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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  June 19, 2024 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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good but what if you still can't stay ahead of your bills bus to credit helps you stay on top of your expenses senses and keep the cushion you need to keep the cushion you need to succeed you have w flex alert! flex alert! a power outage is looming. that's just alert, he's always getting worked up about something. flex alerts notify us of preventable power outages. that way we always know when to help stop one. ok flex, just drop some knowledge on me again. oh, ok i will - i'll turn our thermostat to 78... i'll unplug the blender. the hair dryer.
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we're going to speak to the superintendent on these significance of that step. >> we're following these major developing stores and many more all coming in, right? >> here cnn news central we begin with what is just shaped up to be a vicious triple threat, deadly, fast-moving wildfires in new mexico, 0% contained dangerous heatwave smothering parts of the midwest and northeast and tropical storm conditions intensifying in southern texas right now, people in ruidoso, new mexico are under full town evacuation orders there are two wildfires there, trapping their town. one from the north, another coming from the south, and at least one person has died cnn crews just sent in this new video showing the extensive damage there from the wildfires governor declaring a state of emergency and warning that the blazes are devastating and that they are enormous. they already
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scorched well over 20,000 acres so far and one, a vacui describes the fear like this if we don't know what's going to happen with our home and my daughter was when i it's up up. she thought we were leaving chick that we've never come back and i said, no, we're not leaving that. we're not given up the house. it's just dangerous right now. we have to we have to in case the fire count, we have to be prepared. we can't stay here cnn's ed lavandera is in new mexico following this story, for us. >> and what are they dealing with? there? >> well, it's that helpless feeling of uncertainty as crews here continued to battle these wildfires, we're here on the edge of ruidoso to kinda give you a panoramic view of those two wildfires, briana that you're talking way out there in the distance that is the south fork fire kind of out in the sierra blanca mountains north of town. you can see in various spots the flames and
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the smoke shooting up. you can also see here one of the choppers that is flying over the area bringing in water to help fire crews on the ground get these flames and fires under control. and as you move over to this side over here, i'll just along the back side of this mountain ridge, you can see the smoke coming up from the other side of that fire and that's why all of this area is under evacuation orders, more than 8,000 people have fled this area to towns like roswell alamo gordo about an hour away 8,000 people, 1,400 structures. we are told so far have been consumed in burned by these fires. so this is a very intense and frightening time for many of the residents who call this area home we spoke with one man that we met at a motel and alamo gordo about an hour away and he's waiting to find out exactly what kind of condition his houses in and trying to get back to his home. he's also kind of talk to us
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about just how treacherous and surreal it was to escape from this area monday night at that point on the radio it was a continuous evacuated, evacuated get out and get out. that's all the radio was saying. so we did what they said we rounded up three dogs, few little possessions the clothes i have on and we've gotten are two vehicles and so it's just a very delicate time for a lot of these residents as they're trying to manage the waiting game is crews continue to work on all this briana one sliver of good news. there is rain in the forecast is expected to come into the area later this afternoon and into tomorrow. and that could be the relief this area needs it's briana that is some good news, ed. thank you for that report. let's get a little bit more news on the weather front with our meteorologist, chad myers. chad talk about the forecast,
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what they're expecting expecting a wind shift, riyadh i, and that is good news for the salt fork fire, pushing it to the west, but not so good news here for the salt fire itself. >> so south south fork may be moving away with the wind. geoff shift, but the south fire probably in the salt fire probably not here comes the wind. it's part of tropical storm alberto. in fact, that's where the moisture is coming from as well, coming from the east. that's the push of the wind. that's the put and we're still going to see winds of 20 to 30. so even though rain comes if it doesn't come early enough with the wind that can certainly be more problems. here's what the smoke forecast looks like, and you can see the town of rio dosa there and the smoke will eventually blow toward the west. but that also could mean bad things for that. obviously that southeastern fire from ruidoso yeah. >> and as we look more towards the midwest and especially the northeast, and we look at the heat wave. the people are experiencing there. what do you seeing it's the heat dome we
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talked about it. >> it's like closing the windows on your car, closing the door, and parking the car in the sun? it's all being trapped, all that heat being trapped under the dome. we are going to see another 150 record highs probably over the next three days already seeing a heat index up in maine of 100 and i mean, you just don't have all get air conditioner in people's up there trying to just survive staying in the shade, drinking a lot of water the pets, the plants they all need more water, especially with the heat index and syracuse today of one over for high tomorrow again, hotter even in new england, hot and boston and buffalo and all the way through buffalo. i mean, i grew up there and our pool that we had in our backyard around circle aluminum pool, never got above 72 yesterday, the entire city was somewhere around 96 to 98 degrees out there. we just never experienced that kind of weather in the 70s and in the 80s. >> yeah. >> they're not prepared for it. chad. thank you so much for the latest year for us.
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>> on, the heels of a new agreement, the deepening bond between vladimir putin and kim jong own is raising serious concerns worldwide today, the russian president and the north korean leader assigned a new partnership packed pledging to help each other if the countries are attack kim hailed north korea's alliance with russia as a watershed moment. earlier, putin was met with a lavish celebration that included a military parade and a ride in an open limo while thousands of north koreans line the streets, waving flags and chanting, welcome putin. >> let's get perspective now, live from moscow. >> would cnn chief global affairs correspondent matthew chance matthew, what does this agreement mean to the two countries? >> well, it's called a strategic partnership treaty. and that implies that it's a broad spectrum agreement between russia and north korea on all sorts of fronts. i mean, we haven't seen the text of the
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treaty, so we don't know exactly what's been agreed to, but flooding me putin himself said, after the signing of the treaty and pyongyang, after that lavish celebration of his arrival after 24 years or absent from pyongyang, he said that it included an agreement for mutual assistance, much like the nato article five assistance to come to the help of any member of the alliance if it's attacked and so there's gonna be a very strong security aspect of it. and that's what's causing concern because we don't know what that means, whether it means that north korean forces could be asked to join the fight in ukraine, for instance as russian territory is attack by ukrainian forces, would that mean that you correct that russia would be able to invoke that clause and bring north korea into its fight against, against ukraine. know that seems very far-fetched speaking from it, from this perspective in time right now. but we already know that millions of
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rounds of ammunition from north korea have made their way to the front lines and helping russia sustain its barrage of something like 10,000 artillery shells every day on those frontlines. russia, by the way, on pyongyang denied that because it was being contravention of un sanctions for an arms agreement but nevertheless, that's the assessment from us officials and others. and i guess the concern now is that that could amplify because of this treaty and of course, what, what south, north korea rather gets back in return, he's also have concerned, it wants technology for its ballistic missile program, its nuclear program, and that could these stabilize the korean peninsula boris. >> yeah, this opens the door for a range of possibilities and we don't quite have clarity on everything that could entail matthew chance life force in moscow. thanks so much. matthew let's get some perspective now with cnn, political and national security analysts, david sanger. he's also the author of new cold war's, china's rise, russia's invasion, and america struggled to defend the west. david great to see you as
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always what do you make of this new pack? it strikes me that the timing is not coincidental given what we saw at the g7 last week in italy that's right, bars and at that g7, you saw a security pact between the united states and ukraine. >> and again, the question was, what did it actually commit? now the state's to doing as you read into the text, really not a huge amount beyond consultation if they got further attack by, by russia. >> here are we also haven't seen the text, but i think the most interesting two elements of it far as this the first is the possibility that first koreans are raising the price. >> now for supplying the russians with two things that really need thousands and thousands of rounds of
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ammunition mostly artillery where the russians have had sort of 50,000 round a month deficit and the north koreans have stepped up with tens of thousands of rounds of themselves. >> and this i can is they are reasonable price is proven now, willing to give them some of the missile and nuclear technology that previously he wouldn't. because remember, the russians for the past 25 to 30 years engaged with the united states and trying to, in trying to restrain the north korean okay. program. and that's over now yeah, it's it's kind of ambiguous language. >> putin actually saying that he's not ruling out developing military technical cooperation with north korea. that sounds like it leaves the door open for cooperation on the development of potentially nuclear weapons it does.
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>> they would be prohibited by the nuclear non-proliferation treaty from doing so. but north korea exited that treaty many years ago, and that's part of the problem here. but russia would still be under obligations not to spread nuclear weapons. >> but that's the big change that's taken place now with both iran and north korea to think back, just seven or eight years when the iran nuclear agreement was being negotiated china and russia were sitting on the the us and european side of the table facing the iranians. >> if that was happening today they'd be on the other side of the table with the iranians. >> a number of years ago, china and russia to organize something called the six party talks to try to get north korea to give up. good deal this month, we are small eight now surrender that. they are voting against sanctions on earth, korea. >> and now putin assigned as you rightly call it, an
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ambiguous agreement that would give him plenty of running room to provide them with technology they need david sanger, always great to get your analysis. thanks for being with us great to be with you. of course. >> still ahead, a cliffhanger congressional primary and a key test a former president trump's influence. we're following a battle in virginia that says a lot about the state of the republican party right now. plus baseball icon willie mae is passing away at the age of 93. we have a look at his inspirational life on and off the field and the nation's second-largest school district cracking down on cell phones and social media. now students can't use either during the school day we're going to talk to the superintendent about reaction not only from kids let's put their parents to they are unpredictable sleeping giants, every volcano has its own personality, are different you don't understand them. they are windows into the heart
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if you have insurance, we've got our x cannot be saved another good reason to check, good rx. >> the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former president's one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 20, nine live on cnn and streaming on max we are closely tracking a major task of former president donald trump's influence. >> it still hasn't been resolved just yet. it's a virginia congressional race let's turn out to be a real cliffhanger in a short time ago, the incumbent congressman bob good, who's currently behind by roughly 300 votes tweeted that he's not backing out of the race. >> good. says that he believes he can still prevail against state senator john maguire. maguire got trump's endorsement. good did not know. >> he didn't even know he was among republicans who traveled to manhattan to support the former president during his
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criminal trial that apparently was not enough to win trump over after good had backed florida governor ron desantis during in the presidential primary. let's talk more about this now. a cnn senior political analyst gloria borger, and cnn political analyst, laura varun lopez. all right, gloria, how do you favorite picture? of him standing out there during the trial? yeah. it's it's it's not unique. right? many republicans has this kind of, but he doors desantis this and you know how trump feels about anybody who endorses anybody else he considers it a personal slap in the face. so he goes with all these other members of congress dresses like donald trump, stands out there and supports him. and of course, it's not enough for donald trump, who supports his opponent. and so now he's hanging by a thread. there are, there are lots of other reasons aside from donald trump, he is the head of the freedom caucus. he does have some friends
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conservative friends, but he has a lot of enemies who were upset that they've held up getting anything done in the congress lawrence to the point about trump and his let's say, vindictiveness. this political vindictiveness. a lot of his potential vp picks have been critical of him and they've endorsed other candidates for the white house and candidates that didn't really get along with donald trump. but yet he seems to forgive them and still hold this grudge against good well, if donald trump i think held tight to all of his grudges and he maybe wouldn't have a vp pick that he could pick from or that long of a list because at some point there are a lot of republicans that have either endorsed another candidate or found themselves on opposite sides of donald trump in a down ballot race? >> that being said, this race right now, bob good's, which it looks like he may very well lose, is all about loyalty. and he is a trump. he is considered maga. he someone who is an
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election denier as well, just like him his challenger, maguire despite all of that, because of the fact that he endorsed ron desantis, donald trump is saying, no, you have to have ultimate loyalty to me across all fronts. and that's why he got involved in this race, despite the fact that sometimes those around him, his aides don't like him to get involved in these republican on republican races because they worry that he wants end up endorsing the winning candidate. >> i think i think the timing of this is what mattered to donald trump. this is pretty recent supporting desantis, and that's shoved it in his face and he doesn't. donald trump has a long memory and forgives when he believes it's in his own self-interest. to do so i don't think he necessarily thinks it's in his own self-interest to forgive good. and so he's out there. against him. and if good loses you know, it's not by a lot and
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what does that tell you about donald trump's political power is it a strong as it used to be if good loses, but just by a hair i mean, what does that tell you? >> or at least that it may have made the difference in this case but to your point, gloria, i wonder laura, when you're looking, we have some of these data points here from primary races recently but what is the health of a donald trump endorsement right now when you look at the primaries, but then you also look at expectations for the general well i mean, i think a lot about 20:22. >> and when donald trump endorsed a lot of extreme candidates, ones that were created in his this image, ones that were lied about the 2020 election even went so far as to say that maybe 2022 is going to be rigged. i'll let kari lake and they didn't win statewide. a lot of those candidates did not win across the board senate races, governor races, secretary of state races, and so we're going to see again
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whether or not these more dream candidates are able to prevail. now, in this race, in particular, the republican is going to win. it's a safe republican district. but in those toss-up braces the election deniers don't seem to prevail or do very well. >> let's talk about what could be a close race in the seventh district, the house. seat that's being left behind by abigail spanberger eugene vindman won the primary, the democrat. he campaign basically by being fired, by having been fired by donald trump. he's a brother or whistleblower. you having a whistleblower, he he's the brother of alex vindman, who famously was a key witness in trump's first impeachment trial. >> do you think his victory is specifically tied to that? i do. i think first of all, it made them easier. it was easier for him to raise money. he raised over 5 million. and that's a lot of money in a congressional race. and i think his name recognition helped him do that. however, this district
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is a type district and it's not an automatic when for a democrat. spanberger only one by four 4.6%. glenn youngkin's one that district last time i'm he ran not by a lot, but he wanted so i think vindman's probably going to have a race on his hands we'll be watching it and certainly the polls show it's tough right now. >> for biden in virginia as well. maybe he'll virginia is thought of as a blue state, but we'll have to see what that means when you're talking about a vindman race, for instance you guys thank you so much, really appreciate it still plenty more news to come on. >> new central. remember the iconic nickname this say, hey kid. and iconic play known simply as the cash willie mays legacy stretched far beyond the baseball diamond two, we're heading to where his legend began. and just moments stay with us night cnn celebrate
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juneteenth with sweat by john legend, hadi lewbel, smokey robinson. we still have a lot of work to do. juneteenth, celebrating freedom and legacy too night at ten on cnn want the effects of viagra, but faster meat row sparks they contain sildenafil and to dalla fill with sparks, dissolve under the tongue, dissolvable work faster than old scan hills cia sparks are right for you at row i was last sparks. i consumer cellular. we pride ourselves on giving you fast, reliable, nationwide coverage and up to half the cost. the leading carriers, but don't worry, we've got more than that going for us. >> new customers who buy any phone get two months of service free when you sign up by july 31st, color go online to switch today. >> what i look for in a contractor is someone who's reliable and skillful that's where angie comes in with top rated certified pros and over 500 categories sandi can connect you with the right pro for any home projects. fine. top rated certified pros, and you're area at
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your body cray by primal origins at walmart today, close captioning brought to you by guilt, visit today for up to 70% off designer brands, it has the designers that get your heart racing had inside a prices new every day, hurry. there'll be gone in a flash design a sale set up to 70% or so of today today, the sports world is remembering the baseball icon who made that legendary catch in the 1954 world series. >> the great willie mays has passed away at the age of 93, known as the say, hey kid, he's among the very best to ever play the game. 660 career
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home runs, 12 gold gloves, nearly 3,300 hits, and to national league mvp awards, along with 24 all-star appearances. may is also broke barriers in the game. and he spoke with cnn's larry king in 1988 about one memorable moment where he faced prejudice i wanted town, i had a problem with as hagerstown, maryland i had a variable price die on a friday afternoon and they call me all kinds of names. >> there. but by sunday, there was all clapping because i just killed everybody cnn's ryan young joins us now from the alabama baseball park were amazed, started his story career with a birmingham black barons. >> ryan, major league baseball was actually set to have a game there tomorrow between the cardinals and giants commemorating maze. and obviously the game carries even more emotional significance. now yeah, absolutely.
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>> when you think about this bores, you break down this man's life could actually see in two sections yes, he was an all-star on the field, but he was an also an all-star in life. and you think about what he meant for americans in general, especially african americans in a time where a black men and black women did not have the same rights as everyone else. this man stood tall and so much of what he did still stands. he talked about that feel right behind this is one of the oldest professional baseball fields that still in existence that was built in 1910. and as you're walking to the street, sometimes the way you hey, respects to folks is you almost where'd so you have fans of willie mays who came down here from the bay area. greg, he said he touched your heart because of the impact. an especial game that you had with your father told me about that? >> yes. my dad my dad took me to my first giants game in 1970 and i remember candlestick, the stick. it was called at that day and i didn't know about who the giants players word in
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and his man was introduced, willie mays now told my dad, dad, who's there, everyone's clapping give him a standing ovation. uh, my dad educated me who really was and that's our became fan of the giants. i saw what became big fan of willie is my idol. and when he passed last night, i had tears tears coming down may he rest in peace? he is my idol, is my little forever. >> like knowing how tough it was back then to see this man, stan and play the way he did. i know you feel some your husband's of motion. what's that like to know that you guys are here to be able to play honore to i mean, it's great. i mean, just be here b here where he played at a 70-year-old teenager. i was unbelievable, 17, play professor professional baseball it's just greatest. i mean, i'm just honored. honored to be here we're walked around the stadium, played in stadium. i'm just
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i'm just 100. >> i appreciate that. thank you so much for doing that. i want to show something on bonnie shirt. you can see all the players and of course you can see willie mays up here. there have been special remember, it says put all around the city in bohr's i know we have to go, but i want to show you something. this was just finished last week. you can see that mural in the distance. >> he's still watching over the stadium, still having an impact in the city. and of course across the country were a lot of people consider that man right there to be the greatest baseball player who ever played and even now that catch has something to see, even in black and white horse it is incredible. he, he had an unbelievable life and now an unforgettable legacy, right? kenyan from birmingham, alabama. thank you so much the crackdown on cell phones in schools getting bigger, the nation's second-largest school district just passed passing a ban. >> how is this going to be implemented? >> we're going to discuss with the superintendent and just a few minutes carnian he is awda.
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again, that's 1807 1230800 the los angeles school district just voted to ban phones during the school day starting next year and a big reason for this 72% of high school teachers say it's a major problem in the classroom. >> ten years ago, 24% of teens said they were online, almost constantly and it is roughly double that as of last last year at 46% teens themselves are worried about it. 38% said they thought they spend too much time on their smartphones joining us now we have the superintendent of the la unified school district, alberto car vallow superintendent. thanks for taking the time with us and also just to note, the district already bands cell phone use during class time and limits social media use at school to educational purposes. so what else does this new policy do?
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>> well, the policy adopted by the school board yesterday reflex to moral imperatives. number one additional guidelines and protection for students during the school day. not only doing the structural time during class, but also during breaks during lunch, to ensure that students actually benefit from fields social interaction with one another secondly, it opens a door for possible litigation against the social media giants that according to well-documented data, have quite frankly victimized through predatory behavior using complex algorithms to know chili appeal to children. and capture their attention in the way that has become deleterious to their mental well-being so look, we have for months of runway to engage with our stakeholders, student voice, parents, teachers researchers on the best way to actually enable this policy that will give if
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kids, their youth back so when it comes to the implementation here, explain how this goes farther than the current policy seeing how you're going to implement this. >> are you talking about having devices physically separated from the kids or they locked up? how does this work well, you know, that's certainly one option and that's going to be very much part of the conversations we're going to have with stakeholders there are technologies, there are ways of actually safe storing the devices during the school day. >> there are also technological options, just like when you are about to take off in a plane where you put the device on airplane mode. in essence, disabling its access to resources, two platforms, two applications. but that's going to be actually the work we'll be doing over the next few months is the best possible way, least intrusive way, safest way of detaching students from the cell phones therefore interrupting that dependency that has become so
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well documented that students currently have on social media platforms, they use these behaviors that are impacting the social, emotional well-being the psychological development of children, and their mental well-being. >> yeah. look, no doubt we've talked a lot about it on this program, in particular airplane mode i mean, i don't have to tell you because i know that you're probably thinking about this and talking to the stakeholders, the airplane mode thing on planes, it's it's an honor system things. so you would be relying on kids to comply with that. but i also want to ask you about a concern that we've heard from some parents currents if you do go further than that because in an age of constant worry about school shootings, there are parents who have concerns about not being able to reach their children when it comes let's two-under emergency. what do you say to them you know what this is not going to travel without controversy and we're going to analyze, evaluate those circumstances and those hypothetical situations that
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unfortunately i've become two real across the country. >> we understand that. we've also heard from experts, safety and security aspect experts where as sometimes the availability or the use of the phone when there is perhaps an armed intuitiveness school maybe a, maybe a red flag for that student in noises that are emitted, people speaking the vibration of the telephone a dang that emanates from the telephone may actually alert someone who wants to cause harm to the students. we're going to evaluate all of the options, the benefits, also the challenges, and come up with the best possible way of securely, safely isolating students from the cell phones during a period of time when they should be engaged in learning social interaction with one another and not be victims to social media attention that is causing harm to them. but i understand the concern and that's why we're going to engage parents, safety security experts researchers, the students themselves, to come up with the best possible
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way of balancing out honor system, but also approaches that that allows students to separate themselves from these mobile devices. >> yeah, i don't think you'll get many arguments that i have from barren saying that they think their kids are spending too much time on these phones. i will just say in the case of uvalde, where we know the police response hans was terrible. but you had kids who were using those phones to try to touch base with people in a situation with a more responsive police department. it could really make the difference. i know, you know, that i know you'll be spending the next four months let's trying to figure this out superintendent karbala, we appreciate your time. thank you appreciate you. >> thank you stay with cnn. >> we'll be right back. >> what makes a medicare supplement cerence planet like an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan from unitedhealthcare, a good choice for people on medicare it's smart for you to have now, i'm 65 and later on for the future you i'm 70 it's really smart.
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we celebrate juneteenth, also known as emancipation de it commemorates june 19, 18, 65 when union army major general gordon granger announced and then forced the end of slavery in galveston, texas up until then, thousands of slaves in texas didn't even know they'd been freed despite the emancipation proclamation being issued two years before and 2021, president biden signed legislation into law. stablished and juneteenth as a federal holiday. he called that moment one of the greatest honors of his presidency. the president also said it wasn't enough to commemorate the holiday, but also to use it at the day of action and reflection. cnn's victor blackwell, the host of first of all, on cnn saturday joins us now and victor, you actually trace your family's history back more than 300 years and you're digging even deeper than that into the past. what did you find names and relatives in places and
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narratives and perspective, this started a year ago in continues now, this really is the story that more people are coming up to me when we see each other in grocery stores and at the airport to ask questions about my genealogy. >> well, we've got an update now and this time i do some research to find how i got this last name. >> it's been one year since my family learned about astonishing history that brought me to tears this is i was covering the opening of the international african museum in charleston, south carolina. and through the genealogists in its center for family history, i learned that in the late 18th century and enslaved woman in northumbria, lin county, virginia named sarah, my seven times great grandmother sued her enslaver for her freedom and the freedom of her descendants. >> and one dr. shelley murphy is the centers director you're
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lying started out in enslaved in, became free to up until where you're at right now yeah. >> hi. how are you good to see recently, i invited dr. murphy to baltimore to me keep my mother and my cousins all overwhelmed by the discovery black, all beneficiaries of sarah's ground breaking lawsuit women's step up and speak out about their freedom back then. >> it was just incredible that threat of being killed or sold unbelievable unbelievable and that's something that should go generations that just blew me away. >> that this was an alkaloid line sometimes you don't think good, but you, we all power. >> and you know, it's said that our parents especially our fathers. >> yeah. >> who were blackwells not see
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and didn't know it it would've been a story that they would have been so proud and would have passed it on to say they know they know and last summer, my mother and our cousins drove to the county where sarah on her freedom to pass that story on while we took a trip, them to know a family county last summer, blackwell rigueur. we didn't know how the energy netfabb i'm long and then find out more about the blackwells unfortunately, we didn't know much about outside of the family i'm growing up that journey begins here in montgomery, alabama with bryan stevenson. >> he's the executive director of the equal justice initiative, and its new massive national monument to freedom it's created by reviewing the 18, 70 census and the 1880s census and the united states was the first time that formerly enslaved people had an opportunity to claim a surname that the government would
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recognized more than 122,000 surnames on this wall front and back, about four stories tall and about half the length of a football field? yes, we want to tell the story about the jr.'s and the degradation and the violence save it, but we also want to tell the other story about the resilience of enslaved people, about the courage, the strength the perseverance there you, are just jumped out at there it is yes, it is i'm about the seed that name with the what, 122,000 others yeah. >> it is both humbling but also gives my family place. yes. that's right. 40% of the people who were enslaved claim names that were associated with enslavers, not to honor the enslaver, but they were just trying to create kinship and community with brothers and sisters and parents, they didn't want to give up on that, so they adopted those names had they sold off putting exactly the blackwell line came
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in to the virginia colonies and 16, 36 joseph blackwell up in to north number month. >> dr. murphy and other genealogists traced three blackwell family lines coming into them comedies, but murphy was only able to connect my line to the start of the 19th century there's a bmi shack, blackwell and amishi junior blank well, and the first one was born about 18:10. my great, great, great, great grandfather just because of the area virginia, nine times out of ten would have been enslaved. >> i'm never really heard much about the blackboard so to hear this, and they get information on this is the bayou but yeah there are so many more questions to be answered, but the more we look, the more we learn, the more we appreciate our ancestors and their will hello to persevere, i think to
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know that you are the heir of people who found a way to survive, who found a way to overcome all of the heart? >> hardship is something that, that should generate i got to tell you this journey to find more answers and to learn more about my family and my ancestors has fueled this curiosity throughout my family i want to show you something. >> these are pictures of the lawsuit. that copy of the lawsuit that sara filed in the late 18th century and they hang in. there's one in my home, my mother's home its cousin zelda is home cousin tony's home now because and pam once one and cousin bay once one, this is just a not only a marker to show gratitude to sara and filing that lawsuit against her enslaver and putting so much on the line but it is also
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acknowledgement of those who simply suffered end survived through slavery it's something that we hold onto and we want to make sure that the younger people in our family no. the legacy of those and the blood that runs through them wow, victor, you have touched us. i have to tell you briana and i are both fighting emotions a little bit. that was beautiful and touching and that monument is so impressive. thank you for sharing your story with his victor. yeah sir thank you, guys victor blackwell. >> thank you so much. and don't forget to tune into the cnn special event juneteenth celebrating freedom and legacy. you can watch it right here on cnn or stream on max tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern. and and on this week's home homefront, a very special honor flight touching down in the dc area this morning. the honor flight network is a non-profit that flies veterans into see them grails of the wars that they fought it. and then today it's hosting its first-ever
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juneteenth honor flight trip for 26 black veterans they're here in the nation's capital to visit among others, the vietnam veterans memorial and also arlington national cemetery. and one of those veterans is 101-year-old calvin camp, who's navy veteran, who was stationed in the south pacific and pro harbor during world war ii i wasn't a military 1943 and they forgot all about it years ago. >> all but i feel like a celebrity appeal good. >> i feel happy to be on america i'm a happy black america. >> the heart recipients, one of whom is also a bronze star recipient. and there also for women, stay with cnn and we'll be right back. >> home friday, brought to you by cornea saga. happy endless summer grill. now at golden
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