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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  June 21, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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as a horror scream. it was very high-pitched from i'm there, my dad kinda lead all of us towards that cricket building and when he opened the entrance door, he heard another screen. and from there he just ran into the employee's. room in the back what did you all see? what did your dad describing as you and your grandfather? everyone's going in together. what did you what did you witness when my dad went into that employees room and opened it, he just saw a man on top of the woman with his hand over her mouth okay. and he intervenes at that point tell me about the intervention. was it did you use some of the taekwondo that you all are experts in an ever thought that you would have to use that in a situation like this? >> just our first instance, which is saved the girl. i mean, the man was on top of her
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hands covered, we didn't even know what he was going to do to her, so are just first instinct was just my dad just pulled them off and pinned him in the corner of the building i understand that your father got injured in all this house. >> he how's he doing can you repeat the question, please? sure. i was asking how your father is doing today because i understand that he may have gotten injured during all of this yes my father, yes, he did get scratched. >> he did get a bit. but he is fine right now? yes, ma'am. >> well, i am sure that the young lady that he helped saved as so so thankful this morning. and thank you for coming on and telling the story. i appreciate you. >> all right a new our cnn news central starts right now all
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right. we're standing by as a new hearing and donald trump's classified documents case is about to get underway. >> could we see jack smith blocked from prosecuting the former president? >> we're live outside the florida courthouse and new numbers from border patrol show a drastic drop, 25% and migrant arrests at the southern border what these new numbers suggest about biden's asylum restrictions with the presidential debate less than a week away, plus summer is already off to a dangerous we hot start if you haven't already felt it as a record breaking heatwave burned its way across the country, ready to tell you what this means for 100 million americans at riskless weekend? i'm omar jimenez was sara sidner, kate and john are out today. this is cnn news central just a bit here, donald trump's the latest long-shot attempt to get his classified documents charges dropped, and get special
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counsel, jack smith's removed from the case will get it today in federal court minutes from now, a hearing is expected to begin as new reporting from the new york times now reveal heels two federal judges, peers of judge aileen cannon, personally advise her to step down from the classified documents case. >> last year for a myriad of reasons. cnn's evan perez is live outside the court in fort pierce, florida. we know donald trump won't be in court today. can you tell us? though what is about to happen? there in court in this particular hearing was good morning. >> this is a unusual hearing for a couple of reasons first of all, the the defendant, donald trump, is trying to get this case tossed. he says that jack smith, the special council, was not lawfully appointed under the terms of the constitution. and so the argument here is that the what he's saying is that the the
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fact that jack smith is not someone who has who has confirmed by, the senate, means that these charges should be tossed out. now, what's also unusual about this case is that the judge is having a hearing at all. this is this is the kind of argument that has gone nowhere for a lot of defendant's around the country, including, of course, hunter biden, who tried it twice with judges it is in california and with delaware. and so we'll see what we hear in court today. what's also unusual is that judge aileen cannon is allowing outside groups to also present arguments at this hearing. so we're going to have several hours of outside groups, including a right leading conservative legal group that is joining the former president in this argument saying that jack smith was unlawfully appointed and that these charges should be tossed out. we're also going to hear from a group on the left who is supporting the special counsel. so it's very unusual for event
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for a hearing like this to even happen. a lot of times these judges just have these arguments filed with paperwork and they tossed him aside. bint the supreme court has upheld the appointment of special counsels in the past. so the fact that we're having this hearing at all makes us unusual. and the other thing is we now have this is the first of three days of hearings that judge cannon is called on monday. we're going to have a hearing on the requests from the social council for a gag order on the former president and some of his comments about the mar-a-lago search. according to the special counsel, have posed a danger to the safety of the fbi agents who were involved. and so we'll hear that on, on on monday and we also have another hearing tuesday, where he's trying to toss some of the evidence that was seized during their search. sarah allegorize. thank you so much for your reporting. their outside of the courtroom, this hearing is about to get underway all right. >> a big financial boost for the trump campaign this morning for the second month in a row,
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donald trump outraised president biden. now, trunk trump took in a staggering 141 million in may. that's thanks in part to a cash infusion after trump's criminal conviction and the hush-money trial. now, biden and the democratic party raised more than $85 million last month. so we're talking about a lot of money on both sides. cnn, steve contorno, and kevin elliptic joins us now. all right. steve i want to start with you. i mean, how significant is this number that we're hearing out of the trump campaign well, the trump campaign content, it's very significant. >> remember, biden had a fundraising advantage throughout most of the spring and they believe that these criminal convictions which have led to a rush of cash into their campaign coffers have allowed them to catch up to that disadvantage. and it's not just the $141 million coming into the campaign. a pro pro-trump super pac also reported their monthly figures yesterday. they said that they receive $68 million in may and that it was largely made up of three contributions from
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billion years, one of which let's $50 million from a banking air named timothy mellon. now, interestingly, that individual previously gave $25 million to rfk juniors campaign. however, ever since the conviction, he decided to give 50 million to president trump's super pac. and this super pac is planning a advertising blitz in several key swing states, helping to carry the trump's message from this debates into those swing states throughout the summer. and interestingly, heading into this debate, we've seen some expectations resetting from donald trump him is that his campaign, his allies. they have repeatedly been trying to cast biden as too old and feeble for the jabal. listen to what he had to say yesterday about what do you expect to hear from president biden on the debate stage i was never a fan of his, but i will say he beat, he beat paul ryan, who still years ago, but he beat paul ryan pretty badly i assume he's gonna be
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somebody that will be a worthy debater. >> yeah, i would say i think i don't want to underestimate him now that paul ryan debate, he was talking about was the vice presidential debate between joe biden and paul ryan back in 2012. >> so clearly, trump is making himself familiar with biden's past performances as he gets ready. before this next debate. >> and a little bit of a different tune than i think what his campaign is tried to portray. president biden as maybe to get ahead of expectations, but we'll see what we've got. we've got to the politics folks kevin, i want to bring you in here because look, president biden until now as steve was talking get him out, has had a fundraising advantage for much of the spring, but also right now, there is a distinction between cash on hand versus how much was actually raised. so what, what are you looking at in these numbers? what do these numbers tell us? >> yeah, there's no question that the fundraising and vintage was one of the bright spots for the biden campaign,
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but i think when you talked to officials, it had always been the expectation that, former president trump would be able to narrow that gap once he secured the gop nomination and he was able to bring in some of those huge checks that biden was bringing in and you do see that reflected in this month's numbers, the president raising 85 million in may. that is up from last month, but certainly it is small other than what president trump was able to raise and it's the second straight month that trump was able to outraised biden with the campaign is pointing to is the cash on hand be overall war chest. they have 212 million on hand. that's the largest amount for any democratic presidential candidate at this point in the cycle. what they argue is that that early advantage and allowed them to make the investments in the battleground states that they think will put them on solid footing heading into the fall just yesterday, they said they announced they hired the one one-hundred are the 1000th staffer on the campaign. they have been up on the airwaves.
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these investments of tens of millions of dollars and television advertising. and so you do you see the campaign really trying to put that infrastructure down and certainly just this month alone, you have seen president biden start to really step up the fundraising he's raised is $40 million. about just in the last week alone between two events, one in los angeles and one in virginia. and so you do see the money still coming in now today, president biden i didn't is waking up at camp david. he is beginning this intensive stretch of debate preparation. we do expect it to begin somewhat informally at the beginning, talking with his pfizer's about potential questions, potential answers eventually that will culminate in these mock debates that he will run through before next thursday now we did see him as he was heading off their to western maryland last night, he would because asked how the debate prep was going and he gave a thumbs up. so certainly he's feeling pretty good today. real question is how
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he's feeling about a week from today hey, as he heads into this debate yeah, less than a week to go until that debate. before before we go and it's a topic that will likely come up, is immigration. and we've seen a pair of action from president biden over the course of the past two months, really at this point on that front. but now we're actually getting some data may be over a house, some of these policies are working. what are we learning from customs and border protection? >> yeah, we're learning these new numbers about arrests of migrants crossing the border illegally. and what they show is a steady decrease over the last several for months. so we have numbers for may. it was down 9% in may, but perhaps most significantly is the amount it has decreased since president biden announced some new rules on asylum about two weeks ago. cvp says the numbers are down about 25% since the president announced that action, what he did was essentially allow himself to close the border down to asylum seekers when the numbers reach a certain level, 2,500 per day,
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the level was well well above that when the price president announced it. so this did go into effect almost immediately. i think these numbers will be welcome at the white house, which has so long been trying to neutralize this issue of immigration gen. trying to show that the president has a handle on what's going on on the southern border. this is an issue for sure. certain he's very vulnerable on politically. now, there are number of reasons why these numbers would fluctuate. principally, some of the conditions in the home countries of these people who are trying to reach the united states. but certainly i think is an indication that some of the steps that the president has taken are starting to take effect yeah. kevin, steve, appreciate you both. as always. thanks for being here sir. all right scorched earth more than 100 million americans under heat alerts as a sweltering heat wave continues across the country. >> the texas woman and who became a symbol of abortion rights is celebrating a new pregnancy. and cape cod, telling cnn why she is
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incredibly happy, but this is also an extremely scary time for her family. and your next amazon delivery might look a little greener. what is changing and those prime packages that is all ahead my father beneath, that is meant to unite the route you may be king he's coming house of the dragon, streaming exclusively on macs cities, industry-leadin g global payment solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries, and help a partner like the world food programme as they provide more than food to people in need.
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heat alerts and a sweltering heat wave stretching from the midwest to maine is setting records now, washington dc set to hit 100 degrees for the first time in almost a decade and eight years. here's one way to beat the heat. a group of senior citizens and tennessee enjoyed a slip and slide on thursday and residents at the outcomes play senior living center said it made them feel like children again, let's go back with cnn's athena jones. we checked in with you around 7:30 here. so you said things were okay. what we're still quite early. how's it feeling now good morning. >> i'm still not high yet, isn't a low 80s until a few minutes ago i had goosebumps from standing in the shade and the cool breeze, but that is going to changed quite a bit. we see some people behind us beginning to enjoy what we expect to be a pretty heavily trafficked area as it gets hotter here, as you mentioned, that the 8 million people in new york are among the more than 100 million people facing a heat alert, 50 see record highs could be set across the
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country between now and the end of the weekend, temperatures and ohio valley and and mid-atlantic region are ten to 15 degrees above normal. and weekend too matures in the midwest and northeast could exceed 100 degrees. as you mentioned, dc could see it's first 100 degree day since august of 2016 on saturday, officials, there have extended the heat heat emergency plan telling people to take precautions to make sure you're checking on seniors. and those who are vulnerable. make sure you stay inside of the hottest hours of the day. here in new york, the heat index next is expected to be up to and even exceeding 100 degrees today much of this area is going to be under heat advisory through the weekend. >> and new york could see a june record for heat wave as seven consecutive days with temperatures at 90 degrees or above. >> if that happens, it will tie the longest stretch in a decade and would be the longest heatwave in june ever. >> if you're counting, we're on day two right now. the bottom line here though, is
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that this is dangerous. this is why dc and new york opening cooling centers hundreds cooling centers will be open here in new york so that people, especially the most at risk, older people, people without, without air conditioning and people would help conditions will be able to take refuge in cooling centers and shelters in order to try to beat this heat sarah, that was crazy to me to see that main was gonna get to 96 degrees hey it tells you a lot about what's going on in this very second day of official summer. >> appreciate it. thank you. omar. look, it's hot. we're talking dc expected to see around 100 degrees as we just heard a little bit of from a thena, i would be the first time since 26 it's t01. so look here, i've got harry and oh, thank you. >> i just got to make sure you're introduced want to make sure? >> yeah. just just to make sure. look, some people are going to say it's summer, it's hot. come on. what are we talking about here? but how is this hot maybe different from
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previous years? >> yeah, hot, hot, hot i like trend lines, omar la la put things in context. i like to take a look at the long view. so this is recent us temperatures compared to the respective timeframe since 1,895, the last 12 months have been the third warmest on record. how about the last two years? the second warmest on record? how about at the last five-year stretch, it has been the first the warmest five-year stretch on record. we just can't catch a break. i am so used to heat advisories now i'm so used to the excessive heat warnings it just seems to get hotter and hotter and hotter with no end in sight. >> well, after that, very encouraging start to this segment yeah, let's get even more encouraging has, or have graphics like these have. >> do you have a sense that they have either change people's ideas of climate change has made it made people
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buy into it more or less. i mean, because when you lay it out like this, it's pretty stark. >> it's pretty stark at to me, it's pretty obvious, but take a look here americans who think climate change is a very big problem. this is just to pull from last month, 36% of americans look at this trend line over the last three years the number of care less. >> yeah. >> yeah, it's not going up. it's going down. it was 39% in june of 2023, may of 2022 was 42%. then you go back to july of 2021. it was 47%. the trend line is going in the exact opposite direction that you would expect. the fact being that despite the warmer than normal temperatures, despite all of this heat over the last five years, americans are no more of the belief that climate change is a very big problem. and so i guess the question is, why isn't there more urgency around this, for example? >> it's because believe climate change is real and caused mostly by humans. it's actually less than a majority
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omar and it's not even trending in any particular direction. it's only 45% now, that's basically the same as it was five years ago when it was 47%. there's no real movement here, less than a majority of americans believe climate change is real and caused mostly by humans. and so they don't necessarily think it's a very big problem that at this point, we really have an urgency to solve even when we feel the heat like this, even when you see graphics like this and it tells the entire story. my friend. >> all right, look, that's what he's bring you here. you tell the entire story. harrington measure, always put and you're gonna get some sun in summary, already got a little bit of a tan. you go into the pool later. >> all right. sounds you heard it here first. there you go. carries at the pool later. sarah, where are you going to be? >> perry. you know what that was that was really i love that because it tells you where we are. but it is so fascinating that people just don't believe it. the majority of americans still not in that mindset, although we're expecting some huge storms that a lot of hurricanes this year as well. we will see where the opinion
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goes, but the heat is here. we know that. thank you, guys. >> all right. who's going first? who gets the last word? who's standing on the left or right? that is all well decided. but what are the candidates going to say? that's what everyone will be waiting for in this historic debate. also, a historic night in baseball all the major legal under the leagues, and of course the late great willie mays the american west was hope to make a better life people aspire to be great in american saga, read it, r, kinda riva support your brain health. mary janet, hey eddie, know, fraser, franck. franck, bread. how are you brad, fuel up to seven brain health indicators including your memory, joined the neretva brain health
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on macs all right. >> the countdown is on with less than a week to go before the candidates go toe to toe in the first presidential debate right here on cnn. biden got his pick of podiums after a coin toss yesterday, while trump op did you have the final word? i want to bring in democratic strategist and former clinton white house aide keith boykins, plus cnn senior political commentator and former special assistant to president george w bush scott jennings good to see you both. scott. scott, i want to start with you because in the middle of the night, i mean, donald trump posted on social media reacting to a new law and louisiana requiring that all public school classrooms display the ten commandments. he said in part, this may be in fact the first major step and the revival of religion, which is desperately needed who is appealing to hear? i mean, is this for evangelical voters? do you believe he actually believes this? what is the strategy here yeah, i mean, i guess it's a ploy for evangelicals and christian voters who think we don't have enough of that in our school
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system. >> i mean it's a big part of his base. it's big part of the republican base, i haven't seen any polling on it. not certain it's going to be central to the overall presidential campaign of how people are making decisions. but yeah, i mean these are based republican voters who would prefer it. so not surprised that he would before keith, just before we move on, do you have any reaction to what trump posted on that well, aside from the fact that it's clearly hypocritical that it convicted felon who was already accused of multiple counts as sexual assault and just was found guilty of paying hush money to a porn star. >> and it's telling 30,000 lives according to the washington post, when he was in office, is now preaching about the ten commandments when he's violated virtually every one of the commandments that he hypocrisy is stunning and not surprising i want to move to some strategy here around the election because look,
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conventional wisdom as of late for many, many in the republican party seems to be wanting trump's endorsement and he recently said he would like to see larry hogan, who's running for senate in maryland and the former governor of the state, that he would like to see larry hogan win. >> take a listen to what hogan said. clots there was obviously not something that we were seeking and didn't want and didn't have any interest in that. >> it's not something we're going to be promoting that's for sure. and a state that donald trump lost by 33 points. it doesn't really carry a lot of voters over to our cause. so i don't think we're going to have any interest in accepting it. >> hogan's obviously in a unique position in a state like maryland, but it's of course, after many in the trump world were immediately upset with hogan after he simply tweeted to respect the rule of law when trump was convicted. so scott asked you, do you agree with larry hogan and what he's saying here and can you sort of break down the uniqueness of where he is as a republican again again, hoping to bolster the ranks of republicans in the senate yeah, it's interesting, i think both trump and hogan
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have it right. trump wants to look like he's a republican team player, that he's the leader of the party and that he supports all republicans and hogan needs to look at maryland like he did as governor, which is i'm an independent guy. i'm not beholden to donald trump or any the other person in my party. i put country over party and i put maryland over party. so in both cases, i think the political posture works for them. i mean, hogan's exactly right. trump's not popular in maryland. now, there are some trump voters. they're western maryland is rural and there are some people out there who might have been invested in what trump had to say, but overall, the hogan brand is, i'm not beholden to a political party or its leadership. and he's keeping that up and his senate campaign. and i think that's why he's one of the best opportunities for republicans to pick up in a real blue state. this cycle and it's been interesting dynamic to follow back and forth keith, i want to bring you in on a new ad from the biden campaign, which is essentially laying out, i think the central choice that they're framing here, saying, quote, the election is between a convicted criminal who is only out for himself and a president
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who is fighting for your family. now, i know that framing won't fly with any of these solid trump's supporters but what about the independence of people still on the fence? is that the winning message you think or should it be focused on something else i don't know that there is one winning message, but this election is about contrast. >> and the contrast between donald trump, who has been convicted of 34 felonies, and joe bye who is leading the country, who led the country out of the crisis that he inherited from donald trump because of the covid, crisis, because of economic crisis. i think that gim, there can people will respond to that. and most importantly, independence who are so crucial to this, who respond to this as well. the pole, the polling numbers seem to indicate that since donald trump's conviction joe biden has gone up. and in fact encode it, couldn't get the most recent fox news poll. i think he's gone up five-part since march, so i think that the biden campaign is on a slow, steady approach to try to take advantage of donald trump's conviction. the idea
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that a convicted felon is even participating in the presidential election like this right now is astonishing according to those people who have never seen anything like this and i should note that all of these poles we've seen if still kept the race too close to call within, within the margin of error. >> but certainly in that last bowl, we have seen some gains for president biden. look, we've got just a little bit less, so we're going to throw a few maybe practice debate round at you because the debate starts were less than a week away. we got like a minute and a half left, so 30 seconds to use scott jennings. if you're donald trump's campaign, what are you looking for from him? what are you worried about from him? what i'm looking for is for him to replicate the performance he turned in in the second debate in 2020, everybody remembers that disastrous first debate where he lost the campaign that night. the second debate, he was good. he was measured, he had commanded the facts. he played by the rules of the debate and he really came out looking great. it was too late then, but now that kind of
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style would work well for him. i think what am i worried about? rabbit holes. you want to keep the debate focused on issues that work for you. inflation, the economy, immigration, national security, and which of us is really up to the job. but he gets sucked down rabbit holes like january 6, re-litigating the 2020 election and things that aren't over the target of why people have decided they want to fire joe biden from this job. it could be a lost night, so opportunity here for trump to look like he is a plausible commander in chief in front of a country that's basically decided to fire joe biden and keep it in, manage the time well, but ten seconds, what are you looking for from biden? >> sorry keep looking for biden to give the same performance he did in the previous debates, but also to do what he did in the state of the union, which is a its surprise, expectations the trump campaign is set the expectations so low for joe biden no. do is show up and not fall? over himself and die. and he wins the debate because the trump campaign says he doesn't even have the ability to stand up for it for 60 minutes or 90
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minutes. i don't think the format helps donald trump the idea. there's no audience, all that stuff is bad for him. i think he's going to try to make it into a big show in the circus. but hopefully jake tapper will keep things on track that's a good person better on their scott jenkins, keep boykins. >> thank you both all right. >> a woman who became the face of the fight over abortion rights in texas is now pregnant again but why kate cox says this happy news also brings a wave of fear. and celtics fans fill in the streets that duck boats, getting ready he is boston prepared for a championship parade. >> it's hosted just a few multiplying coming up. >> we've got the mayor this is the temper p-adic breeze mattress and it's designed to help you feel cool. >> so no more sweating all night. no kicking off the covers or blasting the air conditioning because only the temper peta breeze is made with
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earth with me up schreiber sunday at nine on cnn q those duck boat, the city of boston, getting ready for a massive parade to celebrate the celtics, thousands expected to pack the streets today to celebrate the team's 18th nba championship win. >> indeed, it's the most titles for a single team in nba history, lakers fans cover your ears, a proud moment though, for the mayor who's joining us now, mayor michelle wu. thanks for being here. oh, in her celtics green. oh, ready. see you. >> so obviously, yeah. you're excited. you look like you're at td america arena as well. just what is the mood in the city light coming off of this this championship it's, a great day in the city of boston. >> we have been pumped this entire playoff. in finals run for this team to make it happen, to make history, and to do it in the way that they did.
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just everyone is incredibly proud and so proud to be a bostonian i can see that we've got on the right attire as well for being outside because you did declare heat emergency in your city. >> this this heat dome is incredibly oppressive. what are you telling people about how to prepare to celebrate in this heat? >> now we had three days in a row of 95 degrees and above even higher the heat index. and so it broke just a little bit. so we're in the 80s today, but it's still quite hot and the timing was complicated. but i think we've hit the perfect window for beautiful sunny skies a little bit of break in the weather. everyone should just stay hydrated put on that sunscreen, make sure you're limiting your time outdoors where possible, and you have lots of folks it's along the way at all parts of the route to make sure we checking in on everyone. but take care of each other all or so and make sure your neighbors and friends and family are okay and mayor oh god, i hate by that, i even have to ask this question, but we have seen events in the past
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sometimes celebrating a sports when the kansas city chiefs super bowl parade comes to mind where we're there are issues of safety. sometimes people might be worried about, i know you guys have a big security apparatus and plan for this. parade and celebrations, but just bring us into sort of what it's taken to try and keep everybody as safe as possible so that they can focus on the right thing here, which is of course celebrating the championship yeah, we we are expecting well over 1 million revelers to be here celebrating our team. >> and anytime there are large crowds, you just have to have a heightened sense of vigilance and preparation. so our police department and all of our public response first responder agencies have been in deep preparation at for a while now they have partners from all different levels of law enforcement here, and also just we've been communicating with our community members for the last several days this is a championship city. we've had these parades before. this one is quite special, but we know how to do this and we expect everyone been to do it in a way
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that is plassey safe, fun, family-friendly. >> there are babies in celtics. >> wednesday's here. there are seniors who are now celebrating double-digit winds or the celtics. and so we want this to be a space and environment where every generation can have fun and everyone is welcome, included in and gets to really soak in the joy remember we were have to ask you this. >> have you seen a man his name is john berman, wearing a onesie cell six onesie running around anywhere there because you here, he's not here right? yes. assuming he is somewhere out there. let me know if you find yes. we have a fan favorite legend, lots of characters who come to every game have their persona's. and so i'm sure they will i'll be out in full force and we love them. we appreciate them, and it's not just for the finals every single celtics game, they are here cheering this team on that this is what has happened
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with john, win or lose. >> exactly. there for your thank you so much. mayor michelle wu. appreciate you thank you and thanks to surprise, is just by team usa, america is now going cricket crazy. we will explain coming up the cnn presidential debate thursday night at nine live on cnn and streaming on max can. the riva support your brain health? >> married janet, hey eddie,
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for budget reminder, whole campaign smart as a judging by got it. >> got a boss daughter. you've got this shop lord is in corpus christi, texas, and this is cnn as we wait to find out at the supreme court has made a decision on emergency abortions in idaho. >> a mother in texas is now celebrating a new prime you can see, you may remember k. cox had sued her home state when she was unable to end an
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earlier pregnancy that doctors said could have killed her. she said she had to sleep texas save her life, and lee texas, susan to save her life. and she is now sharing her happy news with a direct new message so, excited and it's such a hard feeling because so much happiness, but also being so scared at the same time, i live in a state we're emergencies and pregnancy can happen in a moment and if i have an emergency my first call would be my lawyer and my second call would be my doctor wow how upside-down us that you know, those puffy plastic air pillows used an amazon delivery boxes. >> they're going away. the online join it looks to reduce their plastic use and will eliminate the packing pillows by the end of the year a new paper filler made from 100% recycled content. we'll replace those plastic pillows on. amazon says, it offers the same if not better protection to products. and major league
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baseball honored willie mays last night day these after the say, hey kid died at the age of 93, the cardinals took on the giants in birmingham at rickwood field, where mays played along with dozens of others. and then the grow leaks. >> and so many modern baseball legends were in attendance. >> barry bonds, ken griffey junior, and one mlb legend who also played in the leagues ready jackson. he played it record in 1967. this was of course before oakland, before the free pete, before the angie's before 1977 both for good same six and three balls. but in the bleachers. and before mr. october, jackson was 21, he was in a doublet. this was the jim crow south south. you remember two years after the voting rights act, jackson admitted coming back to birmingham, not easy for him, and then told in painful detail the reason because of his experience, but then i would
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never want it to do what you want to do it again. i walked into restaurants and they would point at me and said, kanni, here i would go to a hotel and they say they can't stay here in the year i came here. bo connor was the sheriff the year before, and they took based vinylic base he's ball outta here because at 1963, that klan murdered for black girls, children in 111214 14-years-old at a church here and never got indicted, had it not been for my white friends? had it not been for a white manager? and rudy fingers and duncan, and lee meyers i would've never made it. i was to physically violent. >> i was ready to physically fight some i'd have got killed here because i had to beat someone you just saw me in an oak tree somewhere he is still as strong as ever. >> willie mays pharynx in some of the same things he played in
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the big leagues 423 seasons, hit 660 home runs and was indicted, of course, into the national baseball hall hall of fame back in 1979, alma, just listening and reggie, so a reminder of how closely were to what happened to him. now, also staying in the sports world, the united states is co-hosting the cricket world cup. you've probably heard of it at this point, but yes cricket and the american team is putting in some stunning displays. i mean, this is an amazing underdog story. cnn's nick watt lifelong cricket obsessive, has written a love letter to the game, to the american team. and wants us all to join him. >> i am a cricket obsessive. i've been playing the game badly since i was about 6-years-old. i spent hours watching it on tv, listening to on the radio, much to my children's amusement. so this is kind of a love letter to cricket and a plea to all of you in america get into it it's great it does president
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of the message for this unexpected success. they're talking cricket while we have the white house, we all congratulate them on the success. it's tremendous and were cheering them on in playing cricket in florida, texas, new york, to some sellout crowds america is waking up to this. the second most popular sport on after only soccer. today, our boys and red, white, and blue take on their co-host sent to time winners. >> the mighty west indies with andrei russell in their ranks, goes by dre rocks. there are dangerous team england. >> sunday, america meets england. they invented this game that eventually gave you baseball is lag both, but it's better baseball, those better gotta catch bare handed and you're allowed to hit the bathroom. america's part-timers and semi pros we're never expected to get this far, no way those they deserve to be here playing at this level. >> just guys, a software engineer monday through friday,
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netravalkar and many others had to pull their employers and specs for time off to play the super eight. >> but a stunning nail-biting victory over powerhouse pakistan runners-up last world cup, got the usa this far to the fabled final eight. a new york born batter with departments at in lilt we say hero that day. >> i think i think to be honest, you we could be anything many world we are going to try to get as far as possible in workup. you want to work up most of these guys were born abroad now. oh, so proud to play the game. they love for the adopted country. they learn know when that national anthem comes on. >> it gives me some goosebumps and i never thought i'd ever think that way about another country you have no excuse not to fall in love. it's not that complicated a home run is worth six bounces first, that's for your out. if caught, or if the ball hits those poles. there are some other ways, but baby steps america, baby steps, craig it as building a new vibe here in america. >> you can see here it's all,
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it's all care. >> and wait for, can't wait for more. it's only going to get bigger and bigger. >> these games last about as long as baseball, but so far or this world cup, on average, more than nine home runs every game night. >> we always wanted to really and truly open the eyes of americans as it relates to cricket. i think things are just going to get better and bigger from here. >> remember, you fell in love with soccer after that world cup was here in 1994 and cricket never ends nil, nil strata never yeah, the traditional image of cricket is middle aged man wearing sweaters, drinking tea, playing a game that can last five days, but cricket has changed this new version is very quick there's now a major league cricket in this country in america. and cricket is going to debut at the 2028 olympics here in los angeles. when there's a gold medal for grabs, maybe that's when you'll
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really get into it. sarah if nick watt is commanded me too, i think that is what i have to have software engineers by david world-class play as by night, we got to separate the past stick nick watt hitting a six. >> that's kinda like a home run in cricket. i learned that in india with that piece and what a great, what a great piece. all right. thank you so much for joining us. the cnn news central, cnn newsroom. jim acosta, up next leg. janet they know how it works and more importantly, the works for them. >> i don't have any anxiety about money anymore. >> i don't have to worry about mortgage payment every month. >> it allowed me to live in my home and not have to make payments if you're 62 or older and own your home, you could access your equity to improve your lifestyle a reverse mortgage loan eliminates your monthly mortgage payment its inputs tax-free cash in your pocket, call 800 808, 417880. >> that was the best thing i've
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