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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  June 11, 2024 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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know overdraft fees join me. >> it cnn, this morning with kasie hunt. next it's tuesday, june 11, right now on cnn this morning, donald trump, urgent conservatives to fight for christian values on the same day that we had to visit with his probation officers in new york for american college instructors, stab twine attacker in a public park in china. >> and 12 jurors in delaware sent to decide the fate of hunter biden, the president's son, hoping to beat three felony gun charges all right. 5:00 a.m. here in washington alive. look in new york city on this tuesday morning. good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. wonderful. have you with
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us donald trump juggling his conviction with his campaign. he helped to remote appearances on monday. >> one was with his probation officer, the other with a conservative christian group we can't afford to have anyone sit on the sidelines now is the time for us to all pull together and to stand up for our values and for our freedoms. >> and you just can't vote democrat. they're against religion there, against your religion in particular, you can not vote for democrats and you have to get out and vote the former president's probation interview. meanwhile comes one month ahead of his sentencing date. it's currently scheduled for july 11. meanwhile, president biden held eight juneteenth celebration at the white house last night dag remember the original sin of slavery and the extraordinary capacity to merge those powerful moments, painful moment with. >> a better vision for ourselves. a day reminds us. we
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have a hell of a lot more work to do. so let's keep marching today. >> president biden plans to speak at a major gun violence prevention conference. the appearance comes as the white house and biden campaign tried to promote the president's work to tackle gun violence his team believes that issue resonates with key voting blocs, including women, young people, and latinos. starting us off this morning. shelby talcott, she's a reporter with semaphores, shelby. good morning. wonderful to see you. >> let's start off with what we heard from former president trump at this event yesterday with the dan barry institute, which is a very conservative organization on abortion rights. and the bottom line seemed to be to keep from the left for showing up at all. >> but what he had to say wasn't good enough for the right yeah. i think this really just represents how difficult of an issue abortion is for republicans, it's essentially a lose-lose situation, and we've
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seen how donald trump has struggled to grapple with that fact and figure out how to speak on it. so he faced he faced backlash from the left because of course, this is an extremely concerning derivative group that wants to ban all abortions and so their argument was, why is he showing up at all? and then he faced backlash from conservatives who argued that he sounded like a politician and his brief pre-recorded remarks, he didn't mention the word abortion at all. he didn't take pride for overturning roe as he so often does but it encapsulates how the abortion issue is really, really hurting republicans and how they've just struggled to figure out the happy medium and how to talk about this issue. >> because again, i mean, this is the difference between a pre and post row america in a world where roe v wade stands, republican politicians can and would go into these groups,
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talked to them and say definitively, life begins at conception. this, we shouldn't be doing this, et cetera. without any actual risks that those policies are going to become the law of the land? no. yes. and i think the other thing is we've seen how donald trump donald trump in 2016 won a lot of support from the anti-abortion movement because he promised all of these things he delivered on them. and this time around, i talked to activists in this group all the time about this issue. and throughout this entire election, they've been really concerned that donald trump has left them by the wayside. and so to me this, these pre-recorded remarks is trump's sort of attempt at saying, i'm still with you. i'm still here but also trying to walk that really fine, almost impossible line to get those moderate voters over to his side as well. >> yeah let's talk a little bit about president biden because we are starting to see, or at least it seems like we're
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seeing a very small shift potentially in the polling in biden's direction. >> we don't want to overstate it because this race is so incredibly close, right? and we're still kind of gathering data in a post conviction world but i do feel like there are some i'm picking up some more positive vibes from democrats shall we say, in the wake of this, i think they were a little reluctant to weigh in initially, what is your reporting on how this seems to be playing out so far? well, it's interesting because we still don't know exactly how the trump conviction is going to affect voters long-term. it does is you said seem to have maybe shifted things a little bit four at least the short term, who knows, in five months what's going to happen but what i think is notable as every time i talked to the biden campaign, they've been really focused on saying throughout this entire election that they're going to focus on touting his accomplishments, focus on trying to remind voters in a very tough election cycle what he has done. and so
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this this gun speech is going to be one of those prime examples. it's an issue that a lot of voters care about, particularly his core base and we're going to see a lot from him about this issue and we've already seen how there also at the same time contrasting what joe biden has accomplished in office with donald trump's policies. and so this gun speech, represents how the biden campaign is trying to run their campaigns. one other message that the biden campaign has been trying to really push. >> and if you know anyone that works for biden comes to the set, they will say they will make this argument that donald trump is out for himself, that he doesn't care about voters, which is why it stood out to us on the show when donalds, this is from over the weekend, donald trump rally in las vegas. here's what he said to his supporters. there. take a look. >> by the way, is that breeze nice? >> do you feel the breeze because i don't want anybody going on me. >> we need every voter. i don't care about you. i just
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want your vote. i don't care i don't care about you. i just want your vote from the man himself. >> yeah. and i think the big thing when i talked to voters at these events, you have to remember these events are tailored for donald trump's core base of supporters. you're not often seeing. people maybe except for the new york events that he has held which are not technically large scale rallies, but at these large-scale rallies, these are as core base. these are the people have the memorabilia and they have the t-shirts were in line for hours? exactly. so they they love those as of comments, the question is, how do those comments help the more moderate voters who are maybe on the fence unclear. shall we talk got thank you very much for that. >> are coming up next year. america's top diplomat in the middle east, pressure israel and hamas to agree to a ceasefire deal plus miami apartment building engulfed in flames. authority say it was no accident the most anticipated
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369369 text now and will include a bottle of new gigantic thermo x r, newest most powerful fat incinerator ever with pie ingredients to help you lose fat get lean absolutely free. that's pen de 369369 i'm zachary cohen and washington. >> and this is cnn all right. >> any moment now, secretary of state antony blinken will land in jordan ahead of meetings with arab leaders blinken engaging in some intense shuttle diplomacy meeting with multiple israeli and arab leaders in a push to secure an agreement for a ceasefire deal on monday, the un security council backed a three-step plan to end the war in gaza. here was the us ambassador to the un accept the ceasefire deal on the table. >> israeli, israel has already agreed to this deal and the fighting could stop today. if hamas would do the same the palestinian delegation remains skeptical now, the burden is on
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israeli sayyed to implement this resolution. >> the proof is in the pudding. we will see who are the ones who are interested to see this resolution to become a reality and those who are obstructing it all right cnn's max foster joins us now, live from london at max, it's rare to hear from him from the palestinian ambassador this deal, it seems like it's going to be a three-phase thing. >> there's a six-week ceasefire with the release of some hostages and palestinian prisoners it's supposed to be followed by a full israeli withdrawal, release of all the hostages. and then in theory, there's a plan for a multiyear reconstruction of gaza. it's a lot the us is saying, hey, we're waiting on hamas. >> what, where does this stand at this point? well it's not entirely clear is that we're hearing a lot about in hamas is
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core. other people are saying it's in israel's court as well, hearing their from the us ambassador to the united nations saying israel has agreed to it, but has agreed to it in its current form the government that is currently in. so you have now benny gantz has left the israeli war cabinet and it's now become more right-wing. so will they agree to this deal within this broader deal, as i understand it, is the idea of a palestinian state in future. and that is something that the right wing of the israeli government won't agree to. so i think clarity is needed on whether the us ambassador to the un is right. is that israel, the current israeli government, whether or not it actually supports this deal, then of course yes, the question about whether or not hamas some supports the deal as well, and whether or not even if they get to the point of negotiation, whether it holds but i think that that clarity on both sides is needed. but as you say, we don't often hear from that palestinian
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ambassador in the us max. >> we're, we're also getting some reporting in the wall street journal about yahya sinwar is the head of hamas his correspondence with his compatriots, but also with mediators who are going back and forth trying to get this deal. and the way that he frames this, he says, quote, we have the israelis, right where we want them and then he goes on to say in another message that he cited civilian losses in national liberation conflicts in places like algeria, where hundreds of thousands of people died fighting for independence from france. and he said, quote these are necessary sacrifices. and quote, so we've kinda east talking about these people who are dying in gaza as a way to pressure the israelis. it's a pretty stark and difficult way of looking at things and this
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is something that when people who are supportive of the israeli is trying to recover their hostages, et cetera. they point to this and they say, look, hamas uses its people this way well, i think a lot of the quotes open to interpretation on such a divisive issue. >> and i know the article makes the point, but his ultimate goal is to appear to win a permanent ceasefire that allows hamas to declare victory by outlasting israel. so i think there's a real awareness within israel in many parts of israel that, that might be the strategy here on the her mass sayyed, there will be people saying that this is a fight we can't we have to outlive it and then you have these quotes which do seem ruthless another one says you'll remember when the political leader, ishmael hernia, his sons were killed. and there's a message apparently, these messages are coming from people have
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different views on sinwar as we said, he wrote that the deaths and those of other palestinians would infuse life into the veins of this nation, prompting it to rise up rise to his glory and honor. was he making the best of a bad situation there or is it as you suggested? within this article that the bloodshed actually works for the palestinian cause i think a lot of it's open to interpretation. a lot of people would have issues with this article. lot of people who are also say, this says an awful lot about the current leadership of hamas. obviously yeah, very bottom line is, is very difficult. reality for palestinian civilians who are caught in a horrible across fire at this point, max foster for us in london, max, thank you. >> i really appreciate it coming up next here for american college instructors injured in a stabbing attack in china plot more arrests on the campus of ucla older chains is
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pain learn more for its this is cnn the world's news all right, 22 minutes past the hour. >> here's your morning roundup for us college instructors dabbed in a public park in china. they're from cornell college in mount vernon, iowa. a motive for the attack and the identity of the assailant still unclear a suspect who allegedly fired a gun and started a three alarm fire at a miami apartment building is in police custody this morning. a man with a gunshot wound was found at the scene. and this hospitalized in critical condition pro-palestinian protesters clashing with police at ucla, at least 25 people were arrested for trying to set up another encampment on the campus a new alzheimer's drug
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is one step closer to approval. an independent advisory panel to the fda voting unit animus lead to endorse eli lilly's drug. it's slows cognitive decline. >> and maybe given the green light later this year and time now for whether a flood threat is ramping up for parts of southern florida this morning while in a oppressive heat dome settles down over the west our weatherman, derek van dam tracking all of it for us, derek, good morning. >> what are you seeing good tuesday morning, the heat wave because of this heat dome is all located across the southwestern us. >> so parts of texas into the great basin and the central valley of california more on that in just a moment. but notice this line here. it's a mixture of a warm front and a cold front that's a stalled, stationary boundary. and that is going to produce our rainfall threatened the flood threat across the southern florida peninsula. in fact, it already is so because the radar is just basically lighting up like a christmas tree, pulses of rain that has lots of moisture from the gulf of mexico, just moving in south of
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tampa impacting places like fort myers and naples region that's where we currently have a flood watch that last right through wednesday evening, including the miami dade region. look at this. there's a stalled boundary. look at the several rounds of rainfall that will move across the southern portions of florida right through thursday and then it continues on from there. just can't showed because are forecast radar doesn't go that far. so weather prediction center has a slight risk of flash flooding. this includes fort myers, miami through a better part of the workweek. so do take care. keep in mind it doesn't take much to flood some of those roads very low elevation part of the state, some of our rainfall totals exceeding a foot over the course of the rest of the week, especially over southwestern florida. now there is a bright side of this because 41% of the state experiencing drought conditions, but with that amount of rain in such a short period of time, of course, that piles up too quickly and we could see the rain. there's heat dome. this heat will be dangerous. in fact, some of the authorities in phoenix recommending that you avoid sun exposure from 10:00 a.m. to
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6:00 p.m. today okc. >> all right. or whether man derek van dam, derrick. >> thank you. i really appreciate it. >> coming up next here. we've got new details about donald trump's demeanor during his first interview with a probation officer? sorry that he had as a convicted felon plus kevin mccarthy looking to oust his ouster we got john the gag keith, we got sick you up it's going to be doggy dog out there the king crab, there's your man that's what everyone wants to be it's precious. this is yeah, that looks totally safe brief, first timer. >> he let's was sure it looks safe, but like nearly half of all us cars, it's been in an accident with car you see how accidents impact
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>> good things. listen wherever you get your podcasts all right 5:30 a.m. on the nose here in washington in a live look at new york city. >> look at that beautiful sunrise on this tuesday morning. good morning, everyone. i'm casey hans. it's wonderful to have you with us. donald trump has completed his pre-sentencing interview. >> cnn reporting the former president answered all the questions he was polite, respectful and accommodating to the probation officers telling them to be safe with the conclusion of the session. >> this routine interview lasted just 30 minutes. may source tells cnn there could be a follow-up meeting. here's a former new york city, the former new york city corrections commissioner, who it's just explaining a little bit here. this could be an is usually a drawn-out process it's just the beginning of what can be a pretty long and sometimes intrusive process.
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>> so you shouldn't take too much that it was just a first polite interview that a probation officer has wide berth here so this was the start of something that certainly not the end not the end, joining me now, cnn legal analyst, joey jackson. >> joey. good morning to you. it sounds like we got a slightly different version of donald trump than we often see on the campaign trail when he talks talk to his probation officer. i'm still working on getting over the fact that this is the reality that we're living in, that this is what we're covering day in and day out considering he is the republican presumptive republican nominee for president. but what do you take away from what unfolded here? >> jc, good morning to you. it is a very pleasant surprise and quite unusual from what we're used to in terms of rashness, in terms of making statements about the system and being a victim in an injustice. and so yes, it isn't surprised. but remember we're big picture what this is about, right? there's something called a psi. what is a psi pre-sentence investigation and pursuant to
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that investigation, a defendant, as we look at here, now, a convicted felon is provided with the opportunity to give information with respect to things that are relevant about you. like what like your family background, like your mental health history and status, like the nature of the conviction and how it affected your ability to support and otherwise provide for your family? generally not getting into the facts and circumstances the case itself, which is why counsel generally doesn't even appear or need to for that matter. and the whole reason for that case, he of course, is that then you go from a psi pre-sentence invented that's the patient to a psr, right? lot of acronyms, pre-sentence report and that report is certainly helpful for a judge to provide sentencing to the defendant, having learned more about them, and then of course this comes with and along alongside what your attorneys will give, which is their recommended condition with respect to the sentence. and then prosecutors will weigh in and then the judge will
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certainly look at all of it and render a fair and just determination as to what sentencing should look like joey is plausible here. >> mean like i completely understand why this process exists for your average defendant who is not known to any of these officials in this system, right? i mean, how ever many cases come before them day in and day out. this is typically pretty routine thing. this is not a routine situation like if you're the judge here how much does this actual process do you think? do you think judge machinery knows what he's gonna do three parts to the question. >> i think number one, in terms of the nature and typical illness of this for mr. trump, it's not right. we know i think people in general about him. he's run for president before he served as president for he ran again for president. and he's running again. and so i think generally the typical defendant to your point, is not someone who's known to the judge and the judge is trying to get a broader perspective
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with regard to who you are, what you do. >> number two, in terms of the process itself, it's helpful and important for a judge in general because it does give a deep dive into who the particular person is, what their families about, what their mental health history, about who they are about what their thoughts in nature of the system are about to give you a better rendering of a decision number three, in terms of the judge, i don't think so. >> okay. see, i don't think judge machine has made up his mind you know, and i know that by nothing in terms of having spoken to him or knowing anything about it. but i think that the process provides for the nature of what happens and what does happen. what happens is, is you're attorneys provide their view defense attorneys with respect to what they fair. and justin appropriate prosecutors way in the department of probation can ways in because they will give casey they the department probation the essence of why he gave this interview a recommendation and i think the judge takes all that into account and let's not forget when you're attorney he's provide their memorandum. it's accompanied by all kinds of
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letters and documents and things about who you are, what you're about, the redeeming qualities you have and all the factors that talk about the aspirational nature of the actual in most instances, the aberration on nature. it's not typically who the defendant is, judge, this is something that was a one-off, your honor. whatever arguments you make, but there are multiple letters that come with that. and then of course, at the sentencing itself, casey very briefly, the attorneys are afforded an opportunity to make oral argument with regard to what they think it should be added. the defendant, him or herself, in this case, the former president has an opportunity to render some kind of public statement about how they feel. and then oftentimes you get victim impact statements two and so i think because of all that it would really be a disappointment and i'm sure that's not what judgment shot is doing to say i've got my mind made up, i'm just going to render a decision. i don't need any of this. all of it is important i mean, sometimes come game de the sentencing day judges do change their mind right then and there. so see what happens here.
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>> very interesting, very briefly, joey, let me ask you about the other case that's unfolding. and that's a hunter biden the jury has this case. how long do you expect it to take for them to reach a verdict on something like this so you know, casey, that's always the wildcard in terms of the timeframe and i don't think we could draw anything into the time frame, of course, deliberation, just having begun yesterday, of course, this dealing with three different counts, did he lie to a federally licensed firearm dealer that he lie on the form with regard to the purchase of the weapon or did he illegally possess it? >> so those are the issues i think they're very clearly defined. what's a bit murky is whether or not there's really, was he addicted at the time, whether he thought he was addicted at the time, was he deceiving himself? what this evidence of that regard and let's not forget, he's got home-court vantage has families pretty popular in delaware? it matters. i think you have an african-american jury that is pretty intuned to what's appropriate, what's in just et cetera and so let's see whether or not we get a hung jury for finally, jury nullification, whether the jury
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says, you know what, perhaps it's something you did i think there's shaming addiction. we're not going to do that and then let's throw it out. courts has been arguing that, but the prosecution saying it's about line let's see what narrative the jury comes up with. well, know, sue. >> all alright. joey jackson for us this morning. joey thanks very much the story. >> the former house speaker kevin mccarthy, reportedly planning a revenge tour. nbc news reporting mccarthy is seeking to retaliate against republicans who voted to oust him last year. this has really been an ongoing thing, but it's starting with republican congresswoman nancy mace of south carolina, cobo, an nbc operatives aligned with mccarthy are directing big money into these races through outside groups. tuesday's challenge to mace is the first test, and then we'll see house freedom caucus chair bob good, who faces a primary in virginia next week two other anti mccarthy voters representatives, eli crane of arizona, matt gaetz of florida, also have primary challenges. this summer mccarthy denies
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it's a revenge mission and says he's not targeting anyone these are the eight republicans that you mentioned. you see them on your screen what's the first thing that comes to your mind when you see them just function, are you on political vengeance store? >> no no, i know you guys tried to say that. >> now, last week i went to los angeles, orange county, san diego raising money for the republican party are you okay. >> joining me now, senior congressional reported for punchbowl news. andrew does siderio andrew, this is revenge tour. this is the revenge tour. one to the tune of enantiomers, this case, $9 million in outside spending against her in the single house race and a single single house primary? yeah. yeah. it's that's wild. yeah. what are what is the likelihood that any of these folks are going to lose their primaries? >> well, look, i think it's very possible that nancy mace loses her primary, for example, today, i think that's the big race that everybody is going to be tuning into those other ones you mentioned probably not. but kevin mccarthy is very much interested in toppling the people who were sort of orchestrating the push to oust
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him from the speakership so andrew can you walk me through also the dynamics in the bob good house race in virginia because that one is really interesting. >> he is the freedom top of the freedom caucus. he is someone who has, it's not just kevin mccarthy. he's made angry. what's going on with that, right? so donald trump hasn't endorsed his his primary opponent, for example, which was quite stunning to learn, especially given that bob good is, as you said, the chair of the freedom caucus, and he's got a lot of conservatives both movement conservatives and conserve as on capitol hill, who are very much behind him and trying to make sure that he wins his race. he was one of the aid, of course, who voted to oust kevin carvey. so there's that dynamic there as well. i will tell you a lot of freedom caucus members are a little bit upset with donald trump and his political operation at the level at which he's, he's gone in terms of the intensity of trying to endorse me it's primaries. they think it's not productive, not helpful or not
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helpful to the conservative cause. in particular to be endorsing against these members particularly when you have bob good, who someone when who is the chairman of the freedom caucus, the freedom caucus have ten years ago is not the freedom caucus of today. it's basically a devotion to donald trump, right and bob good is especially so circumstance because he endorsed ron desantis early on in the presidential campaign. so there might be some bad blood there between him and donald trump, and that might have led to the endorsement of his primary opponent. but it's definitely an interesting dynamic to watch it multiple revenge tour is kind of taking their way through his district exactly how i would say it. so this is something that we've been found how in closely on the show, different, different topic the questions about chatgpt the new kind voice of chatgpt and scarlet johanson, who is very upset about that to the point where she sued over the fact that there was a very uncanny similarity to her voice in this movie. watch good morning.
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>> good morning. e of a meeting in five minutes. >> you want to try getting too funny get good. i'm funny learn everything about everything and of course, sam altman, the head of chatgpt tweeted her just one word before he rolled out this new ai. now congress says they want scarlet johanson to come testify. what's that about? >> well, speaking of nancy mace, it's actually her subcommittee on the house oversight committee that's requested seeing this interview with scarlet johanson. a. tried to schedule it for next month, but apparently it's not going to happen until later this year, maybe not even till october i think this is an example of the legislative process in congress not moving as fast as ai is moving both the development of the technology as well as these moves that are happening private industry like places like openai, like the organization that sam altman leads that's gonna be a struggle for congress as they try to address a very complex topic like this. and we've talked about this before. but
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when you see a request for testimony that doesn't actually come to fruition for another four or five, maybe even six months the technology looks very different next week compared to now write much less five or six months from now. yeah. and that's something that congress is going to have to contest with, is making sure that they are moving at the speed, not of congress, but of the technology which is difficult. >> i mean, we're still waiting on them to do something comprehend hands up on social media has been around now for years alone, ai. all right. andrew does siderio force andrew. thank you. thank you. really appreciate it. >> are coming up next here. secretary of state antony blinken continues attempting to break broker an end to the war in gaza, plus the panthers take a commanding lead in the stanley cup finals are bleacher report's up next 19th cnn celebrate juneteenth we especially deformities by john legend, hadi lewbel, smokey robinson. we still have a lot of work to do. >> juneteenth celebrating
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invention idea, but don't know what to do next. cohen van help today, they can help you get started with your idea called now 80710 zeros 020 all of the ha students, but especially are eight american families who have loved ones in gaza. >> we are determined and to bring them home the proposal that president biden per forward is the best way to do that the secretary of state, antony blinken in the middle east this morning trying to put pressure on israeli leaders to agree with to a ceasefire with hamas today, blinken met with benny gantz. >> he had resigned from the israeli war cabinet on sunday after criticizing netanyahu's strategy in gaza yesterday, blinken met with prime minister benjamin netanyahu and with israel's defense minister pressing them to commit to the proposed deal and asking countries in the region to put the same pressure on hamas joining me now to discuss as cnn national security analyst
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shawn turner, shawn, good morning to you let's just dig in a little bit at to what blinken is doing here. >> the way that american officials are framing this in public is that they are waiting on hamas, that israel is on board with this american plan, but there does seem to be some murkiness around it. >> how do you see this playing out? >> especially in the wake of this very high-profile hostage rescue that also of course led to the deaths of scores of palestinians good morning, case you it's good to be with you when you he listened to israel's response to the biden ceasefire plan. i think that would most people are hearing is you're hearing comments like israel accepts the plan, urine comments like israel believes that this is a good first step, but we're not hearing a full-throated endorsement of the plan and i think that while that a lot of people are cautiously
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optimistic that this is the plan that will achieve a ceasefire. there's still a lot of unknowns here. look, i think that what i see here is a fact that israel this feeling, increasing pressure from the international community. it goes without saying that this is no longer a localized or regional issue for israel, that the pressure is intense and they're being criticized by all sectors of the globe so i think that what we're going to see here is we're going to, we're going to see the support of this plan continued to strengthen or going to see israel wait this out, and we're going to see hamas as we always see with hamas, try to leverage this plants to get as much as they possibly can. i think this is the best possible option that we've had in a long time. so i'm cautiously optimistic that this is going to work out shawn there's some reporting in the wall street journal about messages from mr. sinwar, who is the head of hamas, who
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has been messaging with hamas officials that the qatari and egyptian emissaries, and it's reported that he said, we've the israeli he's right where we want them. >> and then he also compared what's going on with palestinian civilians to national liberation conflicts in say algeria end. he said, quote, these are necessary sacrifices and quote, how do you think that illuminates the thinking of hamas at this point? >> you, at this point 0.1 of the big concerns that we've all had is the fact that hamas continues to use civilians to achieve their objectives. i mean, when we look at the number of palestinians who have been killed, it's, it's astronomical i think that what this does a message like that i think it's obviously not constructive, casey, because there is a deal that's on the table. and what hamas needs do if you read the language of a deal, it's very clear in terms of what hamas needs to do. there's no wiggle room for hamas. and so a message like
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that suggests that there is wiggle room at that there's some negotiation that can or should happen with israel, and that's simply not the case. this is a deal that lays out what hamas should do. and i think that the challenge punch that we see with hamas is that even though we see a message like that, hamas is not always in control you have a number of different groups and factions that be maybe making decisions that are not necessarily in line with with what the negotiators want to do so it's not helpful. but again, i think that that's the kind of rhetoric we oftentimes i'm see. this is a good deal and there's a real opportunity here to really some of the pressure and two, and the humanitarian crisis in gaza all right. >> sean turner for us it's morning. i serve a much appreciate your time. thank you for being here thanks, casey all right. time now for sports, the florida panthers are two wins away from hoisting the stand can we cup for the first time in franchise history if they get there are andy scholes has this morning's bleacher
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report, andy, good morning. good morning. cases. so edmonds and they really wanted to win this series that only for there fans, but for all of canada, canadian team has not won the stanley cup since 1993. state of florida. meanwhile, laken when it off for the third time in five years, but this wouldn't be the first for the panthers. now the oilers striking first in game two, mathias et calm putting this one past survey, row barofsky there, but that would be the oilers only goal of the knife fast-forward to the third period panthers. now up to one, edmonds is leon dry side hi, idle elbows, alexander barkat in their head right there that really fired up the panthers even more. >> barkov, he needed help get into the bench, did not return to this game. panthers would score two more, to win this one 14 to one to take a 2-0 lead in the series after the game, panthers head coach paul maurice, he was asked about that hit on barkov quickly because i think you're holding back how do you feel about the hit on barkov? >> this isn't the oprah winfrey show my feelings don't
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matter. >> all right. >> oilers, they're not good at o2 holes. they've done it ten times in their history. they lost nine of those series game three it's going to be thursday in edmonton. all right. caitlin clark, meanwhile, back on the court last night, frehse off being left off the olympic team rough night for the first overall pick scored just ten points in 22 minutes. all tentative points coming in the first half, clark didn't play at all in the fourth, leaving the fans in connecticut you chant. >> we want kaitlan, the sun beat the fever and that went 89 to 72 indiana, just three and ten. >> now, on the season i los angeles lakers search for a new coach, is now back act two square one uconn's dan early announcing he is staying at the school instead of making the jump to the mba to coach lebron, according to espn's adrian wojnarowski, the lakers offered hurley next year $70 million deal to be their coach. hurley though, turning that down to try to go for a third straight title with the huskies, no one has one three-straight intuitively titles since john woods,
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bruins. in finally, check this out. blue jays, vlad guerrero, junior faculty pulling off the pitch of the fourth ed, bad goes with it and look where it gets stuck its way up in the netting and it would stay up there for another two innings. everyone putting the duck out, a dugout working for figure out a way to get that bat down and listen to how that saga in ensures in science continues at american family feels they've added or removed trying dislodge this bad they got an a round. it trying to pull the band down the haven't secured right now it's a finish on a line redemption blue jays pitcher chris bassett was the hero and the end isn't that big cheer from the graph here in milwaukee of the case he, as you can see, it took a whole team effort. they had the poll with just a hooked and they figured out, let's put a ring
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on it. >> is that pole like what where does that why is that in a baseball dugata. >> dugata attended apparently went and found the poll that they had in the back i've told you know, and i've got the fans are grateful that the net was there in the first place. who knew it was going to be a bat flying their way. >> all right. andy, thank you. i appreciate it coming up next here, supreme court justice samuel alito secretly recorded discussing questions about his own ethics plus new reporting on donald trump's demeanor during interview with his new york probation officers trump met with his probation officer over zoom, which was great because trump's laurie could hit mute whenever you started talking devastating and sudden power of tsunamis, it happened in faraway lands and it's easy to think it can't happen here. >> one hits home. >> will we be ready? silent birth with liev schreiber sunday at night on cnn, arthritis pain. >> we say not today. tanno,
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