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tv   CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield  CNN  June 15, 2024 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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irregular heartbeat could mean something more serious, cold attr cme are rare under-diagnosed disease that worsens over time sound like you call your cardiac justin asked about attr cm defining in
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>> debate in america begins june 20, seven-fifths, seven this is cnn breaking news hello again, everyone. >> thank you so much for joining me on fredricka whitfield and we begin with this breaking news. the israeli military says an incident in rafah killed eight idf soldiers marking one of the deadliest incidents involving is really troops since the october 7 attacks, the militant wing of hamas claimed it carried out at complex ambush. the incident happened as the rafah civil defense says, israel launched which new airstrikes in the enclave. cnn's paula hancocks is in tel aviv for us, paula
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are officials giving you any more detail about what happened well for details, the idf of giving a limited at this point, but they do say that there has been that incident in western rafah this saturday, eight soldiers having been killed in that incident, they say that they are investigating this point in trying to ascertain the cause of what happened. >> now we have heard from hamas, they as you say, claimed that they carried out a complex ambush. they say it was the talal the tan area of the western rafah. or they claim they have done is that they attacked a military bulldozer which was then engulfed in flames. an apc with crude that came to rescue those on the bulldozer was then under attack as well. that according to hamas, but the idf says they are reviewing the incident today, are investigating the exact cause. now, what we do know at this point is that this
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is one of the most deadly attacks that is happened, certainly from the israeli military point of view, since january when 21 soldiers were killed. now we know this is also an area where there has been a significant amount of fighting over the past days. we know that according to civil defense officials show in rafah, that they had had calls for injuries to be picked up for bodies to be picked up saying that there had been israeli airstrikes and also significant artillery shelling in that region over the past hours. in fact, it since dawn. so we do know that this is scenario where there has been significant military activity. we had heard from the idf on friday, they say that they had discovered tunnels in this particular area. they say they had also located large amounts of weapons and they say also that there had been paths and
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holes punched into walls between buildings, believing that was done by hamas so that they could move around the area very heavily populated, dense area without being spotted. but certainly this shows that there are significant military operations are ongoing in the rafah area at this point. and the idf saying eight soldiers have been killed. hamas claiming responsibility. the idf, idf saying that they are looking into the course fred okay. paula hancocks. i thank you so much for that update. so the latest hamas ambush only adds to concerns about a us back ceasefire plan hamas still hasn't accepted the terms laid out by president biden two weeks ago. cnn's ben we dimon spoke with a senior hamas leader earlier this week about why there seems to be an impasse i think that even taught is to make an end for
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the occupation. if that happened. i think this would be the right step. all right mr. >> hamdan? >> simple question. >> why hasn't hamas yet agreed officially to the us backed proposal for a ceasefire. >> who said it's a positive step? but we need to see the facts on the ground. we need to know what exactly that the president means by saying the ceasefire and withdrawal what is left? what do you need we need an israeli a clear position from israel to accept the ceasefire complete withdrawal from gaza, and let the palestinians to determine their future by themselves. >> are you optimistic at this point in time that you will reach some sort of agreement? >> well, i think if the united states administration acted in the positive way, seeing the situation not only in the eyes of israel, we can reach soon an
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agreement so you need the american administration to what changed the proposal that was put forth on the 31st of may, not to change the proposal was all but to accept that this puzzle proposed are much be clear about a ceasefire and the complete withdrawal this week, us secretary of state antony blinken, attempted to broker a deal during an intensive trip in the middle east. he wrote, he questioned whether hamas was negotiating in good faith, but also said he and his partners in the region are determined to bridge any hold ups. hamas has with the plan. all right, now, to a massive protest in france against the far far-right. it comes on the heels of a week of political turmoil in that country. the french interior ministry estimates hundreds of thousands of protesters are taking to the streets across the country today, most of them around paris. this is all in reaction to the fall all right. snagging some 40% of the vote
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in last week's european union elections. it was a stunning victory that caught the political establishment off guard. prompted president macron to call a snap election in france cnn, senior international correspondent jim determine, joining me now with more on this gym. i mean, how much are french politicians divided well, fred, quite a bit as a matter of fact, that the snap elections called by present backlog really sent a shiver right through the political system here because if no one had expected him to do that, here's reasoning is that this kind of voting pattern prevails a kind of voting pad on yourself for the european elections prevails there's no reason to think that the national front, which was is now called the rest sublevel nastier now extreme right party here mike come to power. >> and in fact, one of the labor union can make numbers said today with the snap elections being called for june
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30th, the first round of them anyway, that in fact, you could see a extreme right prime minister just weeks from now. so that's galvanized a lot of these demonstrators today were five labor unions who formed an alliance they call them the, the popular front and sole aim is to stop the national front to the rassemblement nasser now from coming to power at sometime in these parliamentary elections so it's brought about a lot of disarray. and one of them are amazing things that happened today was that former president francois alone said the syrian, the situation is serious enough that he was coming out of political retirement and going to run for a seat in the new parliament. here's his mark the seizure piece of this you see per pesky reason why i made this decision is because i think the situation is serious more serious than ever because
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serious because the danger represented by the far-right is now a reality the far-right has never been so close to capturing power that since deliberation. good morning. how can one remain indifference so it's pretty amazing, just sort of see him once again in the running and you could actually have a situation if the situation worked out, whether we're at right way politically work francois alone would be the prime minister with macron still as president for the next three years the kind of a long shot, but anything could happen these days in french politics, right wow, i mean jim, it is quite amazing. and what an amazing contrast to the kind unity we saw throughout paris and beyond, just one week ago. because of the d-day celebrations. but what a contrast today with these protests. thank you so much. always great to see you, jim benjamin, appreciate get it from paris. all right, turning
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now to london, where catherine, the princess of wales, made her first public appearance since announcing her cancer diagnosis. she joined other royals it's on the balcony of buckingham palace and they were there to celebrate king charles is 75th birthday and enjoy the trooping, the colour military parade. kate and charles shocking the world and march when they eat revealed that they had been diagnosed with cancer since then, neither of them have said what type of cancer that they're actually being treated for? the princess said in a statement friday that she is making good progress, but would continue treatments for few more months since she is not in quoting her not out of the woods yet and quote, i want to bring in cnn's nada bashir outside buckingham palace where the weather has been quite wacky, but i guess typical london, weather it seemed to open up a little bit with some sunshine and now back to rain, not a what has been the reaction to that moment. on the balcony well, frederica,
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just a little earlier, we did see huge crowds gathering outside bucking potus, as you can see behind me. >> much of those gatherers have now left given the oval, whether that we're seeing now. but again, this is an event which typically every year would draw at these enormous crowds to mug the king's official david of course, many of those gathering today we're also hoping to catch a glimpse of the princess of wales, as you mentioned, this is her first public appearance with other senior members of the royal family. >> she, made a shock announcement in march that she was undergoing treatment for cancer. >> the king, of course, also undergoing cancer treatment. but of course, we did see her paying today with her three young children. she was on the balcony of the senior members of the royal family. she appeared to be in high spirits with her three young children. and of course, as you mentioned, this also comes a day after she released a statement on instagram, she shared a photo graph, unclear. one that photo was taken, but in that statement, she did expand a little bit about the kind let's say that she is in
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right now saying on days when i feel well enough, it is a joy to engage with school life and personal time on the things that gives me energy and positivity as well as starting to do a little work from home. i'm learning how to be patient, especially with uncertainty. taking each day as it comes, listening to my body and allowing myself to take this much time needed to heal. now of course, the princess of wales also went on to say that she is not out of the woods just yet she is expecting to continue to undergo treatment you cancer over the next few months. it's unclear whether we will continue to see the princess of wales that other world engagement. it may well be that they take it on a case-by-case this phase is to see if she is well enough to take part in the world engaged. but at this stage, she's not making an official return to those worn engagements. >> fredricka course everyone is hoping and wishing for her best recovery and that of the king as well. thank you so much. not have a share in london all right. >> it's been a pretty pivotal week for president biden and
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former president trump and president biden meets with world leaders in italy, former president meets with gop colleagues on capitol hill all this past week. we break it all down next plus the war between israel and hamas is playing out at the ballot box outside new york. voting now now underway in the high-stakes election, much more when the newsroom continues cnn newsroom brought to you by progressive, get a business insurance quote online in as little as six minutes visit progressive when, you're a small business owner your to do list can be a log that's why progressive makes it easy to see what the commercial auto vote online. so you can take when all your other to do's
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freedom and legacy wednesday at ten on cnn it's been a pivotal week for president biden and former president trump as they both hammer out their campaign messaging with just under two weeks to go before the first presidential debate. president biden on the international stage meeting with leaders from the g7 in italy, the president vowing continued long-term support for ukraine and the fight against russia, including a ten year bilateral security agreement and 50 the billion-dollar, $50 billion loan backed by frozen russian assets. biden also pushed to keep mentioned of reproductive rights in the official g7 statement. meantime, trump met with congressional republicans on capitol hill for the first time since the january 6 attack on the capitol. the former president praising tremendous unity among the party the, first debate between biden and trump is now just 12 days away joining us right now is cnn
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presidential historian and former director of the nixon presidential library, tim naftali. great to see you. tim i fredricka. >> so president biden first, i mean, he was really highlighting his foreign policy and diplomatic experience over the last few weeks in europe first and france and then in italy for the g7. so how does this address his vitality and global experience chops well, president biden clearly decided that he was going to strengthen the united states formal commitment to the security of ukraine at this point in an election year, it was a way of saying to the world that so far as he, joe biden remains president the united states will do all it. >> can with the exception of putting troops and ukraine, of course, all it can to help ukraine recover. its territorial integrity and defend its sovereignty this was
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a very important step for him and it draws a line should president, he should donald trump be re-elected. and return to the oval office? donald trump would have to renounce this agreement and renouncing this agreement might unsettle some senate republicans will see, should that ever occur in any case, the president, the current president, laid down a very strong marker. and it also i think stiffen the backs of many in the world who were wondering which direction the wind was blowing, given the populist victory is in the recent european union elections then as for trump, i mean his message was all about unity as he met with lawmakers on capitol hill, unity within his party. notably he even had a handshaking moment with senate minority leader mitch mcconnell, who was very critical of trump after january 6. so how does that message of unity resonate during this hyper polarized election season
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well, it's always difficult to anticipate what future historians will think sometimes it's actually difficult to anticipate what all historians now think. >> but i suggest, i believed that the photograph of president, a former president trump and a former leader current minority leader mitch mcconnell will remembered as the as the surrender of that wing of the republican party. that said, just after january 6 president trump was no longer fit for leadership. and that president trump should be held responsible for the attack on the capitol. i believe that that was one of those moments that will be seared into the popular imagination, regardless of what occurs in november okay, we're also going to be watching sunday night as the new episode of the cnn original series secrets and spies and nuclear game heirs at 10:00 eastern here is just sneak peek
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i feel it was a trap. what's maybe i'm wrong after 11 years of my secret work for the british, maybe develop paranoia the danger. >> could come from different directions the weakest link in espionage is the meeting between the operative and his agent. she could have been supported by a surrogate fellow officer there could be an mi6 officer working for the kgb, who could be trey gowdy, ef scale i was saying to myself, do have patients do endure you in a unique position to help the vessel? >> but i felt instinctively
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that my time was running out alright, tim, as a presidential historian, you know, a great deal about the inner workings of various administrations and their policies. >> so is it your feeling that, you know, all precedents? find espionage to a degree useful all presidents find intelligence to be useful. >> what's really unique about the reagan period is the importance of spies, of human agents both those that were providing really, really significant information to the west, like rdf ascii, that helped move us from the brink of an accidental nuclear war. and sadly, the role of traders like aldrich ames who sent a number of agents working on behalf of the west to their deaths and also compromised gordy fc. so this episode, this week is all about this secret race between gardi fc, who's providing information helpful
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to the west and james who decides to turn his back on his country because he's deeply in debt and threatens the life of someone who's making the world a safer place. that's what this episode, this week is all about. >> no, i liked that. >> the importance of the word choice intelligence useful espionage antagonistic maybe not so good alright. tim naftali. thank you so much. we'll be watching an all new episode of the cnn original series secrets and spies, a nuclear game airs tomorrow night, ten eastern pacific right here on cnn men all right. parts of the south will be really hot this weekend, like triple digit temperatures hot and more of the country could feel that sweltering heat in the next few days the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president one state, which are two very different visions for america's future that cnn presidential debate thursday,
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mac will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 800 a21, 4,000 okay. it's hot at getting even hotter and if you are spending this father's day weekend in some parts of the south, it could feel like 105 degrees covering the story for a cnn's rafael romo, who is outside where it's hot and atlanta and in the cnn weather their center, at least, uh, rafah, let's get started with rafael. how hot is it out there it is very hot, fred, but let me tell you, we have a little bit of cloud cover and the life reese, which is helping a lot once you put them together. >> but for many people, the reality is that it's not going to be enough and they need to get relief from the heat. anyway, they can fortunately, we have many places like this splash pad around the city where families can cool off this as the historic fourth ward park splash bad, which has been way more active than usual, and we're people also
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showed up earlier than you would expect according to the local office of the national weather service temperatures and most of georgia and the south for that matter, are expected to be around 100 degrees today, we're still several days away from the official beginning of the summer, fred. but for many families, like the ones we ran into here at this splash bad. this is a perfect opportunity to start enjoying this season to be able to have a free water source he had a little relief from the heat is very important is gonna be a hot weekend. i didn't haven't really thought about the fact that it's june is it too hot for june and that hadn't occurred to me this summer desktop and fred, beyond the obvious, this kind of weather, it can pose risks for many people, especially young children and the elderly. >> the environmental protection division of the georgia department of natural resources has issued a core code orange, which means there's an air
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quality alerts for sensitive groups. officials say under code orange conditions, the outdoor air quality is likely to be unhealthy for children, people who are sensitive two ozone. they also say that people with heart or lung disease shubi limit prolonged outdoor exertion during the late afternoon or early evening when ozone concentrations are hi is so yes, it's a great idea to have fun in the sunlight. some of these families are having, but you have to be mindful of the risks fred? >> yeah. all right. thank you. fail romo and dangerous heat out there in the weather center for us meteorologists, elisa rafah. >> you were talking about this kind of dangerous weather that was out west will now it's moving east and it's here. >> yeah. and we're finding these temperatures much above average for this time of year. yes. it's summer. it gets hot this time of year, but we're still kind of early for a lot of this heat temperatures would be well above average. there's that heat dome. it's going to start to sit squarely over the central and southern plains as we go into the weekend eventually moves towards the
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midwest and northeast as we go into the workweek, look at all the records that could fall as we go into next week, we're talking more than 360 daily records, both daytime highs and overnight lows because we're not even going to get that relief at night will find these temperature staying up near 80 degrees. so again, that's another concern for heat sickness because we're just not getting that relief at night. here's a look at this heat risk map. it's a new product surely, by the national weather service and the cdc looking at the risk for heat sickness. and it is extreme across a lot of the northern plains here as we go into monday, tuesday, it spreads into the great lakes chicago, and then by wednesday, we're talking about parts of upstate new york and ohio with some of this extreme heat risk because you're looking at temperature is getting up towards 100 degrees and atlanta temperatures sit squarely in the middle 90s through the weekend, st. louis getting up towards 100 degrees on sunday, going for 98 degrees chicago, 97 degrees in chicago cargo on monday. so temperatures again,
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really starting to swelter. i think that the chicago seven days just incredible because you're looking at these temperatures in the upper 90s in chicago, which is well above the average of 81 degrees and then overnight lows are sitting up near 80 degrees, which is where their typical day daytime high should be. this time of year. and of course, but an overnight low and 80 degrees, you're just not getting any of that relief at night for even for a place like chicago that you don't think of an extreme heat season. well, their summers are also getting warmer since 1970, chicago has a one-point five degree fever during the months of june, july, and august. so what that means is that that adds eight more warm and above average days during the summer season. so again, the season just continuing to get longer in workstream as we pump more of those greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere, look at the next couple of days again, up in even in new england temperatures in the middle 90s by wednesday and thursday up into boston, new york as well, philadelphia temperatures in the middle 9d. so really just any day any on yeah, yeah it is
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summer in a big way already. all right. thank you so much. lisa. appreciate it. all right. up next early voting is underway in a hotly contested new york democratic primary all right, hot for different reason why israel's war in gaza is at the heart of that race. next greatest general in history. his body and his tomb are missing expertise. >> you know, the new season begins with hunt for alexander the great's tomb, wednesday at nine discovery and stream on that first-time no biggie we recommend to exfoliate the night before. when you come in relax don't be nervous come for wax tastes before game. >> smoother skin. lesson grown hair, less irritation in. >> now, in under 15 minutes then our products are amazing. i wanted deodorant right now, and not only is your skin gonna
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democratic primary, progressive congressman jamaal bowman, a member of the squad is fighting for his seat against westchester county executive george latimer, both men are running for new york 16th congressional district, which covers parts of the bronx and westchester county. >> they're opposing views over the israel-hamas war has played a major role in the contest. let's go now to cnn's gloria pazmino, who has live at a polling site in new rochelle, new york. so gloria of what's the turnout been like what friday we'd been watching a steady stream of voters who have been showing up here to city hall in new rochelle to cast their votes. one of them was congressman bowman, who actually cast his vote just about an hour ago, as you said? >> it is a first day of early voting here in new york. and this race for this 16 congressional district is shaping up to be one of the tougher first races of this
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political season. very closely watched. you have the incumbent jamaal bowman, two term congressmen and the rest chester county executive, george latimer, who is challenging bowman and right now, as you said, we are in new rochelle. this is bowman and terror for a tory. but earlier we were in yonkers where latimer got the support of the carpenters union earlier this morning. now, that sixth congressional, this start to stretches from parts of the north bronx all the way up to westchester county, including right here in new rochelle. and it was a district that was recently read three redrawn after the census. so some voters are new in this district, and that is going to be one of the big things to watch, how they the turnout is in different parts of the district. now, george latimer has been trying to appeal to working class voters, saying that he wants to go to washington to get things done
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while bowman has said that he has a record to prove that they should reelect them back to office go listen to what some of the two candidates have set to voters today this is not about me, this is about your lives and the things that you're trying to do for your family you want to have a good life to raise your children. >> you want to be there with your wife or your husband and be able to enjoy the fruits of your hard work, the work that you do your hands, that's what this is about. and this is about having those of us in office whatever level congress, all the way down to the city council that understand that the decisions we make have to give you that opportunity to work and to be able to have the money so your kids can have that better life when you know, over 18, we need them to vote. >> even if they don't vote for me, even though we want them to go first in the first register. and we will love to have them both you saw baughman out there
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with some young people who have been registering which evoke are coming out to support him. >> but you mentioned fred, there is an issue that's become a defining in this race and that is, of course the israel hamas us war, while that conflict is playing out thousands of miles away from here, it is something that some constituents here in the district are concerned about. there is a large jewish population here in this district, but many of the voters who i spoke to today said that they are focused on the cost of living, the economy the cost of housing, of public safety. those are the issues are thinking about while also paying attention to these other positions that both latimer has taken and bowman who has called for a permanent ceasefire shortly after the events of october 7, george latimer, so far has the support of apac. so a defining part of this race so far, red. all right. gloria
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pazmino. thank you so much or straight ahead, critics call it a form of modern day slavery, but it's legal in 16th states why lawmakers in one state, one voters to decide if it should stay selection decent stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground and the best political team in the business follow the voters, follow the results followed so the facts follow how far would you go does that the ambiance of your space, try the air wick way with airway essential missed infused with naturalists into oils to fill your low bit with immersive fragrance for up to 45 days now that's a breath of fresh air wic can the riva support your brain health? mary janet, hey eddie. know, fraser, franck, franck, brad, how are you fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your
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their title hopes alive. >> and it came on a night when an nba hall of famer and one of the most popular basketball announcers declared he was retiring from television broadcasting cnn's andy scholes has details what fareed reagan. no team has ever come back from no three deficit nba history. teams or o and 156 all times. so hey, maybe we get some history in this nba finals and labs head coach jason kidd, he said the celtics were ready to celebrate, but his his team made a stand. and what it stand it was the mask is coming out from the start to terman and not let the celtic celebrate on their home for dallas, leading by 26 at halftime, luka doncic's may i don't admission and this one he had 25 first-half points and the row continued in the second half mads lead by 48 and one point for dallas has started there's didn't even play in the fourth quarter maths end up wanting by 38122 to 84. these third big as blowout in nba history. now the series shifts back boston five
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on monday finals. >> i mean, it doesn't change anything. like i said at the beginning of this series is first of four and we're going to believe till the end so we just got to keep going i have big believer in this team that we can do it. so we just got to keep believing. >> now we get some other big nba news last night. our colleague and friend over at t and t hall of famer charles barkley making a big announcement i ain't going nowhere other than tnt but i have made to decision myself. >> no matter what happens, lashed next year, is going to be my last year on television and i just wanted to say, thank you to my nba family, you guys been great hey, to me, my heart is full with joy and gratitude. but next year amo just retire at the 25 years and i just wanted to say thank you. and i want a child to hear hear from me first super sad for nba fans
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is barkley is the greatest to ever do it. >> now, our parent company, warner brothers discovery, is in negotiations with the nba on the next media rights deal, fredricka, tnt has at least one more year for sure, is certainly just going to be the end of an era for inside as barkley announces his retirement, it will be an end of an era indeed. all right. thank you so much, andy shells would right back the greatest general in history. >> his body and his tomb are missing expedition know, the new season begins with the hunt for alexander the great's tomb. wednesday at nine. now, discovery and stream on that. over 13 million americans were affected. my identity theft in 2022, and the threats are more than realize if you're a victim of identity theft, lifelong works to fix it on your behalf backed by the million dollar protection package enroll. now can the
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redefining insurance this source but kaitlan collins week nights at nine critics call it a form of modern day slavery. >> california prison inmates doing construction work, computer coding, or working in hospice care, among other jobs. well, this week in california, the effort to end what critics are calling forced labor is one step closer to being on the november ballot on tuesday, it passed out of a key committee the end slavery in california act, or aca, eight proposes an amendment to the state's constitution in regards to its language on slavery, currently article one, section six because of the state constitution states slavery is prohibited involuntary servitude is prohibited, except to punish crime. the proposed amendment would simply read slavery in any form is prohibited if passed california would join 34 other states, which already removed that
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language from their constitutions. including alabama, oregon, tennessee, and vermont, which did so in 2022, the california department of correction says, every job is dignified and they strive to provide job opportunities and training similar to those outside of prison let me bring in now a dorsey none. he is a former executive director of legal services just for prisoners with children, a formerly incarcerated person himself and author of what kind of bird can't fly. a memoir of resilience and resurrection. dorsey, great to see you it's great to be seen. >> so what change would come to california prisons if voters endorsed this change probably the notion that people regarding labor can make a can actually refuse to work or not refused to work because we think that involuntary servitude is another form of slavery.
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>> so i think that we should be given some options and some choices in the event that somebody decides to go do an educational pursuit should be actually pursue the rehabilitation as opposed to being forced to work those are questions that this has clearly on the board and you come at this in a very personal way because you spent ten years at san quentin state prison. >> i mean, tell us about your experience working while incarcerated working while incarcerated that first of all, i'd never made any more than $32 a month, for 40 hour workweek in addition to that, certain times that i was working like in a detergent plan i think the chemicals that we were mixing was extremely dangerous chemicals and i didn't have the equipment to actually protect myself. >> and event that i would have refused, actually work. i think that they could've explained effectively taken me that to the board next to continue my life sentence, i think that
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they could exclude me from contact. this is doing the canteen and doing a number of other things as a result of me going to prison. i also was being given education on the yara by others incarcerated people that taught me how to read it actually taught me how to reason. and i think as a result of that education that i got on the yard and people actually twain me or i actually educate me i think that it actually improved the quality of my life when i got out and not only did it improve the quality of my life, and improve the quality of my kid's life and my community life so sika the choice of just making detergent necessarily didn't do anything for me. i wasn't going to be a detergent maker wasn't going to be a construction worker it also enabled me to actually go to college and do a number of other things because i was prepped in a different way of where i was going, my life and what how long to engage at a certain point, i
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promised to other people were taught me how to read your return to the community asset instead of a liability. and i think that i've done that so in terms of actually being we celebrate this month in juneteenth, i'm in the middle of june kink right now, and i'm going to go out and enjoy barbecue. but two the most part i think that the narrative around the question of punishment is so potent it it doesn't allow people to actually see the practices slavery that's under the nose i think between 18, 65 and now, we probably didn't slay millions of peoples a little bit at a time. but nobody actually call it a slavery. and in reality labor force and fear and without consent is slavery. and if you're not paying anybody slavery, so those are the things that i think that i'm fighting for. i'm fighting to change the constitution because i wanted to prohibit the practice of involuntary servitude that people are
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saying that it's something different than slavery. so let's just call it out. it's called all it prohibit involuntary servitude. and call it out as slavery i'll point blank. and i think that people should consent to the question of labor the bill's author assembly woman laurie wilson plotted the movement this week, calling it a critical moment in our pursuit of justice and human dignity. >> hey, i was quoting her, but even some state democrats are still not on board. democratic senator steve glaser told cnn affiliate kgo, this week that the bill might undermine certain in prison services, including food and janitorial services that rely on inmates and the the california department of corrections said this that they don't comment on proposed legislation. so what's your response to say? my response is this 5% of


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