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tv   CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta  CNN  June 11, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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president and the former president, one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash good morning. >> you relied on cnn newsroom. i'm jim acosta in washington right now in delaware. >> hunter biden's fate is in the hands of a jury. the president's son arrived in court this morning as jurors resume deliberations in his federal gun trial and just about a half hour later, he left the courthouse in wilmington. >> hunter biden is accused of lying about his illegal drug use when he bought a handgun back in 2018, if convicted of all three charges, he could face 25 years in prison. cnn's evan perez drawing this is from outside the courthouse in delaware. evan wasn't expected that hunter biden would only make a short visit there as the jury deliberates, what's the latest no, jim, i think we didn't anticipate that he would be
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able to leave during the time that the jury is deliberating. >> typically defendants have to sit here like the rest of us as we wait for the jury to complete its work. >> but look, i'm not every defendant has a secret service detail and a whole security operation in order to get him an out of inside and outside of the courtroom. >> and we know that the biden family has a little base of operations at a hotel nearby. we expect that once they know there's a jury, of course, 100 by biden will come back perhaps the first lady will also be here. she's been here supporting him throughout this entire trial and the jury has now been inside for just they've been deliberating for just over for two hours. they did a little bit yesterday and then they'd been back today. >> and the last thing they heard was obviously the closings from both sides prosecutors had some really tough words to push back on the prosecution, which is really
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doesn't have a lot to work with. >> right. there's overwhelming evidence. the 100 biden bought the firearm in october of 2018. we know from all the text messages from videos, from photos that they've shown in court, and from his own words and his own in his own memoir, that he was using crack cocaine around the time of this incident. so what abbe lowell his defense attorney, focused on was that the problem? that's the question, didn't have direct evidence that hunter biden was using drugs in october of 2018 and that he said to the jurors was reason for there to be reasonable doubt that he knew he was lying on that form when he filled it out to get the background check. and by that firearm in response to that, we heard from derek hines the prostate, one of the prosecutors who said luck there's no doubt that anyone who puts a crackpipe to their mouth every 50 minutes knows he's an addict. and so he pushed back on some of the accusations from the, from the prosecute from the defense and
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that's the last thing that the jurors heard before they retired to the jury room to start to deliberations all right. i'm perez. thank you very much. keep us posted. we appreciate it. let's continue this discussion, joining me now cnn, political commentator, republican strategist, or michael singleton, cnn legal commentator and former attorney for donald trump, tim parlatore and cnn special correspondent jamie gan, girl. tim, let me start with you first i mean, obviously we can't predict what the jury is going to do here. but what do you think? do you think the prosecution has made the case or might there be? >> a chance here that hunter biden might be acquitted. so i think that they they did a fair job up until the rebuttal case the rebuttal case to me was really the prosecution's greatest evidence of all. and i read through the jury instructions specifically on the issue of addiction and use, and they do you have to show that it's during the time period that ago the gun and a lot of what they had was before
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it was after and they didn't really target in on the specific time period until the rebuttal case which you would have hoped they would have done in their case, chief, but once you've got those text messages from the de of the purchase i think that that really strengthened the prosecutors case. it's your mind. i mean, just going off of what evan perez was highlighting from the closing arguments. i mean, it sounds as though the prosecution is really hammering hunter biden over his abusing drugs. might that backfire because a lot of folks out, you know, people have family only members, friends who battled addiction. it's something that we all can relate to somebody that we know in our life. could that backfire because the jury might, one of the jurors might say, hey, wait a minute, they named this guy just like me, maybe sympathetics may have a family member who's also dealing with addiction. millions of american families are i will say to be transparent, i own firearms company. i want to be transparent for audits. so this is an arena i spent a lot of time in the brewing verse new
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york case really does change the dynamic. i would argue tim in favor of hunter biden, even if he's found guilty, i would argue he would be successful on appeal because the fifth circuit last year stated that you cannot ban someone who a use an illegal substance from being able to possess a firearm. i think that's certainly benefits the second amendment. absolutely so what's fascinating about this, ty cobb who jim is that conservatives who've made despised president biden may look to hunter biden, who may bring this all the up to the supreme court to have further changes to the second amendment a lot of 2a advocates have been advocating for, for two or three decades now and jamie, thanks for being with us. >> well, i i wonder what the impact will be on the jury is seeing the biden family throughout all of this. the first lady being there what's your sense of them luck jurors are human beings. >> we talked about this a lot in the trump trial, and there is no question that those
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jurors know who joe biden is, that it's the first lady having a family there. i'm guessing the lawyers here would say that having family members is always good. in a courtroom for a defendant but generally, this is the first lady. >> i mean, correct. career has basically been hunter biden's mom correct? >> i think it has an impact. >> the jury was told to ignore the prosecution said, don't pay attention attention to that. >> maybe that makes you pay attention to it a little bit more i don't know. but at the end of the day, i think what's very important is what you're michael was saying about americans being aware of people with addiction i believe that from the volodymyr, we know that some of these jurors have family members i think that what will happen here is, look, did he have an addiction problem? absolutely. do we hear
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it in his own words when they played the audio recording of his book. absolutely is there this vague period of time when he buys the gun that may be cast a little doubt on it yes the question and i don't know the answer is what is reasonable doubt? >> what is beyond a reasonable doubt in the case like this? >> yeah. in tim, i mean to that 0.1 of the questions that i have is i might the jury just essentially say, okay, you know, hunter biden, you get a pass on this one i just wonder. are they going to say, okay, there's enough here to convict? what do you think? i think they could? i mean, the jury the jury instructions are very lengthy, but i really focused in on the judge's definition of use and addict and the definition of addict is quite frankly, in my opinion, terrible because it says an attic to somebody who's addiction is such that they can't control their impulses
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with respect to the addiction. and so this is a crime. there isn't prosecutor elie honig was on yesterday. curious, said and other programs just isn't this isn't prosecuted that much might be aware of that and it's very rare as a stand-alone. yeah. yeah if you have a crime of violence and then you add onto it, how did they get the gun? that's something that they do. >> it can be an add-on but as a standalone to share michael's point, this is such an interesting case because it takes the parties and and a flip-flop some because think about every time there's a mass shooting event and the one side is saying we need stronger gun laws. >> the other side is saying, why don't we enforce the gun laws we have if we enforce the gun laws, we have this person never would have bought it. and the first-person doj decides to actually try and enforce said width is hunter biden yeah. >> all right. it's very weird circumstance really quickly here when you go to purchase a firearm, when you can, please four and 44, 73, which is a document for the first two charges, it's ran do the next
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system. >> the next system is a national database that would tell and nfl if you've committed a crime, if this were not hunter biden, if it were not for the document or the laptop, there will be no clue if he would have utilized drugs or not. so he would've been able to lawfully hold that gun without anyone knowing. so this is a focus case to me. i have my differences with his father, but in terms of being firearms owner and someone who owns a firearms company, you don't want individuals who may have an addiction problem to not be able to defend themselves particularly when it's a son of a president who knows how many threats he's getting basis and jamie, it also, i mean, just to go to thames water out, everything being flipped on its head. i mean, we've had all these discussions about a trump's complaints about a two-tier justice system and then weaponized against him. and so on. >> so let's family's been put through the wringer on this case for sure. >> let's talk about what has not happened in this case. >> first of all, 100 is not a candidate for president. so that's number one but we have
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not heard hunter biden come out and have a press conference every day and say the judges corrupt the system is rigged. that this is a witch hunt i mean, they, the biden family and his father is present in the united states. this is according to donald trump, his justice department this is the opposite they are very painfully and i'm sure they're all wish this wasn't happening. but there is nothing attacking the rule of law and the justice to work all right, very good. sure. michael, tim, jamie, thank you very much. appreciate the conversation this morning thank you very much. i still communist our private conversations caught on tape i want sacred heart of jesus glad because i had to look cross the lagoon at the pride flag for the next month justice samuel alito's wife, talking about a new flag and secret recordings just made
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public. >> we'll talk about that just a little bit, and we're falling breaking developments from israel were prime minister benjamin netanyahu appears poised to sign up on president biden's ceasefire plan. we'll talk about that in just a few moments back in a moment the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former president, one stage two, very different visions for america's future in an presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming un-backed if you have graves disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more gritty feeling can't be brushed away. >> even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious, maybe behind those itchy eyes up to 50% of people with graves could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor see an expert, find a ted eyes specialist at is-it
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carbonyl, the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now, we've created a brand new way for you to sell your car, whether it's a year-old or a few years old, we want to buy your car so go to car fauna, enter your license plate. answer a few questions, and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer and seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car. that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car and say hello to the new way at carbonic, i'm katelyn polantz at the federal courthouse in washington. >> and this is cnn breaking news. >> now, israel appears poised to formally agree to president biden's three-stage ceasefire plan for gaza while at the same time maintaining the freedom to keep fighting. that's according to a statement just released. let's bring in cnn national security correspondent kylie atwood, live in amman, jordan, where secretary of state tony blinken continues as diplomatic trip kylie, what can you tell us yeah.
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>> well, listen, this statement is incredibly noteworthy because it is the prime minister's office coming out in this paper statements saying effectively that he is on board for the proposal let president biden laid out ten days ago, this three-part plan to try and bring to close this war. now, notably, there are some parts of this statement that don't exactly reflect the plan that president biden laid out, but the fact that the prime minister's office is coming out with this statement and saying this now is it's noteworthy, it comes just after the secretary of state met with prime minister benjamin netanyahu just last night in israel. and the secretory told us traveling with him. we're now in jordan, but we were in israel this morning. he said that the prime minister very cool clearly to him said that he would be on board for this proposal if hamas agrees to it, indicating that there is an ironclad commitment on behalf of israel to push forward a ceasefire or hostage release
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deal. and then of course, move towards what could potentially be a more permanent, lasting ceasefire. but but the questions they're over permanent ceasefire or a specific amount of time for a ceasefire still remain, but we should also note, jim, that this comes as the secretary of state has been pushing all parties in the region to try and continue putting pressure on hamas to accept the deal on the table that the israelis put fourth for them. and he also came out this morning speaking with reporters partially in response to the wall street journal's new reporting today on messages that the political, excuse me, the military leader of hamas, who is believed to be somewhere hiding in the tunnels underneath gaza, has been sending to the political part political folks of hamas in doha. and these are incredibly detailed messages indicating that sinwar, yahya sinwar, who
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is that military leader? believes that hamas has an edge up on israel right now. and what the secretary of state says is it's very clear to the united states that when it comes to decision-making on behalf of hamas, it is sinwar who's going to be making those decisions. listen to what he said to reporters earlier today it is a hopeful sign just as statements of a issued after the president made his proposal ten days ago, was hopeful, but it's not dispositive what it what is dispositive? at least? >> what so far been this positive one way or another is the word coming from, from gaza and from the hamas leadership in gaza that's what counts, and that's what we don't have yet. >> i don't think anyone other than the hamas leadership in gaza actually are the ones who can make make decisions now in
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one, of these alleged messages as being reported by the wall street journal, sinwar says that the desk of the palestinians are quote necessary sacrifice is just giving you an indication, jim, of the person that the united states and of course israelis are dealing with in these credibly tough and ongoing negotiations all right, i very important development, kylie atwood in amman, jordan four is kylie. thank you very much. let's bring in cnn global affairs analyst kim dozer and cnn military analysts. major general james spider marks kim. >> let me go to you first. you're in the studio with me just to react to what kylie it was just saying a few moments ago, israel appearing to be poised to formally agreed to biden ceasefire plan. i mean, that's still sounds a little squishy, but it sounds as though from what the secretary of state was saying a few moments ago, they're waiting on hamas it's putting the pressure on hamas. it's also putting the pressure on the various countries and communication with hamas to get to a yes, we've had some indications from the terrorist
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group through public statements, but not a formal endorsement. but we could be on the precipice of seeing another exchange of hostages now, the problem is, it's a phased deal and it can break down along the way, but it could mean great news for the hostage families that they could get some of their loved ones back in, general. >> your sense of this this is fascinating that the israeli government would say this how do you, what do you make of all this? well, i think kim indicated this is great news. if if there could be some exchange of some of the hostages and start making progress in that regard. the challenge truly is if it is a phased withdrawal and there is a period and interregnum between. here's the start and here's the next phase. and what are the conditions that must be met? the idf is going to continue to conduct operations during that period,
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even if there's an initial return of some of those hostages. look in their mind, the job is not done. there is still infrastructure that needs to be reduced. there are still key personnel that need to be killed or captured. and we saw the raid that took place just three or four days ago. this was an incredibly precise operation, but it turned into a massive gunfight, which means hamas has immense capacity not only to engage, but also to sacrifice greatly so you could see where the idf might say are israel might say, yeah, we're good with this ceasefire but there's a period where we want to be able to conduct operations and we will conduct operations until certain conditions are met. and if there is a period of time, then within that period of time, the idf would be very busy marching through a target lists before they all depart. >> yeah. i mean, kim i mean, there's a lot of conversation that took place after this raid to free the hostages over the
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weekend that perhaps this might complicate matters in terms of getting to some kind of ceasefire agreement. but it sounds is on the israeli sayyed, they may be ready to go. what do you think? >> well, from the israeli sayyed, they have always thought that hamas is using the hostages to just keep this conflict going. >> and at any point, thought that hamas could have released them and ended a lot of the fighting. >> but it wants to use them. it seems as a bargaining chip for political survival keeping them until israel agrees to pull out forces in end the fighting. so that at least some senior members of hamas live to fight another day. >> yeah. in general, i mean, hamas leader, hamas is reportedly boasted that the militant group quote, has the israelis right where they want him them what do you make of that kind of a comment? >> i mean, it sounds as though they're on their heels a little bit a lot maybe. >> well, they are i don't want
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to be flipping here, but it sounds a lot like baghdad bob, right? we've got them exactly where we want them back in 2003. and that was not at all. >> but but the issue truly is i could see where israel raises a hand and says, yeah, will sign up for the ceasefire, which puts them in a very pi positive light, hits the ball back and hamas has court. >> and then as secretary blinken indicated who speaks for hamas, israel said, we're in we'll try to make this work and hostile doesn't have a single voice with authority to acknowledge that they'll move forward with whatever the agreement looks like, or at least to try to shape it yeah. >> and kim, i mean, there's been a lot of discussion about this relationship between president biden and prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that it's been ic and frosty at times. but it sounds as though based on this trip that the secretary of state is in. >> the middle, of right now, that may pay some dividends here and not only work to the israelis benefit obviously, but
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perhaps domestically, politically for the president well, the white house this week has signaled to netanyahu that his time is running out by voting together with the un security council to call for a ceasefire or something that the us has abstained from or rejected before. they're saying there is a limit to our patients are military supplies, et cetera? there are and netanyahu's responded by saying yes to cease fire. but there are several caveats according to leaked versions of this ceasefire within the phases where somewhere midway through israel canal, say okay, and now here are our terms and the terms could include we don't know yet hamas has to dismantle itself. that's why i think you could see this stops start again. >> yeah, we're not quite there yet until we know all the details because netanyahu knows that if he agrees to a permanent ceasefire, members of his narrow coalition government have said, they'll pull out.
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so he seems to be saying yes to what we know of publicly while possibly privately telling these coalition members don't worry, it doesn't mean that all the fighting stops. >> all right. kim, thank you very much. major-general spider marks. always great to talk to you as well. thank you. coming up secret recordings of two supreme court justices now released to the public, the politically sensitive conversations and the potential fallout that's not silent. >> earth, would we have schreiber sunday at not on cnn i brought in a juror max protein with 30 grams of protein. >> those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks here, i'll take that ensure max protein 30 grams protein one prim sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic it's, time yes. the time has come for a fresh approach to dog food every day, moore dog people are
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meetings they billion with a b. >> we've got them. >> honor. >> got this the leaf with jake tapper today at 4:00. >> cnn new fall out after a secret recordings of supreme court justice samuel alito is wife, as well as chief justice
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john roberts were released online. >> a liberal activists and filmmakers secretly recorded the trio at a supreme court historical society dinner earlier this month that activists posed as a religious conservative to get those records brings cnn has obtained the full audio, but here's a portion of it i'm side or the other there can be way of working, our way of living together it's different because there are differences. one fundamental things that really can't comment it's not like, we're going to split the difference i'll see you then has reached out to the supreme court for comment. >> we have not heard back for joining me now is on windsor or she is the person behind those recordings. lauren. thank you so much for being with us. really appreciate it. i guess first of all, we just played a little bit of your interaction with justice alito. let's play
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a little bit of your interaction with his wife, martha, and there's been this controversy over the flag. she's been flying at our house at their house in virginia and their beach house in new jersey. let's play a little bit on that sound and talk about on the other side what i want. >> i want sacred heart of jesus because i had to look across the lagoon at the pride flag for the next month. >> exactly he's like, oh, please don't put up a flag. >> my heritage jury come after me. give away you heard that from mrs. alito and i guess if you could take us a little bit behind the scenes as to how you got them a comfortable enough to express themselves in this fashion? thanks, jim so you know what i heard the remarks
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from ms alito it was a common thread, was a need for vengeance, a desire for vengeance, that kind of came up throughout the conversation and it's seems like it had sort of a time implication to it. >> so it's a very beginning of the conversation she talks about a five-year statute of limitations and presumably she would not be bringing a defamation suit against the media while justice alito is still sitting on the bench, he has 74 years old, and i think that there is some eye on his retirement now, given justice alito's ideological tendencies, i don't think that he would be willing to retire under a democratic president. so i kind of reading between the lines there there's a bit of i think an assumption on her part that there would be a trump presidency and that
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justice alito would be able to retire so that's kind of more context. there in terms of getting i mean, is that your read on it too? i mean, it wasn't like there's bringing suit against the media organization. i don't think that sitting justice's wife would do that, but yeah. >> i mean, she sounds awfully feisty in your conversations with her. and what did you make of justice alito's comment that one side or the other or is going so win. i mean, it didn't sound like he's in a compromising move. these days now think, i did talk to him twice, so talk to him in 2023 and then again in 2024. >> and in his initial conversation with me, he was much more guarded when i asked him how we repair the polarization in this country, he said that he didn't know that. he didn't think there was necessarily a role. but that
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was before propublica turn their spotlight to him. but after they had published their reporting on clarity friends, thomas, so i suspected that over the last year he would be more aggrieved having personally borne the brunt of a lot of media scrutiny. and i did feel like that was the case let's let's ask about the elephant in the room here. i mean, how did you i guess, first of all, at the beginning of this segment, i described you as a liberal activist and you posed as a conservative two, i guess, get some of this comment from the alitos. >> how did you obtain these recordings and what do you say to folks who? >> who take issue with misrepresenting who you are going in there and getting these recordings with their audio recordings, there's nothing illegal in dc about recording people so long as one person is a party to that
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conversation, it's called one-party consent. there's no recording allowed inside the supreme court itself, like the courtroom, not the outer parts of the building, where we were there's not a prohibition from the supreme court reporting there to people who want to pearl-clutchers about this yeah. >> please tell me how we're gonna get answers when the supreme court has been shrouded in secrecy and really just refusing any degree of accountability whatsoever, particularly in the face of what are very extraordinarily serious ethics breaches on mainly in most famously, on the part of clarence thomas with his acceptance of big donor harlan crow is a big donor, big gop donor. >> harlan crow buying his mother's house paying for his nephew's tuition very
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extravagant trips. and if it were extravagant trips alone, i don't think we'd be having this story about clarence thomas's gift, ethics, and lack of disclosure. but we're talking about buying his mother's house but yeah, lauren, by why not just go up and maybe, you know, it's pretty self-explanatory. >> maybe they wouldn't talk to you if you said i'm laura in windsor and i'd like to ask you a few questions. here's can you speak into my collar here? but i mean, why not be a bit more up front are you have any qualms about saying basically what they want to hear to get them to start talking. or you feel like that's that was basically the only way to do it. we've seen you do this in a number of other instances. >> do you think it was the only way to do it? and part of the reason that i you know, i understand there's a certain sense of decorum around the supreme court. but this country right now is that a crossroads.
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where we're trying to decide in much of this is being led by the supreme court, but it's you know, are we going to continue our tradition of secular democracy or are we going to be led to christian theocracy by this supreme court and i in the tradition of the legal watchers who washes supreme court, it would be called the roberts court. but i think it's much more appropriate these days to be calling it the leo court, given that he's had a hand in getting the supreme court to make a port currently is with religious extremist all right, we'll learn windsor. your sound is certainly got people talking really appreciate the time. we'll have you back in. keep talking about this lesson you so much and folks should stay tuned. we have another story to break today all right. >> we'll do. all right. thanks a lot more in appreciate it. we'll be right back just for a moment. stay with us five good
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we also need nuggets impossible. we're setting the meat problem with more meat close captioning brought to you by meso book if you or a loved one have mesothelial mac will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to one 14000 all right, we're continuing to follow the developing story on the secret recordings of conservative supreme court justices. >> let's bring in former rnc communications director doug hi and cnn political commentator and former south carolina state representative bacardi sellers. because let me start with you first. we've got a little were just talking with lauren windsor the activists who did these recordings surreptitiously of these supreme court justices and mrs. alito let's play a little bit of my conversation with her and bacardi, i'll ask you about on the other side. >> what's their audio recordings? there's nothing illegal in dc about recording
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people so long as one person is a party to that conversation that's called one-party consent. there's no recording allowed inside the supreme court itself, like the court room, not the outer parts of the building where we were. there's not a prohibition from the supreme court reporting there to people who want to pearl-clutchers about this. >> yeah. please tell me how we're going to get answers when the supreme court has been shrouded in secrecy. >> and really just refusing any degree of accountability whatsoever yeah. >> but qarrah, what do you think? i mean, do you think it was i guess what's your sense of all this honestly, as much to do about nothing. >> i mean, i think we know who justice alito is wait a cell. >> the segment. thanks. appreciate it. yeah. is this are we going to talk about caitlin clark? no next lesson
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that i think i think that, you know, we know who justice alito is. >> we know who clarence thomas is. we know we know that clarence thomas has gotten flown out more than most people should, particularly on a court like the supreme court, we know justice alito and his in his ways and the way that his wife behaves, et cetera. in ginni, thomas and clarence thomas? i think what this does highlight them, and i want to bring this back to 2024 in this election season is the fact that donald trump has the opportunity to be the most consequential president in the history of the united states of america. i mean, that is a fact because if he's already nominated three justices and what this, what this video tape, what this saras sara typically at you got to pronounce it forming gym that what what this tape has showed us is that it's going to be an important election because donald trump will have the opportunity to replace not only justice alito, but clarence thomas as well. he will have five justices on the
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greene court for the foreseeable future. and so, regardless of how it was gotten or what per say was on it, this shows the import of this election and the fact that donald trump can put two more justices on the supreme court yeah doug, i mean, the car is right. >> i mean, the implications of this. >> he can put more sam alito's on the court yeah. i would never say this in any other context, but because resellers is 100% right in everything that he said, there and it's shouldn't be no surprise anybody that sam alito or clarence thomas as a conservative justice or that sonia sotomayor berliner kagan, or liberal justices. a lot of what we've seen over the past few weeks and now months of this sort of non scandal, scandal is a lot of, as your, as your guest earlier said, pearl-clutching. >> okay. but if if justice alito's wife the flag that she raised, if that was raised by ruth bader ginsburg, i would submit that that would be a trending tattoo and people would plank in front of that flag. well, that he is anything that notorious one did is by
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definition awesome. i love this. this is job. >> i don't know about that because one of the things, we shouldn't have supreme court justices driving around with bumper stickers on their car talking about who they support in an election or what political causes they believe in. and so, so what i mean you to take some exception with short short justices. but the justices spouses is a different member if it if they, if they get involved in political campaigns, you do run a risk there. but ruth bader ginsburg, husband was very political and nobody had an issue with that because she's the notorious one and we all had to reflect on who she was in her importance and so forth. and certainly historic figure. but she got a pass for everything. her husband got to pass that sam alito and his spouse or clarence thomas and his his wife don't get because they're conservative. i think they're judged differently, but that's not that's not totally accurate. i just want to i want to reframe it a little bit. >> i told you everything you said was right. come on and now
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let's bring it back home and let's get back to where we normally the fact there's ruth bader ginsburg has been actually participated in play a role and in partisan politics to a certain extent, ginni thomas played a role in an insurrection those are vastly different when you're talking about someone trying to lead an insurrection, overthrow a government, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. you have to look at justice alito's wife, and not only not only that, but the fact is these issues are coming before the court. >> and so there's a vast difference between ruth bader ginsburg, within a tory is rb dg is you referred to her and justice alito and his wife ginni thomas and clarence thomas, the fact is neither one of them should be hearing cases which their wives had either played a role in i e, clarence thomas and his wife playing a role excuse me, playing a role in the insurrection or samuel alito and his wife actually voicing her support for the insurrectionist. and you can do that if the case is not before you, those are the differences
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that we see today. dunn, well, if you want to respond, go ahead. >> but i mean, the other part of this, i think is fascinating is during the supreme court confirmation hearings, these justices, these nominees, are so guarded. there's so scripted, they don't let anything out of the bag and then one of the problems that people have with the supreme court as it's currently composed right now, as you have a few justices during their confirmation processes not being very upfront about their feelings on roe versus wade, saying that they believe in established precedent and so on. and then they go and when the case is in front of the supreme in court, they throw out roe roe versus wade. what's interesting about these audio recordings as you are getting these justices and sort of unguarded, unscripted moments. well, i think they're interesting, but they tell us what i think we already know. and to mccarthy's point, i think they are legitimate questions that have been brought up about clarence thomas, some of the trips that he's taken that have been paid for or tuition's that have been paid for. but when we get can't imagine your lover then when we get no, no, i'm not. and i think legitimate questions of whether or not there should be recusal. but when we all get worked up about
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a flag or a neighborhood dispute that really doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the issues before the court. and by the way, the american people aren't following this on a day-to-day basis. it's basically folks like us who get really worked up about it. i think we lose sight of what that's really important here. and also, let's remember, jim, we used to have supreme court justices who were overwhelmingly approved, liberal or conservative they would be approved by an 80 to 20 margin and 90 to ten marginal the process every vote now for the supreme court has political, yeah, the process is broken and wondering about it. and i think this audio, to some extent, may shed some light on that. get the conversation going, doug and makari. great conversation thanks, gentlemen. appreciate very much happening now, deliberations continuing in the hunter biden's gun case, we're live outside of the courthouse in delaware with the very latest that straight ahead dad is a legend and his legendary moves might be passed down to you ancestry dna can show you
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and maria already asked for budget reminder all campaign, smart you as a judging by got it. >> got it, boss. >> honor, you got this this is a secret secrets and spies sunday et ten on cnn a
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spokesperson for rudy giuliani predicts the former trump attorney will be fully vindicated. >> officials in arizona released his mug shot on monday after he posed, posted a $10,000 cash bond. giuliani and ten others have pleaded not guilty to charges of conspiring to overturn the 2020 presidential election in arizona, prosecutors spent weeks trying to track them down and eventually found him based on some of his podcast, giuliani was served last month in palm beach, florida at his 80th birthday party do you have any regrets about what you did in arizona after the election? >> oh, my goodness. no. >> why not? very, very proud of it. >> there was a substantial amount of vote for the one on here that was covered up probably one of the biggest conspiracies in american history and i think that's coming out over and over again meanwhile, new bombshell testimony in the bribery and corruption trial of new jersey senator bob menendez, businessman jose uribe, took the stand on monday, claiming he spoke directly to the
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senator and asked him to help quash a criminal investigation. >> and one of his associates, he testified, but then does agreed to quote, look into it though we didn't specifically specifically say exactly what he would do rebate also spoke about a 2019 deal he made with the senators, then future wife to pay for her mercedes-benz in exchange for the senator's help. and then does has been charged with acting as a foreign agent of the egyptian government and assisting the government of qatar. he's also been charged with taking bribes from several new jersey businessmen thanks very much for joining me this morning. i'm jim acosta, our next our newsroom was hopeless to start after a short break, have a good day ga the advanced form of dry age-related macular degeneration can irreversibly damaged your vision. >> it can progress faster than you think when ga threatens your eyes. take a stand slow ga with saif ovary, sayyed ovary is an eye injection that was proven to slow damaging lesion
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