, but historically shark attacks are exceedingly rare. >> they're highly unusual. and it's extremely unusual for two to happen in the same afternoon when four miles of one another is the sheriff mentioned we're reaching out to speak to subject matter experts as to what may what may be causing that what the golf temperatures the steering current, whatever that is it is rare, exceedingly rare to have three victims in one day. we understand that, but we need to make sure that we're also using good judgment, very prudent. >> and today, the walton county sheriff's office marine unit has been monitoring the shoreline at deputy spotted a 14 foot hammer head in santa rosa beach this morning from their boats. but they say this
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is not uncommon. officials also said that read before those two attacks on friday in walton county, the last one in the area we have occurred in 2021 when a 14-year-old boy was swimming near the fishing line, 40 yards from the shore, and he survived. and then, you would have to go back to 2005 when a 14-year-old girl was attacked on a boogie board, 250 yards from the shore and died after being pulled under by a shark, while the risk of being bitten by a shark is extremely low florida tops global charts for the number of shark bites according to the florida museum of natural history's annual shark attack report. but again, even if it's rare, a lot of people who visit that area very, very worried today absolutely. >> still very important to be aware all right. rafael romo. thank you so much. >> we'll be right back sanity needs a safe space you have now
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public rec i'm zachary cohen and washington and this is cnn all right, today, drag shows are more popular than ever. >> but how did they become such a target for the political right? statements? randy k. investigates on a new episode of the whole story with anderson cooper. that's tomorrow night at 8:00 right here on cnn. all right. thank you so much for joining me today. and fredricka whitfield, the cnn newsroom continues with jessica dean right now


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