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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  June 12, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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the survivors of the sandy hook elementary school shooting, graduating from high school. they were just first-graders when they tragically lost 20 of their classmates in that massacre 12 years ago tonight they still feel the weight of that loss this is such a monumental guy and we all can feel what we've lost should been all royal classmates 391. >> one last time. and i just can't i gave you that. i can never be that. i think we all are carrying your memory through us and making sure that they're walking stage right there with us. the school's principal reading the names of all 20 students who were murdered in that attack, also leading a moment of silence and honoring, of course, the six teachers and administrators were also killed wearing white and green ribbons on their gowns, each inscribed with forever in our hearts to remember the victims it is a tragedy that has understandably shape the course of their lives. many of the survivors now activists, some of them meeting recently with vice
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president kamala harris to push for gun control thanks so much for joining us tonight. america hill, ac30 60 starts now tonight, not 360 breaking news, a gun, eight clips two axis, one, weighted whip, knives handcuffs, a stun gun one suspect. >> all we are learning about the man arrested in new york with all this in his suv. and what authorities think he had planned for it. also tonight, what happens when the attorney general of the united states is held in contempt of congress and the effort is led by a congressman famous for defying how subpoena and later this will both fill your heart and break it. randy k. with surviving first-graders of the sandy hook massacre. now, high school graduates john berman here, infer anderson and we do begin with the breaking news and i just want to show you again what new york police officers found in the back of a
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ford explorer, they pulled over early this morning in the city's queens borough. it is frankly terrifying seen as john miller himself, a veteran of the nypd and fbi, joins us now, along with former fbi deputy director andrew mccabe and john just just tell us what more authorities are learning about this man and what they found in his car? while they're doing the deep die, if you've got the nypd detective bureau, but also the nypd's intelligence bureau, which specializes in counterterrorism matters and the joint terrorism i'm taskforce with the fbi all peeling back as life on one hand, what you're not finding yet and may never find is that he was radicalized, that he was in contact with an overseas terrorist group or that he had a plan to commit an act of terrorism. the concerning fees, as you have very well-framed with pictures is that he was driving around in a car equipped to do so. not only the weapons, but a collapsible button with the words carved into it in arabic god forgive
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me. a social media page that displays, and this isn't secret information. i went to his social media page and looked it has a flag that has been used before by al-qaeda in one of the images. so they have to figure out what's going on with him from family members, what their hearing is troubled, having problems with drugs hugs perhaps meth paranoid, and somebody who who may just be going through some mental health issues. but the danger is clear. >> do they just pull this guy over randomly they saw that his license plate were covered by one of those plastic things you can buy them at auto stories, it's basically meant to thwart the red light cameras in the speed cameras on the traffic violation. >> they looked in the car and they said they saw a knife on the seat, asked him to step out of the car so a taser and then a gun also between the front seats. and that led to the arrest for weapons charges in the search of the car. >> so not complete luck that they found it, but it's certainly something that could
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have slipped through heading on the license great example, an andy mccabe will tell you this. i'm how routine police works sometimes better than the best intelligence is. what can keep your head of one of these incidents, andy, that arsenal, that this man had in the suv can bind with the qualities that john just described there, how much damage couldn't have done oh, i mean, john, there's a there's really no no limit to what this guy could have done with that sort of arsenal. >> and the thing that really jumps out to me is the nine magazines, nine loaded magazines to go along with the glock semi-automatic pistol. i mean, that is someone who is ready to shoot oh lot. so even if there is no connection to terrorism here, even this is, if this is a lone actor, these very heads up on the ball, police officers may have stopped a mass shooting, may have stopped some sort of a stabbing spree in a large group of people which you can find
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anywhere on the streets of manhattan, pretty much anytime you want. >> so what they may have stopped here, well, we'll maybe never know. but no question. john's absolutely right. this is the result of really solid police work. taking a look at something that's clearly illegal, doing this sort of reasonable investigation that follows from that picking up on all the signs and taking a step to really make sure that new yorkers are safe. i can tell you that my former colleagues, john's former colleagues at the joint terrorism task force. i'm sure all over this right now, they're john said peeling this guy's life back. but what they're most concerned about right now, john is who this guy may have been talking to. they want to fully frame out his network of associates, people, he's corresponding with on social media. what were those conversations in those communications like to the extent that they can be recreated, they want to know if this guy has anyone else in his orbit who is similarly armed or similarly inclined andy said
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the clips or what, what's most concerning, what about the mta vested in the police bulletproof vest? >> what does that indicate? >> that's interesting. the two least two deadly items on the table could be the ones that tell us the most an mta vest that will get you into restricted areas in the subway believing that you're a subway worker the police bulletproof vest is not the standard best it's the heavy, vest, it's the plate carrier that is meant to stop heavier weapons and he has put an nypd patch on it so we're talking about someone who is driving in a black suv that kind of looks like an unmarked police car with this other indicia you wonder what it was for nand just finally either is a day after that sources tell cnn at eight tajik nationals with potential ties to terrorism and possible links to isis members over see is were arrested in the us. again, the ipd stress is way too early to determine if this arrested eight has any connection to terror groups but you do get the sense that authorities right now are on alert for a
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potential attacks john this is a beacon. it should, it should really get people's attention to the fact that even though we're not talking about stuff like this, every day, our intelligence folks are law enforcement folks, people who are focusing on the counterterrorism targets and threats they are at a very high state of alert. we know this because what the leaders have told us recently fbi director christopher wray testified recently about the increased threat awareness from the community in this country that may be inspired by or connected to hamas actor. so there is a whole broad range you very concerning threats and we're fortunate to have those folks watching those things closely and became great to see a john miller will get you back to digging, find out what you can. thanks very much. more breaking news on capitol hill late today, the republican controlled house made attorney general merrick garland, the third attorney general to be held in contempt of congress. garlin now joins obama attorney general, eric holder, and trump
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attorney general william barr in the history books. in this case is for refusing to turn over audio recordings of interviews that president biden did with a special counsel, who later declined to prosecute him. but vote was both politically driven and somewhat rich in that one of those pushing hardest for this house judiciary chair, jim jordan fight a subpoena to appear before the house january 6 committee with us now, from capitol hill, seen as meloni's the nose. so how did the vote breakdown today, melanie, will john this vote fell almost entirely along party lines, just one republican that's dave joyce of ohio, voted against this contempt the dilution, while all republicans voted for it. >> and of course, all democrats voted against it. so now it's really up to the doj to determine whether they're or actually going to prosecute attorney general merrick garland, which of course is very unlikely to happen, especially since price on and biden did assert executive privilege over those audio recordings which were of his interview with the special counsel in relation to the classified documents case. but speaker mike johnson said,
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regardless of what ends up happening or not happening, this was an important step for the house to take. just listen. >> we did our job on the contempt i think it sends an important message. we're defending article one and ariff, the wording for oversight, and we have to do that we'll see what happens next. but i the house has to do its work and i'm pleased with the outcome. >> so again, this is a largely symbolic vote. it's much more likely to end up in federal court than it is in a prosecution, but it is a dramatic escalation in the feud between congress in the doj with merrick garland now become just the latest attorney general to be held in contempt. the congress john. so we did mention that the congressman jim jordan, defied a subpoena to a b appear before the house january 6 committee. >> did he ever face any consequences for that? >> yes. so he never complied with that subpoena to appear before the committee to talk about his role in trying to overturn the 2020 election in the house, which was run by democrats at the time, opted not to hold him in contempt of commerce. so no, jordan did not face any repercussions for his decision to defy that congressional subpoena. but
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speaker mike johnson was asked at a press conference earlier this morning, how can republicans hold merrick garland in contempt for oh, congress for defining a congressional subpoena when several of their own republican members have done exactly that. but johnson just responded by attacking the january 6, but committee and falsely calling it an illegitimate panel. >> john, we'll get to that milliner zone with thanks for being with us. appreciate it with us. now, maryland democratic congressman jamie raskin, congressman. thanks so much for being with us what's your reaction to the house vote to hold the attorney general in contempt in your mind? what helped could the audio recordings provide that the transcripts cannot well, it's a ridiculous motion in a ridiculous decision it's really the first time in american history that someone has been held in contempt by the us congress for complying with a subpoena from congress there's been overwhelming compliance in this case. >> what they were interested in was president biden's
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testimony before the special counsel the attorney general, the department justice, turned over the entire testimony verbatim, the entire transcript. they turned over all of the correspondence related did to it, and they even produce the special counsel himself, robert hur, who came over and spent several hours testifying and answering all questions about it. so they were saying they wanted to audio tape like they wanted the e-book. it wasn't enough to have the book itself. they wanted the audio book to go with it and everybody on capitol understands that they are looking for in president biden's more than five hours of testimony, which he gave during the time right after the terrorists to try cities on october 7 some verbal lapses, some mispronounced words or some ohms, or some us or something like that. and that's all for the purposes of creating a political tv attack
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ad. and everybody knows that that's what it's about. about and it's a ridiculous waste and abusive congressional resources and it was particularly rich as i think you said, and as i said on the house floor today, that this is coming from people who did not support contempt citations against people who really completely blew off congress and produced no documents and no testimony. people like steve bannon and some of those members who spoke on the floor on behalf of holding the attorney general united states in contempt themselves had never responded in any substantive way. to the subpoenas that were sent to them by the bipartisan january 6 select committee, which by the way, was found to be perfectly legitimate by multiple courts when our jurisdiction or authority was challenged in any way, let me play let me play what house speaker mike johnson had to say about that, specifically the idea of jim jordan who did not come comply with your
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subpoenas, you were on that committee. listen oh, i'm so glad you brought up the january 6 committee. >> we'll be talking a lot more about that in the coming weeks. there's been a lot of investigation about that committee. i don't think it was properly constituted. i don't think it was it was properly administered. and now we know that apparently some of the evidence was hidden and some maybe even destroyed so you'll see, you'll hear much more about that in the days ahead. you talk about apples to oranges. there couldn't be a more clear contrast between that and what we're talking about here. >> do you see this is apples and oranges and respond if you'd like to his charge that your committee was on lawfully constituted yeah, it's of course the exact opposite of what speaker johnson just said every federal court to look at this said that the january 6 select committee, which was a bipartisan committee with the democratic chair in a republican vice chair was completely lawfully constituted and lawfully operated and none of the people who tried to litigate against us, one in any
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way, they're just repeating a bunch of stale obsolete charges that have already been repudiated by federal courts and jamie are asking, we do appreciate your time and i thank so much for being with us you've got my pleasure and then looking ahead to the former president's meeting with republican lawmakers on capitol hill tomorrow with a party. now, almost totally remade in his own image. and the latest don john on kings all over the map series tonight, he talks with deeply divided auto workers in the swing state of michigan about their presidential choices in november you give, and you give, now you get with straight talk wireless, you get unlimited data and you get to choose who gets on your family plans starting at just $25 a line, doesn't have to be family more lines, more savings switch to straight talk for plants starting as low as $25 a line. >> three body serie a, city
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without talking to your health care provider common side effects with diarrhea, nausea, and headache, no matter where life takes you, big tar we can go with you, talk to your healthcare provider today i'm pete mundane at reagan national airport. >> this is cnn but only a few exceptions. the former president will meet with republican senators tomorrow in washington, mitt romney and lisa murkowski, both of them critics of his say they will not be there several others have either not committed or would not say, but by enlarge, most senate republicans are now trump republicans, even if it means rewriting history or at least tweaking it as minority leader mcconnell seem to today said three years ago, right after the capital was attacked i would support our nominee regardless of the laws included obsessed with earlier this year, i support him wasn't exactly right after when he said that it was almost two months later, february 25th,
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but just 12 days after the attack, he said this there's no question nod. their president trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day lindsey graham will also meet with the former president, now, a convicted felon here is what he said the evening of january 6, trump and i we've had a hell of a journey. >> i hate it then this way. >> oh my god, i hate it. from my point of view, it's been a consequential president. but today first thing you'll see all i can say is count me out enough is enough actually for him. >> it wasn't. he later claimed that what he said there did not really mean what plainly does. then he endorsed the man almost unconditionally and just to underscore something you said
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earlier if he is convicted, you will still support him in both for him absolutely the former president is also expected to meet with house republicans tomorrow and separately, members of a business roundtable. >> well, this down new york times senior political correspondent, maggie haberman, also former colorado republican congressman ken buck. maggie, first you what would is on the agenda for this meeting, particularly the senate meeting? what does donald trump and the trump campaign hope to gain from it? >> they've been pretty vague about the specifics of what they're hoping to talk about. it's been left sort of in broad strokes about policy the border medicare, social security. and i expect we will hear a lot about that. but i think this is mostly as one lawmaker put it to me about trump trying to garner enthusiasm the senators in particular, as you know, this is the first time he's going to be in a room with mitch mcconnell's since 2020 and the senate republicans, unlike house republicans, have been a group that have been not more resistant to him, but certainly less pliant in turn because of his demands. however, we have
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seen in the days since his conviction in manhattan is a pretty broad array of republicans, including senators, rallying around him and saying that this conviction tonight's improper or that democrats should be investigated or prosecutors should be prosecuted and i think this might be a different tone of meeting than we've seen him have with senators for you know, congressman in 2017 when trump took office, the first time, there were some republican members of congress who went their own way are pushed back on some controversial statements or some policies that he had at the time are there any of them really left doo doo non trump republicans have any power and congress anymore well, one, i think this is going to be a great opportunity for president trump to be surrounded by republicans after felony convictions and show that he is still the leader of the party and is still generates a doozy asm. i think that there are some republicans who are running in biden districts,
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districts of president biden won in 2020, that will be concerned about being too close to president trump. and i think president trump understands that they have to win their races so while they won't push back verbally, they won't push back publicly they will certainly have some distance before they're election in november. >> so omega, as we said, mitt romney, lisa murkowski won't be there, i guess not for them specifically, but maybe others who haven't been fully in the trump camp. what outreach has there been from trump or the trump campaign? do they do the outreach thing they do actually do the outreach thing. >> they have people who worked in trump's world or close to trump's world, who do a lot of congressional relations. brian jack before he ran for congress himself, did a lot of that work. there are others who have taken over the political work there are people who work for trump directly, who have their own relationships. they do do outreach. but again, it's not always the kind of traditional political outreach we have experienced before. in the past
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are seen in the past. >> in some cases it is. i mean, one thing i will say about trump is he has been working the phones a lot himself. i mean, there are republicans who to have been shown over and over as these primaries took place, that trump is dominating and he's not going away and he is the presumptive nominee now and yes, there are some people who have races that it is more sensitive to be close to trump and they need some distance from him, but they recognize that he is potentially going to win the polling at the moment is showing him slightly ahead in a number of polls, not all of them, but in a number of them. and so there are cognizant of the fact that he is faring well and the message is clear to them that they may not want to be so at odds with the leader of their party. >> congressmen, as we mentioned, in addition to the congressional meetings, he's going to speak with ceos and business roundtable. i want to play you a portion of a speech he gave in new jersey and get your reaction i'll give you a trump middle-class, upper
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class, lower lower-class business-class, big tax cut you're going to have the biggest tax cut so big tax cuts across the board, including new business tax cuts, i guess on top of the 2017, 2018 tax cuts, is that even possible well, anything's possible it depends on who has majority of the house and who has a majority in the senate. if the republicans are in the majority of both and president trump wins reelection, then certainly something's possible. you only need a majority vote in the senate to pass a tax cut as we did the last tax cut, i'm not sure what the appetite is going to be for a big tax cut. i think that he may want to play around the margins, but it'll be interesting to see if he can get a majority of republicans if there's especially if it's a small majority in either the senate or the house to go for a big tax. good. >> so in the senate, maggie, tomorrow you've got jd vance tim, scott, marco rubio, and
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the house side, byron donalds. these are all people on the vp list, at least the ones that we know about how much auditioning do you think might be going on in public? but behind closed doors for everyone to see i don't think it's going to be that different than what we've seen in public. john, i mean, what we've seen in public is a number of these folks, not all of them, but a number of them show up at the manhattan courthouse where trump was on trial. we have seen them hold press conferences and denounce the charges against him. we have seen them defend him. i mean, i think there were few defenders that donald trump has on television anyway, who are as vocal as jd vance and i expect you will continue to see that. but the jockeying has been gone going on in private in public. i don't think it will be a massive change in private tomorrow. i do think you will see trump do what he often does, which is work the room talking, taking informal polls praising this one, praising that one, it will very much be a topic life is an audition. maggie haberman, former congressman chem luck, right to see you both. and i thank so much. thank you quit
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programming. >> okay. don't miss the source with kaitlan collins. her guest is former fulton county special prosecutor, nathan wade, who resigned from the former president's georgia election subversion case. and that's right here at the top of the hour coming yep. can't president biden rely on union rank and file members to help him squeak out another when in michigan, john king has the reporting for his all over the map series that's next this. is carbonic and this is how you can sell us your car. visit carbonic. >> answer a few questions, will give you a real offer. >> then sat a time for us to pick it up and hey, you on the sayyed your car the easy way with carmona you can expect to find crystal clear audio expensive display space and more comfort for everyone but we still left room for all the unexpected things. >> you'll find handout here. the new 2024 grand cherokee line up jeep. there's only one
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the free keepsake app. we would love a chance to frame it for you. >> the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former president one state to two very different visions for america's future. the cnn presidential debates thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max part of her all over the map series with john king, which seeks out crucial voting blocs and battleground states. >> we have reported on president biden's struggles in mush, when michigan, last month, john spoke with younger voters, upset with the president's role in the israel-hamas war. john has returned in michigan this time with a focus on what had once been a reliably solid democratic voting block. union
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workers. the united auto workers, for instance, has endorsed president biden, but donald trump has made clear in inroads into that. once unquestioned support and john king is with this now, so john, you spoke to auto workers. what are they had to say about the election? number one, they're very happy with the new contract they got last year after a strike. most of the auto workers told us they got more than they expected. most of them very happy, very proud. the president not states joe biden came out to walk the picket line. that was a little bit history. no president had done that, but inside the factory, the president showing up to help in the contract fight does not translate into universal support. donald trump still has a lot of blue collar appeal 30 years at the same job means you develop a routine. so when the united auto workers called the strike last fall tone, urine, khan was a little lost we were scared it was weird because none of us ever thought we'd actually be out on strike and we didn't know what to expect and i mean, in living memory for it hadn't been on strike. >> i think it was the early 70s shoulders, knees, hips, right
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yeah. >> hard work for six weeks. the local 900 union hall was to place to get a meal. now, you can grab a biden harris yard sign. the president's pro-union record included joining the picket line. >> it showed solidarity with everyday men and women that are putting their lives on the line and putting their paychecks on the line for a better living it mattered. did it change the conversation about him at all inside the plants? no, i don't think it did if you had a secret ballot in there, how would it come up in the rankin file? it goes about 50, 50. >> maybe it'll move a small percentage in michigan is a state where small percentage is matter. >> so maybe it'll be 51, 49, but no doubt for you. no doubt for me now i'm supporting president biden in this election. >> it's way down from detroit's heyday, but 134,000 members still makes the uaw a force in battleground, michigan crus via tally works in engine development at chrysler and believes president biden's push for more electric vehicles
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hurts business. >> the government seems to be appeasing the coasts everyone who lives in manhattan thinks everyone should drive an electric car vitale, he says he will again ignore union leadership and vote trump a third time hoping to end the ev mandates and to get better trade rules. i've watched this region go from the arsenal of democracy loom. now, we're happy if we can get a sports stadium or we're going to sell wheat or fireworks or whatever it's absolutely pathetic. what we have sunk two now, our politicians just, they're, they're good with it he isn't. so that's the difference. >> build ova voted trump in 2016 and 2020, likely trump this time first though, he wants to study robert f. kennedy jr. and the michigan election math. if i would really rather have kennedy, but by voting for kennedy it means i think biden would win. i might have to vote for trump. go va is a 25-year ford worker and uaw member. >> this is a side business using dry ice to clean car
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under bodies and engine parts. he pours his savings into the business and is about breaking even right now. >> we're going to use dry ice to remove all that stuff, go va calls himself a middle of the road conservative, doesn't like what some people call him for trump. the powers that be labeled me as some far right white supremacy maga, republican. and you're still entitled to your opinion. but i just don't see him as the anti-christ or hitler at this ridiculous, bob king worked at ford for more than 40 years and served a term as uaw president when the industry was trying to recover from the 2008 financial crisis he ties trump's support among union auto workers two years of lost jobs, and lower wages. >> people feel like the government and the establishment hasn't been delivered for them is there like better now than it was ten years ago or worse? and for many, many working people, it's worse. their standard of living has deteriorated in some
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cases, their communities deteriorated. >> walter robinson, junior bets about 40% of his ford coworkers are for trump. >> he's never done a hard day's work, not physical work. like you're doing a plant. he has a solid gold toilet at home so how can he really empathize with your life and when you say wait, joe biden walked a picket line with us. >> joe biden spin a pro-union precedent they say that you know, guns gays, the bortion sleepy joe hunter biden, robinson says the new contract wins were impressive, but didn't fix everything. gas prices are still pretty high. food when you go to the grocery store, every time this is just me and my wife and his $200 every time i go to the grocery store inside job meet dj furious, helps pay the bills
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but robinson says he does it mostly for font and to make people happy no matter their politics what great discussions they're john looking back at the past two electrons, how did union members in michigan vote? well, let's take a look. john will move this over first big picture. this is 2020 look, michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, the blue wall, right? joe biden, flip them back from 2016, michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, donald trump won them and the rest of course, was history. so let's come back to 2020 with that map up there and take a look. the union vote was a big part of it. let me stretch this out for you. forgive me for turning my back, but just to stretch it out so you can see a little bit bigger. hillary clinton won, but with just 53% to 40% for trump in 20169 points better joe biden gets 62% in 2020, part of his coalition that helped him win in michigan. now, look, trump only went down to 37 percent, so it's not just a groundswell of union votes for biden, hillary clinton lost a bunch of those blue color votes to third party candidates. that's one of the big questions a can president
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biden keep that number, keep a close to 60% in 2020? or remember, third-party candidates didn't matter much of 2020, they might this time, so not watched, not only trump john, why? watch to see if the blue-collar voters trickle over to the third-party candidates were talking about or i'm john can great to see you. thank you very much. david axelrod, former senior adviser to president obama, joins us now, david, let's talk about john behind his back and his report that we just saw there what do you make of that that you have these union leaders, the uaw leadership, very pro biden, but rank and file with a mixed response. >> first of all, i love what? i love what john's doing out there, so we can talk behind his back. its were spent so much time sitting behind desks, blow violating about what people are thinking out there. and he's going on i'm talking to him and i think it's really, really valuable. this this trend is not new. i mean, the fact is that this has been going on for some time for deterioration of the democratic support among union workers
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even though democrats have advocated for the interests of union workers, more readily than donald trump or other republicans. but this has been going on and it's cultural, as john mentioned in many ways listen, there are 44 new factories in construction. i was just up in michigan, 44 new factories and construction under construction in michigan. asked anyone up there if they're ours have improved it's from 2019 to 2000 2024. and the answer is yes because there's more going on, there's a manufacturing renaissance, so biden has a good case to make what he can't be doing is trying to job own people into thinking that this is the greatest economy we've ever had. and he tends to do that. he and this country is doing better than others in terms of recovering from the pandemic. but that's cold comfort to people who as
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that one gentleman said, go to the store and find the groceries are 20% more than they were a few years ago. and biden needs to recognize that make common cause with that target the things he's fighting for to reduce costs, many of which donald trump opposes and set up a contrast by the way, the support of shawn fain, there is not inconsequential. he is a very, very popular figure among his members, and i think his advocacy in this fight down the stretch could be meaningful for biden, talk more, delve into this a little bit more a day because you've been talking about this for some time about how you think that there are things president biden needs to claim credit for without spiking the football as yeah, this is not a time for spiking the football people. the data is very impressive, but data doesn't buy groceries. data doesn't buy pay for the rent and there is a
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sense that the economy isn't as strong as the data was suggested is in terms of people's experience. joe biden's great superpower as a candidate and a politician has been as empathy joe from scranton who understands how everyday people live. we need to see more of that from him he needs to show more of that in order to win some of these voters he doesn't, he doesn't, he shouldn't be president biden from washington trying to jawbone people into feeling better. he ought to be joe from scranton advocating for people in a challenging economy when it comes to cost of living. >> david rohde, who never blow v8 i thank you so much for being let's say, i wouldn't agree creator that, but okay. thanks. raise yet it just ahead. >> a cold war flashback and a real-time thread. these russian warships, including nuclear-powered submarine and warship, entered havana harbor today, putting the button 90 miles from florida, we have
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images and interviews from inside cuba plus the story from inside russia. next looking to find your perfect somewhere. you have chronic kidney disease. you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with parse sega because they're places like to be for segal can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections and low blood sugar a rare life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin perineum could occur, stopped
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in brand for certain wednesday, cnn celebrate juneteenth, which special performances by john luck i did hadi lewbel, smokey robinson. >> we still have a lot of work to do. juneteenth celebrating freedom and legacy next wednesday at 100 and cnn it is likely no coincidence that just as president biden is touched down in italy for a g7 meeting this evening with new sanctions against russia. >> plus according to sources, they knew long-term purity packed with ukraine, which recently got the okay from the president to return fire inside parts of russia. that for russian navy ships arrived in havana, cuba, about 90 miles from us shores. they include in
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nuclear-powered submarine as well of one is as well as one of russia's most modern warships it's a live picture looking at right now. it is a not so subtle reminder of cold war era geopolitics and russia's continue nuclear threats matthew chance reporting from moscow has more onlookers line to seafront in havana to welcome these powerful russian vessels, including the flagship of the kremlin's northern fleet, the admiral gorshkov the nuclear powered submarine, the qizan. >> the message for many cubans that moscow, it's cold war ally, is back from last week. we have historical ties with the former soviet union and now with the russian federation it says this havana residents, something that in my opinion is very important for the country. may never seen something like this so close says another. such a large ship of that
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magnitude. i'm very impressed. she adds but the real message is aimed at washington russian defense officials say the strike group. now just 90 miles of the us coast has been practicing the use of high precision missiles against the mock enemy. us officials have downplaying any threat, saying they don't believe the russian vessels or armed with nuclear weapons. but us officials tell cnn that ships and planes have been deployed to monitor the russian exercises and the naval deployment comes at a time of worsening us-russian relations. just weeks after president biden greenlighted, ukrainian attacks on russian territory with us supplied-weapons with vladimir putin warning russia could arm us enemies in response. >> the easily i knew postalveolar if the west supplies weapons to the combat
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zone and calls for their use against our territory. >> then why shouldn't we mirror these actions? >> i am not ready to say that we will do and morrow, but we of course, should think about it there's no plan to supply cuba with the kind of weapons these modern russian warships usually carry but the kremlin could still make trouble. >> in america's backyard and matthew chance joins us now from moscow. >> matthew, what are you hearing from russians they're about these naval ships in cuba will john, i think russians are following this quite closely. certainly russian state television, which is controlled by the kremlin, has been giving this considerable coverage at one point, the state news anchors were saying the pentagon doesn't even know where are submarine is located as it was, as it was going across the atlantic. that doesn't track of course, with what us officials are saying, which is that they'd been following this detachments of
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russian ships from the outset. in its whole journey, but it does point to the idea that this for russia is very much the country flexing its muscles on the international stage. >> matthew chance so great to have you inside moscow reporting. thank you so much for being with us next day. >> bittersweet milestone, the sandy hook school shooting survivors who lost 20 first-grade classmates and six staff or isn't the 2020 massacre? they graduate from high school and remember number those, they will always miss with two survivors told are randy k, that's coming up we talking about cash back, kevin hart, not again i'm talking about cash greg, we talking about cash balance not talking about bragg. know. >> we talked about cash back and we talk about cash. we talking about cash we've been talking about practice, but too long word all practice. we've talked about cashback, talking
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visit to learn more. doc? free. >> go to deal right now and see how much you can save. this election season. stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground. and the best political team in the business follow though voters follow the results, follow the facts follow. >> cnn tonight in connecticut, a graduation ceremony for the 2024 class of new newtown high school. two major milestone in any student's life. but this comes with mixed emotions. 20 of their classmates never got to leave the first grade, let alone may college plans. they along with six staff members were killed at the sandy hook elementary school massacre almost 12 years ago. tonight, each of their names was called out in remembrance, and two of the graduate spoke with our randy k on the eve of their graduation super excited about heading to college. it's definitely a very bittersweet kind of emotion bittersweet
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because grace fischer is graduating newtown high school without 20 of her classmates, they were killed in the massacre at sandy hook elementary, nearly 12 years ago emma ehrens was there that horrible day two and lost her best friend thinking about all the what-ifs of what if they were sitting next to me at graduation, what if we were still friends? >> where would we be? >> both emma and grace, we're just 6-years-old in 2012 and seated in there first grade classrooms when the gunmen stormed into their school, we thought it was construction because it's been going on for the past couple of days on the roof and then a guy armed came into my classroom and started shooting all of my friends and my teachers and my classmates, his gun and had been jammed and of friend of mine, jesse lewis had yelled at us to run and that's what we did. >> we sectioned ourselves into the cubby area, which is kind of like an indent. >> so from the door were absolutely hidden. >> i remember feeling like i
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was endangered emma remembers bumping into the gunman in her rush to get out. >> the boy who yelled to her and others to run jesse lewis was fatally shot on the spot. when you believe he saved your life? i do. i really in the hallway right by the main entrance, there was chairs in front of the office and under the chairs were people because because of the force of impact of the bullets, they were blown under the chairs when we got to the firehouse, we had to line up by grade. and that's when my teacher was really like, this is really not ok. because when we lined up by grade, half, our grade was missing and everyone else was there in the year since both girls have struggled to cope with the memories from that day, i've gone to therapy for like six or seven years i have survivor's guilt, ptsd. >> it definitely still like a lot of fear in me. and even now, i don't think i've been to a single column concert and my entire life just because
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i'm really worried about that big crowd of people and not knowing where to go in case of an emergency. >> they've turned some of that anxiety into action. >> i want to live in a nation that values children more than guns both are members of the junior newtown action alliance, which promotes gun safety. >> i do not want future kids of america to have to be spared in the classroom. we really are pushing obviously for a federal assault weapons ban ball. so we do shift our focus to safe storage laws and also mental health resources. >> they've met with members of congress about gun laws. and just last week, vice president kamala harris. and yet school shootings continue. >> it's definitely like a knife to the heart when you see it happen again and again after fighting so hard on graduation de the names of those lost were red and ribbons marking the day of the massacre worn in there,
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honor, because their lives were lost so early and i went through that such an early age. >> i feel like it's my purpose to continue my life in honor of them i know whatever i do, they will be proud of me. i like to believe that on the most recent anniversary of the shooting, emma posted this photo on her instagram writing in part. i just want to live in a safe world. i miss you guys every day. i hope you are happy in heaven. >> the picture shows emma with her best friend avl richmond, who died in the shooting i hope you are happy and evan and ready. k is with us now. what strength they all showed there. what are the plans for after graduation? >> they have plans for college. this fall i m is going to go to roger williams university and she plans to study legal studies and grow race is going to hamilton college and she plans to focus on law and justice. they both really wanted to help people, but my guess is john, that even though they're going away to college, that new town isn't going to
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be very far from their thoughts. even emma told me during our interview that she still runs this five key and honor of her teacher who was killed every year. and they still visit the memorial on a regular basis. they're in so i think even though they have big plans, there'll be a way new town will be in their hearts. >> i have to believe that i hope they have a wonderful future. thanks so much, randy k well, you right back sharp. >> that's the until june 16 and get up to 30% off father's day gifts to go beyond the classic go-to c1 personalized year. and other things. dads do when you want a one-of-a-kind gift has shown, he's number one. etsy has accusing a treatment for your chronic migraine 15 or more headache days a month each lasting four hours or more can be overwhelming. >> so ask your doctor about botox dots prevents headaches and adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the number one prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment so far more than 5 million botox treatments have been given to over 850,000
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down to you ancestry, dna can show you which traits were inherited where are they came from and who he shares them with but get moving. this sale is only for a limited time this source, but kaitlan collins next die. we have new details on tuesdays, deadly hijacking of an atlanta area transit bus and police chase. it was remarkable and terrifying. the bus swarming uncontrollably through rush hour traffic and hitting cars, then barreling on investigators said today it all started with an argument between two passengers, one of them was killed killed when according to police, the other grabbed his gun and shot him investigators say the suspect then threatened others in order to driver to get on the road. this as passengers frantically texted loved ones and call 911 for help. thankfully, police finally stop the bus and arrested the suspect. but that's not all police now say the main and a convicted felon was at the scene of a shooting earlier in the de he spoke with
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our local