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tv   Inside Politics With Dana Bash  CNN  June 11, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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about any of this publicly well, one thing we know, wealth is that he has throughout this process only held his son more tightly to the family. >> there has been obvious political pressure, people whispering, maybe it would be more convenient for the president not to have his son out front and center when he's facing these kinds of charges, but the families you has been no we are close to him and you saw that very much during the trial itself with jill biden attending other members of the family there. his daughter, naomi speaking up on his behalf. so what he says about the case, i wouldn't expect him to be saying much about the case itself. what you will expect. i do expect him to say is, as he said in a statement recently, have boundless love for my son even though i am also a president yep by week, dermis responsibilities, not only as president, but as a father as well, seven astronauts. >> thank you very, very much for your analysis. appreciate it very much. and to our viewers, thanks very much for
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joining me here in the cnn newsroom. blitzer in washington. all of griffey back later tonight's six p.m. eastern in the situation room tomorrow up and back, 11:00 a.m. in the cnn newsroom are special coverage of this historic verdict continues on inside politics with manu raju that's coming up next cnn breaking news welcome inside politics you in today for dana, we are continuing to cnn special covered the hunter biden verdict. juries found him guilty on all three federal charges, gun charges, he was facing. the jurors deliberate less than three hours. cnn's paula reid is outside the courthouse. paula, any reaction yet from either legal team motto, there is no reaction yet from either legal team. >> we do expect a written statement from hunter biden's camp any moment now and then later today, the special counsel, david weiss, we'll give a rare statement here outside the courthouse. now, in
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hunter biden's legal team, there was hope even as early as this morning, that there would be one juror who would perhaps see this case the story of addiction or a politically motivated prosecution, and that they would at least get one juror and possibly get hung jury here. that was a whole that they had, but here, hunter biden has of course, been convicted on all counts. this jury of six men and six women. it is a majority black jury. they found so the prosecutors proved beyond a reasonable doubt that hunter biden was knowingly either using or addicted to drugs when he filled out that form when he purchased this gun and when he owned it. now the most difficult thing for prosecutors was to prove that hunter biden, again knowingly lied, that he was aware that he was either using or addicted to drugs. and what made so difficult motto is there was no direct evidence that he was using drugs during the time he owned this gun in october 2018, prosecutors presented quite a bit of evidence throughout the year of 2018, people who directly
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witnessed him doing drugs during that time, photographic evidence, which suggests that he was doing drugs, but they didn't have that during the specific period where he owned this god. so instead they relied on text messages for example, that hunter biden sent to his sister-in-law and onetime girlfriend, hallie biden. we have here to be suggesting he was either on drugs or doing drugs. now, defense attorneys and sources close to hunter has suggested that he was just making that up. we just didn't want to see hallie biden, but in the end, the jury found beyond a reasonable doubt that hunter biden knew that he was either using or addicted to drugs when he filled out that form to purchase the gun, defense attorneys even tried to shift some of the blame onto the salesman who sold them the gun, getting him to admit that he was a quote whale hunter or someone who tried to upsell customers. that is something that contradicted that witnesses grand jury testimony. now, look on it and the hunter biden team, they have a lot to work with on appeal. this is a unique case and they've certainly been prepared for that possibility and going forward, we certainly expect they will appeal his conviction i follow rate if there are any
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developments, we'll check back in with you. thanks for that report outside the courthouse. i do want to go to cnn's arlette sign. she's at the white house. arlette, we just have heard from the president, what did he say? >> yeah, president biden is weighing in for the first time since his only living his son, hunter, and also importantly said that he would accept the outcome of this verdict. i want to read you the president's statement. he said, quote, as i said last week, i am the president, but i am also a dad, jill and i love our son and we are so proud of the man and he is today so many families who have had loved ones battle addiction, understand the feeling of pride seem someone you love come out the other side and be so strong and resilient and recovery. the president said, as i also said last week, i will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal jill and i will always be there for hunter and the rest of our family with our love and support. nothing will ever change that now in an
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interview last week, president biden was specifically asked whether he would accept the verdict in this trial. he said yes, and he also ruled out the possibility of pardoning his son, hunter now, throughout this process, the biden family has gone to great lengths to keep their son close and show their support for him. first lady jill biden, has been on hand for most days of this trial. in fact, just last week, she had crisscrossed the globe traveling from wilmington to france and back again to be he on hand for that trial, she was in wilmington, delaware when this verdict came down, but she arrived at the court just a few minutes after it had been read. she was seen departing the court with her son, hunter biden, hand in hand in another physical sign of support port for hunter biden amid this trial. now it all comes and really caps off several years of a tumultuous period for the biden family during this trial, they heard the re airing of many of the sorted details of
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this troubled period in hunter's life when he suffered from addiction, there were clips of hunter hunter biden reading his memoir where he talked about his struggles with addiction, hunter biden's daughter, the president's granddaughter, was on the witness stand, uh, talking about her father, her interactions with him during eight not troubled period in his life and so really this highlights just yet another painful moment of for the biden family. now president biden is here in washington, dc today at the white house, a bit later this afternoon, there's potentially a awkward political moment as his son has now been convicted on these felony gun charges, president biden at 1:30 is actually slated to speak at a gun violence prevention conference for every town for gun safety. the president in that event, as opposed to talk about some of the policies has administration has put in place to try to prevent a gun violence. but we will see whether we get any other further comment from president biden or potentially from the white house as well.
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white house press secretary karine jean-pierre will be briefing the press a bit later this afternoon. around 230. but simply today, the president is saying that he is approaching this from the perspective of a father offering his love and support to his son, hunter, in the wake of this conviction of those three felony gun charges? >> alright. i'll assign is outside the white house for the presence that he will quote, accept the outcome and code continued to respect that judicial process as hundred biden considers an appeal. thanks for that. >> and for more, let's bring in cnn legal analyst joey jackson tim parlatore. >> tim is a former attorney for donald trump. joey first you what do you think was the definitive argument or piece of evidence that convinced the jury here yeah, mano. >> good to be with you. i think it was pretty straightforward case and i think the jury just did not buy that there was not the addiction at the time of the actual purchase of the weapon and i think it was pretty compelling in that regard. remember the three charges, number one, do you lie to a federally licensed dealer? number two did you give false indications on the form and
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number three, where you went to illegal possession of it in light of the fact that you were addicted. and so i would think as we see there, the form itself, the verdict i would think that this would be a case, if ever, that perhaps would be subject monitor what we call jury nullification. that is, it's very sympathetic. we knew that there people on that jury who had are certainly worked supposed and knew people who had addictions. the defense argued a couple of things. number one, was he that is hunter biden at the time deceiving himself. did he act with the mental state required and knowingly that he believed he was over this hurdle in life. >> the jury rejecting that, arguing of course, that at the time he purchased the weapon, the fence would argue he was an addicted. >> there's no direct evidence as to his use at that time, but i think at the end of the day, the jury perhaps value that, but said the law is the law and rendered a determination as to guilt with respect to him being an addict at the time of the purchase? >> and tim, what grounds as hunter biden and his team have for an appeal and how strong do
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you think their case would be on appeal i think that there's a lot of different grounds for appeal. >> yeah, certainly the denial of bringing in an expert witnesses to his mental state when he did this, but also from the larger constitutional standpoint, there is already a fifth circuit case that we've been talking about where it already has said being an addict is not something under the new supreme court's standard of bruin that should make it so that you can purchase a firearm. and i think that that is an issue that because you have that decision in the fifth circuit, of course, is being in a different circuit, could go all the way. the supreme court to invalidate this specific statute certainly we have prohibitions on whether you're a convicted felon, whether you're in the country illegally whether you're a user of illegal drugs, that's something that i think is gonna be very interesting because when you do take that up on appeal, you're going to have hunter biden with abacuses from the nra. amicus is from
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veterans groups at amicus is from the cannabis industry there's a lot of veterans that i know that have to make a choice of. do they want to get a medical marijuana card or do they want to keep their firearms hunter biden has the opportunity potentially to take this as supreme court and say you can do both. so it is actually a very fascinating issues so yeah, i'd bedfellows indeed a joy. what what comes next when could we see hunter biden actually faced sentencing? is there a possibility they can eat? he could even face present time? >> you're quite a bit comes in x mono and i think that critical is the timeframes here and here's why i say that the federal level, you have a pretrial services office. it's a probation office. they do a deep dive into your history and make many assessments as to you. they'll prepare an extensive report including their recommendation to the judge in terms of the prison time issue, the reason it's relevant here, right. to probation is that there's this federal guidelines, right? it's a chart and we know
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statutorily all 25 years, that's not going to be the case. they look at your offense level, right? do you have a criminal history and what do you accused of here? and they have these guidelines and within those guidelines and parameters, that's where you're sentencing will be probably seven several months. as a result of this offense and then it'll be up to the judge. but what ultimately happens is defense counsel will be given a motion schedule to submit memorandums, including a whole host of people who say, judge, this is a person who's going through addiction. please don't put them in. there'll be a whole lot of family members, friends et cetera prosecutors, then we'll weigh in on what happens then and then of course, the judge at the time of sentence will here oral argument and render determination final point, mano. and that's because the timing is critical. remember who's in office now and who might be in office for another four years as father, if that's the case, i know he's ruled out a pardon. but what about a commutation and the event has son is sentenced? we'll now the president commute that sentence such that he doesn't spend time in jail. we know that he'll be sentenced in the fall and then of course, you look at the other case, the tax case timing will be
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critical there if he gets convicted, if he sentenced on that, and if biden gets elected nothing re-elected, nothing to see here. if he doesn't and trump's in the white house at the time he said if convicted, then that's a problem too. i know a lot of ifs, a lot of then lot of wins, but the hypotheticals are very relevant here, mano, because of the occupant of the office and what they can do in terms of pardon or not? yeah. >> presence that he wouldn't pardon. but what about commutation? there'll be another question, tim parlatore, joey jackson, thank you for that. >> now i want to bring in my great panel of political reporters and commentators. >> welcome to you all. jimmy first eu, how do you think the president is obviously is going to impact him on a personal level. this is his son who's just been convicted on three charges. how is he dealing with this right now? >> look, i'm sure this is very painful. this isn't what he wanted. on the other hand, they've known about this case. they know about his addiction. they know the facts of the case. i don't think it's a complete surprise. i just want to point out, can you imagine
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donald trump? saying the following words? i will accept the outcome of this case mole continued to respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal, we are in a completely different world from new york, just a couple of weeks ago, you have been obviously a longtime adviser for president biden. he put out that statement and we obviously they were ready for this possibility. should he speak more about it? did she go out in public and go in front of the camera and talk about it that way. >> i don't think so. i think he's been very disciplined about not putting his thumb on the scale, not weighing in as jamie just alluded to, obviously, that is a significant contrast with donald trump. that is an important contrast that he wants to drive, that he also believed that no one is above the law, that he has faith in our judicial system. that is an important contrast for him politically. i think also it wouldn't just on a human level, i think it wouldn't be great for his son. mean, i don't think he wants to be out there every day talking about this incredibly difficult moment. so no, i think both politically and personally that
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wouldn't be smart. i think he's struck a pretty disciplined line here. the other thing i would just say quickly is obviously this is a personally difficult moment for him and his family. but remember he is somebody who has dealt with a lot of personally difficult moments in his life while juggling, being in public office, he lost his son to cancer when he was vice president. obviously his wife and daughter were killed in a car crash right after he was elected to the senate. so as he, as you think about how biden is going to navigate this time, he has a lot of experience being resilient in these moments and balancing the challenges of public life with personal difficulties. sure. michael you're a republican strategist they've been publicly was saying all along to tear justice system too dear justice. >> and here's the president's son prosecuted by federal government convicted by a jury. does that undercut that but i think it does a little bit, but not only as a republican strategists i also own a firearms company and i can tell you many individuals and the 2a community. >> welcome this case he's and we hope that hunter biden takes us up to the supreme court
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because we believe that because of bruin, which was written by a conservative justice thomas, that this case is going to be overturned. we also believe that the supreme court will likely change or at least issue some new rulings that will make it a little more difficult for some individuals who may want stricter gun laws as as a result of this, the court was pretty clear when they said any gun restrictions must be within the historical context of regulation. that is not indeed the case here. tim mentioned the 2023 court decision from the fifth circuit. they made it clear you cannot restrict someone who utilizes an illegal substance from gun ownership, which is why i thought it was very very bizarre that this case was even brought. anyway were it not for his last name being biden? i don't think the trial would have ever occurred. >> i don't i don't see this neutralizing the issue politically. i mean, even right after this decision, even though the facts are the justice department did, there is no evidence that the white
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house interfered hear that justice department proceeded independently. you already you have stephen miller and other trump allies already questioning why hunter wasn't pressed with charges were related to foreign interference. there's going to be criticism here, no matter what i do think that the president language on this will be consistent with the statement that you saw today. it actually reminds me of the debate last time i'm around when trump was attacking him, mentioning hunter biden and the president did come out and say, look, i stand by and loved my son. that was one of the more memorable moments of that election cycle about the language school stake consistent, or jump in. >> yeah, but i do think like of course the most in the justices stem over the past month two months or so, and what they've seen is two figures from different parties, both facing justice in a way. so i do want i do think it's not the outcome republicans would have preferred. it's harder for them to make that case and it's i think that's evident in
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the limited reaction we've seen in the first you know, it's early still of course, but it hasn't there hasn't been this groundswell of republican response it's always a strong political argument. they'd be making gela you covered the white house for cnn the president has actually been not distancing himself necessarily from hunter biden, jill biden has been going right angle day. >> the first lady to the trial, the president put out the statement. what do you make of the way the president's handled this? >> well, the first family has been very supportive of the rest of the family going through this inside the courtroom. but i think it's been interesting to see the way that the white house has tried to bifurcate the issue that this is a family matter. it's relatively siloed from the president's work in office. but i think that where we talk about the republican camp and how they're responding to this president trump personally is going to be hard pressed to respond to this because of the way that he's responded to this in the past, he was asked just last week in an interview their view about the hunter biden case, and he actually empathized and talked about his own family history with
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addiction. and for all of the policy differences and the personality differences between the two presidents. one thing they have in common is the family experience with addiction. neither man drinks because they say it hits too close to home. there's nothing that can he gained from that. and even today in seeing the response coming out of the trump camp mean they sought a very delicate balance in hitting back against some of the other legal matters facing hunter biden while also trying to be relatively compassionate on the part of the addiction case specifically, there is this very fortunate irony about president biden talking about gun violence prevention today, trying to campaign on the work that he's done to reform gun safety at a time when this case has been going on. but perhaps once again, he would point to that and say, my work is president is different than the work that's going on in my family. >> it is mentioned. >> the trump campaign. we're actually going to be hearing more from the trump campaign as we dig into all of this in just a few minutes, stick with us right back the most anticipated
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retracted that statement saying that donald trump himself wanted to weigh in on through social. there was nothing in that statement that was an innocuous, but they wanted former president away and obviously we know that his campaign never wants to get ahead of the big boss. but one thing i want to point out here is something you mentioned earlier, which is this conversation around a two tiered justice system, something that republicans have said time and time again. and donald trump has said time and time again relating it particularly to this hunter biden case. first, it was the charges it's weren't being brought. then it was that he wasn't going to trial, that he was going to get a plea deal than it was that he was in trial, but was likely not going to get a guilty verdict as the former president had now obviously, he has. so it does weaken that argument, particularly as donald trump has sought to paint this his legal issues all with a broad brush of being related to joe biden. obviously, no evidence of that, but also being election interference and political persecution. now, i want to bring up something kayla mentioned because i do think that's really significant here. donald trump
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himself there's no stranger to addiction despite the fact that he has had little to no sympathy for joe biden or for hunter biden. he himself is somebody whose family has struggled with the direction. he says that he doesn't drink because it killed his brother very serious for the trump family. but yet again, this is not something that donald trump himself has shown any compassion for when it comes to the biden family just take issued a statement attracting the david. all right. well, i'm sure we'll hear more and donald trump as well, checked bag giving you if that happens, kristen holmes, thanks for that. my panels back so short my goal. what do you think of the way trump? should handle this there was this the right. way for me to have you know, i don't know. well, machine, it's i think he's going to have a hard time with this because again, a trump's spoke at the nra convention. i was there i think last month talking about how he is the protector of 2a rights a lot of 2a advocates have been advocating for lesser restrictions on the second amendment. i was texting with someone who belongs one of the major gun rights groups, and he
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it goes all the way up to the supreme court, maybe a brewing part two. >> so this is a fascinating dichotomy for the former president. >> you certainly want to give that victory to the second amendment community. he, he's also talked about his own addictions within his own family. you want to be sensitive to that as well? >> i would bring an evan asna's is a biden biographer written, is interviewed him many times over the years. evan, what is it? what do you think is happening now between the president and his son? we don't know if they've actually spoken in the aftermath of this verdict. do you knowing him, is he someone who would call up his son right after this happened? >> yeah. he he is manu i think he he often talks about and it's not just a line he talks about getting on the phone with his children, with his children has grandchildren look, joe biden got into politics a half century ago with a couple of pillars. one was faith and one was family. i mean, these are big things for him and he kind of through these periods of
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setbacks, politically and that of course these tragedies that have hit his family, it has always been that they turn in sayyed, and sort of try to find that core strength in his statement that you saw him i'm issue right after the conviction he described praising his son for his strength and resilience. i think mano, this is a test that resilience, just the extraordinary overlapping set of pressures that is going to face joe biden over the course of the next few months an extraordinary challenge facing a former president who resisted leaving off this and now also his sons future hanging in the balance as they await the sentencing. and then a second trial in the fall i'm struck by the fact money. i started interviewing joe biden about a decade ago. it was when his son, beau, was still living. it was a hopeful moment. in fact, in the prognosis for that case. and since then the reverberations through this family with beau's death have just been extraordinary examine and bring it back here in the room kate is, as they deal with
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this in the campaign season, the sentencing could happen right before the election it's done. stacy, of course, there's second case is tax case also is going to happen before the election. is there any concern and biden world that politically this can splash back against the proximate. >> there's not a huge amount that there's, there's not a huge concern that this will have political ramifications for a couple of reasons. first of all, obviously, hunter biden is not the president. he's not an elected special head is an incredibly important distinction between what we see here and with donald trump for example but secondly, the experience i can certainly tell you from my experience on the 2019 primary in 2020 general campaign with biden republicans and donald trump really tried to make this a key line of attack. i mean, you remember donald trump standing of the rallies? hi wires hunter aware's hunter i mean, this was a really significant piece of his line of attack against joe biden. and it just really didn't get traction and it continued to run into the wall of joe biden's love for his
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family, which is how people absorbed biden's response and even people who weren't. who maybe didn't you even feel that sympathetically toward biden politically resonated with the way he talked about his family, the way he defended his son time and again, the biden campaign has seen that this is not an attack that gets a lot of political purchase. and i think they would also argue that the contrast with trump is good for them, both on love for, love for family finally but also rule of law and the belief that no one is above the rule. >> you, jamie, i want i know you want to weigh in more about the trump campaign responsiveness luck we know that the campaign put out a statement let's just read the first line of the original statement that withdrew this trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the biden crime family that further, this is not proven. we have now been so where it crooked joe biden's
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rain over the biden criminal on product goes on and on. the last line of it was as for hunter, we wish him well, in his recovery and legal affairs however, the first the campaign immediately then was told to withdraw the last line they sent an updated statement striking the well-wishes to hunter than they took back the whole thing. so this is, this is going to be interesting now to wait and see what trump actually posts when he does but there is no i want you to grab that striking shows you, even though it's been formerly retracted, i guess is that these are complicated politics for them. first of all, it's tapping into an issue that a lot of families in america have dealt with, which is addiction, including trump's family, including trump's family. the testimony was really a month bushnell and eat. no. you had a hunter biden's daughter up. they're tearing up and crying.
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and this shows a family that was in a lot of pain. and for the reasons you're pointing out that they can't get crosswise with the gun rights community. that's a big part of the present former president trump's this is base. this is not a clean political hit for them. i think what that sort of the little machinations over that line that's what that's telling you. >> i want you to listen to what trump actually said last week when he was asked by sean hannity about under bite i feel very badly for them in terms of the addiction part of what they have right now because i understand the addiction world and i've also not only a brother, i've lost a lot of friends to addiction but then they come out and say biden crime family, right? >> right. you see the messaging there, but i do think what we're all touching on is something important here. i mean, those testimonies in this trial, you're talking about an issue that many americans are dealing with or know somebody dealing with. this is one of the top deadly epidemics and
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the country right now as well, when you talk about addiction, particularly with opioid epidemic, some other jurors in this trial also said that they knew at least knew somebody dealing with this too. i would think that that thinking is going into some of the hesitation here. when you're talking about the messaging from republicans. but again, you already have some trump allies, already seizing on this case to attack the presence. majors did to see whether or not they develop how much thinking discussions among democrats to try to make sure that the public cz, the trump guilty verdict is different than the hunter biden guilty. of course, a hunter biden is a private citizen. he's not the president united states. we have a former president who has been convicted on 34 counts right? but is there a concern that is i'll get conflated. all they all are bunch of dirty politicians. >> so the problem is the second of the biden campaign or the biden administration starts weighing in on the facts of the hunter biden case, then they could be accused of doing what kate was mentioning earlier.
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they don't want to be seen as putting their thumb on the scale are saying, well, this is different because of this, but it is very clear that in the way the biden campaign is it's talking about and messaging the trump conviction that that convictions specifically relates to actions that took place during and immediately following the presidency. and that is why they feel that that is relevant. and they feel that that is grounds to say that donald trump, therefore, is unfit to serve in that office. again, but it's challenging for them to say the reason why this case is different because then they have to go into the facts of that case to try to explain that. but where republicans political attacks are concerned as well there's no doubt that they're going to try to use this for their advantage politically, but we have a case study from a few years ago where there was a biden voicemail to his son, hunter that was obtained and released where he was very emotional and he was saying, buddy, i don't know how to help you. and when that was released, republicans were saying, look, this family has so much drama, it has so much chaos. >> but there are a lot of people who are very sympathetic
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and said that this is just a dad trying to help his son. >> yep absolutely. and i will say zahlen mentioned this earlier. >> but in the debate in 2020, by will tell you the the data inside the biden campaign, the focus groups, the polling after the debate where joe biden defended hunter and said, i love the sun, that was the moment that people remember. that was the moment that popped from that debate. that and the proud boys stand back and standby moment. that was what people remembered and absorbed. and so but what people see here as republicans tried to make this the trump campaign tries to make this line of attack they see a father who loves his son. people can relate to that kayla is absolutely right. that voicemail there was a lot of blowback around that voicemail where people said, this is just a father who loves his son and that's a really powerful message especially at a time i'm where it feels like the campaign is devoid of humanity i do want to get to cnn's paula reid, who is outside the courthouse. >> paula, what are you hearing from the outside the corner so manu, our colleague hanna or
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benno, it's one of our producers here on the ground, spoke with several of the jurors on the hunter biden case, and we're getting some really interesting being information about what happened behind the scenes now one of the jurors told hanna that they believed that this case, quote, seemed like a waste of taxpayer money, but they told her for that they believed they had no choice to convict him because of the way the jury instructions were written. >> now, one of these juror is told hanna that when they went back to get in their deliberations, i yesterday, they did a vote which is usually what you do and he go back to the jury room, right? you take a poll. how are people feeling? and at that time this juror says it was quote six 66, so the jury was divided on whether to convict, then this juror told hanna that when they came back this morning, it was 112 one and the other jurors they able to focus on that one holdout and convince them that prosecutors had proven they knowingly element of the crime. remember that was the big challenge for prosecutors to prove that hunter biden was away where that he knowingly
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lied when he filled out that form and that he understood that he was either using or addicted to drugs when he owned this firearm, but this is significant that there was some concern by at least a few jurors about the nature of this case. now, i want to say that juror who gave us the count, the voting information behind the scenes, he would not reveal anything about his politics, but he did express some support to the bidens in terms of the larger issue of addiction. the other jurors did not want to talk about but what happened in deliberations. but this is significant because it helps to tell the story of how this jury came to this unanimous verdict to convict the president's son in this case. >> so fascinating, 66 initially yesterday about whether to convict 111 this morning, ultimately 12, nothing. i'm guilty on all counts as great reporting for all and our team. thanks for that. >> and we have this statement from hunter biden. i'm that just came in. he says, i am more grateful today for the love and support i experience
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experiences league from melissa, my family, my friends and my community that i am disappointed by the outcome. recovery is possible by the grace of god. and i am blessed to experience that gift. one de, at a time. all right? we have a lot more to dissect in the next segment. so stay with us with more on the breaking i voted buttons, dragging my rainbow kittens. >> it's like your generation has evolved past traditional political symbols. and there's room for everyone yeah kids puke rainbows lactate is 100% real melt just without the lactose delicious to just ask my old friend kevin. >> now than like enjoying the coal one while watching a game who's willing? >> we are my friend. we are dad is a legends that his legendary moves might be passed down to
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bring, in a juror on the hunter biden trial. he served as juror number ten. we are not identifying the jury. juror for his own safety. juror number ten, this monday, rajit, can you hear me? >> yes. okay. great. thanks for joining us today take us inside the room from what we understand from our reporting, from our colleagues is that the jury was not 100% on board behind the idea of conviction yesterday, and then ultimately came to the unanimous decision that he hunter biden was guilty the on all three counts, what happened behind the room and what ultimately convinced the jury to convict okay. >> so yesterday when the case was handed over to us when we went to the deliberating room we weren't there that long because it was getting late in the evening so we just decided. okay. the first thing we're
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going do is let's now and see how she held accountable us. so we voted and it was six to six. now, i don't believe that and you give them we're trying to change their minds. or we weren't trying to change anybody's mind it's just the fact that i think they said no because they want more information. they wanted to talk more about the case, so they don't want to jump to conclusions right away and say yes, he was guilty so the i believe that's what and then this morning, you guys came back in and it was no longer six to sense, is that right that's correct, yes in talked to me about how that played out just okay. so we took each count and we went over the evidence for each count and once our foreman. had had the
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blast whiteboard and we decided a guy let's go through each each count. so and then we went around the table and on the on the first-out well you all said we agreed for number one. we agreed for number two and we agree for number three, but number four was a hold out. okay so then we talked about a little bit longer about the question on the first indictment so then we we talked a little bit about it and then we said, okay, let's go back to that. now let's, let's go to the second motion motion. yeah. or the second conviction, what he was convicted, what he was going to be convicted for so we went to this to the second one and that came back
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anonymous everybody agreed. was are any indication why that juror change to convict what was the reason no, no, no. we we we we never got weight getting ahead. we'd we skip that one there there's three charges against him, so now we're working on the second charge so we skipped the first charge because somebody was not totally convinced on the fourth question so we moved on to the second and i once we went over the second indictment it was unanimous and we all agreed. knowing moved onto the third and one, once we started going over the third there was also four questions on that so and so we had to be unanimous and all four questions and that was
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unanimous. the result everybody voted to agree to guilty so i wonder what this is obviously a case that involved addiction. >> there were a lot of stories as sad stories frankly about the issue of addiction. hunter biden's drug use, how much did that impact the jury as you guys were processing the evidence and we're here to learned about his addiction, use of crack okay. and how did that play in the jury room i'll tell you. >> it was i can't i can't speak for everyone. but i can speak for myself. like it it was very sad that he was being luck that he was being convicted of these crimes, but that his life had turned out the way it did. >> so what the was there a lot of discussion about that or did the did you words are really
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just looking at what the prosecution and the defense there was there wasn't a lot of discussion about his lifestyle it was just the evidence that we are listening to. we didn't discuss a lot about hundred lifestyle and light like i said, it was very, very sad and then haley testified, i mean, that was for me maybe that was those are very sad time because i i did not know that haley also got addicted to crack so it's really felt sorry for that yeah. >> it sounds like from what you're saying is a u were in the belief that he was guilty all along, you are not on the camp initially, who did not think he was? data should be acquitted. you thought he was guilty and correct me if i'm
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wrong. but what convinced you as you were assessing the evidence that he was guilty the majority because the majority of the questions was, once he was he when he filled out that form? >> at the gunshot. >> okay. and he listed no, he was not. it it was not attic when it said are you a unlawful addiction to drugs or are you addicted to drugs? well, let's first read the first one and x hearing all the evidence, i believed that he was and he did knowingly by the gun, knowing that he was a drug addict i do
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understand knowing that he was addicted. >> i do want ask you just one quick question. was there there's a lot of talk about the jurors knowing everybody knowing a biden in delaware, there's a lot of discussion about that going in did the did anybody have a personal connection to joe biden and the biden family, did that play? to the discussion at all not at all of the family the family was not at all we didn't discuss we didn't we didn't use jill. >> we didn't use the president biting like i was i was telling someone earlier, like president biting never really even came in to play for me because his name was only brought up one store in the trial. and that's when i that's what kind of sunk in a little bit. oh, wow. this is, this is the sitting president who's on trial. and
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so that was yeah, that was kinda hard and to know okay what the trial is about now you kind of put that out of your mind and after that, after it was brought up, again, i did i did put it out on my mind. i never never really the two together. jaume standby for a second. >> i want to bring in my colleague, paula reid, who has been covering this trial from start to finish. paula, i know you have a question for for juror ten yeah. >> thank you so much for joining us. this is so important to hear exactly how you guys reach this verdict. but i want to get your take on naomi biden's testimony. what is your assessment of the defense's decision to put her on the stand, how did that impact your decision it did not impact our decision that much i
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felt i felt bad that they put naomi on trial witness i i think that was probably a strategy that should not have been done no no daughter should ever have to testify or again, her dad so do you think that hunter biden should go to jail after this verdict well, i was talking earlier and i deliberating. >> i was we were not thinking of the sentencing and no, i really don't think that hundred belongs in jail if you.
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if you if you look at this case and you realize that one, haley haley dump that the gun in a trash can and it was retrieved and hunter biden did not want to press charges because he was the victim of a theft of the firearm he did not want to press any charges against aly and another thing that i also thought was they asked him did you want your gun back? and he said no, he did not want to gotten back when he said he did not want that gun back. and gun sat in evidence for almost five beers i think that may have been what led to his downfall had he had he taken possession of that gun? i don't know if
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we wouldn't even have the trial because, you know, he he may have sold the gun, got rid of the gun, sold it back to a gun shop or whatever. and it wasn't like it was sitting in evidence. i just think i believe that beans that was sitting in evidence and somebody got a hold of that and say, hey, let's let's check this out a little bit more. and see exactly how he obtained that gun juror juror tennis, manu raju, again, would you want to to hear from hunter biden? >> himself? do you wish she testified? are that make any difference as you weighing conviction no, i i? >> didn't want to hear from hunter and i think sitting through the help the whole trial i was thinking he's better off not testifying
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because i don't know what his state of mind was so yeah, i didn't think it would be a good idea for him to testify in his own defense just to take us back into the room when it went from a 66 yesterday to unanimous today what was the mood like among the jurors was did it get contentious? >> and our people pretty amicable. and all you said that politics did not play a role in your assessment, did you sense that it played a role in any of the other jurors assessments absolutely. >> i think that was unanimous. two was there was nothing nobody no politics came in to play. in politics was not even spoken about the first family was not even spoken about. it was all it was all about. hunter. there was more talk about hunter naomi everybody
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felt really bad for naomi that i think that's one of the one things that most of the jurors felt sorry for. what was naomi testifying against their father or the defense putting her on the sand. i think that was i think that was a bad mistake for them to put her on the same it sounds and paul, i think you have a question also for gd tag yeah. what do you think of this case overall? i mean, do you think that this was a legitimate use of taxpayer there are resources to bring this case yes, i do believe it what once they found out that,
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you know, hundred baltic a gun and did he did he buy it legally was he an attic? was he addicted to crack when he purchased it? and that was the biggest factor in this whole case. and that's what the whole case was about and so all 12 jurors did agree that yes. he knowingly and bought a gun when he was an attic or she was addicted to drugs well, juror ten, we thank you for your service. thank you for sharing the insights about what was happening behind closed doors are really, really appreciate your time. today and joining us i want to i wanna bring paula reid back in this discussion. paul, there was a really fascinating take behind the scenes about how they got to a conviction what was happening is they assessed they said he said politics didn't play a role in this and that you believe that the defense made some mistakes in their strategy
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yeah. >> it sounds like one of the biggest mistakes that they made was potentially calling hunter biden's daughter naomi. well, that juror said that it didn't really factor into his decision for the deliberations. it obviously was a very difficult thing for her, but it gave prosecutors an opportunity to seize on something that she said specifically when she returned her father's carter the him on october 19, she testified that she didn't see any evidence of drugs shortly, something that's on its face on direct examination will seem to help her father, but prosecutors connected that to hallie biden's testimony about how she found the gun alongside drugs and drug paraphernalia on october 23, and that wound up being something that they really use to their advantage. but having this der, germano a credit to our entire team here on the ground and wilmington, delaware, for finding this person and getting them to share with the american people exactly how they came to this historic decision really, really interesting, fascinating. >> paul reed, thanks for joining me in that interview that juror, we're back here in the room gme, i know you've had some observations about that.
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>> i think that's one of the most fascinating interviews that we've heard, because we're finally hearing from a juror about one of these cases. you see just how thoughtful the jury was, how they had the discussion, how they started out 66, then it can so you see them at work. i think one of the most interesting things that juror number ten said was that when hunter filled out the form, i believe he did, knowing knowing when he bought the gun that he was addicted. that's a paraphrase. i didn't get it, but but it goes to common sense. they heard all of this and that goes to common sense. the other thing is, vicious. a federal case, but it was in delaware and everyone in delaware knows the bidens and you even heard him refer to the first lady at one point as jill and while he said that it the bidens, that politics didn't, he said no politics came into
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play ever, but everyone felt really bad about naomi and he also said, i didn't know that hallie got addicted to crack. you do see i think the delaware impact of this, you know, this and what i'm they know these people, but i'm glad you brought that up because he said that the president didn't want out of his mind. he thought about him once when it was mentioned and didn't think about job when again yeah, it's really interesting if a juror is saying that you have to wonder if voters will connect this case to the president or they will see these things as separate. >> i mean, certainly republicans were hoping to be able to make that time this is a lot harder for them. most jurors are, most voters are concerned with sort of everyday life, right? they're not like super engaged in the news and falling every twist and turn of this trial, they have to pay their bills and get their kids to school so if that link is not super clear, coming out of this case you wonder if they will infer that on their own. >> do you think this is gonna become an issue in the campaign i mean, we really have to see like we've been mentioning.
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>> i mean, i think there will be some trump allies that continue to sort of seize on this. but i thought it was interesting that juror also reflected some of the empathy that we've been describing here. he was saying that it was something to watch the testimony of naomi as well and the other testimony is in this case, as well. so that's the question i think we'll voters sort of follow the actual legal proceedings of this, or will they be empathizing on the overall issue that sort of clouds this case. one now of addiction, and i suspect this is not the last will be hearing about this. in fact, we do expect the special counsel, david weiss actually making a statement about this case in a matter of moments to stick with cnn, there's so much more breaking news begin to and the hours ahead, thanks for joining inside politics, cnn news central starts right now we're st


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