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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  June 11, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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right now. fantastic. i just love hotdogs overall. there's nothing that says some are more than a nice hot dog especially one that's made in the finest city in the world at a baseball game. there's nothing better. i harry answered, i'll let you finish your food, please chu and shoe everybody and swallow and please don't show up. we're still on the year. all right. i'll be fine thanks a lot see a light, wash it down with a good beer. >> all right. see you later. and thank you for watching. i'll see you tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m. eastern right here on cnn anderson cooper 360 is next tonight on 360. what happens now that the president's son is a convicted felon and why supporters convicted felon who is running for president are still complaining about the criminal justice system, keeping them honest. also, a cnn exclusive course award goes inside a searing detention camp. were families, vices, fighters are being held and some fear of the next generation may be being born. plus we have breaking news tonight. a bus hijacking
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of chase and the deadly discovery at the end of it. good evening. thanks for joining as we begin tonight, keep them honest with three facts about hunter biden's conviction today and wilmington, delaware on federal gun charges. the first is the human impact. it must have on a family that has certainly known tragedy, including putting a car crash that killed hunter biden's mom and baby sister, the death to brain cancer of his brother, beau, and his own descendance itself, destruction by crack cocaine. in a moment, ronald reagan's daughter, patty davis joins us to talk about her own struggles with addiction the second fact is that despite efforts to paint his trial as a counterpart, two or even the equivalent of donald trump's new york trial unlike the former president, a hunter biden is not running for anything the third fact is the one thing they actually do have in common in each the guilty verdict was rendered by 12 men and women who heard the evidence and seem to have set aside any preconceptions they might have had going in as one biden juror told cnn today, politics played no part in their deliberations, nor did testimony about the degree of
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biden's addiction, which he described as heart-wrenching the verdict was unanimous. and just like in new york, there is every indication the criminal justice system worked and continues to beyond that, nearly everything surrounding the two trials and their aftermath is a study in contrast starting with how egypt defendant reacted to the verdict. quoting now from hunter biden statement, thanking his wife and others. i'm more grateful today for the love and support i experienced this last week from melissa, my family, my friends, and my community than i am disappointed by the outcome. he goes on to say recovery is possible by the grace of god. and i am blessed to experience that give one de at a time. by contrast, here are some where the former president said after his conviction this was done by the biden administration in order to wound or hurt an opponent, a political opponent and i think it's just a disgrace. >> but this was a rig decision right from day one, with a conflicted judge or should have
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never been allowed to try this case, never well, he said as much over and over and so have republican lawmakers before, during and after the trial with a special focus on attacking the justice department and the criminal justice system every single person involved in this prosecution is practically a democratic political operative. >> this was not criminal justice. this was politics. >> the entire thing is political. >> it's political warfare, scam trial. >> this is a scam. it is a sham, sham of a trial. a sham convictions joe biden's to tier in justice system while keeping them on as they're talking about the justice department at which had nothing to do with the trump trial, which is currently prosecuting a democratic senator and congressmen. and just oversaw the conviction of the president is only surviving son and the president's reaction quoting him now, i will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal jill and i
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will always be there for hunter and the rest of our family with our love and support. nothing will ever change that he also told abc news he'd ruled that a pardon for his son let me ask you, will you accept the jury's outcome, their verdict, no matter what it is? yes. >> and have you ruled out a pardon for your son? >> yes by contrast, the former president is now talking repeatedly about using the justice department if he's reelected as a tool of vengeance i. would have, every right to go after them and it's easy because it's joe biden and you see all the criminality, all of the money that's going into the family and him, all of this money from china, from russia from ukraine that's for republican lawmakers who decried trump's trial and conviction. >> consider house oversight chair james comer, who has been holding hearings and investigating the bidens for months, always claiming to have the goods, but always coming up empty. he is sticking to his
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story, tweeting today until the department of justice investigates everyone involved. the bidens corrupt influence, peddling schemes. it will be clear department officials continued to cover for the big guy, joe biden. more now, on the actual verdict and the actual trial and what comes next from cnn's paula reid just 90 minutes after hunter biden's guilty verdict, cnn got incredible insight into the case from juror number ten, won big mistake from the defense, calling hunters daughter naomi, to testify. i felt i felt bad that they put naomi as witness i i think that was probably a strategy that should not have been done. no daughter should ever have to testify or again, sorry despite feeling badly for hunter and his battles with addiction, the 12 jurors agree that they had no choice but to convict all 12 jurors agree that yes, he know i'm laying in, bought a gun when he was an
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attic or he was addicted to drugs, although they all voted guilty, another juror, cnn spoke to off-camera question whether the case should have been brought in the first place, saying, quote, it seemed like a waste of taxpayer dollars and the jurors interviewed by cnn said politics played no role. >> in their decision. >> pressure, inviting never really even came in. >> to play for me. his name was only brought up one store in the trial and that's when i that's when i kind of sunk in a little bit. but you kind of put that out of your mind. >> president biden released a statement after his son's verdict saying, in part i am the president, but i am also a dad, jill, and i love our son and we are so proud of the man he is today and i will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal contour issued a statement after court thanking his wife and supporters saying, i am more grateful today for the love and support i experienced this last
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week from melissa, my family, my friends, and my community, than i am disappointed by the outcome in spend special counsel, david weiss made aware statement defending the case, ultimately, this case was not just about objection a disease that haunts families across the united states including hunter biden's family. >> this case was about the illegal choices defendant made while in the throes of addiction his choice to lie on a government form when he bought a gun. and the choice to then possess that gun hello. >> what else did did you hear from jurors anderson? >> i was really interested to hear what they had to say about a possible sentencing hunter biden because the upper range for conviction on these offenses is potentially decades in prison, hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines. so it's widely expected. hunter biden and wouldn't get anything anywhere near that. this is of course, a first-time
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offender, but juror number ten told us he doesn't think that hunter biden should get any prison time. another juror said that hunter needs rehab more than he needs imprisonment or a fine. and while the jury is weighing in on sentencing it is ultimately actually up to the judge should determine the sentence. and we expect, while there is no sentencing date, now we expect it will be roughly 120 days after this verdict, which would fall in late october so that's before election day. but likely after his next federal criminal trial, which is scheduled for early september out in los angeles i'll read them so much, paula, let's go next to the white house. >> i've seen kayla tausche with more and how the president and the first family are dealing with this moment what's the reaction been from the white house for president biden anderson, president biden is approaching the situation first and foremost as a father in the statement released today, president biden saying, i am the president, but i'm also a dad, jill and i love our son and we are so proud of the man he is today. so many families who have had loved
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ones battle addiction, understand the feeling of pride, seeing someone you love come out the other side and be so strong and resilient in recovery, the family greeted each other on the tarmac in delaware this evening, hunter biden, embracing members of white house staff and members of the security detail before the family then retreated to a nearby family home or they're going to be processing together what happens in the next chapter president biden has said that he will accept the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal and the biden reelection campaign is telling allies that for them, it's going to be business as usual. >> the president gave a speech at a previously scheduled gun safety event after the verdict, which obviously is somewhat ironic, what did what did he say there well, it was a fairly awkward conflict fluence of events today. >> president biden finding out about that verdict just before this preplanned event, where he was in this situation of a heralding a crackdown in gun violence i expect it to tout we
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knew that president biden was expected did two announce more than 500 new charges brought by the department of justice on gun crimes in the wake of his new bipartisan gun law that was passed and signed into law. in 2022. instead, the president took a broader approach. instead praising the new tools that prosecutors were given by that law, anderson per kilo joshua. >> thanks, joining us now to people who've worked with and no prison biden wells and political commentators david axelrod and kate betting field, also with us retard federal judge johnny jones, the third and former federal prosecutor, jessica raw, third, judge. let me start with you. does the vert verdict surprise you'd all know the verhaeghe didn't surprise me at all, anderson, i think the evidence was overwhelming and what i thought was notable and picking up one on your lead, which i thought was spot on in both of these cases, you had judges want to state judge and the other a federal judge saying, among
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other things, you must follow the law 224 americans in these two cases, you must follow the law, whether you agree with it or not, and you're not to be concerned about the sentence that i may give if the defendant is convicted, clearly, it validates our system of justice because they did exactly that. >> jessica, how about you? i mean, any surprise and what kind of grounds for appeal may there be? >> yeah. so i was not surprised by the verdict as the judge, the evidence really did seem to be overwhelming and the charges were pretty straightforward in terms of what the jury was being asked to find. but i think the k is also highlights the limited role that we give to juries in our system. now are there astro apply the law as they're instructed about the law to the facts and not to render an opinion in the courtroom about whether they think this was a wise prosecution or what they think is inappropriate punishment. i mean, they're really quite limited. it's not clear to me that there are strong grounds for appeal. i mean, there is a second amendment issue on whether or not the law that makes it a crime to possess a
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gun. if you are addicted to drugs, whether that survives a second i've ever been challenged under the supreme court's current jurisprudence on that, but that would really only go to one of the three charges so it could be that there are some issues with respect to the evidence that was admitted, but that would be subject to harm plus error review maybe there's an appellate issue about whether or not he was entitled to essentially the benefit of the plea agreement that he had reached with the special counsel that previously fell apart, but i don't see those as being particularly strong in david. >> i mean, your sense of the verdict the impact it would have on the biden family and the white house. and i obviously on the campaign trail in the days ahead of any well yeah. >> look, i think that's the important question. anderson. a couple of weeks ago and trump was convicted, i said that i thought that the really important question was not how it would affect voters directly, but how it would affect him in his behavior. and we've seen his behavior become even more pointed and angry since that conviction. here
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this is such a devastating experience for the biden family to have gone through this week to have their families go through this people get into trouble, they go, but not under the glare of the spotlight, like this. and to have your dearest relatives on the stand and have to go through this has to be devastating to the present. kate would know this even more intimately than me, but i know how much this must hurt him and there must be some feeling of guilt because he's the reason there's a spotlight on the family and why they're travails are so much in the news, so the question is, how does it affect him? he's got a debate in two weeks. he's dealing with multiple world issues right now and all the rigors of a campaign and how will he deal with it? i think is a big question.
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>> yeah. kate, we mentioned that the president promptly went to delaware to be with his son. >> and again, the contrast between other trump family approached the manhattan trial and how the biden family approach. this trial is stark. how do you think this is going to impact the president well, look, it is absolutely hard on him. >> he is a family man that you really cannot underestimate are under appreciate how close the biden family is, how much they lean on each other i think it would be hard for any father to go through, not only the experience of this trial, of course, but obviously all that hunter is dealt with and dealing with addiction and things have happened when he was in the grip of addiction. so yes, of course it is personally hard for the president, but i would also note he's somebody who has shouldered a lot of personal tragedy and difficulty while also juggling being in public office, he lost his son, beau to brain cancer when he was vice president. obviously his as you mentioned at the top has his first wife and baby daughter were killed in a car crash just weeks after he was
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elected to the senate. so he has spent his entire life in public service shouldering challenges, difficulty holding his family close, but simultaneously executing the duties of the office and being able to put to put his work first two. so i think his resilience, i think will really be the on display for people over the next few months. i think you saw a little bit today, frankly, when he was speaking at the gun safety event, he was lively. he was engaged, he was clearly talking with a lot of passion about the work he's done on gun safety and talking to the crowd. so i think i think the american people are going to see a lot of resilience for him. but of course this is hard for him. it's hard for him hi, are biden family, judge jones, what would you consider for a sentence on for these convictions? and also with the idea in mind that he is facing a tax charge as well that's potentially more worrisome for well, of course, the judge has to follow what are called the sentencing guidelines, which has my colleague knows are
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numbingly complicated, but the sentence needs to be sufficient, but not greater than necessary to fulfill the purposes of sentencing i think in this case because he didn't brandished the gun, he didn't commit a crime of violence was on another crime associated with to purchase it out. >> very frankly, anderson, over almost 20 years in the federal bench, i never had a stand alone case like this. this is really this actual charges and not something that's been brought tapped on. >> and this is the kind of zebra okay his, if you will. >> but i think in this case, there's a good argument for probation or it out with some kind of help remedial help counseling addiction treatment, and so forth. >> the real real peril comes with the tax charges because this counts as a conviction which it has the will in fact, enhance any sentence that he gets if he's convicted at the tax charges. >> so there's that's
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mandatory. >> that whatever the charges and this impacts that trump gets certain points for prior convictions and then of course that case is driven in part by the mount of the tax fraud as well, which escalates the sentencing exposure. that's where he really is in jeopardy of going to prison. i don't think this case so much. >> david, what do you say to republicans who were insisting tonight, the justice system as being weaponized against the foreign president, even though president biden's own son was just convicted in federal court and you've got them menendez case and another congressman yeah, this is really complicated for them for that reason. >> and remember, yeah, you've got senator menendez on trial, right now? congressman cuellar awaiting trial right now. it just puts the lie to the idea that there's this weaponized justice department of justice department has nothing to do with the manhattan da's office, but it's also a complicated for them because they have become so zealot zealous about the second amendment that they don't
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quite know how to talk about. this. so they're all shifting. and the thing that they're doing anderson is this whole, the mantra and they all move as one. is this biden crime family thing because really what's at play here is they're strategy is to try and say everybody is corrupt, that everybody is swimming in the same murky waters that donald trump is no different than joe biden. and that voters should discount the fact that donald trump is a convicted felon and has some other major cases pending against him. so i think you're going to see a lot of that. what congressman comer said today, chairman comer was really disgraceful as you pointed out he has been rolling out this cannon periodically. he lights the fuse and every time a flag comes out that says pop and there's nothing there. and so if they've got evidence of a crime, maybe they should
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share it with people instead of just talking about it. and i think they don't because they don't in cape person biden and the foreign president and obviously have their first debate on cnn june 27th are you concerned about trump getting under the president's skin by invoking hunter biden. he obviously try to, when they debated in 2020 he tried in 2020 and it really backfired on him. i mean, i can tell you that the data that we saw on the biden campaign after that first debate where no trump really wound up and tried to come at hunter, was that what people remembered from that debate was joe biden defending his son, talking about his love for his son relating to people all across the country who've had dealt with family members and friends who've suffered from addiction. so it was actually a very relatable moment that really connected the joe biden as people across the country. so i think 44 joe biden, he should certainly expect that donald trump is going to come at him with this on the stage. we know that trump's going to try to throw everything he can it biden to get under his skin. but we've
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also seen that this is a failing political argument. trump has tried to make it stick for five years. it hasn't and it ultimately winds up being an opportunity for people to see joe biden's humanity. and that's very moving and power david axelrod. >> thank you, judge jones. jessica roth, as welcome. have next former first daughter, patty davis, her own struggle with addiction and her thoughts about the verdict, and later cnn's clarissa ward is exclusive look inside a syrian detention camp are women and children are being held and the fears the mothers or maybe raising the next generation of isis fighters it's hard besides from real quality that
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part because addiction of one form or another as part of the human condition, as are all kinds of things that sons and daughters do while struggling through addiction and the pain, all of it inflicts on families. >> being in the public eye are being the child of public figures. add still more complications my next gas patty davis knows this well. she is. of course the daughter of former president reagan and nancy reagan and a new york times op-ed, she writes this about the biden case. it might sound naive and the escaping le, partisan times, but it would be nice if the rest of us or even most of us but look at how sad this story is. how a man with a loving supportive family and every advantage and opportunity still fell into the roiling abyss of drug addiction and couldn't stop swimming around in this dark waters petty davis writes about her own experiences in dear mom and dad, a letter about family memory and the america we want to know thank you so much for being with us. you're just as it was so lovely and to your point in the op-ed, i mean, do you think basic humanity and empathy are possible in this
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hyper-partisan moment, the country is in well, i mean, on some days i think it's not possible some days i think it's extinct, but i think we have to keep looking for that and we have to keep reaching for it and i think even some of the comments from jurors expressed sympathy and compassion for hunter because this is at its root. >> this is not this story about a hunter biden is not a political story. i don't even think really at its right. it's a crime story even though he was convicted of some crimes but i think at its root it is a very sad story about addiction and a disastrous choices that addicts make and the ripple effects of those choices in families, lives and over time, i mean, obviously this is yes, it doesn't here's the thing about about an attic.
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>> when you, when you're addicted, your world is very insular. everything is about you and the substance that you're addicted two, that's that's kind of it, right and once you if you are fortunate enough to let go of that addiction and to stop using whatever substance it is, whether it's drugs or alcohol, you don't immediately change your mode of thinking. >> you don't immediately like break get out of that, that takes a lot of work and a lot of time and i am assuming that hunter biden is going through that. now. >> he starting to realize the extent that his addiction had on everybody else. i think it was very poignant for him. probably seeing his daughter testify in court, which has a really difficult thing to do you were candid about your own struggles with addiction in your teens and early 20s. >> the piece you wrote for the time, as you said, as the
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daughter of first governor and then no president, i do know what it's like to live under a glaring unforgiving spotlight than never dims the choices you make in your life. the mistakes, the stumbles are preserved forever and sometimes tossed out in front of you like a minefield, you have to keep crossing it's i mean, first of all, you're really a lovely writer. what kind of scrutiny to you in terms of what did that scrutiny due to you in terms of drug use, what was it like living under that kind of scrutiny? >> well my drug use wasn't made public. i mean, i have made a public because i've talked about it since, but i basically i didn't get caught you know, i mean, i wrote about in his book how and my father was governor. i used to i used to drive at those so bored at site in sacramento on this summer's, i used to drive up to folsom prison because they hadn't gift shop how i found out that it keeps other calls from prison. i have no idea. >> it's not like a 70s.
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>> not like i go to google them, but i did and i used to like smoke a joint on the way going to force some prison completely stone, probably with other joints in my purse fortunately, they didn't search my purse, but a friend of mine when she read this story in my book said, well, were you worried that they would smell it on, you know, i never thought about that. so i never got clot. >> but, you the thing that follows me around, what is my activism in the 80s when my father was president in my sort of stridency and the anti-nuclear movement whenever i not whenever i read something about myself, but a lot of times, if i read something about myself, it's patty davis, the rebel daughter of president reagan, who protests protested his policies and everything. >> it was 40 years ago that is the reality of that political
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spotlight, which is the harshest spotlight imaginable and unfortunately, hunter biden is going to be followed by this for the rest of his days. it's just the way that's spotlight has a shelf life of like forever you know, especially now with cameron phones and laptops and social media and all of it, which obviously was involved in industry i mean, that was not around when you were right you were doing that? >> yeah. yeah. you referenced in your offset president biden ruling out a pardon for his son. >> you wrote i'm quite sure it wasn't the answer. they're grieving. father wanted to give, but his sons actions and his sons illness forced him into a choice between the primal urge to protect a child and the public responsibility to uphold the law that is a terrible place to be. >> did you ever think when when your dad was present that did you ever worry about about it becoming known or as my drink? >> yeah. well, i owe well, as
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governor, i didn't think about it because i was, you know, just too strung out on drugs, i didn't think about it, frankly and by the time he was president, i had stopped doing drugs but i think like i was saying that that sort of self consumed mode of thinking, i think that was still very much my mode of thinking in the 80s when my father was elected president. >> and because if i've been thinking more expansively, i think i would have expressed myself differently and not as stridently i think i'd probably still would have spoken out about the anti-nuclear in the anti-nuclear movement because i believed in it very strongly but i would have done it differently but i didn't i you know what i mean? it was still that well, i'm going to do what i want to do. yeah mentality patti davis. thank you so much for your time thank you. i mean, by cnn exclusive are rare inside look at detention facilities and syria housing.
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calmer pet. if your dog suffers from fear of thunder, fireworks separation, or any other anxieties, thunder shirt can help. thunder shirts find it. retailers like pet smart and petco this breaking news and i two sources tell cnn that federal agents have arrested eight nationals from tajikistan inside the united states over there, suspected ties to isis. they'd been surveilled from more than a month officials decided to finally arrest them before are possible plot could develop the arrest comes the us also tries to figure out what to do with the tens of thousands of children of suspected isis fighters coming of age in detention facilities controlled by allies in syria, or teenage boys are separated from their mothers it's produced fears that these facilities could be raising the next generation of isis fighters. cnn's course a war. it was granted extraordinary access inside those camps. here's her in-depth report cell phone videos of isis is brutal justice that the world hoped it would never see again.
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she mount mazama shared for the first time with cnn these images weren't captured in rocco or mosley in 2016 they were taken in 2022 in the alice hello camp in northern syria the sprawling dumping ground for the women and children captured after isis was defeated five years after the fall of the caliphate, isis is ideology lives on here security officials warn it is a ticking time bomb ungovernable and hostile to the outside world. you can see just how fast this places more than 40,000 people are living here in the most dangerous part of the camp is called the annex. >> that's where some 6,000 foreign nationals are currently within we were granted
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exceptionally rare access to the annex by the us back syrian democratic forces, sdf, who control for all the camp the women here hail from more than 60 different countries. >> several raise their right index fingers for the cameras, sign of solidarity with these hello mic state. do you regret your decision to join isis or wash she complains that the conditions in the camp are awful there are people in the world who will say you went to join isis you deserve it you deserve it. >> what do you say to that? >> normally if enemies. yeah. >> women and children need for the majority of alcohols residents our kids who have ended up here through no fault of their own un has called it a blight on the conscience of
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humanity. >> it is effectively a prison camp. >> are women and children are arbitrarily and indefinitely detained a group stops us with a frantic plea one of their sons has been arrested trying to escape the camp. >> she's asking if she can get her son back, who's in a prison? he's got me for monday need that youth march. we wanted just send them out so the sdf wouldn't take him. >> she tells us once boys turn 12, here, they take them it is a troubling story we hear over and over again the sdf says, it is their policy to separate adolescent boys because they are being radicalized by their mothers so an sdf raid earlier this year netted this video of a training session for children inside the camp. >> the sdf claims young teenage boys are married off to repopulate the next generation
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of isis fighters they say may explain the roughly 60 births recorded here every month this is where for some of those boys end up after they are taken. >> the or cash rehabilitation center conditions here are much better than camps, but there are only 150 beds and they are all full shamil. >> chuck car grew up in cologne, germany until his parents took the family to the isis capital rocha, a shrapnel injury to his head has left shamil confused how old are you chem omega my without if you don't know shamil was living in our whole camp with his mother and siblings until a few years ago when security forces came into their tent in the middle of the night in colombia
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enough for a man came and pulled me up and type my hands behind my back. >> my mom was screaming. she said leave him alone. he tells us i didn't want to go with them. he pushed me saying put on your shoes, but i didn't hit me islam is from dagestan, russia and is one of the youngest boys here it's via mama so he's saying that he is just 12-years-old he has been here about three or four months, he was taken from his mother. he doesn't even know what his last name is human rights organizations have said this separations are on a pauling violation of international law but the sds top general muslim abdi defends the policy. >> no drug. >> instead of these organizations condemning what we're doing in court pulling
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into human rights violation, these organizations should give us help when it comes to our program that we have in place for years now to rehabilitate these children. >> but part of the problem seems to be that once these young boys turn 18, there's not anywhere for them to go, particularly if they can't return to their home countries and so some of them i believe are ending up in prison necessity taken when he says that this is not a policy that we are following to put them in prison at 18 the reality is the goal is to reintegrate them with society but cnn has found that boys as young as 14 had been held here at the notorious panorama prison with an estimated 4,000 inmates. it is the largest concentration of isis fighters in the world. no journalist has been allowed inside panoramas since 20 2021 until now so the head of the
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prison has asked me to put on a head scarf while we walk through here because these are some of the most radicalized prisoners they have a senior us official told us the number one concern at panorama is the prison break. the fear that was realized in 2022 when hundreds of inmates managed to escape and i look inside 25 men sit cross-legged in silence cell is spotless. >> the men we see appear to be in indecent physical condition but tuberculosis is rampant in the prison and we are only allowed to look in side2 cells that you versus your, where he found a british man approaches the great but does not want to show his face i know advocacy groups called the us funding did panorama illegal black hole worse than guantanamo bay in an
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interrogation room? >> we meet 19-year-old stephane uj or lou from suriname. >> he tells us he was brought to the prison when he was 14, along with more than 100 other miners have you had a lawyer ever you talk to a lawyer i don't know about the big guys. >> you speak a about the kids assume feeling know the truth. you don't know even why we're always like punished as like five years in prison and replenished we don't even know what we've been imprisoned because of our times at the sdf intelligence headquarters. >> we meet british pakistani dr. mohammed socket accused of joining isis. he claims he was the victim of an ally elaborate kidnapping plot. it says panoramas. inmates are abused so we live in torture. >> i live in fear we say you
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live in torch sure. >> do you mean that you are actually physically being tortured? >> this happens on and off what kind of torture, like beating by the stick by the gods? >> to. be honest, i'm just waiting for my death. there's no getting out of this business. probably never the warden at and a rama called soc claim of abuse false, saying, quote, all parts of the prison are monitored by cameras and no prison guard can act in this way. the sdf and the us are pushing countries to repatriate their citizens from syria, saying it is the only solution to this complex and dangerous situation. >> but the process has been slow and many including western allies are dragging their feet in the owl rose camp, we may, brits, canadians, belgians
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australians, and a couple of americans survive. basically 30-year-old hoda methanol has been stuck. here are 7-year-old son for more than five years. i have to ask you, i'm seeing all of the women here are fully covered. a lot of them covering their faces you're not covered, you're wearing a t-shirt is that hard it was hard when i first took it. >> i would say for the first 23 years people were not accepting of it, and they harassed us a lot. they stole our stuff in i had to stay strong and show example for my son born and raised in the the us, hoda became radicalized online at the age of 20, left her family in alabama to live under isis a decision she quickly regretted if you were to be able to go back to the us and you had to go on trial, potentially serve time prison. have you reconciled yourself without possibility i always tell
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myself that i'm going to prison would be a step forward in my life if i had any time to serve, i'd server and not come out and begin my life with my son for now. that is not an option. >> while the us advocates repatriation, it ruled hold is us citizenship invalid on a technicality, i didn't write now, she lives in fear for her son's future what do you miss most about america i just want to breathe at moroccan era and be around people. i loved the people of america they're very open and they're very forgiving and they're very, they're people who gives second chances and i think if they were to sit down with me and listen to my story from the beginning, they would give me a second chance but second chances are hard to come by here. >> for most repentance is demanded. >> and forgiveness rarely given
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as the cost of ignoring this ugly crisis continues to mount of course, the word joins us now, i mean, it's extraordinary to think of all these people in this limbo. >> you said the us government and rule the citizenship of the american woman who spoke with invalid on technique kennedy. what else what else do you know better situation node and what viewers authorities commented at all? >> yes. so we've reached out anderson to the state department about who does case and they said to us the department has not changed its position with regards to ms madonna's citizenship status as the state department determined in the courts agreed she is not and never was a us it is isn't. we also heard anderson from her lawyer who responded if hoda methanol is not a us citizen than she is stateless. and that is a violation of international law. the directly contradicts what the us government has stated. other countries cannot and should not do. and i should add anderson that a senior us
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official it told us there are about a dozen americans who are still in these camps in northeastern syria. the repatriation process is not straightforward though, because many of them, unlike hoda, don't actually want to go back. we spoke to one woman who asked not to be identified. she said that she has not put her hand up yet. she is a dual well, national and that she doesn't feel comfortable returning to the us because she's too afraid that she might have to face time in prison. anderson, clarissa ward. thank you. incredible report thank you. more. breaking news tonight. a bus hijacking in atlanta and the deadly discovery after the police chase through city streets in the interstate during tonight's rush hour. that in a first in nevada politics, voting isn't just being done behind curtains today now it's from behind bars will explain ahead moving forward with node positive breast cancer, my fear of recurrence could have held me back, but i'm staying focused in doing more or to prevent recurrence for his neo is specifically for hr positive
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your doctor right away if you have symptoms of disinfection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction, you may have increased risk for lower limb loss. >> call your doctor right away. if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet, taking guardians with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. jati and says really swell a little pill with the bag read every day, moore dog people and more bats are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food they're quick seeing the kibble and kicking the camps, and feeding their dogs dog food. that's actually well food developed with that, made from real meat portioned for your dog and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier, pet food get 50% off your first box the farmers slash real food. >> i'm katelyn polantz at the federal courthouse in washington. and this is cnn some more breaking news tonight to shootings in atlanta one at a downtown food cord this
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afternoon left 23 people wounded. >> and while please run that scene, they got word of shots fired on a transit bus just a few miles away, which turned to a bus hijacking than a police chase onto the interstate. finally, when that ended, police made a grim discovery. more now in all from cnn's ryan young begin around 43911, call about gunfire and a hostage situation on a bus when officers arrived to investigate the bus takes off and the chase begins from above, you can see the county bus swerving uncontrollably through rush hour traffic and atlanta dangerously moving in and out of traffic through city streets and onto the highway where elana police officers desperately tried to get the bus pulled over. >> our initial call was of a gunman on on the bus that was holding hostages and possibly there had been a discharge of a weapon that was the initial nine will one call that call disconnected and then a short time later we receive another 91. we'll call also from the bus and that line remained open for the entire time.
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>> officers tried blocking the bus in the attempt to use stop sticks, but the bus avoids early attempts to stop it. all of it through atlanta's rush hour traffic at one point, the bus almost hits this truck. it's worth around the car and then veers into traffic his driver's scramble to get out of the way. >> a gunman with a gun to the head of a bus driver saying, don't stop this bus or else worse will have this is the type of thing, obviously, no one is i mean, it seems like the movies later the bus narrowly misses another group of cars as it drives on the left side of the road before coming to a stop on this tree-lined road, there were 17 individuals on the bus and putting the bus driver unfortunately, as the mayor has stated, one individual has died of injuries which we believe to be a gunshot wounds. this is gonna be a joint investigation by the atlanta police department as well. was from the georgia bureau of investigation. we currently do have in custody a 39-year-old
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joseph career officers from several police departments surround the bus. you can see someone coming out with their hands up before he gets on the ground. police at the ready, guns drawn with a tactical armored vehicle on the scene police find one person shot and killed anderson. >> we're also finding out the man who was arrested as a convicted felon, but i want to tell you something we were doing a news conference about that earlier shooting and this start happening. i got a phone call from a source that was saying they could see several police cars chasing this car through the streets of atlanta there was very harrowing. in fact, they saw officers trying to use their car to block that bus, but such a large vehicle moving through the city it's amazing that no one else got seriously injured even know, sadly one person did lose their life on that bus today? >> yes, i'm just terrifying ryan young. thank you. now, to exclusive new reporting voting from behind bars, unique development in the narrowly divided state of nevada, which could determine who wins the white house in which party
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controls the senate. or murray has more inside the largest jail in sin city. >> that's my first time voting for the first time that you've ever voted in any election is when is here in the detention? yeah. natalie inmates escorted to this holding cell and then a voting booth. >> the first one ever set up in the clark county detention center in la las vegas. nor you suppress that there was going to be a voting booth here today yeah, i was surprised. >> yeah, i was i didn't expect that its debut just in time for primary de the result of a new law wiring improved ballot access for thousands of non felons detained in nevada's jails. soon after the booth opened, the first voter cast her ballot. how did it feel to be able to cast your your vote it felt nice, actually felt good for activists shigella chambers. you can put that on my epa ten it's a hard-fought victory there is a pressure for us to shine brightly on this first run. a felony conviction
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after a violent altercation during college costs, chambers his freedom and his voting rights for more than five years. >> i feel that someone who is doing this work needs to be formerly incarcerated to engage that population now he works for the non-profit silver state voices, running outreach to thousands of potential voters behind bars one of the first bullet points on here it says why you cannot vote, okay, that's a key. you cannot vote if you are serving a sentence on a felony conviction in a city or county jail, then it makes clear if you're pretrial for serving on a misdemeanor you're eligible jackpot. >> one of the biggest hurdles, convincing eligible incarcerated voters to cast a ballot amid polarization and misinformation patient more than 2,500 ballots were cast by individuals whose names and dates super match incarcerated felons. do you think that has an impact on even people who
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are eligible? >> it's about without question, without question it took months and the threat of lawsuits for jails to get up to speed. >> we had an election happened, but no jail fully. what's compliant? and what the law facilities across the state worked with voting rights groups like the aclu and election workers to finally ensure ballot access ahead of tuesday's primary their vote should not be any less important than the individuals that are out here. >> and unfortunately, they face those barriers that we were here on outside, don't even really you think about those barriers, the basics for those who are behind bars postage for change of address forms blue and black pens to fill in balance and at least in this jail, a polling booth, something that goes beyond what the law requires. >> this is something that is a first for us and i think we're going to probably do it better than anybody else. we've tried to progress cells on that. there really was no model for us to follow. we've had a couple of opportunities to make sure we get it right for the general election in november
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chambers hopes this is one step toward politicians actively campaigning for voters behind bars in clark county. >> you have potential victory is lying in those sales at least for now. >> i want to i guess is it makes a huge difference night, i step toward voters like elliot carver hall, having their voices heard it felt a little bit of empowerment, a little, just a little bit, a little tiny bit sara marie joins us now from las vegas. >> so this is the first time these voting booths had been used. how did the process go? >> it went pretty smoothly, although there were voters who showed up to vote and found out they were actually registered in a different county or in some cases, in a different state which is indication of the education gap that still exist for those who are behind bars. there were dozens of folks who wanted to vote from the jail today and we expect that that's cut number is going to be even larger when we get to the general election in november. this was sort of a dry run for the big event