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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  June 18, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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quality inspector fully trained these kinds of measures are key to boeing success going forward. >> and as chair of the permanent subcommittee on investigations, operative, producing a report that will insist on accountability and and improving boeing safety practices and in fact pudding safety and reliability ahead of profits or for stock price senator blumenthal, you talked about boeing escaping criminal prosecution do you think going forward from what you're hearing from this whistleblower in particular, and from other whistleblowers at this kind of behavior is still happening there. >> that is putting the public in peril. that they should be criminally prosecuted at some point key question there's mounting evidence that boeing should be prosecuted and i'm going to withhold judgment
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until we finish this hearing and the investigation, the justice department is now doing its own inquiry. >> but i do think there's near overwhelming evidence that prosecution is important to send it in a message, a deterrent message, and also insisting on accountability. remember that the company paid comparatively very little in terms of criminal counter in connection with that deferred prosecution and the families of people who perished in those two plane crashes, 346 people lost their lives. still feel that justice has not been served and that feeling pretty understandable. so i think that there is mounting evidence perhaps overwhelming evidence now that prosecution should be pursued while that is a big statement from senator richard blumenthal there that prosecution maybe should be pursued. >> you have this hearing coming
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up today. we will all be watching to see what happens. all of us are part of the front in public and the public really wants to make sure that their lives are not in danger because of mishaps and mistakes by boeing senator richard blumenthal. thank you so much for coming on this morning. and talking us through all of that. i appreciate your time thank you. a new our of cnn news central starts right now all right. >> happening now, russian president vladimir putin about to meet face-to-face with kim jong own and north korea the alarming promise. the two nuclear powers let's just made and then words to live by courtesy of dr. anthony fauci, don't let the where you down his revealing new memoir plus a rare and extremely dangerous heat warning in effect for millions of americans kate is out, i'm 18 time champion boston celtics fan john berman, along with sarah side nor.
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>> and this is cnn news central very shortly, russian leader vladimir putin is expected to arrive in north korea for the first time in more than two decades. this rare visit is sparking concern as ties between putin and north korea's kim jong gun appear to be deepening amid the war in europe ukraine, the white house has said it is watching to see how the trip effects security conditions in ukraine. the kremlin says putin has a very eventful agenda over the next two days already this morning, this week it's a pyongyang have russian flags and banners with putin's face. soon as mike valeriia is live in seoul, south korea this morning, mike, uh, lot of reasons for the us and the white house to be watching these meetings very closely. >> that's very john, i think i could be the understatement of the evening here in seoul. so, you know, john, we're really
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waiting to see beyond the romance what is the deliverable, what is the ultimate results from this meeting? what's going to happen tomorrow and, you among the worst possibilities and we stress this would be one of the worst possibilities is you don't, both sides say they want to reach a new strategic agreement to replace treaties and agreements that have been signed and have gone out of effector are no longer in effect for years now. but this is one that was signed john july 6, 1961, between khrushchev and kim il-sung, installed by stalin founder the first leader of north korea. and it's a mutual defense treaty. so it says essentially something happens to korea. moscow would come to the assist in aid of pyongyang. that is one of the biggest concerns if this bro man's leads to a mutual defense, but there are more and more minds, john, in north korea, experts who are saying there's evidenced that may militate against something like that happening both countries though, want a lot from each other. so the laundry list, if we start with north
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korea at the top of their list john, they want more help with their satellite and missile programs, both experiencing a lot of setbacks in recent days, weeks, and months, they also need food food energy help. they want the quote, unquote prestige of standing with a quote unquote strong leader from their point of view, like vladimir putin, what putin wants, he needs more ammunition to help prosecute his war against ukraine. but very interestingly, john, we heard extremely publicly from vladimir putin last week thinking south korea for not sending lethal weapons to help ukraine. so there are experts who we spoken with over the past 24 hours. so if said, you know what? because everybody the government in seoul here has refrained from helping ukraine with lethal munitions lead rare putin may get back from a treaty like this. he may step back from mutual defense with north korea. so the
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environment that we're talking to you from right now, john, very tense over the morning hours, we had 20 to 30 north korean troops crossover the median demarcation line. it is the middle of the dmz between north and south korea. south korea fires warning shots. this is the second time in two weeks at this has happened. there's new construction that north korea is building very close to its outposts along the dmz problem probably to harden its defenses. but john, it's gonna be very interesting to see if this is just bromines and all the pageantry therein or if there is a new deliverable tomorrow that really raises eyebrows here and soul. and in washington dc, john, yeah, as we said, a whole lot to watch here, michael arrow in seoul. >> great to have you there. thanks so much. is there? >> all right. thank you, john, joining us now to continue the conversation is julian enough founding partner and washington correspondent for pot. thank you so much for being here this morning this is the first time as you as you heard mentioned
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that that putin has visited north korea in almost a quarter of a century, 24 years, that in and of itself tells a story what do you think is so necessary as to why putin has shown up in-person to meet with kim jong un well, you're very right to point that out. the first 20 years, what amir putin spent trying to court the west and proving to the world and especially to europe at russia was a european power, a western power, and wanted to be integrated with the west to sit at their table to be part of the g8, et cetera after the invasion of 2014, after russia's invasion again in 2022, that all changed. and now you see russia shoring up. it's kind of old-school vintage cold war era alliances. a couple of weeks ago or lamor putin hosted the st. petersburg economic forum. he shared the
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stage with the president of zimbabwe, the president of bolivia. >> again, all old school cold war allies after north korea, he's heading to vietnam again, another soviet era ally. >> it's a way to show the west that just because he's been booted from their club doesn't mean he has no allies in the world. since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of ukraine in february 2022, he has been saying that the majority of the world's population, which lives in the global south, is actually on his side, not america's and nieto's how concerned should the united states and its allies be as this meeting is taking place, obviously, these two men are looking for something from one another especially as the war in ukraine continues and the need for things like ammunition by russia continues to be an issue. well, north korea has
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been a major supplier for russia of ammunition as it stocks have gone low because this has been a very artillery having war in ukraine. and russia has been as far as we know, supplying energy and food to the startup nation of north korea the, question as your correspondence set is whether they go further but so far is i think it's about returning the favor last year, kim jong-un visited russia, he visited just the vra's because he doesn't fly. so we took his stalin era armored train to the far east putin received tamara. now this is kind of returning the favor, but we'll see how far the visit goes when you look at what's happening here one of the things i think that they are certainly trying to signal and 22, change is the all of the the word is escaping me sanctions against both of them by the west, mostly and its
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allies. >> what, what do you think they can do to try and evade those? i mean, in some ways, russia has been able to do so because it has oil to sell countries well and russia recall a used to be part of the international regime that was enforcing the sanctions on north korea. >> it did so unevenly. but again, in its quest to prove that it was part of the first world club of nations. it cooperated on things things like reigning in north korea, like reigning in iran. now that it has been booted from the club or its full-scale invasion of ukraine two and some years ago, it is now said, you screw it. i'm now on the other team. >> so we've seen a partnership lawson with iran, where iran there's also providing kamikaze drones and artillery to russia. >> we're not quite sure yet what russia is providing today.
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iranians. and they're doing the same in north korea and again to my earlier point about how russia's showing that it's part of a different world now a part of a different set of alliance putin's article in the main north korean newspaper that ran just now ahead of his visit emphasizes how they're now part of this for lack of a better term, axis of resistance against the against what they say is the colonialist powers of the west. and that north korea has been fighting american aggression, american colonialism for its entire existence. now russia was part of that flight two. so part of this is also very political and demonstrating that russia is not alone, but it has many other allies and it doesn't need the west julia ya fake, sorry for jacking up your name and the beginning of this, but thank you so much for your great analysis. we will certainly, i hope you will come back after i did that to you. i can push shift your time, julia
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john and julie wearing green on brand today. >> right this morning, a quarter of 1 billion americans are at risk of heat, extreme heat as wildfires also spread rapidly in different parts of the us we are standing by for a major announcement for the president as he is set to introduce new legal protections for half 1 million immigrants and new developments in the murder investigation of a mother of five. a suspect is now in custody as investigators searched for other possible victims the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president, one stage two very different visions for america's future that cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming un-backed its terms de but neutrogena, ultra shear sunscreen is still on the clock. vital sun protection goes six layers deep, blocking
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they would be so eager to die house of the dragon, streaming exclusively on macs all right, we have new time-lapse video of wildfires raging at this moment in new mexico. >> look at that. look at the smoke and fire just blazing over house, the swimming pool, not so bucolic right now. they're going to need it. what's happening there is two fires are beginning to converge in new mexico in the searing heat over much of the country is fueling these fires the eastern united states has not had these kinds of temperatures in decades at this time of year, heat alerts have been issued in 19 states for more than 80 million people. more than half the us population will experience temperatures higher than 80 degrees. seen as polo sandoval is in burlington, vermont. vermont polo, where they're not supposed to have this kind of weather even in the lovely burlington harbor if
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it's temperatures in the high 90s and vermont here in burlington, you know, the situation is quite critical, especially for those sensitive groups and that's why john officials here in burlington are considering this we're describing it as an during heat events, actually quite nice yesterday, quite nice this morning, but all of that, according to meteorologists, is going to change here very soon. >> essentially the highest will get higher the overnight lows will get higher. and that speaks to the unusual nature of this weather event. basically, that they time heat people won't have a chance to actually break that because it's going to continue to be sweltering into the night. and that is where many of the cities in the northeast, where people are not accustomed to those temperatures will be opening up cooling centers, for example, here in burlington officials telling me that they're going to have about six open. that's everywhere from city hall a library, and several other locations as well during the day allowing those people on a walk-in basis to go in and just keep cool, use the restroom and just try to say out of their homes because
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there is about a third of the population state that does not regularly have an air conditioning at home because they typically don't need it. and that's why officials are issuing these recommendations, especially for those who live with junk people and especially the elderly, to not to take this seriously and stay cool they're rolling out also a series of recommendations. of course, one of them exercise early we've seen it this morning jumping on their bikes out walking their dogs right now while they still can sheryl, lot of people are there are going to be in the air conditioning later also drinking plenty of water, especially before you start getting thirsty, not forgetting your pets, not forgetting your children in the vehicle that it certainly it's also worth recommending. and then finally, checking on the elderly this is a potentially deadly weather event, according to experts, for those older people. so it's really important to continue to check, a check in with them throughout the day. and that just today, john, from now until friday, that's when these cooling centers are going to remain open days and days of this up there say hi to my mother-in-law, polo sandoval in burlington, vermont.
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>> nice to see you. thank you very much so i want him to die in the maryland prison system. the new demand from a county sheriff after an undocumented immigrant was arrested for the murder of a mother five. and then mcdonald's is pulling the plug on its artificial intelligence drive through experiment. >> customers can now return to be angry at human employees for getting their order wrong rather than ai just as the founders intended they are unpredictable sleeping giants, every volcano hasn't done personality. if we don't understand them, they are windows into part of our planet. >> lives will be lost, violent earth with liev schreiber, sunday at nine and cnn was had trouble losing weight and keeping same, discover the power of week-old the gobi, i lost 35 pounds as some lost the war, 46 pounds we go.
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start your will at trust and we'll dot com and make it count then in here than i watch all the episodes of in practical jokers on a new network july 11 all right we're this morning, the hunter biden requested a new federal gun trial, but then immediately would withdrew the request without giving a reason he was convicted of three felonies, no word from biden or his lawyers about this filing. >> and then unfeeling he still
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faces a separate federal tax trial scheduled to begin in september and historic first thailand will be the first country and southeast asia to legalize same-sex marriage. the goddess we send overwhelmingly passed this. and now the bill is waiting for the king's endorsement. there. so the us has paused safety inspections of avocado shows and mangoes from a top producing area in mexico after security incident involving staff in the department of agriculture. >> this means those foods will not be allowed into the united states. >> i think of a kodos or a fruit produce already in transit is not affected, it does not impact avocados and mangoes from other regions. so so in theory you could still get your guacamole and no answer yet, sarah, on whether people who like peas in their guacamole will be there. >> i can answer that. it's so for me. thank you so much, john. all right. a maryland sheriff says, america's failed immigration policies are directly responsible for the unbelievably horrific murder of a mother of five in his county
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in august of last year, rachel morin was killed while she was hiking trail in harford county near her home for months, police searched for her killer. then friday police and oklahoma arrested this man, victor antoni, you martinez hernandez, at a bar in tulsa he had crossed into the us illegally just months before morin was killed. and investigators say he is a suspect, not only in her death, he is also wanted for murder in his own home country of el salvador and an attack that a 9-year-old girl and her mother in los angeles joining me now is harb or county sheriff jeff gahler. thank you so much, sir, for making yourself available to us this morning. i do want to start with this one. this was announced that you all had had finally been able to track down a suspect in this god awful murder. the mother of rachel
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morin showed up which is unusual. we don't always see that when there's an announcement of an arrest, what was that moment like when she showed up, turned around and clap for you and your investigators? >> heartbreaking. and a little bit of relief i don't good adjectives associated with this, but satisfaction i know are investigators work this case show diligently an hard and working with our partners, but also with the murrin family and patty, there as well doing canvases together. they were very active followed the case, getting updates we met with them the night before and told him that we had finally had a name and we had obtained an arrest warrant for our suspect and it could be days and weeks before we had located him in the rest of them due to the wonders of technology we were able to find him within five hours and with the assistance
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of tulsa and our federal partners put him in handcuffs within five hours, telling the family there was an arrest warrant. so emotional time for them and your heart goes out. the mother the story is so heartbreaking and that's why it's captured nation and even worldwide tension. >> let me five children know her without their young mother. i do want to ask you about the arrest itself and how it all came to fruition because it is it is quite intricate. what you're investigators had to go through to try and find him using dna. can you talk me through that a little bit i'm no expert on the dna and the fbi baltimore field office, fbi special agent in charge came to the press conference. >> he had explained how all the genealogy works. but again, the dna that was recovered by our personnel, you doing a thorough invention station of rachel's homicide, horrific homicide. >> that dna length us to the los angeles case where we obtain the video and had an idea of who we were dealing
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with an image to the back of the person's a video of him walking away but the dna evidence allowed through the fbi to bring it down to a smaller group and eventually right. >> to the aim of the suspect in this case. then the dna linked directly to both rachel's case in los angeles case. well, to rachel's case, which will relate to the los angeles qizan with it the testing has been done. so giants and technologies, i said the technology side is what led us to him so quickly things through the internet, ip addresses, device use was able to take point us in the right direction and allow the fbi and los or tulsa police to go in there and arrest him in such an expedited manner? >> i do want to ask you. there is course a political side to this, and it has to do with people coming over the border illegally. he was also wanted for murder in el salvador. who
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do you blame politically for him being able to cross over into the united states and potentially as a suspect in now, several crimes in the united states. and a wanted criminal suspect in el salvador, his home country sure. >> well, unfortunately, just as i'm responsible for the things that happened in harford county related to public safety. the blame starts at the top and the blame starts with the biden administration but he, you know, he's sitting in that chair and under his presidency, the border has been much less secure, but it sits on both both parties. and that's what i said in my press conference bipartisan, they need to work together. this is a public safety issue. it shouldn't be a public a political issue should be a public safety issue. we take an oath. they take notice to keep to do our job and part of that job the largest part of that responsibility is to keep our citizens safe and having an unsecured the border where
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fentanyl can flow across the border as we've seen higher amounts. and criminals can come in i actually there needs to be effective system worked out in the politics, need to end, and they need to focus on public safety and work together and get it right you're you're saying ultimately congress needs to do this. it is their job and they haven't been able to come together for decades really to make a real strong immigration policy change, sheriff, thank you so much for coming on and for the family of this young mother. i know they are so thankful that you are able to find a suspect and capture him. i appreciate your time this morning thank you. >> our hearts are with them. thank you. >> all right. appreciate you. all right. even after the most hectic years of his long career dr. anthony fauci says, he it is not close to slowing down with the surgeon general's call
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non-surgical treatment there's an average i'll get a second opinion let's go take charge of your treatment. >> if you can't lay your hand flat, visit, find a hand to get started. >> hey, guys, know robert, tracy and of course mark who delivers our sandwiches. well, so my i can you sending good this merger done, i should ask mark. i said ask mark, ever wonder whether people with all the answers get all the answers, ask markham accountants and advisers believed that it was meant to unite the round you may be king house of the dragon, streaming exclusively on macs dr. anthony fauci has advised seven presidents, usually behind the scenes, but dr. fouchier, for better or worse, became the public face of the government's response. to the covid, pandemic in his new book, on call the doctor's journey and public service. dr. fans fauci recounts the rather
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mercurial relationship with former president trump during that crisis. that chapter is titled, he loves me, he loves me not cnn's chief medical correspondent, dr. sanjay gupta was able to sit down with dr. lt. to get his side of all this it has promised achievement, i think in the book and what his legacy could be. >> the sunday, you sat down with him. >> you have this column. i noticed the brooklyn really came out of him a couple of times as he worked interviewing em what did you hear that stood out well, i've interviewed him so many times over the past couple of decades and always it's in the throes of something, right? >> anthrax or zika ebola, h1n1. people don't realize that he's really been present for all these things. >> but as you mentioned hiv aids, going back to the early 80s the beginning, and covid at the end. >> and i really wanted tim to talk about the similarities between those two things. >> i don't think many people who sort of know you from
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covid, realize and in many ways you went through some of these same challenges before with hiv aids, not just new disease, trying to find new therapeutics but the activists what was that part of your life? >> like? >> it just is very different because the activists were trying to get the attention of the authorities. the scientific authorities, and the regulatory authorities, that the time proven way of approaching the development of interventions for a new disease doesn't work well for a disease that's rapidly killing themselves and their friends and their loved ones. so my, my, my interaction and my response to them as they often get asked, is dramatically different. than someone on the basis of no evidence accuses you of killing people or that scene of marjorie taylor greene at the
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hearing. i mean, come on. that is nothing like what the activists were doing it's curious that epidemic was terrifying to this country and around the world but how did he deal with the very difficult intersection of politics and science? we just heard him mentioned marjorie taylor greene the first year of the pandemic, people were coming for him the first, second, and even today yeah. >> one thing to keep in mind is that he's worked for seven presidents. i'm not sure there's anybody else in history who, who has done that. so he has this really really interesting perspective on these different leadership styles and how people handle crises, especially public health crises. in his case, but just really interesting, but i think that intersection between politics and science. i mean, it's something as you're, as you're alluding to the world, certainly the country has seen laid bare over the past couple
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of years. but it's been ongoing for some time, but i think this was a particularly challenging time for him and president trump and ask some specifically at the beginning, march 2020, 2020, how he was sort of handling things at that point and he talks about a specific instance he talked about this interesting press briefing that you did this in march of 2000 2020 and you had to correct the record even if the president was talking and first of all, how challenging is i said to myself, i have a responsibility to preserve my own personal integrity and a responsibility to the american public, regardless of what administration i've been responsible to the american public when i first came here half a century ago, and i'm responsible to the american public now so when i walked up to the podium, i said here it goes. fauci, the president joe said that i'd roxy chloroquine
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is the end-all. and i'll say no. i'm really sorry, but that's anecdotal and there's no information that it actually works that was painful to me to have to do that. but there was no doubt that i had to do it. i mean, it wasn't like well, maybe you shouldn't maybe there was no doubt that i had to do it you may you may remember those images. >> sarah, where dr. fauci's at the lectern and president trump is her right over his shoulder sort of glaring down at him what was interesting in the book, which i thought was interesting was that we sort of got a behind the scenes then of what happened next. so then they leave they leave the briefing room, they go in, dr. fouchier thinks he's going to get yelled at by the president. that doesn't happen. instead, what the president does, he takes them into this little anteroom off the oval office and he looks at the tv screens and it looks a fauci and he says, well, you get a load of these ratings. these ratings are incredible i think the country was thinking that there
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was this huge friction between president trump and dr. fauci that really wasn't there. in fact, that at that point, at least early on the pandemic, the idea was, hey, this is generating a lot of interest from the american people the ratings thing though, with hundreds of thousands of people dying, is hard to hear. did dr. fauci? no. you asked him this question. did you ask him, hey? you're going to retire anytime soon no. >> i asked him that not and i'll tell you you'll listen to what he says, but he's lived in the same house since 1977 i mean, this guy has been sort of a stable sort of fixture, not only in public health academia, but i think in his own private life as well, 1977, married to christine grady khuza'a bioethicist at the nih. he is now a distinguished professor at georgetown he's, he's still going to just became a grandfather, but we talked about this we ever going to retire, you think her sanjay
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that's a good question. when when i decided to step down from the nih, i said, i want to write my memoir, but i want to do it at a time when i'm, you know, energetic, passionate, and still healthy and feel good and then after that, i want to continue to contribute in a way where i still think i'm making a contribution. and right now, i may be any three, but i feel like i'm 55 so the may i don't see any end to it, but i do know that i think i have enough realism about myself i mean, the people who would throw darts at me think badly of me, but i'm fundamentally a pretty humble person. and i know and can evaluate my limitations and i can tell you when i feel i'm not able to leave it all on the court, then
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i'll walk off the court you know, it's interesting, sarah, just as a little bit of a side note, he is at 3-years-old we've talked a lot about age over the past couple of years he's very sharp guy, just wrote a 450 page book, hit that, that memoir and you hear him, you hear how charpy is 20% of the book roughly is about covid 80% is about all these other things that have happened over the last nearly 60 years. >> and public health, so pretty incredible read i read the whole thing you'll learn a lot about public health. you'll learn a lot about the man. >> yeah, and seared into my membrane, dr. gupta is when you were the first person to say this is a pandemic i remember that moment thinking that our world is about to change. thank you so much. i know the interview is really good and we'll get to hear a lot more of an i appreciate it, dr. gupta you've got your even more of that interview can listen to a new episode of sanjay is podcast chasing life
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write today, the president, president biden, expect to unveil a sweeping executive action providing legal protection for about a half 1 million undocumented spouses of us citizens. in roughly 50,000 children with me now is democratic congressman from california, ro khanna conscious. and thanks so much for being with us. what do you think of this executive action all right. >> proud of the president. >> this is long overdue. these are report spouses of americans who doesn't, and they have lived in the country for ten years and until they could work so they can pay taxes. this is really a old moved by the precedence, one that i think will be welcome across the democratic party get by many in this country. >> now, there are republicans, john thune of south dakota. i was listening to john cornyn of texas us centers republican senators who say that this will be what they call a pole factor for undocumented immigrants. to come to the us. and other words, it will make them think it's more attractive to come
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here illegally. what do you say to that as a startup, an immigrant, i'll say, look, everyone wants to come to the united states, america, there are a lot of pull factors are great, economy are great education. >> i think it's absurd to say that giving a path to citizenship for people who are spouses of american citizens and had been here for ten years, is going to add to that, this is a rational policy of getting people who are spouses of american citizens part of the american process and paying taxes and contributing to american society you said you were proud of the president for this executive action two weeks ago, there was another executive action from the president where he severely restricted the asylum process for undocumented migrants. >> were you was proud of that executive action? >> i respectfully disagreed with that. i understand the president's frustration because for three-and-a-half years he's been coming to congress anc give me more funding for immigration judges,
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give me more funding technology, give me more funding for immigration attorneys to keep the border secure. the congress has failed him, but an arbitrary caps on asylum won't solve the problem because more people are just going to go to the smugglers, to the gangs to come in and not at the port of entry. so what we really need is a comprehensive immigration solution to keep the border secure at the having humane immigration policy this it from a purely political standpoint for democrats, is this a little bit of a give and take it away or take it away and then give with i don't think so. i think this represents the president's honest belief that we need a secure border. >> but we also need a pap to citizenship, especially for people who have been in this country for decades. now the president is hamstrung because we haven't been able to pass anything in congress. and as you remember, john, i don't from sabotaged the bipartisan deal in the senate that could have actually had a better solution to this issue.
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>> as you know, congress, when i check up on you, you just did an interview a few days ago when you were asked if you thought that president biden was running out of time with younger voters, that question at that time was focused mostly on how some younger voters don't approve of the president's handling of israel's war with hamas. but i do wonder if there are other factors that you think are hurting the president with younger voters i think the cost of rent is something that we need to address. >> housing affordability. and the president has a plan for how he's going to address rents and more for portable housing, but we need and paint on that. i think you need longer in communicating the message of what we've done on five in his of the natural gas export terminals plus dude, but people don't know about that. and i think we need to be more engaged, but the content creators on social media and a lot of young people many wants
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to jump and a lot of young people are media that campaign. there well, you mentioned social media. >> i thought of you yesterday when the us surf general came out in support of warning labels for social media, you're sort of the congressman from silicon valley or the congressman from social media as it were. how do you feel about the idea of warning labels? let's social media i support them, i support more broadly the kids online safety act. >> i don't want to punk someone's book with jonathan haidt would anxious generation wrote a very compelling book, which is that social media had some good but people are getting addicted to it. it's, it's led to an increase in depression and increase in exotic and it needs to be regulated if i'm not mistaken, i think sarah is interviewing him later in the broadcast here. >> so you just plugged the book. we're gonna be talking about next hour or so. good job, thumbs up on that, congressman. you care to give us a debate pre if you nine days away from the earliest general election debate in us
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history, this isn't a historic moment right here on cnn. what do you think we're gonna see on that stage i think we're gonna see two very different visions on foreign policy and economic policy on foreign policy. >> president biden and made it very clear we need to stand against aggression in ukraine. you're going to be discussing on the show the fact that north korea is actually providing arms to russia. i hope jake and de are going to ask president from, you we accept putin's please plan because putin, his plan is one fifth of ukraine belongs to russia more than russia currently has. and that's going to be a big difference of the debate. and then the economy, the president is going to emphasize his commitment to the working class, to bringing manufacturing back in, criticize donald trump, four years ago, gave tax cuts the rich people and corporations caution ro khanna from california, always great to have you on. thanks so much for being with us thank you. >> appreciate it. sir. >> interview. thank you, john. a new whistleblower with information about boeing safety standard come forward at the
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last minute, just as the ceo is heading to capitol hill to be grilled, we'll have that story coming up tomorrow cnn celebrate juneteenth with special performances by john legend, eddie lewbel smokey robinson. >> we still have a lot of work to do. >> juneteenth celebrating freedom and legacy tomorrow at ten on cnn. >> i won't let my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis symptoms the final emerge as you with trump via most people saw 90% clear skin eye for months. and the majority stayed clearer. i've five years, cbs allergic reactions may occur. can fire, may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine, no plan to emerge as you emerge trim phi it asked her doctor about trump via at the jeep, make this the
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sy with thumbtack download the thumbtack app been start caring for your home today. in america as biden and trump meet and only cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access exclusive pre and post a beit analysis follows cnn for every catalyst moment followed debate night in america begins june 27 at seven, i'm katie beau lilla in wash and this is cnn a new book about the mental health risks social media poses too young kids and teens is really getting parent's attention. >> this is also a major issue that has lawmakers talking and trying to make some changes as a us surgeon general is calling for warning labels on social media apps just like people had on cigarettes. jonathan height is a nyu professor and the author of the new york times bestseller, the anxious
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generation. how the great rewiring of childhood is causing an epidemic of mental illness jonathan, thank you so much for joining us to talk about this. we just had ro khanna on who who mentioned you and your book. so it's clearly got everyone's attention iv, including those in congress who are, who are talking about this. i want to ask you about just first of all, the surgeon general's warning label that would would would warn parents of these harms of social media. and when you think about social media, a lot of people at the beginning just thought it was funny and cool and neat. and it's really turned into something else. talk us through that that's right so we we kinda got tricked into letting our kids develop a phone-based childhood because the millennial generation in the 1990s, they grew up with computers and the internet and they were fine. >> and it was exciting. almost all of these things start out nice tiktok, everything starts out nice, but gradually gets taken over by people with bad
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intent. and most of them become harmful so between 2010 and 2015 is when everything changes for american kids, they go from having flip phones, which they used to text and call each other, to having smartphones with front-facing cameras, high-speed internet. they can be online all day and it's exactly in that period all over the developed world that teen mental health collapses especially for girls the suicide rate's going up this is such disturbing stories we've done plenty of them with girls, especially who have eating disorders because of the scrolling through and looking at the bodies of people on social media and the messaging. i want to just go to what the us surgeon general said. >> he talked are aaron burnett last night? um, here's a snippet of what he said about social media i have reason to believe that a warning label could be effective, but keep in mind it is one part of a broader solution and the main
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goal here is to make social media safe. >> that's going to require congress to act. and that action cannot come soon enough. >> congress is talking about this, haven't done anything yet after all these years, and seeing some of these disturbing numbers of what it does to young people. but will a warning be enough? >> well, i think the key thing to understand about the surgeon general's warning and his his his great essay yesterday in the new york times is that he's saying, let's look at this like a consumer product that's affecting kids. if there's a problem with airplane engines are doors, we ground that model and until the manufacturer gets it right, if there's a food or a medicine is making kids sick, it has to be pulled from the shelves until they get it right here. we have a consumer product, social media, which has taken over our children's lives. it's the dominant factor it takes up five to seven hours of their day certainly many of them say it's making them sick. many of their parents say it's the cause of their kids
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suicide i mean, the death toll, the suffering toluse, so much greater than any consumer product. and the surgeon general is saying, what we as a government, we have an obligation to at least begin to warn about this so a warning label on its own? no, that's not going to change a lot, but the surgeon general's call for it changes the debate fundamentally. >> do you have any advice for parents? and frankly, i mean, if we're being honest here, hike adults have issues with this adults get depressed sometimes, sometimes if they put something out there and people don't like it and they start coming out for them. it affects adults. so the mind of a child. imagine that you have any advice to parents on how to navigate this right now while their kids are scrolling through, like you said, five to seven hours per day, that is a lot of time in line that's right. >> that's right. >> so the key to this is that when each of us acts alone, it feels hopeless when each of us tries to say no sweetheart, you can't have social media and
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she says, but mom everyone else does. i'm cut off. >> when we act alone. it's really hard and that's why we're stuck in this situation. what we need to do is realize if we link together, we can get out of it. and so what i call for my book and the anxious generation is for norms that will get us out of this one is no. smart phones till high school. just give them a flip phone or brick phone. two was no social media till 16. it's wildly inappropriate for children. three is phone-free schools, and this is happening this year and this we can get done quickly. and four is far more independence free play, and responsibility in the real-world so my advice for parents is team up with other parents, team up with the parents of your kids, friends and say, hey, let's do this together. because if you do it together then your kids not the only one, and you're giving your kid a fun childhood. you're getting a group of kids together who will hang out in person and have adventures and do fund stuff the way their parents and grandparents did. so that's what we need to do, is link up and work together. >> that's really practical


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