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tv   CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta  CNN  June 14, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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inside the republican party. there was applause in the room. you can see it right there as gop senators whose lives were in danger on january 6, which the forefront president, a happy birthday, trump turns 78 today. also yesterday in a stunning sign of submission, senate majority leader minority leader, i should say, mitch mcconnell, who sharply criticized trump after the attack on the capitol, shook hands with the presumptive gop nominee that moment was blasted by former republican congresswoman liz cheney, who weren't in that quote, history will remember the shame, but mcconnell, a notoriously savvy political operator, was all smiles after the astonishing about face the mob was fed lies they were provoked by the president and other powerful people. there's no question. none president trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day no question
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about it. >> did you talk to them directly? >> yeah question carly obsession mcconnell is colleagues in the house, also fond over the now convicted felon there was a pep rally environment for president trump? >> no, i didn't. since any dissension, but i didn't catch everybody's response either. >> well, i saw nothing but overwhelming support for president trump. he saw me in there and he was hello, marjorie. he's always so sweet and recognizes me. >> he said very complimentary things about all of us we had sustained applause. he said, i'm doing a very good job. >> but during his remarks to house republicans, trump also complemented the fictional serial killer hannibal lecter. he reportedly spoke of a great romance with nancy pelosi and another life wind about taylor
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swift and called milwaukee, which is hosting the republican national convention next month. a quote, horrible city a moment, milwaukee, his hometown newspaper prominently featured on its front page this morning, let's discuss now with one of the republicans who was in that meeting with the former president, republican congressman tim burchett of tennessee congressmen. thanks very much for being here. i did what i asked you. there have been these reports about trump calling milwaukee a horrible city. i know the trump campaign is said that that's not true. what did you hear? did you hear it what jame before i came on already called the burn units. >> i suspect one of us is go into it, but i heard what you said, but he mentioned several other cities in that point and that he was talking about the crime in those areas, such as we've had something like 17 shootings in memphis, tennessee over the past week so yeah, that's what he was talking about crime in those cities. and i think that's undeniable, even bye, y'all, is a complete fact that there's crime in these major cities and that's what he was alluding to
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congress. but i do want to point out and we do have a graphic to show our viewers that crime has actually down in milwaukee this year. it's down 22% in terms of homicides, rapes, night, 19% down robbery is up 1%, but aggravated assault down 12%. so crime in fact is down in milwaukee. >> i can share your point of those homicides as a member of your family. >> those are just statistics. and when you reclassify statistics is what we've seen the department of justice to do time and time again. and that's exactly what happens. >> so you're saying that the former president was referring to crime in the walkie, not the city itself. >> from what i understood. >> yeah. i was i was in there. i mean, i appreciate the media, but none of you were in there. it was just from folks like myself who would casually text you all. what was going on, but that's what that's honestly what i thought he was talking about. >> it. and i know during the meeting, you gave the former president some advice on his tone out on the campaign trail
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you would talk to him about perhaps offering more solutions than just talking about problems. >> what did you say? how did he receive that? >> yeah. well, i've talked about him. he was very good at pointing out the problems we've had $600 out of out of pocket for families down under his administer under biden's administration and president trump's administration he made a great comment about still in china and now he he had that working very well and he talked about how there wouldn't be russian ships down in cuba with nuclear capabilities as they are right now. and nobody seems to be covering that. and that's a pretty dangerous situation, 90 miles off the coast of the united states of america and i said to him, he's been covering this week we have to present, as i said, i said, mr. president, i said and you do a much better job of telling us how to fix those things, such as the border having a wall up, stopping illegal immigration, the flow of fentanyl, which you so was drastically reduced under his administration, which has
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increased numerically 14 million illegals have come over the border since since biden this he's taking the helm, and i stated i said mr. president, you do a great job of explaining those things and i would encourage you to continue to do to that because americans know they're hurting right now gym, they know things that are in a mess. they know you and i've talked about immigration before. i do want to point out that, you and i have discussed this, that there was a bipartisan effort to crack down on the border, and it was the former president who told republicans in the house of the senate to to kill it. >> well, if you look at maced records, i had tweeted about that weeks before that and i said this is a bad deal. that was a lawyer employment bill. all it said was when they get to the point of 5,000 people a day, jim, now, 4,999 illegals a day. if you have a bipartisan it wasn't a bipartisan effort. james certain way, but james lankford, very conservative
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senator from oklahoma, was a big part of that. as you are and he, and he's a good guy, but, you know, good and well, it was catch and release. >> it was an lippo liquid. it would have done if justin employed more time el when they get a court date, two years out, that gamma they're not coming back to the court. zoom come on. this thing was that was a disaster waiting to happen and it was a terrible piece of legislation. it would not have done anything. but higher lawyers and they want to just to put it into the wall. sure. that we're going to allow 5,000 illegals a day over the border and that's what i've done. i did want to ask you about january 6, come up at the meeting if any? it might have. wow, was in the bathroom, but the honestly, the way i get elected, as you know, i'm knock on doors. i'm not i don't come from money like a lot of my colleagues do oh sides. nobody nobody challenge to the former president on his actions during absolutely not
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absolutely not. and a lot of work concern to the fact that innocent people constituents of mine, who came up and left before all the nonsense happened. and the fbi even went to their houses in knoxville can i tennessee to ask them what they were doing and that kind of intimidation needs to stop jams. well, already six once an awful thing that people that crossing over those borders, those barriers were breaking the law. no question. but you still have to ask yourself, why the riots that proceeded that during the summer from black lives matter? headers and all those other groups, there were no arrests, millions of dollars were taken. well, they're lost, and there were crossing and nothing was done about it. i was at the white house when they tear gas protesters outside of the white house. but anyway, let me ask you about something that's reason why i asked about him being confronted on january 6. is that earlier this week, his campaign put out a fundraising email and i don't know if we have that available to put up on screen to our viewers. and in that email it says there it
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is right there haul out the guillotine. now i know you were saying just a few moments ago was an awful day. what took place on january 6, shouldn't the trump campaign avoid putting out emails that say things like haul out the guillotine after all, there were people trying to hang might pens are chanting, hang mike pence on january 6, shouldn't they knock that off absolutely. >> i don't i don't go for that stuff. you know, i don't do that kind of garbage you have these people, they just going to push buttons and that's how they raise money. it's clickbait it's they're not, they get a cut off. everything that's done and they want to appeal to the lowest common denominator. and that is the lowest common denominator. i don't stand for that garbage so i know that. >> so that's why i'm wondering why aren't more members of your party's saying that the former president you really should cut this stuff out ratcheting up the violent rhetoric out on the campaign trail, doing it and campaign emails. there are some other emails from the campaign earlier this week and put those up on screen as well. they continue to do this over and over again. and i'm just
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wondering, where does it all lead? are you concerned that we could have another january 6 of this country i know. >> i'm not i think speaker pelosi and uracil understand the significance of that now and how they should have called out the national guard. and again, i don't ever say those things. i've never seen one of those those those pieces of mail. i have no way to verify that and so i don't know what's on them. and because honestly, i don't have the money to give away so i would ever be getting anything in the mail for him all right. congress or what we have a decision at the supreme court got to let you go, but thanks so much for your time. always enjoy the conversations. appreciate you coming on. thank you. so thank you. thank you, jim. and don't forget, you're always welcome into the merchant administration will be welcome back in the white house all right. i appreciate that. thanks, congressman. i want to go to paula reid. our chief legal affairs correspondent, the supreme court, apparently striking down a ban on bump stocks. do we have that correct. paula, give us the latest because that is exactly
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right, jim, this has been one of the most closely watched cases of the supreme court term. >> and it's another example of the high court siding with gun rights groups. now we're still going through this opinion, but here the supreme court has struck down a federal ban on bump stocks. now this was approved by former president trump, and again, it's the latest example. two of the court sort of limiting the power of federal agencies to act on their own. now this is one of a few different cases related to gun rights we are watching, we're still working our way through this. thomas opinion, but this was originally a challenge from a gun store owner to the classification of bump stocks as machine guns. and the supreme court, again, this is one of the biggest cases that they'd been examining adhere they have struck down this federal bands. we're still going through this opinion we'll have more in a few minutes. >> yeah. and paula, i mean, this is a pretty significant ruling, as i recall, when i was covering the trump administration. i know you were there as well, paula. this came during the trump administration
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and it was it was a disappointment to gun rights supporters back then. but it came in the aftermath of some major mass shootings in this country that takes exactly right. and specifically they came in 2017 after the mass shooting in las vegas, where a gunman, of course, opened fire with a semi-automatic rifle that had a bump stock device that helped him kill 58 people, hundreds, hundreds more people were of course, wounded. but again, here are the supreme court striking down this classification or and i believe we have elie honig standing by. >> paul. i'm gonna stay with you just a little bit longer. do we know the breakdown of this decision, how it broke down, who was on which side? >> we don't yet physically have the opinion when the supreme court releases opinions, are colleagues do they're working through it right now. i don't simply habit, but i'm told that tom has authored this opinion. but during oral arguments, we did get a sense of exactly where people were falling on this. it's not a shock that they have struck this down, but to the liberal justices year they appeared skeptical. not surprisingly about doing this.
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so it will be interesting to see the exact count in terms of how this split across the justices like i, said this is one of two major gun rights cases that we are watching the supreme court the other one is a question about whether someone who has a restraining order related to domestic violence can own a gun. that is another one that we're watching and waiting for. it's unclear if this is our last opinion for the day or if you have anymore so far we've had to lesser known, more technical cases. says, but this so far this morning, the biggest headlines out of the court very big headline, paula reid. thank you. and just so our viewers don't mean this is going to be a disappointment to folks who would like to see more regulation, more law's cracking down on gun violence in this country bump stocks allow a shooter to convert a semi-automatic rifle into a weapon that can fire at a rate of hundreds of rounds. admit it some folks would say almost making it like an automatic weapon. let me go to andrew mccabe. he's standing by as well. andrew, you're your response to all this well, jim,
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i'm just walking through the opinion now, but it seems that the court has taken a very kind of textual approach to the underlying law that that makes it illegal to have a machine gun and with the atf did when they changed the rules essentially banning bumps stocks, they classified a semi-automatic rifle, which is not a machine gun, is lawfully owned in this country is semi-automatic rifle with a bump stock as a machine gun. >> and therefore essentially banned it as a machine gun the ruling states of the atf exceeded their statutory authority when they reclassified semiautomatic rifles with bump stocks as machine itself. it's well-known that the atf took that action in response to the law house vegas mass shooting in which the shooter used several weapons, equipped with bump
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stocks, thus rendering those semiautomatic weapons firing in a way very similar to machine gun. so the atf's reclassification was in response to a bloody massacre. and also had the effect of essentially to leave regulating how the rifle works, not how it's mechanically functions and how it's classified under the under the law, but rather like what is the effect of putting a bump stock on a semi-automatic weapon? this court has weighed in today to say that no, you can't do that. the law that congress passed asked very clearly defined a machine gun as a weapon that fires multiple rounds with one function of the trigger. that is not the same as a semi-automatic weapon equipped with a bump stock. therefore, atf exceeded the bounds of their legal authority. >> i think people on the gun safety regulation side of this issue we'll be reasonably very frustrated with what they
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perceived as a proactive effort by the atf to render these weapons semi-automatic weapons that have been essentially converted to fire like a machine gun illegal. >> those guns and the bump stocks that changed the way they the way they work will now be once again accessible to anyone in this country all right, andrew, stay with us. >> i want to go back to paula reid to see if she has more polar. what do you know what this point i do have more jam with importantly, i now have the opinion so we can see the count they. said before justice clarence thomas wrote the opinion, it was 6-3. the court's liberal wing led by justice sonia sotomayor dissented. now, in the opinion, justice thomas wrote a bump stock does not convert a semi-automatic rifle into a machine gun anymore. more than a shooter with a lightning fast trigger finger does even with a bump stock, a semi-automatic rifle will fire only one shot for every quote function of the trigger now, in this, what is described me as a skating
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dissent. sonia sotomayor joined her other liberal colleagues writing, quote, the jordi is ruling will have deadly consequences. now, this is not specifically a second, second amendment case, but it did once again put the debate about guns in front of the high court. and as i said earlier, this is one of two gun rights cases that we are watching very closely. this term, this is the last opinion for today, but we do expect to get more opinions next week on some of these big cases which could be another one of these questions about guns. the other question before them is whether somebody a domestic violence restraining order can own a gun. we just sort of looked at a similar issue in the trial of the president's son, hunter biden and wilmington where he was convicted for lying on a form about using seeing, or being addicted to illegal drugs. there are a lot of questions about the limitations you could put on gun ownership coming back before the supreme court. but here once again, siding with gun rights advocates in this decision about bump stocks absolutely
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are pollard. >> let us know if you have more. i want to bring in two people to talk about this further, jen, masha and stephen gutowski jen, let me go to you first. your response to all this you know this actually, it during their all or oral arguments, several of the court's conservative justices actually appeared sympathetic to this regulation but they did hint it some discomfort with the atf's rulemaking authority. >> it's really wasn't a second amendment case. the way we think of it, it really was the question of the atf's rulemaking authority. but in the end, the decision really revolved around the mechanics of this gun. much of the oral arguments focused on whether a bump stock facilitates the firing of a rifle with a single function of the trigger. there was a lot of discussion back-and-forth about how often a user must the thrust forward on the bump stock to keep the trigger firing. and it looks like that is what it came back to for the majority here the
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question is, will this ruling imperil the atf's ability to regulate other devices and weapons like machine gun conversion devices of other types many of the attempts, regulations rely on similar interpretations of federal law. so the question is, are all of these devices going to come back and the liberal justices were not thrilled about this outcome in the oral arguments justice jackson said congress in 1934, when banding machine guns, what's concerned with the rate of fire a lethal spray of fire that can hit 30 people at once. it seems strange that they would build in a loophole. >> so that's kind of where it broke down right along party lines very interesting and steven, i know i covered that las vegas shooting after it happened. >> i was there with then-president trump when he visited las vegas and that was
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an absolute bloodbath the shooter there was able to basically fire from the window of a hotel on the las vegas strip onto a country music concert and kill lots of people what is your sense of what this is going to do in the aftermath of this decision, are people gonna be able to go back to using bump stocks? essentially, it sounds like that's going to be the case. and essentially convert semiautomatic rifles into what critics believe are essentially automatic rifles yeah, i mean, i think the practical effect of this is that bump stocks are no longer considered machine guns under the national firearms act, which had effectively made them illegal because you can't currently by new manufacturing machine guns since 1986 in the united states, under federal law so yeah people will be able to buy bump stocks. >> again, there'll be able to own them. i think a lot of people probably kept them to be frank with you, didn't turn
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them in when they were required to the atf, did not recover many of these devices at the time. there really was just one crime, the a bump stock has been used in. it was the worst crime in american history, but i don't think these are a driver of your every day murder in the united states, obviously, but but yeah, the practical answer is these will become legal for people to use once again all right i want to bring, in joey jackson, elie honig. they're also with us as well le let me go to you first. your response to this decision well this is important obviously for the reasons that steven and others have laid out important to note though, this is not technically a second amendment decision, it doesn't have to do with the breadth and scope of the second amendment. >> it's an issue of statutory construction. does a bump stock qualify as a machine gun? what we should be looking for on the second amendment issue will be coming out of the supreme court in the coming days and weeks. they're done for today. but there's another really important second amendment case titled the united states versus
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rahimi, where a person is challenging the federal criminal laws that say you cannot possess a firearm if you're a certain type of prohibited person. in that case, the question is whether that law should apply to somebody who's subject to a domestic violence islands restraining order. the supreme court heard oral argument on that. they may strike down that law and related to that, i should know hunter biden, he's not a party to any of these cases, but he was just convicted under a similar statute that says you cannot have a firearm if you are an addict, he sure. to appeal that and maybe months or years. so now that will reach a supreme court. the supreme in court clearly has been taking on these cases and they're sort of rethinking and reconsidering the prohibitions on gun ownership, who were people who are legally not allowed to possess a firearm yeah and, joey jackson i'm looking at justice sonia sotomayor is scathing dissent in this decision. she wrote that this decision quote, hamstrings the government's efforts to keep machine guns from gunmen like the los vegas shooter. i mean, that is a very scathing
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response. from justice sotomayor, and it sounds as though you can say this is not a second amendment case, but of the government as being hamstrung as she's put it in terms of regulating whether or not people can effectively have a machine guns in this country? to a lot of folks who want to see more gun safety, they, they might think this is a second amendment case, even though it may not be technically one so yeah, you know what jim to that point, it's a very critical point important, so it is a second amendment case, but it's not. >> and let's talk about that. it's not a second amendment case because the case itself involved in issue of interpreting what a statute means that you would think that something that would ultimately allow for more bullets to come out of a weapon may classify as a machine gun, right? but no, not says the supreme court. and then i think you have to look at what congress has role here, right? congress can easily amend the statute such that it's very clear with respect
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to what is permissible and what's not. and so with the supreme court is saying is, hey, not our job we're all we do essentially is interpret pulled up plain language of the law. so statutorily, it's just about that the congress has the authority to do it. they did not. and as a result, the supreme court says its interpretation can case. we don't view this the bump stock issue as into the statute now, in terms of a second amendment case, jim and his it involves guns, it involves the issue of how you regulate guns and it involves the right to have a gun. and so while it's not technically in keeping with the second amendment, i would argue that certainly it's, it really applies and. relates to issues concerning the second amendment. and it's very concerning last point, jim. and that is certainly the dissent they're very powerful one, but it is the set. and until you get a supreme court that has more where with all with respect to how these laws are interpreted and whether or not you going to interpret them to protect people against danger? andrew his gun violence, you're
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going to get more decisions like that and that's highly problematic yeah. >> and i guess it's worth noting me. this did take place during the trump administration are very conservative administration. what i mean is led by a president who has had a very conservative stance on the second amendment and on guns. and one has to think, if, you know, if you, can't have a regulation take effect, that took place during that administration. i have to think that folks inside any future administration may be wondering how much and how far can they go. i want to go to evan presses are justice corresponding is onset with us right now evan, clarence thomas saying this a bump stock does not convert a semi-automatic rifle a machine gun anymore than a shooter with a lightening fast trigger finger does i mean, this really did break down along partisan leinz. >> it did. and i think a lot of this has to do with the conservative view about the limitations on what federal agencies are allowed to do that you can't you have to strictly stick to the laws that are passed by congress and that
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you're not allowed to do interpretations or come up with interpretations as the bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms had done here, that in the view of conservatives strays from the original intent of congress. and so that's really what the issue here is it is a second amendment issue, obviously, but it's also a an administrative state issued for the conservatives here in both in congress and in the supreme court. but the effect is the same, right to be effect here is that these devices are now, will now be back on the market and the people who surrendered them to the bureau of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms, the atf. they can now get them back potentially. i don't know whether but the atf did with them when they when they when these people surrendered them but that would be the effect of this, of this ruling. now the issue is as justice thomas is saying, is that just because you use these devices doesn't make it an automatic weapon or
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a machine gun but that's what the atf is saying, is that effectively makes it so because white bump stocks exist so you can fire off a lot more rounds and you can then you would with, without these devices and this happens all the time with firearms on the internet and so on. you can buy all kinds of devices and so on to retrofit these assault rifles the way you want to use them, these two, right? >> i he basic level here at the basic level here it means that the members of congress will be able to tackle this if they want to. but you and i both know that an appetite for that either in an election year or ever with the position of the conservatives on this issue is pretty close to know. >> and i do want to try to get a response from megan and smigel. you're both you're not sure michael, you own a gun company. you've talked about this issue in the past, quick reaction from you on that want
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to get back to polowat. >> i'm not surprised by the distance i'm also not surprised that i was authored by justice thomas, who also authored the bruin versa. and in new york case in 2022, there is a distinction between a bump stock and a flow fully auto weapon. i don't want to get into the nuances of the intricacies of this, but a bump stock uses the reciprocation and recoil in order for the rifle to fire at a quicker rate. great. than one. pull your finger, but i'm competitive shooter. is your competitive shooter you can fire weapon pretty quickly. generally speaking, anyway, fully auto allows the trigger to disengage in cycle freely. that is a huge mechanical difference between two. so when that, when you read that quote from justice thomas and this is not a machine gun. he is effectively accurate in that description, then that's an important thing that's really going to frustrate progresses absolutely. >> and i worked for mgm resorts when the shooting happened, this was devastating to the community. this was devastating not only financially to the company with devastating to the community emotionally, this is going to have a huge impact i mean, again, congress does need to act. the president can't do
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anything further as we just saw present, trump of god overturn. so i do i mean, this is going to be i think you will rally around this and this will be another call to action for doing what one last quick thing. i mean, this was the bumps stock thing had been knocking around to your point, even in the obama administration, they'd been this effort to, to address this. and in the obama administration de decided we can't go that far. it done doesn't work. atf had decided this doesn't work under the law. and in the trump administration, they had taken a second look and said, no, actually, we can do this. and so that's the irony here. it's the trump administration, as you pointed out that had a very conservative view on this, that they're the ones that decided to do. they bomb administration had decided that the law that the current print statutes did not support the atf being able to put this rule into effect and paul, let me get back to you. >> you have more on this yeah. >> we're taking the time to go through this opinion and for anyone, just tuning in, let me redo the top of justice thomas's opinion. the majority here. he he writes that
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congress has long restricted access to machine guns, a category of firearms defined by the ability to shoot automatically more than one shot by a single function of the trigger. now he's a semiautomatic firearms which require shooters to re-engage the trigger for every dot are not machine guns. in this case, asked whether bump stock and accessory for a semi-automatic rifle that allows the shooter to rapidly re-engage the trigger and therefore achieve a high rate of fire, converts the rifle into a machine gun. they hold that it does not, but in a fiery descent, his liberal colleagues if you did this for example, justice sotomayor wrote, when i see a bird that walks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck. i call that bird a duck, a bump stock equipped semi-automatic rifle fires automatically more than one shot without manual reloading by a single function of the trigger because i like congress while that a machine gun, i respectfully dissent. so a pretty fiery dissent from the
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liberal justices nudge and we are still waiting for 20 other outstanding opinions from the high court, including that big other gunn question. other were talking about earlier. there'll be no more opinions today, but we do expect to get more later next week all right. >> very interesting. and yes, you can read from that dissent from sotomayor. she's frustrated and she's been making your clear. she's been fluctuated lately on the supreme court apollo, right, everybody. thank you very much for that reaction. we're going to take a quick break, be right back debate in america as biden and trump meet, and only cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access and exclusive the imposed a beat analysis, follows cnn for every countless moment, followed debate night in america begins june 27 at seven 71, readings have been hi, yeah, that's not good. >> happened huge things happen
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cold war to be arrested on espionage charges. he now faces up to 20 years in prison after russian russian prosecutors indicted him and formally accused him of spying for the cia. cnn's matthew chances in moscow four is kylie atwood is here in washington matthew, what can you tell us a state department says, of course these charges are false what what are they saying on the part of the kremlin? >> well, i'm ever goes convinced she of course, has been held in pretrial detention hearing russia since march 2023, more than a year that period is now come to an end and the russian court system, the authorities have moved ahead with the prosecution. they've indicted him, they've moved the case to a courtroom in yekaterinburg, which is about 1,000 miles from moscow that we don't know at this point when when the the case will actually begin, those details have not been made public yet but what has been made public is what exactly evan gershkovich has been accused of until now, we haven't really had any
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statements from them beyond. he was arrested for words looking for an american intelligence agency on the basis of espionage. they've been a bit more specific in the indictment saying that gershkovich was acting on instructions from the cia something of course, the united states and gershkovich and the washer journal have categorically denied that collecting information about a tank fact trey in you, katerina berg, the tank factory has been named as usual bag on zab board, which is a big sort of military facility that both produces and repairs military equipment in the urals area of russia. and indictment said that evan gershkovich did this with careful measures of secrecy again, no evidence was presented at this indictment at the start of this trial, but we expect that will obviously come out during the trial. are there whether it will come out publicly or not? is unclear. gym and currently, what do we know about efforts to free
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gershkovich? might there be a swap? what do we know? >> there might be? >> that's the hope of course, what we heard from the state department yesterday is they put a substantial offer on the table months ago to the russians, but they're not going beyond that. they're not giving us any more details as to where those efforts stand, except two say, of course, did it remains a priority for them. they continue to work on it. and of course, we should note there's that other american who's been wrongfully detained there for more than five years. paul whelan, he's been incredibly frustrated over the last year. he's seen other americans leave. he stayed behind. here's what he said in december about those frustrations curious be trail. it's extremely frustrating. i know that the us has come up with all sorts proposals, serious proposals but it's not what the russians are after. so they keep going back and forth. the only problem is it's my wife that's draining a way while will you do this which five years so unfathomable to me that they left me behind
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now, he told my colleague jennifer hansler on the phone just last month that he was particularly depressed at this point in time. >> it was around the time of him being detained for five years. he was feeling a little little bit better a month ago when he was on the phone with jennifer hansler saying that he had been in touch with high level americans. they are continuing to work on his case. so that's a good thing, but when it comes to evans case and the fact that he's now being transferred to that prison, that is 800 miles west of moscow. the state department says, it's going to go dark for a while. they're not going to be in touch with evan during that transfer is expected to be transferred by the end of the month. and when you talk to us officials before the trial was expected to begin, they said that this period of time before the trial began was potentially a hopeful period to come up with some sort of a swap. but the russians, because once a trial begins it's hard to do that. so obviously there are concerns now that the expectation is that this will begin. rules have to watch and see what happens. >> tall, you're getting some new information about israel and some issuing of sanctions
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from the biden administration. what can you tell us about that? yeah. so the biden administration rolling out new sanctions today on a group that's affiliated with the israeli military. they have been standing in the way of humanitarian aid getting into gaza and so president biden rolled out and executive order earlier this year that essentially allowed them to go after people who were standing in the way of humanitarian aid getting in or violence in the west it's bank and gaza. and so that is what enabled the state department, the treasury department roll out these new sanctions, were weightings for some more details from the state department on this, but it's significant because it demonstrates that the vitamins ration isn't just going to talk about their concerns about this violence and about these a prohibitions that aren't just happening on, on israeli official sides, but also on these protesters side, but they're actually going to go after them and target them and try to really drive them down. we'll see if it works. >> all right. kylie, matthew. thank you very much, really appreciate it for more on all of this. let's bring and cnn
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contributor, former cnn moscow bureau chief jill doherty back to gershkovich and paul whelan jill, your response to what's taking place in the case of the american journalist this is obviously a frightening situation for his family well, it is. >> and unfortunately, the timing is in routines hands because putin has, there are a number of reasons. >> i think that he's holding him obviously, because you go which is a hostage and he will be used as such to get whatever putin wants. and so far we've believed that this was a guy named vadim cross off who is an fsb hit man who killed the chechen in berlin and is being held in germany. that may still be the case, but putin has said on the timing here that there might be a trade after conviction, and there's no question unfortunately, that evan yeah, 99, 100 present will
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be convicted. so maybe it that point, you could get a trade, but i don't think at this point you're gonna get anything until then and it will be very difficult time and as it possible that all of this is happening to him at this moment just sort of raise the stakes in what may be a hostage negotiation that has secretly going on between the biden administration and the russians i mean, is it is putin trying to gain some leverage here more than he has that you don't know exactly what's going on behind the scenes, but yeah, there's not a lot of discussion. >> i mean, they are talking, but i think the game plan at this point for prison is to drag this out you have to look at the political side of this as well. there's the, let's get our guide back for putin, his kgb fsb man. but there's also the timing. i mean, this is he's in a very, very acrimonious time with the
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united states. this hurts the biden administration, makes things difficult for the administer and so if you can drag this ad and continue to put pressure, i think that's another objective of pearson and kylie was mentioning this a few moments ago, the state department is saying that gershkovich was likely to be moved about 800 miles away. >> let's listen if it's anything like what happened to brittney griner, paul whelan, trevor read. there'll be a period when he leaves la florida where we won't have any contact with them, middle and almost be like it's gone dark. but eventually, an american or i would say, detainees surfaces and your kettering berg and will have chance to reestablish that activity from there yeah. >> i mean, i'm just thinking about the situation with alexey navalny. i mean, this this is just devastating news for gershkovich's family it is. >> and one of the big problems here is the secrecy because the
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russians constantly say, we don't want any publicity. this should all be done, but behind the scenes, et cetera, et cetera, but also their legal system is very obscure. so that there is no question. i mean, they have to transport evan one would doubt that they will buy him a plane ticket to go to the venue for this trial. they'll probably put him on a train that can take a very, very long time. they can again, drag this out in every minute, is very painful. i'm sure perfect family and for evan and also for the united states absolutely. >> are jolt already. thank you very much for all of that. we appreciate. we'll be right back. >> this is a secret, war, secrets and spies sunday attempt on cnn lumina whitening strips, know peroxide, no pain. >> i can use them every day if i want what i want drink what i
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visit to learn more. doc? 80461 at 800 or visit coventry cnn saturday morning starting tomorrow at eight on cnn happening now, demolition is underway of the building at the center of one of the worst school shootings in american history. the 1,200 building at marjory stoneman, douglas high school has remained frozen in time since the 20th 18 shooting that left 14 students and three staff members dead. demolition could not begin until the gunman's trial was over and it's going to take several weeks to complete school officials have not yet announced what will replace that building. south florida is bracing for more rain and possible flooding today, it's the fourth straight de of it. today's forecast. thankfully, not as severe as it was thursday is still 7 million people across south florida, including in miami and fort lauderdale remain under a flood washed florida's governor has issued a state of emergency for several counties in that
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southern region, and he's urging locals to remain home and not try to walk for drive through the floodwaters wnba star, caitlin clark has clarifying comments you made about people using her name to stoke the culture wars in this country, reporters asked the rookie phenom to respond to the weaponization of her name specifically in discourse referring to racism and misogyny. and here's what she had to say about that i think it's disappointing. >> i think everybody in our world deserves them the same amount of respect. the women in our league is, are the same amount of respect. so people should not be using my name. the first those agendas it's disappointing it's not acceptable but yeah, i mean, this league is the league i grew up admiring and wanting to be a part of some of the women in this league where my biggest idols and role models growing up helped me wanted to achieve this moment right here that i get to play in every single night. so just treating every single woman is legal the same amount of respect. i think it's just a basic human thing
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that everybody should do just be a kind person and treat them how you would want to be treated. and i think it's very simple cnn sports analyst in usa today columnist christine brennan joins us now. >> christine, she's been asked the same question earlier in the day at first, she suggested that commentary involved poking her name, didn't bother her. she did say there that it does bother her what do you think what's your take on all of this well, the overriding thought, jim, is that caitlin clark is the most important person in sports, and obviously becoming one of the most important people in our culture and she's 22-years-old and as dawn staley said, after the national championship game or south carolina beat clark's iowa team, she said thank you, caitlin clark, you have been carrying a very heavy burden for our sport and boil goi was dawn staley, correct? >> i don't know that anyone's saw all of this coming, but the person who has handled it
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beautifully, i think is caitlin clark you know, i covered tiger woods and he got a couple these questions. but in general, he got off scot-free on all these issues. i was the one actually asking michael jordan never got these questions so i think caitlin clark, that was a beautiful answer. hopefully, everyone will come down on social media gym, although i guess i would agree that probably won't happen. but this 22-year-old in the eye of the storm lifting up a league and lifting up women's sports has never before. i think has handled herself very well. >> yeah. i mean, i wonder if there's some unrealistic expectations. as you said, she's 22-years-old. i mean, to expect her to be able to answer these kinds of culture or questions on the fly. like she's on 60 minutes or something. i mean, i just wonder if it's putting a lot of pressure on her. that's just not not really fair well, i mean, you know, the question is
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when they keep coming and she knows and she's really super, super smart. >> and so boys, i mean, what a gift to our culture that this is the person who is lifting up women's sports as never before. i mean, she's bigger than the 99 women's world cup team as you know i've said that written that, and the bottom line is that she understands this will come in our social media world. people are attaching themselves to her these are bad questions some of them, some of them are also just out there and she's getting hit by all of this. meanwhile, she's playing basketball and he had a couple of great assist to lead her team. and of course, steals and of course some points. obviously, there's some shots let her team to a really big victory last night. so she's an athlete. and again, i go back gem to tiger woods. tiger obviously also kind of a lightning rod, but he didn't have to worry about social media. so let's look at this and make sure the last thing women's sports in the wnba wants to do is make caitlin clark well, basically
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distractor from doing the most important thing, which is rising and bringing women's sports to a level. it has never been before. we've never seen an athlete capture the imagination of the nation like this. and billie jean king said this to me last week gym, you do not want to ruin it, and you do not want to make make it so that caitlin clark cannot be the person who brings girls and boys and kids from around the world into to basketball and following women's sports as never before yeah, i mean, there are so many people around the country now who were just cheering her on. >> and i do want to ask you about the nba playoffs. we are running out of time very quickly but it looks like the celtics might be able to sweep the mavericks out to me. this is, i mean, i thought the mavericks when one of these things yeah. >> oh, i agree. i mean, really, really well, obviously, ties get is, you know, you've well. yeah, they they get hot and they could go and but yeah, we'll see if the mavericks can
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come back a little bit, but i have it at this point yeah it's it's gonna be tough, but not surprising that the salt six close out the sweep tonight, they've had an amazing run this year. christine brennan, always ready to talk to you. thanks so much. really appreciate it. >> thank you, tim. >> all right. and thanks very much for joining us this morning. i'm jim acosta, our next our newsroom with wolf blitzer starts after a short break. have a great weekend, everybody chasing life with dr. sanjay gupta listen wherever you get your podcasts, you founded your kayak company because you love the ocean, not spreadsheets. you need to hire. >> i need indeed indeed you do indeed instant match, instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description visit slash hire. u-haul. >> we know every family moves at their own pace. >> is that heavy? >> that's why we have you box. >> that's the kitchen we can store it beside about the new house, worship it. who's gonna get the biggest rule? how? when you want it, you are reserved
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