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tv   Inside Politics With Manu Raju  CNN  June 16, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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in the woods on the 11th. >> it gets stiff back stressed out bbc or be brp, just what the doctor ordered. >> he birdies and then puts up one of the best rounds of the day. the 2020 champions seven under three strokes, clear the field heading into today's final round, he lost his dad about 18 months ago and he said he's gonna be thinking of his dad every hole today hoping to win his second major on father's day i still feel like i'm that same kid that came out here right out of the start, but i feel like my as a person, i'm just different to interact with and my dad passing gave me a great perspective on life, just everything in general has changed. >> he said, they say every five years, somebody's life changes it couldn't be more true yeah, it'll be an awesome final round today and awesome father's day, hopefully for all of you, happy father's day, tall dads out there. >> lovely daddy fathers at a they spoil. yes. sunday funday.
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>> thank you so much for joining us this morning. we'll see you back here next weekend inside politics sunday with might arise. you start that's right now on the attack. trump those red meat to the base. >> we need to guard the vote. we need to stop the steal and consolidate support who's a pep rally environment for president trump while biden courts seniors in raises millions with hollywood stars. pause final count down. >> wherever jordan's got to watch just 11 days until cnn's debate it's about the character of the person leading our country. the decisions and verdict hanging over it all and soccer's tsunami it's like having 104 super bowls and 39 days i washington nervous inside politics, the best
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reporting from inside the corridors of power starts now good morning. welcome to inside politics sunday on this father's day morning, i'm on erasure donald trump is tried to make inroads are the key part of joe biden's coalition, black voters in detroit in the state that very well could determine the next president and that's where trump was yesterday as he attacked president biden over the issue of crime in his appeal to black voters. but then he went before a far-right group in michigan and use the phrase, stop the steal. january 6 rallying cry and reference to his 2020 effort to overturn biden's victory something that is at the heart of two separate criminal cases. he is now facing meanwhile, biden was at a star-studded affair with hollywood celebrities or harb not harb. george clooney, julia roberts, and barbra streisand as he along with brock obama, raised millions for our campaign that is struggling to break away from trump. and it's mired in neck-and-neck
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race with polls showing him trailing the presumptive gop nominee in some key battleground states, a lot to get to and we have a great team of reporters on the ground together that has us covered even mechan down the rounded detroit and arlette saenz and los angeles. so let's start with you. i'll let you were in the room for biden's fundraiser last night. take us inside the room. what happened? >> yeah, money will president biden teamed up with his former boss, president barack obama and hollywood star is to really issue some stark warnings about what a second trump presidency could hold the president expressed extreme concern about the prospect that trump could potentially appoint two supreme court justices if the openings open up and he is reelected, the president in this fundraiser said less than a quote, the idea that if he's reelected, he's going to appoint two more flying flags upside down, that being an reference to the flag controversy outside justice alito's home. he then went on to say the supreme court has never been as out of kilter as
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it is today. i mean, never now this was part of a 35 minute conversation between him president obama, and late night show host jimmy kimmel, obama, a lamented the fact that there has been a normalization of behavior that was once disqualifying for candidates. he specifically pointed to trump's fictions in that criminal hush money trial in new york city and obama told voters to consider the values of the two men saying that biden upholds the values of this country. the first lady said that trump is someone who only cares about himself and not the american people. and now this event brought in 28 million for democratic campaigns it says that that's the biggest fundraiser to date for any democratic president in history. they're hoping to carry some of that momentum as are looking to maintain that cash advantage over trump alright, i'll as size and los angeles, thanks for that. and now on to michigan. after trump made two very different stops in detroit this weekend, one at a black church, the other with a conservative group of mostly
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young white activists even mechan was there and joins us from detroit. so eva take us through the former president's day oman or the former president continued to echo conspiracy theories about the 2020 election, telling his supporters that he wants his margin of victory to be so large that it should be too big to rig. of course course we know the 2020 election was not rigged, but you hear that reframe being echoed by his supporters, two big during he's also adding something else to his routine. it's really consequential. and he's telling his supporters that they have to plan their vote, whether it's early or by mail on or on election day, they have to make a plan that's really a departure from 20 2020 when he casts doubt on those mechanisms of voting early and voting by mail. and it really indicates that this time around, he's not trying to leave any votes on the table. take a listen. >> the radical left democrats rig the presidential election
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in 2020 and we're not going to allow them to rig the presidential election 2024. listen, we don't need votes. we got more votes than anybody's ever had we need to watch the vote. we need to guard the vote. we need to stop the steal. >> we want to landslide that is too big to rig, make a plan to vote, either by mail or early in person, or election day trump also spending his time in detroit at historically black church. he thinks that he can make inroads with black voters. this election, mano. >> all right, even my cabinet had tried thanks for that. >> and let's break this all down here in the room with a great panel. >> this morning, cnn's kristen holmes stephen stephen calls and tyler foghat with the new yorker and punch bowls. anna palmer. good morning. do you guys thanks for joining me this father's day morning so, kristen, you cover the trump campaign. you travel all around with trump. he talked to his advisors well, it goes through
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this decision it makes sense from to reach out to black voters. no question about that, because obviously biden has been struggling to build the coalition that he took them back to the white house in 2020, pick back off that collision. that makes sense, but then talk to this really far-right. grew turning point, usa. >> what does that give him and why, what is behind the strike campaigns thinking? so during what usa is actually going to be very critical to donald trump's campaign. they are a huge part of the ground game they are planning on spending $108 to essentially e the boots on the ground and three of the critical states arizona, michigan, and wisconsin, they are putting people into these communities that they believe are red districts that did not show up to vote in either 2022 or 2020. they have done data research to try and bring out low propensity voters there are essentially making can people the mayor of these communities so that they show up in the polls. so actually donald trump is getting 108 million for that
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appearance on the one just a week ago because they don't have that same infrastructure on the ground. now, i do want to say one thing about black voters because i think it's really critical. keep talking about donald trump taking away black voters there is not going to be at least no indications gonna be some kind of swell of black voters for donald trump. what they do feel like we have that, they think that president biden doesn't have right now, is that donald trump's base is fully aligned with donald trump. they right now feel like they have the opportunity to go into what is a traditionally democratic block. black voters, latino voters, and try and siphoned away those voters because they don't feel like right now they're worried about getting his base back whereas they feel like president biden is worry is worried about courting his own base. >> but then when he goes, he talks to the base. he says things like the election was stolen, it was rig those are the kind of things that some republican voters who didn't vote for him last time, they may be open to voting from this time are swing voters. they hear that and they say, well, that's why i didn't that's right.
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>> that is exactly the kind of thing that some of these nikki haley voters, for example, the reason they didn't vote for him the primary is because they were alienated by the extreme nature of trump's coalition. to your point about black voters this is all about margins. if trump, if it's gonna be a very close election in four or five states that will decide if trump can eat away a little bit. biden's traditional democratic margins among black voters in places like philadelphia detroit, milwaukee, atlanta, that can make a big difference. so although no one i think expects the turnout for trump among minority voters to be where the polls said is right now, biden got 92%. i think last time, if trump can get four or 5% more that makes a big difference. but i think there's a long history of republican campaigns and presidential elections over the last 20 years discounting the extent to which minority voters do in the end, end up showing up for democratic before you, before you jump in,
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i just look at the de point, the exit polls from 2020 vs now, fats news and quinnipiac and cbs news, just recent poll pulling about how trump biden versus trump. i'm black voters down biden is looking at 7% among voters, black voters in the 2020 exit polls. >> well, 15 points in the fox news, quinnipiac, and six points in the cbs news ball. >> i mean, that is a if if you're joe biden, you obviously need to do better. but how much concern is in the biden campaign about that? >> yeah, i'm in what's interesting is that while we've seen trump make gains with non-white non-college educated voters. we've also seen biden make gains with white college-educated voters. and so part of what i've been following is just whether these, the inroads, they've been making with these different cohorts will end up canceling each other out that's interesting point. >> i mean, while he was there trump in detroit last night talking to black voters, he tried to cast biden as though
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new york times put in their headline this morning as and tight black, this is what, and then when he went on to talk about crime in black neighborhoods as something is a reason why they should not vote for, biden. this is not a trump pitched it to voters yesterday miss most rapid right here. and in african american communities, biden wrote the devastating 1994 crime bill was talking about super predators that was biden. he walks around now talking about the black vote. he's the king of the super predators then he wrote the 1994 crime bill that you talk about so much biden team responding to this saying that trump thinks that he has caught many bad friends, excuses an entire lifetime of what they say, denigrating and disrespecting black americans. >> they wanted to say black voters know better it's interesting, trump's line against biden trying to revive
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biden's role in the 1995, 1994 crime law. i mean, he's is that effective? and he's also trying to use the fact that he was convicted, you know, now is the been convicted as something we can tie tried to woo black voters to me, the big thing though, is it's it's not that you know, to the earlier point that all of trump's can do so well with black voters, but it means that biden has to pay attention, then even more. when you look at where he is, where he's going, michigan, that is going to be ground zero for whether or not donald trump or joe biden is president. and there's just act, this is just one of those areas where he's going to have to have to defend himself and the numbers you put up there are something that the biden campaign has to take serious. yeah. i didn't tell you were mentioning about the perhaps winning bag voters in other areas, one of which could be seniors, that's one thing that the biden campaign has been focusing on increasingly this past week. and how did senior voters look at him versus younger voters? there's that is bint a distinction. when you look at the choice for president among people 65 and
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over biden up 51, 45 among those voters. but among younger voters, that is he is not doing as well as he was in the last time. if you look at the on the screen, there, type of margins much tighter. is that the biden democrats don't think that's real, but what explains this? shift of sorts where some more seniors are moving towards biden and younger voters or not. >> i mean, frankly, i think it's that there are a lot of younger voters who think that biden is too old for another term. and i would imagine that people who are closer to biden an age might not fuel as concerned about that. i don't know. maybe that's reductive, but i would guess that there's something to that we add gaza and all the rest and that becomes an issue as well biden's hollywood fundraising last night he pulled in significant amount of money, obviously, the fundraising has been an issue for biden for some time they've been winning
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for some time. >> now recently, trump has overtaken him, and recent months, as you see by trump and his allies playing at $141 million in may compared to, we don't know what the buying team has raised yet, but they were they were ahead quite a bit up until recently post-conviction, trump has really started to juice is fundraising much different than as you see april we'll see what the latest numbers are. interesting last night they went to this hollywood fundraiser they typically these things are closed doors affair. you don't really hear much about and maybe some reports get out. >> they were happy to bring in show biden next to all these hollywood celebrities and george clooney in the leg, you've covered fundraisers for so many years. >> what do you make up? >> it's interesting. i mean, this comes off the heels when he had a big fundraiser with steven colbert also interesting that barak obama, the former president alongside him i think this is an area where he can show some livelihood. they're there when you look at some of the quotes that came out of there to your point, oftentimes, these are very
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tight lipped affairs, but you saw that biden was kind of off the cuff making jokes, i think in a way, they're trying to showcase him, not just as and the elderly president and that he can kind of smart that he's cool, right? is there a cool factor with hollywood? i think that biden's hoping that that can rub off on him a little bit. >> certainly wasn't louisiana. i think that there's something about hollywood brings a lot of enthusiasm. we saw that obviously with barack obama, there was an entire movement around how cool, as you said, barak obama was. i i do think we talk about young voters, older voters talked, you mentioned gaza, but i also think like when we're talking about some of these groups that donald trump is trying to siphon voters away from a lot of that is because there's a lack of it, louisiana, it's not just trying to get the voters, it's also trying to depress then from coming out for biden and a lot of that starts with this idea that there's no enthusiasm for president joe biden so doing stuff like this is something where you bring eyes to him in a very fun way, whereas a lot of what people see is him being kind of pointed to as an older
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precedent. and instead, this gives some that young edge of being in hollywood and that gives republicans opportunity, paint him as out of touch right here. that is well, all right. cnn's presidential debate is almost here. new details about how they're getting ready and what they've agreed to. >> and that's not it should be a big evening. >> they say super bowl numbers. so everyone's going to watch you'll have to be screaming at your television set all night. i assist older chains. >> is cold, calculating, chelating, cynical, and needs the money not only was the cia compromise, he also was compromised secrets and spies, a nuclear game. tonight at ten on cnn cities industry-leading global payment solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries and, help a
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playing to head to camp david, to kick off intense prep sessions would top advisers, trump's advisers meanwhile, insist the former president is getting ready by giving interviews and speeches, although he also did hold a policy discussion with advisors this past week in washington and new this weekend, both campaigns have agreed to more debate rules. a coin flip will determine their podium positions microphones will be muted, except when it's each man's turn to speak and no props or pre-written notes will be allowed on stage, but 90 minute debate will have two commercial breaks and a reminder. they will not be a studio audience. my panel is now back. what's interesting is that we are hearing about the biden campaign strategy. obviously this is a huge moment for both campaigns by one of this camp, there's some debate to be able to earlier, this is what a bye campaign official told our colleagues here. it says the president has gotten increasingly punchier. in recent remarks about trump and plans to carry that theme through the debate. >> how do you see this playing out for the biden campaign? >> what does the president obviously need to do to change
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a race that has been really stable for months, right? >> i think that's true. some of these recent fundraisers you've seen the present trying outlines to attack trump. if for example, he said something snapped in him after he lost the last election. so he's going to try and make this case that trump isn't really fit to go back to the oval office to be present. again, this is a crucial debate because it's early, much earlier than most presidential debates we've seen. biden has to counter this impression that is being fostered by trump, that he's too old is too slow on the flip side, there's the question of this volcanic temperament that trump showed in the first debate, the last time around. so a lot of things are really body up there. there's a real palpable sense here. i think that the campaign from the trials of trump and hunter biden is now flipping towards these two debates and biden will go to his debate camp trump plays himself on tv every
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single day. he's not gonna be any different on the stand that that fraud trial in december in new york, he was very punchy and i think that is exactly the same kind of persona that you're going to see. debate is he talked to the trump campaign, chris and jason miller as a trump adviser, said, president trump takes are numerous tough interviews every single week and delivers lengthy rally speeches while standing, demonstrating elite stamina. that's according to jason miller but the interviews he's done really are mostly friendly. >> doctor exact glycine wanted me skipped any skipped all these debates in the primary is he ready for this moment? >> look, i think as you said, donald trump as a performer. so that is part of it. he also thinks that he is his best own advisor. so it's kind of idea is that his team is trying to prep him without actually prepping him or at least without saying the word preparation and senior advisor actually told me we don't use the word preparation around
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donald trump, but they clearly have some issues that they're concerned about. january 6 is one of them. democracy is one of them. how he's been talking about that, talking about pardoning the people who are involved in that attack. that was what that policy session was about. it was about how do you respond to those kind of questions with people like marco rubio, with an eric schmidt trying to have an idea of how he should spin this spin is something that is done in a preparation setting clearly there, donald trump is trying to do some prep and i will say the issue of abortion, which was one i thought that they would spend a lot of time preparing for. they said they know what he's going to say on that. he's just gonna say over and over again, it should be left to the states. >> yeah. so this is clearly what they're really concerned about now is some of these other things he said, yeah, just to put that back up on your screen, the issues that were discussed at trump that trump pauses session january 6, pardoning riders, the border crisis, criminal prosecutions against trump so he's gonna get the january 6 question for sure. so does because he doubled down about what happened in january 6, as he's more and more over the years and started to embrace
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essentially what happened. >> yeah. i mean, i think if you look, what he's been doing on the campaign trail that some of these speeches stop the steal he hasn't shied away from january 6. and the fact that he's aggrieved, that he believes still that he one i think the big thing for me though, is both of them are gonna be kinda rusty wright. they had a debate since 2020. >> there's a lot to lose this debate to me does not play a lot of trump's strong suits. >> there's not a live audience, there's not that, that energy loop that he really kind of gets charged up. the fact that the mics are going to be muted, how they kind of show up is gonna be interesting for president biden, does he have the energy this to me is as important as the state of the union earlier for people that are concerned about his age, he's elderly. >> kenny show up. can he has the mental acuity there? think this is the highest stakes debate that we will have ever seen. >> yeah that's the issue, right voters for me watching so closely, how they perform. of course what they say will be important to aging politicians. that's obviously going to be critical.
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>> yeah, i do think it is more about optics and about policy and for that reason, i actually think that trump has kind of made a strategic error by hammering just how basically biden can't put two sentences together. i think it will be like the state of the union where biden goes up there and as coherent and not just coherent, but pretty strong he immediately wins. i kind of think that the bar is actually lower for biden than it is for trump at this point, because of all the disagrees. >> and also donald trump's team is concerned about that they've been concern about that for weeks. i mean, yeah. you talked to them. they're not talking about how biden can't string sentences together in relation to the debate because they don't want to set the bar that low. because if all biden has to do is walk over it, it's very likely he will and they saw his performance to say that union trump continues to say that, oh, is the worst day of the union ever. well, there's a reason that he continues to fixate on it because biden came out and he came out swinging any had that energy and his team has continually brief trump that he could do that again. so you need to be ready for this. this isn't just him walking over the bar and while
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you discuss how people may view them, the biden team is hoping for moments like what happened yesterday when donald trump was talking about his former white house physician ronny jackson and an event in michigan i think you should take a cognitive tests like i did, i took a cognitive test nih docx ronnie dr. ronny johnson. >> there's everyone know ronnie johnson, congressman from texas? he was the white house doctor and he said i was the healthiest president. he feels in history. so i liked him very much so he called them ronnie johnson, jackson, not the biggest mistake in the world, but of course, he was talking about in the context of a cognitive test that he aced and job i can do, then it calls him ronnie johnson that's goes to the point of setting the bar very low. >> that biden may have to step over that bar, right? >> and if that happens during the debate, no doubt the
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president will try and point that out to everyone within ten minutes. the debate ending, it it'll be a campaign ad the biden campaign has started to hit back against this perception that the president isn't fit mentally to serve by highlighting all of these gaps that trump's makes on the campaign trail in that meeting with congressional leaders. the other de, he he said that milwaukee was a horrible city quickly people came out and basically said what he was talking about, the crime rate, et cetera, et cetera but there were about 50 different explanations it wasn't really a very smart thing to say when you're having your convention in milwaukee and trying to win wisconsin so that's the kind of thing trump it comes up with now and again, we know it's going to be an event you will not want to miss the presidential debate. it's on thursday, june 20, time p.m. eastern. jake tapper and dana bash are moderating live from cnn lot from atlanta and cnn up next, trump's power play, how he's trying to make the houses hard, right? leader pay for his endorsement of ron desantis is
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that's the certainty he up four imprint for certain. >> i'm katelyn polantz at the federal courthouse in washington. and this is cnn in the aftermath of the capitol attack on january 6, donald trump was viewed as a pariah among many in his party and then after a lackluster performance in the 2022 midterms, many top republicans pointed the finger back at trump, but now his grip on the gop is once again, is tight as it ever has been this past week, trump back candidates one in primaries across the board, continuing a larger trend, this cycle, not a single federal candidate would trump's endorsement when has lost their primary race than in washington, there was quote, notice sent i'm told when trump met behind closed doors with house and senate republicans, including past critics like gop leader mitch mcconnell. >> but a key test of his power will come tuesday in virginia,
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where the hard right leader of the house freedom caucus, bob good, we'll try to fend off a prime primary challenge from state senator john maguire. it is maguire who holds that treasured trump endorsement why in no small part, because good battle. ron desantis in the gop primary john is running against bob good, who is actually bad for virginia and who will stab you in the back like he did me good brushes that aside donald trump backing your opponent. >> and how much does that hurt your campaign? we're going to win. the people are behind us in the fifth district, overwhelmingly, everybody is becoming together and winning on november 5 at the time to talk about previous endorsement, or supporting previous candidates is behind us. >> again, we're going to win on june 18 in before we take into the politics of that more broader, looking trump's endorsements, this cycle, it's been different than the last cycle because it's not just people who are maga aligned members as people that x
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actually we have gone against some of the maga members. you'll just look at some of the people on your screen there, whether it's a tim sheehy and montana, there's all all down the line people trump pushed out a conservative candidate who is considering running against she end to mike rogers who was one time a critic if his michigan is endorsing them indoors. larry hogan this week the different the way he's handling it. this cycle but you really see the behind the scenes effort and that republicans have put on trump and the trump campaign to endorse candidates that can win. >> there's one thing that senate republicans want. it is the majority in the senate and they feel like they didn't have it this last time because trump endorsed candidates could not win statewide. the fact that he endorsed larry hogan, who just days ago was was criticizing him. >> and upholding the law. >> just showcases i think what a different tack he's taken this time. yeah. and obviously his the unity that he has been able to force upon his party was been on full display, particularly in this past week.
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>> yeah, absolutely. i mean, i've been going back to this idea that the endorsement strategy has been different. i think that it almost seems like trump is like more forgiving than he used to be, like even larry hogan, it's like hogan is still criticizing. >> absolutely. larry hogan and then double down on that endorsement last night. yeah, it's yeah, it's kinda crazy and then i always think about nancy mason, south carolina to who i believe initially was kind of saying that trump, in fact did not win the 2020 election and not only did she win highly contested primary where she needed to get not just a plurality, but a majority and erase with three candidates. but she also was on the shortlist for trump's vp picks. so it's kind of crazy that it's come all the way around. >> and you wrote about this week steven about trump got the perfect birthday present, complete capitulation by the gop. >> that was a fascinating meeting highlighted by that handshake between mitch mcconnell and trump the senate
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minority leader has never skies his disdain for trump, but he's also always been about power and regaining power. and that was what that handshake was all about. that meeting was almost a tableau of how trump exerts power. he requires people to show loyalty in public almost a genuine fleck before him in his own party. and there were many of those members who have their own concerns about trump, who voiced them in the past in the house, but more importantly in the senate who basically understand that he is. they're shop to get the senate back after the next election. and they're prepared to do whatever it takes them to stand with him to get a taste of that power. >> it, let's dive a little bit into that virginia raised. that's happening on tuesday to nadh gov trump plaza now gotten the house freedom caucus leader bob good and look at the money that is spent. this is the most expensive house republican primary in the country. more money is coming against bob good, then for him in no small
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part, good was one of the aid. of course, who voted to oust kevin mccarthy, but also his endorsement of ron desantis. i i put this question to a number of republicans this past week about how they view those battle i don't like liars and i don't like back salvors and bob good bob good really stabbed president trump in the back. bob good is going to be terrific for the trump agenda because he's a conservative fighter presidencies differently if bob gets to this he did it will be because donald trump should the president get reelected, then i think president will learn quickly that some of these people may not be sitting in the trenches with them. >> i think bob good has made a lot of a lot of a lot of enemies. >> would the house be better off without them honestly, yes, i think it was because he's a divisive force and so we don't need i mean, here's trump. >> got to worry about the presidential race please still remembers the fact that rhonda seabed, good, backed ron desantis and he's trying to defeat it.
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>> also, just remember that bob good completely fell on his sword and then went to donald trump's trial and stood behind donald trump and still this is what he is doing going now, just overall on an endorsement strategy, i would say that a lot of this is danes doing a really good job, gains senate gop chair, right? making sure that donald trump was not stepping out of line. also, donald trump learning something which was these are different group of people than the house republicans that go rah, rah, rah. but with bob good, donald trump ultimately is going to come down to loyalty. he's not the only house member who backed desantis over trump. he's also not the only house member that donald trump has turned his irr because of it, you're not over it revenge politics, more than, more of that coming up, trump constantly blasted judicial system, but just how much has it helped him in his bid for the oval office i just went through a rigged trial in new york if you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the
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your search for two immunotherapies starts here ask your doctor about up devo plus your voy a chance to live longer silent earth would liev schreiber tonight it nine on cnn the court system now is under siege. >> they've weaponized the department of justice like it's never happened in this country. our enemies want to take away am i freedom because i will never let them take away your freedom, but they don't go after the democrats. the only go after the republicans think of it there really is a day that goes by when donald trump does not attack the justice judicial system. >> yet, it's that same system that could give him a boost ahead of november. take judge aileen cannon. well, i'm trump's younger court appointees whose decision in his mar-a-lago classified documents, criminal case, have likely deleted until after the election. and the supreme court or third of which he is appointed, has yet to rule on
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the question about whether he's immune from prosecution simply taking up that case has delayed two of his criminal trials the court even kept him on the colorado ballot, enters candidacy was challenged the state over january is six plus a georgia appeals court is reviewing the conduct. a prosecutor, fani willis, and trump's election subversion, criminal case in fulton county, ning that also will be delayed until after november. my panel is back. >> so this also comes hunter biden, of course, was convicted on felony charges last week, two democrats are being members of congress, are also being prosecuted. >> i put the question to mitt romney. i asked him about the contention from republicans that republicans are being treated differently that democrats what do you say to republicans who say that there's still shows a tier, two tier justice system in the aftermath of the hunter biden conviction? well, i think the hunter biden decision shows that there is a single tier of justice that's my own view, which is that the justice department brought, action
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against democrat they can put the question to republicans on the hill and the ligand trump campaign, they still say it's a two-tiered system of justice yeah. i mean, i think that one of the things going on here is that trump probably resents how much money he has had to spend on these legal cases. we're talking about fundraising earlier. and one thing that i always think about is that, between trump losing the election to joe biden and then joe joe biden's inauguration. i think he raised like 250 million, which he then put in a pack and he is essentially spent all that money down is now i think at 5 million because he's used all that money on legal fees. and so i think that especially given that he was just found guilty of 34 felony counts, and that he's used a lot of money that could go toward, camp i'm painting on legal fees. i can see why he is so fixated on this, even if there happens some delays in his cork, but there's no question about it. >> he has shaped the court in
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obviously the high court, the highest court in the land as well, perhaps even more so than joe biden look at just the number of appointees, judges who have been confirmed over his presidency, 245 for trump versus 201 for joe biden. >> and that is a significant number and he's benefiting from florida where the judge, their aileen cannon has effectively delayed that case and also supreme court get that step in and help them as well absolutely. i mean, if you look at the success that he had in his presidency, that was one of the key victory is that he imaged mcconnell work together on despite not liking each other very much with to get these judges in place, i also think what's really interesting to think about is you see this in the rally cry for joe biden last night at the fundraiser dang, if he gets reelected, he's going to have another chance for two more judges on that supreme court. and that is something that you're going to hear democrats pounced on over and over again on the trump campaign view this retribution talk playing out. i mean, yes, it works well with his base but suite we their
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focus groups that suggests that perhaps swing voters don't like it as much yet, he is doubling down when he's asked about that. yeah. i mean, these are one of the things that donald trump can't help himself, but double down on in an interview you kind of like not backing bob. good, it's just like these are innate and who he is as a person and he fundamentally is still angry at the people he believes betrayed him and embarrassed him. how it's actually going to play out remains to be seen. but if you look at the way that these groups like project 2025 are restructuring, are planning on restructuring the government. it would give enormous amount of power to the executive branch, which then would mean it was possible for donald trump to wield that power out for revenge if he wanted to. he's not going to stop talking about it because it's something that he truly feels whether or not it helps him or not. i think that you'll see him talking about it less in meetings like with mitch mcconnell and senators where he asked me on his best behavior. but those rallies look into new to do it and i assume the biden
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campaign's and a jump all over this certainly just one point about the supreme court though. this is a president who thinks she's going to come back and we'll the absolute power this is a big question. the supreme court needs to answer. yeah we shall see. >> coming up the united states has never seen anything like it. so why is washington worried the eyes of the world will literally be on america, the world cup we'll be here before you know, it five good things listen wherever you get your podcasts right now, you get a free foot locker sap, wait, just buy it foot login to app get one free. >> geoff scan a qr code, and enter promo code fal pogo it only worked on the other side of the screen buddy, you still got a landline or your house on a noun subway out when to leave work all day. >> so i can keep working tickets. just 112 hours of uninterrupted who do you take it for and for fast topical
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stage right today at your core, world has never seen a world cup like this. >> and it's coming to the us in 2026. >> but while that may seem far away, there is now a furious effort underway between the federal government and the soccer organization, fifa, to make sure the event was pulled off without a hitch. and i'm told it is an enormous undertaking with 48 teams now competing up from 322 years ago, that means an already strained us immigration system will be put to a major test not only were the players, coaches, and staff need visas, but solely estimated 5 million international now fans expected to attend these games, who may be traveling among the 16 host cities in the us, mexico, and in canada. now with nearly 80 of the 104 matches expected to be played in the united states, lawmakers tell me this is requiring a massive amount of coordination washington, local governments and fifa this will be the largest 40 event in the history of the world.
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>> we're going to have 104 matches. it's like having 104 super bowls and 39 days, but there has going to have to be cooperation between congress, homeland security, state department the white house. this has never been done before where you have three countries working in collaboration. did that now fifa president gianni infantino recently visited the us capitol. >> where he met with speaker mike johnson, democratic leaders hakeem jeffries and chuck schumer's chuck schumer, as well as some cabinet secretaries in addition to planning for extraordinary security measures, house members in the so-called soccer caucus told me the us will likely need a special visa process, so fans can move between countries more easily, including people from countries where it's not normally easy to enter into the united states the biggest issue will be working with canada and mexico in the united states on a visa system that is unique and different than anything we've done before. a lot of folks are coming to united states who maybe have never been united states before. >> we need to be sure we're accommodating those folks so they can get their to watch the
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games and remember, around 1.5 billion people worldwide watch the last world cup final live on tv if this does not get resolved, what is the risk at hand? well, the risk is an embarrassment to the united states. we don't want that, right? everyone gets it. >> it's a big deal. america good is gonna be the eyes of the world will literally be on america all right, that's it for inside politics sunday, you can follow me on x at mk raju, follow the show at inside politics. >> and if you ever miss an episode, you can catch up wherever you get your podcasts, just searched for died politics. up next here, the union with jake tapper and dana bash, jake's guess include senator tom cotton and chris murphy. thanks again for sharing your sunday morning with us and happy father's day. to my dad and all the dads who are joining us have a great day. see you next time i brought in a juror, max protein with 30 grams of protein. >> those who tried me felt more energy and just two weeks here, i'll take that ensure max
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