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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  June 18, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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get their affairs in order. >> remember one patient saying two? i mean, it was like looking over into an abyss. there was nothing there for them. and i think through the work of dr. dean ornish, who conducted the trial, dr. richard isaacson in many other doctors around the country that is starting to change. i mean, i've been a neurosurgeon for quarter-century than a doctor for 30 years for most of the time, we have said this is going to be preordained and there's not much you can do about it. but that is changing. so these are incredibly hopeful times. it's still early days. i want to emphasize that the trial that dr. orange judge did was just 50 patients. hard trials to do but as they start to do more and more of these patients, trials around the world, we're going to get that data. and i think it's it's going to offer a lot of hope, not necessarily just new medications, but lifestyle changes alone leading to these changes. >> sanjay, it's incredible. thank you. and if you're like me and still have questions about it this as well as the latest and drugs to target alzheimer's. you can submit your questions using the qr
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code. on screen. and sanjay will join me again later in the week with some answers the news continues right here on cnn i'd find next the breaking news, the polls closing, right now in virginia, where trump is looking for payback tonight. this is the former president it makes a major and unfounded accusation against the biden just moments ago. plus north korea pulling out all the stops, kim jong un now welcoming khuza'a to the hermite patient as russian state tv zeros in on this programs coverage. and we're going to tell you why live from moscow tonight. >> and from instinct to in jail, we have new details on why justin timberlake spent the night in jail. >> let's go out front and good evening. >> i'm erin burnett outfront tonight. we begin with the breaking news. there are polls closing, right now within the past minute in a crucial 2024 primary, that could be a big tell for the presidential election. and we are they're
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standing by right now for results in the race for the republican nomination in virginia in the fifth congressional district. this is the most expensive house republican primary of the year and it is a race that donald trump takes very personal molly if he's reelected, bob goodwill staff virginia in the back, sort of like he did with me trump's slamming the incumbent congressman there who is bob good why you may ask? well, congressman good initially endorsed the florida governor ron desantis and the republican presidential primary now, after santos dropped out, good immediately backdrop even went so far as to be in the group of acolytes are disciples, the people who came to the criminal trial of trump in new york and rhode in trump's motorcade to the courthouse. >> he did all of this, like i said, a disciple, the ultimate let's show of loyalty for trump. but that is not enough. trump is now supporting goods challenger, a man named john maguire. and trump thinks that virginia is in play for his
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election in november we're going to put a very heavy play on virginia. and i think we're going to win the state of virginia were up now in the polls now, virginia is crucial. >> now, trump is not beating biden yet. a recent poll, those shows biden and trump now tied in virginia. keep in mind, biden won that state by ten points in 2020. and right now, biden is in virginia at a fundraiser with bill and hillary clinton where they say they're raising 8 million. the most ever for a democrat in virginia and a presidential election. but that neck and neck poll comes as tonight, we have a new national polls showing the same thing, showing biden and trump tied just days before the first presidential debate nationally. and that is the debate that trump is talking about at this hour. so it was just a few moments ago at this rally in wisconsin, he made an outrageous claim that biden will use cocaine at the debate joe biden doesn't have a clue. now we're going to watch is anybody going to watch the debate these going to be so
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pumped up, he's going to be pumped up. you know, all that stuff that was missing about a month ago from the white house what happened. somebody didn't pick up hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of cocaine. i wonder who that could upend i don't know actually i. >> think it was joe maybe slightly unclear what trump is talking about specifically, but generally we all get the point meloni's the nonna is out front, live outside. congressman boots campaign headquarters in virginia which is a crucial state. melanie, as i said, neck and neck now, in polls for trump and biden biden their tonight at a fundraiser, what is the latest your learning as these polls? i have just closed in virginia yeah, the polls did just close moments ago in what has become the most bitter and expensive house republican prime race in the country. >> and the reason for that is because bob good is a very polarizing figure inside the
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gop. and there are a lot of republicans who are looking for payback chief among them is donald trump. as you mentioned, he has never forgiven bob good for initially endorsing ron desantis over trump back when trump was battling some legal troubles and it did not look like he might become the eventual nominee. of course, as you mentioned, good date. eventually flip his support to donald trump and ron desantis jumped out out of the race, but that was not enough for donald trump, who is endorsing john maguire, his opponent. he did a tele town hall last night for the candidate and he even sent a cease and desist letter to bob good's campaign urging him to not use campaign signs that suggests that trump is supporting bob good. and then of course, and the other camp, there's kevin mccarthy and his allies who were coming after bob good because he was one of those eight republicans who voted to remove kevin mccarthy as speaker. now bob good does have his share of allies. he has matt gaetz, the house, the house freedom caucus. he has them conservative outside groups but he was outraged by his opponents and notably speaker mike johnson has stayed on the sidelines of despite probably because he doesn't
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want to get on trump's bad sign. so no doubt this test is going to be of trump's strengthened an influence inside the gop tonight. >> eric wright, as we await the formal results there, melanie is unknown. i thank you very much. as you said, as she is outside congress with goods, headquarters was we await making the fall a call. harry enten, that could be crucial as we go beyond the numbers because this is about the power of trump is melanie says, he has put a lot in this. he has been nasty about bob. good. no question where he stands what is his record when it comes to endorsements? >> basically, he's won every single time that he's endorsed a candidate. this cycle, they've one there's exactly one candidate that he's endorsed that has not one look at that record. >> 888 to 188 to one. now, of course, this is a very specific race in which he's going against an incumbent and this in my mind gives you a really good indication how far that trump brand actually goes. can you actually defeat an incumbent? most of the people he backs are in fact, incumbents themselves or people in open racism. i will note that trump's record this year
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is the best so far in this cycle of any cycle in terms of dortmund's since he became president. >> okay. and that's crucial. >> that is though some might say. all right, but those are primaries. that's the far right of the party and that's not the same as the general so let's go there. let's go overall, if you look at republicans overall, how is he doing? is he winning over more and more republicans overall absolutely are. >> and you know, the fact is there are a lot of people said, oh, nikki haley challenged and where those nikki haley voter is going to go still pulling 20% and those primary exactly right. >> but if you look at the polling right now, what do we see? >> we see trump's margin against joe biden are against the democratic candidate climbing higher and higher and higher, you go back to 2016, you saw that hillary clinton versus donald trump. trump was leaning at this point by 79 points. you'd go to 20 hey, 20, trump was leaning over joe biden by 83 points over republic republicans. you go now, he's leading by 87 points among republican voters. she might say the republicans, there'll be backing him anyway, but they're bagging him and stronger and stronger numbers.
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and that's one of the reasons why i'm keeping an eye on the primary tonight because i'm interested are there any cracks at all to be seen among republican primary voters? >> all right, so that's crucial for the state of virginia. now, obviously this is in the context of the debate that is coming up in just a few days he's got the national polls as i mentioned, virginia neck and neck, but nationally neck and neck as well so what are the three states that you think, right now are the most important that you're looking. >> it's the great like battleground states. it's that blue wall, right? it's pennsylvania, it's michigan, is wisconsin. if joe biden can win these three states he very likely will be the next president of the united states. yes, there are maps you can draw where he wouldn't be. but if he wins in these three states, he can win despite all that poor polling. and if you look at the polling right now in those three states, look at it, it's neck and neck. its neck and neck in michigan, it's neck-and-neck in wisconsin, maybe a slightly for trump and pennsylvania. trump if he can win one of these states, he's probably gonna be the next president, but biden wins all three. he will probably be the next press. >> all right, harry, thank you very much. and i want to go now
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to shore when hughes radio host of the truth with sherwin hughes radio show based out of wisconsin and republican bruce blakeman, who is the nassau county executive here in new york state. so sure. when you hear harry and you talk about that, trump is doing well with his endorsements, but also doing better even among republicans than he has in the past. and in just a few of so states, as harry's laying out tide, neck and neck are you concerned at this point that he is coming in stronger than he did in 2020. and even in 2016 i am not because we've seen the kind of liability of the donald trump has been on other republicans that he has supported in previous cycles. but even a blue are broken clock is right twice a day. so donald trump getting some candidates across the finish line and primaries. i don't think that's any kind of harming her of the future or of what may happen come in 20 weeks from today bruce, i would imagine you see, even when you look at the blue, those crucial midwest states that are most when you see a very different
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picture well, let me give you a little example. >> in anthony d'esposito is district the fourth congressional. this they're joe biden, won that district by 16 points. last election donald trump is now up five points. that's a 21 point swing. and suburban nassau county, right outside of new york city. donald trump is now trailing joe biden by six points in new york state we're seeing a trend where donald trump is getting stronger and stronger because the issues favor donald trump, whether it's sanctuary cities, whether it's the invasion from south of the border whether it's crime, inflation, all the policies that people are rejecting of joe biden, they realize that when president trump was president, that they had a much better quality of life. >> well, i mean, obviously it was covid at that time, but to not relitigate all of that. sure. when i want to ask you
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about sometimes politics being local separate from the big issues which matter nationally and bruises, right, right. people care about immigration, to care about the economy, of course in wisconsin, no. your must-win state trump is there today. he was in racing now he's in wisconsin onstage. and he came out in milwaukee and tried to clean up his recent comments. so we had recently said behind closed doors isn't he was quoted as saying milwaukee is horrible. milwaukee has, of course, the site of the gop convention in just about a month, a democratic city and obviously in a must-win state. so he came out trying to clean it up. here he is sherwin i love milwaukee. i said you got to fix the crime. we all know that you got to make sure the elections honors but i'm the one that picked up okay. and the democrats or the radical left lunatics, as i call them what they say is just so terrible they lie, lie life i love milwaukee. sherwin, does anyone take it seriously one way or the other when you come out and say it's a horrible place,
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does that lose you votes well that's all. >> you want. gradually glad that he said as a horrible city, because that's folks hear me walking the north city is not horrible or a wonderful place. we are up and coming in on the rise on quite honestly, we believe that's why the republicans chose our city for their convention. so him saying that has actually galvanized more democrats in this city in fact, 80% of the people in the city of milwaukee voted for joe biden. so it's great talking point for the democrats billboards have gone up all over the city. and here's the other thing. republicans are competing for a very, very small share of votes and there are some republicans, republican voters in the city of milwaukee. but why would they consider voting for a man that calls their city that i know that they loved very much. >> horrible. so i think he didn't do himself any favors by saying that, but i think it was actually good talking points for the democrats because it got us to rally around donald trump's evil rhetoric. >> and of course, trump's in milwaukee tonight he was in racing earlier today, the exact same agenda that president biden to just weeks ago when i
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interviewed him in racing and then he went to milwaukee that night. the point is bruce, it's a must-win state. but but it is perhaps of the miss what midwestern states and we'll see, but perhaps the hardest for trump to get over the line for where would it be best spent? be best to spend his time? >> well, i think he's going to do very well in wisconsin. i think he's going to do very well in pennsylvania michigan is certainly in play i think he's going to do very well in georgia and north carolina. i think that he's going to upset the democrats biden in virginia i think he's going to make it erase in new york and new jersey. so i think it's gonna be a big surprise. this reminds me a lot of ronald reagan's race in 1980 when people were just fed up with a policy these are jimmy carter and ronald reagan was a guy that nobody thought could win and it won all about new york to happen. >> i mean, rhetoric aside, are you for real? >> yes. sure. when you have a congressional district that joe biden won by 16 points and now
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trump's up by five. the whole states and play sherwin. >> do you have fear of this? >> absolutely not. so here's the thing that we're forgetting so on july 11, donald trump is sentence for the 34 felonies that he has been convicted of. and this is something that republicans are not talking about. there's a chance that he may not even be at his own convention because he may be in some kind of confinement so that can't go unsaid that this is a president who's got 34 felony convictions, and i think decent hardworking americans no. that they can't get most jobs with any felonies, let alone someone with 34 of them. so we'll see what happens at his sentencing because what that's gonna do is that's going to consume the media universe. even fox news is going to have to cover what happens to donald trump on july 11. so some of these places where donald trump has a lead he 20 weeks out before we've seen either of the two debates, i think it's all smoke and mirrors a lot can happen between now and november 5 well, that is something i thank
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you both can agree on. >> thank you very much. sherwin bruce, i appreciate your time and next, vladimir putin on the ground literally embracing kim jong on arriving in north korea for a major visit as russian state television puts on a spotlight of our for matthew chance and out front and we're going to show you why. plus record heatwaves, stronger storms, women earlier than ever, uncharted territory for so many on this planet, scientists are warning that they actually now don't know what's coming next. we have a special report from our bill. we're next and justin timberlake arrested news get details tonight about the pop star's run-in with an officer who didn't even know we was well done. you've got the presence, the balloons, and the raptor cake. now how about something to put a smile on your face has been done until provides complete affordable care with dentists and labs in one place, plus free exams and
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mattresses, me defaultable. i'm melissa bell in paris and this is cnn breaking news. >> kim jong on personally greeting and hugging vladimir putin as he arrives and pyongyang in the middle of the night, it was there's literally two or 3:00 in the morning local. it's gonna be a to day visit, but but arriving in the middle of the night and kim was there to meet him to liters, then riding together and putin's private car complete with sort of an awkward moment and awkward dance to see who would get into the vehicle first, which you
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can see here this sort of awkwardness. russian state television broadcasting from pyongyang. well, one of russia's most prominent propagandists echoes putin's threat to help kim confront the united states present that i see president putin promised to support north korea and confronting and insidious and dangerous enemy. >> this is a direct quote, we can assume that this is about the united states this is putin is being glorified by kim, his picture is on banners lining pyongyang's streets along countless russian flags. >> almost a saudi sort of welcome. matthew chance is outfront, live in moscow. matthew, how is russia reacting to putin's visit? and so interesting that he arrives literally at tour the 3:00 in the morning to pyongyang that's just the time zone issue. >> remember vladimir putin was in eastern russia before we set off full point pyongyang and so the times i won't be that big for him in terms of how russia
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is seeing this. obviously qizan get with massive important so it's like it's some sort of foreign policy coup. i mean, it's a very high level delegation that's gone with that amid putin, not just a foreign minister, but the defense minister, officials from the russian space agency one of the top energy officials in the country as well. and so what moscow is anticipating what is trying to show that it's looking at agreeing is some sort of broad spectrum agreement with pyongyang. and indeed they talked about signing a strategic partnership treaty with north koreans at possibly tomorrow, possibly during this trip. but make no mistake. this is about two countries that are isolated on the international stage that have been drawn together by that isolation. it's something that's state television reporters here in moscow are actually alluding to. if you listen to them, take less the united states are still pushing their line and north korea remains under heavy sanctions
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then we'll look, however, it is easier to overcome these sanctions together vladimir putin and kim will surely talk about that and we'll go, we've got yeah, yeah, they'll talk about that. >> but the other things are probably going to talk about which we're not going to hear about publicly arms shipments to russia. that's something that russia needs very much from north korean factories to sustain its war ukraine. and what north korea gets in return, it needs a lot of things, but of course it wants help with this ballistic missile program and indeed its nuclear program as well. >> what matthew, russian state television has also been following the coverage of this closely to how you. and i here have been talking about this and cnn has been covering this. >> putin, kim meeting. >> what are they saying oh, yeah, look, i mean, there's been a lot of big part of the coverage on russian television he's how other media channels around the world, including cnn, have been covering this meeting. >> and it just indicates that
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one of the main objectives of this, i think for russia is to not just go and visit north korea. as it deals with north korea, but to be seen to be doing so in the west particularly in the united states in fact, they've been highlighting some of cnn's sort of comments and reports on this trip, not criticizing it, but just highlighting it and sort of reveling in its secularism i'm sure. >> but cnn made the bowl this point. putin's visit to north korea will further strengthen the relationship between the countries hostile to the united states so again, this is very much the two countries to put three. russia wants you to show that it is not isolated on the international stage, despite all the sanctions against it. >> all right. matthew chance from moscow. thank you very much. and it's putin of course, is on this mission to get even more weapons from kim jong-un. he is in part because of some real setbacks. he is seeing on the battlefield in
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ukraine. and fred pleitgen has that report. you'll see first here out front ukrainian troops, storming a russian trench in the kharkiv region, firing and throwing grenades it's at those unwilling to surrender elsewhere in the same region, a russian soldier, it does give up after the ukrainians decimated his unit, but behind what they know who we ran to him and i saw his uniform close and realized he's a russian servicemen. >> he says, then i shouted at him, hands up, he put up his hands in the air and then did everything. i told him to do moscow's military launched a surprise offensive targeting the northeast of ukraine earlier this year, destroying a key town and gaining a foothold not far from ukraine's second-largest city, kharkiv. but now the ukrainian say they've killed scores of russians here and are back on the offensive the major reason resumed military aid from the us and its allies. ukraine's president says, you double
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mohammed budge. we see the world's determination opening up new perspectives for restoring our security. >> he says, among other things, this concerns the security of kharkiv, the destruction of russian terrorists positions, and launchers near the border by our forces and soldiers really matters as ukraine's land and air forces are pounding his troops russian leader vladimir putin, was at a children's musical school in russia's far east and route to meet a key ally, north korean strong man, kim jong-un, with the going tough on the battlefield, putin has already threatened the west for supporting ukraine, but also claims he wants peace talks because his able to ignore you. it's so far the west has been ignored boring or interests, he says, while they forbid key up to negotiate they hypocritically call on us to start some sort of negotiations. it just looks idiotic but ukrainian troops facing the russian it's on the eastern front, say they have no trust and the russian leaders
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words and want to fight on literacy up when you might ticky, russia understands force only the soldier says all the agreements and signings or just the games with the beast sooner or later it will regain its strength, lick its wounds, and will be conquering even more because it that has already tasted blood and so ukraine's forces continue the battle against an enemy with more troops and a lot more firepower aaron, the ukrainians, of course, acknowledged that the russians are still pressing in some areas of the front line. however, they also say that they have been able to stabilize many places and are able to push back, especially thanks to fresh weapons deliveries from the us and its allies, aaron thank you very much next, from a deadly heat wave to dangerous storms that are deadlier than ever. >> scientists here that this is just beginning and that there's no telling where it's headed. >> models be. >> our bill we are with special report next, plus president biden announcing the most
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and ask about the bosley guarantee i'm summons or fatty in washington and this is cnn tonight extraordinary, terrifying, uncharted territory. these are just a few of the quotes for how scientists around the world have been describing the now persistent, stubborn, and record-breaking heat. the dangerous and unusual weather hitting nearly every region of the united states tonight, 270 million people facing extreme and blistering conditions set to get worse in the coming hours. heat warnings, watches, advisories across the midwest and northeast at this hour. temperatures in some areas more
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than 25 degrees above average, blasting through heat records already texas today saw 113 degrees and dune records breaking illinois, ohio as well, then precedent magnitude of this is impossible to ignore. and it is all happening earlier in it's not even, technically summer yet than ever before. bill, we're is out front it is not even officially summer yet. >> and he is already taking lives by the dozens in india during recent elections, at least 33 poll workers died of heat stress. on the same day. >> at least 41 jordanian perished as they made their pilgrimage image two mecca were yesterday, they set a new all-time high it over 100 125 degrees. >> and in greece, at least three tourists lost their lives simply by hiking with out enough water or shade while those places are used to stretches in the triple digits,
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the american northeast is not. and on a planet overheated by fossil fuel pollution main must now brace for the kind of heat and humidity found in miami. >> and big cities are bracing for a strain on everything. extreme heat is the most dangerous weather phenomenon we have in new york city, in the northern hemisphere, new science finds that last summer this is the hottest since the birth of christ. and in the us he took the most lives since records began in the 80s. this year is on pace to be even hotter pushing disaster management into uncharted territory as the climate crisis manifest by region and by water whiplash either too much or never enough in the part southwest wildfires kicking back up from ria dosa, new mexico to near los angeles. every one of us is but with the wind that's the single most driving factor of this fire. >> and after a wet winter brought more plant life to
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california, there are worries that a scorching summer could turn it all too few cool but when you pray for rain on an overheated planet, you must specify not all at once. from brazil to florida days of torrential rain created floods in homes and cars and lives hitting some and fort lauderdale who are still cleaning up after last summer, which brought the kind of rain and floods that is only supposed to happen once every thousand years. >> so right now, it looks like certainly the summer is going to feature a lot more extreme and in cases of record-breaking heat in different parts of the globe. but to be quite honest what we're seeing now is a taste of what it's going to be like all the time in just a decade or so even though heat is the deadliest weather event, it has never been used to declare a hey federal emergency in the stafford act about 30 groups today signed a petition
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trying to change that to open up female funding for big heat events like this which has largely been left up to the states. >> i now, but femur, as we know, is running out of money as it is. and speaking of female funding and responses to big storms, there here's the first of the season, a tropical depression developing and the gulf of mexico could become a hurricane at the very least, texas is in for a lot of rain. >> aaron, hundred and 13 degrees phrase and then not could be up to ten inches or more rain, i guess they're saying all right, bill. thank you very much. and i want to go now to one of the world's top scientists studying this issue, bill nye and bill terrifying thing that's happening across the us this week when you look at what bill's going through, searing heat in the midwest and northeast, the cyclone he just mentioned the powerful storms along the gulf coast double-digit inches of rain. it from miami to now, maybe texas wildfires in california and new mexico. and then you've got montana. we've actually a winter weather advisory what does all this mean as you synthesize it well, what it
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means is we need to curtail our use of fossil fuels and putting carbon dioxide methane in the atmosphere. >> and we need to do it as soon as we can and then i hearken all the time to a war where everybody gets motivated very quickly there has not been a 911 or a pearl harbor with respect to climate change because it happens, it's happening in slow motion and so sooner or later, everybody, all of these events, all of these events will be connected to climate change by computer modeling it's been straightforward to come to connect the extreme, extreme events. but now these sort of regular extreme events are going to be connected and we can get to work the new, the newest research indicates that there will not be, there is not a tipping point, there is not a point of no return. rather,
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it's things just getting worse and worse the way they are. right now this summer. >> and just the point i want to make everybody when people talk about a heat dome, which is the new good word. >> consider this following. there's a map of new england. the ohio river valley, and the dome is it's not hollow when i think of a dome, i think of a roof and you could walk around underneath it, know, the dome is solid, its are rather it's high pressure air. >> yeah. >> and the jet stream shown here has gone north and enabled this giant dome of hot air to stay there so stay there but here's, here's the thing and i know you mentioned you mentioned in a sense solutions, but just to hold on for a second. you know, all the modeling showed, you know, if you could stop a degree or you could stop two degrees. and there's this sort of feeling out there. >> i think when you see what's
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happening, floods, droughts, he waves that it's all suddenly happening a lot faster than anybody would have expected. and therefore, nobody has any idea how bad, how dramatic it might get, how many feet you could be seeing of sea level. i mean, it's easy to get quite scared. is it all moving? >> a lot faster than you ever would have thought with respect know, there are certain scientists, climate scientists who have been talking about this for a long time and how it will accelerate. and you may have heard this expression positive feedback, yes, in control systems positive feedback is the the mathematical sign where you hold the microphone near the speaker and it gets louder and louder and screeches. that's positive feedback and human resources positive feedback back is making you feel good about its no positive feedback and mathematics and control system is what we're seeing now, things are getting worse,
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faster and faster and what about, what about his who've been pointing this out? >> well are called alarmists. >> they were now maybe that's, maybe that's what to this, what's happening. but can i ask you bill, though, in terms of stopping it because you hear about people now are termination shock are just pulling the carbon out of the atmosphere things that may in theory bbb possible, but certainly enlarge practical application or not. >> is there anything right now that can actually turn it around, especially considering the burning of fossil fuels isn't going to stop. >> in fact, it is increasing on a global basis. so what's, what's the solution as you see it, that actually can do something about this in a real time-frame well, okay. three things. >> first of all, let's do burn less, replace the electricity may with fossil fuels, with renewable sources. this includes not shutting down any
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nuclear power plants that are working right now the trouble with nuclear power, everybody is political. people don't want these, don't want to deal with the waste and so on. >> then what we wanna do is take advantage of the systems we have right now. >> this is why people are advocating for electric vehicles electric vehicle drive trains are 90% efficient versus 30% efficient for internal combustion. so you're just using less energy. furthermore, when you use electricity for transportation, you can produce the electricity cleanly. >> then if i may, i would like i would prefer i am going to vote for and whatever way i can for investment. >> i'm not kidding everybody in extraordinary new forms of electricity and i'm talking about fusion. >> there are a half-dozen organizations, universities, companies around the world but working on this problem and if
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we could get this extraordinary new source of electricity, we could change the world. >> and for that, it takes investment. and in my opinion, government investment if you like to worry about things my fellow us citizens, the chinese government, is investing in a new super collider. this has been something to investigate the inside of atoms and that, would mean it is possible that chinese researchers will make advances in, with respect to fusion. >> that we are not able to all right. >> well, thank you. >> i appreciate what i'm glad you shared that and i think it gives us a starting point and maybe i suppose sense of possibility that something can be done as opposed to a defeatist way which it's possible to get your mind there. they'll thank you very much as always, great to see you next president biden announcing and executive action to allow more than half 1 million undocumented immigrants to remain in the united states. trump is seizing on it this hour this is an invasion of our
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country and justin timberlake back in the spotlight tonight, but a far cry from the day he's of the mickey mouse club billy the kid. it's trying to take over the town. >> what it needs as clean it up. >> they've appointed a new sheriff pat garrett, mean something to you sure. >> does use the roi with billy. >> now it's your job to hunt them down law doesn't take so you can when this ad game for me it was had trouble losing weight and keeping same, discover the power of week-old the my janan, the gobi. >> i lost 35 pounds as some
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recommended by consumer reports this summer, visit, your local kia dealer and say get 1.9% apr for 48 months plus 1,000 bonus cash on specialty tags 2024, sportage and sorrento vehicles close captioning is brought to you by you, cora, help maintain a healthy urinary tract with you? >> hi, having utis for ten years you, cora, we make uti relief products. >> we also make proactive urinary tract health products. you core is a lifestyle tried today at your core? welcome new tonight, president biden announcing a new executive action, which would allow more than half 1 million undocumented immigrants to stay in the united states. >> one of the biggest moves to protect immigrants from deportation since daca now biden insisted today is about keeping families together, rejecting claims that this announcement was political how about interest in playing politics or the border or immigration? >> i mentioned in fixing it i said it before shredded before
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and i'll say it again today. >> i will work with anyone to solve these problems. >> that's my responsibility as president just minutes later though foreign president trump slammed biden's move during a rally today. here's some of what he said rookie joe is sending a message to the world that he rewards illegal entry. >> and that's what's happening. our country is under invasion. we should not be talking in amnesty. we should be talking about stopping the invasion. instead this is an invasion of our control in front. now a mirror, victor trevino, the mayor of laredo, texas. >> obviously, there had been one of the biggest crossing point in the us this recent wave of immigration. and he was at the white house today for the event with president biden symmetric vino. obviously there's two different issues here. president biden is obviously talking about people who've been in this country for a very long period of time he is not talking about people
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who have just recently come up for the border. the former president is obviously mixing those two things, saying that what biden is doing is rewarding illegal entry and that biden should be focusing on stopping the invasion what duty, what do you say to the former president well, first of all, everybody has an opinion. >> thank you for having me. >> but everybody has an opinion and you have to be living at the border and working at the border to know what's going on there's there's a way to look at a problem and just stamp it out without looking at a repercussions you don't look at a problem, you look for a solution and this is, i think the first step to modernizing our immigration system that there has hasn't been touched for decades so all this, i think would be beneficial for all the people that already work here and live here and they've been here all their lives. >> they don't know any other country, and they don't main, not know another language. so it just makes sense that if people already americans, does it send a signal though as the former president is saying to others? okay, sure, they had to
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stay here awhile, but then they were given it without having followed the rules. in fact, having come into the country having having broken the law to do that is we have a point on that or do you think that that does not encourage immigrants coming in now? >> i don't think it would encourage them because as a result of insufficient immigration system that existed this all has happened. but now we have the problem we need to look for a solution. i think these are the first steps. step to look into a solution to fix this problem and i don't think we are a country that thing humane and the president said it today. this is the united states of america that portrays all the people from other countries that came in to make this country as great as it is. so we have to not forget our our point of view. >> so somewhere let me ask you trump's. here's some of his allies have taken this further and they have said that this is actually part of a concerted plan to increase the democratic voter base. and one of the spokes spokespeople for trump
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said today, cody is giving mass amnesty and citizenship to a hundreds of thousands of the illegals who he knows will ultimately vote for him. and the open border democratic party, the house speaker mike johnson maire said, this is proof positive of the democrats plan to turn illegal aliens in to voters is there anything to that? not necessarily because people that come from other countries have their mindset and what kind of government they want and i've spoken to many people had come from other countries and they do not necessarily believe that the existing parties, what they want. so i mean, this is something that you have to be cognizant of and not just say things that you think would probably would happen so i don't think that has any value to it. >> and yet, when you look at the poles and i wanted to give you a chance to drill down this a bit. >> i president biden is struggling with hispanic voters in a way he was not last time around and it was a crucial group to his victory in 2020. >> if you just look at arizona alone, he wanted spanish voters in 2020 there by 60 1% to 37%,
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24 percentage point difference last time, latest fox news poll out of arizona shows him barely winning 50%. and trump is only eight points behind. so we won by 24 last time right now, he would only only be winning by eight. >> so does that play into any of this at all? >> the clear weakness that the current president is facing with a crucial voting block which is hispanics that just proves the point. >> do you see hispanics are not necessarily democrats or republicans, hispanic seven, mind of their own. so they look at whatever policy is beneficial to the country because we are part of the country i don't really think that that really has anything to do it. >> all right. well, dr. trevino, i appreciate your time. merav laredo. thank you so much. >> i'm glad to be here. thank you. all right. >> next this prince of pop popped for drunk driving. we are learning more about justin
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timberlake's arrest. and struggles with addiction jim, 27 life for midland, the most anticipated moment of this election biden, your honor america the future, because that we are a nation of possibilities. trump. >> we had the best economy we had the best border, we had the best of everything. and now we get to do it all over again. we're gonna do it even better two very different visions for america. one unprecedented night moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate. >> it's thursday, june 27th at nine live on cnn and streaming on max. >> kinda riva support your brain health, married janet. >> hey eddie. >> now fraser franck. franck, bread. how are you fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the neretva brain health challenge from raj 2. >> we there yet so many ways to
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visit home i'm dr. sanjay gupta in atlanta and this is cnn all right. you are looking at justin timberlake's mug shot. this is after his dwi arrest in new york. he'd been released after spending the night in police custody you can see him leaving court after his release. this morning. arrest records show he refused to take a breathalyzer test three times. the new york post reporting the officer who
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stopped him was so young he did not recognize the pop star by face or name. wagmeister is outfront singer songwriter and actor justin timberlake, known for hits like sexy back, leaving the sag harbor long island police station. >> this morning charged with driving while intoxicated. timberlake, known as the prince of pop, left the american hotel at 12:37 a.m. this morning in a 2025 bmw pulled over by police after allegedly rolling through a stop sign and failing to stay in his lane according to court documents timberlake's eyes were bloodshot in glassy, and his breath had a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage officers said he had slowed speech, was unsteady and perform poorly on all standardized field sobriety test, the documents says the 43-year-old rejected a breathalyzer three times in told police quote, i had one martini and i followed my
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friend's home he's spent the night in jail before being released on his own recognizance the better day singer began his career on the mickey mouse club in shot to start them as a member of the boy band and sing in the mind before launching a multi platinum solo career timberlake had a highly publicized relationship with britney spears from 1999 to 2000 and to in her tell all book published last year, she wrote about having an abortion while dating the singer, alleging that timberlake was not happy about the pregnancy. writing if it had been left up to me alone, i never would have done it. timberlake has not responded to that revelation he later married actress jessica biel, and the pair are now parents of two young sons the couple recovered from a scandal in 2019 when timberlake was seen
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closing up to a female co-star? >> he released a statement apologizing to his wife saying i drank way too much last night and regret my behavior. i should have known better, like his high profile relationships, timberlake's career has also had ups and downs beyond his music and acting. >> and gentlemen, welcome. >> and appearing on saturday night live he was part of the infamous wardrobe malfunction after tearing janet jackson's top during the super bowl halftime show in 2004 in 2021. here apologize to both jackson and spears for his missteps in the past after renewed attention on his relationship with spears prompted him to make a statement timberlake's arrest comes in the middle of his world tour for his six album, which was met with lukewarm reception and weak ticket sales at a concert promoting his newest album this past february timberlake's seem to address some of the public scrutiny sharing a few choice words on stage elizabeth, he's
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obviously madison square garden next week in the middle of this tour, you talk about some of the challenges he's had with it. >> but his personal life is now under a microscope. i mean, what more can you tell us? >> absolutely. and this has someone whose entire length has been under a microscope. he grew up in front of our eyes and largely has stayed out of trouble a ton has been said about his personal my life but this is his first arrest and his first brush with the law that said he is always under a ton of public scrutiny for his personal choices and this comes in the middle of a huge tor for an album that has not been walrus save so this is really the last thing that justin needs in terms of his career. >> and of course, you'd imagine that his family is top priority right now. >> he is two young kids with jessica biel and actually this past weekend on fathers his day just posted a sweet message to them. >> all right. thanks for
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joining us. the news