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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  June 9, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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liver health journey today, i dose i'm zachary cohen and washington. >> and this is cnn urine the scene and new israel mine, jessica dean in new york and breaking now french president emmanuel macron has dissolved parliament and called a snap election after polls show his party being trounced by the far-right opposition party in european parliamentary elections, macron saying he called these new elections to give voters a say after these most recent you elections. >> cnn correspondent melissa bell joining us now, melissa, just walk us through what the eu elections are, what they mean and what the fallout is
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now basically just what we saw europe why tonight as these results can now, these are projections, but gives you an idea of what's happened is that the far right in many different countries made pretty substantial gains. now, the far right, i have a different set of views when it comes to issues like russia and ukraine, it's difficult to see how they'll function is very unified block. and yet it is expected that their results are so strong in so many countries could mean that they're going to have a bigger impact on the european union. things like immigration policies then they have had in the past. but the biggest news tonight from europe is that in france, the far-right has come out on top with such a resounding victory more than 30% of the vote, then emmanuel macron, the centrist leader of
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france, has dissolved parliament. and what we'll do is now have parliamentary elections here france that could see if the results go to the far-right as they have at european level, the far-right when those parliamentary elections and emmanuel macron be forced to function with a far-right prime minister. now, it depends on how the election goes, but that would be a pretty significant shift of francis political landscape. jessica, right? and these elections that macron has set for france, that would be taking place in the next several weeks, the end of june, beginning of july, right that's right, so we're gonna know fairly quickly, 30th of june 2, round seventh of july, and by then we'll have an idea if what party the next prime minister of france will be now in a way, i'm going to macron was already finding it difficult to function. >> his party had lost its absolute majority, so he isn't giving away that much, but it is a pretty big gamble. and he could be difficult for partisan, unlike him, to function with a far-right prime minister, should that be the result of that action? his
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party has kidney hoping that they can reverse those gains in his parliamentary elections and remain the dominant party. but it is a gamble. and one that will make a big difference to the coming few years of his second term. jessica? >> absolutely. melissa bell for us. thank you so much for that reporting. and let's go now to my next guess. cnn political and national security analyst and white house national security correspondent for the new york times, david sanger, david's also the author of the new cold war's china's rise, russia's invasion, and americans struggle to defend the west david, thanks so so much for joining us let's just dive right into what we're seeing coming out of europe tonight. what is your takeaway from getting these results and now seeing what the french president is doing well, just gets are real acceleration of something we've been seeing happen for the past couple of years, which has been the right the rise of both the centre right and the far right. >> and it's not just france.
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we saw it in the results today for the overall european parliament election germany. and we saw in austria, we've seen in the netherlands. so there was a common anti incumbent phase turning here but there's also for france, which is sort of at the heart of support for the european experiment of vote for basically more france, unless you're and i think you're seeing that as well in the other countries so what you're seeing now from president macron is, you bet your country gamble as we just heard, which is a very quick election before anyone really has time to get organized. i think this is scheduled for june 30th, in which he's basically saying to the country do you really want to go this path? because if he loses on this, he will still remain as president, but he will have a essentially an
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ungovernable parliament and so i want to break down a couple of things you just hit on there. first of all, just it is a gamble. what he's doing and it sounds like what you you're saying is he's hoping that doing this quickly will benefit him that's right. >> he's hoping that these results scare enough voters who may have stayed at home, who may vote for centrism normally, but sort of enjoy the poking at the institutions but his ratings are pretty low, right now. he his party is barely scoring with the socialists. here. and that's pretty remarkable. change your fortunes for him. and think about the timing as well for france in particular. so first of all, obviously the olympics are coming up. so the world is going to be focused on france in a way, they have not before once this opens, the second is
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the g7 summit is happening just in the next this week. so he's going to go was all leader whose future can't be assured meeting president biden, a leader whose future can't be assured. >> and the third thing that's going to happen is that the nato summit, that's supposed to be the grande sine of unity of europe and the united states. >> this is a 75th anniversary. it's supposed to happen in our early july right after the july 4th holiday. >> it will be just as we get the results from the french election. and so with that in mind, so that was the first thing, the second thing i wanted to ask you about is goes hand in hand with that nato summit. it's about, we're seeing continued kind of isolationism amongst so many countries that have for decades been united in fighting for democracy, protecting democracy. and we're seeing voters and this this case too, it seems like really saying,
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was you said more france, less europe that's right. >> and to some degree, less ukraine, right? some, not all of these groups have exactly the same platform. but there is a rising call for wire. we engaged in this conflict with russia? if you were vladimir putin and you were trying to design an outcome here, you couldn't be happier than the results today and then actually raises an interesting question, which is how quickly will the propaganda forces in russia? move in to try to amplify those voices that they favor along the way and try to influence the election in france. we've already seen a good deal of that happening. we've also seen a lot of russian activity against the international olympic committee, just as the
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games get ready to begin in france. >> so this is a territory where we could see the russians attempt to interfere if they can get organized in time for this election. >> and of course, macron has beat the far-right leader marine le pen in france it's now a couple of times. but what is she saying? this has to be welcome news for her as she was celebrating tonight because if you take this broader european vote isn't early indicator of where her party may end up. >> in france, she could end up in a position where sarah, her party is finally outstripping the centuries. and that's why you could end up with a president macron dealing with opposition prime minister in an opposition parliament, which would basically lead to paralysis and chaos. >> now macron has clearly betting he had two more years here's, he didn't have to call this election.
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>> he is clearly betting that he will do better now, at a moment that perhaps his supporters are scared and showing up and becoming more activist than if you let it dragged on for two years. >> and then more broadly it becomes what does this mean in relation to the united states of america and its relationship with europe, it's relationship with france, obviously a key ally. what do you read into that? >> well we're seeing the same thing happened here. i would not equate each of these european parties would platforms that are equivalent to president trump's. and of course, at times, it's very hard to know what president trump actually stands for. but certainly the impetus that has given rise to president trump's continued popularity despite the conviction on 34 felony counts, despite everything else that we know
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and we've learned, is the same impetus that you're seeing across europe and it's an interesting question about whether the united states is going to follow the same way. >> yeah, and somewhat ironic know that they were just in france world leaders joined together marking the 80th anniversary of d-day, talking about how important it is to band together other and fight against any aggression against western democracy that's right now. not all of the right-wing parties in in europe would tell you that they oppose that gold. but some certainly would be a lot less enthusiastic about it than macron has been. it's been macron cohen has been the most outspoken, more so than the united states about sending european troops. nato troops, into ukraine, to train the ukrainians. and relieve some of the burden on them so that more
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ukrainians would be freed up for combat. president biden has said, no way, i'm not participating in that macron because probably at this point stands out as the most pro supportive ukraine candidate out there almost anywhere in europe and that's what's going to be up for a test interest two-and-a-half weeks, just a few weeks. >> all right. david thing are great. thank you so much for that context. we really appreciate it. >> thank you. great to be beyond with you we're also following breaking news in the middle east, where tonight is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu is asking a key member of his war cabinet to come back. >> opposition leader benny gantz, quitting the government this afternoon gantz, as he stepping down from the emergency government and called on netanyahu to hold new elections. now his departure, of course, comes just one day after netanyahu failed to meet gantz's ultimatum, which was calling for a post-war plan in
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gaza to be in place by june 8 cnn's paula hancocks is live and tel aviv with the latest on this polygons, his resignation, a blow to netanyahu, who is facing some pressure in israel to bring these hostages home and in the conflict, what's he saying? >> well, that's right, jessica and he has publicly said that he wants benny gantz to come back saying now, is the time to unite now what we've heard from gantz himself is that he doesn't believe that israel could win this war with benjamin netanyahu at the helm saying that it's important to have a prime minister who puts the hostages ahead of politics. he's been very critical of netanyahu in recent months. and he has said that this is necessary to have the day after plan for gaza. it is necessary to have a decisive plan to bring the hostages back and to have a plan to bring peace to
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the northern border as well with the southern lebanon. so these conditions have not been met. so again says now walking away what it does mean at this point is not much for the actual coalition government, but government doesn't fall netanyahu's still has a majority. so it's still able to continue. >> but what it does mean is what we saw gantz as and what the us certainly saw. >> ganim is more of a moderate within this coalition which does contain some very far right elements. so ganim was, has really been seen domestically and internationally as a counterweight to some of those far right wing ideas, banker via for example national security minister. he is now saying that he should be in the war cabinet as gantz has gone and there is this concern that now a more moderate figure has left. it allows them more right-wing figures to have more of an influence when it it comes to what the prime minister himself. and of course
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we know that the u.s. that us officials had been trying to nudge gantz to postpone this decision because they are concerned about what it means for this hostage ceasefire deal, which is on the table at the moment gantz was very much for this deal, which president biden announced last week saying it was based on the israeli proposal. and certainly there are some concerns about what this could mean for that jessica, paula hancocks alive and tel aviv. thank you so much for that reporting. >> still ahead tonight. >> donald trump is holding his first campaign rally since his felony conviction just hours before the former president will talk with a probation officer and new tonight federal authorities warning a ruthless criminal gang from venezuela, has now infiltrated the us where it's being linked to a string, a brutal and violent crimes. you're in the scene newsroom hey, mom, how many should i decorated? have ran, have blue. >> that's a really tough call.
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failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome shortness of breath and your regular heartbeat could be something more serious called attr cn a rare under diagnosed disease that worsens over time sound like you call your cardiologist and ask about 80 san i'm melissa bell in paris. >> and this is cnn former president donald trump today in the swing state of nevada, holding a rally in las vegas. >> it is a state trump lost in both 2016 and 2020, but a recent poll shows he is gaining ground among voters. there it's trump let's first large-scale rally since his 34 count felony conviction in the new york hush money trial seen in reporter alayna treene is in las vegas with the latest on this. lena well, jessica, donald trump in his first campaign rally since be convicted by a manhattan jury
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last week surprisingly, did not specifically bring up that trial. my i find that very interesting is because over the last several days, he's really escalated his rhetoric around retribution and calling for revenge. on his political opponents. but instead, he talked about his legal troubles more generally, he also referred to special counsel jack smith, who was not part of his new york trial, and then his new york case as a quote, dumb son of a and also claimed that the weaponization of the justice department in the united states right now is worse than what you would find in a third world country. take a listen to what he said. >> tell you what. no third world country has weaponization, where they go after political candidates, like we have either this guy can get elected anything without cheating. the only way he can get elected is to cheat now, jessica, i can tell you from my conversations with donald trump's advisers that they really do want the former president to leave his weeks-long criminal trial in
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the past and start focusing again on his general election campaign messaging that includes immigration, crime, the economy, all things that they think will help get him elected. >> this fall. and he did actually make a new announcement today. he said that if reelected, his second ministration would get rid of taxing tip something that's very important to voters specifically here in nevada, which depends heavily on tourism and hospitality. now, just looking ahead to tomorrow. donald trump does have a pre-sentencing hearing with a probation officer. this is after his conviction in his new york hush money trial. we're told that he's going to be doing that virtually. and his defense attorney, todd blanche, will be there as well. >> desk. >> right. alayna treene in las vegas. thanks so much and joining us with more on this, a former special assistant to president biden meghan hayes and cnn political commentator. sure. michael singleton, great to have both of you here on this sunday evening sure. michael, let's start first with you, trump echoing a lot of themes, we hear a lot about
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from him the border economy. joe biden's fitness for office, but he also went directly after the justice department and people who work there will listen to this clip first and what they've done is they've weaponized the department of justice the only thing they didn't understand is that we just had the largest fundraising effort in a period of one week than anybody has ever had. i did nothing here. we have a deranged individual named jack smith. he's at deranged, a dumb guy is at dumped son of a now, trump is still facing two federal criminal indictments brought by jack smith. >> sure. michael, i know you talked to the trump campaign and give them advice, especially on outreach to different demographics that they're trying to bring in talking about black men and maybe trying to bring them over to trump and bigger numbers what would you say to them or what are your thoughts on this line of attack? and its effectiveness with potential
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swing voters are new voters for donald trump i think this is certainly red meat for the base, but my advice to answer that question as a strategist would be that the base is already there. >> so i'm looking for areas or groups of people that you can pull in to provide that cushion. and what we know will be a very mathematically tight and close presidential election. can this november. and so if i'm looking for those different pools of voters, justin, my question becomes, what are the principle concerns of those different groups of voters? whether it's latino, men, african-american men, maybe even asian men and then from there that i'm going to write policy prescriptions at the campaign can release and then some points that i want my candidate to really hone in on and focus on on the campaign trail to say these are the things that i can do to address some of your concerns that the current individual is not addressing and mangan as donald trump is attacking the justice department today, we did hear from president biden who said
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he's going to accept whatever the jury decides. >> his son hunter biden's case and that if he is found guilty, he will not be issuing a pardon what do you think the american public should take away from that contrast? >> yeah, i mean, i think the president biden is the believes in the rule of law here and he understands how important it is to a functional democracy. i just think that people are starting to see the lies here in the contrast with them. and like when trump is saying it's weaponized, merrick garland is the one who had a special counsel for hunter biden. so why would you instruct your own justice department to have a special council for your son that just says it makes sense when you start to peel back the layers of what's happening. so he's like entire premise is a little bit off, but i think that that's starting to become more known and the more that trump is out there and not talking about the issues to share michael's point more and more people are going to see that contrast where president biden continues to talk about issues and continues to talk about how he can be helpful well to them middle-class. and it's your michael is talking about writing policy papers, et cetera, and keeping his
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candidate on message. and that's what he needs to do. he needs to talk about the policies to continue to have that contrast, but he's not giving people a contrast to actually vote for. so people are just continuing to see his lives back and forth, which i think will be detrimental to him in november. >> and there was some new round of polling from fox news it was on these key swing states and we've talked a lot about about how pivotal these are going to be that a handful of states are probably going to decide this election sure. michael, we have been hearing from some gop lawmakers in swing states who say they are still remaining on team trump we can listen to some of these clips now that trump has been convicted, are you planning on supporting him in november versus joe biden? yes. yeah. yes. >> i'm supporting donald trump, professor. yes. >> i already voted for him in the primary in november. the way this is about the american people. i have no issues in supporting donald trump for president united states is the republican nominee on the republican yeah, a lot of my
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constituents are i think even more than or for him now, because democrats went way too far those are, those are vulnerable republicans in their district, but mature michael, a couple of things. >> one, swing pole, the swing state polling that we saw showed what we all know, a very, very tight race. and one particular state that i want to drill down on virginia in this particular hole. again, just one pole seemed very tight. that's a state that biden won by ten points in 2020 so my question to you is, is all of this data we now have the conviction. we're looking at this polling right now what do you think is happening? we're seeing vulnerable republicans in districts where they might be up against the wall sticking with donald trump. what does that say to you well, it says your previous segment you talked about what's going on politically in france with my crow. >> and we're seeing this pattern across the western world and even within our own country. i'm just sort of
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taken a broader look here are just that we're seeing a lot of i guess i would describe them as sort of disenfranchised , marginalized people who are looking at the political system writ large. this sort of air of meritocracy and what they're saying is that these technocratic elites are out of touch. they've created and fostered an environment that does not yield to any type of measured success for the common man, for the work good so here's donald trump, who's taken a complete wrecking ball to this process. and those individuals are sticking with him, regrows of what the flaws may be. and so if you're a republican elected official and you're adhering to the calls or cries, if you will, of your voters who are saying this is the person we're standing with and we expect you to do the same or we're going to vote for someone else? well, we don't, most politicians are most concerned principally concerned with self-preservatio n. and so when you see manu asking that question, who are you going to stick with? of course they're going to say we're sticking with the former president because that's what the voters want, because they perceive the former president as someone who's completely disrupting a system that they
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believe is completely left them behind meghan, i wanted, to give you another question. we're out of time. is there any response, quick response. you have to that. i'll let you have it. >> i mean, i think they're scared that president trump is gonna come after that and we've seen time and time again, then he will go after people who are not loyal to him. so i think that they're also worried for their own reelection to share michael's point, they are self-preservation. >> all right. megan is your michael. thanks so much. always good to see you both. >> get to see you. thank you still ahead, cnn taking an in-depth look at a dangerous venezuelan gang linked to a multi-state human trafficking ring that's forcing immigrant women into prostitution. the brutal murder of a former police officer in florida, and more you're in the cnn newsroom the increase in wildfires is exponential uncontrollable with overwhelming consequences, the need to do something is urgent slightly when we have schreiber tonight, did not on scene in an ever miss before you're
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designer sales at up to 70% or so of today new denied federal authorities are warning a ruthless criminal gang from venezuela has now infiltrated the us where it is being linked to a string of brutal and violent crimes from an alleged multi-state human trafficking ring to the murder of a nursing student in georgia and attacks against police officers in new york officials say these apparently unrelated crimes all have a common denominator. >> cnn's rafael romo has been investigating the gang and they're growing presence here in the us raphael, what more you learning about this jessica, we already knew three in there had spread its tentacles across south america in the last several months, we investigated cases here in the united states is that have all the markings of the gang and now federal and local law enforcement members of congress and immigrants are all telling us the same thing. >> the gang is now here in the country and it poses a serious threat for the last several years they have terrorized
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multiple south american countries police or the region can see a venezuelan gang known as that in their adwa, has victimised thousands through extortion, drug and human trafficking, kidnapping, and murder. >> and now you as law enforcement including customs and border protection and the fbi, say the gang has made their way into the country the fbi, el paso can confirm that members of brende at have crossed into the united states is about a vasa former venezuelan police officer, no living in florida says he fled his country in large part because the gang had become so powerful, they could kill law enforcement like him with impunity. >> bossa says a fellow police officer who refused to cooperate with the gang was shot 50 times. >> its enable you refused and was murdered. >> he tied his body to a motorcycle and dried it throughout the san vicent, a neighborhood to demonstrate the power of the trend day agua de
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have followed the migration paths across south america to other countries. and have set up criminal groups throughout south america as they follow those paths. and that they appear to have followed the migration norris united states, you as border patrol chief jason owens, who has confirmed multiple arrests of a our members over the last year, issued a warning in early april after reporting yet another arrest, watch out for this gang, he said, it is the most powerful in venezuela known for murder, drug traffic king six crimes extortion, another violent acts. the challenge for law enforcement official says that it's very difficult to know how many members of friendly or agua are already here in the united states, what somebody has swelling immigrants are telling us here in florida and other states is that they are already beginning to see in there immunities the same type of criminal activity
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they fled from in venezuela. >> will they do have their hands and prostitution contract killing, selling drugs selling of arms. you name it, they're just all types of criminal activity that they can engage in anything that's an illicit activity but either going to engage in for a profit trend, de, are raga a violent venezuelan street gang that is operating in the united states. >> a judge in miami-dade county sit in a hearing that one of two suspects in the murder of a former venezuelan police officer in south florida, allegedly is a member of the gang in more more recently, a new york police source told cnn, the 19-year-old who allegedly opened fire on two officers after they tried to stop him for riding a scooter in the wrong direction. has tattoos associated with the gang illegal yet and i'm not sadducee bossa the former venezuelan police officer says the us government has no way of knowing i'm going to swell and immigrant asking for asylum at the southern border is in reality a criminal because
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venezuela, as a matter of policy does not share intelligence with the united states. >> our biggest concern would be making sure our partners are aware to be on the lookout. >> and that's the key federal official say, when it comes to making sure this new thread than the united states, that's not growing to the national security challenge. it's become in several latin american countries there are more than 70 cases here and the u.s. in which there is mentioned, the law enforcement documents are prosecutors complaints from those cases. the cbp had border patrol in texas identified 58 gang members between the beginning of fiscal year 2023 and the end of may. the rest appear and complaint it's made by victims or reye's reports. that point to the possible involvement of the suspects with this organized crime group, jessica, back to you. >> all right. rafael romo. thanks so much for that reporting still ahead. a bad week for supporters of the big lie moved to steal the 2020
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election won fair and square by president biden one trump ally is headed to jail. others have been arranged in court will break it down for you. you're in the cnn newsroom sometimes the best thing you can do with intelligence is share it with your adversary if his secret is betrayed it's a bullet to the back of the hand secrets and spies, a nuclear game. >> tonight at ten on cnn. >> if you're shopping for a home only shows you homes for sale source directly from professionals meaning you can trust every home listing is a realistic don't all have to do that. not really. trust the number one app real estate professional stressed this home-style chicken salad ran from subway. >> this is how you do it savory chicken. chris veggies, all wrapped up his maps are amazing people can hear my thoughts that's a problem stay fresh out there all new reps from subway country is corrupt. >> we get a save it do some
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struggles led to an abrupt exit of the papers executive editor sally buzbee. let's discuss it all with cnn's senior media reporter, oliver darcy, who's joining us now. hi, all of her great to have you this afternoon or evening, i guess now, let's start with steve bannon being ordered to report to prison. he thought he'd be able to delay his prison sentence while he appealed the case. how might this affect his media empire is podcast. >> yeah, i think this is a big loss for trump. people think of steve bannon as a political figure and he's of course, a political figure. he's worked on the trump campaign before he was in the white house, but he's also a prominent right-wing media figure. before he started this war room podcast, he was the boss over at bright bar and now he does head this war room podcast, which is one of the most influential programs in right-wing media it actually helps shape the conversation in the maga media unit diverse and so him not being on that
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podcast daily, being on the bench basically for the next several months, i think that's going to have a big impact in on the conversation. there he's a person who has really pushed the right to the fringes, attack people who have used a soft on trump, people who might not i'm back the former president. and so without that bully pulpit being used by bannon, i think that will have some impact on the conversation you've seen right-wing media and therefore, the election. >> yeah. and speaking of right-wing media, we also have alex jones who this week revealed he's going to liquidate his assets. he was ordered to pay 1.5 billion to the sandy hook families for defaming them. we can listen to a clip we're going to beat these people trying to be dramatic. hoard fight he's obviously emotional. >> oliver, he told a lot of lies about sandy hook and a
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mass shooting with children who were killed. what happens next for him? >> it's hard to fill any sympathy for him given how he tormented the families who lost loved ones in the sandy hook shooting he has not paid them a dime despite juries in both texas, in connecticut ruling that he should be paying them 1.5 billion in damages so now after really resisting liquidating his personal assets, he has agreed to do this and that does mean that at some points in the future, if this does go according to plan here, he will no longer be the owner of infowars, which has of course has media empire that he is used for decades to spread all sorts of vile conspiracy theories and lies like the lie that the sandy hook shooting did not happen. so this is a big deal, again, in the right-wing media universe, which it does, it does end up
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coming back around to effect where the republican party is today. i think if you were to name one person who has really pushed the gop outside trump into this conspiratorial space. alex jones would certainly be at the top of that list and then just kinda completing this media roundup, let's talk about the washington post for a second. >> it's facing a lot of blowback i can totally following the sudden departure of its executive editor sally buzbee, you wrote about how the publisher will louis is now facing some strong criticism from within. what more can you tell us about how this is expected to impact this media giant, the washington post yeah, i mean, it's certainly distracted staffers over the past several days in the newsroom at a really important time for national politics but this is something that's not going to end. just yet. really what's happening here is we'll lewis, who was tapped by jeff bezos, the owner of the
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washington post earlier here this year to lead the newspaper. he used to work for rupert murdoch and there are allegations that he helped cover up or the hacking scandal that rupert murdoch's media empire in the uk was ensnared in decades ago. and those allegations have been revived by a loss so that prince harry and another number of other notable celebrities have filed and it's making its way through the courts. and so what happened this week is after he dismissed sally buzbee as the executive editor it was revealed according to sally buzbee is account that she told others that he pressured her and breast his dissatisfaction with the washington post covering this lawsuit, which of course mentioned the allegations against him, the hacking scandal, than an npr reporter came out and said that he tried to kill that story and npr and so it's really caused a lot of backlash that he's
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still going to have to deal with in the months ahead. >> yeah. right. oliver darcy for us. thanks so much. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> we'll be right back chasing life with dr. sanjay gupta. >> listen wherever you get your podcasts, everyone sees meanwhile, at a vrbo, when other vacation rentals are just for likes, try one, you'll actually like today at america's beverage companies are models might still look the same, but they can be remade in a whole new way. thanks to you, we're getting bottles back and we've developed a way to make new ones from 100% recycled plastic, new bottles made using no new plastic. you'll be seeing more of these bottles in more places and when we get more of them back i can use less new plastic. bottles are made to be remade first, we did
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the impossible you age so many of the possible that we completely ran out and now they're the foot law, cookies back at subway the edge and rash of moderate to severe eczema disrupts my skin night and day despite treatment, it's still not under control. >> but now i have revoke or invoke is a once-daily pill that reduces the edge and helps clear the rash of eczema fast summer invoked patients felt significant inch relief as early as two days. some achieved dramatic skin clearance as early as two weeks and many taking or invoke saw clear are almost clear skin or invoke can lower your ability to fight infections including tb series infections in blood clots, some fatal cancers including lymphoma and skin, heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. >> people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor haven't increased risk of death serious allergic reactions can occur tell your
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guarantee a perfect fit. now, comfort looks good. >> we must break the will of our enemy and end this war the crown will pursue that can tell you i did not think they would be so eager to die he was seen me a ruler symbols of authority. i'm not to jews and gas but the shield, and the sword house of the dragon streaming exclusively on max this week, a heat dome baked parts of the western u.s. >> with sharp rise in temperatures and hot weather plus dry conditions are a recipe for wildfires causing death and extreme destruction. >> seen as bill, we're explores the damage these wildfires can bring to communities and the
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people who called them home since climate change has helped create the most flammable earth in human history every new wildfire season brings new reminders that resilience is everything it determines which communities burned to ash and which ones survive and rise. like paradise, california. >> so this whole thing was, yeah, pick your home was burned to the ground, house burned to the ground. >> i never made it home that day. >> it's been just over five years and say mile-wide blowtorch, known as the campfire came roaring over the mountains and into this town of 26,000 it took 85 lives, 90% of the structures and two thirds of the population never returned but the people who rebuilt, like heidi lang really want to be here. >> i kind of took an inventory of everything that was still here my community and my my
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neighbors, my friends, and my church, and my job was all still here, so my little village, that little villages here in paradise the native tree species of california, had millions of years to adapt to wildfire, survive and thrive now the people of california have to do the same and much less time and here's a perfect example. >> if you didn't know, you'd never know that this was once a neighborhood of hundreds of families, middle-class workers retire hi, raise, mostly living in prefabricated, highly flammable homes. the kind that right now would cost more to ensure than the home is worth. and this insurance crisis is creating sort of a perverse natural selection of survival of the richest so how old is this house? >> i was born and 39 hit was born and 40 coral johnson's house survived the camp fire. but when he went to renew his $1,100 a year insurance policy,
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i got one quote from farmers insurance that said $14,702 a year a year as major insurers decide that places like this are just too risky to cover. carl is among those forced to go uninsured. >> a lot of people that were here, the de the fire never came back but the people that chose to stay, i think that's amazing. >> well, gary lead better managed to find decent insurance after rebuilding. what may be one of the most fireproof new homes in all of the west. >> but i had my own tar to my own bic lighter and i tested materials these guted to use that right yeah, i'm trying to burn yeah. >> impulse and as it's flaming on my hands, i throw it down so we're not using that during the campfire. >> all the fire hydrants lost pressure. so gary connected his swimming pool to a sprinkler system that includes the roof. and every event and window is
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engineered to survive an ember storm. >> and as fiberglass instead of vinyl. so it's not going to catch fire, is not going to melt and with these windows, the screen is on the inside i did a metal roof, stucco vulcan vance, which are engineered to close out when they're exposed to a certain degree of heat. so they don't let the embers drawing and i have more gravel than any normal girl would wildfire is as vital to a forest as rainfall but human fear of it has shaped and reshaped entire ecosystems. >> often for the worse. but by shifting the way they think about nature, shelter, and community paradise is not to prove to the rest of the overheating world how to live with fire because there's no other choice bill, we're cnn paradise, california and you
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can catch a new episode of violent earth with leaves schreiber tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern and pacific. it is only here on cnn still ahead, major far-right gains in european elections, how the power shift is creating political instability and could have ripple effects. >> here in the us, you're on the cnn israel june 19th, cnn celebrated juneteenth, which special performances by john legend, hadi lewbel smokey robinson. we still have a lot of work to do. >> juneteenth celebrating freedom and legacy. wednesday, june 19 at ten on cnn. >> its clinical going to hear this kid. >> they can't go back suprus you. >> this she most hammadi
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