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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  June 19, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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money usually when you need it on productive and completely untrue. that is the message from the us envoy to israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. after netanyahu accused the us of withholding weapons more on the frustrations mounting within the white house next. >> and that's a wrap on vladimir putin's day-long visit to north korea, but not before kim junk own hails a new alliance. what that means and how other countries are now responding we're following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here cnn news central
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hello i'm briana. q or alongside boris sanchez, and we're watching several big stories that are raising concerns across the globe. first, new signs of the biden administration's frustration with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, according to cnn contributor and axios reporter barak ravid, the white house his cancel the high level meeting with israel on iran that was set for tomorrow. and this is a response to a video of netanyahu accusing the us of withholding military aid. and in north korea, the us is keeping a watchful eye on what is a deepening alliance between russian president vladimir putin and kim jong-un. today, those two liters signing a major agreement pledging to help each other if their countries are attacked cnn is also learning that the us and several key allies are now calibrating just how much to push for ukraine's membership in nato ahead of the next month, 75th anniversary summit let's go live now to the white
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house and cnn's mj lee, mj lakes. >> let's start with israel. and that top us official, they're private comments to prime minister netanyahu, walk us through the details of that reporting yeah, what we're seeing boris and briana are the tensions between the us and israel. >> once again, spilling out into public view. this is after israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu sending a pretty remarkable video that the us was withholding weapons and ammunition to israel. that of course bothered a lot of us officials here in washington, given the lengths to which the us has really gone to support israel since the onset of the israel-hamas war. one official telling cnn that his comments from the prime minister war perplexing and wrong, and our colleague natasha bertrand also reports that us envoy almost hochstein told the prime minister in a private meeting yesterday that he's comments were unproductive and completely untrue. and in the
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meantime, we are also seeing us officials publicly so you reiterating that there is only one shipment of weapons, but the us is currently holding nothing else and that they essentially have no idea what the prime minister was referring to. take a listen we, as you know, are continuing to review one shipment that president biden has talked about with regard to 2000 pound bombs, because of our concerns about their use in a densely populated area like, rafah that remains other under review but everything else is moving as it normally would move. we generally do not know what he's talking about. >> we just don't and i should note there is currently and israeli delegation that is in washington here to meet with us officials having a series of meetings over a couple of days. >> but there was one meeting that was slated for tomorrow to
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discuss issues including the issue of iran that does appear get to have been postponed. the one official told cnn that that had everything to do with prime minister netanyahu's comments. other officials telling cnn that it was simply a scheduling issue. but either way, what we are seeing is that these frustrations coming from us officials and israeli officials are no longer just being the aired in private as the war continues, the ceasefire deal does not appear imminent. and of course, both president biden and prime minister netanyahu, are under tremendous pressure at home on j. lea. thanks so much for that reporting. and as the israel-hamas war rages, the white house is also closely watching the deepening ties between vladimir putin and kim jong own. today the russian president and north korean leader assigned a new partnership packed pledging to help each other if their countries are attack. now, kim hailed north korea's new alliance with russia as a
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watershed moment. >> and putin just wrapped what's really a rare two day visit to pyongyang. this was his first time they're in more than 20 years. cnn's matthew chance is live from moscow four matthew, how significant is this new agreement i think it could be pretty significant. >> i mean, look, communites to strategic partnership treaty that they've signed. it was the centerpiece of these lavish ceremony is welcoming vladimir putin, the russian leader, to the north korean capital. there's an important security dimension as part of that treaty. and so we could see more of the kind of things we have been seeing, which is north korean ammunition. basically allowing russia to sustain a massive barrage of artillery strikes, predominantly on the front lines in ukraine, of course, the kremlin and pyongyang deny there has been weapons exchanges or ammunition shipments because that's in contravention of un security council resolutions. but nevertheless, it's the
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assessment of us officials and other governments as well that that is what's taking place. it could be more of that and on the other side of that equation, there is concern about what it means in north korea. what north korea will get in return for the supplying of that kind of military assistance to russia. it needs a lot of help with its ballistic missile program, its nuclear program. both programs that have been used to threaten the united states and its allies in the past. and so it could be a new and dangerous phase in village cooperation between these two countries vladimir putin as well, saying that one important wouldn't aspect of this new treaty is mutual assistance. so much like nieto's clause five, if one side is attack, the other side is compelled to join in the fight as it were. it's not clear that what that would actually mean, whether that would be a way of bringing north korea even more into russia's conflict, what it calls the special military operation in ukraine so a period of great concern with this emerging alliance yeah. >> understandably, matthew, thank you for the latest on
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that. we do appreciate it. >> let's discuss all of these international headlines a bit further now with former us ambassador to nato, kurt volker, ambassador things for being with his house significant do you see this agreement to be in? >> what are the possible implications is you see it yeah. >> well, i don't think there's a whole lot new in this that we didn't already know before. russia has become dependent upon north korean ammunition to continue its ability to continue to attack ukraine. we knew that. and in exchange for that, putin is granting kim jong-un a higher status, is showing up there. they're signing this big agreement. he's making kim jong on more more, more presentable in an international stage by being with vladimir putin. probably also helping with missile technology all of this is stuff we've known. i think what it shows is that russia truly has become dependent upon these systems. and then once to try to build this anti-western alliance with whoever it can grab. and so working with north
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korea is an easy one for boot. and if you can get the weapons use said whoever he can grab. i mean, as you see it, is this someone and here he is. he's going making this overture to go to north korea. what does that say about the state of where russia is in the international community? >> well, i think russia is rather isolated. they're cut off from a lot of energy sales around the world. they've lost pipeline access to western europe for gas sales are now only doing lng they're dependent upon a ran for the drones that they use to attack ukraine. they're dependent upon north korea for the artillery shells. they are increasingly reliant on china for trade because others have cut off trade because of sanctions to one degree or another microchips are especially an issue for putin. so he's trying to compensate for these things, but these are all indicators that the situation russia has become more difficult last week, nato
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announced they are taking over the coordination of security assistance and training for ukraine in part, this is to guard against a potential trump second term and uncertainty over continued us support in that case. >> i know you're just back from ukraine from a security conference in odessa how worried are officials and folks that you talked to in ukraine and belt that scenario well, you know, i think they're kind of looking at it as look, this is a us election paper. >> we're going to choose who they choose we have had a difficult time over the last two-and-a-half years, people look at the biden administration as having john too slowly and not provided enough and still providing restrictions on the use of weapons. they look at the trump administration and remember that it was trump that reversed the arms ban on ukraine and provided the first javelin missiles. and they fundamentally don't want to be a part of us domestic politics so they're just taking it as it is, what ukrainians focus on is what the needs are. the
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needs are for more reliable supplies of arms and ammunition quicker and without restrictions so that they can truly defend themselves. and they are still pushing for that. and we'll push for that no matter who is elected in the us obviously, you have some familiarity with the ukraine call incident involving former president trump and ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy. i know that you had conversations in the wake of it with other trump administration officials i do want to get your reaction because last night, eugene vindman who is twin brother to alexander vindman, he was also on the nsc at the time. he won his democratic primary in his virginia congressional race. both the vindman said raise concerns over the call. and i just wonder since you are a witness to impeachment proceedings, what do you think about the ukraine call incidents spring vindman to run for office? >> well, that's obviously his
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personal call, whether he wants to take an office in politics and odd and congratulations to him for winning his primary. i know eugene and alex both i think that the problem of that whole episode of 2019 was that ukraine became an issue of domestic politics in the us. both parties using it to beat each other up for domestic political reasons. and i don't think that serves us national security interests. i don't think it serves ukraine's interests because ukraine actually is facing a serious threat, a serious aggression by a much larger neighbor. they are fighting to defend their freedom, their families, their homes, they need help to do that. and it's frankly in our interest and it's a bipartisan interest to help ukraine get what it needs and defeat. putin ism inside ukraine, so that we don't have to deal with putin ism attacking others do you believe trump's sees it that way well, he'll, he'll speak for himself as well.
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>> i think you have done then. let me ask you this because i know you must have reflected on do you have concerns that he doesn't well i think we don't know what trump would do if he's elected. i think he said very little about how he views things now, he said he wants to end the war in a day. he said this was would never have happened if he was president. he hasn't given any details about what he thinks he did provide political cover for speaker johnson when, speaker johnson got the assistance package for ukraine through the congress. so there are indicators in every direction and i don't think we can presume to know what he would do we can certainly raise a lot of questions about it. i think he's led us in that direction for sure when it comes to nato. and certainly the us is support of ukraine, ambassador volker, thank you so much for being with us. >> thank you still to come the clock is ticking. >> independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy, jr. facing a midnight deadline to qualify for cnn's debate. can he do it? plus the latest
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on the deadly wildfires in new mexico that is forced thousands of people to evacuate their homes on short notice. and later, new video following the dwi arrest of justin timberlake, you're watching cnn news central then i knew watch all do episodes of practical jokers on a new network. >> july 11 tds reading seven years. yeah, that's not good happens huge things happen happened there were three. >> learn more at >> my friends call me sam. >> i naturally hold a lot of stress in my digestive system as a lot of women do when i travel, i get constipated. >> i get really poop shy when i
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needs at least 15% support in four separate national polls of registered or likely voters. and he is still one poll shows hi he also has to appear on enough state ballots to reach 270 electoral votes, right now, he's on seven ballots putting him far behind that magic number. here's cnn statement on this quote. the law in virtually every state provides that the nominee of a state recognized political party will be allowed balance on access without petitioning. as the presumptive nominees of their parties, both biden and trump satisfy this requirement as an independent candidate under applicable laws, rfk junior currently does not. the mere application for ballot access does not guarantee that he will appear on the ballot in any state. in addition, rfk jr. does not currently meet or polling criteria which like the other objective criteria were set before issuing invitations to the debate. let's talk all things debate with veteran
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pollster and communication strategies. frank lan's frank. thank you so much for being with us. what do you think the dynamic would've been like? with rfk onstage it would have been significant and i hate to admit this force, but i done every presidential debates since 1996. >> the first time they started doing focus groups, i've had a chance to listen to what the american people think and how they react to everything team that happens. point number one is robert kennedy jr. doesn't deserve to be in this debate because he hasn't met the qualifications. and these have been very clearly defined and they've been defined for 25 years now. so that's not a big deal. he'll have the chance in september perhaps to be able to make that statement second, is that i am i believe this will be the highest debate audience, so we have ever had that even people who don't care that much about politics are going
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to be tuning in because they wanted to see the, i gotta be careful about my language here, about the conference patient between trump and biden, and they both have so much to prove. >> and the really this to me will be the most important day of the entire election campaign. >> has to be go ahead. >> no, i was just gonna say what advice would you give the candidates who were saying donald trump has to be okay. >> first thing is you got he asked to prove prove that he has learned from his presidency that 2024 will be different that he wants to try to bring back some of the things that the public, according to pauling, did appreciate, such as a secure border inflation under control a very strong economy. >> however, is weaker and issues like abortion and health care which benefited joe biden,
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tom has to be able to prove that he is still presidential in his approach. and his final debate against biden the series of esau in 2020 was an embarrassment for him and for the country that women turned against him because they found him rude, they found him yusov. this is something that trump voters don't want to hear. but the way donald trump acted in that first presidential debate with chris wallace as the host, was vicious personal mean, and it turned voters off against him. joe biden, now on the other hand, has to prove that he's still not only with it, but engaged and involved. >> and voters are not going to be asking him what he did over the last four years. >> they're going to be asking him what he's going to be doing over the next four and it would be a mistake for him say, hey, look, look at all the legislation we got past. look
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at the compromiser, were able to do with the congress because that's not what this presidential campaign is going to be about. it's going to be about the future, not the past. and one more point, i really believe that the american democracy is at stake here. really believed that the level of trust and confidence that the public have in the media in congress, in the presidency in the supreme court's in our governmental institutions are at or near all-time lows. we just finished a project within the last 48 hours. i'm looking at the data and frankly, it's making me sick i know it's amusing to some people it's funny to them that the public, so hates their institutions and the leads that run them. well, the fact is if you don't trust your government, you don't trust sure. liters, you don't trust the people who report information to you. you don't trust the system of government
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has worked in this country for 250 years. if you don't trust it, then man, we are in serious trouble and i think that this debate is, either going to turn the tide on that level of faith and trust, or it's going to confirm in the minds of more than half of americans that our government our democracy or system of how things operate are checks and balances that it is not only broken but that may be maybe we should get rid of it and that scares the living hell out of me. >> that is terrifying when you put it in context that way, frank, i did want to ask you about a new poll out of iowa that you recently pointed out. this poll extends trump's lead over biden beyond his 2020 performance. you argue this is bad news for biden, even though iowa has been reliably red for quite some time, what are you
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seeing in this pool that tells you something about where 2024 is headed? >> well, first, i own apology because i should not be filibustered and that's what i did and i've always appreciate the question for you and your colleagues asked me on this show. i apologize for that i'm going to apologize because i'm going to move to a separate poll. to me. it's not that donald trump is winning so big and i was, that's not the story it's that is making a close and minnesota minnesota is a reliable democratic state and votes democrat and every presidential campaign in poll after poll, i see trump within two or three points in minnesota. >> i don't think the media understands exactly what's going on right now. yes. trunk dropped a few points after being found guilty on 34 felony counts. >> but remember this, that would have destroyed any candidate as recently as ten years ago. >> and the fact that donald
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trump is still even with or in some cases, leading joe biden after being found guilty of 34 felonies oh my god. that is so significant. and one more point, i'm watching the independent vote. >> i don't believe that they're swaying back and forth between trump and biden. i think that they decided that they hate both candidates. >> they hate both parties. >> and their voting out of anger, out of desperation, out of resentment that this is where our political system has gotten. >> so be very careful. >> now you analyze what goes on from now, do the debates sued the election? >> because i think there could be a hidden anger vote that surprises everyone on election day frankly, i got to say, you may describe it as filibuster thing. >> i would say you were just on a roll, man. i hope you don't mind me sharing with folks. you had some health issues a few months back, but it's great to
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see you doing well always appreciate having you on franklin's. thanks so much my thank you. >> and i consider it an honor of course so residents in new mexico are now fleeing a deadly wildfires. that's grown so fast. >> people only had minutes to grab a few items and those were the lucky he wants. you have details on that straight ahead plus another departure delay. why boeing's starliner spacecraft seems to be stuck at the international space section. >> night. >> cnn celebrate juneteenth with special performances by john legend, hadi lewbel, smokey robinson. >> we still have a lot of work to do. >> juneteenth celebrating freedom and legacy tonight at ten on cnn get a, urine looking
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practical jokers on a new network july 11 tds at least one death has been reported in new mexico as two wildfires continue to burn out of control in that state. right now, the south fork fire remains 0% contained and his scorched more than 15,000 acres and then just south of that, the salt fire is burning through tribal lands officials say the fast spreading flames have destroyed more than 1,400 buildings and homes. and that is forced around 8,000 people to evacuate the city of ruidoso. one man that we spoke to this morning says he and his wife did not receive a warning and they had to flee suddenly with a three-year-old and they're newborn, leaving almost everything behind find we don't know what's going to happen with our home and my daughter was now it's up up. >> she thought we were leaving. that we've never come back and i said, no, we're not leaving that. we're not given up the house. it's just dangerous
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right now. we have to we have to in case the fire count, we have to be prepared. we can't stay here but we'll come back. i kept trying to richer that we'll come back, we'll come back seen as ed lavandera joining us live now from ruidoso with some new details and add new mexico police, just identify this first victim of these wildfires what can you tell us a tragic story? the first victim of this wildfire has been identified as 60-year-old patrick pearson, who we according to a social media post from his daughter, was living in the swiss chalet in which a hotel just on the northern side of ruidoso, that from we understand has been severely damaged in this as daughter wrote that he had recently broken his leg and was unable to drive and apparently unable to escape the flames as they were getting closer here into the city. so that is the tragic news that we're just able to confirm at this point in this comes as the winds of briana here in ruidoso really
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starting to pick up once again, this afternoon and you're looking out toward the south fork fire in that direction and you can if you take a closer look at the mountain range out there, you can see in about a half dozen spots the intensity of the smoke in the flames that are shooting up from the mountain side there that is the largest fire more than 16,000 acres. and then here on this edge of town over this ridge line this is the other fire that residents here are concerned with. and we've been monitoring that just a few hours ago, the wind was blowing in the opposite direction. so all of the area that we are in was filled with smoke. we could barely see a mile ahead of us. the visibility it was cut down, but this afternoon, the winds have shifted back that way and that has cleared out the city areas. so you're able to see the hotspots that are popping up in the ridge line here and that is why the unpredictabilit y of all of this is why so many people have evacuated 8,000 people have left the area. some 1,400 structures and homes have
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been destroyed in this wildfire. and as we mentioned, the very few there's very little time for residents to kind of get out of the way of this wildfire. and as residents, we've spoken to simply left kinda taking account of the things they were able to grab before they had to race out the door yeah. >> it's quite the man what did they were able to save so far? >> baby books my daughter's fifth dvd of her birth that was important. >> my grandfather's guitar he passed away about 12 years ago, so i have that was the only thing i had left of him and i got his guitar and all of our pictures out. every photo on the walls out. and my parents most of all, i got my parents and my family and the dog to safety so at this point, you really people taking stock of counting those simple blessings of the things that they were able to make it out with. >> and they're just left
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watching and waiting how things are going to unfold here. riana, throughout the afternoon, we've seen helicopters and aircraft battling that the wildfires from above and also the cruise on the ground. we are hoping that these weather forecasts come true here, that here in the next couple of hours, rain is expected, and also to go until tomorrow. that would be and hopefully providing the much needed relief these fire crews need yeah, certainly will be hoping for that. ed. thank you for the latest. we appreciate it. boris those wildfires are spreading as the nation faces a major heat wave. >> forecasters say more than 200 million people in the united states will see temperatures at or above 90 degrees this week weather like this is why dozens of environmental, labor and health groups want femur to declare extreme heat and wildfire smoke as major disasters. the same way they treat floods and tornadoes. we're joined now by cnn, chief climate correspondent bill. we're bill, what is this effort about and how is female responding?
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well, they are really trying to call attention to the idea that we now live on a planet where deadly heat and wildfire smoke are just as as, as much of a threat as a hurricane or an earthquake might be. >> we should think about these disasters. they kill heat kills moy more lives, killed 2,200 folks in the united states alone last year, they say that number's vastly under counted. but femur is regulated by law called the stafford act, which has 19 separate designations. earthquake, hurricane. but it's designed to be very flexible, covid-19, a pandemic was not originally on the stafford act, but they used it to help out states states typically have been able to handle heat events. this is females there for infrastructure really be overwhelmed in a moment throughout through a disaster right now that's harder to define with heat, which is usually slow motion. it's regional, if it's over 100 degrees for two weeks straight and arizona or florida, it's different than if it happens in wisconsin johnson for example. but these groups very much want
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to start the conversation around how we think about heat events. some are saying we should name them like hurricanes in a way to help the public educate them, help them understand these are not your parents heat waves anymore. things are going steadily up, which moves us out of the threshold of health and survivability bill we're thanks so much for the update. appreciate it when we come back, the house, ethics committee is moving forward with its investigation. >> and a republican congressmen, matt gaetz of florida, we're going to take you live, but capitol hill for the latest in just a moment life is better with the credit card that's on your side. >> rewards once available to the view, are now accessible to the many credit one bank get cash back over. it lives large. >> have you ever considered getting a walk-in, todd? >> well, look no further safe steps best offer. >> just got better. now, when you purchase so grandeur saved
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every day, hurry. they'll be gone in a flash. designer sales at up to 70% or so of tom today we have some new details to share with you in the house ethics committees investigation into republican congressmen, matt gaetz while the committee has closed a part of its investigation, it says it's now reviewing whether gaetz engaged in a long list of alleged wrongdoings, including sexual misconduct illicit drug use, giving special favors, trying to obstruct the government's investigation into him and more. >> cnn, congressional correspondent laura and fox joins us now with the latest lauren. >> what are the details coming out of this investigation? >> yeah. this is an extremely rare move from the ethics committee to put out a statement with as much detail as we saw yesterday, including the fact that like you said, some of the areas of their investigation have changed, they have moved on, close the door to some areas and are now investigating and continuing their investigation. into other places like you noted, elicit potential drug use, as well as
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sexual misconduct, potentially accepting an offering gifts that he should not have, and potentially obstructing investigations into him. >> but the reason that the committee said they had to put out this information in this extensive statement yesterday, is the following. >> they said there has been a significant and unusual amount of public reporting on the committee's activities. this congress, much of that reporting has been inaccurate. the committee's investigations are conducted confidentiality confidentially, but the committee's confidentiality rules do not prohibit witnesses from disclosing information about the committee's requests or conversation with the committee's investigators. the committee is confident in the integrity of its process. in addition, they laid out that they have now issued 25 subpoena he knows they've talked to more than a dozen witnesses and reviewed thousands of pages of documents. the bottom line here, boris, is that its investigation is continuing and these investigators are going to continue talking to witnesses. and we have yet to
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see what the outcome will be. >> yeah. meantime, gates continues to call it politically motivated vox. thanks so much for the update brown. >> we have some new details surrounding the dwi arrest of justin timberlake a short time ago, the superstar's lawyer said, he will have a lot to say at the appropriate time. and he is awaiting full discovery from the district attorney's office as new video seems to show timberlake's car just minutes before he was arrested in the hamptons police alleged that he ran a stop sign and veered out of his lane when they pulled him over. court documents say timberlake had bloodshot and glassy eyes and performed poorly on field sobriety tests. timberlake allegedly told the officer i had one martini, but refused a chemical test for intoxication three times. timberlake was released yesterday without bail. he's due back in court on july 26. and when we come back the boeing starliner and nasa astronauts are stuck at the international base station for now, we're going to tell you
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nutrition, your body cre, by primal origins at walmart today if you've been watching lately, you know that boeing has problems that go beyond anything on this planet. >> quite literally. >> while its ceo was answering tough questions on capitol hill yesterday, it's engineers were grappling with issues dealing with their starliner spacecraft since they launched on june 5th. >> and its first crewed test flight astronauts have navigated several issues, including malfunctioning thrusters and helium leaks. and it's turned their week long mission into a three-week stay on the international space station retired nasa astronaut leroy child joins us now, leroy
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help us understand these problems and how much of a concern this is while you write as you pointed out, boeing has had a lot of problems not only on the commercial airplane side, but also on the space side. >> starliner way behind the original schedule, a lot of development problems finally got off the ground. butch and suni are aboard the station, but not before encountering several minor difficulties. helium leaks, thruster failures these are kind of medium light problems because it doesn't really threatened the mission at this point. it's just a little bit concerning that we're having these numerous small glitches. but the bottom line is the helium leaks are about pretty small. nasa save as they can tolerate about 100 times. what's currently leaking had five thrusters fail on the way to the station. four of them have been reactivated. one remains disabled shouldn't keep them from coming home safely nasa and boeing just
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being extra conservative, don't wanna be complacent. want to go through everything. and so just being a little bit extra cautious that's why the mission is being extended. >> so as it is the iss is kind of a crammed space, right? so i'm wondering what kind of contingencies are made for this kind of situation where you have astronauts essentially stuck for two more weeks than originally planned right? so nasa, of course, what we do at nasa is we make a contingency plans. we plan for redundancies backups. and so you can bet that the folks at nasa have been looking at well, in the very worst case that we decided that starliner cannot come back with watching sonny. what can we do? well, of course which and 70 can safe haven at the iss for well, basically, number of months, at least. and so that would be time to get a replacement spacecraft up.
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probably a spacex dragon spacecraft. they nasa would have to read, jumble the traffic model, but certainly a spacex dragon could be brought up to bring butch and sunny home. so in the very worst case, that would be what would happen. but as i said, the problem, so starliner's experiencing are relatively minor. so i fully expect that on the 26 per the plan current plan, butch and sunny will make it back safely in the starliner yeah. >> we're hoping for that lieber. i want to turn to the voyager one spacecraft because this is really impressive. it started sending back data from truly uncharted territory. it was sidelined by a glute some seven months ago. but now through some creative programming nasa is able to gather data from it. what are scientists learning from the voyager that's out there billions of miles away well, you're right, this is pretty amazing. >> voyager now ron, 15 billion
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miles away from the earth it's are 50 million, sorry, but it's pretty, it's pretty incredible this spacecraft was launched 47 million i'm sorry, 47 years ago. >> and here it's still sending back data and it's made it to the heliopause which is the extent of the influence from our sun. >> and it's sending back data from a place that no. probe has ever been and this is basically beyond the reach of our solar system ventured outside first, man-made object to do so. and so it's sending back data on its environment, on what's going on out there pretty much in deep galactic space really, really impressive. >> yeah, whether billions or millions, it's still really impressive. i mean, five decades, nearly at this thing has been out there. leroy child always great to chat good, good to be with you. always, boris. thanks thanks when we come
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back, kim jong-un says, north korea and russia now have a new alliance after president putin's visit we'll walk through how the us's response bonding just ahead when another hour of cnn news central starts one second, you feel safe the police are on their way. well he's still do for people who feel limited by the unpredictability of generalized myasthenia gravis, dan, who are anti echr antibody positive season to season. all two mirrors is continuous symptom control with improvement in activities of daily living, it is reduced muscle weakness and ulta mirror is, is we only long-acting gng treatment? which of freedom of just 67 infusions per year for a predictable routine, i can count on ultimate years can lower your immune system's ability to fight infections,
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