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tv   CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield  CNN  June 9, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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many states across the country impose anti-drug laws. the whole story looks at the rich history of drag performance in america female impersonator clubs across the country, including one in new york called club at to became all the rage during the 1950s and 60s people who came to the avik do club were everyday people you're a mom and dad may have come to the 82 club, but also it was packed with celebrities judy garland, milton, berle, elizabeth taylor, and richard burton errol flynn salvador dali, the surrealists, loved drag and the 82 club dragging the us has strong roots going back to harlem racially diverse groups of people flocked to the rockland palace for headline grabbing drag balls hosted by a black fraternal organization called the hamilton lodge during the harlem renaissance and the roaring 20s after a
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while, they're just became thousands upon thousands of people who would attend. >> there were prizes given for the best costumes. i think it was considered social suicide. if you didn't go tonight, how did drag shows become such a target for the political right? cnn's randy k reports on a new, the whole story with anderson cooper tonight at eight right here on cnn hello, again, everyone. >> thank you so much for joining me. i'm for greek a whitfield and we start with breaking news there's out of the middle east a short time ago, benny gantz, a key minister of the israeli war cabinet, announced that he is quitting the emergency government we live the government the emergency government which heavy are complete we stand together for
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the campaign for israel, for generations. >> so in order to get real victory so far, we are going to go elections and at the end of it, we'll have government that will have the confidence of people ganim is resignation marks a pivotal moment in israel's war against hamas and a major blow to israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who was facing mounting pressure to end the conflict in gaza. his departure comes just a day after that yahoo failed to meet gantz's ultimatum, which was calling for a post-war plan and gaza by june 8 against delayed his announcement after israeli forces rescued four hostages from hamas militants in gaza, against was to make his announcement yesterday, which was that deadline of june 8th. but instead dead had it today. cnn has correspondence tracking all of these developments
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around the world. let's begin with cnn's paula hancocks live for us in tel aviv. paula, against have been facing pressure to stay in place in recent days, netanyahu publicly asking him to stay even members of the biden administration, we're urging him to stay why did he come to this decision will find what he said in that statement just a liliya this sunday evening with the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu at the helm that the state of israel could not be victorious. >> he said that israel needed somebody who put the hostages ahead of politics. now, he has been very critical of benjamin netanyahu in recent months just last month, he said that if there weren't certain conditions that were met then he was going to have to walk away from the emergency government. now those conditions were a definitive tiv and decisive plan to get the hostages back. we know that
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gantz has been very vocal about his support for the proposal that's on the table at the moment. proposal the us and israeli officials are waiting for an official response from hamas four. he also said he wants to have a day after strategy. so the day after the war ends, what exactly is the plan for gaza? now netanyahu has been very vague over recent months when it comes to that. and then he also wanted to a plan to calm down the situation on the northern border with hezbollah in southern lebanon, saying that there are tens of thousands of israeli residents we want to be able to move back to their homes. they've been evacuated for many months now because of tensions, there he has said, those were the reasons he needed to step down. now what this means, it doesn't mean that the government collapses netanyahu's still has a slim majority. so can continue but it does mean that he is far more isolated now, both
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domestically and internationally, we know that he has a very far right element to his coalition and gantz had been seen as a counterweight to that. he was a key member of the war cabinet's. there was three members that were the main memory because of that the prime minister, the defense minister, benny gantz. so a third of that key war cabinet has now stepped down we know the far right wing of ben gvir, for example the minister for national security wants to be part of that war cabinet so there is a fear that that could be less of a counterweight to the far right elements and that is certainly not welcome. here for many in israel. he is a popular figure. benny gantz, we've also heard as well though fears of what this means for the hostage deal, the ceasefire deal that is on the table at this point, we've had a statement from the group that represents the families of those that are being held
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hostage and they say, they hope it won't make a difference to that deal. that deal remains as it is, and they hope that it will be he signed and agreed to very quickly. fred already paula. >> thank you so much. let's go now to cnn has been wiedemann and beirut ben officials in gaza claim israel's raid left more than 270 people dead. israel disputing that number, saying the casualties were under 100. what is the reaction? >> like where you are well, certainly i think across the middle east cross the arab world, there's one shock at that high hey, number of casualties as a result of then operation that happened yesterday. >> now we did get a breakdown from the palestinian ministry of health in gaza of that 274 dead yesterday, they said 64 of the dead were children, 57 were women, and 37 elderly people and certainly from the video we
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saw yesterday there were a lot of wounded children and women among those being treated in the hospitals in the central part of gaza. and of course, keep in mind that many of the people who had taken refuge in rafah in the far south of the gaza strip, had moved north because of israel's operation. there. so the nuseirat refugee camp, what let's teeming with people who thought they would be safe. and of course, the operation took place at 11:00 in the morning on his saturday when people were out and about there was a market nearby where many of the israeli ordinance landed and that would explain why there's such a high death toll of course, people who were there describe a scene that was absolutely horrific first of
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june 1, crazy bombardment started hitting everywhere i've missed something we never witnessed before. maybe 150 rockets fell and less than ten minutes while we were running away, no more fell on the market i'm gonna final remain our children torn apart and scattered in the streets. >> they wiped out nuseirat. it is hell on earth the worry of course, now is that after this operation where prime minister netanyahu can brag that military action brought about the freedom of some of the hostages that perhaps israel will be putting that 31st of may biden ceasefire proposal on the back burner and we'll continue with the military option rica. >> all right. then wait a minute in beirut thank you so much. onto cnn's priscilla alvarez now in wilmington,
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delaware, where president biden will soon be returning following his overseas trip. priscilla, how is the white house? it's reacting to the news of many cancers, departure well, the white house is not commenting on it at this point, but we do know that us officials have been concerned about his departure jeopardizing those ongoing hostage and ceasefire negotiations and behind the scenes, us officials had been urging him not to leave the government making the case that it could impact those was ongoing talks and of course, benny gantz had visited washington before he had met in march, was vice president kamala harris and national security adviser jake cell woman to talk about the ongoing ceasefire negotiations and also the day after planning for gaza. >> now, that was an opposition to israeli prime minister sir benjamin netanyahu and the white house defended those talks. the time saying that it was appropriate given his position and that the discussions we're focused on,
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the israel hamas war now, of course, leading up to today, the other question was whether or not president biden's proposal that for the release of hostages in exchange for that ceasefire would reverse his decision and he had outlined that on may 31 at those three phases, and really put pressure on israel and all of the parties involved to reach an agreement. but we now know today that that did not reverses decision and said benny gantz is departing. the government is also, of course, coming on the heels of the operation that you just heard ben talk about that rescue operation that occurred yesterday. now, today, the nationals purity adviser, jake sullivan, was asked about that on cnn and whether the us was comfortable, given the toll on civilians, take a listen to what he had to say the president himself has said in recent days that the palestinian people are going through sheer hell in this conflict because hamas is operating in a way that puts them in the cross-fire that holds hostages, right in the heart of crowded civilian
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areas. >> unfortunately, notably, we're going to continue to see ongoing conflict and military operations in which israel makes efforts to recover its citizens. and frankly to recover american citizens what we would much prefer to see is a ceasefire where the hostages come out peacefully so you heard the national security adviser they're continuing to push for a diplomatic solution that is what we continue to hear from senior us official across the board. >> of course, the president currently on his way back from france to hear wilmington, delaware, or reporters will have a chance to ask him questions about this latest news. read. all right. priscilla alvarez. thank you so much. >> let's talk more about all this here with this now is palestinian american middle east analysts omar bedar so good to see you, omar i would love your reaction about what has transpired a lot in the last 24 hours from for israeli
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hostages rescued the palestinian health ministry, as well as the hospital. say more than 270 civilians were killed. the idf is disputing that saying the number is more in the 100 range. and then we just heard the national security adviser through there with his point of view say innocent people were tragically killed in this operation. the exact number we don't know, but innocent people were killed and that is heartbreaking the vice president, kamala harris saying, in detroit, thankfully four of those hostages were reunited with their families tonight she said this last night, but we mourn all the innocent lives that have been lost in gaza including those tragically killed. what is your reaction to all that's transpired? >> look there's no question. whatever i know there's some dispute about the specific numbers, but what unfolded yesterday was unquestionably a massacre. we have seen the images of the bodies of
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children littering the streets. we've seen the horrific scenes of the hospital's of weeping parents and bloody children. and to look at an incident of that scale to see that many casualties and to celebrate this as any kind of success is effectively to say that the lives of israelis are more valuable than the lives of palestinians. that is the only way anybody can celebrate this as a success now, it's unsurprising that that's the view of the israeli government. they've made it absolutely clear that they don't value palestinian line lives at all, not just throughout this campaign of assault on gaza over the past several months, but israeli policy towards palestinians for much, much longer. what has been disappointing is the way our government also has reduced the massacre to a footnote and focus primarily on the retrieval of hostages for draco. one, you have to do is just imagine the reverse scenario right now as we speak, there are thousands of palestinians who had been kidnapped out of gaza, placed in israeli detention without any charge or trial. there was an article in the new york times outlining the absolute
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horrific abuse they're undergoing on a daily basis. >> if hamas today we're to carry out an incursion into gaza, kill a couple of hundred israelis and then retrieve for palestinians. >> would anyone in our discourse be celebrating this as some kind of victory? would anyone even know the names of the four palestinians who had been rescued from israeli detention. just we know the answer to that, and that's because we currently have a moment in which it's incredibly upsetting the fact that we don't see palestinian lives as equal or as deserving of the same kind of concern. and we carry on just excepting this mantra of palestinians as collateral damage and necessity and continuing to treat the israeli government as some kind of protagonist in the story, even though they are ultimately responsible for the situation in which we find ourselves in. >> so when you hear the national security adviser sullivan saying the preference is a ceasefire from this point forward do you believe it's possible and and or do you believe that the release or rescue of more hostages i can come without the cost of
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civilian lives yeah, frideric has even more than just civilian lives. >> the israeli insistence on pursuing the release of hostages through purely military means has in fact killed far more israeli hostages than they have rescued. and that's, i'm talking about. israeli bullets and israeli bombs of cost, the lives of their own hostages. there's no question that a ceasefire in an agreement to exchange hostages is the only path forward in which you can guarantee the safety. both of israelis and palestinians out of all this, we've seen the biggest number of hostages being released. the last time there was a temporary ceasefire in which we agreed for an exchange of hostages and prisoners between the two sides. and that is obviously the path forward. there's currently a deal on the table. that basically says an exchange for the end of this war on gaza that has just utterly devastated gaza, killed nearly 40,000 people in exchange for an end to that war, israel can get all of us hostages back without another person being killed from this point moving forward, there is simply no reason not to accept that,
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except it seems that the israeli government's goal of destroying gaza seems to rank much higher than the lives with their own hostages, which is why we're stuck in this grotesque scenario. and it's why netanyahu seems to be beholden to the fanatical wing of his own government, who are insisting that the ultimate goal has to be either the ethnic cleansing of gaza the permanent reoccupation of gaza. and we're stuck in this situation where there is no real plan for what happens after this war. and in the meantime, people are going to continue to get killed. that's a very, very tragic and unfortunate situation. >> and now with today's resignation of the war cabinet administer benny gantz what do you anticipate? given that he gave netanyahu and ultimatum asking for a post-war gaza picture, a plan by yesterday that deadline that wasn't met. he resigned today. what do you envision? is potentially going to happen next as it pertains to ceasefire negotiation talks, hostage release negotiation
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talks yeah look, i think gantz is trying to position himself as a potential replacement for netanyahu. >> he understands there are significant discontent with netanyahu within the country for the fact that he has not been able to secure the release of enough hostages. and the fact that there's international pressure on netanyahu, the fact that the united states, that the president biden clearly has some tensions with netanyahu. unfortunately, those tensions have not lead to any real are meaningful pressure. the only way president biden can actually change netanyahu's behavior is by credibly threatening to withhold us military funding for israel if nothing else, does not change course. that unfortunately does not seem to be on the table. but i think gantz is banking on that pressure ramping not moving forward, and it's trying to express a more clear and decisive disagreement with netanyahu, hoping that when there is more mounting, american and domestic is really pressure on netanyahu that he might potentially be there to essentially reap the benefits of that discontentment and take charge. but ultimately really
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were stuck in a situation in which do you need a ceasefire that ceasefire can only be brought about through american meaningful pressure and that has to mean that america cannot continue just providing unconditional military funding, knowing how these weapons are being used, knowing that every major human rights organization in the world is describing israeli bombings in gaza as indiscriminate. as costing too many civilian lives does not something that the united states should be complicit in its, it's really way belatedly about time to say that we have to put an end to that kind of support in order to achieve that meaningful change, regardless of what israeli prime minister happens to be in charge when that change to come about. >> omar bedar. appreciate you being with us, appreciate your point of view. thank you so much. >> thank you very much coming up. new reporting that president biden is on the verge of making a move on immigration that could directly affect hundreds of thousands of people details on the plan and how it could possibly help him with latino voters cnn newsroom
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correspondent priscilla alvarez and wilmington, delaware, rasulo what do you know about this plan well, this is a move that could be the federal government's biggest relief programs since the 20120 von my era deferred action for childhood arrivals program. >> in other words, this would target undocumented immigrants who have been living in the united states, 48 two long time, specifically those who are married to us citizens and would need a certain criteria. but of course, this comes against the backdrop of that fierce criticism. the biden administration received from progressives and immigration advocates over the president's decision to move forward with an executive border action that would essentially clamp down on unlawful crop i'll sayings by turning the valve off for some asylum seekers who come to the us mexico border. now, behind the scenes, the white house and other administration officials were trying to quietly reassure for those same critics that there was war coming down the
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pipeline that they were still reviewing other options for those immigrants who have been living in the united states for an extended period. feet of time. and during his tuesday remarks, president biden seem to tease to the announcements that are to come in. his remarks. take a listen for those who say the steps, i've taken are too strict. >> i say to you that be patient and goodwill american people are going to work wearing fan right now. du, nothing is not an option. the week said, i'll speak to how we can make our immigration system more fair and more just now what appears to have sealed the deal here is pulling that the white house and the biden campaign had reviewed according to sources strategists have been showing polling to both then essentially illustrating that there was overwhelming support among americans for there to be legal status to be provided to those long-term on documented immigrants. >> again, those specifically
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married to us citizens. and so that helped them get to the point where they're open to these options. homeland security secretary i'm going to my orcas telling lawmakers in a briefing this week that he too, was reviewing some of these options. now, whether or not it happens is still unclear. we don't know what the timing is, and this could always change or shift. but what is clear is that a move like this according to democratic strategist, could really bolster the president's polling in states like arizona and nevada, were they are trying to we're up those latino votes particularly those who have drifted and those who have moved toward former president donald trump. >> all right. priscilla alvarez and wilmington. thanks so much. it's still to come at least ten people were injured when a rooftop party erupted with gunfire. some of the victims were as young as 14-years-old all the latest on the search, four suspect next night of new cnn original series first
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closed captioning bronchi by meso our. firm, only represents mesothelioma victims and their families. >> if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with ms ophelie oma kalisa. now alright. >> cnn has gained exclusive access to the security preparations by multiple law enforcement agencies is ahead of the democratic national convention in chicago alone, gunmen, violent protests are just some of the scenarios that they're preparing for. cnn's john miller has details the democratic national convention is always a security challenge but given the backdrop of a world engaged in two wars terrorist propaganda calling for a tax on us soil. that's a significant concern and protests sweeping cities and campuses. >> this year convention in chicago has the secret service pulling out all the stops. >> i think there are expecting
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around 50,000 people all total. that would be involved in either attending the event, working the event all participating in the event in some way, the secret service has been designated to be an overall command of security planning. >> the lone gunman. you've got folks that are radicalized. >> you've got demonstrations that may pop up and, you know, obviously we hope they remain peaceful here, but they could turn violent and that is where chicago has a history at the 1968 democratic national convention with a backdrop of the vietnam war. >> there were violent clashes between police and protesters chicago police were blamed for escalating the violence. it's a history. they have worked hard to overcome this isn't 1968. >> there have been advances in policing. >> if you look at the technology that we have now, there's a different approach. >> we met chicago police superintendent larry snelling at the crime prevention and information center or the cpic it's 24/7 command center where they will monitor all
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conventions in unrelated events, including protests citywide multiple agencies will have representation within the command center, including the fbi, atf, and state police. so if there is an incident, they can coordinate and deploy resources swiftly. here in this vast open area of the chicago convention center, week so head of the democratic national convention, the chicago police are practicing with their mobile field forces chicago police office series were drilled through different scenarios. they've encountered violent protests medical rescue, how to extract someone from a hostile crowd shield training if the officers are being pelted with rocks and bottles and bicycle teams that can move rapidly through crowded streets and form a barricade but chicago police say the officers we are looking at here with helmets and batons will be kept behind the scenes unless they're needed. >> we don't want to have
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conflicts with people if we don't have to we don't want to clash with people if we don't have two people come here to express themselves by all means, do it, but do it according to the law do it peaceful. it's that simple. once you start to break the law, then we have to restore the peace the officers also received constitutional and legal training on the first amendment, the right to protest, but also how to follow the complex procedures that come into play with mass arrests situations the convention has the large footprint prime-time programming. >> it's speeches will be held at the united center while daytime democratic party business meetings and briefings will be held at mccormick place. the official security perimeter is still in development, but the secret service has released general impact maps outlining how residents in businesses could be affected. but the secret service says the security blanket is necessary.
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>> well, i think everyone has a sense that the threats are real. this is not an academic exercise that there were running through we are planning for real-world possibilities and are we looking at everything? we need to look at and planning accordingly? >> john miller, cnn, chicago and ten people were injured when a rooftop party in madison, wisconsin turned violent. overnight, officials say nine people suffered gunshot wounds or grazes. and another was injured by broken glass. police responding to the scene found does the people fleeing the building? some victims were admitted to the hospital for treatment, but none of the injuries are considered life-threatening. police are still working to identify a suspect alright. coming up, we're learning that wnba rookie caitlin clark is not on the us women's basketball olympic roster. now, the sports world is wondering what she snubbed duties,
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argos yeah. >> okay. >> more annoying than anything too bad. there's mold behind the backsplash small. well, then let's see if we can save you some money with progressive. >> here is how much i paid for this fireplace 23 books, materials, and labor just ignore him bamboozle the crown will pursue that tree is any cost i did not. think. they would be so eager to die. >> house of the dragon streaming exclusively on mac saturday's israeli hostage rescue comes at a high price for those in the gaza refugee camp. >> gaza officials report at least 274 people were killed and nearly 700 injured in the operation. cnn has no way of verifying casualty numbers reported by palestinian officials in gaza. the idf is disputing that report, saying it estimates the number of
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casualties was under 100. again, cnn cannot verify the numbers we're not on the ground there will today, jake sullivan president biden's national security adviser appeared on cnn's state of the union, where he was asked about the administration's reaction to how the mission was conducted, and the us role in the operation i'm not going to get into the specific operational or intelligence related matters associated with that because we need to protect those i can only just say that we have generally provided support to the idf so that we can try to get all of the hostages home, including the american hostages who are still being held is the us comfortable with the way that the israelis carried out the mission? >> look, dana, why is president biden going out publicly and calling for a ceasefire and hostage deal because he thinks the best way to get all of the hostages home is in a deal where they're brought out
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diplomatically, where there's no need for military operations to get every last hostage out so that would obviously be the best solution to this in the absence of that, without hamas saying yes to the deal unfortunately, we are going to continue to see ongoing conflict and million matairie operations in which israel makes efforts to recover its citizens and frankly to recover american citizens. what we would much prefer to see is a ceasefire where the hostages come out peacefully. that is available. israel has said yes to it. now hamas needs to say yes to it. that's where president biden's full effort, energy, and attention is any word either from hamas or through hamas is intermediaries about their saenz vis-a-vis the ceasefire deal that the president endorsed. >> a little bit more than a week ago. since what happened yesterday? >> well, we've heard a lot publicly from hamas over the
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last week. we've not seen any official statements since what happened with the hostage rescue operation. and the two key error of mediators who are standing alongside the united states in this process, qatar and egypt have not yet received any official to word from hamas representatives as to their stance on the deals. so we are waiting that word and it should come today. it should come this our hamas should say yes which would immediately put in place a ceasefire and immediately begin the process of bringing hostages home sullivan also confirm that innocent people were killed in the israeli operation, but said the exact number is unknown. >> sullivan was with president biden for his five-day trip to france president is due to land back in the us in the next few hours. >> all right. coming up victory on the clay for carlos alcaraz, the world number3, winning his first breath and to open just hours ago, we'll talk about his incredible win at roland garros next. >> here's the most anticipated
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rec. >> anderson cooper 360. weeknight today on cnn closed captioning brought to you by meso if you or a loved one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to 14000 all right, we're learning about the roster for the usa women's basketball team for the paris summer olympic games. and the hottest newest wnba player is not on it. and she's now talking about it. let's bring it down. riddell, host of cnn world for it. so what is caitlin clark saying? >> well, she says she's not too disappointed. she says she's
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actually looking forward to having a break because it's been a pretty insane year with everything. she's done in the college game at iowa. and then the top draft pick that wnba, and then straight into a really heavy shed. you'll with some very, very intense games. so thinks he's looking on the bright side i'll tell you what i think about that, but let's hear it in her own words first honestly, notice appointment just gives something to work for. >> it's a dream, you know, hopefully more motivation you remember that and hopefully four years, four years i can be i've loved competing at every single second, but it's gonna be a great a month for my body to get ready and get healthy and just get a little time away from basketball and the craziness of everything that's been going on and just spine some peace and quiet for myself. >> so caitlin clark being very diplomatic, they're her indiana fever coach said to the media that caitlin clark said to her, they've woken a monster and there is an awful
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lot of talk about this decision. should the us team have been taking her to the game's given that she is with now doubt, the most exciting, electrifying women's basketball player in the world right now, she's the player everybody is talking about. she's the reason. so many new eyeballs are on the wnba and she's not there. so was it a missed opportunity? are there reasons why she's not on the team we don't really know. we don't really know what to that. >> when is someone going to be able to give some real clarity on that? because those are the questions are going to continue for a long time, whether it be the coaches who make the selection, the usa olympic team yeah. >> i mean, who knows, but but the argument absolutely can be made that with caitlin clark in the team going to the olympics, it would have been massive. >> it's now a bit less massive in terms of the interests it's in the excitement. but i mean this is a hugely successful
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women's basketball team already. yes, it's difficult to get in. she's only just arrived in the wnba and our her performances and her status as a rookie play off the charts. yes, they absolutely are. so some would say and have argued that it is a massive missed opportunity that she's not going to be in paris nonetheless, incredible stars who make up the team based on what has been shared publicly. okay, let's talk about some other stars on the clay. >> wow, what a finish to the men's roland garros. >> and that was a long match that was exhausted. yeah. i mean, another we weren't playing just watch sometimes these it's exhausting to watch. yeah, it will be highly entertaining, yes. so dimens french open final, it was won by the young spanish superstar carlos alcaraz. he's a third cdb, the fourth seed from germany, alexander zverev in five sets. and this was a massive performance from alcaraz he was 21 down in that match, and he roared back from that point dropping 13 games after that to win the match.
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this is now his third major title at the age of only 21. he's won the us open. he's won wimbledon. he's won the french, so he's now the youngest man to win major time. but awesome. all three surfaces and i think this was a real passing of the torch moment because this might have been rafah and last ever french open tournament. and that tournament has ended with the man who many see as his successor winning his first french open title. a great day for the americans, by the way, coco gauff, she played in level, she buried in the women's doubles final and she wanted as well. and this is, this is great for coco gauff. she's still so young. remember? she wanted her first singles major title, us open last september. now she's major doubles as well. and she said she only decided to play in this competition shouldn't just two days before there's no way really she said she wasn't expecting to end up when correct. with another major trophy, but she has so just coco gauff's doing so many
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great things. >> i really exciting she's just going to keep going, right? >> really exciting. all right. when will the next and then us open? there's so much to look forward to you. it's only a couple of weeks or i know. >> i like it. all right. thank you so much. don riddell. great to see you. >> all right. coming up. north korea is sending more trash-filled balloons into south korea, despite vowing to stop how south korea plans to respond and this breaking news just hours after president biden left paris of french president macron has dissolved parlor plummet more on that straight ahead the increase in wildfires is exponential uncontrollable with overwhelming costs. >> what's the need to do something is urgent slightly birth with we have schreiber tonight, did nine on cnn whether dance vehicle is his prized possession or the family haller, he needs to protect it.
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laura thoughts on capitol hill and this north korea is reigniting a for tat feud with its southern neighbor. >> it said more than 300 trash balloons into south korea this weekend. and now the south is using loudspeakers to fight back in the propaganda battle with north korea, cnn's microfilariae explains what we have confirmation from the south korean joint chiefs of staff that the military here played one broadcast over the loudspeakers into north korean territory. and we also have confirmation that that broadcast included k-pop music as well as news reports detailing human rights abuses perpetrated by kim jong-un and his regime in north korea. so
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the joint chiefs of staff, the military here and so korea put out a statement after the broadcast, before the sun went down today and said, it's up to north korea, whether or not we do this again. >> so they're in lives the potential that this could be a one and done proposition. >> but of course now we're waiting to see how north korea response. so what exactly precipitated this will earlier i should say late saturday night into early sunday morning 300 trash balloons were sent from north korea at of them made it into south korean territory. some of them landing in the heart of the megalopolis of soul right? in the middle of the on river. and if we rewind a little further back into thursday of last week, we have a north korean defector. he's running an activist group here in south korea called fighters for a free north korea he and his group launched ten balloons filled with images and slices of life in south korea. to northern neighbors. so that launch happened in the early
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morning hours of thursday. this for tat balloon, raul listen to what the founder of that group told us just before his balloon launch. >> ami will one. we send money, medicine, facts, truth, and love. but to send filth and trash in return. that's an inhumane and barbaric act now, where do we go from here? >> that is the central question. how will north korea respond if at all to this? so important to note before we go, we're standing right here on the unification bridge in poggio, south korea. there are military personnel all around us and military base very close. >> and we did not here when this broadcast happened earlier in the de, so it is possible that this could have been played at a very low level. >> but again, the south korean military saying it is up to north korea whether or not a broadcast like this happens again, we are all waiting to see how the north responds to this latest action. mike valeriia, cnn, poggio, south


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