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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  June 16, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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advanced cyber security, it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. and it's all from comcast business. and this is cnn welcome everyone. you're in the cnn newsroom. i'm omar jimenez in washington. we're going to start this our breaking news out of southern california. the post fire has already burned over 12,000 acres in los angeles county, and it only started yesterday. hundreds of firefighters are battling to keep the blaze and check, but officials say the fire for is just 2% contained at this point with powerful wind gusts in the forecast camila bernal is on the scene and gorman, california. camille, i know you've been out and about over the course of the day. what are you seeing there right now hey omar.
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>> so right now what we're seeing is crews trying to prevent those blames from getting closer into the areas where we are now. so what you're seeing here behind me is actually a back burn. and so we've been with this crew for awhile now, what they're telling us is that they're trying to keep those flames away from this area, so they're purposely starting these fires here and then calling on the helicopters to then come and put them out. it is around the clock work because of the fact that the fire itself is spreading so quickly and some of the reasons behind that is one, the high temperatures to the low humidity and the wind, there's huge concern about the wins because throughout the day at the national weather service saying that the wind gusts could be 45, 55 miles an hour. and the huge concern is for the overnight hours because they say the wind gusts could be 60 to 70 miles per hour. so again, it is difficult work for these firefighters who are here. i want you to listen to what the forest service it is saying about all of this this is a
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relatively fast moving fire. >> it's lined up with the topography and the noralyn wind. so it's making a pretty good run. it's got relatively light flashy fuels available to it, which causes more rapid rate of spread so yeah, it's something that's keeping us on our toes so you're also seeing the heavy machinery here again around the clock work. >> there's already about 1,200 people that have been told to evacuate from their homes and many others are under evacuation can warnings. so officials here just telling people to be ready to go at a moment's notice because you never know just how quickly and where this fire could spread. so they're trying to contain it. but as you mentioned, omar containment is still really low at 2%. so when i was talking to the cruise here, what they said was we really hope that we can get some improvement in terms of those containment numbers, but they just don't know
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what's going to happen overnight with those very high wind gusts. so they are concerned about what's going to happen over the next couple of hours or and camila before we go just because there is so much going on behind you, can you can you just give us a sense since you've been there? really the whole day at this point, what exactly are the crews doing behind you? i know you said there were some back burn efforts, but just give us a sense of what exactly is happening right now behind you yeah. >> so it's actually incredible to see the water drops because of the fact that there is a lake nearby. you're seeing. so many water drops, you know, i've been to many fires and this is probably one of the fires where i've seen the most because it's helicopter after helicopter doing these water drops. and as i mentioned, just here behind me, what you're seeing, the flames is a backwards so they burn it on purpose, right? they use some of the gas and just material that quickly creates a fire and then they put it out because once they create that line, the fire will not move into this
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area. because if you look over here, there's a lot of green in this area, so they're trying to keep it away from here in order to do that, they keep those fire lines over on this side so that that fire does not continue to spread to areas that could go up in flames. so you'd are really bad it out. here's a water jar. now what they told me they were doing was trying what the graph in this area because once you wet it, you have less of a chance of a going up in flames. and so again, they're just trying to keep the area that's not been burgess from being burned and it is obviously around the clock work for them. i to active scene that's part of why fire officials are concerned about the wind because that takes some of those was embers pass some of those fire lines that they're clearly working so hard to build camila bernal really appreciate it. thank you all right. >> meanwhile, the 2024 presidential campaign is kicking into high gear. were just 11 days. it's right there. if you need any further proof until the first presidential debate held right here on cnn last night in los
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angeles president joe biden and former president barack obama went to a really glitzy fundraiser packed with a-list hollywood celebrities. and in discussion moderated by jimmy kimmel, president biden talked about how dangerous he thinks a second trump presidency could be. now the biden campaign says the event raised 30 million, which is the most successful single day then in the democratic party's history cnn correspondent priscilla alvarez joins us now. so priscilla, i mean, biden had some pretty sharp criticisms of trump, which again maybe was to be expected, but also of the supreme court as well. >> yeah, he underscored the stakes of the election again, as he's done before, but he focused it specifically on the supreme court, essentially saying but over the next four years, there could be openings on the supreme court and posing the question as to what happens if donald trump isn't a second term when that's the case, and if he puts more conservative justices on the court given the decisions that we've already seen so far, take a lesson.
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>> look. >> the supreme court has never been as out of kilter as it is today after the decision that overrule roe v. wade, the dobbs decision, you had clarence thomas talking about the fact that there. are gonna be other things we should reconsider, including in vitro fertilization, including contraception, including all these things reproductive freedoms has been a galvanizing issue for the biden campaign. >> it's one that they have fanned out across the country to remind voters first that that is also at stake if donald trump were to take a second term. so that was part of what he was leaning into their in that clip. now, if he was next to former president barack obama, who also talked about the values of candidates and that, that should also be considered by voters when they go to the polls. but as you mentioned, it was also a way to get more money and they raked in more than 30 minutes million they set a record and that is a type of momentum that they're going to want to keep that cash advantage going into the next
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few months. yeah. because certainly not everything you need, but definitely helps. of course, in the campaigning process. so alvarez, thank you obviously, a lot to talk about here. >> joining me now is democratic strategists and co-founder of lift our voices. julie virgin ski and julie i just want to start with you because i've also got scott jennings here. i want to start with you saying, what do you make of biden talking about the makeup of the supreme court? >> smart strategy, look the most galvanizing issue of the last two years has been roe versus wade, got democrats to the polls in 2022 in ways that i think nobody predicted and it hasn't ended. you see what's the effect of that has been all across the country with women being denied their right to choose and their right to their bodily autonomy. and now we have people saying they want to go further if people like clarence thomas potentially putting things like ivf, which is certainly not a liberal issue in play. things like other aspects to reproductive freedom i'm like access to contraception, which is just something that i think we've all taken for granted over the last generation or two. if not
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longer. and so it's something that i think people are starting to understand is real. this is not fearmongering, this is not the scare tactics that i think for very long time democrats might have put out there since the fall of roe are since before the fall of roe. now that row has fallen, everything else is on the table and voters are starting to take that very, very seriously and we're also joined by scott jennings, cnn senior political commentator and former special assistant to president george w bush, don't want to cut your intro short there. >> now look based on a picking up on a little bit of what julie just said. overturning of roe v. wade did have a pretty enthusiastic effect on the voting base in the midterms. the first, the first test, election tests after that do you expect that to be just as strong a propelling force here? and if you're republican, how do you fight back against that? yeah, i do actually, i think democrats have successfully used it. it's motivating for some voters. it's motivating for their donors. and so i'm not surprised to see them using
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it. i do think it is fear fearmongering. i do think it is a scare tactic for democrats to argue that contraception and ivf are on the table when no republican is running on that, i mean, donald trump himself supports ivf. donald trump self has said he supports access to contraception and his position on abortion is kind of the old reagan position i'll leave it to the states and i believe in the three exceptions, rape, incest, and life of the mother. that's a pretty moderate center, right? moderate type position. and i don't think it's going to scare too many people, but it is the best ground on which democrats can fight. because if you look at the other issues in the election it should inflation, immigration national security. biden is struggling and all those areas. so it's smart for them to try to shift the conversation to abortion and it's smart for trump to try to keep the conversation over those other targets where he's got an advantage and julie to bring you back in here, one of the things that as you mentioned, some of those some of those issues is that there's been all this talk about biden's age, about his cognitive abilities. that has been ramping over the course of
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this election. i mean, trump though last night, also 78-years-old, challenged bite into a cognitive test, but also got his white house doctors named wrong while doing it. take a listen i think he should take a cognitive tests like i did. i took a cognitive test nih dot rotting dr. ronny johnson. does everyone know ronnie johnson, congressmen from taxes he was the white house doctor and he said i was the healthiest president he feels in history. so i liked him very much. >> so obviously talking about cars been ronny jackson now. but the point in this, julie is that one can democrats make the case that trump is too old for office? or is this cognitive ability age argument just really a trap for both sides at this point we are running against a convicted felon we are running against somebody who is so unhinged that there is not enough time in this
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segment are probably for the next 24 hours and check up everything that he said that his shattered every single norm we've seen in this country? >> and so ultimately democrats e to focus on that look, nobody's to fight on donald trump's ground here. nobody needs to cede anything to him every time he opens his mouth, he proves himself unfit for office. this is not he's absolutely right because unlike any president, we've ever had in at least a modern history, and certainly probably america cricket history altogether. and democrats need to keep pointing that out. i will say actually to scott's previous point, looks got you. and i both know that republicans just killed and ivf bill on the hill last week, we know that senators like lindsey graham want to propose a national abortion ban, which we all know donald trump will sign. so i don't think democrats are fearmongering and we have people like supreme court justice this is like clarence thomas saying altogether that they want to revisit these issues. so this is not fear mongering whatsoever. republicans need to be taken, taken at their word i believe it when they say they want to get rid of ivf, i believe they say they speak the truth when they saving want to get rid of
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contraception, take them at their word, because when somebody shows you who they are, believe them well i want you pick. >> there's not a single there's not a single republican saying, i want to get rid of ivf, or i want to get rid of contraception. these bills are put on the floor. these bills are put on the floor by democrats to conjure up non-existent issues there show votes. donald trump is the leader of the party. he's, he's are presidential candidate he was the first one to come out and say, my policy as the head of this party is going to be we strongly support ivf. so again, it's support that may leak out and other factions of the republican fraction division, no one can point me to a single republican who is running along this. there is not one in the country in the senate and the congress, donald trump. the point has trump's are candidate for president. he says the policy his policy is very clear. julie, i heard you wanted to get in there where you're saying yeah. >> scott, come on, donald trump's policies have never been clear on his life. he goes from day-to-day. he has no serious policy sees that he has
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ever talked about all he does is go with the flow and the flow right now. so there's a bill on the floor that republicans refused to support. they could have shown support for ivf. they didn't. and if you think it was such a show vote, why not just vote for it as a matter of principle to say, yes, we believe in ivf, we believe that people who want to have children through in vitro fertilization should be able to do that but they didn't because the reason they don't participate in is because they don't feel like they have to participate in the shenanigans of a political party that's run by a president with a 38% approval rating. >> that's why now, again, why don't you just say as a matter of principle, you support ivf. >> what's harm in doing that? why not weigh them together? >> hey, there these votes are not real issues. i mean, no one is threatening ivf, no one is threatening contraception and to try to scare your political party into billy, i get a look if i were in your shoes, i would do the same thing. biden's it 38. he is historically unpopular. inflation in the cost living is going if i were in your shoes, i would be pulling out everything and throw it against
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the wall two and that's all that it is spaghetti against the wall. >> all right. i got to leave it there right now. but what you're seeing right now is a preview of a lot of the issues that are going to be central over the course of this election. and central in shameless plug the debate. 20 seventh so scott jennings is really appreciate, julie, really appreciate both of you being here. we'll bring it back and we'll continue this conversation all right. >> we're also following more news as well, including israel announcing what they call a tactical pause along a southern gaza route to allow aid in. but says it won't let up in fighting in a around rafah. we're going to take you live to israel next, and she's only been a pro for a few months, but wnba star caitlin clark has already taken a few lumps, including this flagrant foul against her today, we're in discuss what happened today, but also the implications around the discussions in the league der and cnn newsroom, stay with us the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher the
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president and the former president, one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th at nine live on cnn and streaming i'm back there are giant so much god. >> they are the men and women building or daibes next generation submarines they are giants and what they do because they work in a place where they can grow, where they can learn the skills to build careers as powerful as the beast. >> they four we built two because it takes one to build one in the next 30 seconds, 250 couples will need to make room for it. >> nurseries 26 people will go all this family will get two bathrooms and finally, one vacation or we'll say, yeah i'm going to live here that as a euphoria subsides, the realisation hits. >> i could house don't worry,
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oren liebermann is in haifa, israel. now, or in israel said there would be no letting up in the fighting in and around rafah. have there been any clashes in that area? good. today that you've been following there has been ongoing fighting, whether this fighting is more significant or less intense than it has been in previous days. >> we'll see as we get a better sense of how this looks. the idf has been pushing in rafah, moving northwest along the border. there, essentially cutting off the rafah border between egypt and gaza. it also announced today, as you point out, this tactical pause, as they called it from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. along a very specific route from the kerem shalom border crossing, where israel says there are thousand trucks waiting to go in in through moving northwest towards the european hospital in khan younis, this humanitarian aid desperately needed across the gaza strip as issues of sanitation, sewage malnutrition among children,
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concerns over famine in the north. all of these are growing by the day. so the humanitarian aid needs to get in and the kerem shalom crossing is one of the few crossings currently the working at this point, the question of course, how long will this tactical paul's last israel says, and the prime minister's office, or rather an israeli official said that the fighting and rafah would continue as the humanitarian aid goes in. so we'll see what this tactical pause along this very specific route is able to do in terms of alleviate hitting the humanitarian problems. frankly, the humanitarian disaster within gaza, but it is at least a step in the right direction that was welcomed by the un, even as they said, look, it's not enough and more aid needs to get through of color. of course, you'll remember that the us built humanitarian pier also isn't functioning right now because of heavy seas so more aid needs to get in. this is an effort to do that. we'll have a better sense of how well this functions over the course of the next few days here, omar? >> yeah, exactly how well it functions is a key question
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here, but the announcement, of course, the beginning of that process oren liebermann really appreciate it. thank you. >> i want to talk now with high-stakes hostage negotiator, mickey bergman the coauthor of in the shadows true stories of high-stakes negotiations to free americans captured a broad mickey are also a form of paratrooper in the idf. >> now i just want to ask about the recent news that we're learning. all right, so idf announces a humanitarian pause to allow some aid to get in. if you're on the hostage negotiation side, obviously you don't have control over what the military is doing and are announcing. but how might a move like this have an impact on negotiations that very delicate ones that are happening behind the scenes. >> well the first of all, any pause in fighting is a positive from negotiations but in this, we have to understand it's really important to understand the fundamentals here we have a couple of assumptions. israel and hamas do not talk directly, cannot. >> there are four countries in
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the world that have influence over hamas that's iran, a turkey, egypt, and qatar. >> none of them have any interest in helping israel, but at least two of them, qatar and egypt have an interest in working with the united states. therefore, our theory of return, when we take cases and we've been working on this since october 8, has been that first we needed to make it an american priority and the president has made it very clear this is the hostages american priority then our mediators are partners in this qatar, egypt, lean on hamas to solicit proposals and if those proposals or even half decent and they're never good, they're never going to be primo. okay. yeah. >> but if they're halfway decent than the american administration helps the israeli government to feel as comfortable as possible in order to accept an implement those. >> and it worked extremely well. >> in the first 50 something days. >> and we had over 100 hostages back. it has failed since, and it has failed since because there has been a clear gap
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between the israeli insistent that the war cannot stop, and hamas insistent that that's the precondition that's why we had the stages. that's why the administration has been working hard on that but we're still stuck with failed for six months. now, this proposal has been on the table to deliver it. and there's something about it that we have to understand. the israeli prime minister right now is making very, very clear, as long as they're hostile. so just there's justification for the war as long as there's a war, there's no elections in israel. >> and on that point look a central portion of these negotiations obviously is the hostages, the well-being of the hostages at this point as well. but a senior hamas official so told cnn this week that quote, no one has an idea how many hostages are alive with a statement like that. how does that complicate the situation? the negotiation process when when, whether that's whether
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that's true or not, because it's a public facing statement how does that have an impact? so you're exactly right. we don't know whether it's true or not. and hamas actually has an interest in not confirming how many are alive, how many are dead, because as long as we don't know they benefit and they have the leverage over this the truth is that even though emotionally it's so, so tough to do we have to completely ignore that element of it and just work to get the deal to get a ceasefire going. because during a ceasefire like that, once people start coming home, even if we don't know the ultimate number that we can bring home, every life is a life saved and every moment like that builds momentum and appetite to get more and that allows us not only to get the hostages back home, but hopefully to get to the end of this war, yeah now, look, obviously this isn't the only front that you work on and there are many complicating factors with the fact these two sides don't speak directly, but also when you deal with a
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country like russia, for example, i can imagine there are differences in the types of negotiations and the methods in which they play out. you played a key role in negotiating the release of brittney griner. can you can you just tell us some of the key aspects that went into that and why did that actually go through what was the success point that actually allow now that to happen? i think first of all, you're right. >> it's completely different notion of negotiations between commas in between the russians. and we live hamas on the side here for a second, focus on the russians. the russians are really their professional diplomats, old school diploma diplomacy with them. they, they have very clear intent to know exactly what they're going going for. very, very sharp. an early on when we started working on prisoners, it was paul whelan. there was no trevor retaken, there was no brittney griner taken, certainly not evan gershkovich and others that we have now and we figured out and we started talking to them, we realized that the russians are very big
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on reciprocity and symmetry and that is the big thing that drove. and if you look at the deals that were conducted, trevor read for constantinian shanker brittney griner, four victor boot and there were opportunities to bring paul whelan. i actually discussed it in my book. i believe he was left behind four times on this he can still come home and we need to do it. but with russia, we know, unfortunately, it is going to be an exchange. we know what putin wants. we also know that putting doesn't want to do anything that will make biden look good in an election year? but we can't just sit and wait until elections they don't have time. i do know two cardinal truths of doing this was 18 years omar. number one, the deals never get better over time. we might tell ourselves stories, but they never get better over time. and to time is never to the benefit of the prisoners. any de is something can happen, something terrible can happen whether disease, an assassination, or anything, or mental breakdown of hostages,
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that's why we have urgency and we can't afford waiting. and again, even with russia, the deal is not going to be good. it's not going to be nice, but it's the only way to get these americans home. and i think we're strong enough to do it and figure out how we deter in the future. >> look, really appreciate you being here at mickey, appreciate your perspective as always. i know how intricate that that work is. you know, better than anyone else. and obviously i should mention, you so worked very closely with the late governor bill richardson as well. they've done some incredible work, author of in the shadows where you can hear so much more of what we've talked about today mickey bergman. thanks for being here. we'll be right back, everyone. >> there's no war, so hateful war between kin war between tracks house of the dragon streaming exclusively on max depicts and helps people with asthma brief better. >> it as little as ten weeks. >> when you can leave better,
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reelection campaign as a fight to preserve democracy. but yes, some trump's supporters, the former president, ited states i democracy cnn's donirs what hap if trump loses? >> i don't see him losing. >> i don't think he lost the last election to be honest. >> do you think he's going to win? yes. yes. >> without a doubt. no doubt. you want if he doesn't this time, what happens to the contrary biden talks about democracy saving democracy. they're the ones that are killing democracy. >> obviously there's a lot of criticisms of nutriment than he is bad for democracy that he's bad for american democracy. or a republic or republic are not a democracy public that we're not or democracy one thing we've been hearing a trump rallies like this over the past few months. >> is that america is really a democracy. >> america's not a democracy
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as a recovered. >> it's not a democracy okay democracy is actually not as good as you think it is. >> but for centuries, america has celebrated its democracy. >> democracy is worth dying for democracy remains the definition of political legitimacy, but some republicans and pro-trump media are pushing the idea that america is not a democracy. >> united states of america is not a democracy. we are constantly the tunnel republic, united states of america is not a democracy. you don't want to be in a democracy. we are not a democracy. we are a republic is america a democracy? america is a democracy. it was founded as a democracy. i've heard a lot of conspiracy theories. >> i hear a lot of things out on the road but to hear americans, people who would describe themselves as patriots say that america is not a democracy that stopped me in my tracks. >> you are hearing people say america is not a democracy because there are people around trump who want them to be
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saying that who've been planting that narrative? >> his america, democracy i don't i think we'll not work, yeah, where republican, what's the difference i feel like democracy this through its government i don't see freedom and democracy freedom delivery honestly, the word democracy and the word republic have often been used interchangeably. there isn't a meaningful difference between them. >> so much of the warnings and criticism about trump is that he is a threat to democracy, that he has anti-democratic absolutely. >> if they can convince people that we don't have a democracy, then it's okay that trump is attacking democracy because it doesn't really matter it's like why has democracy become a bad word? because it's being used? >> why to change the flavor of our country, which is a
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republic. these words were used in different ways in the 18th century and it's true the founders didn't want direct democracy by which they meant people gathering on the town square. they wanted representative democracy. but i think the reason why this conversation about language which has prison now is because there is a part of the republican party that would like to rule as a minority. and they need an excuse for why that's okay. and so they have begun to say, we're not a democracy were are public and it's not 100% clear what that means. but i think they mean we want donald trump to be able to do whatever he wants some people i've been seeing debt trump events recently. yes. have been saying american is not a democracy. >> it's a republic. >> and we've always been a democracy. first of all, we have slate. we use that freedom of speech and freedom of religion. we used to have that two. now they're picking on the christians and the jewish people. >> i mean, how much more can we are? >> too concerned if trump loses
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that, there'll be another january 6 no, i think there will be a civil war that's what i think will happen and omar, look, there is of course, a legitimate debate discussion to be had on what form of democracy we have here in the united states, direct democracy, representative democracy, in fact constitute from republic what you heard. people mentioned in that piece, that is a form of democracy, but this is not actually a debate about government, about democracy. it's an attack on democracy. people have heard the warnings that trump is a danger to democracy. and therefore, you have people trying to convince others that as well, united states isn't a democracy in the first place and therefore, trump can't be a threat. >> owner don't appreciate the reporting as always, always insightful. all right. she's already a major face of the wnba, but that doesn't mean the competition isn't taking it easy is taking it easy? caitlin clark, we have seen
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the monitor to review this one. >> now, look, you see angel reese hit clark in the head in today's game between the indiana fever and the chicago sky of fouled later upgraded to a flagrant foul, which from where i sit does seem to be the right call, but it does not seem to be intentional. again, from where i sit. but let's talk to cnn sports analyst christine brennan in indianapolis, where she was covering this game. so christina, i'm just curious. i'm just curious for you. what was the reaction like in the stadium? and obviously, this is getting a lot of attention online with wider implications if we want to get into some of that a little bit yeah. right. i was there and the fever one and the place was electric 17,000 pack to the very top row again, this story line, as you alluded to, caitlin clark, and these sellouts and just the energized fan base for women's sports. just so terrific. and angel reese, of course, is a part of this story because she and caitlin clark had been
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rivals. now since they really burst onto the national scene with that lsu victory over iowa in the national championship game in 2023. and all the gesturing from angel reese and what have you. there? the other again, and this is now caitlin clark is three and since that game back in 2023, winning in the ncaa tournament this year, and then two games with her indiana fever beating chicago. so it's a great rivalry and yeah, i caitlin clark was going to the basket driving, you know, the game very well, having played it and she just got clobbered by angel reese, they did call it a flagrant one almost immediately takes a couple of minutes. so there was no delay. and caitlin clark said it when we asked her about it afterwards, she said, you know what what were you thinking about? and she said, all i was thinking about was making those two free throws. so but yes, it's the story line because of the connection and the rivalry between the two yeah. >> and i think we actually have a little bit of what injuries and caitlin clark both said after the game. here's reese
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you unless labor and that you feel like basketball yeah. >> he's like that was the appropriate color a basketball play. i can't control them, laugh, state, effect that the game obviously about tonight mega, looking at the phone, i've seen a lot of calls that weren't me, i guess some people got to specialists we're not going to be denied no matter what you guys can try to do and obviously not happy with the officiating, which we've seen at all levels of the game, men and women's. >> but also here's caitlin clark on her after the game what's going through my mind is i need to make these two free throws as all i'm thinking about. just a part of basketball. it is what it is treppe is trying to play, make a play on the ball and get the block. yeah. i mean, it happens. yeah. i think he's just the emotion, the passion that we play with. i think people love to see that. and i think that's maybe not something that was always appreciated and women's sports and it should be, i think that's what makes it fun. like people were competitors.
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that's the way the game should be played. her for a very long time and she's been a tremendous player so it's been fun getting to compete against. i think it's been really good for the game. like people just love seeing great matchups we played that too because i think oftentimes the reactions from the players themselves are many degrees below the reactions online as far as the temperatures around the discussion. >> so i thought that was important to play, but my question to you, christine, out of that is, what do you make of caitlin clark's first season in the wnba? hey, obviously, she is not scored to the degree she did in college has a different level, different game didn't make the team usa team, which again a whole host of arguments for and against there. but i'm just curious, what do you make of what she has gone through and accomplish over the course of this first season i think everyone wants to argue, of course, they've social media, which tiger woods never really had to deal with michael jordan every had to deal with all kinds of other athletes. >> i'm not saying that caitlin clark is that their level, but when they were beginning, the thing kind of thing so people
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want to put issues on caitlin and on angel and others that kennedy carter hit the blindside, had a couple of weeks ago, that one wasn't called a flagrant one until later. so that basically triggered a national conversation for several days again, i think caitlin said rivalry and the conversation is good to a point these are 22-year-old women and as caitlin said the other day, when i click caitlin clark was asked about some of the terrible things being said racism and awful things that are out there, of course, on the internet and people maybe fans of caitlin clark doing this and kaitlan made sure to stay it up and say, i don't want anyone doing that in my name. and spoke. i thought eloquently about it so they're being taken a national conversations that some of us are interested in. but for them, they're being dragged into truly, i think omar issues of mental health and i think moving forward i ask caitlin clark about that today. today as well. so there's a lot
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there for these young people. but caitlin clark is handling herself absolutely beautifully and she's playing great now, just look so comfortable on the court today and looked it looked iowa comfortable to me. is really having a fine fine start to her season despite obviously the learning curve that you have in the league well, i don't think anyone except for those on the fever went heard quite to be iowa comfortable. so hope not good news for other people but christine really appreciate the time perspective, obviously, this won't be the last time we talked about this dynamic over the court so this season great to see omar. >> thank you. >> of course. >> all right. we're continuing to follow a whole host of another, of other different stories, including this breaking news that we've brought to you at many points of fast-moving fire wildfire, burning thousands of acres there's north of los angeles. we're live is conditions are expected to worsen tonight. you're in the cnn newsroom. stay with us this is a secret
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