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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  June 20, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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catalyzed revolutionary potential and young people and given the menchu world's and that's really important sutherland passed on his love of creating entertainment to a son, kiefer as well as four other children who all work in front or behind the camera when he received a star on the hollywood walk of fame in 20 they 11 sutherland reflected on his extensive career what you're doing at my age is you're looking for your marker and why i am so filled with happiness and joy is because you guys have given me my marker so inspiring to see someone who spent more than half a century doing what they loved. and also giving you hope to overcome fears he this he said that he wants was always so nervous when a movie began shooting that he actually threw up the night before. >> and yet to think of what he
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accomplished, incredible. it never know that that fear was their hope overcame. thanks so much for joining us ac30 60 begins now tonight on 360, he's been talking plenty about revenge lately now, the former president and takes it one step further amplifying calls for chasing down perceived opponents the first time one of his most prominent targets is responding tonight on 360. >> also tonight breaking news on the judge trump appointed who's now slow walking through his classified documents, case he's new reporting that her own boss, the chief judge, asked her not to take the case and later, life and remarkable career of donald sutherland, who died today at 80 good evening. thanks for joining us. we begin tonight, keeping them honest with a question, why should the republican candidate for president? and very possibly the next president united states, be concerned even just a little about a former career civil servant. it's unclear why he is, but it should concern all of us that he is the former civil servant
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is andrew mccabe. back when trump was president mckay was deputy director of the fbi, is now a cnn senior law enforcement analyst. the k or in trump's ire for his role in the fbi's russia investigation. he was later fired as deputy director on then president trump's public urging just our short of qualifying for his pension, which he had to sue get up restored. then he was investigated by the justice department, but never charged raising questions at the time about whether a grand jury had taken the rare step of refusing to bring indictments because such proceedings are secret. we may never know. >> but now with the former president, his supporters are openly calling for revenge and retribution against perceived enemies. >> mccabe b is being targeted again, he's not he's not the only one we should point out. the former president has spoken of revenge frequently well, revenge does take time. >> i will say that does. and sometimes revenge can be justified if i have to be, i know sometimes it can trump's advisers and supporters are talking about purging career
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civil servants if he's elected, especially the justice department in which he's threatening to turn into an instrument of revenge. and now trump has also been posting on social media linking to a story about his former strategist, steve bannon is reacting to the concern all this revenge talk is causing. specifically to intermix hey, talking to the sources kaitlan collins about it i have a lot of conversations with former colleagues, people who are or were in the intelligence and law enforcement community, and may have worked in the obama administration, other places and if people are really trying to assess what is life going to be like if donald trump wins a second term and on a very personal level, i mean, these are tortures, discussions with their family members about whether or not they have to leave the country to avoid being unconstitutionally and illegally detain. >> people were actually worried get about being thrown in jail or grabbed in some sort of extra judicial detention. i
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think it's crazy as this sounds in the united states, america, i think people should really consider that these are possibilities so that's what mccabe told kaitlan collins a short time ago, bannon then responded saying this mccabe, you should be worried. >> you should be very worried. >> but also understanding this brother, we have extradition treaties with virtually every country in the world. >> and you go ahead and run and run as far as you want. we're going to come and get you. >> so that's a former and perhaps soon to be again, senior adviser to trump, who is saying much the same despite the best efforts of dr. phil and sean hannity to stop him. and again, they're taking aim with this at perceived political enemies, but also at the day-to-day in day in and day out career professionals of federal for law enforcement november 5 is judgment day. >> january 20, 2025 is accountability de gonna get every single receipt? >> and to the fullest extension of the law, you are going to be
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investigated prosecuted, and incarcerated. >> blade and gentlemen, it's very simple. victory or death an inner mccabe joins us now. so when you hear steve bannon saying these things and the president and former president amplifying comments that you should be worried what, what goes through your mind later, son, pardon me, is not surprised at all these are things he's been saying forever. we know that donald trump and his friend are these are people who are obsessed with personal grievance and settling scores their entire way of thinking about leading and administering this country is in the context of having been wronged and trying to engender port among their supporters by throwing this kind of red meat out to people who are who respond to the sort of language. so we shouldn't be
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surprised by it. all. they're both paranoid old men, one of whom is on his way to jail and the other one, we'll see that might happen for him as well so that part doesn't surprise hi, it's me. what's really to me shocking and disgusting about the rhetoric is what it says about who we are becoming as a nation. and the fact that a person who is quite possibly the next president of the united states is engaging in this level of absolutely fundamentally anti-democratic rhetoric and behavior and ideation everything he says is stands in direct contrast to the nation that we think we are, the nation that we have always been. but i think people have got to start asking themselves, is this the direction that we want to go? is this the country that we're becoming a place where an
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incoming president takes the levers of power and uses them for his own gratification to pursue enemies, right? >> i mean, if so, if trump is reelected and steve bannon is in his orbit, are still doing is a little podcast and they choose to, the federal government, the white house chooses to go after you they could make your life really awful. i mean, you would have to hire attorneys, you would have to at great expense. i mean, i can all about that. >> yeah. i know it well, right. this is they've been doing this to me, donald trump's been doing this for years a two-year baseless criminal investigation that they ended only because it went nowhere in a federal judge essentially forced them to issue a declination a invasive irs audit. the only other person i know who's ever been subjected to the same one as jim comey? not coincidentally. i'm sure the durham investigation, right? same same
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basic idea. william bar and john durham announced that we were all criminals and then spent years traveling around the globe trying to find proof of that, which of course they couldn't. and it came to essentially nothing so i know what to expect. it's not about me. i'll be fine. it's about people who will be experiencing this for the first time and more importantly, their families. >> i talked to former officials and everyone is in the same place like we are still committed to this country and seeing this through, we still have faith in the systems that are that are built to protect the rights of every american but that's a hard thing to explain to your family when their thinking basically they don't want to have to live in this kind of fear and terror for another four years. it also, what kind of chilling effect does it have on others who are still in law enforcement or others who are still in the fbi about choices they make are decisions they make now yeah.
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>> how do you think those agents felt who had the bad luck or misfortune to be assigned to the mar-a-lago raid. the marla excuse me, search warrant, not a raid what's happened to them? they've been vilified now falsely accused by the former president of having been out to somehow assassinate him or taken out, all of which is insanely ridiculous and not true there are other indicators that people within government our stepping back from aspects of this work that they think might engender the same sort of scrutiny in the aftermath of the investigation of possible coordination between the trump campaign in 2016 and the russian government. the massive investigation that we mounted to get to the bottom of that the pfizer coverage that we had on carter page, which was exposed to have been contained numerous mistakes. that's all
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unforgivable. and those wrongs need to be fixed. >> but in the wake of the non-stop attacks that donald trump has levied on the fbi for things like that is it a coincidence that the fbi's use of pfizer and domestic pfizer coverage is down about 75% from those years are the threats facing this nation down 75%, i think not. and when steve bannon talks about the long arm of american justice using it to to pursue you, even if you leave the country. i mean, have you thought about leaving the country? >> i know what american justice is. i spent 21 years as a law enforcement officer in this country. steve bannon has no idea what he's talking about about that are probably anything else? people who haven't committed crimes in this country have nothing to worry about just me i mean, just people who have dedicated their lives to public service and civil service i mean, it is the backbone of our democracy. >> it is, it is, it is
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essential for the functioning of this country at agencies all over and it's extraordinary that somebody who running for president already saying like this guy, i'm gonna, we're gonna go after this person that's right. >> that's right. those protections, those safeguards. that's what this country was built around to protect everyone from that's what this country was built around to protect everyone from the person in charge that's how we that's why we split off from the brits so many years ago. that's what we're all about everyone is treated the same under the law. everybody enjoys the same protection. so to have the person who aspires to the highest seat, the highest role is job in the land. to start picking out people like me or anyone else in targeting them for revenge, unleashing the rage of their supporters. in however, that's played out it's, it's outrageous. and it's just heartbreaking that that's where we are as a
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nation. >> what does it mean for national security if skilled members of law enforcement intelligence officials basically leave the leave public service because of these concerns. >> it's never been more important than right now that law enforcement and intelligence agencies in this country are able to attract the brightest, smartest, most dedicated people that threats are more complicated did they never are challenges with cyber everything, right? this is hiring is probably the number one priority in every agency and the idea that their own potential boss would have such an effect on that community as to drive people out in droves because they are unwilling to subject themselves to this sort of treatment. i mean, it's just absolutely contrary to where we need to be as a nation is contrary to the mission of protecting this country and the people in it do you so what, is the next step i mean how do you prepare for something like this
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i'm living my life right? >> i i have the extraordinary opportunity to speak here to people like you to draw attention to these issues. i will continue to do that i'm sure people who are similarly situated to me we'll do the same. i think it's important to keep drawing attention to these things so we see them for what they are and ultimately people of course, we'll make their own decisions at the end of the election, but this is my country, this is our country. i have there's nothing that donald trump or steve bannon can possibly do dissuade me from that endrew gave you very much. thanks coming up next, we're breaking news on judge aileen cannon and the request that to federal fellow judges reportedly made that she not take the class classified documents case. a later scene in investigates how private religious schools, even those that teach being gay is a sin, are getting taxpayer funding more than that anderson cooper 360 brought to you by the bike
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this was a secret, war, secrets and spies sunday at ten on cnn, breaking news tonight ahead of
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a hearing tomorrow in the classified documents case, judge aileen cannon will hear defense motion to dismiss the classified documents charges against the former president. >> now the thrust of bid is that special counsel jack smith was improperly appointed and funded. it's legally dubious argument which courts have rejected. but as we've been reporting and as our legal experts have been saying throughout the case, judge, cannon's is making habit of taking up what other judges might dismissed out of hand which brings us to this new reporting, the new york times that the judge was asked by two colleagues not to take the case. the reporter citing two people briefed on the matter, right. the judges who approached judge cannon, including the chief judge in the southern district of florida, cecilia ml to naga each asked her to consider whether it would be better if she were to decline the high-profile case? this allowing it to go to another judge. the two people said she refused. cnn asked the chief judge, named in the article to comment. she declined ever. we do have a former chief judge with us tonight. judge john e. jones, the third who headed up the federal middle district in
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pennsylvania along with us bestselling author and former federal prosecutor to free thuban judge jones. what does it say to you that the cannons colleagues suggested she step aside and what does it say to you that she declined well, i think anderson i'm sad to say that she's out of her judicial depth, and i thank her colleagues know that they saw that she made a hash out of the matter that she took up before this case. >> where trump filed suit and she took a whack from the 11th circuit, and i think they were trying to protect her and saying gently to her maybe it would be better to get some more experience your belt before you take this case, it's remarkable. it typically doesn't happen. that often and that it got out is incredible as well. but there are a number of different examples tomorrow being one that should have been decided on the briefs, and that she is having a hearing on
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something that really should be easily decided. look of the 11th circuit and the supreme court wants to make new law with respect to the special counsel. let them do that, but she shouldn't be making this into such a show tomorrow. it's just, it's just not good, judge. him jeff. >> i mean, not the two main theories are that she's either inexperienced in overhead or somehow in the tank for trump were, or where, where does this fit into that? >> well, i mean, it's it shows that her fellow judges we knew this was coming because at least on the issue of inexperience trying these big complicated cases just as a purely technical matter, is difficult. and it takes a certain amount of judicial experience and savvy to be able to do it. and it often is the case that judges talk to each other and men as judge joan says, it's very rare that any of this stuff comes out publicly. >> but they do say, do you
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really think this is best for you, best for the judicial system, for whatever reason, judge cannon kept the case and that's certainly suggests partisanship may be part of it. >> but this pretrial proceeding has been a disaster. >> i mean, the competence and the way hey, this has been conducted is an embarrassment to the judicial system, not, not because jack smith is losing which he is just the way it is unfolded and her colleagues for senior colleagues, tried to save her in the country from this but she didn't go for it. it judge. i mean, given the rebuke, the judge cannon receive from the 11th circuit court of appeals for actually handle matters pertaining to mar-a-lago search before trump was even indicted, would there have been any other recourse or mechanism for forcing her off the trial? >> not really. i think though she's walking into it now because if she decides to knock
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jack smith out of the box, and as i said, make new law it'll go right to the 11th circuit because it disposes of the case and i think that dell and cedar that point and then there's some additional matters that she's gonna here next week on the gag order anderson, as jeff knows, there are us magistrate judges who are appointed by courts and they're there to do a lot of grunt work and to ease the burden on the district judges she's got one right in the building. judge reinhardt, who signed off on the warrant for mar-a-lago, he should be handling a lot of these motions she should have set a trial date and given him a deadline to get rid of them. it is it is astonishing to me that she has an offloaded some of this stuff and that she's arrogated to herself, the responsibility to hear it. that's a tool of the trade, so to speak, and that she's not availing yourself of that is very, very telling. you have to have a trial date. you
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have to have a firm date for trial nothing focuses attorneys minds like a date certain for trial and that she has this case in drift the way she does, frankly, is judicial malpractice. >> it let me just give an example. i hope this isn't too inside baseball, but one of the there are all these issues relating to classified information relating to jack smith that need to be decided. one of the things she did first was was here emotions about what jury instructions should be as the judge knows, jury instructions are something a judge deals with last right before a trial in it just shows that she just doesn't know the structure of how federal criminal trials work, which is not surprising since she was appointed in her late 30s, she had almost no experience as an actual trial lawyer. she's only i believe had four trials as a judge. she just doesn't know what she's doing and this case is paying the price i'm
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just separate going. to say jeff is spot on. i couldn't believe that she was dealing with jury instructions when you don't even have a trial date, you just don't do that. i mean, you do that. but when you're on the eve of trial but that he's exactly right. that speaks volume, judge jones. thank you. jeff thuban as well, up next though, foreign presence night sharing how he expects president biden to perform next week, cnn debate plus new details and how the president is gearing up for the rematch.
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for only $20 a month, x, the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former president 1-stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate next thursday night at nih live on cnn and streaming on max. >> we're just one week to go into the first 2024 presidential debate here on cnn, the former president is switching his tone on what he says. he expects from president biden why was never a fan of his, but i will say he beat he beat paul ryan, who still years ago, but he'd beat paul ryan pretty badly i assume he's gonna be somebody that will be a worthy debater. >> yeah, i would say i think i don't want to underestimate him we're also getting new
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insights nine to help prison biden is preparing sources, tell cnn the president's personal attorney, bob bauer, will likely reprise the role of trump in his mock debate sessions. >> by were told me this week that he prepared to play trump in 2020 by immersing himself in his interviews and speeches. but this debate is expected to be different with that, here is jeff zeleny the historic rematch between joe biden and donald trump is anything but a rerun, a vastly different set of issues are driving this race as the president and former president come face to face for the first debate of the 2024 campaign, four years since they shared a stage, the worst, whereas america because ever had in 47 months, i've done more than you've done in 47 years. >> joe feels like an upside down lifetime ago back when the coronavirus pandemic was raging thank you. >> okay. >> understand if you look, i mean, i have a mask right here. >> put a mask on when i think i needed this is his economy must be he shut down in the biden
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trump's sequel, an entirely new fight has been brewing on the campaign trail. you could end up in world war three with this person is the worst president ever. >> and in tv ads, this election is between a convicted criminal who's only out for himself and a president who's fighting for your family that offers a window into the new issues and fresh lines of attack. a reminder of just how much the country, the world and yes, they have changed from an insurrection in all its fall out to a new fight on abortion rights in the wake of the us supreme court overturning roe versus wade to russia's invasion of ukraine and a war in the middle please, to the very stark question of america's role in the world. >> if the economy inflation, and immigration are still at the center of it all, trump's record was at the heart of their last debates, even as he sought to deflect if he gets in, you will have a depression the likes of which you've never seen. >> you foro one case we'll go
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they hail and it'll be a very, very sad day for this country while those warnings didn't come to pass, biden's record is now under the microscope, complicating his effort to make it a referendum on trump. >> the fact is that everything he's saying so far is simply ally. i'm not here to call out his lies. everybody knows he's a liar, and america's oldest presidential candidates, or even old folder, trump's 78 biden at one with age and fitness for office. now a central issue in the race public opinion for presidents can be punishing biden's favorability has fallen 11 point since 2020, with nearly six in ten americans holding an unfavorable view the perceptions of trump have changed less with more than half still seeing him in an unfavorable light. televised debates have long been a storied part of his presidential campaigns. history-making moments for candidates. >> here you go again, get this showdown is without parallel, the nation's 45th and 46 presidents still seeking to define one another in the
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earliest general election debate in memory. >> and all dual being fought on new ground. jeff zeleny, cnn, washington joining me now is hillary clinton's former campaign manager, rabee mook, cnn, political commentator ashley alison, and republican strategists, doug hi. >> doug. >> clearly the foreign person is trying to raise expectations about president biden's performance after a long time of basically calling him old and senile. >> do you think it's going to work will have to open. >> we will have to see it. it's been a weird game that the both of these campaigns have been playing once the decision was announced at this debate was going to happen. and what those specific rules were, by the way, hallelujah, cnn for not having an audience and shutting off microphones. that second part, maybe a difficult to actually accomplish in the room, but moving this into a much more serious place, we saw the candidates try and basically say how these rules were going to benefit them and the campaign saying both of them, these rules are much more in favor for our candidate. i
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don't know that that's true. a lot of people say that donald trump needs an audience. lee apprentice didn't and have an audience that was a studio, yes, it was edited, but he didn't have an audience there. and with no audience in there with your donald trump, will your joe biden, you have no place to hide at this point. and that makes that i think raises the stakes for both of these. these are all the marbles and this is ultimately because it may be the only one of these. we don't know if abc is going to have debate. this is wrestle mania. >> robbie what do you think this debate in terms of importance in a campaign compares to the biden-trump debates in 2020 or for that matter, the clinton trump debates in 2016. >> yeah. well, as jeff zeleny mentioned, this is a really early debate, so i think the key audience, the first audience here are elites, the media, the donors, the activists, but that matters. i mean, you saw president biden i didn't i think outperformed expectations at the state of the union. that was a real shot in the arm for the campaign, provided a lot of momentum helps with raising money. so i think he could really help him press into the summer and just gotta be honest, the summer months are usually the cruelest
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particularly for incumbents. they're just tough months so if he can go into july and august with a little wind behind his back, that could really help the campaign. both process wise in terms of money and volunteers and so on. but also from a message standpoint. so there's no kind of spiral because we don't know. there's a lot going on around the world. a lot of extreme weather events who knows what this president is going to have to face? >> ashley, i mean, some have talked about this debate as being the most important thing that a bad debate performance by biden would be crushing do you agree i think the president has to come out strong and have a great performance and i'm pretty confident that he will be able to do it. >> i think he's taking this debate prep serious, and he has a story to tell. and that is what he needs to do. don't play trump's game because trump is going to try brian. tell his lies, he's not gonna be able to fact check donald trump every time he speaks because that would be all he
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would be spending his time doing. but i do think this president, i agree with robbie. i'm not sure how many voters are going to really be making their decision based on this debate but if either candidate has a bad performance it can work in there. in the negative for them. so biden cannot strong tell your story, be confident, inspire voters, and then the summer gets a little easier leading up until the fall, doug, do you agree that this is a debate for with the beliefs that people are really paying attention now or do you think this is really i think i think this is very important because this may be the only one and yes, it's early the trump campaign. >> he had a legitimate point that debates were coming too late. we already quite often have early voting happening before we have a debate, which means that not everybody can make a fully informed decision. so i think that's part of it, but i remember being in the airport baltimore and then landing in asheville when the trump verdict when a verdict was announced and what that verdict was, all the tvs were still on sports. people warrant
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scrolling on their phone constantly like i was trying to figure out what the verdict might be, but this is different. people want to see this matchup, even if they don't want this matchup, that 25% of double-haters don't want to see this lot of these people are going to be tuning in because this may be their only opportunity. so if a candidate has a bad performance, these are much more important than the, than the conventions a bad performance by either one of these can really have an impact. >> ravi based on your experiences in 2016 with the clinton trump debates, i co-moderator the second debate, which was extremely tense obviously it was right after the access hollywood tape, two days after after. >> do you think the way this debate is set up, the muting of mics that the lack of an audience do you think that makes much of a difference i think it will help for sure. i mean, the meeting of mine i will at least stop trump from just talking over president biden. and trump. trump really as a history of doing that.
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>> but i think i think at the end of the day, it's up to i can speak from biden standpoint as a democrat, it's up to biden whether this is just a contest of performances or whether he can push it up to be a contest of characters. >> you know, he wants, he wants the audience coming out of this saying there is a choice in this election. as ashley was saying, joe biden was raised in pennsylvania, working class he has been fighting for working class people. he has a set of accomplishments to prove that donald trump was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and it's going to take care of billionaires that's what he wants people walking away with. and what's naturally going to happen is a bunch of commentary about their different performances. and campaigns are very different than even back in 2016, it's all about the little bites of video going out on tiktok and on youtube. and so both of these candidates are running eight now in their debate prep, trying to prep, what are those moments that the media, but also just everyday people are going to be able to
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splice out and push out and that's really the hard part and whatever the rules are in the room will have some impact. but they're not gonna they're not going to deliver that one way or the other. >> ashley, how nasty do you think this thing is going? going to be? i mean, the potential is huge i mean, we are talking about donald trump here, right? >> so the risk of being pretty nasty as high. but i think that's robin's point, is that joe biden has an opportunity to draw that contrast in character and compassion, as well as policy let's see i think it is a trifecta on models that he can land blows and different ways. and then you know, the president does have a sense of humor. and so i think there will be opportunities when trump goes on one of his rants, whether it's rooted in nasty language or just his belligerent way of being. joe biden can see i can give them that scranton punch and stick it to them so time will tell, but knowing donald trump, it won't be all pg. robin, look,
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actual allison, doug. hi, thank you. thank you. can we have next to cnn investigation and how taxpayer dollars are being used to fund private religious schools in arizona, and how some conservative billionaires are trying to put push this model across the country. we'll be right back greatness. >> hertz but the care you can keep chasing it that's tylenol that's care without limits was had trouble losing weight and keeping same discover the power of week-old into my janan what we gobi, i lost 35 pounds as some luck 46 pounds we go. >> and i'm keeping the weight off we go be help you lose weight and keep it off i'm reducing my risk we go v is the only fda food waste management
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com or call 1800 sandals. >> can the riva support your brain health? >> mary janet, hey, eddie, know, fraser, franck. frank bred. how are you? >> fred, fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory joined the neretva brain health challenge i'm paula reid in washington, and this is cnn tonight, a new cnn investigation has found that some religious schools in arizona, including a school that has partnered with a trump-aligned advocacy group are being partially funded by taxpayer dollars. >> some of those funds are going to unregulated private schools that don't face the same standards as public looks. schools or have the same and discrimination protections. this move has in part contributed to the closure of public schools in the state. cnn's rename march has more hello phoenix phoenix mega church, the setting for recent donald trump campaign rally. you have to have choice also in education, you're going to have choice in education the
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same mega church has partnered with a trump-aligned political group turning point usa, to educate students at this private school, dream city christian, dream city christian school. a turning point academy. >> its website underscores a far-right christian viewpoint, promising to combat morally bankrupt and liberal ideology, including critical race theory, evolutionism and gender identification. and it's partially funded by taxpayer dollars like many private schools in the us, students had dreamed. city. can you state money to pay for private education? a cnn investigation found dream city christian received more taxpayer money than 95% of the private schools in the state voucher program, a total 1.3 million last year, according to data cnn obtained, that's despite anti-lgbtq mandates in the parent handbook stating faculty must believe and parents must agree to their
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children being taught that homosexual behavior is sinful and offensive to god and rejection of one's biological sex is a rejection of the image of god. >> it's a civil rights issue. >> professor samuel abrams studies school privatization. >> this is no way for any school system to operate whereby public money is funding such discrimination. and that's reprehensible. >> two years ago, arizona was the first of nearly a dozen states to go to a universal voucher system where families can use public funds regardless of income red seats are leading the charge fueled by a backlash over covid closures at public schools and a major campaign funded in part by a handful of conservative billionaires pushing for more public dollars for private education. >> there's been more gains made in the last few years of the school choice movement than there were in the prior 30. >> the american federation for children founded by former trump education secretary betsy
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devos has led the way by opposing anti voucher candidate tommy schultz is ceo. >> we've been involved in more than 2000 state legislative races and overall, we've had a 75% successful win rate. we've utterly changed the narrative and this issue of school choice has been a deciding factor in so many elections. across the country this school year vouchers cost taxpayers in arizona hundreds of millions of dollars more than anticipated funneling public blake money to unregulated private schools that don't face the same educational standards as public schools. i would submit that school choice is the best government funded anti-poverty program that's out there but although vouchers have long been pitched this way as a means to help disadvantaged students in public schools. >> a cnn analysis found that arizona's program is disproportionately benefiting students in richer communities as the state's private schools
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like dream city get a windfall in tax dollars, public schools are seeing declining enrollment and shrinking budgets it hurts the neighborhood. >> people bought into this area with the fact that we have a skirt or we don't august families and teachers said goodbye it since it can hello, mentoring, one of three schools shutting down in its district after hundreds of kids move to vouchers, those school officials say lack of affordable housing and lower birth rates are also to blame get in the car with us that okay. >> felicia whites, 11-year-old daughter, riley, attends another area school. that's closing. riley has a really hard time with change. she has a lot of anxiety along with having special needs. so for her now to start trusting other people and allowing them into her circle at 12 is going to be hard. really hard advocates or sounding the alarm that the future of public schools is
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that saying it's our schools have been so under funded for so long that there really wasn't any cushion in those school budgets, even the smallest amount of movement is going to destabilise that in our public schools simply cannot hold has there been a response to your reporting from the school that received more than $1 million in taxpayer money and is that school an outlier or are there others? well, anderson, we reached out to both the dream city christian school and turning point usa. they did not respond to cnn's request for comment, but it's not just dream city christian are investigation found other arizona schools are also so receiving a windfall in taxpayer dollars despite extreme right-wing policies and accusations that they discriminate against these lgbtq students. now, using public money for private school is a trend likely to continue. its a presidential politics issue. and trump has said, as president, he would adopt a form of universal school choice across the country. anderson, the name maurice. thanks so much still to come a remarkable rescue from the war zone in
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ukraine to beluga whales made it from kharkiv to safety and how they're doing in their new home you have an excellent warrant? >> she warranty blurring, ci okay. >> got it. go. >> you must have american home shield let you know i can tell you appliances in home systems are protected, covered repairs and replacements are taken care of one. >> she never lies cookie dough american home shield, don't worry, be warranty once upon a time, there was an infinity meticulously crafted two mr. your imagination and daring to dream i'm sure three roe dreams for everything for every
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ad paid for by re-elect mayor london breed 2024. financial disclosures are available at 33 leaf filter today, more visit leaf this suis, but kaitlan collins next next thursday night life from atlanta, the most anticipated moment of this election, biden, your honor, on read american future because that's where we are a nation of possibility. trump. we had the best economy, we had the best border, we had the best of everything. >> and now we get to do it all over again. we're going to do it even better two very different visions for america. one unprecedented night moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate next thursday night at nine live on cnn and dreaming on max in kharkiv, ukraine were daily life is dangerous enough. >> some people went above and beyond in the face that danger to help their fellow mammal namely to beluga whales whose aquarium has been uncomfortably close to the bombing there and supplies to care for them. we're running low so in light
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of that, a multinational team came up with a rescue plan in involve cranes, a truck in a plain old to get the whales across europe safely to their new home. selma abdelaziz has more meet miranda and plumper do very playful beluga whales from ukraine's nemo dolphin area in kharkiv they're smiling faces, a much needed despite for a country or in a city where putin troops are fast fast-approaching the front lines drawn closer and closer to the aquarium and supplies needed to care for the animals becoming scarce a multinational team scrambled and extremely complicated in high risk marine mammal rescue operation its mission transport these gentle giants nearly 2,500 miles across europe to spain. a trip that would take over 34 hours it started with a 12-hour drive
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and a truck through an active war zone. the team comforting miranda and plumper on the bumpy ride that was followed by european border control checks and to moldova, a special plane equipped with its own crane to safely lift the precious cargo onboard and finally, a chartered flight, a trauma team was at the ready throughout the organizations involved in the effort telling cnn about the unprecedented nature of this operation took a lot of a lot, of navigating some unfamiliar territory. it's not a not a facility worked at of it's definitely not an airport that typically handles this sort of situation the equipment that they have to be able to load a dynamic animal, load, that weighs that much into two large cargo aircraft, doesn't exist. so we had i had to make some some pretty innovative sort of come up with innovative solutions to deal with those things they're final
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destination valencia, spain, where their caregivers are set to stay with miranda and plumper until they settle into their new home? >> you see, you know, graphic, they divalent cia facility, which is already home to another pair of beluga's, even warming the temperature of their water to make it more comfortable for their new arrivals. >> so anytime you're moving an animal from home, that it's comfortable, it's been it's adapted into a new condition there's a lot we have to take into consideration to really acclimate those animals remember, watching them all day today and i'm through tonight. and so it's exciting to see how well they're doing the two celebrating their new waters with a spurt of excitement in a spark of curiosity. >> as they begin to make new friends some of those 0s, cnn, london before we go, i want to take a few moments to remember a remarkable man, donald sutherland died today.
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>> a legendary actor was 88-years-old several years ago, producer minded 60 minutes, michael gap, sean suggested that we do a profile of sutherland and i happily agreed he was 82 then working as hard as ever, and we both felt he was under appreciated i'm so glad we did because michael and i got to spend time with sutherland on a said los angeles and it is home and quebec, it was a rare treat hold sutherland was a gentleman we could leave smart, funny, deeply sensitive, and complex he grew up in canada in his early years were difficult. >> he had polio as a child as well as rheumatic fever as. a teenager, he was awkward and often teased. he told me that when he was 16, he asked his mother a question, am i good looking and my mother looked at me. i'm meant your face has
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character donald and i went and hid in my room for at least a day. >> did what she say stayed with you? >> not really just just for 465 years it's not easy. anderson. it's not easy to know that you're and ugly man in a business like i am in, do you think of yourself as an ugly man, an attractive of the gentler way of putting it. >> thankfully, his insecurities didn't stop him from acting he went on to how one of the longest lasting and most unconventional careers in hollywood. his first film audition, whoever more than 50 years ago, didn't turn out as he'd hoped the red for the part and the writer, director, and producer of the movie called him afterwards. >> the write essays you did such a terrific job and it
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produces and we thought you were really wonderful and we all wanted to call you together to explain to you why we weren't casting you and he said no, no, no. i mean, we have to the reason why we're not casting you is because we've always thought of this fella as a kind of a a guy next door, sort of guy. and to be absolutely truthful, we don't think you looked like you ever lived next door to anybody just the story of my life that's the content you will find these accommodating sutherland would go on to appear more than 150 movies and tv shows. ordinary people mash, klute, the hunger games, just to name a few sometimes he was the leading man or love interest sometimes a creepy character or villain. >> i have vertigo and i'm climbing that god thing. >> he rarely watched his films, but agreed to let us set up a projector and i got to sit next to him watching scenes from some of his films in one and
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1973 movie called don't look now his character discovers his daughters dead body in a pond sutherland wept as he watched it. it was as though the character had once again come alive inside him this is going to be a hard day for me donald sutherland was so very, very human and self-deprecating. >> there was a terribly touching sadness about him. i shyness that made you feel protective of him? i feel great sadness for his family tonight and his friends. and i'm grateful for the life he lived and what he gave of himself to the rest of us there was no one else like donald sutherland and there won't ever be, again the news continues. the source with kaitlan collins starts now state on the source tonight, a stoner a