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tv   The Source With Kaitlan Collins  CNN  June 17, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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pyongyang a common cause matthew has a schedule or agenda been released for putin strip well, the has yes. >> the kremlin say that there's going to be some treat treaties that are signed, agreements on trade and cultural contacts as well as a strategic partnership treaty at which both sides are currently discussing which they say will involve a security. there's also going to be a massive parade in the center of pyongyang. and in fact, satellite images of indicated the size of that in the main square, in the center of the north korean capital. and so that's something that we're going to be watching very closely. but i think the most interesting stuff that's going to be decided is the stuff that's not going to be made public. the stuff that's going to be agreed behind the scenes, things like ammunition, supplies in the future from north korean factories to russian troops on the front line in ukraine and of course, what north korea, will get in return for that, would it be
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assistance with technological help with their missile or even their nuclear program? that's certainly the big concern in the united states. and elsewhere about this burgeoning relationship answers that he can. thank you. >> the news continues to the source of kaitlan collins starts now starting from the source tonight, the message and the payback mission. by both campaigns are focusing on these same issue. but a new message from a trump ally who was two weeks away from reporting to prison and pardon the interruption. but there is a big news tonight from headline from my rising star democratic politics. and one of the most sweeping acts of clemency that we've ever see plus lottery putin in north korea, pair of nuclear arms pariahs are meeting face to face. but one of the most secretive places on the planet. >> but putin needs that kim jong-un has i'm galen collins, and this it's because the source tonight, we are just ten
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days away. it's hard to believe but from the first 2024 presidential debate right here on cnn it is becoming clearer tonight what both campaigns see as the central issue of this race, and both seem to think that focusing on donald trump's legal drama actually works to their benefit. case in point is television ad that the biden campaign just dropped $50 million on this election is between a convicted criminal who's only out for himself at a president who fighting for your family remember the biden team was trying very carefully around trump's trial. well, you can throw that out the window tonight because now the image that is front and center in that new ad when it notes that the presumptive republican nominee is indeed a convicted criminal it's trump's georgia mug shot. that would be the
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very same mug shot that trump himself has now handing out a swag before friendly interviews this is your mug shot says here, can you guys as well we're reducing this way test for voters do you see trump that convicted criminal? >> or do you see trump, the persecuted former president? tonight, the biden team, their claim that trump is out only for himself in this campaign is coming as what we're hearing from one of the loudest voices and right-wing media, steve bannon, vowing that it is not a question of if, but when donald trump will go after those who prosecuted him november 5 is judgment day. january 20, 2025 is accountability de get every single receipt and to the
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fullest extension of the law, you are going to be investigated prosecuted in incarcerated. ladies and gentlemen. it's very simple victory, or death victory or death. >> if there was any doubt in anyone's mind about whether or not donald trump is still in touch with his former chief strategist in the white house, who was abruptly fired at one point and had pretty frosty relations with trump. but is now set to report to prison. and just two weeks look at what happened today to carry hanger four once i get i got a call from somebody got to take just to hang on okay. hey, mr. president, i'm live on tv back i'll call you back, sir. >> thank you carrie continue on. >> your favorite person joining me tonight at the table. >> my top political sources, cnn, political commentator and former trump white house
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communications director alyssa farah griffin and democratic strategists, julie rogan, ski and former new york city mayor bill to blogs you as well. glad to have all of you here. >> but alyssa, just hearing that that moment there at the end before trump was calling steve bannon on his podcasts where he was talking about what this revenge tour is going to look like. >> an end is quote, was that everyone is going to be investigated, prosecuted, and incarcerated, specifically naming top officials of the doj or people like the special counsel, jack smith what did you make of that as someone who used to work with steve bannon? >> yeah. i mean, listen, donald trump's made clear that a second term is gonna be about rage and retribution. he's laid out who he's going to go after now, steve bannon as this figure who was very close early in the first trump administration was on the outs and his back on the inside and he's one of these outside voices that i think trump's sees a sort of a liveness test. he's gauges him as somebody who knows what his base wants. any packs an incredible amount of influence. so when i see him out there saying things like victory or death, that's scary stuff that should be heated. now i would mention it's a
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terrible general election argument. any normal american watching that is like, what am i watching? >> but to his core base it's that trump is very beholden to and he's going to govern in favor of this is the person who has his finger on the pulse and he's going to listen to me i mean, what would it goes through your mind when you hear that? besides the fact is deeply troubling, it's on american, it's undemocratic. what goes through my mind electorally is it's that's an advertisement to moderate american voters to swing voters, particularly in the suburbs to run away from donald trump i think it's a really interesting juxtaposition with steve bannon's de facto advertisement and joe biden's actual advertisement reminding people that trump's now a convicted criminal to send the same message, ultimately that trump is so far outside the american mainstream. and i do believe that those moderate suburban voters, in the end are going to say we do not want a country that's going out of control in terms of losing track of democracy, enemies lists, people being arrested because of their politics. that's not america. >> yeah, i mean, but julie,
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when you see that contrast of both campaigns using trump's mug shot, both believing it's politically bit official for them that's quite a moment. it's a moment and i think to the point that the mayor made, people are tired of the drama, right? >> like people sit around at home and they think about how to put their kids through college, how to make pay for groceries, how to pay for gas. they don't sit around thinking i need a president who's going to go after lisa monaco, whoever she may be, right. a name that's not familiar to any of them? with all due respect to lisa monaco but so if you're an average americans sitting around, you're thinking about who's going to be actually looking out for me. >> and you may like or not like the president, but you certainly don't like what you're hearing from the trump campaign, which is that he's going to go after people you've never even heard of, rather than focusing on things that actually affect but but can i say what i do think is effective and shouldn't be slept on his donald trump is trying to reach some of these new environments going and sitting down with jake paul, someone who that is not someone who's going to get you general election votes, but young men
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who maybe have never voted in election before, don't have political inclinations. >> they're like, oh, he's cool, i follow me as tens of millions of followers across his platform and he's sitting down with him that is something that in some ways i would have expected obama to do ten years ago and i feel like trump is trying to meet young male voters where no one else is meeting them. and that's something to keep an eye on tiktok as well. >> well, and the other interesting thing is sometimes people say, oh, these people who, who talk or maybe freelancing, or they're not actually in touch with donald trump. i mean, trump clearly old steve bannon, we very clearly wanted to just show that it does raise a point. of stability. it is reporting to prison into weeks and this podcast that he has this loud voice in, right in the right-wing base is going to disappear for four months and every bit matters, right? i mean, he is one of the great organizers of the trump projects. so him being out of the commission just when he's needed, that means something. but i also would remind us all i mean, all of this adds up in the political minor voters in those last weeks before the
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election and again, i think if what they are seeing is this kind of obsessive focus on revenge. this obsessive focus on like settling scores and it's also personal to trump. i do think that turns them off in the end it and i hear the point about the trump campaign having some game they do, they're going some interesting places but the problem is the message never changes. so if you go to younger voters, for example, and they're saying they're going to black and latino voters. but the messages, i want revenge, or the messages i'm going to give tax cuts to the wealthy, or i'm so proud, i took away a woman's right to choose it doesn't matter if you go into a new audience, if it's a message, they don't like, well, what about how the biden campaign is leaning into this and using trump's mug shot. i mean, there's no basis to the claims that trump's allies make about biden orchestrating all of these prosecutions. but what do you make of them actually using his mug shot in the ad and kind of leaning into it in a way that they were not two months ago. >> i'm not sure why they weren't two months ago. well, i guess he wasn't a convicted
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felon two months ago. they didn't want to put their finger on the scale, but now that he is a convicted felon, why not talk about it? this is crazy, bizarro world. >> we're living in where a major party has nominated or is about to not when eight as their standard bearer, it convicted felon. and if people just pause for a second and think about that, that you might have a pressing united states who's been convicted on 34 criminal counts. and if that actually penetrates people to the point where the biden administration has stored the biden campaign is trying to do that that actually may make a difference because people again, to my point, he's not focusing on us and on you. he's focusing on himself and his plates and his complaints. >> voters care about law and order. this is a really interesting point because a lot of those more moderate voters, if you said to them how important is to have a candidate who truly believes alone order that's a big deal. in the history of american politics. and certainly now the problem for trump is he's crossed a line that for a lot of very sane, sober voters, you can't unsee a criminal conviction.
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>> yeah. well, and those that politico poll that just came out that says trump's conviction by 20%, 21% of independence less likely to support trump. and when you look at that though not just about trump in the white house, we saw house speaker mike johnson go down to meet with donald trump at mar-a-lago today, obviously something they've done before, alyssa, but it also comes as he was trying to spearhead some attempted legislation that's not going to happen, frankly, but would essentially allow trump to move convictions or the charges in a state to a federal court, it just shows how trump is also still has such influence on the hill that they're putting up bogus legislation to make them feel better. so the trump message is bad and there's a lot of things that can be run on to beat him, but it's also incumbent on biden to communicate that. and what i mean is this that is what the house speaker spending his time doing is trying to do something extra constitutional to expunge the former president's record. they're trying to bring up an impeachment inquiry against joe biden, but yet have yet to identify what the crime is. there are so many things that they've blocked aid to ukraine at his behest, despite the fact
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that most republicans actually wanted aid to ukraine. biden's gotta get better at telling that story to the american public. has that trump's focus is not on helping you. it's not on the issues that you're focusing on. it is simply on settling scores. seven i do think that debate matters by the way. i think it's a huge moment for him to say, you're a convicted felon, tried to get a rise out of donald trump and try to actually tell the story of what his records been since he left off the biden needs to message better on that hundred percent. >> i think i think he's starting to but i was just gonna say the senate democrats do a great job. 20 out of the republicans can stand behind ivf. there's, there's a lot of mainstream middle-class american families that need that opportunity. so they can have a family second, have children that is a kind of thing that democrats should say. look, we're the party of families were the party had children, were the party making sure that people's lives are better and these guys want retrofit vision and revenge. that's a powerful message. >> i'm so glad you brought up the senate because this new ad from larry hogan today, who is obviously the former governor of maryland who was running for the senate as republican in maryland. he came out after
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trump's conviction. it said that americans should respect the verdict. basically, it was a jury of their peers. he was roasted by trump's allies over but there's and here's how he has responded to this with this fascinating new ad strong independent leaders can make a difference. that's exactly what washington needs today. he was basically saying he's quoting jfk's adding too much party loyalty is not a good thing. >> he's he's he's in a bind, right? he's blind. he needs the maga crew to come out for and we're all he's never going to win in deep blue maryland. and yet he can't win and deep blue maryland of maga crew comes out for him now, last week, trump came out and said, oh, i might endorse him, i might endorse larry hogan after roasting him so with trump doing that to potentially hurt him because i think that's probably what was he doing? i give former governor hogan so much credit for not taking the endorsement coming on saying it sounds like he's supporting me. he's actually maintaining this independence and standing by what he said since january 6 and before with his criticisms and the republican senate
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definitely need somebody to replace the mitt romney's of the world. and those were willing to challenge donald trump over that. >> i'm never can tell because he's are capable politician, but running away from your own party in this environment, you either own it or you don't. he could say, i can't live with what's happening. republican party. i'm going to run as an independent that would be honorable. i'm switching the democrat that'd be honorable. but to say, i disagree with republicans on the following 50 things, but i'm still republican. i don't think that waiting to take the party back and i don't think we're ready to give up and be like we're not repeated applicants and i think that's what larry hogan do respect that, but i'm think 2024 and maryland to say, i oppose all these things, but i'm still america. i'm still a republican in donald trump's republican party. i think that's a real hard, very very hard chris christie couldn't win. new jersey as a federal candidate. and i'm not sure larry hogan can win as a federal candidate, maryland. you can do it at the state level. you can be gotten governor because people vote for you as a person, they're not going to vote for somebody is going to caucus with whoever the next mitch mcconnell is, that he probably he's kind of
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saying, i'm not going to always vote with my party. he was he in the ad which was not included in that though. he cites john mccain doing what he's going to vote for liter for whoever the republican is, that person is going that determined the agenda for the republican party and for the senate. if they become the majority party, and that's the problem because that agenda is, as you said auntie ivf anti all the policies anti-tax cuts for the middle-class, but tax breaks for the rich go on. and so, on and so forth. that's the problem. you're just going to be another vote for a mag extremist who's the person who's going to be already hayes, i think that these are the kind of republicans that we need. and i think that if he can get there, which i agree is an uphill battle, but he's a very adept pout politician. we need people are going to challenge the party from within and accept even somebody like mitt romney ended up voting for mitch mcconnell. that's the problem. they're gonna vote for that guy to be a lot to watch here, to see it all play out. >> alyssa farah griffin jeweler was gins gate form a are built walls you thank you all for being here. >> coming up. we have new reporting on cnn about where steve bannon is actually going
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to prison. it is not the one he wanted club fed. the more comfortable facility will tell you which one he will be according to. also today in maryland, governor wes moore, who are placed governor hogan, wiped away more than 175,000 marijuana convictions. >> he is our first tonight. there'll be here to talk about that moment two presidents, the former under our leadership, the forgotten man and woman will be forgotten. >> he no longer the current democracy there's still a sacred car and there's no country in the world better positioned to lead the world and who will be the next, the most anticipated moment of this election? the weight only cnn can bring it to you. moderated by jake tapper and dana bash to cnn presidential debates thursday, june 27. now, live on cnn and streaming on x power e trades easy to use tools like dynamic charting and risk risk-reward analysis helped make trading feel effortless and it's customizable scans
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>> the so-called queen of mean real estate tightened leona helmsley and orange is the new black rider, piper kerman the name might also sound familiar to fans of the american president can i just stay very clearly? i can't be part of anything illegal good for us. >> it say what you want. it's always a guy in my job, ones of doing 18 months and danbury minimum security prison the official name of it is the federal correctional institution. and dan barry and cnn has learned that that is where steve bannon is due to report by july 1. all it's far from the roughest place around. it is certainly also not club fed, which is the type of facility that bannon hoped to serve his time as four months for contempt of congress. joining me tonight's cnn senior legal analyst and former federal prosecutor elie honig, and cnn chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst, john miller. john, can we just talk about the difference at a minimum security prison camp and the low low-level security
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federal prison that bannon is actually going to we're go into and dan varied. >> so the difference is all about walls or fences the prison camps generally don't have a big barbed wire fence surrounding them at the picture that we just showed here, danbury, you can see this as a contained facility. you know, you're in prison when you're in there but for steve bannon it's going to be prison greens green shirt green slacks he can put money in his account for his commissary to buy things when he gets there, you really have to show up with nothing. you can bring a phone book caitlin, none of us have a phone book anymore. it'll have to make one because you can't bring his cell phone or religious medallion, a bible. but from there on out, except for what you buy with your commissary funds from the prison store that's what you got. >> so it's not like actual cells. it's more of this kind of open air costs is there in their, in pods, like a
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dormitory with other prisoners and it's not a cell where the doors slams behind you it is not, as you said a minute ago, shawshank redemption but you also no. you're not allowed out and you have to do what you're told yeah. it's not where you've been and wanted to go, why would he not be able to be able to go to the camp style facility instead. >> so the problem steve van is running into is he has another case pending. he has a state state-level fraud charge in new york, which is in front judge judge juan merchan. actually, it got postponed to make room for the trump trial. and so when the federal bureau of prisons does, it's calculations, they will add on for that and that's why steve bannon is going to go to a low level, not a minimum, by the way, i hate to fact check michael j. fox not quite right. he said dan barry is minimum. it's actually low, which is a step-up and i shouldn't say just john's point. when i was a first-year federal prosecutor, we would get escape cases and you go, oh, this must be like shawshank redemption or something. >> no percent of the time it's
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a guy who walked off of a minimum security. >> can i please get your take on what bannon? ends? attorneys said in a filing to the dc us circuit court of appeals, basically saying that he shouldn't have to go to prison july 1, because then he would be behind bars for the four month period leading up to the election. they said this would effectively bahr mr. bannon from serving as a meaningful adviser and the ongoing national campaign to court's care about them. >> nobody cares. and it's not really hello, vin at all. and let me just explain to people why steve bannon is out of prison even as of this moment. so he was convicted at trial. people remember he was sentenced to four months and then he was given the courtesy of bail pending appeal, which means you get to stay out until you're appeals are over so long as you can show you have a substantial chance of winning on appeal. he's now lost his appeal. so he has very little chance here. has to last plays. he can try one and he's asking the entire court of appeals to rehear the case. they almost never do that. i don't think they'll do it here and two, he can ask the us supreme court to step in. they very rarely do
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that. i think that's extremely long-shot two. and if he doesn't get it either, those, he's got to surrender on july 1, one, if they don't do that on an emergency didn't see basis. i mean, help probably have served his time even if they did take it up. yes, they would if they gave him that review, they would probably pause and postpone is surrendered eight you talked about what he what he's walking into, what he can bring. i mean, what does day-to-day life like and something like dan barry. >> so first thing you do is get used to the routine. you're getting up at 6:00 in the morning? second thing you gotta do is you gotta get a job. you might be cutting the grass, you might be working in the kitchen, but you have to be doing something. and then there's the stuff that we don't think about like email. so there's an email room that has like four pods where you can log on, but it's not like urey-miller mind, you have to get permission and to get emails from people. they have to approve to get emails from you. it can be a very shortlist and a limited time. so he's got some adjustments to do. >> you have to get permission to send emails, but i mean, he's like a field to cast or
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broadcast but it's like the visitors list. you have to submit an approved list some people that can visit you, they have to want to do it. there's one great irony in the dann story, which is when ring lard nor was there, who was one of the hollywood tanno before the house un-american emily referenced? yes, the house un-american activities committee back in the mccarthy days he was sentenced to a number of months there and he actually ended up becoming reacquainted with the chairman of the committee after he was sentenced there for corruption. so they were there together i'm not sure steve bannon is going to come full circle that way in the short time he's there, but yeah, it's got history and former goldman sachs employees or anything before we go, i've got to ask la about a bigger of z court, judge and year-old southern district of new york, who told her to julie, i'd say there are reasons to be very concerned about the disengaged way he's approaching his trial i'll basically saying we're not getting good information about your finances. your lawyers are blowing off these these filing deadlines. you all this money
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what do you make of what they're warning him? rudy's playing with fire here. i mean, disengages a nice way to phrase it. but now that rudy has declared bankruptcy, what you do when you declare bankruptcy, you don't make all your debts disappear. you just put yourself before the jurisdiction of a bankruptcy the judge and a monitor and they are going to be watching your finances like a hawk. and if you move funds out, if you commit fraud, that could be a whole new federal crime. so he isn't dangerous territory here. >> we'll continue to monitor that elie honig, john miller great to have you both. meanwhile and maryland, a massive change when it comes to marijuana. the governor, they're made history today by forgiving 100 kurt and 75,000 convictions. he says it won't turn back the clock on the harm from the war on drugs. so our source tonight, governor wes moore, is here live right after a quick break wednesday cnn celebrates juneteenth mission performances by john legend, hadi lewbel, smoky robinson. >> we still have a lot of work to do. >> juneteenth celebrating freedom and legacy wednesday at
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absorbing for this is a secret war, secrets and spies sunday at ten on cnn tonight more than 175,000 marijuana convictions have been forgiven in the state of maryland. >> democratic governor wes moore signed a mass part in today for low-level charges impacting an estimated 200,000 people. >> it is the largest state-level pardon that we have seen in this kind in us history. so given what you are seeing their, one of the straight to the source on what that moment was like with maryland governor wes moore. >> he joins are now governor. >> you used an orange pen as they're signing these mass pardons that was handed to you by a man who also received a pardon today. >> what drove you to do this now? >> this meant so much because i mean, this was a great day, not just for the individuals and the families. this was an important date for the soul of our state. and they've been
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going on the last prisoner project has actually been going around the country and asking individuals who are still languishing, still dealing with the impact of cannabis convictions, and asking them to write letters to lawmakers telling their stories and asking lawmakers to act on it and so when they came in today and they were very helpful with us throughout this whole process and they came in and they said, we'd like to we'd love for you to be able to sign the pardon the map as pardon, the largest mass pardon of its kind in our nation's history. with that pen, i i was speechless and i told him i'd be honored to. so that pardon now, basically pardoning over 175,000 convictions for misdemeanor cannabis charges i signed with their pen that they've been going around the country asking families to write their stories. and so it was a pretty remarkable moment. >> well, a big part of what you focused on today, i was watching when you came out and made this announcement was how disproportionately that people of color were affected by this,
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by the war on drugs. and just when you were elected, we covered how historic that was your maryland's first black governor. and so i wonder what it meant to you for you to actually be the person who is signing this week. >> we saw how the war on drugs was, was intentionally discriminatory. and you just have to look at the state of maryland. state of maryland. we have 24 jurisdictions in our state. but if you just take a look at three of them, just baltimore city. baltimore county, and prince george's county they represented about half of the cannabis convictions in the entire state. three jurisdictions represented half of the cannabis convictions, and it just so happened that those three jurisdictions are majority black black or majority communities of color. and so you watch how there was a measure of intentionality. how cannabis was used as this casual, how cannabis was used as a way of being able to eliminate people from larger
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conversations. and so the ability to now sign this mass pardon to be able to know that equity is going to be at the center of this. because if we really want to be a state that focuses on pathways to work and wages and wealth for all communities and not just some, it means you had to stop putting up these barriers for people to be able to participate especially when we're talking about an industry that is a burgeoning multi-billion-dollar or industry. but we still have people who could not get home loans and could not get and could not go to school and get student loans this is the type of thing that we had to be as intentional in our approach to be able to fix this as the policies were intentional, to be able to create these type of gaps. well, given what you say about it being near this multi-billion-dollar industry and how how much money it's been able to make a lot of states just do you believe that it should be legalized on the federal level yeah. i think if you look at where voters are i mean, just take a look at our state our state put it up for a
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referendum and ask the people, do you think there needs to be a recreational cannabis market? and by about 70%, the people of my state said, yes, that we need to decriminalize cannabis and then we need to turn into recreational cannabis. and so over the process of the past 18 months, that's exactly what our administration has been working on. where are we have created what many believed to be the most equitable, the most fair and the most smooth transition into a recreational cannabis market that this country has seen but the thing that i knew going into this was this. we cannot talk about the benefits of legalization if you do not wrestle with the consequences of criminal illustration, we have had, we've had 174 social equity applicants. we are creating new pathways to wealth, 44 african african-americans and people of color and the cannabis industry. but we still had people who had cannabis records. that was keeping them from being able to be part of that process? yeah. because of
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today's action, that's now gone well, politically, what you did today would have been unthinkable, i think for a lot of governors, 20 years ago. >> i mean, it was 2010 when when biden president biden referred to marijuana as a gateway drug a sentiment that i should note. he walked back during the 2020 campaign. but, but given that, i mean, do you believe would you like to see it legal? last on the federal level yes, i would i would like to see every single state taking this on i know right now we cannot move to a point where we can have true measures of economic growth a true equity lens. >> and the way we're looking at economic competitiveness and frankly, even if you look at things like the racial wealth gap, the racial wealth gap has caused this country 16 trillion in gdp over the past two decades. that's not gdp of a group that's gdp and we're losing competitiveness because we are not have an economy that is actually a participatory
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economy. so i want for of i1 for each of our states, i want for all of us to be able to understand that we have a unique opportunity to write historic wrongs and this becomes our obligation for those who are sitting in these seats to make sure that those individuals and those communities that have been disproportionately harmed for my failed war on drugs. that they know that this is our chance to get this right. and we're not going to miss this moment to do so. >> yeah. governorate well, let me ask you about an important election that is happening in your state because after trump was convicted in new york, your predecessor, larry hogan, who is now running for senate as we were just talking he asked for all americans to respect the verdict. >> it seems pretty pretty simple, but he was widely criticized by trump allies and he's not wavering though. he said a new ad tonight that he'll be an independent voice of 0s in the senate. and i just wonder when you see how larry hogan response to that kind of pressure from republicans? do you believe that there should be more people like that with that kind of view in washington
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well, i think the old governor is a nice guy. >> i also know this is going to be very difficult because i think some of the things that we've seen over these past months are the things that people just dislike like about politics, where, where, you know, you said you're not going to run for senate and you don't want to be a useless body and be one of 100 who does nothing. and then the de, of filing deadline, you announce your running for senate. that you are recruited by mitch mcconnell. you were endorsed by donald trump you've said you're going to caucus with the republicans as you get to the senate. but then you turn around and call yourself an independent voice that you are saying your pro choice now. but the truth is when you were the governor and when you actually had the authority to do something about roe v. wade, and when roe v. wade fell under his watch, he did things like vetoed bills that would enhance privacy vetoed bills that would have hands protection, while my first day is the governor, i had to release three-and-a-half million dollars, a previously
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unreleased funds because the because the old governor would not release them and so i just think right now, the the back-and-forth is actually the thing that really frustrates people about politics, about not knowing where you are and i know he, he just received the endorsement of donald trump, but but my endorsement is going to angela alsobrooks, the person who he is running against the county executive, prince george's county, who and she as a track record of actually bringing crime down inside of the neighborhoods while she was the state's attorney, she's a track record of building ten new schools while she was the county executive, prince george's county, i trust her i trust her vision. i trust her consistency. and that's why i'm supporting her to be to be maryland next senator yeah. >> so you don't actually think he would be the independent voice that he say governor, it's great to have you, especially on that big announcement today also, i wouldn't talk about your other big announcement, which is that you declared yesterday, maggie rogers de, who is one of my favorite artist, and we really enjoyed that. she's the best
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so governor great to have you and maybe we'll get you on with maggie rogers. there's next time and she's a great maryland or she's a great maryland or we're all very proud. thank you, governor and a programming note because cnn's a special celebration of juneteenth is going to happen this wednesday night here on cnn. you're on a wanna watch this special juneteenth celebrating freedom and legacy that it's happening at 10:00 p.m. right here on cnn. you can also stream it on max. still ahead here tonight though, we're going to separate the fact from the fiction. is there a lot of videos going around about president biden on social media? which ones are real? which ones are deceptively edited, now being called cheap fakes we're checking our resources and will tell you next this election season stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground. >> and the best political team in the business follow the voters follow the results follow the facts, follow. cnn
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neck just for a bit the. >> assignment with audie cornish, listen wherever you get your podcasts tonight, white house officials are pushing back against videos. >> if they say president biden's right-wing critics are amplifying and bad faith. the latest is this video from a los angeles fundraiser on saturday night, you see president biden here as he pauses it's out with the audience for several seconds of we're former president obama was standing right by his side, took his left arm, but his own around biden's back as the two of them then walked off the stage almost immediately. this clip that was posted when viral with freezing headlines and conservative media leading to this response at the white house briefing today i think you all have called this the cheap fakes video, and that's exactly what they are. they are cheap fakes video. they are done in batch. >> let's not forget, president obama president biden have a relationship. >> they are friends, they're like family to each other. and
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i think that's what you saw cnn's senior media reporter, oliver darcy is you're checking with his sources and over i think when you look at that video, it's not actually manipulated. >> it was just posted and shared and people were spreading it around and talking about that one moment that we just showed there, i think what the white house and biden campaign, what they have an issue with is that these outlets are wrapping these videos in very misleading context, right? saying that this is evidenced that biden was freezing. he's unable to walk off stage on his own and that's obviously not the case. but that's how it being portrayed in right-wing media and it plays into this year as long narrative, where they have tried to portray biden as senile old man, incapable of governing the country and this is just the latest example. these attacks are obviously ran amping up in the leadup to november election. yeah and the other one, i mean, what i thought about when i saw this yesterday and circulating saturday night was the g7 video where we're biden is there and it's the new york post that posted this. it was a pretty
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misleading video because what you're seeing here on the left is the new york post edit that version that's all people could see. it zoomed in. it is claiming that biden appears to be wandering off, but when you actually zoom out, like you do here on the right you can see the full picture from the unedited source pool cameras where very clearly he was talking to skydivers who were just out of frame as he was standing next helloworld liters, you can see them there the bottom end. so that one was very obviously misleading. yeah, that one was a deceptively edited to show biden and make it appear again as if he's just wandering, stare off into yeah, it has no idea what he's doing, but that is literally what you hear in right-wing media. >> i mean, if you want sean hannity and i time on fox news like almost every night they say that biden has no idea what he's doing. he can't remember the last meal he aid. all these things are pretty easily disproven when you watch them, give the state of the union address, are talking interviews but that's the narrative that they're feeding their audience. and so these videos
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are very easily to be believed if you're being told day in and day out, that biden has no idea what time it is and it's obviously deceptive in obviously rupert murdoch's new york post knows exactly what they're doing. they know this is not honest, but they're not going to correct the record and they're going to continue pushing this because it it it gets clicks. >> yeah, we're we're heading into an election. we're in the middle of it basically already where these these are the two oldest candidates running against each other. and you see moments like with biden, where he's read something in the oval office maybe or but this moment with donald trump over the weekend where he was talking about the white house doctor, the former white house doctor was there when biden was actually vice president and said this about him i think you should take a cognitive tests like i did. i took a cognitive test and dot rodney dr. ronny johnson does everyone know ronnie johnson, congressman from texas? he was white house doctor and he said i was the
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healthiest president he feels in history, so i liked him very much i mean, his name is obviously dr. ronny jackson. everyone remembers him from the white house briefings. he's now in congress and a big supporter of trump's, but a little bit like that is not treated the same as a biden, of course not. >> that's never going to play on fox news as donald trump being confused, having cognitive issues, it's just not going to be portrayed like that. i think what the biden folks take issue with as well as in their eyes, the mainstream media as well, focuses way too much on buttons age, and let's donald trump get off with these gaps without ever questioning his cognitive fitness. there was that wall street journal story that came out a week ago or two weeks ago, where that question of whether biden was fit mentally to run the country said that some of these there have been questions about this, but there have been a lot of former trump officials who have raised the same issues with trump. and it doesn't get treated the same way. >> oliver darcy. great reporting. thank you for that. also, a very serious ramp-up of
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a very dangerous alliance of two dictators that we are tracking tonight. russian president putin is not on his way to visit north korea for the first time in more than 20 years. what he's after, right after a quick break the sirens are going off in the totally tornado here you cannot house one. this you cannot outrun it really is a terrifying experience. it is a stuff of nightmares you could hear it feel it, eyes and my throat were bahrain. i'm thinking i'm going to die and i thought that was it along the earth with liev schreiber sunday it now i know on cnn five yanks the leaky refrigerator coil card. is that bad? >> of an ac fan motor?
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>> putin is expected to meet with kim jong-un over the next two days in a sign of their deepening bro mads of the authoritarian kind but also a deeper signal of something that putin very much needs weapons for his war in ukraine. new satellite images that we are seeing tonight show that kim is preparing quite a show for his counterpart grandstands and other large structures have been constructed and beyond gains, central square, where all of the big parades, as we know, are held and of course we know how much i'm drawing on, loves his parades. joining me tonight. former seen in moscow bureau chief and russia expert jill dougherty and jill, it's great to have you here because it is fascinating to look back and see the last time that putin was in north korea back in 2000, he was then meeting with kim jones, father and obviously, you've studied putin for years. what we're going to be watching for in a visit which i should note, these visits are very highly choreographed, often well, i
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think the most important thing is what we won't see. and that is what kind of a deal are they going to strike especially for the most dangerous part of it, which is for rashee to get more ammunition, which really, really needs for ukraine. it is burning up ammunition and the north is able to supply it almost indefinitely. then i you know, i think the other thing is what both of them will do in terms of trying to undermine the west. that is a constant message. and you're going to hear it from putin obviously here here from kim jong on, but from putin as well. i think those are the two really important things. and then i actually should add what russia gets out of it, what north korea gets from russia. that is, perhaps the scariest thing of all, because what they want is really high tech high technology, which they can use four satellites which they can
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use for nuclear submarines and which they can use for intercontinental ballistic missiles. that, that is very bad situation right now. that's getting worse. >> well, and that's a really interesting point because obviously we have seen russia reliant on north korean awaited. that just has not existed before for this war frankly. and for north korea, i mean, that's, those are things that they can't access easily from anyone else absolutely. >> and that's really what they want because especially let's say when you get into the satellites they are trying to develop their systems so that they can strike at the united states and other parts of the west, but especially the united states, if they get this technology, then there's a possibility that they could view that. now russia denies that it's going to allow them to do anything that would be against international non-profit liberation norms.
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but we won't know that there are grave grave concerns about this. >> but did you ever think that you'd see where putin is so reliant on north korea and on kim jong-un. and the fact that this is their second visit and nine months, kim jong-un went to russia previously last fall i mean, did you ever think that you'd see the reliance and the way that we're witnessing today yeah. >> i think it's kind of flipped because in the old days 24 years ago, when putin did go to north korea, putin was the main character and north korea really was not at all, is powerful. but right now, you have the flip side because vladimir putin needs kim jong one to supply that equipment. the ammunition, and then also, i think just this week that he's the next stop for putin is vietnam. and we've recently
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seen the brushing ships in cuba and reminds me like the heavy hits of the cold war that putin is trying to remind the world. hey, we can create if not let's say, a unity, we can certainly create some mischief. and that is what he is doing, is sending a lot of message with this trip. >> well, and do you think he's succeeding and sending that message to in a certain way he is. i mean, listen, this is a very serious, this is a very serious trip. this cooperation between north korea and russia is unprecedented and so that's really true. and then just the optics of it will be big yeah, absolutely. >> jill's already we're going to watching what we can see closely here. of course, as the strip is getting underway. thank you so much. thank you all for joining us. we will be watching that trip very closely as it gets underway cnn news night starts right now


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