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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  June 15, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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secret war, secrets and spies tomorrow at ten on cnn welcome everyone. you're in the cnn newsroom. i'm omar jimenez in washington gonna to begin tonight with breaking news. hamas says strikes against israel, quote, will continue after an incident in southern gaza left eight soldiers dead, making it one of the single deadliest vance involving israeli troops since the october 7 attacks. now, earlier, the militant wing of hamas claims it carried out a quote complex ambush against enemy vehicles. but israel has not said whether hamas was responding ansible for the incident. meanwhile, rafah's civil defense says there has been new airstrikes and artillery shelling by israeli
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forces in the area since don cnn's oren liebermann is in haifa for it's now or in the idf just released some preliminary findings from their investigation. what are they saying at this point they say this all played out early this morning, about 5:15 in the tal al-sultan area of western rafah. >> they say one of their armored personnel carriers was attacked with what they called a sidebar that led to a significant explosion. now it's unclear if that was a bomb affixed to the vehicle itself, an armored vehicle, or if it was some sort of missiles or projectile strike, they say the vehicle itself, which was part of a combat engineering unit, had explosives on it as well. but those explosive because which were part of the engineering role, we're not supposed to explode, they're supposed to be resistant to that. >> and they say it seems it may have been detonated in some way by that explosion, regardless, whatever happened there, which is still under investigation, it led to a significant in their words, explosion get killed eight soldiers there. >> they say the explosion was
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large enough that it has been difficult to go and figure out what happened and locate the remains at this point, again, remains under investigation. meanwhile, the al qassam brigades, the military wing of hamas, said they laid effectively a complex trap first, they say they targeted a military bulldozer and when the escape where rescue or extraction unit came in in an armored personnel carrier, they say they targeted at vehicle with a missile strike. they promised such strikes would continue. now as you point out, the rafah's civil defense said there were increasing artillery and air defense strikes in the tal al-sultan neighborhood since dawn today, it's possible this is all describing the exact same unit here are the same incident as we learn more about what happened. and we will certainly keep you updated on those updates as we get them from the idf, omar yeah. >> and again, as you mentioned, preliminary details. so what will likely learn more as time goes on here? i will also get your perspective and reporting on the crowds that we've been seeing gathering and protesting
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particular in tel aviv tonight demanding new government elections, just sort of bring our rivers into the nature of these protests that again, did not just break out out of nowhere tonight now that we've seen a pretty, pretty consistently over recent weeks and months were stunning consistency. we have seen these protests before october 7. that is before the hamas attack against israel. they certainly took a break at the start of the war, but they have very much come back in force tens of thousands of people came out in tel aviv protesters calling a new elections, calling essentially for the end of this government led by prime minister benjamin netanyahu with his far-right coalition partners and affordability to change the government, a government that has stunningly low popularity ratings throughout the country and stunningly low leadership marks for netanyahu himself. worth noting, it's not just in tel aviv, but in jerusalem and other places as well. but as you can see from the video, there, it is tel aviv where
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these protests are focused. we have seen some videos and images there of bonfires started. we have seen a major police response to the protests there, but it is not just the numbers we are seeing. it is how consistent this has been and how consistent this will likely be. we saw them even last saturday hours after the country had learned of a hostage rescue that had saved four israeli hostages in gaza. that of course was celebrated. but in the hours afterwards, there were once again protests against it's the government, calling for new elections here how do you get from where we are now to new elections to the government collapsing that in and of itself is a very difficult question. it's not easy to see away how that happens. and yet you can feel the frustration and the anger of these protesters in calling for those elections. as soon as possible yeah. >> yeah. a lot of factors coming to a head there and as you mentioned, look, this isn't happening in a vacuum and it could be difficult to meet some of those demands in this particular moment, oren liebermann really appreciate it. thank you i want to bring
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in former middle east negotiator for the state department and senior fellow at the carnegie endowment for international peace, aaron david miller aaron, what is your reaction to the preliminary findings into this explosion that killed eight idf soldiers here? whether or not it was an action by hamas, qassam brigades or not. i think it points up omar and thanks for having me both a headline and the trend lines for israelis in gaza. and it looks pretty grim i mean, next month is a nine month for this war. >> the israelis have devastated. >> hamas is organized military, military capacity. is 24 battalions remaining, four battalions in rafah. but i think what it this demonstrates is that hamas will be left with a significant capacity perhaps not to govern gaza, but two mountain insurgency and the israelis can clear these areas, but they can't hold them and they don't want to build david petraeus is famous strategy for
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iraq to clear, to hold and to build usually i can clear, but when they clear and when they vacate, hamas using tunnels, and three-dimensional attacks on the israelis can appear. and then disappear. so again, this is increasingly fraught. 21 israelis were killed in january. >> this is the the deadly strike since then yeah. >> and look from a, from a humanitarian standpoint, the united states had made great efforts to try and install this pier in gaza. and the gaza pier again is expected to be temporarily dismissed. canceled due to expected high seas. this is just days after it resumed aid delivery operations. and i'm curious how you see the role of this peer actually in making potentially any sort of real significant impact in the humanities terrion situation there and how crucial to you is it to get this up and running
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again we're gary 80s is good, but the reality is whether use airdrops or j lots is marine corridor three out. >> what is the only way to get a substantial, predictable and sustainable aid into gaza is overland view trump's and the humanitarian effort is not since october 7, been able to surpass the number of trucks center that necessary keep gaza an economy with 50. her son employment, aggrieved and in great need supplied. and the only way to predictably distribute aid not getting into gaza problems, getting in and getting distributed. >> you've got criminal gangs, you've got hamas diversion, num, israeli military activity is virtually impossible to imagine a predictable, reliable surging of humanitarian assistance when large parts of gaza are still a free fire zone, that's why a ceasefire is critically important,
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however elusive right now, and maybe yeah it's been elusive. i really for some time, at least any extended one that we have seen some increased calls for i want to i want to put you in the position of trying to piece out where netanyahu fits in all of this because obviously look for israeli forces. a tragic de, or they're losing soldiers, but also as we were just talking about the humanitarian aid need has not quite been to the level that people would like as far as trucks coming in. this is also as the israeli defense minister is accepting an invitation to visit the pentagon for the first time. it's march. and as we've seen protests on the ground in israel that had persisted for quite some time, calling for new elections. is he able to survive politically to any ceasefire, long-term agreement that is agreed to in this situation. >> remember remains to be seen,
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the word cabinet including the prime minister, minister offense benny gantz, longer part of it. approved with the president laid out in may 31, which is not an american proposal. i'm articulated by united states, but it's a set of israelite ideas in scott's for the first time history to you in security council resolution never before. as an israeli peace plan, ended up with a positive voted 14 to nothing with one abstention, the russians well, mr. nathan, yeah, i was presided over the most extreme right-wing government in israel he, he is main objective is to survive on trial for bribery, fraud, and breach of trust. >> a truce district court now for three years running, he must remain in office otherwise he couldn't be convicted or be forced into a plea agreement, which were forced him from politics. so in an anomalous position, he cannot win this war and he cannot lose it. and
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as a consequence of that, i think he is trying to buy time. >> and omar, if knesset goes into recess on july 25th, netanyahu's do here in july 20, to address a joint session of congress knesset does not resume until two weeks, i think before our elections and i think it's pretty clear unless something emerges to shake his coalition that you're going to be dealing with benjamin netanyahu for better, for worse for a few more months to come to be sure and that's not good. my judgment for israel and it's certainly not good for us is really relation yeah, it'll be interesting to see the reception. >> he gets in front of that joint address of congress. i want to get you on one last point here that the us special envoy, amos hawk stein will arrive in israel on monday with the rising tensions we've seen on the israel-lebanon border. i mean, just today, hezbollah claimed three drone related attacks in northern israel and the idf says it struck a member of the terrorist group group while riding a motorbike in
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southern lebanon what is your read on that situation on israel's northern border and the potential it has to be potentially escalate tensions throughout the region, maybe even more so than the fighting with gaza i think that's absolutely right. >> the last israeli hamas war was the summer of those six were 5,000 his paula fighters with relatively unsophisticated i trajectory weapons shut down the northern half of his row for 33 days. >> the kind of where we're talking about now is something that goes way beyond his ball is hydrogen three weapons cover most of the country. >> they're precise, they're more lethal and the israeli plan for preempting that and destroying lebanese infrastructure and his ball would would read the catastrophe. i'm lebanese 18 years, omar, and they've avoided a major escalation. i still believe that risk aversion is going to prevail. but the reality is you can
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never tell middle east wars don't have my accident, but should this one happened intentionally or the two parties stumble into a conflict, it's going to dwarf what we see in gaza and you could, for the first time have something middle east has never seen before. a regional war, which could involve iran and the united states yeah. well, all factors are important ones to keep an eye on hopefully not to escalate to that level. aaron david miller really appreciate the perspective thanks, rob all right. it's still ahead. both biden and trump are on the campaign trail this weekend. biden is trying to raise some serious cash at a fundraiser fraser, in california and trump is at a conservative gathering in michigan, were one of his top advisers said november 5 is going to be judgment de plus a look at the royal celebration that brought princess catherine back into the public eye for the first time since her cancer diagnosis. and sweltering heat is setting and across much of the country the tree, if you
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haven't felt it already, which cities will be hardest hit and when you could find some relief, hopefully soon you're in the cnn newsroom tomorrow as the 2024 race, heat's back-to-back exclusive interviews possible. >> trump vp senator tom cotton joins j plus senator chris murphy on a key test for president biden oversees state of the union, live tomorrow morning at nine from medium rare feel well so many ways to save life ready, while it happy, but 365 by whole foods market, organic soil from miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i have ever had, good soil and you get good results. >> look at that broccoli was fantastic. >> that broccoli, i think some of them were 67 pounds. oh,
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>> you can see, oh, there it is. there's a gizmo 12, 12 days. >> that's the official countdown. >> so you can't miss it this weekend. the candidates are out on the campaign trail and after being on the world stage at the g7 summit this week, president biden is exchanging foreign dignitaries for celebrities. >> biden is in la tonight at a fundraiser that broke a new record for the democratic party already tickets range from 250 to $500,000. >> small donors had a chance to win tickets and meet president biden, former president obama, and oscar winners julia roberts and george clooney, jimmy kimmel will moderate questions and answers with biden and obama tonight meanwhile, former president trump is in detroit. he held a community roundtable earlier today and will speak later at a conservative conference with some possible vice presidential candidates. all right, joining me now is even mccann, who's covering the trump events in detroit and arlette saenz in california with the president our let another big hall for the biden campaign, even before the
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fundraiser even starts just break down what we're seeing so far. i'm a little bit of what we can expect tonight well omar biden, campaign officials talus, that this is the biggest fundraiser in democratic history. >> president biden heading into this night has already raised 20 $28 million for this fundraiser with the potential that that figure could grow as they continue to receive more donations online. i'm president biden will be on stage here at the peacock theatre right behind me with his former boss, former president barack obama, jimmy kimmel, as you mentioned, will be moderating that conversation. and then what the biden campaign is looking to do is really tap into some of that celebrity star power. they have george clooney and julia roberts headlining this but there are others who will also be part of the program, including jason bateman's, jack black, and cheryl lee, ralph. all of this comes as the biden campaign is really trying hi, leading into some a celebrity support to try to engage voters in different ways, including when it comes to fundraising. now, this event
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was modeled after that at march fundraiser at radio city hall in new york city, where president biden was accompanied by president obama, as well as bill clinton, that event which is moderated by stephen colbert that brought in 26 million. so today, today's fundraiser has already eclipse that, figure. it all comes as the biden campaign is trying to maintain the cash advantage that they have had over former president donald trump throughout this race. biden really has been leading trump in fundraising, but recently since trump has secured the republican nomination, he has seen a boost in his numbers. so what the biden campaign is trying to do is try and make sure that they're not narrowing that gap between the two candidates. of course, this will be a very expensive race, biden campaign opening offices, hiring moreai'e preparing for this rematch against trump heading into
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november, which is expected to potentially be one of the most expensive in us history. >> matt, we've already seen both candidates raised over $100 then that's really just the base at this point of where we start and still months away from november. so arlette really appreciate that. yeah. >> i want to bring you in because foreign president trump has been meeting with members of the black community in detroit today and even mentioned something about his list of potential vp picks. what do you know omar, we know that a number of people are on that shortlist you can hear me, donald trump junior just took the stage here at the turning point, action convention, where trump will be in just a little bit but today, dr and carson hizon, that vp shortlist, he addressed those sprout and then prior to this event, the former president was at a church, at a smaller roundtable, really emphasizing black voter outreach with him was florida
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congressman byron donalds. >> donalds, of course, coming under fire in recent weeks, we're assuming to have a certain astonish or for the jim crow era. well, here's what trump had to say about congressman donald byron donalds is an incredible guy and i noticed he happened to spear the list of potential vice presidents. would anybody like to see him as a vice i noticed i noticed your name is very high on the list that's good. you should be on the list it turning point, action is an important strategic partner for the former president. >> they are going to be testing their organizing strength in the months ahead because they're planning to spend upwards of $100 on get out the vote efforts to inspire conservative voters. not only here in the pivotal battleground state of michigan,
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but in other states as well yeah, luck. and yeah, you asked if we could hear you yes, we could very clearly see donald trump junior over your shoulder on a big screen there so you can't miss them. they're even again, appreciate it. arlette saenz, enjoy la appreciate it. still ahead for us, princess catherine, in public for the first time since christmas, as she's undergoing treatment for for cancer, we're going to take a look at her royal return ahead and the cnn newsroom debate in america as biden that trump meet and only cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access and exclusive pre and post of beit analysis follows cnn for every countless moment followed, de beat night in america begins june 27. it's every day dirt and grime settles deep within your tiles grout lines, staley steamers, powerful, custom-made equipment removes the dirt you see, and the dirt you don't your tile and grout isn't clean until it stanley steamer clique
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situation room with wolf blitzer, week ninth at six, once cnn closed captioning brought to you by meso if you or a loved one have mesothelial mac will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 800 hey, two 4,000 the princess of wales stepping into the spotlight today, making her first public appearance since announcing she was undergoing treatment for cancer. it was the annual
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trooping, the colour parade in london and honor the king's birthday. cnn's and a steward has the picture the world has hoped to see catherine, princess of wales, standing next to king charles the third in her first official public appearance since their cancer diagnosis. royal family looking towards the sky, watching the traditional fly past that marks the end of the king's official birthday ceremony. one sending a message that's still carrying on. even though both the princess of wales and the king are undergoing cancer treatment, the site was enough to brighten a rainy day for crowds waiting to see the princess of wales, who has been largely out of the public spotlight, been nearly six months she looked amazing in the carriage that went by, slipped amazing. so it's good. >> she's had a dreadful period of time, bag full diagnosis
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she's out and about and it's wonderful. april via the ceo, king charles resumed his public duties in april with doctors saying they were encouraged by his progress and he even went to france for the 80th anniversary of d-day for saturday's events, the king road and a carriage with the queen by his side instead of inspecting the troops and horseback as he did last year. so many visitors, it was still a thrill to see him. >> initially, i didn't think the king or kate would be here. and so when we found that they were both going to be here it was like beyond the blessing. it was like so exciting, like my de is made so the king and the princess, it might be about finding a new balance of life in a public high. >> and self-care as the princess of wales said in her statement, friday, there is a need to give in to your body
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resting she also said she wishes there will be more days like this to come and hopes to appear in a few more public engagements over the summer something many people here say that eager to see. >> i think she's she's really strong person. and it's really nice to see hurt here today. it was really special it's really nice to know that she she's getting better. and i hope she get well soon. >> stewart cnn london joining us now as cnn royal historian sally bedel smith, sally a palace spokesperson, said, charles was delighted when you heard that kate would attend today's events. >> how big of a moment was this for her to participate after months away at this point? >> it was a very big moment and i think it was very well-chosen. she was she was honoring the king on his big birthday celebration. >> her regiment.
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>> she's a kernel of the irish guards and a work trooping the colour today. and i think it was an opportunity for her to show gratitude to all the people who have been supporting her she's an interstate. she was blown away by all the support she had had i think it was also an opportunity up on that balcony for them to show of families solidarity, and so it was the it was the king's day, but it was also heard day and he was delighted. you can see that engaging in conversation. and when they were up on the balcony, she just couldn't stop smiling. it was a wonderful thing to see yeah. >> and look, she says she's making progress, but there will be a few more months of treatment saying she's not out of the woods yet. but what i want to ask you about the personal nature sure of that type of communication because the royals aren't exactly
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known for being very candid especially in situations where there may be major public interests how significant is this update given the royals aren't are really known for being more private well, i was i think it was significant in the way she expressed herself in the fact that she talked about her feelings. she was very candid about. that, isn't down days and trying to manage expectations and to learn patients, which by extension meant that we should learn patience she disclosed no medical details which you didn't tell us what kind of cancer she has, what going to dream meant she has and charles has done this thing, but they have both managed do i'm not antagonize or upset anybody by withholding that, which i think it's a very tough balancing act and they've both been able
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to do it he has been out a lot more from the very beginning. it was showing videos and zoom calls and pictures of them meeting with his minister. he was showing that he was hard at work even though he wasn't out in public and really easter, he has been out in public a law and for her to be out in public. this one time shows that this is what we can what we can expect to see. and we're just going to have to let her do it at her pace. >> yeah i want to contrast his de a little bit because i won one of the things you said was that obviously this was the king's birthday, but also this was a day there it's about her to but also seeing them standing together was a show of solidarity really. >> and i want to contrast his de, with maybe a period earlier this year where not just the king was sort of out of public eye for his cancer diagnosis, but also the princess was
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presented so wales was as well contrast the gaps that there may have been during that period with sort of the show of solidarity that we saw today well i think people did feel that there was a big hole and the royal family in he tried to fill it as much as he could when he was still not supposed to be public face so this was a big moment for them because they were able to as you say, to show that solidarity and to demonstrate that when they are able, they are going to be out and doing their public duties as they had in the past yeah and then i think just from a wider perspective for people looking at this, i mean, where, where do the royals go from here as far as balancing how much they share about their medical journeys, which as. we
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have heard from her as we've heard from the princess started, there are good days and bad days with sort of trying to show signs of strength and project signs of strength as in the leadership positions that they're in, how did they make that balance moving forward? for it well, again, i think it's a matter of managing the expectations and not over promising but due to the able to do things as they are able to do i think at point they're going to have to be more transparent about what exactly is wrong with them more so for him, then for her because he is after all the head of state um, i have a set and i don't have any inside information on this, but i have a sense when they have perhaps
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with this round of the treatment, there that they're receiving that they will be able to more candidly about it if only in the interests of helping to educate people, helping to encourage people to get early detection, to get early treatment, and to recognize that there are many more ways of treating kids and there are millions of people now living with cancer i think those are the kinds of things that they may they may revisit later on yeah saliba del smith, i really appreciate your perspective on all of this. >> thank you for taking the time. >> thank you, omar. >> of course all right. >> still ahead. a texas judge, now is paving the way for conspiracy theorist alex jones to sell off his ranch and his books boat, and personal assets
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to pay the families of the victims of the sandy hook school massacre. >> but what's next for his platform? infowars, where he spread that defamation information. that's next in the cnn newsroom. stay with us the assignments are going on and the tornado here i'm thinking i'm going to die. and i thought that was it violent earth with liev schreiber tomorrow at nine on cnn my name is qur'an and i'm from brooklyn. >> i worked for the city of new york as a police administrator. i oversee approximately 20 people and my memory just has to be sharp and i realized my memory was just changing. it did my own research and i decided to give provision a try. my memory became much sharper. i remembered more. i've been taken for a project for four years now. >> it's a life changer privileges at stores everywhere without a prescription i want a
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to pay the families of the victims of the sandy hook elementary school massacre he owes them more than 1 billion after the families one there defamation lawsuits against jones in 2021, the verdict was for repeatedly lying on his infowars media platform that the sandy hook school massacre was a hoax. cnn's hadas gold has more alex jones, infowars, conspiracy, empire facing its final days this is probably the end of infowars here very, very soon, a bankruptcy judge in houston has approved the liquidation of jones personal assets while also considering liquidating the parent company of his notorious media brand all to help pay the nearly $1.5 billion settlement. >> he owes the sandy hook families $120 million. >> jones was found liable for defamation and emotional distress for his lies about the massacre that left 20 first-graders and six educators dead in 2012 in the wake of the
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newtown, connecticut shooting, jones told his audience the massacre was a so-called false flag operation staged by the government. >> and that the grieving parents were actors an attorney for some of the families says this ruling will likely take away jones's main megaphone what i'll expect to happen infowars will no longer existed, certainly no longer be a platform upon which alex jones can do all the damage he's done in the past. jones spouted lies even as he drove to the hearing and houston on friday, it is all a brazen our graph leading up to the hearing he had been vacillating between tiers more lies. >> that was the fbi and the justice department behind all these fake lawsuits against me to get me off the air and naked opportunism peddling supposed dietary supplements until the last moment. >> if you want or any products. and in for, you will get them before him. four is a shutdown. >> but despite any liquidation,
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it's likely the proceeds will only make a small dent in the more than $1 billion jones owes the families but the family's attorney says the money is not what matters most. what would such a ruling mean for the family? of the sandy hook victims? >> what they're hoping to achieve is the most amount of accountability that the legal system can deliver and money is just one component of that. and not the most important component of their objective has long been to protect their families and other families from the type of harm that alex jones inflicted on them for years. >> and houston, the judge's ruling is finally potentially bringing some form of justice to the families who have already suffered too much being brought a lawsuit against all odds, they prevailed and that there are some form of justice being administered here now. >> so daskal, the reporting. thank you for that still ahead. >> parts of the south are going to be very hot this weekend. we
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are talking triple-digit temperatures high if you haven't felt it already, plus more of the country could feel that sweltering heat. and the next few days, you're in the cnn newsroom. we're going to break it all down, coming up wednesday a cnn special event. it's time to celebrate freedom progress in the trailblazers it isn't paved the way this is a festive day for all black americans. >> we still have a lot of work to do, joined cnn's victor blackwell for a native interviews and performances hi, john legend. how do you bell? smokey robinson and so much more cnn special event, juneteenth, celebrating freedom and legacy they, attack on cnn i was stuck unresolved. >> depression symptoms were in my way i needed more from my antidepressant, ray lar health, give it a lift adding velar to an antidepressant is clinically proven to help steve overall
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. sizes to guarantee of perfect fit. now, comfort looks good the assignment with audie cornish listen wherever you get your podcasts the extreme heat wave that's been baking the southwest is spreading to the east, bringing hot temperatures in the midwest and the great lakes. >> and it's moving to the east
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coast as well, sweltering heat and record temperatures are forecast with no relief even at night cnn meteorologist elise rafah joins us now, elisa. all right don't hold back. >> how bad is it going to be yeah. >> i mean, we're looking at temperature is getting up towards 100 degrees in places like chicago. this is pretty early in the year for something like that. we've got to heat dome that sets up that area of high pressure. that's just dry sync air and it's kinda holds had traps that heat and that's going to sit over the central plains as we go through the weekend, but does move into the great lakes northeast new england as we go into the workweek, more than 360 temperature records could fall, both daytime highs and overnight lows because a lot of the overnight lows are going to sit up and 80 degrees even in the middle of the night. so again, staying pretty hot, we have a new tool, this heat risk map that shows us your risk for heat sickness. and its extreme over parts of iowa and missouri as we go into monday, tuesday,
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you could see it added up to the grave lakes places like chicago wednesday, or getting in father route into the east ohio, upstate new york, where we could find that some extreme heat conditions that could cause a sickness, temperatures in the 90s, mid-1990s at through atlanta as we go through the next couple of days, look at that st. louis sunday, looking at a high of 98 degrees cargo going for 97 degrees by monday, just incredibly warm for chicago and their average this time of year is 81 degrees. so temperatures in the middle and upper 90s are well above average for this time of year. and look at the overnight temperatures, only dropping to about 78 degrees. that's closer to the daytime high temperatures that you would see on average. so again, not really getting much relief at night for anybody that doesn't have access to air conditioning. this can be very difficult when it comes to the signs and symptoms of heat sickness. now we don't think of chicago is a place that really experiences too much extreme heat. >> but there's summaries are getting warmer since 1970 by a
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degree and half as that season just becomes longer and more extreme if you look at the numbers there, when you have a degree in half fever on the whole season, basically what we're doing is we're adding about eight more warm summer days in chicago since 19 70 were getting elongate in the season and some of this heat is just more extreme than it used to be omar. yeah. >> we've seen we've seen chicago. historically in back in the 90s. they dealt with a really bad heat wave that killed many people. so this can be very serious as well on top of, of course, just feeling the heat as you typically during summer, elisa appreciate it all right. >> the james webb space telescope is one of the most incredible things ever built, but it's only as good as the scientist that get to use it for two years, we followed to scientific teams. these are some of the first scientist to ever get to use the most powerful telescope ever built. >> the james webb space
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replacing our reality i rekindling a childlike imagination we are all astronomers as a kid, as an adult, you look up, you say, what's out there? >> be sure to tune in an all new episode of the whole story with anderson cooper, one whole hour, one whole topic airs tomorrow night at eight eastern pacific only on cnn. we'll be right back in a few i voted buttons, betting, dragging it's like your generation has evolved past traditional political symbols and there's room for everyone. >> yeah chins, pw green why can the riva support your brain health? mary janet, hey, eddie. now frazer, franck. franck, bread. how are you, fred, fuel
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