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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  June 18, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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energy in just two weeks. >> here on the israel-lebanon border. >> and this is cnn buckle up. >> this could get very ugly for boeing, the planemaker ceo about to go face to face with lawmakers who just released new whistleblower claims that the company hid bad hearts were following this live on capitol hill, and also this our president biden, making a serious play for latino voters he battleground states he's set to announce a new executive action that could offer deportation protections to hundreds of thousands of people were live from the white house. >> the white house says there's a cheap fake problem refusing right-wing media of using manipulated videos to make the president look bad.
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we're following these major developing stores and many more all coming in right here. the cnn news central hello embryonic keeler alongside boris sanchez and we are watching two big stories this hour right now, the ceo of boeing, who is about to testify on capitol hill, and this is expected to be a tense hearing about safety of these airliners. >> also, soon president biden will declare a new sweep being executive order that will protect undocumented spouses and children of american citizens. we do begin with boeing or any minute now, its chief executive, dave calhoun, is going to be speaking before a senate subcommittee that is investigating the troubled company. >> his prepared statements shows that calhoun we'll seemingly understate the problems plaguing the aerospace giant. as quote, far from perfect. this comes as there
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are more stunning allegations for him to respond to a new whistleblower from boeing's quality control unit says the company tried to hide questionable parts that likely ended up on its airplanes cnn's piedmont ten is live force outside the hearing room. so what more can we expect to hear from boeing ceo the chair of the senate subcommittee as senator richard blumenthal just walked in here we are moments away from gambling into this hearing. and he said to me that this is a moment of reckoning for boeing that boeing must change its culture because there have been failings after failings at boeing, not only back to the 737 max nine door plug blowout back on january 5, but also going back to the max eight crashes of 2018 and 2019, critic after critic in this hearing, not only the senators who will be on the de as also in the audience, the families of those 737 max eight victims, 346 people killed in those
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crashes abroad. and they just held a press conference prior to the start of this hearing. i want you to listen now to the mother of sami, 4s2 mode. she was killed in that 2019 ethiopian air crash and she says that bone boeing is incapable of cultural change. listen every single rubric that he has in place to push for safety he had in place five years ago, it's just that they don't follow it. >> so when they get pressed for time and they need to produce a lot of planes quickly. they throw all of their safety rewrite picks out the window, and they tell the people that work at boeing don't pay attention to that, don't pay attention to that. we need to produce planes faster boeing ceo dave calhoun walked into this hearing at the top of last hour and he said that he will acknowledge the families of the 737 max eight crashes not only in his opening remarks, but he also said he is here for the case of transparency and that he wants to testify, by the
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way, this is the first time that he is testifying in front of lawmakers on capitol hill since that door plug blowout back on january 5, what is also interesting here is that there will be new so blowers coming forward. >> and senator blumenthal says that he has spoken to this new whistleblower, sam mohawk. he is a quality assurance inspector at boeing's renton, washington plant. that's the plant that builds the 737 max nine, the plane that left the factory. that want to alaska airlines without the critical door plug bolts installed. he said as that boeing is not able to keep track of parts that do not conform to its own standards. now, boeing remains on the defense here saying that it always takes these employee concerns seriously. and that it encourages employees to speak up. it says it is reviewing these claims, right now, although blumenthal says this worker was encouraged to speak gap in steady was told to shut up i mean, this is this is
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quite a hearing, pete and behind the dais or not, the de as i should say, but where we're seeing the boeing ceo, you have the victim family victim's family members holding up signs. >> they have some of them red blood on their hands to make a point i mean, they we see what is really the its stake here moment of reckoning that third, blumenthal said is probably the perfect way of putting this because this has really been coming to a head for such a long time for boeing negative headline after negative headline, a lot of people conflate one-off safety issues on board commercial airliners with boeing issues, but there have been quality issues over and over again at boeing, not only what the 7:37 line, but also with a 787 line and whistleblowers coming forward, they're also on the triple seven line and whistleblowers coming forward on that plant as
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well. they build those planes at a separate plant from the renton plant that builds the 737 don't those at the everett plant in washington. >> so this is really a big thing here for boeing. >> and also it's something that acknowledged by ceo dave calhoun. he says that boeing will change its culture, that it has been listening to the concerns, although we will see if that is the case. there were a lot of questions immediately after the door plug hello out whether or not heads would roll at the top, he is letting go of that top post at boeing said to retire at the end of this year, although not without one more blasting from killed yeah. >> yeah. >> it looks like we're having trouble with pete signal there. we should point out, senator blumenthal said that he anticipates there could be potential prosecution of boeing depending on where the investigations go. >> that's right. this is very serious at this point. they've been put on warning. now, the other big story that is happening this hour any moment now president biden will unveil a sweeping new executive action
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protecting hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants. immigrant, protecting hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants from being deported, excuse me. and this provides legal protections for about half 1 million families and roughly 50,000 children. it comes just two weeks after biden filed a different executive action on immigration that severely restricted asylum seekers, this new order happens at a pivotal moment. this is obviously the heat of the 2024 presidential race. and next week, biden and trump are set to face off in a historic presidential debate. right here on cnn, by the way, at 9:00 p.m. with jake jake tapper, and dana bash moderating immigration. of course, will be a major topics. so let's get the view from the white house now with cnn's kayla tausche. so kayla walk us through the details in this new executive action well, soon as you mentioned, president biden is going to authorize undocument undocumented immigrants who are married to us citizens, as well as their children to be able to apply for lawful residents
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under this sweeping new program, the biden administration says that there are a few parameters that must be met. >> first those couples must have been married preceding today, and also those individuals must have been in the united states at least ten years up until this point, the application process is going to be open a little bit later this summer and the administration estimates that it would impact 500,000 spouses is an up to 50,000 noncitizen children that compares to more than 800,000 individuals who are allowed to work freely and stay in the country under the daca program. under president obama's action in 2012. so you can see the scope of this program is rather large now the individuals who are married to us citizens were technically eligible for green cards previously, but under prior law, they would have to leave the us to apply for that authorization. and if they were found to have stayed in the us
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unlawfully, they would have had to remain outside the us for more than a decade. that is why the biden campaign amplified this policy. in a statement earlier today from a campaign manager, julie chavez rodriguez, saying simply families belong together and trying to distinguish what president biden is doing from the policy that president trump is vows during his term, where he separated families at the border. but the distinction of the eligibility the on green cards is one reason why the biden believes that this action may survive any legal challenges that are sure to be brought as have been brought on any immigration action that has been taken by the executive branch under presidents of either party but there are a few motivations here for the biden team. they want to quell that frustration from immigration advoca groups over those restrictions on asylum. they want to neutralize immigration as an election issue, especially going into the debate. and they also want to boost the economy and they believe as many experts due to that allowing half-a-million
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people to apply for better paying jobs would do just that briana and boris kayla tausche, life force at the white house. thank you so much. so let's go through the polling numbers on immigration and get perspective on the politics two and joined onset by christiane ramos, a former spokesman for the congressional hispanic caucus and we can start off with cnn senior data reporter, harry entin, live force in new york. harry, what are the numbers show about americans views on immigration and how of those views evolved over time. >> yeah, boris, you know, i'm a big fan of timelines of chronology and how things can change over time. and this says a lot favor deporting all living in the us illegally. now, i should note that the 2024 questions specified undocumented immigrants specifically, but still the timeline here. oh, my goodness, gracious. in 2016, it was just 40% who favor deporting all living in the us illegally. look at where we are in 2024
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62% in recent cbs news, yougov, paul. so what we're seeing is much more hawkish views on illegal immigration in the american public at large, m, perhaps not so subtle presently, look at this question which compares 20202024 at this point. all right. biden versus trump on immigration august of 2020. look at this. biden was favored by seven points on immigration. look at where we are in may of 2024, donald trump, favorite by 11 points. so what we're seeing is those more hawkish views on illegal immigration gracian translating when american voters are looking at biden versus trump on the issue of immigration with trump being the beneficiary. >> christiane. i'm not sure if viewers heard it, but you let out a sigh when you saw those numbers comparing biden in 2020 to trump in 2024, what do you think of these numbers? >> well, i was sighing because i feel like does numbers are grossly misleading, right? when you talked to voters and you say, do you want to fix our broken immigration system
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overwhelming support, right? when you talk about giving people a pathway to citizenship providing a legal status for folks who have been here for ten years are over those numbers are much higher for democrats, for the president, talking about a comprehensive immigration reform, fixing a broken immigration system is wildly popular with voters all over the country which is why i feel so great about the president's executive action today, which i think is the right move and is incredibly powerful it comes on the heels of that executive action two weeks ago, that restricted asylum for certain asylum seekers do you see that? >> and this paired together as sort of an admission from the white house that there has been a sea change on this issue. >> not at all. look, joe biden legitimately wants to solve this immigration issue. >> he wants to find a way to provide solutions for those here find solutions that are
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southern border. >> he doesn't want to play politics on this thing. unlike president donald trump, who literally told the people in his party, in congress that the place where we need to solve these issues, not to act on this issue because it would hurt him politically when you have the speaker of the house saying, we can act on this because it would hurt president trump politically. that is somebody playing politics and with president joe biden, he is trying to find solutions because he understands that this is a problem that the american people want to solve in a humane, positive way. >> i should note even that bipartisan bill had aspects to it, that a lot of democrats were opposed to because it was more restrictions on immigration. i want to pivot to harry because harry, you have some numbers showing how hispanic voters in particular feel about the issue of immigration and whose approach they trust more. what can you tell us? >> yeah, boris, i think this question sort of gets at just frustration frustration among hispanics nationwide that they
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don't necessarily like either of the two guys hispanic sku is good on immigration. the leader here his neither at 31%, donald trump comes in at 29%. that's ahead of joe biden's 22%. but again, this 31 that say neither i think sort of speaks to the fact that neither men's approaches is in the minds of hispanic voters, necessarily where they want to go. but again, poor number here for joel for biden. and again, look at this trend line, favor deporting all living in the us illegally. this is among hispanic registered voters in 2016, it was 19%. look at where we are in 2024, 53%. and yes, of course this is just one question you can ask the question different ways and get different results. but in the trend line here i think what is so worrying two democrats and immigration advocates at large christiane, what do you think of those numbers because it doesn't seem like voters are specifically hispanic voters that the biden administration
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is concerned about. >> some erosion toward the trump camp. it doesn't seem like they've been more receptive to his as immigration policies, at least before these executive orders were issued look, i think we're all hitting on the same thing. >> frustration. voters are frustrated that the no. actually has been taken. why is there have been no action taken? have you seen what has happened to the republican party since ronald reagan this party has done a complete one at lindsey graham some is now for mass deportations. this was a guy who went out there and passionately fought for daca, for pathing, passing a pathway to citizenship marco rubio, the architect in the gang of six for immigration reform, many years ago, running to be the vice president for donald trump, the guy who is quoting hitler, the guy who is saying that we need to, that immigrants are poisoning the blood of this country. the reason we have not had action on immigration reform is because of the republican party, joe biden has been willing to upset some members of his, of his coalition of
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voters to try to get a deal on immigration reform he is putting things out there now that are humane and positive that are trying to find solutions to help people on my way over here, when i was taking my taxi over here, the driver that i was the took me here he is an a mixed status family he would actually benefit from what joe biden, justin today, this is not just some issue that's numbers and statistics. this is about people, this is above families, this is about providing solutions and helping make our country better. immigrants provide $7 trillion in economic wealth to this country. we should be finding ways to bring, to help them not hurt them. >> three, christiane ramos hernandez, and appreciate the conversation. thank you both so much. >> still to come. we're following what's already a tense hearing on capitol hill. were boeing ceo is now face-to-face with angry
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lawmakers and the relatives of its crash victims. plus a rare trip to pyongyang for russian president vladimir putin he just landed in north korea for the first time in more than two decades as us officials or sounding the alarm over north korean support for russia's war machine in ukraine. >> they would see an a new central. >> we're back and just moments
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et's go to capitol hill where the embattled ceo, of boeing is actually speaking to the victims families, right now in the hearing room nearly every second a boeing commercial or defense product takes off and lands somewhere around the world making us responsible for the safety of millions of passengers and flight crews every day including our men and women in uniform aerospace safety is built on a robust, industry-wide system that relies on self-disclosure accountability, and continuous learning this scrutiny to be held to the very highest standard is fundamental to why commercial aviation is by far the safest mode of
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transportation today i come from this industry and i know full well that this s is an industry where we simply must get it right every single time i've served as president and ceo of boeing since january of 2020 following these tragic accidents i joined the aviation industry, has president and ceo of ge aircraft engine my introduction, aerospace safety, was after the tragic accident in 1989 of united airlines flight 232 and sioux city, iowa is that our industry safety management processes and contributed significantly to flight safety going forward from this experience i understand that gravity of boeing's role in upholding the integrity of aerospace safety in our industry we deeply regret the impact that the alaska airlines flight 12, 82 accident had on alaska airlines
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team and its passengers we are grateful to the pilots and crew for safely landing the plane we are thankful that there were no fatalities from the beginning. we took responsibility and cooperated transparently with the ntsb and the faa and their respective investigations and our factories, in our supply chain, we took immediate action to ensure the specific circumstances that led to this accident could never happen again. importantly we went beyond to look comprehensively at our quality and manufacturing systems and we slowed things down dramatically the, launch this more comprehensive look. we've held stand downs and our plants, and we've listened to our employees and acted on their ideas we've brought in an independent quality expert to assess our processes and we have announced our intention to
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reacquire spirit aerosystems the manufacturer of our fuselage and consideration of these inputs, boeing developed a comprehensive safety and quality action plan with very specific metrics which we will use to hold ourselves accountable. >> and the faa will use to provide the oversight required most importantly, it is are people over 170,000 around the world who are our greatest strength. >> we've asked every one of our employees to consider themselves in aviation safety advocate we're committed to making sure every employee feels empowered to speak up if they see a problem we also have strict policies that prohibit retaliation against employees who come forward it is our job to listen regardless of how we obtain feedback and handle it with the seriousness it deserves much has been said about boeing's culture we've heard those concerns loud and
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clear our culture is far from perfect, but we are taking action and we are making progress we understand the gravity and we are committed to moving forward with transparency and accountability. while elevating employee engagement. every step of the way our airplanes have carried the equivalent of more than double the population of the planet getting this right is critical for our company. it's critical for our customers who fly our planes every day. and it's critical for our country we're part of a global ecosystem composed of manufacturers, suppliers airlines, airports, air traffic controllers, and regulators. and they're all committed to learning from every incident it is. this relentless focus on improvement that has led to our industries unparalleled safety record and his with this mindset, we're taking comprehensive action to strengthen safety and quality
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and we. know as america's premier aerospace manufacturer, this is what you and the flying public have every right to expect from us and thank you. >> mr. chairman. and howard and i are will be happy to take your questions. >> thank you, mr. calhoun we will have seven minute rounds. i'll begin. >> mr. calhoun more than five years after the max crashes you're once again making promises and seeming commitments. they seem highly asper, aspirational. they are very general to correct course. >> do you think boeing has done enough to date two make those kinds of corrections and what would you say to the whistleblowers who have come
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forward and faced retaliation senator, thank you for the question i ask myself that question every day. have we done enough i will remind everyone the findings and the accidents and we all participate in the investigative work we saw the conclusions by virtue of the ntsb reports and the local regulators reports these issues were attributed to the development of the airplane and a software package referred to as m kasko. and we took responsibility for that error you have that boeing was responsible for those crashes and 346 except that mks and boeing are responsible for those crashes. by sir, has enough been done to date already. so this is the answer that question. the development process for an airplane starts with an engineering effort. so we have revamped our
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engineering effort at large. we have created a series of design practices, including a new one referred to as human factors it speaks directly to the work that needed to be done to prevent mks from creating the environment that face that those pilots faced. at that moment so we did that, we establish a safety management system we learned from the faa and from our airline customers what it was and how to implement it. we've been listening to it we tune that safety management system into every airplane that flies every second of every day. >> what we learn from those airplanes. >> let me be more specific and i apologize for interrupting, but we are limited in terms of time. boeing has a code of conduct that states and i quote, i will never retaliate against or punish anyone who speaks up to report a concern and quote and. yet the whistleblowers that we have heard including testifying
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before this committee, have reported a host of retaliatory behaviors from reassignment to exclusion from key meeting, to being sidelined and sayyed cracked in their careers verbal harassment and threats, and even physical violence after a whistleblower, john barnett, raised his concerns about missing parts he reported that his supervisor called him 19 times in one day and 21 times another day and when barnett asked his supervisor about those calls, he was told, quote i'm going to push you until you break he broke when whistleblower sam mohawk raised concerns about boeing's concealment concealment of nonconforming parts. >> he was put in charge of completing, correct? corrective
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action investigations with an impossible deadline and then threatened with formal discipline, including firing. he couldn't meet that deadline. when i hear about these experiences, i wonder whether boeing really wants change. how can you reassure us that boeing is going to, in fact and this broken safety culture senator i'm going to start by in assuring you that i listened to the whistleblowers that appeared at your hearing something went wrong and i know the sincerity of their remarks. well, let me ask you a more than then and then with respect to our company we do have a policy i often often cite and reward the people who bring issues forward, even if they
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have huge consequence on, on our company and our production levels, et cetera my leadership team does that. >> we survey our people with respect to do they feel empowered to speak up that survey performance gets better and better. it's never perfect. we worked hard to reach out to our people immediately following alaska, we had a stand down the stand downs continue and they rotate. and we listened to everybody i'm trying to deal with 30,000 ideas on how we can move forward. >> how do we make their jobs easier? how do we train them more effectively? how do we that our team? let me let working it's mr. calhoun, let me ask you how many of your employees have been fired for retaliating against whistleblowers center? i don't have that number on the tip of my tongue, but i know what had happens. everybody know what i
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am happy to follow up and get you that number. i would appreciate your file. let let me ask you. >> have any of your supervisors, your managers anybody been fired for retaliating against people who speak truth to power about defects or problems in production senator, we have fired people and disciplined people and i am happy to follow up with what you fire with and how they've been out. i'm not i can't i have concern on privacy. and as you know, every one of those cases where you come back to this committee and i will most certainly get back to you, sir. >> let me ask you have you been aware of how boeing has complied with requests for information from this committee? >> probably not by line item. >> no, sir well, let me show you a sample of the data
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produced by boeing in response to requests by this committee i'll show you a bigger display and the details have been provided to you are you able to make sense of this? >> no, sir. >> complete gobbledy? >> yes, sir this is what boeing has provided to this committee in response to our request for information can you justify? >> these production i will i would describe it precisely as you did and i can't justify and i am i will most definitely follow up my time has expired on this first round and we're going to try to stick to that time limits because we have a number of colleagues here and i want everybody to have a first
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round. >> we will have a second round. >> for colleagues who want, we're listening into what is the beginning of a very uncomfortable question-and-answ er session there for dave calhoun, the outgoing ceo of boeing. >> you hear democratic senator richard blumenthal asking questions that really raise this idea that boeing is a culture has a culture that ignores and punishes those who raised concerns within and also raising questions about just what boeing has provided to the committee amid safety concerns in response to the questions that they have asked, blumenthal calling it gobbledy calhoun agreeing with him there. we're going to continue to monitor this hearing. the boeing ceo on the hotseat amid questions about safety issues at the airline airplane manufacturer we'll be right back off the belief that is
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got to get it for your degree and you want to be in management so we don't encourage people to go into manufacturing, but can you speak to that issue or maybe mr. mackenzie can speak to that issue in terms of just your challenges and hiring people in a manufacturing setting for a very high-quality, high demand aerospace industry senator johnson and i appreciate the question more than you know the post-covid moment in the aerospace industry has been unbelievably difficult to navigate we have 10,000 suppliers we put almost two-and-a-half million parts into a 787 following because it's big and it has resources. >> even those restrained we were able to keep more than most. but like you say, we turned over a lot of people and yes, a lot of experience people are supply-chain experienced enormous turnover so as we try
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to respond to unbelievable demand for airplanes out there, we have a supply constraint that is very real and it is not resolved today. and i think one of the most important things we can do we've done it in a few large instances but now we have to train ourselves to do it at small instances, meeting every employee. if a part is not there on time, if a parts nonconforming, we will stop the line. this so much of this relates to an untrained workforce. i had to it it's all about that, honestly answering questions there about nonconforming parts, which according to one whistleblower has very much been at the heart of i think some of the biggest concerns about boeing. >> let's bring in cn and safety analyst david susie, who is also a safety inspector for the faa david, you have heard that the ceo telling congress here safety has been something
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that they're making progress on at boeing of course, the families of victims say that's not the case. what do you say? >> well, i think making progress is the point here. >> we're with safety, it's interesting. >> i've been involved with this my entire life. and the one thing we know about safety as you'll never know what you did, right? you're definitely going to know if you do something wrong. and that's where we are right now. and to see calhoun's start with this kind of noble perspective of who boeing is and what they've created and what they've been. that doesn't help the families. they know that boeing is this huge corporation that's done well all these years. they don't care about that. they care about their specific person that they lost in this. and that has to come down to this idea of any we just touched on it a second ago, that it's training of individual people. and i think over the years boeing's done a bad job of reflecting their actual vision and what they want to do down to the
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individual that's actually turning the bolts on the aircraft and inspecting the things on the aircraft. they have not done a good job of that. this goes back to 2000 and when i did an analysis of how they do their cray their aircraft manufacturing, both at boeing and airbus. and there were vast differences back then, even and it's gotten i think it got worse for a long time about the idea that you look at how calhoun started with this noble perspective. and i think they're very good at that communicating that at the upper levels, they're not good at getting that penetrated down to the actual person that's doing the work. and understanding that their role in making sure that these airplanes are safe i'm encouraged by what i here. i've seen the plan, i've seen what their plan is. but there's a long ways to go. and again, they're never going to know what they did, right it can always be improved and that end, he says that two, he says, we're always learning, we're always doing better and you have to the building commercial
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airplanes is not easy and it's happening, but they have to figure out how to get that message down to the person that's working on that airplane to that point, we heard from a new whistleblower this morning named sam mohawk. >> he says that in june of last year when the faa notified boeing that it would inspect its plant in renton, the company told old employees to move most of the 60 nonconforming parts that they were having an issue with to another location, allegedly to hide it from inspectors now, many of them were moved back, but apparently some, according to mohawk we're lost. >> david, how serious is that in terms of safety for passengers love, it's a a plus and a minus though we have to look at it this way we had a lot of aircraft that came from china at one point when i was a safety investigator and the parts that came in were separate raided from the aircraft when those parts are segregated, they have to buy
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regulation. they have to be in a separate fenced container, which clearly marked that they're not airworthy parts and that they're under investigation. and each one of those parts has to be looked at, examined, and signed off by a person like me by by the airworthiness inspector to say that they are ready and airworthy to be put on. >> i think that what happened here is that those 60 parts that he's talking about, we're not segregated. >> they were not put in a place. >> so what happens is before someone comes in and this is the beauty of the faa back in the years is we would make unannounced visits. >> we would just come in and start looking at stuff and it was much more effective than today. when they're all you're scheduling this and scheduling that and you showing up. they knew that they were coming. so because they knew they were coming, i suspect what happened is these parts were then put into where they're supposed to be, which is a segregated area. the missing parts. i don't have an answer for that and it's totally unacceptable. every part has traceability and i've been after this just for years about the fact that they need to start using blockchain to
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track every part. you need to make sure that every part that's ever manufactured on these airplanes is not a duplicate part. it's not a bogus part is what they sometimes refer to it. but technically and regulatory wise, it's referred to as a suspected unapproved art and that's what the most concern is for me right now, is who's duplicating this stuff yeah big big concerns, so many questions for the ceo david susie, we appreciate your insights will continue to monitor this hearing on capitol hill as the outgoing boeing ceo that embattled company answers questions from congress. we'll be right back then in here than i watch, all do episodes of practical jokers on a new network july 11, tds you can leave without cuddles, but you also can't leave covered in hair with bounce pay you can
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victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. >> you may be entitled to a portion of that money, paul, when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 we're breaking news into cnn, the boston fire department says that massachusetts, its 911 system is down across the state and officials are telling people to pull a nearby fire box if they need medical attention? >> yes. cnn's gloria pazmino is joining us now. gloria, what are you learning? think about what's happening here and what may have caused this yeah, officials are directing people to those call boxes. >> we usually see on some city corners to pull the alarm if they need the help of fire or ems. >> so far we've learned that this is a statewide outage, as you said, that the calls are not going into the system when people well, dial 911, we heard of from the mayor of boston just a short while ago. >> michelle woo, who was updating residents about this outage. she did say so far it
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is happening statewide and the police commissioner also mentioned that this hopefully will be temporarily sorry, we have no reason to believe at this stage that there is any nefarious reason behind this outage. but the cause of the outages still being determined. so we will certainly be keeping an eye on that for you. >> take a listen to them. may just updating residents just a few minutes ago for, our residents. if you are experiencing an emergency. if you find your way to police fire or ems, we will make sure that you get to the right place. so don't worry about needing to have the exact right number. anything ads this is getting resolved. hopefully very quickly. there are multiple places on the police website you can find the phone numbers for all of the district stations and those will be available also on social media so please please help spread the word. and in this momentary period so officials are at work
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trying to get the system back up. in the meantime, the boston police department tweeted or posted on x. i should say directing residents choose specific phone numbers for different station houses around the city if they need help, one the interesting and good thing about this system, brianna and boris, is that once you place a call for help, it goes into a system where police, fire and ems can access the information and dispatch the appropriate response. so if you need each out directly unfortunate let's actually gloria, that you might need all right. glory, we lost you. there. can you finish the last two sentences? you said for some reason it cut out just a little bit yes, of course. >> so i was just talking about the advice that residents are being given right now, not just
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in boston, but across the state, if you need help, reach out to your local police station hey, sharon, if you need a fire help, reach out to your local fire department, tried to pull one of those alarms. the good thing is the system is all integrated once a call goes into the system, they are able to share information between police, fire, and ems in order to dispatch the services that are needed. and i can say that officials hard at work trying to get the system backup of course, a concerning thing that the system is down but for now, doesn't look like there's any nefarious reason behind it, but we'll keep an eye on that specific part for you. >> yeah. what a funny coincidence that her audio goes down as the 91111 there's obviously a great concern about a cyber attacks. we've seen similar things happen across the country. hopefully this is not that gloria pazmino. thank you so much for the update i've next strengthening ties between moscow and pyongyang. russian
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