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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  June 20, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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to prove fear ending up as a mean and a bizarre and alarming clash between china and the philippines on the high seas, the chinese coast guard launching a quote, brutal assault, a filipino general while slamming beijing's over the attack saying, quote, only pirates do this and artificial intelligence may be coming for all our jobs. >> and faster than thought possible. a new survey has a stark warning for americans were following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here. the cnn news central just one week from today, president biden and former trump will go head to head right here on cnn, the debate in atlanta will be
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the first of this year's presidential race. >> and we just learned that former president trump will get the final word after a coin flip to determine the order of closing statements and podium placements. but before they we take the debate stage next week, both candidates are preparing in very different ways today, president biden heading to camp david, where he'll hunker down with close advisors for several days of intense debate, prep that includes mock debates with advisers pretty standard, while former president trump is taking a less formal approach, hold holding, quote, policy discussions with some of his vice presidential contenders and other republican allies joining me now to look at some of the key numbers ahead of the debate is cnn senior data reporter harry entin. all right, where do things stand? >> gosh, tight, tight, tight, tight, tighter than my first new york city apartment with all the stuff in there, i think was like 200 square feet. all right. here we go. biden versus trump margin no clear leader. look, we had fox news come out last night in february trump is
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ahead by two. look at this biden ahead by two, but again, these are both both within the margin of error, but i think the trend line here is interesting, right? trending a little bit towards joe biden. we see that in the aggregate as well right in february, it was trump plus two. now we've got a tight race nationally. so the fact of the matter is there is a lot on the line heading into next week in a race that's exceedingly, exceedingly tight, tight tight all right, so trump's been lowering expectations for biden, for months. >> i wonder if that's a good idea, but i also wonder just what voters are expecting yeah, is it a good idea? is in an id, i don't tend to think it's a good idea necessarily, but one of the things that was so surprising given all the questions about joe biden's age and donald trump kind of lowering expectations. so joe biden was, how would voters sort of perceive things going into the debate? so biden versus trump, who will win the first debate. all right, in june 2024, look at what we are voters do think that donald
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trump's gonna win. but just by five points, i expected this margin to be significantly wider. and indeed compare this to where we were heading into the first debate back in september of 2020. >> look, donald trump, they thought would win the debate, but by just by zero point. >> so, yeah, maybe a little bit more on the side height of donald trump expecting a winter debate this time around them four years ago, but not significantly wider. that was a bit of a surprise me. of course, remember that the post debate polls last time around found that joe biden won the debate in the minds of the voters by a wide margin. so it was joe biden exceeding expectations. of course, this time around, we're just going to have to wait and see on that one yes, we certainly are one whole week now. okay. so ultimately this race is about the electoral college. where are we right now yeah. >> all right. we look at the national polls, but the fact of the matter is there ain't no national vote. >> i learned that lesson back in 2000 when i was a wee little boy watching al gore, win the popular vote. but of course losing this day it a florida by 537 votes and losing the white house. so where are things
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right now in the electoral college? well, the fact of the matter is joe biden's beth best path to victory runs through the great lakes. you see these yellow states right here. basically, if you're looking at the electoral college at this particular point, it seems that down trump has head head-start on joe biden, but this is why these three states are going to be so important. and i have heard that the great lake battlegrounds are awfully nice this time of year. so maybe i'll have to go and visit. but the question is, where did things look in pennsylvania, michigan, and wisconsin? it is, once again tight, tight, tight. look at this in pennsylvania, on average, donald trump's head, but by just two points, look in michigan, it's tied, looking wisconsin, it's tied. so the fact is, yes, donald trump has a head start on the electoral college compared to joe biden. but joe biden has a path. it may be a narrow path, but if he wins in wisconsin michigan, and pennsylvania, and given everything else you know what it gets too, he gets to exactly 270 electoral votes. and i have never seen any race
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quite as tight as that one. you have to go all the way back to 1,876 briana, my lord, you do some of your best work from the great lakes. >> i will say harry, so we'll see which one of these candidates does their best work. from that region. thank you so much. we will we will we shall say all right, boris from ronald reagan's, there you go again, line against jimmy carter to george hw bush, checking his wristwatch back in 1992 presidential debates often those what we now call all viral moments. >> the big question is which candidate is going to capitalize more on those moments at next week, cnn debate, joining us now to discuss is brian stelter. >> he's a special correspondent for vanity fair. brian, great to see you how do you see this debate potentially altering the race? >> normally, these debates are political junkies, dreams, but this year it feels more like a nightmare, right? this is a
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rematch. we've seen both these candidates debate before. we know how out of control was the last time. so there are some nightmares qualities to this, but i think you're keen on the most important detail, boris, what will the moments be? yes, tens of millions will watch this live. it'll be replayed, but it's also going to be sliced up, chopped up like never before. and i would argue right now, trump is winning the so-called medium war. he is out there pushing out of context, distorted clips about biden. the biden campaign is trying to figure out ways to fight back and this debate is going to be a chance for both those parties, both of those teams, to figure out how to compete in this oversaturated information landscape yeah, the meme war is an aspect of a campaign that obviously few presidential campaigns in history have had to even ponder. >> so if you're an either camp, what's the approach? two seeking out a moment at the debate. four, virality well, number one, i think these
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candidates, especially biden, are going to come into this, assuming that people have not been paying attention because yes, there are probably ten or 20 million americans who are news junkies, cnn fans who are up to speed on all the latest it's of elements they know about all of trump's temper, temper, tantrums. >> they know about all of his claims, his talk about being a dictator. but biden is also aware and his aides are aware that many americans have not heard about all of this. they've not been tuned in for biden, especially it's a chance to raise the salience of trump controversies and scandals and bring those home to americans. those are the moments i think biden is going to want to create to try to clip for trump it's anyone's guess, right? he's claiming he's not going to be prepping the way biden is, so it's anyone's guess, but i've been interviewing some former debate moderators for vanity fair. they say they want to always focus on policy that was the goal in the past. policy questions since questions, i think the danger or the fear with this debate is a donald trump's going to try to make it much more about personality and personal issues
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just to boil it down how cruel is trump going to be, right? how cruel he beat a biden those. that was actually those moments might really become viral in ways that could be positive or negative and know one knows for sure. >> so brian, there was a coin flip earlier today and cnn determined that donald trump is going to get the last word on the debate stage. how does he take advantage and deliver a closing message that resonates? >> look he's going to be able to point to joe biden the entire time and argue that biden is the older candidate, even though both of these men are elderly and we're experiencing this american jeran talk pros that the most americans want to be rid of. but trump is going to be able to point over to biden time and time again and reiterate that the point i also think trump's going to talk extreme extremely about affordability, right? about, about those basic price issues. >> i'm just happy this debate is still going on where we're a week out. >> neither candidate has threatened to back out.
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remember how much speculation there was back in may, but whether this would actually happen. and here we are with the details now being finalized. their networks coming out in, announcing they're going to simulcast the debate. so this is going to be seen by the entire country, honestly by the entire world. and i'm just glad neither candidates backed out yet yeah, and hopefully that stays true and we see this go down next thursday, more week. yeah. right. brian stilts or appreciate the analysis as always? >> thanks of course. >> sprout we are following some breaking news. >> the new york times reporting that two federal judges in south florida privately urged judge aileen cannon, to decline the classified documents case involving former president trump when it was assigned or last year. but judge cannon, who was appointed by by trump, wanted to keep the case and refuse the judge's recommendations, joining us now is charlie savage one of the new york times reporters who broke this story. pretty big scoop here. charlie walk us through your reporting and what these more senior judges told cannon absolutely. so of
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course, judge cannon's handling of the documents case has been highly controversial. she had earlier intervened in the investigation that led to the indictment in a way that shocked experts across legal leinz and was later reduced for that and reversed by a conservative appeals courts that included two other trump appointees. so that was the backdrop of what happened last summer when the random we'll assignment system in the southern district of florida hopped out her name as the judge who would handle the key itself after a grand jury indicted the former president and it turns out now that we didn't know until now, is that two senior judges that is to say more experienced judges, not the term of art senior, which means semi retired. >> two more experienced judges in the southern district of florida, including its chief judge, cecillia alto naga, who is also a republican appointee separately went to her are
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called her up. >> and urged her to step aside, essentially to recuse and let some other judge takeover the case through the through the assignment system again. it both times she turned them down. the first argument put to her was she was just too far away from miami. she's way up in fort pierce. that's a two-hour drive have a way. her a little courthouse up there didn't have a facility that can hold classified documents. there is one in miami. that's where the grand jury was some judge who sits past chambers is much closer to that courthouse in miami. should take it so very face-saving, neutral reason for her to decline it. and she we don't know the name of the first judge who went to her, but she rejected that rationale. then the chief judge, alto naga went to her. i called her and said offered a very more pointed let's say rationale for her to step aside, which was what had happened during the investigation when she had intervened to help trump and then was rebuked for it. by
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conservative republican appointees on the appeals court that cause of that just the optics of her handling this case we're sub-optimal and it would just be better if someone else handled it again what we're told is judge cannon insisted that she wanted to keep the case. and of course, since then, she's had a very testy relationship with prosecutors, is moved extremely slowly she has essentially ensured that president trump, former president trump is going to succeed in his strategy of trying to prevent their from being a a trial before the election. and of course, if he wins the election justice department to get rid of the case. >> yeah, certainly. we should know that one of the judges, charlie, we should note one of the judges, ulta naga, is the chief judge. you mentioned there declined to comment to cnn. the other judges you said is not named but can you just talk to what would normally be characteristic behavior here? can you speak to that? i mean, how unusual is it that a more
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junior judge like cannon would not once but twice? disregard what these senior judges are suggesting she do in a case like this well, it's extremely rare for judges to tell other judges that they ought to step aside. >> so it's not like there's a roadmap here that makes anything about this normal. >> however, one room from over is it is quite normal for novice judges newly appointed to the bench, like judge cannon, to look to her colleagues or their colleagues who had many, many more years of experience being judges for advice and mentor ship about how to do the job and that is a sort of informal culture in federal courts. probably state courts to mentoring and helping young judges sort of get their feet under them and this is
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certainly her rejecting that culture i'm going her own way yeah, really interesting reporting, charlie, thank you so much. >> do you enter your colleagues for bringing that to us? we appreciate it boris right now, dozens of demonstrators arrested at columbia university protests are facing a judge in new york city for the first time in april, pro-palestinian protesters and new york police officers clashed on campus when students barricaded themselves in hamilton hall, sparking similar protests that colleges across america, more than 100 people were arrested at columbia that night, about 46 of them were charged with at least one count of trespassing. >> that's the group that is in court today. cnn's jim on prokopenko is live outside the courtroom with more details. shimon, you are soon to head in for this hearing. what are you seeing now yeah. >> so we were just upstairs bores many of them are starting
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to show up now, about 46 of them were told are expected to appear before the judge here for the first time. remember, it was back in april around april 30 when the large presence of officers, some couple of hundred officers moved in onto the columbia campus after dozens of students and some outside people got on campus. and then took over one of the buildings on the campus, hamilton hall. and so the police that night hey, moved in with such force, they they went through windows, they searched through that entire area and they arrested over 100 people in total on the campus that night. now, 46 of them are in court today to see what happens to their case. many of them are expecting their cases to be dismissed. because of just the low-level nature of the charges, the trespassing charges. so we'll see what the de here does. it's ultimately up to the district attorney's office and the judge on what
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the outcome will be. but given the penalty here, given the crime here, none of them are expected to face any sort of significant charges, are that answer or anything like that? so just about an hour or so, we should know what the da here and what the judge are going to do borrows sherman park, oppose please keep us updated. thank you so much still ahead. >> the use of fossil fuels and emissions hit record highs as the world's struggles with deadly heat storms and fires, what we're learning in a new report about the climate and it may be one of the biggest rescue operations ever executed ahead. an incredible effort to move a pair of beluga whales from wore battered ukraine all the way to the spanish coast they are unpredictable sleeping giants every volcano has its own personality. >> or if we don't understand them, they are windows into part of our planet lives will
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you must have american home shield. >> that you're now. i can tell you appliances in home systems are protected, covered repairs and replacements are taken care of learn she never lies he cookie dough american home shield, don't worry, be warranty. >> i'm tom forming in washington and this is cnn despite serious concerns about climate change and a big push towards clean and renewable energy, the world consumed record amounts of all oil, coal, and gas last year, a new report from the energy institute shows the use of fossil fuels led to a 2% increase in energy related emissions. cnn meteorologist chad myers is in the cnn weather center and chad, the report is coming amid dangerous heat waves, deadly wildfires, brutal storms help us understand the bigger picture here.
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>> the. bigger picture is even though you drive by millions of solar panels and thousands, if not tens of thousands, of these wind turbines out there. >> the world is still using more fossil fuels than it ever has. >> and so our co2 concentrations are still going up over 428 at mauna loa back in april after we are back in the 60s, we were 315 or so. we have now broken 425. there in the co2 concentrations in parts per million if you look at the global heat, i know we have a heat wave going here in the us. there's a heat wave in europe, there's another one in asia, and all the way across the globe. this is not just the, oh, you're cold were hot, yes. okay. we'll get over it this summer so far. that's only been what not even yet for our jet before we get the summer, it has been hot just about everywhere for us on the east coast. it has been the heat dome, the bubble the heat just staying here at the surface things not cooling off at night 83% of the us will see
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temperatures above 90 degrees. look at this in manchester, new hampshire or maybe we're not talking like tucson 98 degrees yesterday and all time high there and even here for caribou, 96, the heat index was 103 in maine, temperatures feeling like 103. i think that's pretty outrageous. so you for you nova scotia, we have not lost track of view and even ontario, quebec, and on up even this is going to be a heat wave all the way up toward new finland. so, yes, this continues to be hot all across the eastern half of the us for today, tomorrow. and even in two saturday and for dc saturday is 97 sunday 99, and it's going to feel more like 107 and those numbers, briana, are always as i say, in the shade, if you are outside in the sun, or if you're pat is outside in the sun, it is going to feel warmer than that. lots of water for kids, pets, people tried to stay cool this weekend. >> i think we're indoors four
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and pop sickling. it is what we're gonna do this weekend chad. >> thank you so much. life worse from the weather center. we appreciate it and still ahead the philippines accusing china's coast guard of launching a brutal assault on sailors. video shows bladed weapons, shows boats being boarded. filipino officials say, quote, only pirates do this, plus a us russian dual citizen and amateur ballerina could face up to 20 years in a russian prison after she was accused of committing treason. her trial is underway right now. we are live from moscow with an update debate in america as biden and trump meet and only cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access and exclusive pre and post of beta analysis follows cnn and for every countless moment followed debate night in america, next thursday, it's seven recipes recipes written by hand last all right now,
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your finances are in order, go to to get your free score today. >> i'm melissa bell in paris. and this is cnn the philippines is accusing china's coast guard of launching a brutal assault in the south china sea footage released by the philippines shows chinese coast guard officers brandishing an ax and other bladed weapons at filipino sailors, and then slashing their rubber boat this is just the latest in a series of confrontations in that highly contested waterway. and as cnn's ivan watson reports, the united states could soon find itself in the middle hi she's confrontation that could ignite a war in the middle is a boat belonging to us ally, the philippines sandwiched by the china coast guard in the heavily contested south china
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sea on monday footage released by the armed forces of the philippines shows it's uniformed sailors attempting to fight back some chinese coast guard personnel armed with axes and knives but beijing says, the philippines started it django, law enforcement measures taken by the china coast guard at the site were professional and restrained. that london, china says it seized guns and ammunition from the philippines ship, which was on route to the second thomas shoal it is in manila's exclusive economic zone, but beijing claims almost all of the south china sea for itself in march, i was on board a philippine coast guard ship on one of these routine trips chinese coast guard ships swarmed the philippine ship. >> it is just after sunrise and as you may see, there is a large chinese coast guard ship
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directly in front of this philippines coast guard vessel. a chinese coast guard ship blasted another philippine boat with water cannons monday's clash marks a clear escalation with multiple philippines servicemen injured just last month, the philippine president drew this red line. >> if a filipino citizen is killed by a willful act that is, i think very, very close to what we define as an act of war. and therefore, we will respond accordingly. >> if that happens, the united states could be called to help the philippines and some experts argue manila already has grounds to invoke its mutual defense treaty with us, which has increased its military presence in the philippines angering china, the philippines would be perfectly within its rights under the
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treaty to go to the united states and say, this meets the terms of article three. we need your help and enter into those formal eye level consultations about what is to be done in a call with his filipino counterpart this week, us secretary of state antony blinken said the us commitment to defending the philippines is ironclad this simmering maritime dispute now threatens to boil over with all the potential for a much greater conflict ivan watson cnn are thanks to ivan for that report, brianna an amateur ballerina accused of committing treason in russia is now on trial behind closed doors in an area more than 1,000 miles from moscow, a los angeles resident because cga karelina was detained in january, accused of donating just about $50 to a ukrainian charity in the us. >> the us-russian dual national does now facing up to 20 years in prison. cnn chief global
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affairs correspondent matthew chance is joining us now from russia's capital, matthew. what happened in court today? >> ran a high. it's just another example of how dangerous it's become for us citizens inside russia. now, senior karelina is a jewel national. she's got a russian passport as well. she was in that city of you, katerina berg, about 1,000 miles from moscow visiting a family. she lives in los angeles. she's a beautiful, they're still shoes. you mentioned an amateur ballerina. the russian authorities arrested her at the beginning of this year because as you say, she donated just over $50, $50 to a us based charity ukraine charity based in india the united states, and for that she's being accused of treason. now, it just gives you an indication of how much of a hard line russia is taking when it comes to the sent over
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what it calls the special military operation, it's conflict in ukraine. the fact that she is a us citizen as well as a russian it isn't may have complicated the matter as well because relations between the two countries are at historic lows and there is deep suspicion on the russian side of the intentions of americans in the country. and so that may have played into this as well if it all goes wrong because this trial continues she could get a very long prison sentence in de 20 years. you mentioned actually, it could be life imprisonment is the maximum because putin recently changed the laws to increase the sentence for treason so this is a very serious situation indeed, for this young woman what is russia want here? some kind of exchange well, i think maybe, yeah, it definitely wants to send a message that it won't tolerate this kind of descent, but you're right. >> an exchange possibly. and russia has been couldn't do its critics sort of building up a
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collection. it's been collecting americans that it can use as bargaining chips for trades in the future. evan gershkovich, his trial for espionage. the wall street journal reporter that starts next week, paul whelan, a former us marine. he's serving along prison sentence in russia on what the us government says trumped up charges of spying as well. there are others too russia wants a swap, it wants people that want specific person in particular, it wants exchanged for these individuals and we're talking about fsb officer who's held in germany on murder. it convicted of murder there. it is holding out for a big swap that would see its fsb officer brought back to russia. >> all right. we'll be keeping an eye on this, matthew. thank you for the latest there. and still ahead, ai is replacing humans faster than you think we'll explain next the
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get funding to expand your business. >> are easy and convenient process makes it simple to take the next step on your journey when a business is ready to grow, this due credit makes it possible bids to credit funding. what's next? >> close captioning brought to you by guilt, visit today for up to 70% off designer brands, it has the designers that get your heart racing had inside a prices new every day, hurry. they'll be gone in a flash in a sales that up to 70% off soap today so our robot overlords may be taking over faster than you'd think corporate america is moving speedily to adopt artificial intelligence recent survey finds 46%, nearly half of large us firms plan to use ai within the next year to do work that was previously done by humans. >> and it's not just the easy things. >> it can mean invoices financial reporting, writing, news releases, and building marketing campaigns companies say they want more quality and
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they want more output, but they also want to cut the cost and complications of human workers. >> let's discuss with cnn media correspondent and real life human sara fisher. she's also a senior media reporter for axios all right. what's happening here is ai just taking all of the human jobs away? how's this shift going to look and what are the risks here yeah, it's actually a little bit more gradual than that. >> so what you're going to see is ai is going to be used to make points of friction in the supply chain go away. and that can be in any job function, whether it's manufacturing or if it's in a white-collar type of role, but it's not going to replace so many jobs just yet for a few reasons. one, ai is still so new. so part of what we're going to have to do is add humans to actually run and manage the ai. >> the other thing is that ai has a lot of safety de, guardrail concerns and we're going to need humans to help build applications so that we
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can manage it correctly. >> so i actually don't think that we're going to see a net loss of jobs in the near future. what you're going to see is jobs transitioning to be managing the workforce with ai? the question now becomes, what are the lieber implications of that? especially for unionized jobs, it's you're going to have to change your role. >> do you get paid the same? >> do you want to have a different type of type of job that's the actual concern in the near future. >> i mean, an ai to be clear, it's already integrated into our lives and obviously, if not yet soon the workplace as well, we're talking about that the regulations in these cutting-edge kind of things tend to lag from a regulatory standpoint. do you think that we're ready for this we're definitely not ready and there are hundreds of bill ideas being proposed in congress. >> and i was nothing has been passed. and the reason for that briana is because this is so new and foreseen and not really well understood. good on the
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hill, it's kinda hard to figure out how we're going to even regulate it. and so what's happening is companies are adopting this at a very fast clip, but we do not have some sort of broader policy idea about how are we going to manage this for society? not just jobs, but things like managing bias, things like managing innovation, things like managing waste, all those things need to be addressed as we completely shipped society around ai, not only are we not ready, we also have this as a global problem, like a lot of other countries are trying to figure out rules and all of these rules are very different. so if you're a big global company, you're trying to implement ai to adhere to some standards in some countries some standards that don't exist in others, it's going to be very messy and complicated in the near term certainly is sarah. >> thank you so much for taking us through that. we do appreciate it and still ahead. how do you move to huge whales out of a war-torn city? a team
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again, that's 1807123800 box on capitol hill this is being described as one of the most complex and daring marine mammal rescues ever attempted to endangered beluga whales were rescued from an aquarium in the heart of war torn ukraine by a team of experts from around the world, plum beer is a 15-year-old male and miranda is a fourt 18-year-old female, and they're said to be in delicate health after what was a grueling 36 hour journey that took them more than 1,900 miles, bringing them to
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europe's largest aquarium in valencia, spain, early wednesday morning morning, we're joined now by members of the rescue team from valencia, spain daniel got to see it, but iga from the valencia aquarium, dennis kristen from the georgia aquarium, and keith yip from seaworld. >> thanks to the three of you for being with us whoever wants to answer, how are plumbed beer and miranda doing right now? >> lectically? well, i mean, they just arrived at the bwt waiting to there to their octet. but i think they are quite fine for that fifth day. they really have to carry on with us i think it's they're doing great certainly, danny's and keith have much more experience transporting beluga whales, but in my experience, these animals, i'm greatly surprised that they are for this the few hours that they are with us here in balance here they are doing quite reasonably well this was a long journey. >> it went through many
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countries obviously not the easiest of probes here, just walk us through the challenges in the logistics for moving these belugas to safety yeah. >> it was this transport was 36 hours pool the pool. >> and that's kind of that's on the long side. >> i've done many marine mammal cetaceans, whales, dolphin transports, and this is one of the long run it's very complex because these animals came from ukraine via truck. so they were had quite a long journey. and a warm conditions and rough broads and then the transfer at the border was unique thing. thank goodness that there's a lot of preparation. so that it was expedited. and really half the
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expected time through the border that went well and then working through an airport that was relatively small. and didn't have a lot of infrastructure that we're used to and so that created some challenges but the aircraft was great and it's just was there there were a lot of elements in here that were unique yeah. >> i mean, you could say that again, just watching the video and dennis, i imagine even having had experience in transporting animals like this in the past doing it in a place that's at war, that's being actively invaded that has to add an extra layer of urgency yeah, absolutely. urgency and complexity as well because keith and i've worked together quite a bit and moving these types of animals, but we're pretty detail-oriented to make sure that it goes as well as
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can be expected. and the details on the front end of this are really hard to assemble because we getting information and little blips that timeframe was very urgent, getting resources, equipment, supplies to kharkiv was almost impossible. and just just we had to adapt. our approach to be able to move these animals in a safe manner as possible with whatever resources we had available. so there's a very macgyver type scenario where we just kinda had to go outside of our comfort zone to make sure that we're able to pull this off and work together with an amazing team and can't say enough about the ukrainian staff that were carrying for those animals and getting them really to the border where we were able to help take them the rest of the way yeah. >> they've been carrying them for carrying for them for all this time and we know we just want to tell our viewers, they, these whales were in a situation where strikes were
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happening near. their enclosures. so they were very much in peril and it's it's just amazing that they're now out of that situation daniel garcia, can you talk a little bit about the delicate health and what that means and what that means for the long term or if these are just short-term concerns he has gold basically before this kind of transports, we always check the animals first and be sure that the animals are in very good medical conditions and basically in a good immune status to tolerate distress of the transport because of course, getting the animals out of the media and moving them into another place. >> because when adaptation and means some level of stress. and in this case, we were totally blind. so basically we were we had some reports from their blood work in ukraine with some basic data. but we really need to proceed with quite deep sampling as soon as they are right here. for into their new gnaby that before putting them with the other whales and
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taking up generally status and all infectious diseases that could be transmitted to our, our other whales. so generally we were greatly surprised that decides the stress and exposure these animals to the bomb being the nice they were telling us that sometimes they work and maintaining half diet to guarantee that the fish supplies stay as long as possible in case they will not receiving any further fish the water temperature there in ukraine was really high because they will lose the capacity to chill the waters. they were 26 degrees. that is i think equivalent 77 are in height. that is pretty high for beluga whales that are arctic animals the animals were somehow compromise at different levels. but whenever we take, take them up here as soon as they arrive and based on the preliminary results, they are quiet okay. they are a little bit slim certainly are belugas and we
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believe that we keep in susan requirements are in a better body condition. i would say. but so far, i mean, the animal seems to be adapting well. the male is eating already and we will hope that we managed to recover them good yeah. >> well, that is good news. it sounds like you can move that away from delicate health to do in pretty well here soon. daniel garcia dennis keith amazing work. >> yeah, i wonder who's going to play them in this free willy c-cl. i really look forward to this is amazing gentlemen thank you. thank you very much. thank you so much. >> and still ahead. one week from now, joe biden and donald trump face off. and what could be the most important night before the election, we have some new cnn reporting on how each side is preparing the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher the president and the former president, one stage moderated
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