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tv   CNN Newsroom With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  June 19, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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canceled meeting the white house, no longer hosting israeli officials after prime minister benjamin the ten you publicly posted a video criticizing the us for withholding weapons shipments plus safety in the sky families of passage killed in to boeing plane crashes and whistleblowers pushing for more accountability as boeing ceo says, he's proud of the company's record. >> will speak to a whistleblower live, who says he got off a plane when he realized it was a 737 max. and extreme weather across the nation in new mexico, thousands of people are racing to escape to wildfires. at least one person has died in the number of destroyed buildings has just tripled in just a few hours hello, i'm wolf blitzer in washington and you're in the cnn newsroom all that coming up. >> and let's begin with some breaking news. the weather
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system churning in the gulf of mexico, right now and it just got elevated to a tropical storm, becoming the first named storm of the atlantic hurricane season. now known known as tropical storm alberto. that has been lashing coastal texas this morning and pushing your sure. a surge of up to three feet. take a look at these live pictures coming in from texas right now, some texans could see ten inches of rain will have much more in all of this and other extreme weather, battering the united states in just a few minutes standby for that. but first, let's go over to the white house. the white house grappling right now with uncertainty in israel, they're also keeping an eye on north korea, where russian president vladimir putin is making his first visit in more than two decades, putin receive a red-carpet welcome and gang yang including a military parade and a ride in an open top limo with the supreme leader kim jong un kim hailed north korea's new quote, alliance with russia following a meeting where the two liters
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sign a new strategic partnership, cnn corresponding mike the larios in seoul, south korea for us. mike, first of all, tell us more about this meeting in north korea sure. >> so while good evening from midnight here in seoul, and the main question as the dust is starting to settle here on the korean peninsula, is this wolf did we just witness to autocratic leaders forging their own version of nieto's article five, which of course calls for the mutual defense of a member of the alliance. if one of them is attached. so we have the pageantry in the middle of pyongyang and these bizarre images certainly indelible images, as you mentioned, wealth of these two autocratic leaders in an open-air limo to throngs of clouds in the crowds in the center of the city holding up to 100,000 people. they go in for this mean eating and then vladimir putin comes out addresses cameras at the lectern and says, in the event of aggression directed towards north korea or russia, this new
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pact that they've signed onto earlier in the day allows for the provision of mutual assistance so what exactly does that mean? that is so many diplomatic quarters across the world are now asking, does that mean automatic military response? if one of those countries are attacked and therein lies, perhaps the point wealth that many north korean analysts are telling us at this hour that chaos and uncertainty vagaries are part of the goal but something that is certain is kim jong un and vladimir putin calling this an alliance for the first time, certainly strengthening ties. listen to kim on that front giotto's how iv hard jagan, the grades democratic people's republic of korea, russia alliance, which will become a watershed moment in the development of this bilateral relations, finally raised its anchor in history and announced this solid departure here today. okay, so where does this lead us? now that they have forged
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this mutual defense agreement does this lead to military drills perhaps on these disputed islands on the border of north and south korea well fewer there in late 2010 when north korea open fire and started shelling those islands. well, russian president vladimir putin open the door for sustained military cooperation. the possibility of that, but there seems to be no doubt that what began as a quote, unquote, strategic partnership between these two states under tremendous sanction pressure in september of last year has now certainly elevated to a new level of cooperation. >> wolf microfilariae in seoul, south korea for us, mike, thanks very, very much meanwhile, there are new signs of the biden administration's deep frustration right now with the israeli prime minister cnn is now reporting that an envoy for the president told benjamin the tiny out that the new video of netanyahu's saying the us was withholding military aid to
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israel was quote, unproductive and completely untrue. the write-offs also canceled one of its meetings with israeli officials in response to this, netanyahu video want to go to our white house correspondent are left sides. she's joining us from rehoboth beach in delaware, where the president is today. are led, update our viewers on what's going on well while there is a growing sense of frustration among biden administration officials towards israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu after his comments in that video yesterday say that it was inconceivable that the us is withholding military aid for russia. >> that is something that white house press secretary karine jean-pierre's just yesterday said that they have no idea what netanyahu is talking about their and privately, the administration has also started conveying their frustration directly to netanyahu. a cnn has learned that almost hochstein, who had been traveling in the region, met with netanyahu yesterday and told him, very frankly that his comments were unproductive. active and more importantly,
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completely untrue. the us ambassador to israel, jack lew was also meeting with netanyahu and reiterate that these comments were incorrect, actually running through the types of weapons that the us has been sending to israel over the past few months. now, it's unclear what exactly netanyahu i'll who was referencing here in early may, we know that the administration had put a pause on the shipment of some heavy bombs to israel amid concerns about its operations into rafah just yesterday, both secretary of state antony blinken and the white house press secretary said that that is still under review, but that there haven't been any other pauses in the shipments. take a listen to what i'm john pierre had to tell i'll reporters yesterday we generally do not know what he's talking about. >> we just don't there was one particular shipment of munitions that was paused. there are no other pauses, none, no other pauses or hold it's in place now, one senior
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administration official told us that the us postponed a meeting that they were supposed to have with the rayleigh's to talk about iran, in part due to these comments that we also have i've heard from others, officials are pushing back saying that they it's not because of the comments from netanyahu that there were simply some scheduling issues, but this does come at an incredibly tense time. >> we have often seen these frustrations between the us and israel aired out in public, but it comes as there's tensions, the us wants israel to do more to try to put an end do this conflict in gaza. and then there's concerns about the possibility of this conflict widening even further. so we will see what more both sides have to say as the days continue. but it's clear that there is a palpable sense of fronts it's frustration from the biden administration towards netanyahu because of these comments, because that's absolutely clear. arlette saenz are reporting from rehoboth beach in delaware, where the president is our left. thank you very much. i want to get some analysis right now,
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joining us now, the former us defense secretary and former cia director during the obama administration, leon panetta, secretary panetta, thanks. so much for joining us. the biden administration, as you just heard, is calling the tiny house comments completely untrue, an unproductive you've you've done a lot of work in us-israeli relations over the years at the cia, the defense department, when you were in congress, when you were at the white house? give us your sense of what's going on, how serious is this rupture in us-israeli relations at this critical moment right now well, wolf, in my experience the one predictable thing about netanyahu is that he is unpredictable whether whether it was working with president clinton or president obama. >> my experience was that it was always very difficult to try to figure out exactly what netanyahu was up to. and so, you had to basically try to
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understand that he is always about survival survival and office. i think for some reason, he decided to come out and attack the united states, although we are providing billions of dollars of weapons to israel there is a pause with regards to one shipment, but that's it. so it clearly is not true that we have not continue to provide assistance to israel. so we've just got to straighten out the record and determine whether or not ultimately we can re-establish a relationship because this is a very sensitive time in terms of the war with hamas, you make a very, very important point. all of this coming. mr. secretary, just a day after the us actually greenlit one of the largest ever weapons packages to israel, including f 15 fighter jets, billions and billions of dollars worth of weaponry. and the biden
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ministration was leaning heavily on key democrats in the house and senate to support this package, which eventually they clearly did do. so what do you think are the time yeah, i was hoping to achieve here you know, it's what concerns me more than anything is the decision not to go ahead with the meeting on iran. >> the problem right now is ron is within a very few weeks of being able to build a nuclear weapon. they've got a lot of enriched fuel and if iran gets a hold of a nuclear weapon, that could be a real threat to stability in the middle east. and so i hope that ultimately they can tried to re-establish a relationship here. we've gone through a lot of ups and downs in the relationship with netanyahu. but the fact is right now israel is at a point where they are successful in
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trying to diminish hamas's ability to be able to conduct warfare. there and if we could demilitarize hamas completely get rid of the tunnels, get rid of the support systems they have in their depots. i think we could move on to try to establish some kind of governance system for gaza kind of protect the border. so that weapons don't continue to come into hamas and create a better situation. ultimately, to try to achieve a more lasting peace. and a top of all of this, all the other threats that are going on right now, israel is now publicly warning of the prospect of a quote, all out war with the iranian-backed-hezbollah forces in south lebanon after that militant group published drone video showing israeli military and civilian locations around haifa, very sensitive locations. how concerned are you about this potential escalation that could happen?
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>> we always have to be very concerned about what could happen with hezbollah as well as what could happen with the other proxy forces in that region. if, if for some reason iran gives the go head to hezbollah to continue the kind of assaults we've seen over these last few weeks then i think there really is a chance for continuing war in the middle east because israel cannot afford to just simply allow hezbollah to continue to send hundreds of missiles into israel and not respond to that threat. so this is, as i said, a very sensitive time in which frankly the united states and israel and allies in the middle east have to work together to try to figure out how we provide for better security in
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the region. >> yeah, it's so, so critically important, such a sensitive moment and de, to someone who has covered that part of the world for many, many years. it's really potentially extremely dangerous. and as a result, the israelis have already course the tens of thousands of israelis who live in northern israel north of haifa, the galilee, near the lebanese border to evacuate because they're deeply concerned that this situation could escalate into a full-scale war, which would make israel's war with hamas in gaza looked like relatively small potatoes compared to what could happen with his balls in south lebanon and israel in the north, the leon panetta, thanks so much for joining us. we really appreciate it. >> good to be with you thank you. >> and still ahead to boeing ceo confirms that his company has retaliated against whistleblowers as he's grilled up on capitol hill, were join live by one of a dozen whistleblowers who have raised major concerns about the company's planes. and there's more breaking news. we're following tropical storm alberto becomes the first named
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storm of the atlantic hurricane season. cnn's rosa flores is live in corpus christi, texas, will check in with her and walk night cnn celebrate juneteenth with special performances by john legend, hadi lewbel, smokey robinson. we still have a lot i want to do jude celebrating freedom and legacy tonight at ten on cnn if you've been paying attention, it's easy to see prices are going up on just about everything. >> that's why you need to do your wallet a favor. we call khartiia. now one called khartiia laci into today's low price. so you can join peace of mind, knowing that you're not only protected from mechanical breakdowns, but also from those rising great. if are driving an out of warranty vehicle car shield offers plans that cover up to 6,000 parts and systems in your car truck, or suv. why pay for expensive repairs called car show. now, before a
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become the first named storm of the 2024 atlantic hurricane season. on the texas coastline right now, alberto has already pushing ashore with a storm surge of up to three feet. watch this only worse than i expected, or i'd been gone i should have been prepared and you know, it's not even a hurricane soon as rosa flores is in corpus christi for us, rosa. >> so how are the conditions they're over there where you are? >> let me show you a round off right now. we are seeing some downpours. you can see behind me, this is the bay of corpus christi normal it's a beautiful beach page. people are enjoying out here and today, we're seeing waves crashing like it. if it was the ocean, you can see that some of the parking meters show the waterline. i can tell you that my team and i have been out here since about 5:00 a.m. this morning and the
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water has gone up several inches earlier today, and we were able to walk up several feet beyond this area, were not able to do that anymore just for safety reasons, but you can see just how oh angry the water this is a scene that is being multiplied all along the texas gulf coast from galveston, houston area all the way to the rio grande valley. and that's what stands out about this storm is the fact that the center of the storm is hundreds of miles away and still this area of texas, a feeling, it's effects. i've talked to official they say that they always prepare for the worst. they have high water vehicles and rescue vehicles and strategic locations just in case there are emergencies they're not expecting to evacuated any areas are two issue any evacuations at this point, but they do warn that if that's for moves to the north
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and this is closer to corpus christi, things could change. and that's what they're prepared for. but for now, there's nobody on these pages you can see this is actually the entrance to a store here with this giant shark, because this is a beach area where people come and enjoy vacationers coming in joy. but right now nobody's out on the beaches. people probably staying at home and in their hotels because of the conditions outside, wealth back to you. >> sounds like it's gonna get worse. rosa flores and corpus christi, texas verse rosa, stay safe over there. right. thank you very much. i'm coming up we will have more on the middle east on edge right now, is this url threatens a quote all out war with the lebanese militant group, hezbollah in lebanon, were talking to debit credit congressman jake walk-in closet. he standing by live his warning about the alliance between the us and israel. that's next stay with us you're in the cnn newsroom chasing live with dr. sanjay gupta is brought to you by
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comb download the free app now russia were trying to spy on us. >> we were spying on this is a secret, war, secrets and spies sunday at ten on cnn we're not getting more details about a rather tense meeting between the israeli prime minister benjamin attacking ateneo and especially us envoy amos hochstein. after netanyahu claimed in a video that it's quote inconceivable that the us is withholding weapons in the fight against hamas. hochstein
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said that the prime minister's comments were unproductive and more importantly completely untrue that according to a senior us official, let's discuss this in more with democratic congressman jake class of massachusetts content. thanks so much for joining us. i know you spent a lot of time looking into these issues. the us-israeli relationship, for example, what do you make of the mounting frustration that's clearly developing right now between these two allies, the united states and israel good morning. >> well, thanks for having me on it's really not about the white house or it's frustrations. it's about benjamin netanyahu and his increasing isolation is dangerous and disingenuous video statement is really further isolating him at a time when his war cabinet has dissolved and when a former prime minister, ehud barak has criticized him for a lack of strategy in gaza prime minister netanyahu needs to be ceiling shut any daylight between him
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and joe biden so that he can drive towards the strategic defeat of hamas in gaza. and so he can prevent all that escalation with his villa do you believe a bottom line, congressman that the united states has a trusted partner and prime minister and ateneo i believe that the us is real relationship is stronger than the vicissitudes of politics or personal relationships are reliant our alliance excuse me, is built on shared values, a commitment to freedom and democracy. and that's more powerful than ever as we face this tight mid alliance of iran, hizballah, hamas, china now russia, north korea, as they all seek to upend the rules-based international order. and we're going to hold our allies close even when we're frustrated with them. >> a number of your democratic colleagues at the highest as you well know, are saying they won't even attend prime minister netanyahu's speech before, before a joint meeting of congress next month in washington what's your response to that? and will you be in attendance yeah. i don't think
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democrats should be playing into speaker mike johnson's rsvp guessing game on prime minister netanyahu's speech. this is exactly what the speaker wanted. he has continued to use israel as a wedge issue when it should be a bipartisan that's an issue. and really the hypocrisy is glaring because house republicans showed their backs for volodymyr zelenskyy when he came to address congress in a joint session to ask for their support as he fought on the frontlines of freedom and democracy. they didn't even have the respect to show up. they didn't even have the respect to heed his call for support so i take a you'll be at the session the joint session of congress when ateneo addresses the house and the senate i'll review my schedule the week before i'll make my determination. >> at the time grows nearer. i've attended every head of government address to congress. i think it's a matter of respect. and i expect i will again, but again i think the focus should not be on this rsvp game that speaker johnson
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wants us to play. the focus should be on the hypocrisy of republicans standing with israel, not standing with ukraine there's another potential conflict, a very serious one developing right now, israel as warning of what they're calling an all-out war after the militant group in lebanon, hezbollah, backed by iran, released very sensitive video showing israeli military and civilian locations in haifa and elsewhere in northern israel. >> warning that this whole situation there could escalate just how dangerous do you think this situation is certainly dangerous? >> this surveillance video is meant to be inflammatory and escalatory. israel is rightfully not going to tolerate hizballah sending rockets into its population centers. and israel has every right to respond by targeting senior hezbollah commanders and demonstrating that there is going to be reciprocity when his blood tries to kill israelis at the same time, i think israel's security officials understand that their hopes of repopulating northern israel and that their hopes of
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maintaining a single front conflict in gaza. and that there are ability to defend against precision guided munitions from his villa are all going to be strained. if this escalates any further, it is not an israel interests to have a two front war certainly are a congressman, jake organ class of massachusetts. thanks so much for joining us. we'll continue this conversation down the road and there's more news we're following here in the cnn newsroom the ceo of boeing, on the hotseat in a fiery senate hearing et bidding the company retaliates against company whistleblowers. i'm talking to one of those whistleblowers. that's coming up next stay with us. urine, the cnn newsroom debate in america as biden and trump meet. and only cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access, an exclusive pre and post of beit analysis follows cnn for every countless moment followed debate night in america begins june 27 at seven a lot of
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insurance closed captioning brought to you by meso our firm. >> only represents mesothelial of victims and their families. if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma call us now calls for accountability are growing more angry and louder after boeing's chief faced a very combative grilling up on capitol hill. the ceo, dave calhoun said he was there to take responsibility then testified he was proud of the company's safety record. here's what the daughter of a victim of a boeing max 737 max eight crashes, told my colleague jim acosta, last hour the more here more whistleblowers come out and i have calhoun and the rest of boeing's saying that safety has been our priority. it just makes me think because part of the flying public, we should we ought to be terrified it mortified to be jumping on these planes and the aviation industry so elusive, none of us really know what quite goes on
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in there but we trust and hope that the people that say they're doing what they're doing, not doing it. >> and then people die and we find that hung on. >> it's not just an incident or an accident. it's continual lapse, not injured we can even call it lapse in judgment when it's intentional corner cutting joining us now, boeing whistleblower and executive director of the foundation for aviation safety, ed pearson. >> and thanks very much for joining us. thanks for all you do. i want you to listen to what calhoun, the ceo said about whistleblowers at yesterday's hearing up on capitol hill i'm going to start by assuring you that i listened to the whistleblowers that appeared at your hearing? something went wrong. >> how many of your employees had been fired for retaliating against whistleblowers center? >> i don't have that number on the tip of my tongue, but i know what happens but i know
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what out. i am happy to follow up and get you that number that as a whistle-blower, a boeing whistleblower yourself, how do you respond to what we just heard well, unfortunately, it's a reflection of the things we've been seeing for a long time, which is this talk is cheap you know, they have all the magic words, but the truth of the matter is a whistleblower wouldn't have to go public if they were listening the inside the company and that's the real fact is they're not listening. >> and the ceo is wildly out of touch with reality on the factory floors you testified that earlier the year that some of the boeing actions amounted to what you called a criminal cover up. who do you think i should be prosecuted? >> well, i'm glad you asked that question. woolf, because the department of justice, as you know, is considering pursuing continuing to pursue fraud charges in other criminal charges. and we absolutely occurs that mean that the truth
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of the matter is there's several individuals that may very conscious decisions they, knew what they were doing. they knew they were taken risks. i provided a document to the senate committee just recently that clearly shows that the company suspected that the second plane that crashed, the ethiopian plane had electrical defects in it. that information was never has never been conveyed publicly. they've well, we said that there was no manufacturing problems they've continued to lie the company always says, i want the company to be successful. we all want the company to bsuccessful. but the company always says, all our products meet or exceed all safety standards. that's not true. i mean, we've seen engineering design requirements that are not mette. i'm talking planes that have gone through ten years of development have had two fatal crashes, et cetera, still not meeting design requirements. and we've also had removal of quality control inspections which should shock any passenger that
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we're actually removing thousands of quality control inspections have been removed and to our knowledge that that was removed without the fa's even knowing about it or the airlines no. about it. now you have rushed production, all that and it's just a giant mess and have you personally spoken with officials over at the department of justice? yes, i have. and i've communicated with them. i provided documentation to them as well as the fbi if i could just very quickly explain ethiopian airplane that later crashed, had an incident about 22 days after it was in service where it had the unc commanded roll and they never explained what happened. and we just recently found out that there was communication between ethiopian airlines, boeing company, and in this communication, boeing analyzes the data that was sent to them and it clearly shows that the plane that boeing's own words that is suspects and intermittent election fault in
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the wiring this information was never shared. i confirm this with the international investigator in charge and in ethiopia, he never saw that information. >> and now we have airplanes unfortunately, that have lots of manufacturing issues. >> we built another thousand plus plains and many of these planes were seeing false and issues that we should never, never see in any plane, much less a new plane and that plane ad was that ethiopian plane is 7:37 a boeing 737 max yes, it was it was the one that crust on march 10. >> right. 2019. i asked the question because another whistleblower recently came forward alleging that boeing installed, broken or what were described as out-of-specificati on parts in their 737 max planes and tried to shield them from regulators. does that surprise you? >> sadly, wolf, it doesn't surprise me. um, we've had other individuals like moral meyers who's come out and said the same thing for other, other
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airplanes, not just the 7:37. you have to understand we're talking about employees that are rushed, their pressure take to produce there every possible stress you can imagine is placed on them to get these airplanes built and produced out the line fa is completely not doing a good job. they're just they think that the steps that they've taken or aggressive but they're laughable. i mean, i think they have 20 inspectors and a factory that's got thousands of employees they've kept the production at 38, but the company can't even produce more than 32 the fact that there's still delivering planes when the ceo yesterday said that the alaska accident was essentially a one-off, they found other planes, even and alaskan the united that didn't that had missing hardware and we know of a lot of other things and we've been trying to get people to understand that the faa is not doing their job unfortunately, dot is also standing on the sidelines and they're just allowing whatever
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the very quickly i'd before i let you go, is it true you won't? board 737 max any longer yes, i did board a plane and i actually had to get off the plane when i found out it was a max and that's a terrible thing to have to say to somebody that worked for boeing and again, i think very highly of the employees, but i think he saw example with the leadership is like and how evasive and frankly greedy they are at pearson. >> thanks for your important work. we really appreciate your joining us today thanks for having me wolf and we'll be right back with more news. >> good guys glasses from the hotel i'm going to pick uses
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satisfied homeowners call a33 lee filter today, more visit leaf there's destiny about horizon on june 28. >> horizon arrives in theater we are strong enough, tough enough, you can make what's out there you are an american saga only in theaters. >> june 28, we did are days after reportedly calling milwaukee a horrible city. the
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former president donald trump is doing some major cleanup in wisconsin right now, just ahead, other republican national convention in milwaukee the next month, cnn calculated by the way, that his speech over at the racine rally in wisconsin contained 30 obvious falsehoods. falsehoods, including that he won wisconsin back in 2020. but in fact, he lost the state by more than 20,000 votes. listen to this do you remember in 2016 we won and then we did much better here in 2020, but they left two things happen. and then in the end, we won. we never want what happened in 2020 to happen again, you have to vote and watch you vote. what you vote because they tend to disappear. we have all the votes we need. we have to guard the vote. we have to stop the steal. if we stop this deal, we win. i don't have to campaign anymore. just stop this here. >> joining us now that wisconsin republican party chairman brian shimming. brian, thanks so much for joining us. i know you were there at trump's rally yesterday
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afternoon in racine donald trump, as you know, he continues to question the results of the last presidential election. first of all, do you acknowledge that joe biden won? this concept in 2020 yeah, i've i've never really questioned the result of the election in wisconsin four years ago, i was part of the recount team, so i'm pretty and i have done statewide rate counsel before us. >> i'm pretty familiar. there were a lot of questions about that election legitimate ones and so but and we were in for a fair amount, as, you know, here in wisconsin. so my focus really is not 2020 election, it's on 2024. and the state republican party here we've we've recruited over 5,000 poll workers to help local clerks will be recruiting poll watchers as well so look, we want have a good relationship with all the local clerks, but we're also going to do what it takes to make sure that state law is followed and that doesn't always happen.
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>> will you commit to a abiding by the will of wisconsin voters in november well, i'm confident with the steps that we've taken to secure the vote, which is what we talked about, securing the vote. >> here in wisconsin that we'll be able to trust the results of the upcoming election regardless who is ultimately the winner. so we're doing what it takes to make sure people will have confidence in this election. and i, as a native wisconsin, i want to make sure they have confidence the former president, as you know, now says he loves milwaukee days after he reportedly called it a horrible city that according to republicans who were inside a room with him for this closed-door meeting. >> they emerged for the meeting i'm telling reporters, he called it a horrible city. why would he make disparaging comments about the city that's hosting the republican national convention. >> well first of, all wealth reporting, i think was wrong. i think he whatever words he
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used, what he was talking about was the election processes in milwaukee and also the crime in milwaukee. and as i say, have an obviously maki for years, i can tell you as someone who has worked there there are a lot of concern about crime and will hockey not just by donald trump, but by people living in the city of walkie and around there so if there's something that the presence concerned about that's what he was talking about that day. but i will tell you and i'm on the committee on arrangements for the convention. we wouldn't be having the convention in milwaukee if donald trump thought it was a horrible city. so i have no doubt that he supportive of the convention in milwaukee. i don't have a doubt in my mind. i talked to him yesterday and everyone's looking forward to having to welcoming 50,000 people here. >> we did some checking we have checking brian and take a look at this crime in milwaukee is down nearly in all categories year-to-date if you take a look at the screen, i don't know if
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you can see it. 22% down in homicides, 19% down and rapes 1%. just 1% in robbery, 12% down and aggravated assault. so in almost all care categories, crime is way down in milwaukee, right now. so why do you think he's making these allegations against your city of the walkie? >> because that's not what the people feel in the city of malarkey. i have worked all over, i travel and speak all over the city and wacky. and then now it isn't i haven't seen the numbers you put up on screen there. can't see them, but i will tell you and i know thousands of people down there and i can tell you that's not what people feel in the city. maki, and it's going to take a lot more than one set of stats to make people feel safe in the city of maki. look, my focus is on this convention and making making sure that people feel safe in milwaukee. and i think they will when all of us show up in milwaukee for the convention. and i'll be going there as well. >> we'll all of us be safe.
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what do you think well, we obviously have some security perimeters around the convention itself at the fiserv forum or the bucks play. >> and which is where the convention will be. as you know, wolf, almost all of the delegates will be housed in wisconsin for their convention rooms. but all over the state. >> i feel good. that's purity situation will be good in milwaukee. and look, it's to everybody's best interests, the left-wing groups. so we'll come to more aki, the professional left-wing groups who come to protests us in milwaukee want to disrupt the convention. but the bottom line is, it's a top priority for the republican party of wisconsin for the rnc. and it should be for the city of malarkey and the area that people feel safe there. so that's what we're focusing on. >> and i'll just say i love milwaukee. i've been there several times. i don't think it's a horrible city at all. i think it's a very nice city. and look forward to coming to the convention. brian shimming, thanks so much for joining us.
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podcast spending time outside. it's one of the best ways to reduce stress and also to get essential vitamin d don't forget about son's safety. this is important all seasons and all whether unprotected exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays can damage your eyes, your immune system can also increase your risk of skin cancer as estimated that one in five americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime and that makes it the most common cancer in the united states. so here are some ways to enjoy the sun safely. use broad spectrum sunscreens, an spf of 15 or higher also, you want protection against both uva and uvb rays. those are two types of the sun's ultraviolet radiation. also keep in mind the higher the spf the more protection, the longer protection you also want to protect your eyes. choose sunglasses with 100% uv protection on the label. finally, y


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