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tv   The Source With Kaitlan Collins  CNN  June 18, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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>> there was nothing there for them. and i think through the work of dr. dean ornish who conducted the trial dr. richard isaacson, many other doctors around the country that is starting to change. i mean, i've been a neurosurgeon four quarter-century than a doctor for 30 years for most at the time we have said this is going to be preordained and there's not much you can do about it. but that is changing. so these are incredibly hopeful times. it's still early days. i want to emphasize that the trial that dr. ornish did was just 50 patients hard trials to do. but as they start to do more and more of these patients trials around the world we're going to get get that data. and i think it's going to offer a lot of hope not necessarily just new medications, but lifestyle changes alone leading to these changes, sanjay, it's incredible. >> thank you. and if you're like me and still have questions about this as well as the latest drugs to target alzheimer's, you can submit your questions using the qr code. on onscreen. and sanjay will join me again later in the week with some answers. the news continues, the source with
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kaitlan collins starts. now see you tomorrow citing the source tonight, it is primary night and america with results coming in right now in a closely watched for public embrace and virginia, where former president donald trump is out for revenge and a handshake between a hug between to dictators. >> so we are thing here new images that are coming in from president putin in north korea were also expecting to get new details from the summit of these two nuclear-armed strong men a behind the scenes, look at donald trump and his time on the apprentice. the author who sat with donald trump for hours after he left the white house is here tonight. i'm kaitlin collins and this is the source as we come on the air tonight. right now, the results are still coming in from several high-stakes primary races that
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are playing out across america tonight. the big test is whether revenge is resonating with republican voters. there is one race in particular that is exposing divisions, serious ones within the maga movement that would be the race and virginia's fifth congressional district. congressman bob good that you see here is the chairman of the house freedom caucus. he's an ultraconservative who has supported donald trump's policies. and you might recall seeing him here in new york when he showed up to support trump during his criminal trial but unfortunately for the gentleman from virginia, trump is very, very angry at him, despite how he wrote in his motorcade when he was here in new york. and it's all because bob good committed the cardinal sin of initially bagging ron desantis in the gop presidential primary earlier this year bob good two is actually bad for virginia and who will stab you in the back like he did me but it's not just trump who feels that way
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as you heard him say, there he's been saying that bob good's stabbed him in the back. >> former house speaker kevin mccarthy also wants payback for goods role and kicking him out of this speaker's office we need a speaker who will fight for something. >> anything besides just staying are becoming speaker no. >> i should know when i talked about those fractions in the maga movement, goods still has support from some big maga names, like matt gaetz byron, donalds, trump's own former chief white house strategist, steve bannon. >> but all of that may not matter because we are about to find out tonight. >> just how strong donald trump's grew up is on the republican base. and if his opinion is the only one that matters this raised pits good up against the trump-backed state senator in virginia, john maguire. those polls closed at 7:00 p.m. eastern. and here's where the results stand right now, 66% of the vote is n, so we still have more to come but look how close this race's. you can see john maguire right now
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has 50 50.6% of the vote. bob good, is it 49.4%? look how close those margins are. it is incredibly close as we are watching all of this tonight, this test of donald trump, who was endorsed the name you see there to the top, john maguire against bob good, the chairman of the very influential house freedom caucus. my source tonight to help put these numbers into context that we are seeing here as we are watching all of this sentence, a senior data reporter, harrington and harry, i mean, obviously this rate is so close right now at this moment but razor, razor type, my goodness, gracious. you rarely i get excited on nights like this, where you know, you watch these old videos and i see how tight the races were in like election 2005 finally, we get a race tonight, as tight as we have it right now. yeah. and so obviously, the question here is about trump's endorsement and how powerful that's ultimately going to be. because really there's basically no policy differences between these two republicans on anything substantive. but, but donald trump is backing one of them
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and not the other, correct. >> use, as you mentioned, the incumbent committed the cardinal sin of initially backing ron desantis. >> how dare he how dare he, and you looked at primary so far this season and trump's endorsement has been as good as good as gold before tonight, only one candidate who he back lost their primary look at that at eight wins to one, and i went back. i looked at 20:22 who i looked at 20:20 olympic 2018 more trump endorse candidates. our winning this year than in any year prior of at least as a percentage. so far. so tonight is an ultimate test of trump's power. >> yeah, that's really interesting because the other part is it lightening speed after ron desantis got out of the race, bob good came it did endorse donald trump's, so he did try to make up for it. clearly, it didn't mean a lot to trump, but the other thing here that matters if bob good goes down is it's an incumbent being defeated. >> it's exactly right. i feel like we have a power matchup here, right between trump's endorsement and the power of incumbency. and so far this
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year incumbents have been winning all over the place. look at this re-nominated 228, just one has lost and that was to a fellow incumbents. so you rarely, ever see incumbents loose. so this evening, we have this thing where you see you incumbents rarely lose and you'll see trump back candidate israeli lose one of those two powers is gonna go down tonight. which one? we'll have to wait and see. >> okay here, i've a question about a few other races for you. on standby because i know you're watching all these numbers. >> no, i am. we have a projection. we're going to make it here, but we also have some context here of this big race in virginia that normally we would not be talking about, but because of the dynamics here that we just laid out, it matters and we'll see what the implications of it are, what we can read from the results by political sources that are also here tonight, cnn senior political commentator and former republican congressman adam kinzinger. scene and political commentator and former white house senior policy adviser under president obama, ashley allison, as well as cnn's senior political commentator, scott jennings, who is also a special assistant
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to president george w bush, and a senior advisor to mitch mcconnell adam kinzinger, let me start with you though, because in this race in virginia, bob good in john maguire are both pitching themselves as the one who's in lockstep with donald trump. but they're basically are no policy differences between the two of them. i mean, how we're voters really supposed to make a decision here? >> well, in my mind, it's like would you rather have dysentery or the flu? so you got to pick that out and ultimately at least one of them is going to lose. that's the good thing really. i mean, look just from the raw politics of it, it does show the power of donald trump's endorsement, but it also shows that donald trump never for gives you especially if somebody that is more loyal to him and this is the point. this is how you build a call. you do this, you make everybody scared to turn against you, and that's what you're seeing right now. >> i mean, scott he does raise a good point there that you, bob good. tried to rectify his
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decision to back to say it as we talk to him about it here, he wrote in the motorcade with trump, he came out and endorsed him probably faster than we saw anyone else do it. but but what does it say about trump's rafah? if you break with him on even one thing so let's use a party boss. i mean, the thing about donald trump is that he has been the president. he's been the nominee of the party three times and he is a true party boss. and you can think that's good or you can think that's bad. but at the end of the day, he's remade a political party in his image and he likes to enforce discipline inside of that political party. and we've got an incredibly close race going on in virginia. i don't know who's going to win but if not, but for donald trump's intervention there, i suspect good would have been good. you know, that everything would have been fine and trump intervenes and all of a sudden, it's a real race. and so we'll see what happens. but i concur with what's been said. this is the test of the power of donald trump at the fact that it's even erase at all shows just what influence he has with primary voters in the money
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pouring into this was also really notable. i think it was $10 million from outside groups. i mean, john maguire this was fundraising quite well, and ashley just from a political perspective, bob good, he's the first city. if he goes down, he's the first sitting chair in the house freedom caucus is decade long history almost to be defeated. and i wonder what, what this says also about the house freedom caucus tonight yeah, for some time, the tea party to freedom caucus were the folks that really were able to pull the party to the right. >> and now it seems that donald trump has a stronger hold on. the republican party than that freedom caucus did at one point, i will just say though that donald trump has endorsed many candidates that have won in primaries but in 2022, he indoors many candidates that were not as successful. so he has a strong thumb on the scale and primary races, but not necessarily always evident in general election. so that's
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that this district is going to go democrat, but it's something that also watch in congress. >> and what does it, what does it say if bob good pulls this off, if he is able i mean, because we're looking at how closely this is right now. john maguire has a little bit of an edge on him at this moment, we'll see how that changes throughout the hour, but but what does it say if bob good ones i don't think it's going to say much because bob good will immediately solute donald trump makeup will do everything he can to make up with donald trump over the next few years. >> it's really, i mean, from an actual policy of the country, it doesn't make a difference who wins there and the interesting thing you mentioned, $10 million spent in this race let's think about that. two identical candidates 10 million spent for one reason, donald trump, because bob good did not have sufficient loyalty to donald trump that's what it comes down to. so i don't think it's going to make a difference in the politics. but obviously if good goes down, donald trump
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will grow quite a bit. >> congressman, what about the kevin mccarthy aspect of this? because that is also a factor here? hill yet as a factor, kevin, it's all personal for him. >> he's going after, which i would do if i was kevin as well. and so i think he hasn't had a great track record and who he's going after. but this lobby suite be a win for kevin mccarthy who has no political future. so i'm not sure the benefit of a win here, but it'll probably feel pretty good for him to be successful if in fact maguire pulls this off yeah in scott, can i ask you about something else that happened today? >> we're donald trump, you he's on the campaign trail. he's in wisconsin a critical state for him. he's still trying to clean up common city made behind closed the worst republicans about milwaukee where the republican convention will be held next month. listen to what he said i love the lucky i was the one that picked milwaukee. >> i have to zion people that they show. he doesn't like my work and i love milwaukee. i said, you got to fix the crime.
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we all know that you've got make sure the elections honors. but i'm the one that picked for lucky mets really going out of the way to stay the he's the water bigtable walkie after he was, you know, traffic milwaukee behind closed doors and it's crime rate last week yeah. good. good for him because i think we're going to have a lot better time as republicans and milwaukie, the democrats are going to have in chicago when all of a sudden done with these conventions, i'll guarantee you, we're going to come out of the republican convention singing the praises of milwaukee and the democrats are going to come out of chicago if thinking, why did we put this here? this was the worst idea we ever had. so i'm glad he cleaned it up. it was good for him. it's a close race and wisconsin ed, he needs all the good vibes even get there we'll say how many good vibes there are. >> scott jennings, ashley allison, carson, adam kinzinger, great to have you all here. thank you. >> cnn's breaking news we do at breaking news for you as cnn has now confirmed that the baseball giant willie mayes, has died.
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>> maze of course, is one of the most exciting players in baseball history. a two-time most valuable player award winner who got the presidential medal of freedom. it was awarded to him by president barack obama back in 2015. harry entin is still here with me here. i know we were just talking about these races, but i mean, this breaking news that that one of the biggest giants in baseball as died, an ultimate hero, 660 home runs, you know, my father was a huge new york giant baseball fan back in the day he was a big fan of the 1951 squad. willie mays join that club as a rookie jump-started what was in my opinion, the greatest comeback? to win a pennant in history more than that a great center fielder. 1954, vic wertz, right, going back over the shoulder catch and then throwing it back towards the infield, help the giants win that ball game sweep out world series, the last world series they want in the city of new york a hero to everybody, a hero to my father, a hero to me. in back to new york in 1972
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huge san francisco giant player, just a giant of the game, caitlin. >> well, i mean, this is going to prompt so many just memories of seeing him and also just how different the game is now compared to when he was breaking into it and what it looked like, it completely true. >> he said that the way he learned and i hit a curve ball was he played stickball in the streets and he the ball bounce and that was how he learned a hit, a curve ball. could you imagine a major league baseball player today saying i learned how to create a curve ball by playing stickball out on the streets. you wouldn't have heard of it. and more than that, he was someone who came up through the leagues, right? obviously, those stats have now been fully integrated. allele he's to the ability that we're able to do so, so far into the major league steck, he actually added a couple of hits a few weeks ago into his major league stats. so he's someone who's linked to the game. he i believe was the last living member of the 1951 new york giants of the last living member? of anyone who took part in the shot heard around the world game back in 1951, of course, between the dodgers and giants game three of that play off, he is just somebody who is
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linked to baseball history. he, it's definitely going to be missed by a lot of baseball fans, including myself. >> and of course, you know, the most important fact about him is that he was born in alabama, of course, and grew up playing in birmingham as well. on that note, just to think of that life and what you just laid out there. i do want to take a moment now, a cnn is confirming the news that willie mays is dyed. >> see that's andy scholes has a look back at the illustrious life that he did live starting when he was born in alabama from the time he set foot in the major leagues as a 20-year-old rookie for the new york giants 1951 to his last days with the mets, 22 years later. no one played like willie mays born in alabama here and the nickname, the say, hey kid for his enthusiasm towards baseball. he played in 24 all star games, was twice voted national league mvp and slammed 660 home runs to rank sixth on the all-time list. >> when i got to hit up a one spawn new york was like my
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family they embraced me like my mother and dad says and my dad says, when you go to new york and a baseline app, utah on the other cheek because if you don't take oh, shoot, you mays was as dominant in the field as he was at the plate, winning 12 gold gloves in game one of the 1954 world series. his over the shoulder catch was considered the key point in the giant shocking sweep of the indians and has gone down in history as one of the games most memorable catches people talk about the catch and i don't want to stay and why? >> because i did many things other than just can't catch a ball. but when you find stuff like that and it was theory, if they had to pick a highlight and they picked yeah, i guess that one for the highlight in 1958, maize made the move out west with the giants and batted a career high 347 years later, mace had one of his best seasons clubbing 52 home runs,
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winning a second mvp award during the 1972 season, the 41-year-old was dealt back to new york to play for the mets and what became the last at bat of his career, mays hit a game-winning single knee 12th inning of game two of the 1973 the world series, putting an exclamation point on a one of a kind career. >> but perhaps even greater than his performance on the field was the legacy he left office playing his first major league game just four years after jackie robinson broke baseball's color barrier, mayes help to carry the torch for future black baseball players and athletes. >> and he inspired his community for generations to come. >> a few years ago, willie road with me on air force one. i told them then what i'll tell all of you now is because of giants like willie, that someone like me even think about running for president joining me now on this breaking news as cnn sports analyst, christine brennan and
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christine, i mean, just looking back at the course of his career, i mean, willie mays hit 660 home runs he had 3,200 over 3,200 hits and 23 mlb seasons. i mean, he was someone who was kind of the gold standard of he could hit, he could run, he could throw, he could really do everything out there on the diamond well, that's right. caitlin really just five tool player, right. just had every skill and i know you're a big sports fan and it's growing up for me, i would play baseball with the boys and toledo, ohio. and it was mickey mantle and it was willie mays. but as we get little kids, you were at bat and some kid was telling the ball to you and it was willie mays our mickey mantle that we were emulating even as little kids and i think with willie mays it's been mentioned, of course, he started in the leagues, the fact that he was such a star in new york for seven years. and then expansion to the west coast. and so he goes to san francisco and he
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plays for the san for let's go giant. and that's when baseball was expanding across the country. and it is a black man from alabama is you said, who is the face of the game that was so extraordinary at that time in america, we're talking of course, the late 50s into the 60s, into the 70s. he comes back to new york to the mats desk where he finishes his career. both coasts a giant of a player, one of the greatest of all time. and in fact, the players of his generation, caitlin, when they talk about the greatest player they ever saw to a man, they mentioned willie mays yeah, he just add such flare. he made the game looks fun. christine brennan, great to talk to you about his legacy will be looking more at that up here in a moment where you are following this breaking news that willie mays, his died we are continuing to track that here also following what we're seeing happening overseas, that dangerous alliance as we are watching the first pictures and first images of president
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putin's arrival in north maria. and what they are planning next, my inside source tonight, amanda has been hours also with donald trump as he relived his glory days during the apprentice hey, mom, how many should i decorated? have ran have blue that's a really tough call. >> that's, john, king from cnn. >> let's look at the data. >> your county leaned red eye 15 points in the last presidential election. >> however, looking, at the latest polling, you're going to need a lot of those purple sprinkles. >> how this guy really knows his stuff $5 a cupcake, you know, the average cost of a cupcake around here is $3. no comment keir movement that
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>> and of course, the question is whether or not he uses this meeting to secure even more would not be a dictator maido meet up without some pomp and circumstances. we can see here who was actually handed a larger than life boat k just moments after he stepped off his plane he and the north korean dictator, then we're quickly whisked into a waiting limo. and i made your parade could begin at any moment in north korea to honor that historic visit. we're tracking it all closely here tonight with sumy terry, a former cia analyst on north korea, and just right off the bat i was there with donald trump, met with kim jong-un both times, so i was watching the north korean leader because we don't always see about in public often, what did you make of that additional parents from him? >> my first reaction looking at kim jong-un was woof. it doesn't look too great to me. there was a time when he lost a little weight and he looked better. so my initial reaction was that he didn't look in terms of being healthy because his health is something that we always track anyway, because there's always a wildcard for
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north korea. so i don't know, but he didn't look that great to me. yeah. obviously, we can't rely on good information, so sometimes just visually looking at these world leaders and we do them in public is the only indication of how they're doing. >> i mean, obviously idea here is seeing north korea also welcome the first world leader to north korean several years. >> and i wonder just what you are going to be watching for in this visit overall well, there's gonna be a lot of pomp and circumstance and there's already all the lights are on. >> the north grand buildings, right? you would expect them to be off, but all of them are on to show that there's a big city is vibrant city. >> so they're going to go all out red carpet treatment. >> and this is a big deal for kim jong-un to have putin visit it makes his country look like a normal country. he's a leader of a, he's a normal leader of normal countries. this is a very big deal for him. >> yeah, and we know why putin is relying on kim jong-un for munitions and weapons that he's been using and his orb
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attrition and ukraine for kim jong-un, though, what would be the biggest prize that he could get out of the russian leader? >> he has not sent 10,000 containers of artillery shells and munitions and ballistic missiles. so as for food and fuel i believe that kim jong-un is looking for something much more significant, and that's sensitive military technology two so advance his already very formidable weapons of mass destruction. here's missile program. so he's looking for sensitive technologies, will see if putin won't give it to kim jong-un. but i think that's walking down on its be looking for and it doesn't seem like the version later i was very much leverage. i mean, we kind of see this change in the balance of that relation and chip from what, from what it used to be. it's a little sad that putin has to rely on 198th ranked economy in the world to help him in his war effort in ukraine. >> but it is true that he goes through some 20,000 shells or de, he does need munitions. he knows he doesn't need artillery shells. so he's relying on north korea to
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provide that. >> yeah. >> cemetery, we'll be watching it all closely, of course, and seeing if we do see images of this parade tonight and whatnot. >> so thank you for joining us with your expertise. >> thank you end up next more of the sad news that we were just tracking in the last few moments as we learned that the hall of famer willie mays, is died. >> charles barkley will join us next. >> three body shui, a city client uses city's financial expertise to help drive its growth and keep its supply chain moving. >> so more pet parents can get everything they need, right when they need it keeping more pets and families happy for the love of moving our clients forward, for the love of progress by iphone 12 with the super fast five g and a dual camera system, then get real
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free lmx with purchase per deals end su zhi cnn central tomorrow, let's seven eastern more now on our breaking news tonight as the baseball great willie mays has died at 93. >> he was known as the say hey kid for the enthusiastic way that he greeted others. and for more on his life and his legacy and what it meant on and off the dime. and i want to bring in the basketball hall of famer, charles barkley who's joining me right now. and charles, i mean, just did you ever meet him we always talk you and i share are our alabama pride. obviously, he was also born in alabama. did were you ever able to meet willie mays?
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>> i slit met him probably close to ten times and it was always so honor and a privilege, you know, anytime i was around him, are the late great hank aaron ban. it was just a joy at being around royalty. and you know, you said some interests and most people don't even know they were from alabama i don't even remember the time last time mr. mays has been alabama, but when they talk about the greatest athletes from alabama, hizon him and heiko read it, it tuplet it lists. but their greatness and humility was separated them from anybody else to be honest with you, caitlin yeah. >> just as people are going to be reflecting on his legacy, thinking of when he got when he was awarded the medal. but by president obama, i just wonder what also that legacy meant for black athletes, not just in baseball, but, but across all sports well, you know his interesting that's a great question because we're so young most of us blackouts
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elites. we have no idea what these guys have been through. we can see you on the pictures, we can see the movies, but i can't imagine what it's like to be black and just, trying to play sports and obviously shout out to baseball, just making all the leagues records relevant. because i can't imagine, you know, kinda not been able to stay at a hotel. i want to i've been able to go to enter restaurant. i want to to try to be great at a sport. it did deal with all the racial strife that these guys had to deal with. that's what makes them heroes. it's easy for guys today to be heroes when you're making 34 to $50 million in plan a sport, you can say what you want to, you can do is you want to, but trying to be great at a sport well like i said, when you can't stay at a certain hotel, you can't go to a certain restaurant and trying to be greater to a sport that's what may make the most amaze. hank aaron, larry adobe, and those
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guys, that's what makes those guys heroes at such a good point. i mean, you must have been pretty starstruck when you met him oh, my god. >> if you know, one of my great friends, her name is bill marshall. she introduced me to hank aaron and i got to meet him probably five to ten times and i got to meet mr. mays probably ten times in my life and i was like a little kid. but they were so humble and so gracious. and i was like, i just like, i'll get to meet hank aaron and willie mays and they were both you won't hear rose to be a certain way. and when i was around mr. mays and mr. aaron, man, it was one of the greatest experience of my life because, you, kate, you, kayla, you've been around stars and they would not nice people and it kind of breaks your heart. but when you meet a hero and they're even better than you thought they were going to be. it's pretty special. and you don't 93 he lived in amazing life so this
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is more of a celebration and reflection because i always say it's only said when young people die, but the live as long as he did and hopefully he got his flowers, he got it from baseball and hopefully you got it from some of the young black baseball players today no one could have said it better than you just said. >> charles barkley. thank you for hopping on the phone at those for this breaking news tonight thank you for having me rest in peace in this amaze absolutely. thank you, charles and of course, as we are continuing to follow that, and as charles said, they're look back on his life and his legacy as a celebration, we are also following other breaking news tonight as we are here in the 9:00 hour, because also today at the white house, you saw president biden's speaking as he unveiled that new executive action today to protect some undocumented spouses and children of us citizens. and the meantime, his challenger in this presidential race, the former president and had a very different message about immigration as he was speaking to voters in wisconsin we
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should not be talking amnesty. we should be talking about stopping the invasion. instead. this is an invasion of our they've taken the gangs, they're drug dealers also the prisoners, and wherever they brought them to the united states of america thank you very much no. >> who can believe that they allow this to happen? you could see a smile. i'm trump's face during those chance, i should note that both trump and biden are trying to turn what are the issues that voters tell us they care the most about into a winning message. >> my source tonight is the democratic congresswoman veronica escobar of texas, who was there with president biden as he announced this executive action. >> and i should note is also a national co-chair for the election campaign. congressman. so it's great to have you back
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and you know, i was thinking you said you were disappointed two weeks ago by the last executive order on immigration, the president biden signed on asylum. i wonder if the one that he signed today makes up for that in your eyes? >> while caitlin it's great to be on your show to talk about the wonderful announcement of today as a border resident, as a representative from the border, no one has felt the impact of our broken immigration system more than my constituents and those of us who live on the us mexico border order the immigration system, as i mentioned so broken and so complex that it's unfortunately congress has failed to act for over 37 years on comprehensive immigration reform making it even tougher. >> and so today's announcement was really welcome, long overdue. >> we are very excited about the half-million families who are going to be able to finally fight for their case, fight for their cause, for all of the
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children. the daca recipients it is great news today. >> yeah. but when you when you look at these two actions, i mean, you look at the full totality of what president biden has done on immigration. >> i do wonder how today when voters are looking at this. so we saw activist upset with the executive order curtailing asylum if there's surges of migration at the border, how do you balance that with what you just laid out of what today's executive order means to you? >> first of all, i think advocates and activists should be upset primarily with congress. it is congress's role two legislate and in the absence of any congressional action president has had to manage what has been a really challenging situation at the border. we have seen the numbers of migrants arriving at our nation's front door grow year after year after year, didn't start with president biden, didn't start with president trump but congress has failed to act. i know that some advocates and activists
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were disappointed. i was two in an enforcement only executive action. but again, and my fundamental frustration is with my colleagues. i have introduced a bipartisan, comprehensive immigration reform bill that includes luck i just laid lovely. and even in a broader way a part of what president biden did today, the american families united act, that is embedded in the dignity act of 2023. but republicans have blocked any action on immigration form they've been doing it for decades when we know that immigration is good for our economy, good for our gdp helps lower inflation day. >> you introduce that years ago. and i know that's something that you've cared about a lot. >> but when you look at this, when you talk about voters and who the voters should hold accountable, trump has said things like immigrants are poisoning the blood of the country. >> he's called them animals, but we have seen polls that showed trump is growing his support actually with latino voters right now, i wonder how
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you explain that, how you you justify that, or what you think of that. when you see those numbers i the people have said this before. >> the real poll will be on election day. i've learned to not get too excited or two overwhelmed by any given poll numbers. but we do know this, caitlin and i know this fundamentally from my conversations with americans in different parts of the country where i've traveled on behalf of the biden-harris campaign people want solutions. they see challenges at the border. they want us to address that, but they also want us to address the broken immigration system. they know that dreamers daca recipients, deserve a shot. they know that. in fact it is, it is an incredibly popular piece of legislation that dream of promise act. >> they no, that immigrants help our economy. they want us to do both things, have a secure border, but also have pathways for immigrants. the
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president is knowing that he is working on both of those issues ultimately, though voters need to recognize if there's any group to blame, it's congress will be watching it all closely and see who they do. hold accountable. congresswoman veronica escobar. great to have you tonight thanks, katelyn, up next for taking a behind the scenes look at donald trump's run on the apprentice from someone who so wrote the book on it whenever trump's six times, you'll want to hear his takeaways from donald trump after he left the white house results the day you get your clear choice dental implants makes every day let's dig in day a chow down day a tick, a big bite. day a perfectly delicious de of. my new teeth day because you're clear choice day as the de everything is back on the menu a clear choice
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savings, less dollars, more sets now with straight talk when you're the leader is ask the cleanup. i'm respiration. how do you make like an every given happened happened brand whatever comes your way? >> there's a pro that serve pro, like ever even happened i'm tom forming in washington and this is cnn donald trump has a message for the country's business leaders tonight saying that if they are not 100% behind him, they should be fired for incompetence. >> that thread from the presumptive republican nominee for president comes days after he left the nation's top ceos. some of them at least scratching their heads during a meeting in washington. this is
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according to reporting from cnbc some of them said that during that meeting, trump was meandering and did not know what he was talking about. of course, this note from trump tonight also have returned to the former president's most infamous catchphrase you fired you're fired that is from trump's, of course, dramatic tenure as a business titan and reality show character on the apprenticed, which catapulted him into to television stardom. and also then into the highest office in politics, presidency of the united states. my next guest interviewed donald trump about that show six times after his exit from the white house in 2021. my inside source tonight is the co editor in chief for variety from means the two and he is also the author of the new book that is out today, apprentice and wonderland, how donald trump and mark burnett took america through the looking glass. and can we just first start off
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about your sit-downs with trump six times after he left the white house, which is such a different period, thinking about what's happening in virginia tonight and seeing his grip on the republican party. >> i mean, what was he like? what would you observe from him when you sat down with him? >> so i interviewed donald trump more than any other journalists since he's left the white house, we started in may 2021, and that report you just talked about about meandering and confusing is right? he goes from one story to the next. he struggles with the chronology of events. he seems very upset that he wasn't respected by certain celebrities in the white house. and then he'd go to a story about the apprentice. so as you know, caitlin, it's very challenging to interviewed on trump and to go toe-to-toe with them but there was some cognitive questions about where he was and what he was thinking and he would he would from time to time become confused because you wrote at one point about joan rivers, him telling you that that she voted for him in 2016, i believe even though finitely told me and declared the don't rivers voted for him when he ran for president. and joan rivers died in 2004
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general reside in 2014. so she would not have been able to vote for donald trump? >> yeah. and you because you talked about his memory, you wrote that on some days i have the feeling he has no idea who is even talking to that he actually forgot or didn't remember that the two of you had spoken at your first sit sit-down interview, right? >> so my first down was in may. he wasn't doing a lot of interviews and then we sat down again towards the end of the summer. and when i sat down, i there was a very blank expression on his face. so i asked you remember when we spoke recently and he said, no, i have no memory of that and he couldn't recall. he said it was a long time ago. and then we had to start from scratch. so the interview started from square one where he was started telling me the same exact story that we that i heard in our first interview. so from there then we did more interviews so that we could cover more ground, but it was a little bit like groundhog day. >> yeah. and the trump campaign, if responded saying that trump was aware of this individual was out there interview, but this writer, this is their words, not mine. i'm just the messenger is a nobody an insignificant. so of
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course you'd never made an impression, but you wrote this book and you talked about how he approached you when it was reported that you were actually writing this and you're we've talked a lot about the apprentice and that on this show, build pruitt, the former producer on the shelf who says that he heard personally trump use the inward when they were taping. he talked to me about whether or not there were tapes that still existed and you asked mark burnett the creator of the apprentice about this. what did he tell you, margaret and told me that tapes didn't exist. donald trump also very forcefully says that the tape doesn't exist, but then he performed a thought experiment where he said that if you were to say such a word, it wouldn't he wouldn't do it when he was miked. and it was a very strange non sequitur because i didn't actually ask whether or not he ever said the word we were talking about the existed since of the tape. and he referred to it as, quote, the race word and then kind of speculated about what circumstances in which case he would use such a word. and it
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seemed to be for him about the fact that he wouldn't do it while he was miked and then he's denied saying it again. >> what were your biggest takeaways from sitting down with him? right after he left the white house when his political power is probably the lowest, it's been since 2015. and how he reflected on when he was hosting the apprentice and the ratings are soaring in that first season. and just kind of what that looked like for him it was very deflated. he was conflicted. he was angry about the way in which the presser treated him. he still believed that he won the election and he was happiest when he talked to me about hosting the apprentice. it was the thing that brought him the most joy. we watched clips of the show together. we watched the theme song he really lit up. he watched firing the first misfiring of alma rosa, and then he would talk about what he did at the white house and he would become gloomy and resentful and unhappy and referred to afghanistan and joe biden but he also seemed to think that he still had some foreign policy powers. and there's one de, where he told me he needed to go upstairs to deal with afghanistan even
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though he clearly didn't he told you that he while you were interviewing him at trump tower, he told you he needed to go upstairs to deal with afghanistan with the quote, the afghanistan is how we referred to it i mean, it's remarkable experience. >> it's a remarkable book. so, uh, tell today a participant wonderland remain instituted. thank you for coming on and talking about what those six interviews must have been like. thank you very much, caitlin. great to have you also coming up here tonight. the latest after justin timberlake was arrested in the hamptons the charge if a dwi is in the middle of his world tour or we have learning new details about that arrest tonight for ahead she opd hasn't been pretty it's tough to breathe and tough to keep wondering this is as good as it gets metrology as shown me that there's still beauty and breath to be hacked
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unparalleled selection at joy news night with abby fill up. >> next on cnn close captioning brought to you by meso are firm only represents mesothelioma victims and their families. if you are loved one who has been diagnosed with mesothelial no call us now tonight, justin timberlake has been arrested, boat and we now have seen his mug shot. >> a pop star was charged with driving while intoxicated and the hamptons and this morning we saw pictures of him leaving
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the courthouse there as police say that timberlake failed to stop at a stop sign and stay in his lane. the police report tonight describes his eyes, is quote bloodshot and glassy with a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage on his breath. timberlake reportedly told the police that he had one martini and followed his friend's home he also rejected a sobriety tests three times saying, quote, no, i'm not doing a chemical test. we do know now tonight we're learning he is expected to have his next court appearance virtually on july 26. my source on this tonight, van lengthen, the media above and co-host of the podcast higher learning and it's great to have you, i should. this is the first time justin timberlake has ever been arrested. i just wonder what you made it this news today no. >> for some reason it was predictable i mean, justin hadn't had any real scandals in his career, like big scandals. but he's always had just this air of impropriety and so many different situations go back to the janet jackson things where a lot
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people think you've weaseled out of that and left her holding the bag yeah. the extra marital stuff that went on in new orleans and just some other things it seemed as if he was almost do for something really significant to go wrong things. it's just having been going his way later oh, that's an interesting point because i think typically lately at least he hasn't really been in the headlines. accept the fact that he's on his first tour in five years. and i wonder what you make of the timing of this happening, right now. and you know, whether, you know, how they're viewing something like this happening while he's on his first tour and five years well, not great i think that when you're asking people to come out and support you on tour you have something like this happened happened for someone who has type of imagery has father, husband, pops are probably not great, but at the same time the thing about justin timberlake and where he is right now, is that the story is just kinda gotten boring with him. people are a little
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bit over him. >> there might be a new spin on his life if people think that he's actually in trouble and they need him, they might go back to the justin timberlake that they use to remember. >> i think maybe it's time to cut the guy a break can we talk about like what the celebrity kind of playbook is for a moment like this, where they are caught in something where he is. i mean, obviously, you these been charged for this. we'll see what he says publicly about it. he isn't actually weighed in on it so far, but the kind of what the celebrity playbook is when an arrest like this does happen caitlin, you can tell by the mug shot the way they're going to play it. >> when the mug shot comes out. sometimes celebrities take that opportunity to make a little pr moment out of it. they smiled even sexy, looked, they do whatever. they tried to show. it's not bothering them, whatever. his mug shot was. interesting he looked like himself but then again, not he looked noticeably older, which i hadn't really realized that it got 43-years-old he looked
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as if there was something missing from him. so i think with with justin, the playbook for him is going to be to take a step back to take accountability for it, to talk about what it means to be a husband, to be a father and really tap back into the people that have been supporting them for like the last 20 years, i think he's going to play it really close to the vest and use it as an opportunity to say he needs to get sober and reassess some things. >> yeah. is that what you expect his next move here will be what are you gonna be watching for before we, before we go tonight i'm going to be watching for us him to completely fall on the proverbial sort he is going to talk about how recklessly was, how he danger people, how you fell short. >> the whole thing. i think he's going to be a complete vehicle before we'll be watching to see if that is what the reaction here i know a lot of you were surprised to see that mug shot today bentley thin as always, it's great to have you thank you for joining to


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