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tv   First of All With Victor Blackwell  CNN  June 15, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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of course switched round rather and then host a couple of years. and i believe that dorsally louise wins. there will probably be on that balcony too. often, the duke and duchess of gloucester and the duke of kent are also, they're moore el-gamal, members of the royal family but one and, and unfold as many. and you can see the doors are opening from the crowds that we see the king and the queen you can see the princess of wales oh, lining up, looking at a crowds of people there to celebrate crowds of fines. >> also some pros justice holding flags saying down with the crown and not liking and rather large letters everyone is welcome when but that al this is the face of the monarchy and a feature with
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prince george, princess charlotte, and prince louis there in shops you can hear the planes were already got wipe off so this should be over 30 aircraft taking to the skies subject to whether as you can imagine, we're looking at what it's like clinic three, flying over buckingham palace prince louis, not looking at impressed, yes. >> i'm sure so we're gonna get some faces soon, right and of course we've mentioned that there are so many who are are looking to see how well the king and princess catherine are? >> of course, they're both living with cancer, undergoing treatment for cancer the specifics undisclosed, but on
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our conversation about his slim down monarchy, this is especially slim considering the dozens of people we have seen on that balcony in years past yes. >> i mean, if you take us back to 2016 with hamas mystic realism the seconds, there were i think more than 40 people on that balcony, a much bigger royal family with prince andrew, his daughters were often on the balcony as well now this is a much them down monarchy and they've really felt it the royal family with unfortunately poor health with both the king and the princess of wales undergoing cancer treatment, both of them looking really well today and how four fortunate that they're both feeling well enough to take part in this special occasion. you've seen probably and heard some of those are aircraft flying overhead yeah. >> that's obviously the noise of the there you go. you can see it there. the royal air force doing. it's fly over for
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the royal family out there on the balcony of buckingham palace this all parts of charlotte waive their to the crowds as well. i'm just struck by this image. you know, the family of five to the standing to the right of king charles catherine, the princess of wales with prince william. and their three children. and i'm just struck by the thought that this must have been and still is a very taxing time for this young family and so much uncertainty as their mother or goes through this cancer diagnosis. and kate to bring you in, i was struck by this britain message released on friday by catherine, the princess of wales, where she said that she does hope to join a few public engagements over the summer, but equally knowing that i am not out of the woods yet yes, amar, with that statement, was so moving wasn't it? >> so honest when she said i'm i'm doing well, but but he did i'm not out to the woods and i have good and bad days and i
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suffered from tired nurse sometimes i have to rest and she just looks wonderful. today. she looked so radiant, just so so full of health. but as we know, she's going through a tough time, so it's fantastic to see her, but i don't think we should expect to see her again, rather than perhaps the old maybe small engagement. to do with one of her charities, one of her foundations for early early childhood education during the summer, and this i think is a moment to treasure seeing them all on the balcony together. the king standing by kate, this this is balcony. that is such a significant moments, such a historic moment. some of these great moments is seen on the balcony from the end of world war ii, world weddings to do he believe this is a really important one because it shows us that the royal family, even though two of the key members are going through cancer treatment, are still there and they're still serving. and for them for kate, for the king, this was so important for them to do this,
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to do this to be there because they see their duty and particularly their duty as as honorary kernels is so significant and i am, it's thrilling to see kate there and we really do wish are further on the rest of her recovery that she will continue to go from strength to strength and i could not hear it and i can't hear it now, but you're there. can you gauge for us crowd reaction hey, rid of some of the flight paths, but they're on new school chunks, not my king at this stage with some protesters quite knee the gates of buckingham palace mixed in with the crowds, plenty of royal fans as well. >> this is something we see now at a lot of these royal events, lots of royal fans, but always a few answers the monica rebels tried to get that message across. but of course they are allowed to do so. so there are chances not my thing. there are yellow flags without emblazoned on themselves i'm sure the royal family will be able to
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see that quite clearly. but curry, they are all looking to the skies for this aria fly past 30 aircraft always comes not the one and this of course will mark the end of the officials ceremonies of trooping the colour, the king's second official, birthday of the year, and the sun is finally shining after, well, an hour, a deluge of quite biblical rain. >> so if this was the official public celebration for the sovereign's birthday, kate do they do anything afterwards? i mean, is there a family meal a burden king is their kids with fostering on top the lunges a family get get-together, but it may be decided that that's just he much too tiring for the king
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and four princess catherine considering what they're both going through. >> but certainly the royal families see this as both an occasion of former occasion. is a big moment for this also family get together. they are both a firm and a family. it's a family get together, so i do think there'll be easy mean if they don't have a family lunch sensitive, chatting and conversation within buckingham palace before they all get in their cars to go home. and certainly i think it's just fantastic because they king hasn't really seen. i don't think princess catherine released since they were in hospital together and the early january because the both of them have been going through cancer treatment. so just wonderful to see them. they're chatting away, talking about the diapause, talking about the crowds. and just so great to the children who seem so happy to be out there with their mother who were in the carriage with her and visibly watching the wonderful plane is going overhead. it is such a historic moment, and i think it's also talking just as anna was saying about the evolution of all
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family. this is the future of the war family here this is the future of the war family in the future that will family is of course prince george one day this will be his birthday parade to let me read for you a portion of the message from princes catherine. she says that i'm making good progress. but as anyone going through chemotherapy will know there are good days and bad days on those bad days, you feel weak tired, and you have to give into your body resting. but on the good days when you feel stronger, you want to make the most of feeling well, my treatment is ongoing and will be for a few more months on the days when i feel well enough, it is a joy to engage with school like spending personal time on the things that give me energy and positivity as well as starting to do a little work from home she goes on to talk about how she's looking forward to today. and she said she's taking each de as it comes listening to my body and allowing myself to take this much needed time to heal for
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the people who have reached out to her. she says, thank you so much for your continued understanding. and to all of you who sow bravely shared your stories with me that's just a portion of the statement released that was on friday by catherine, princess of wales. >> so we have reached the end of this fly past and the trooping, the colour ceremony, you can see the royal family is turning and going back in sayyed buckingham palace just to wrap things up. i mean, it really was a significant moment to see the royal family out there on the balcony together, especially in light of these to cancer diagnoses. one of king charles and then princess catherine, also having that diagnosis, but perhaps it was an emotional moment for many of the royal-watchers who we're excited and anticipating to see how kate middleton, the princess catherine, i keep
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saying kate middleton because i've been falling her from the very beginning just to see how she would be doing and how she would appear and she looked beautiful. she looked to be in great spirits with her children. and i think that was super heartening for people to see that family together again, out in public. >> and it's important because we'll remember the timing of the announcement of her diagnosis in march was time so that it would have been once the children were on holiday so that they would not have to answer questions about it at school the children being at the center of the decisions made by the prince and princess as it relates to her health i'm sure that played into the decision today for the princess of wales to be here, given that she has some good days and wanted to be there with her children because this is such a focal point for did family at large and how wonderful that she could be wet with them for these young children who must have had an incredibly
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difficult females because as a family one can only imagine how this is being first, the king grandfather being diagnosed with cancer and then the mother. >> and of course, i think let's not forget a huge amount pencil pressure on the prince of wales gave him. he's had to pick up so many public duties owed to the fact that his father has had to take some time out while he recovers as well as dealing with all of this at home and having to primarily of course, be a husband and father at the same time. so this is a family that have been under severe pressure for many weeks at this stage. it's not been an easy ride and it's a sign of their stoicism are many ways that you see them coming together. putting a really good face on it i think i hope actually enjoying the moment as well and we just just before they went back into the bucket palace, they were on the balcony and god save the queen right now. and we just had sharing across the crowds and i hidden that was a really beautiful final moment for them, for their head inside.
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and who knows, maybe they'll go and have some tea and cakes. i can tell you one thing that brits up and down the country will be enjoying cream teas today. >> in their part to honor the king's second birthday, cucumber sandwiches songs, clotted cream and jam. i'm all about jones and the jam? yes. and and coffee more than more than t, but hey, i'll take the t if i'm there kate to you. lastly, as we wrap this up, trooping the colour, this was the official birthday celebration of king charles. and as we've mentioned, he was also diagnosed with cancer several months ago. his official birthday is in november. he'll be 76 what do we know about his condition and how did this day in your opinion, go for him this de i think has gone so well for the king, get couldn't have gone better. >> the only difference was he wasn't on horseback. he was in the carriage. you're showing these wonderful pictures of the carriages here. it just looked
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fantastic when they came out to the palace and he was on the balcony looking great, and he was out there doing the dd engagements just recently. so i think we really are seeing a gradual return of the king to full-time duties today was a great success there he is in the carriage with the queen by his side and it has been his birthday parade is his big day. so it was wonderful. you could come out to do it and with two or family members going through cancer with a slim down or family, certainly a lot of onus is on the king, so i know that he's very keen to get back to full-time duties and will be doing so as soon as he can. and i think in terms of trooping the colour, we've had many great historic trooping of the colors, but this one, i think will go down in many memories because this one is when we saw the king and k2 suffers from cancer to people who are going through cancer treatment out there on the balcony in the carriages celebrating this great ceremonial event williams and anna stewart. >> thank you both so much for
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watching this as this with us live after out, first of all, what coming up next? first of all, is up next i was coming out. what's going on. all right. so on the show today, the lead singer of a world-famous r&b group says that he recently went to a hospital with chest pains and when he told the staff who he is, they refused to believe him. and he says they put him in a restraining jacket. wow and it wouldn't let him leave. >> he says race played a part in that, that singer is now suing and he's here with us to share his story. plus when gabby petito disappeared and was found murdered, a lot of people saw this intense media coverage as a case of what's known as missing white woman syndrome. well, gabby petito's father heard that end. he wants to help change it, so he is with us also ahead of june teeth, we travel with the man who says he is just one generation removed who from slavery. what he found out on his journey to learn more about
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seen and i think you should know them like this one so secondly, there is alex xander morris he's a lead singer of the four tops, you know, can't help myself, baby, i need your loving the hits right? >> morris says he was having chest pains and difficulty breathing recently, but was initially denied treatment at a hospital in michigan when a nurse, a security guard, and an emergency room doctor refused to believe that he's alexander mars, lead singer of the four tops. he says they assume that he was delusional morris says he was even placed in a restraining jacket and remember, he showed up in an ambulance well, now is suing for racial discrimination.
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alexander morris is here with us to share his story along with one of his attorneys morris davis. gentlemen, good morning to you and alexander. let me start with you. you say that you were having difficulty breathing chest pains. you show up at ascension mecole oakland hospital and you say that you have some issues with security because of fans, maybe some stalkers. and then what happened well we have a protocol that when we go into a hospital that we may not be familiar with alert the charge nurse and the security head of security to let them know that we're there and who we are, so that if the hospital has any security concerns for themselves, their patients, and patients privacy, as well as myself or ourselves they are able to put those things into action i have a history of cardiomyopathy i have three students in my heart and a defibrillator taken in an
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ambulance. >> once i got to emergency and it took me into triage while they had me on oxygen while they were doing my intake i requested for a security guards to give them that information upon telling them that they and given them a license, they didn't believe that i will sue. i said i was i was then taken off of oxygen. i was placed out into the hallway for roughly three hours or so with no oxygen, asking for oxygen and a blanket because it was rather cold it was easter weekend and i'm having trouble breathing. chest is hurting tremendously next thing i know the emergency room doctor cones never asked me victor anything
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concerning any mental health issues, history of mental health or anything of that nature question was mr. morris, what brings you in today? i gave him the medical overview of my health circumstances at that point. he said all right, well, we're going to get you down for some testing and some evaluating. and trying to see what we can do to alleviate your situation. and there was a psychiatric evaluation, right? right well he. didn't say anything about a psychological. i didn't find that out until about 20 minutes later they took me back into triage room where i was so they asked me to put on a hospital gown and so i reached for the normal hospital gown and went to put it on. >> i was told that that was the wrong gown and they grabbed me and took that one off for me and they put me in what's called a restraint gown which
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comes from about here all the way down to your cat. and as this is happening as this is happening, what is going through your mind? i didn't really know what was going on because they hadn't said anything. and what alerted me to it was when they took my personal effects and then when they asked for my phone and i said it's security guard, the normal hold onto my phone. and he said, no, you're going to put it in the bag. i said, no, i'm going to hold onto my phone. he said, no, you get all your stuff back. when you come back from psych eval? well, and i said psyched about and he said, yeah, i said i i was really taken aback because i honestly thought they haven't mixed up with another patient. >> yeah. >> so i took her i said i didn't come in for anything. mitchell, i was in an ambulance for cardiac circumstances and
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he said, well, they'll deal with that once you come back from psychological evaluation, let me let me turn now to your attorney mr. davis when the race element come into this the racial element came when white male security guards, hold my clients who are citizens lag behind so overall we have a pattern with this hospital that we've come to know where they discriminator the discriminate against minorities. and this is where she you know, you have both subtle racism. you have a word, a word racism, subtle racism where you may have individual who maybe clutching pleasure, purse, or role of her car window locker, car door. but i see a black man walking past. you have overt racism as in this case, where my client is physically restrained, not allowed to leave, not provided any medical care that he came into the hospital four and then
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told to sit his black line. >> now i also read that once they realized, i mean, i understand that your wife had to come and prove that you are who you are and they tried to make a men's here. >> what did they offer you? that was a gift card or something that you were given a $25 gift card to myers? they gave you a $25 grocery gift card at the end of this after having you restrained simply for saying, this is my name and this is who i am yes, sir. and what was the reaction to that? >> i really didn't have a reaction because i was stunned. so i just asked them to set it on the counter on the table next to me because i couldn't believe that this is what they were doing they told me that i you know that i could not receive a copy of the grievance that i was trying to file. and
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then they proceeded to tell me that this is just something from them to me for the inconvenience and possible mishap or miss communication of information. and as as i guess out of the branch we want to do this for you and they gave me a $25 gift card or myers attorney davis, as part of this lawsuit, is the claim that in 90 minutes at this happened and they refused the treatment. that is condition. was it worsened, was it exacerbated as he was now off oxygen with these these challenges absolutely. that is part of our part of our claim. there is a cow complaint and part of it as that his condition was worsened as a result of the delaying care. >> he was physically restrained as part of our complaint. >> so we're alleging religion, race discrimination violation of the civil rights, negligence, gross negligence,
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battery, false imprisonment, intentional infliction of emotional distress violation well an attorney morris davis, we got to wrap it there, but i am i'm sorry that this happened to you. >> thank you for sharing your story. but really all that happened here. you didn't do anything wrong. he went in and said, here is who i am, and they said, you can't be that person. let's have a psych evaluation. thank you for being with me. let me read here what the statement from the hospital this is to stat news. a hospital said it would not comment on pending litigation, but noted, we remain committed to honoring human dignity and acting with integrity and compassion for all persons and the community. we do not condone racial discrimination of any kind. gabby petito, his father says that he was initially upset when some of the news coverage of his daughters disappearance and death was described as missing white woman syndrome but now
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he's working to help missing women of color joseph petito is with us next wednesday, cnn celebrate juneteenth with special performances by john legend. eddie lewbel, smokey robinson. we still have a lot of work to do celebrating freedom and legacy wednesday attend on cnn nature you always know the right time to call when life plays dirty water wipes water waves, pure, clean, healthy skin. so idp disrupts the idp derails. >> let's be honest sucks but living to see idp doesn't have to. >> when you sign up at shining through cid, you'll find inspiration and real patients stories helpful tips, reliable information, and more cid p can be tough. but finding hope just
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this is cnn the world's news closed captioning is brought you by you, cora, help maintain a healthy urinary tract with you, cora having utis for ten years, you cora, we make uti relief products. >> we also make proactive urinary tract i tell product you, cora, is a life stage right today at your if on your way home from work, you just disappeared how many people would come looking for you? >> would you story make local news, national news? if you're a person of color's statistics, say probably not the late journalist gwen eiffel call that dynamic missing white woman syndrome. and the columbia journalism review has this fascinating project. it's called ru, press worthy. you can go to their website and you put in your age, gender, state
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you live in and the ethnicity and you'll see how much press coverage you're likely to get based on how many stories of people, just like you are being covered in the media. so according to the site, a missing white woman in her 20s is usually covered in about 100 when 20 stories a 42-year-old black man living in georgia seven. the reality of that disparity drew a lot of attention in 2021 after the disappearance and murder of gabby petito we all know our name because we covered her story extensively. what happened to her is tragic and disturbing. but sadly, the reality is that there are hundreds of cases of missing and murdered women. a lot of them do not get any attention. so when these women are black or latino, or indigenous why do they get overlooked? and how can we change that? gabby petito is father took note of how people reacted to coverage of his daughter's case. and now he and the gabby petito
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foundation are trying to change the narrative of missing white woman syndrome and use their platform to raise awareness of missing people of color job petito is here with us along with darlene gomez and attorney and advocate for missing and murdered indigenous women and relatives. thank you both for being with us. joe, let me start with you and initially you were offended by this term. what changed it for you? what did you learn that central on a new path? >> well, when i first heard it, it was, i mean, it was taken back, i guess because i didn't here before and i was why does this happen on gabby story? but it was only the initial and then i sat and thought about it and i was like, wait a second, let me see what's going on here. and we looked into it and it is a real thing. i mean, don't kill the messenger. you know what i mean? but it is a real thing and there are ways to weaken. look for people to blame. that's not what we do. we look for solutions and we're going to lead by example, i'm
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trying to make sure that we share people that not only that looked like me, but ones that don't look like me so that's all we can do. i can't force you to do stories that you don't want to do, but we can share the ones and hopefully people will lead by that example of well and push those stories out there yeah, darlene no two scenarios are identical. >> but when the major difference is the race of the missing person, how much more difficult is it to get our attention and not just our attention, but the attention of an investment of law enforcement in searching for that said missing person it's extremely difficult if you look at the rates of victim blaming that go along with law enforcement choosing to take a police report all the way to the us attorney's office and prosecuting cases of murdered missing indigenous my men and relatives. it's incredibly hard. >> the families and myself, we
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have to take it into our own hands by sending press releases out and going to our social media like facebook and tiktok to get awareness and to get our loved ones into the media so how do you think you can best with your work and the gabby petito foundation, best helped to shrink those disparities by partnering with groups that, and that you specialize with finding people of color, indigenous and stuff and standing alongside again, again, i can't force, view or force any other network to do so. i'm more social media to do some. >> but making sure that we tend again, you alongside people like darlene or the i can missing foundation and let them know that we're here to partner up and do whatever we can. >> and we encourage others to do the same has this been part of i don't like the term closure, but part of the healing process for you, this
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work and other work since gabby's murder joe get the closure is not something you get with the death of a child's i particularly don't like the word but it's i guess it's silver linings. >> right? you try to find those silver linings and maybe one day it'll be enough. >> not right now. >> darlene my dogs walk you back you see that i'm sorry darlene, the uncomfortable and unfortunate truth is is that sometimes people like they look like you and looked like me can say this over and over and over, but not until someone who looks like joe petito says it and invest asked his time and energy, is there a different perspective on on the missing white woman syndrome or these disparities how important is his acknowledgement and investment of time and resources here? it's extremely
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important and i can tell you just by having the gabby petito foundation partnering with us, we had a sentencing hearing in federal court in phoenix where nikki, gabby's mom, and her husband, jim, are going to come out to two standard next to us and j.d. azi was a native american woman who was in a domestic violence relationship and she was murdered by her boyfriend and i had sent out press releases and i had asked the navajo nation and other individuals to host our press conference because the federal government had us across from the courthouse in a grassy area in like 120 degree weather at 5:00 p.m. so once i sent this press release out, all of a sudden the us government was offering us a space inside where it was nice and cool. >> and then the tribes came forward saying, will host this
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event and so it was really interesting to see that dynamic when the gabby petito foundation was partnering with us well, yeah. i mean, a measurably a difference once having that that investment from the foundation understand you had an event last night, joe tell us about that we did. >> we had a what's called to touch the world golf outing and had dinner. yesterday evening, actually, pretty much all day. and it's gonna go for a domestic violence education program for middle school and high school more like a peer to peer this when you try to teach 14, 15, 16-year-old, they know everything, so they don't want to learn from people like me. so doing a peer to peer build net program that way, we think would be much more impactful. so we're working on that and that's it on the infancy stage. but going back to you, if i can just go back, there is a hierarchy that goes to miss think people, you know, it's,
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it's, it's what it's children first, you'll pretty much children of any color, especially if they're like ten or under, will get shared a lot then it's then it's white woman. then be women of color. and then it'd be like if you're a man you rarely ever get shared. so when you see stories like a daniel robinson or jelani day or someone along the sebastian rogers. it's really hard to you don't you don't realize how much work those those those families put in to get those stories out there hats off to them for really pushing and getting their stories out there. but we got to do more like your own network cnn's a great network. anything bad, but what you don't have, like on your main page, you don't have i have a missing personally that would be great. so if you want to talk to your tech, people there, but that link there, i mean either local or national, whatever. but that would be a great sorts of people know where to look and then where to go with him when someone does
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go missing, whatever you just did. and i will too i appreciate i freed know i genuinely appreciate that suggestion. i will pass it on, but they're watson, joe petito, darlene gomez. i thank you both for your time and for the work you're doing. artem next is a story that not many people alive today can share. cnn follows the emotional and revealing journey of a man who's late father was a slave and traveled with relatives to see if they could uncover more about the roots my dad passed last june when he passed that was one less person. >> say what my uncle was kinda hitting your china herself, right? right this election season, stay with cnn, with more reporters on the ground. >> and the best political team in the business followed so voters follow the results,
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they're made including this part which is our favorite wow and this is also a great, each pair comes standard with lenses that are scratch resistant. >> anti reflective, and uv protective try five peers for free at warby i'm arlette saenz at the white house and this is cnn it was 18, 63 the president, abraham lincoln issued the emancipation proclamation declaring that all people held as slaves and rebelling states were it'd be free. well juneteenth this next week, it commemorates june 19, 18 65 more than two years later, when enslaved people in texas were notified. but that did not end slavery in the united states. it wasn't until december of 18, 65 that georgia became the 27 states to ratify it. the 13th amendment. and that met the necessary numbers states for the us to officially abolish slavery will cnn's
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omar jimenez spoke with one man who says his father was born in georgia before slavery at officially been abolished. >> they recently journey back to where his dad was born my father, you memories in this northern florida graveyard wilbur balle is visiting his death cornelius spell etched in the gravestone. >> it says born in may 18, 65, which would mean his father was born before slavery was outlawed in the united states his father was 75 when wilbur was born. now only he and his sister are still alive. >> as we speak today we might be the only people me, it is really can say that their parent or parents of a bonus so he's retracing that history going back to where his father
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was born homer ville giorgia, the town of a little over 2000 at 83-years-old, wilbur belle had never been until now walking alongside his nephew and daughter, reflecting remember talking to my father he was he's a hard worker. he was a farmer and i guess he was a businessman also and while slavery may be a tie to their history, their mission in this journey is family they went to the town's genealogy library doesn't happen very hoping to find more. my dad passed last june when he passed that was one less person that could say what my uncle say. it's kinda hit me or china. hold myself. right? right they looked through a lot of the libraries records history, names of previous bells in the area from around the time his father would have lived there. there's some name correlation like google will burn bill that
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he i'm a wilber bells, so they forgot to put in on my neck bells shared with us a copy of the 1940 census showing his father then this picture of his dad believed to be from 1939. and while they didn't find everything, they were looking for at the library just to see the town where his father was born, was discovery enough especially ahead of juneteenth, which commemorates the end of slavery in the united states he's happy the country now recognizes the de, official with the pushback on here what the current has been gone through for the past, i guess eight years doing things with new day hoplite by country we call it what people closer together his nephew doesn't just want to commemorate the past. >> he at times, once freedom from it wish we just stopped talking we can't do anything it was a horrible thing to some
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extent, perhaps we still we still felt the the effects of what we can grow can't move forward if we don't let it go wilbur belle tends to agree it was about moving forward. but he also needed to honor his past, not just visiting where his dad was born, but in that a direct link to a time many thought was generations and america's past for everyone i'm wondering to reach it out i'm to and getting closer to his dad in the process of problems, can they use belle, whose survival? omar jimenez, cnn, homophilic georgia i thanks to omar for bringing us that story. >> now a cnn review of census records from 19401950, along with the gravestone and obituaries support that bell's father was born in 18 65 but
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census records from 1930s show him as being born after 18, 65. now, according to the national archives, it's part of a challenging recordkeeping dynamic when it comes to census records between 17901940, especially for black people out of june teeth had a chance to go one-on-one with the legendary smokey robinson. he's got to tell you why you should not call him an african-american. that's after the break one on one i want to be working in which it'd be with my family i want you to join your brothers in the rank. welcome to the show i just love being out there with you guys the only thing that matters to me read the door now streaming exclusively on macs you know
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patty love bell, and motown legend smokey robinson. and he had an interesting answer for me. what i asked this i read somewhere that you don't prefer to be referred to as african-american that you write a black american or american why? okay, man i wrote a poem and it's called being a black american. okay. now in my, in my life and my career, i've been all over the world. i have never even been to africa okay. when they will offer me dates and stuff in africa, who during apartheid and i wasn't gonna go during apartheid and do that. you know, there's, there's a passage in the poll that i wrote. and it says all the wonderful black americans who served and all the wars served in the armed forces and gave their lives and all the wars they didn't do that for timbuktu or keep down the kenya. it f for mississippi and alabama and georgia and louisiana, and texas. and virginia i continue. if you're
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acknowledged yet, if you don't claim that you play it right to the hand of the white supremacy into crocus clan, who claimed they own this land. now, that's why, because we have cultivated it we've built we've raised the kids. we've done everything that you could possibly do to contribute to a country. okay, so now for me to come along and say, okay, i'm an african american. let's kinda denouncing my american citizens. you've scan announced on the fact that i'm an american i'm proud to be an american american juneteenth celebrating freedom and legacy premieres at 10:00 p.m. eastern and pacific on cnn also streams on max. >> you can also watch it on the oprah winfrey network thanks for joining me today. i'll see you back here next saturday at adm. eastern smerconish is up next minute 30 minutes. >> okay one remember, i don't want surgery from i do patreons
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