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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  June 17, 2024 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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all right. >> it's monday, june 17, right now on cnn this morning, president biden and donald trump are looking for a boost to their campaign war chests ten days out from the first presidential debate hundreds of vacua is strong winds fuel fast-moving, fire near los angeles, plus israel's military announces a tactical pause in rafa to get more humanitarian aid into gaza. yet, the prime minister of criticizes the move 5:00 a.m. here in washington 5:00 a.m. here in washington. >> here's a live look in new york city and good morning everyone. i'm on a roger kasie hunt has the day off. it's so great to be with you. president
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biden and donald trump holding dueling campaign events over the weekend, which is ten days to go into the first presidential debate of 2024. of course, right here on cnn for donald trump, he went to detroit decor black voters, but also throw red meat to his base in an event run by a hard right group, by didn't meantime, hard now with movie stars joining barack obama for a0 stores started event raise millions for his campaign that has struggled to overcome trump, according to many poles but biden strategy was clear, is still some fear into a supporters about what a second trump term could look like including with the supreme court the next president is likely to have two new supreme court nominees, two more, two more. he's already appointed to that. or been very negative in terms of the rights of individuals. >> there's this b, good, this be the scariest part of all of it? >> well, i think it is one of the scariest parts of a look. the supreme court has never been as out of kilter as it is
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today tom spent part of his weekend in detroit seeking to take advantage of signs of waning enthusiasm for biden among some black voters the crime is most rampant right here and african american communities, we don't want to get robbed and mugged and beat up, or killed because we want to walk across the street to buy a loaf of bread. but the black population wants law enforcement more than any other population. >> joining me to discuss washington post reporter mariana, alfaro. >> all right. yeah. thank you so much for waking up and joining me this morning. >> it was an interesting week. this is post convention. trump has now more so on the campaign trail, he did a little bit of both this week and he's a michigan obviously a critical battleground state. he was meeting with trying to core black voters and a black church it's unclear how many agile black voters actually get candid that that is a separate
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story. but then he went over and spoke to this hard right group. is he tried to rile up as base. i want to get your thoughts on both, but on the issue about black voters, just in terms of the poles and where things stand. this is obviously a key part i'm joe biden's coalition in an exit polls from 20 87% of black voters came out and supported them. obviously much more than trump. the challenge for him right now is that you look at it, the margin is tightening and there's no question about among several polls is how reflective do you think that is right now? of where things stand in this race and kin biden reverse this trend as we head into november, i think we still have a very long summer ahead of us, but that is a little bit concerning. i think that's why you're seeing a president biden doubled down on reminding voters, you know trump is trying to portray himself as this way right now, but let's not forget what happened between 2016, 2020, and all the things that he said specifically, black hello, about black voters and african americans in the country. and so i think you're gonna be hearing way more of that because in states like michigan, just like a slight 3% change and among support, among
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black voters could really hurt president biden. >> yeah, and just a little bit more about his pitch. when trump was speaking to black voters this weekend, he went and talked about joe biden's record on the issue of crime biden wrote the devastating 1994 crime bill was talking about super predators that was biden. >> he walks around now talking about the black vote. he's the king of the super predators so he didn't actually coined the terms of a better designer extant have factually accurate. but the issue of how effective is that pitch, is it the right tone does strike and trying to court by photos and talking about crime and going after biden's record, which of course is much different than trumps record when it comes to race relations. and particularly, yes. >> i think that part part of this strategy is fascinating. i think we saw yesterday a lot of potential vp pigs for talking about crime and crime and crime. i'm all over this sunday shows and i think it was fascinating because if you look
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at the data which i think the fbi released just last week violent crime has actually diminished in a country over last year because letting in some major metropolitan cities, yes. >> yes putting i think determined they were speaking there, so i think that that's something that divide and ministration has a, but the biden campaign is really good chance of hooking onto and say, you know, trump is saying those, but the reality is, it's different. and also, i think tropos setting himself up to be compared present-day trump to the trump of i don't know, 20 before, but we're saying all these like very slightly races that aporia things about blackface yeah. yeah. the bird, the birth of conspiracy with barack obama, who is obviously campaigning with joe biden this weekend, that, that among the things that the biden campaign point to an immediate aftermath of these comments. >> one other thing before we talk about biden was that there was this meeting that trump went to with this group called turning point usa pretty hard, right? group. this is what are republican or cnn colleagues wrote about the strategy for the presumptive republican nominee, about why he is actually talking to this group
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is the approach of relying on outside groups is untested. he's relying on this outside group like turning point usa. the advisors say this would be unlike any other transition no campaign strategy in modern history only made possible by very recent fvc ruling that allows campaigns to directly work in coordinate with outside groups. it's also born out of a crucial challenge, the trump campaign is to solve for money. so in going to these groups, is fascinating because the democrats have created this ground game turning up voters. they've created this operation across the country. the republicans don't have that yet, but trump is going to try to rely on these traditions, these, these groups like a conservative right-wing group to try to turn out as those to the poles, will it work? >> i mean, a thing about that is that it risks leaving out that center of the republican party that that group of voters who was not fully seeking out these groups that might be considered extreme, them to their eyes name. i also don't agree with a lot of the things that these groups are saying. and then who reaches out to them, you know, these republicans were like, i don't
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know if i should vote for trump, but he's extreme in some ways, but i would like the republican party to reach out to me. i think that those are going to be the ones left behind by these cooperate patients with these groups. >> it means i'm biden was in hollywood. he made the case to his supporters there about what he believes is going to be a real threat to reproductive rights. if donald trump wins the presidency, this is sun, he said to his supporters at this hollywood fundraiser after the, after the decision that overrule roe v. wade the dobbs decision, you had clarence thomas talking about the fact that there are going to be other things we should reconsider including in vitro fertilization, including contraception including all these things. by the way, not on my watch. not on my yes obviously, since the dobbs decision, democrats have succeeded in running on this issue, but paul's do show that it is a major issue among a lot of voters, but it may not
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necessarily be the decisive issue for so many swing voters if you're the biden campaign, how much is this quarter your message or is this is one of many different messages against trump. i think it definitely isn't a tough three of messaging at this point. and we saw it again happen with all the ivf discussion and just let's wake with the decision not to rule out the abortion pill, and i think that that is something that we saw repeatedly sent to us to the campaign. they were really messaging around it, but i think that at some point they also got a diversified the things that they're talking on. and i think that again, we've been reminded of what happened with the supreme court enroll for the last two years, i think that that's not nothing new, but at some point you got to break new ground and then started reaching out to voters and especially the immigration front. i think that that's one of the core issues at the biden campaign. lift up more. it's a day, let's see. i mean, obviously it's worked in special elections as well down get races. will it work for buy-in to keep the white house maria maria alfaro. thank you so much for joining us this morning and coming up next just ten days out from the first presidential debate. and there's one rule that could
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give one candidate in edge plus a wildfire in california exploding in size fueled by winds near 70 miles an hour and the princess of wales makes a rare appearance. an update on her battle with cancer debate in america as biden and trump meet and leave cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access and exclusive pre and post a beat analysis. >> follow cnn for every countless moments. followed, debate night in america begins june 27th, when we say it'll be on time, they expect it to be on time it turns shipping to your advantage, keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping thanks, brandon, with usps ground advantage? can the riva support your brain health? >> married janet, hey eddie? know appraiser, franck. >> franck, bread. >> how are you fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined
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it's nice to know that you're meeting with people who already are at a certain level. we wanted something beautiful, we wanted something that our children will feel happy zooming in and we love it and still connect with skilled professionals to get all your home projects done well, get started today at i'm natasha bertrand at the pentagon. and this is cnn catherine princess of wales, making your first public appearance. and nearly six months since or cancer diagnosis last christmas on saturday, she joined the british royal family and the balcony at buckingham palace for king charles official birthday ceremony, along with the traditional military spectacle known is trooping. the color keith stepped away from public duties back in
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january in many brits were relieved to see her height to come to see years old. and she factors. and we thank you to play and we that we lost one precession way of tragedy we've been betty, very ready what an easy about. now this is gonna be joyful you 48 dreadful diagnosis and she's out and about and it's wonderful to ceo seen as max foster joins us from london. >> so max, both the king and the present prints as dealing with cancer at the same time the king returned to his duties a few months ago, but this event marking a big moment for the royal family, the end for the fan, for england the first time we have seen her, the princess in almost six months. how did she appear? >> what she looked really well? it was all about the children. she was with the children the whole time and i think that was on purpose because that's who she is prioritizing in this
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process away from her treatment. so there's a huge crowd a lot of people who spoke to the royal fans there, obviously the ones that come out on these occasions. and haven't seen this. it's christmas. and you can just see there can't use she really is the star of the show for the royal family, the king said he was delighted that she was able to go. she's a big asset as are the children. i have to say prince louis stole a lot of the attention as you're starting at this spot, he started dancing or the other spot, his cyst out to tell him to keep his arms down. so they came across as a normal family. yet again the relationship with the royal family and the british public is that they are present within public life when they're not there. people question where they are. you get the conspiracy theories all of that, but i think what the princess wanted to do was show that she's well enough to do some things, but she's not enough to go to back to full-time work as it were. >> what do we know max about her long-term prognosis and has a palo has been forthcoming about the howard treatment is going she has said that she has
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many months left of this. she's currently undergoing chemotherapy. they won't reveal exactly what type of cancer it is. so we're not entirely clear about what the prognosis might be, only that she looks pretty well. they're trying to get this balance right? i think in the past, they didn't give out any medical details. they wouldn't have told us she had cancer. we still don't know what the queen died off, for example, queen elizabeth they feel that they are putting a bit more out there. the king certainly very keen to do that with his cancer because he wants to encourage people to get tested but yes, there are people that feel that she's a public figure. she should tell everyone exactly what type of cancer it is. it's a big debate out there. she's made a decision. i don't think we're ever going to be told. >> all right. back sponsor in london. thanks for that report. and just to add for us to dead and 14 injured and a juneteenth festival in texas. pause a contentious virginia primary puts republican infighting on
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more at i'm bill, we're on the california coast and this is cnn 21 minutes past the hour. here's a morning roundup. >> two people are dead and 14 others injure following the shooting in round rock, texas incident took place during june in celebration, police are asking the public for help finding a suspect maryland governor west more expected to part it more than 175,000 people with marijuana convictions, according to the washington post, a pardons we'll forgive them. >> low-level possession charges, and will also apply to individuals to have already died the fast-moving fire in southern california triggering red flag warnings for parts of
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los angeles and ventura counties is already burdened really 15,000 acres and is only 2% contained is crews battle winds up to 70 miles an hour we're also tracking a dangerous he waved, roasting half the country is temperature skyrocket across the midwest, great lakes, and northeast. this week meteorologist alice and chin char joins us. so alice and just how bad is it? >> all right, over 80 million people are under some type of heat or you can see the bulk of them right here across the northeast stretching into the midwest. you've got heat advisories heat, excessive heat watches and warnings. but when you look at the population, it's not just those areas over 80% of the us population is going to see a temperature of 90 degrees threes or higher at some point this week. >> and also talking records and a lot of them over 100 195 potential records at some point over the next several days, the bulk of them, yes. >> are located in the northeast and the midwest, but you can
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see some of them down to the south, some of them out across the rocky mountain area. so this is going to be pretty wide spread. we're also not just talking daily records, but all-time records, possible caribou main, the forecast is 99. if they do in fact reach that on wednesday, that will break their current all-time high temperature record of 96 degrees. now if we take a look at some of these cities again, boston, new york, you're talking about all of those temperatures continue going to go up as we make our way through. so this isn't just going to be a one or a two day thing. you're looking at basically the rest of the week for these temperatures being above average another thing we're keeping an eye out is the tropics, particularly this system down here just off the yucatan peninsula has a 70% chance of developing into some type of tropical system. in the next several days. but godless of whether it does that low pressure system is going to slide up through the gulf bringing a tremendous amount of rain, especially the texas look at this red and pink color here. you're talking in excess of 810, even as much as a foot of rain coming through over the
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next several days, it's why you have the potential for that flooding. here's a look at that low pressure system when we talk about again, very slowly meandering its way through the gulf of mexico. and as it does, it will strengthen a little bit. the question is whether or not it strengthens up to tropical storm strength regardless though, look at all of that moisture that it just funnels into that area. that's why you have the potential for very excessive rainfall, not just for texas, but also portions of louisiana. and you can see that here on monday as well as tuesday, and there's even manu a threat for flooding on wednesday as well only june and already so many record tams. this is going to be a brutal, brutal summer else and can charge. thank you for that. >> and up next i'd tactical pause by israel's mill, if military to allow the more aid into gaza plus the rules for the first presidential debate wednesday cnn celebrates junzi
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supported florida governor rhonda santa for president. and after the santa is dropped out, good. then endorsed trump. but as trump put it on tooth social, it was too late. he said, quote, i caught up with congressman good and asked him about losing the former president support donald trump backing your opponent and how much does that hurt your campaign? we're going to win. the people are behind us in the fifth district, overwhelmingly, everybody is becoming together and winning on november 5, the time to talk about previous endorsement are supported in previous canvases behind us again, we're going to win on june 18 i've good loses tomorrow night. >> it could be the first incumbent primary laws of 2024. joining me now to talk about all this as axises capitol hill reporter, julie grace barofsky, your grace good morning. >> i'm absolutely so you cover the house. republicans, the house the freedom caucus in the like, how much is this race just roiling things within the gop, right? >> well, barcode has been a polarizing figure since he got there. and there are splits even within the freedom caucus,
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we've seen warren davidson, who's the trump ally, come out against him, but he does have some of the even trump our eyes kind of coming out to his defense, including mac gates after they both pushed two hours, kevin mccarthy last october so there's been a lot of spending, especially from mccarthy, most are trying to republican primary house primary in the country. >> i mean, it's fascinating. i mean, the freedom caucus dynamics in this and what happens to the freedom caucus, whether bob good falls is going to be fascinating to watch. but right now, bob goods critics are feeling really good about their odds of asking him trump endorsements been huge. i mean, we saw william timmons who bob goop is campaigning against about a week ago, prevail in his primary and then bring a bus load of people to go campaign against him. so incumbents are definitely have knives out for their own gop call. yeah. remember, this is typically is unusual typically, you endorse your fellow incumbents just a what happens in washington that's norm. you don't go after your own college because you work with them. but this republican congress has been so different because bob good was one of the eight who joined the ouster of kevin mccarthy back last fall,
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but it was his decision to endorse rhonda santa, which is why trump has coming after him. i asked a number of republicans over the last week about this fuel that's going on within the house gop i don't like liars and i don't like back severs and bob good. >> bob good. really step president trump in the bag. >> bob good is going to be terrific for the trump agenda because he's a conservative fighter, presidencies differently if bob gets to feed it, it will be because tom trump, should the president get reelected, then i think president will learn quickly that some of these people may not be sitting in the trenches i think bob good has made a lot of a lot of a lot of enemies. >> would the house be better off without them honestly, yes, i think it will because the device to force so we don't need it's so interesting to listen to those comments. >> i mean, some of them say we need him, we need him to fight in the trenches like a chip. roy says that, but then others
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like carlos management, florida another trump allies says that he is a divisive force well, i think cheaper. i also endorsed the santa, so i feel like they're close allies. they are both in the freedom caucus together trump went to go visit the house gop last week and they had during their morning meeting was noting that he was doing tele town halls with it with maguire. so i mean, bob good. it's interesting, kind of see the leadership dynamic there oh mccarthy's, our eyes have largely come out against him. a lot of them down there campaigning in the district i mean, the polling right now from what i've seen, mcguire's been up. yeah. >> i mean, he could be good, could be the first one to lose. i mean, there's been a lot made about the mccarthy revenge tour. i was trying to go after these people. i ask mccarthy about that recently he's are downplayed a but there are those people who have faced primaries, nancy mesas faced a primary, but she one others, one as well gates is facing a primary in the fall, but good could be the one who goes down potentially, we could. >> i mean, i think nancy makes a lot of them cart the allies thought i was going to be much closer than it is, but she heavily spent in there. she had
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the trump endorsement it's, kind of a different district makeup. and when bob good initially ousted denver wriggle men, it was a different type of primary. it was convention west people could vote in it and he was a more moderate member, different denver mingle man. and then it was an unusual way that bob good one, the seat initially, exactly. so the people that are kind of coming out against bob, good thing. that's going to work to their advantage and kind of work in john maguire. i mean, he's a conservative freedom caucus ii type. it's not like he's really getting a huge primary from a moderate or from the far right, it's more of just a trump dynamic there. yeah. >> i went down to the district. i interviewed bob good about those two and he he downplayed the trump opposite the fact that he supported rhonda san does in fact, he said yard sides, it says good trump on his yard signs, even though it does not have the trump endorsement any washed up to new york to defend trump during the hush money drought too. but that's still wasn't good enough for trump because backing ron desantis was bad enough where he will never
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forgive them. >> i think the trump campaign sent out a he's and desist letter. if i'm remembering correctly on the 4d signs and it was definitely kind of an awkward dynamics seeing both of them up there in new york, standing next to trump given how things why i wrote along in the motorcade with them and then bob good ran up and definitive in the hush money trial and in front of the cameras, but they both wanted to get close to him, but trump doesn't care about that it's true look at this, what trump said, he said in the trunk, social truths, social policies that bob good is bad for virginia, bad for the usa. he turned his back on an incredible movement and was constantly, constantly attacking in fighting me until recently when he gave a warm and loving endorsement. but really it was too late. and then you had mentioned one davidson, he is a member another member of the house freedom caucus. he came out and supported bob good last night you cover this group so closely. what do you take away from that won't give it that he's kinda long been above good critic. so i did back in december, he printed drop out of the house freedom caucus
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board. >> if bob good ended up being the head of the freedom caucus. so there's definitely, he's had some splinters over sport, even, even in that orbit. >> yeah. all right. well, julie guys, buffy, thank you for coming in. >> will see you in the hallways as we'll see you there? yes, absolutely. >> all right. this just in israel's prime minister is disbanding, is war cabinet, which formed five days after the beginning of the war between israel and hamas this just one week after opposition leader benny gans left the body in southern gaza, israel's military announced a tactical pause and fighting. it's designed to allow desperately needed aid into the region, but it does not mean an end to the fighting. the pause began on saturday will take place every day from 8:00 a.m. in the morning until seven when at night until further notice. seen as poor handcuffs joins us live. she's near the care i'm shaun cross, where the aid is standing by so tell us what you're seeing on the ground. and is this pause actually taking effect semana, we're actually inside the quran
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crossing now the israeli military wanting to show us that trucks are getting through. >> we just saw two trucks have potatoes are going through, so they say this tactical pores will be from 8:00 a.m. to seven he and along the road from this crossing, it'll just go straight through here into gaza and then up the salah he dean road, which is the main artery north-south in gaza. we have heard though from un groups on the ground that we've spoken to that this has been opened for well over a week now. they have been using it, but the problem is not the being able to get the aid in at this point as being able to distribute it because the situation on the ground is extremely lawless. we've heard from the un humanitarian office, otros saying it's simply too dangerous for them to get to this area to pick up the aid of this point, we just spoke to daniel hungary. he's the idf spokesperson since what he said we shared the same target that the people of gaza will get the food and up come on. >> some us is looting, but
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it's almost is picking the laura an order issue because obviously law enforcement has been targeted hi, is israeli military. and so that there is no law enforcement issue within gaza. so you can just scored the these trucks, the military will escort them, or this is a war zone and we need to act inside a war zone and to find inside the complexity the way that find solutions number of times with these traps actually be escorted by the military. >> and that wasn't answered what they did say was that would be minimal to treat checkpoints along the way and they would try and make sure that that road itself was safe. there was some mud, some controversy. see if i announcement as well. we heard from an official within the prime minister's office, but he hadn't been informed of this and he was not particularly happy about it until he found out that he had a guarantee that the fighting itself in rough er, which is close by here we can hear some of it in the distance that that would continue the israeli prime minister adamant that the
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fighting and rough er, has to continue to try and and beat her. massey has said that is the last area where it is necessary to fight money. >> so it was the prime minister apollo, was he blind-sided by this move? >> it certainly signs. like it. so i mean, we we heard them in a cabinet meeting saying this is a state with an army, not an army with a state. so certainly his he's haeckel's were up. i did ask the audience spokesperson is just a lack of communication and he said, well, they they make decisions based on what they're told by the cabinet so again, sidestepping that that answer, but it's not the most suspicious waited to open this tactical root. and of course this is just one route the fighting will continue and the issue is, we're hearing thinky humanitarian aid boots on the ground is it is very dangerous for them to actually get to this particular area. there is looting. there was a lack of law and order because israel has targeted the nor an order
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within gaza itself. so of course, those humanitarian aid groups now want to get to the eighth. they wanted distributed given the un said just last week. then as of next month, there may be 1 million palestinians that face starvation. it is urgent, but it is extremely dangerous for them to be distributing this aid at this point my name, no question about uh, paula and cox. thank you for that report stays safe. we appreciate your time and your expertise on this. next. biden and trump face-to-face for the first time since 2020, we're getting into the rules for next week. cnn presidential debate plus rice into sham bow. he earns a second us open championship. bleacher report is next i voted buttons, bedding like dragging my remote it's like your generation has evolved past traditional political symbols. >> and there's room for everyone. >> yeah puke rainbows when taken at the jeep, make this
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100020 i'm president biden and former president trump will face off on the debate stage in ten days we have new details about the rules, both campaigns agreed to the cnn debate will be 90 minutes long with two commercial breaks. neither candidate is allowed to interact with their staff during that time. trumping in by them both agreed to appear at uniform podiums and they're designated podium will be determined by a coin flip plus, if it's not your turn to speak, guess what? your mic will be turned off? no pre-written notes will be allowed on stage, but the candidates will be given a pen paper, and some water. it's the first presidential debate. this election cycle between the two presumptive nominees, but both men have talked a big game leading up to the event we have an empty podium right here to my right. >> you know what that is? that's for joe biden. i'm trying to get them to debate i'm calling i took a job to debate it any time, any place
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we'll do it anyway, you want gel foam shop lost to debates. me and 20 $0.20 said he hadn't shown up for debate. now he's acting like he wants to debate me again, will make my day pao. i'll even do it twice all right. joining me now see that national political reporter, daniel strauss, danielle. >> good morning thanks for being here. >> okay. so you look at the rules. whose got the advantage here, especially when people have been talking about a lot this weekend was about the muted bikes that, you last time they talk they were talking over each other and it was a mess. so who's got the event? i i think we'll know when the debate happens, but i think it is really important to note that the mics will, there will be a muting mic, there will be no audience at all. >> these are two things that donald trump has used to his advantage in the past. and here in a debate where he's really trying to highlight joe biden's age and demeanor in comparison to him. those are two aspects that i think i'm surprised that the trump campaign agreed to in the first
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place. >> let's talk about the way that they've been preparing. ron claimed is the new york times headlines is trump biden and cnp prepare for a hostile debate with meated mike's is i'm ron client, a long time buying an advisor. he's worked to prepare, biden. it's a tax on his family and 2012 and mr. clean ran mr. biden's vice presidential debate preparations. chris veil and haunted the time the congress was playing the role of paul ryan so what do you make of the way that the biden team views? >> i mean, this it's moment like they are down in the polls, they need something to change things. what does biden need to do to change things? >> they want? a, what i call a will you shut up moment. you remember in that past debate between trump and biden, where biden or trump was going on and on and bind just lost his temper for the president said, will you shut up? that is something they want again, because it showed vitality. it showed a level of pugilistica
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that they're really trying to highlight and prove to the american public that there's vitality and buy it. >> and that's what happened in the state of the union and effectively top has been setting this really low bar for biden the clear, they can't even talk, you can even string two sentences together i mean, is that what you want to be saying before debate when you're supposed to be the opposite sides was setting these extraordinary high expectations that you can clear usually there's a dumbing down ahead of a debate, a sort of arguing that the opponent is, has the advantage because you're looking for a comeback kid moment nth the debate. >> we're not seeing that here. we are seeing the trump team argue that they have the advantage that trump is gonna go in and dominate and really if, biden has a good night, having done that, we'll probably make it worse for me it's a trump is talking in the past over the years about is debate preparations from 2015 and 2020. >> listen to how he talks about it my whole life is preparation
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for a debate. >> if you think about it, what's preparing for debate? there are million different things. i think i'm preparing somewhat like i prepared for the other debate. >> i think going preparing i enjoyed the debating process. i think this whole thing though is debate prep. you know what i do is debate prep every day i'm taking questions from you people all the time so homie, what's different though this time is that the questions that he has been taking off times have been friendly interviews that he's done. >> he didn't do any debates during the primary season. >> is trump ready for this? that's a good question, and he always regards himself as the winner of any debate he participates in. i know this because because he, one's called him, yelled at me about how he won an early debate he reads the coverage, he the coverage. it, but he does not. we know that he had a de facto debate session last week where he met with two republican senators and staff at the republican national committee
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many headquarters. and they went over some policy topics. this wasn't a formal debate though, where someone like chris christie, who was on the podium in the past any and for his opponent, did a mock debate, but they are still going over some basic tenants and topics that they planned for january thanks for preparedness are hiding trump deals with that z embraced what happened on january, which he has been really doing. all the right. >> i mean, that's one of the big questions. it is something that the biden team really wants to go after trump on. they want to portray him as a convicted felon. wishes. and that an arbiter of lawlessness and trump is going to have to figure out some kind of pivot on that if he wants a good night. >> yeah. we'll see what happens. all right. dennis ross. thank you for joining us and you can catch the first debate between president biden fallen president trump right here on cnn thursday, june 27, j deborah and dana bash, moderate live from atlanta, beginning 9:00 p.m. eastern and
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streaming on max. now, in sports, it was agony and ecstasy for the world's best golfers and the us open came down to a dramatic finished on the final holds. nano has this morning's bleacher report and kaitlyn oh, man. >> growling for roy i know good morning. >> my zoom. good to see you. this duel between braces, shampoo and worrying that to where i was everything that golf fans could possibly want out of a major championship. mcilroy with a one shrug lead on the sixth scenes green, but he missed a 30 inch plot for par to drop back into a tie for the top spot and then more heartbreak on 18 his plot for part inside of four feet liping out. so he ended up with a bogey, but to shamele having issues of zone on the final hole. this is his approach, missing the fairway ending up in the sand short of the green leaving him with a completely blind shot at the pin and the 30-year-old is known as a scientist. he came up with what he called the shot of his life. look at this knocking the ball
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just feet away from the pin she mba would think the plot to make them a two-time us open shan't the wind for furnish mbo as exhilarating as it was a soul crushing manu for mac or like you just said, he is now gone ten years and 37 tries since his last when at a major championship i'm so happy i got that shot up and down on a team men i didn't want to finish that going again. the bunker shot was the shot of my life. those fans out there really helped push me out there today, even though i didn't the bunker fans are still can my name so inspired me to get that one up and down. it's a dream come true meantime, the intensely scrutinized rivalry between wnba work use caitlin clark in angel he's firing up yet again on sunday and the third quarter of the indiana fevers went over the chicago sky race, caught clark on the side of the head trying to defend the lay up, sending her to the floor. >> it was initially rule to
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common fell, but referees upgraded the call to a flagrant foul after a video review showed reese's right arm miss the ball and made contact with park space afterwards, park trying to downplay the physical treatment that she's been getting a part of basketball. >> it is what it is you know, trips, trying to make a play on the ball and good the block. happens basketball, but i can't control the state that the game obviously about tonight, going back and looking at the film, i've seen a lot of call that weren't me. >> i guess somebody who got a specialist in the nba, the celtics are back home tonight with another chance to close out the mavericks after getting beaten in the first three games of the series dallas flipping the script and game for finding some desperately needed defense and delivering a 38 point blot when the force again in five, the question now is whether that was a minor setback for boston on the road or the start of something more significant for luchador, judge. >> and dallas is they tried to climb their way back into this
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series. jaylen brown knows this is not over yet i can't take it for granted and is going to be difficult you don't have to fight just stay in a moment and that's what matters the most. >> we just come out and be a team. when as a team loses a team and just come out, be the best versions of ourselves. those different because it's the finals every team plays the whole season to be here we are the one to v here in boston, obviously so it's a little bit different, but you got to play basketball, you gotta give everything mana. >> you could say american swimmer gretchen walsh had a pretty good week again, she said a world record in the 100-meter butterfly, the semi-finals that the us olympic trials on saturday night and then followed that up by claiming is spot on team usa yesterday. this is going to be the first trip to the games for the 20 one-year-old who swims for the university of virginia. and after her race, she
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celebrated within emotional hug from her big sister, alex, who is actually also a swimmer and an olympian herself and is competing in three events at the trials. so to set a world record at an olympic trials is a very rare feat. and in the first place as napsin, a more than decade and then you've punctuated by making team usa pretty good yeah, pretty good. >> it just for rowley maco. i mean, gulf as we look at that and say he should have made those pods, those are so close, but this is pinterest. this is the us open the courses so hard those green, so difficult. a house rooting for him, but i guess there's next year now and good tv really was girl, man. thank you so much. and up next for us, president biden's warning about the future of the supreme court and ivf if donald trump wins in november, plus hundreds of families forced to leave their homes is fires rage north of los angeles
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